Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 25, 1913, p. 3

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suntk cuius th inac to buy your i uolu honk btblrw umilmai in wuil u1 lukuu cu v thuja ail iftjwml ci law walchn jiwrlcy catvia it i 7 knives frrluubl p iu a i i in tiko qynds aotom utftauio uk a lkstatk varatm far mild lu ualtem rel nd vluatan loo rinu lr hai rry uur bf n waal m tmrmm wiun imr r ii sou wuh to aril or ixrkjuuc wrilchr ww barvrry laurjiuy far trwmuarliiut btthlarx 1 r cealrtr mcialmrmou larrc- immlfurf mthrited j x willolthbi lam hilling kimkuim frwvwwi tje cxrlon jtrec 3rcss tiiullsnay 111 01 innt j iuij brili- local itlms a marry i hrlalioa nnnlnti nit monday only more wmk r 101 i iwwmimrtli nood will lu men slelghli u rurchritmu thank huoday e ilia yr ahorla1 dy make it a urtrry day for aoni tin 1 thl 1- hi- uy t whirl to remrm berolber mlknn fttworth j u ha iuw bjkmjk lmklliuml sanlft oiu wa tl bualt lo town laal night tteve llynd will addree knox tjunday hahon iimi sunday afternoon theflnt eigh and miter with fcbelr merry bll wih out on tu lsr the ekater have mil kftlndld port on c irpnretlnu ismd the et news of local import u mhal i- howl- rl i wlkerlot ml boul ifll y to gedrioh m da uuhii to hinordlna m wlnnured wimi to muur mka anol taylor to myth ml niiu jardin to miltoe ummmftil 1 ouelfa miidu inn of i th following local atudarit f lb uelpb uorfil school have eucneeafully uuuhu their anamination a end are now fully tiualllled lo teach mary o uutu niiu willau ifeeau ii uullln aoni i luairni kdltb htoot katie o llowlmn and may a 1wrur of itockwoodi and kunuj 1- rhm and harold mniria or krln war elan auc tr white chriilil quu the cuktixn tr the cholera in suo- tly sehot hlvldh inathul o rolof n lirutnaa la a hood uo huowr tlv loot urb lo woctfay nuit or kivd ii tiling or iriklur u mor ittllt ktul loya to child rvn wm wouui no wuimui ttili wjtsonal and tit xfft notes 1 t i ol i wait llnl clyar on j it llumv 1krm1 slam nd co4l for kllli sunday obrtattitao mortiltiif harvictwi wlllba bald in ht alban church at m and iolso oclock prkk ihmvm rniwau aiyl ttw aubaorjptton am corulotf in with kratifylnfc vitlumr ur jolm huim will cdl date for tltn uaovll or kwiutlk at iba coming elect ion th and oiutlfl of th vkrlima rhlireh hml touch of th plrlt of chirutittdr ttifirv r thlreacandldatil for lh icaawaahlp of corgalown uavira plok ilartwll and lurw oouoclllorj k uttlo it 1- undai atood will mucoid witdn k v icrl m itaawa of ulllon hanloi kbuk hundy mchaol nnurtaln mint in lha utwn hall now ymi oitlht will ha a tno1 anjoyauta event if i ha mild dry walhnr contlniian the council will rquiro lo conmldnr oiling lha ktnwtl to knt down the dual aaarvlea ultahlo to th ttlrlt uf umohrutiuaftlvl will h hold in um uathodut churnh thl- evnlns nt loht oclock ur alx uumo ha- kindly mtnt um pmnt piuuu a copy of lha chrut mas humwr or th north rn l front hla old hotiin in scotland th- toronto suburban itallway tirvayor wra hark in town from oimlph tbw flulhlituthlr work oq mbt of th tfrtl- tlirourb thtu allon tfaaul mrlliit if th director o nalutn unhio hr inbtiranc tjnot- pany ror loia w held in the town hall oa monday thu miutak aoikany u jual clofln a hnrcaiiful yitri it j oainit j 1 lou 1uii- d lite charon of hhootlnk a hiuk out oit mmd 11a ly 1ilf dmotahlm gbatmun lifel th thlrtn yearold don of m j cjrton of nakmakawy frank l junlt of th llarmlt dajry co 0ullt ww aandhatkd bouiadmnil brl on hlj imtuiimm on saturday tiiornlnk tlte aafa wh forced opan but htllo ixkity waa aactiir- ed v theltrllu unlit comnulon ha reoelied and ad hih a nw bclimlttlit of hgbt and wiwtir iralm front th hydro depart tuot which iirovlda for a radctkou of 1 par tnt lo c4ttt antra a chang propoard in tbn opera uoa ot rural route l3 tho rwi dianta of tha flfih itna are lo he aarvad by a route out of i luiehouna mid thw aoton route will b conaldrably bhort- apad id 0nartuuca the mmbr of the order of ofttutduniiouuoirclmimrconldrably tlrrad up jul now hwinu i tha pro- poaal of the huprm olrcln offlo na to largely inoraaba tbn amount of aaeaenieot for diath claliou juatlce ulddlatou ha dlvttrd jodfttt in th ah ltuddy vm ulltoo thd bafor hlo at lh fall a i aa t w aiahibt the town for ajlowlnif umiily- ptvuil to t thwml d rnddy wam waldl tml after the upurorth 1jk mervlce ontoewday vnluk ula kim llrown vobuh oreanui wm pritml with a qbeteniu purae in racognltlnn her vajuad rlo4 hav mr lraper apoke kindly wunla of aprwlat ion mr auun nwaokhainer or krln raport that to rue oiuarabje annak thief stole a parcel of ohrutum preeeau intended for tlteclilldrfiifroui v hi htf whlah wee landing in the lletbodut uhurch had on hal unlay verting judge noolbbon who ha iteeu ofjna aa arhbrwtr iwtvvchin the town ofbrauipttt and albit ijidall haa kwaxded him h00 far lint lend which the town wuhea to expropriate in ordar to xiend mill street at tht oath and no ihkobw tor hiampton la the lopanof the uramitlon young man hood aeolauin a near organisation th young man haw orgaulaed to nravaat the renewal of liquor lloenaaa ht brampton and hilt hearing lhl loghn ho bean powted up all over bmuktptoa loihlory of aiming alway many at trolnk thai it u tuora mfl to lv thn t mi klajvab lr4a rult on tudy k wrdn u c kiullh th county council wllh a lil thouktatli showing hiloo e lhul at th ontario horticultural kahlulioo aod at th wat dan dinner l tit avolng told lnw it bad won bacoitd piaa aa a whol and alx flratu ltd una mcuiiil out i mva ntrl- in dlffxant clabmh alwtul 9ultttmr ii ddl that ll ahlml bd iwan pllxl r m- atl h to ihiluh fruit otn for rxhlhlllon in tb 4d land u u m4iw lbare wuh a hal ion tdacard a hdidd advartlawnenl fur the county bqfg aaiiteai l41 thursday utoralng ilaan l a hwglll and jaa llrown grooar k r katl to daaler and luchato k llrandoti bole her dtecovrvd that itorglta had aotrad tbelr ktoraaln tba night the door bad bo fircd omii with alt iron bar about an inch wld nothing wax mlaaad kcekt by mr iiiowu whouout iucanta all be had ml in the till mr llwelll till waa found on the floor but hla caah rfiutr wa oveflooked an unauc- caufu allatnpt waa mad on the door ottiim mcjatinatld grooary ohatn- plon juda aaila re umlioai on tuemhxy the county council unanimously pund a reaolullon re commanding tba appolnlanaait of j w hlllolt k c by lha mlnuur ot juatlce aa judge for hal ton a copy of lha remtlutlon algned by every mmbar of the ottuncll baa been for- wardd to the mlnlater appoint tuant of local law y ere a county judgeaare very unuaual and the rule git tbau la a good one but kkould tha iprnmmiit make an ekoetiou in thl cua approval will be general tbrgrioui ha ton mr klllott u popular with 1u raaldanl generally irreapective of ijltlc and ha made a good raoord deputy judg champion no poetlhl appolntmant d uld bn made that would be more wccapteltle throughout the county than lo make j w kill oil tf v tntr county judg mum rroea m aad ooueareei mr ukuton ijirwn i- hohta fvout victoria lollgr loronto for chrlt max holiday ur jamrx hndaraon from the unlvonlty t mr harold nkvlin f nun lha h i h mr w c keiinvy from the v urinary oollge mr arlhur rccnuy from the oanlal oollvg mr union knnay from altmirt collrgr llllvl mlee jtub ourk woino holntaw and jioiiu nmtllt from toronto hchimtla lulaa margxrat hantthtt frooi clarkaon muw41ki hiird from n 111 mlaa ily rnlui from duflvrtn bchoul i mia onrttudw jolinatour naaaaga weyu ml- hannah wank front houlh uivrt mi anuuharvy fro id ht cathhn t xf andrew o ilrin fruo ctar cre k l uimn uulh nel utu and itarthu iliown irom ilunllllon kortual si it ool mum malttprlkw frun hrachrldga mix annie mtlonhld hthi ngwey uael abolkw hame haaae on 1ay ul wk ahiahwul tuielj laid inf irmatlott befitre h 1 mitor j 1 agluitt harry fucher charging him with wlgulug turwkj hrothrg uhiitu to a docnmnt knowing it lo im frfliat with th intention thai it bould lmactd upon aw gauulue in the pre juto ol turk tli aubatance of lite chargv wmm thnl fiolu r had written a nnl nurd purmtrllvg to have weir wrlltait by tuinkj hrothr in toronto utylng he hd lwftt run tuar by w atreet car bualalnad aerioekrkujurl that he waa in tba lloapilahpn oollg nlraatand requnallng that he come at oltc tutwk lafl on lb drat train when h reanhed toronto he found hln hnilher in gtod health and ducnv d thai he had not written the card he received he returned to anion and cured evidence which eat i ell ad him ihal weeher waa the author of the lying information hence the charge when umtuoned flacker proposed lo aellletll tualter by pay liiy hkpathht inourrrd by turek and the oourl wilfi and lo thu the abuaed man agreed klbcher will uj careful about ulng tthr men e nam with oulpennlaalon hwritar btueatewrul ulath afaboel at homt the annual at hmt ttf 1 h aludeula atld trachare of anion high hebtm hhl lu the town hall la1 wld ay wvmnlng proved lo he a gratify ingly ttocaaaful futtcllon a feature moat pleaalng watt the iroaenca uf m number of gradualua of lha high hahool who cauin from a dlatance in etljoy the evening with tbn aludentu and teach era of the preaant the guaate were received by irlnclpal and mm htew- art ml- howio uu vviima john alone ant mr kimred white a brief hqt merit orluua program tun jre ceaded the aerie of promenade and refreahuienta it cotnptlaed cboruaea hy the young tdlea glee olub of the hchool two dlalogtin a httghl mu take and tr our all two tableaux from dili wonten theolean- tir a piano duett by mlaaea jean and margaret wllaon reading hy mu all ou o ibruu and mr k white and an original poem ttie old school and the new by mu laabal andareon ttm piano number for tba proo4nadae ware puyntl hy mlemut watetin john on wllaon kennedy william and knney mr u i uoore waa th ubalrtaap olkanio uuhtiia tub ukbik lr w ii iwry ht ulib wm lu low on turwlay mra lrank mclnkwh of o- ill la in low for lb h jlday mr wm ruk i home front hia trip aaal for lite holldy- ur jator urlharaoo u bon from tb norlhwl fin- lh- holiday- mlaa atiole harvey la itoto from ht tbar f r lhholldaye mr kr1 htoord u aihiodiog chrut maatide with 11- bn i iter at orillla mr t r hcod ad uim tac hl i f ouph vullwl flndn here on mon lay mr fthmk hopar u ajhtndlng litiataiu wllh hr daughter at ivaa i ull of johne- r for th boll mr aul mr town k day luv m cr i norwood i- apod th holtdayv al iu father h me willow hut iluitaum mthu fotw kuk u lh k i of m n v mmre llowar avhiu ur and mr timm h wtkman tr llraoiptoo at vuillog llatv hl ovr th holiday utaa margrvt harvay arrived bom hi saturday morning from calgary lo apend a fw waakv mr henry ivu nl kllurny man 1 amiillg lha wlulr with bu iwolber ur john wuon mr john lumy kju mill- apnl a coupl of tlyrf ihu week al ittettom ofur ilog arlhur htrw1 mua amy kpalgkt of toronto came up forth high hohool al hoote and remained aeveral daye with acton ll-ol- mua kdna 1wrynan of totihiu aiml her brother a children are vullhsg during lite ttollday f th hon of bar allr mr fwirg nllea uv i irwin relurned irtuo win nlpagfcbut tburady to kand tba chruttuau vaollon wllh bli faenlly bar the docur will rnu until aflar new yvr- okvllu hlar mr and mraj john harvay announce the ngagmvnt of their daugbtatf jttaala to ur carlton lunke of uikiw jaw the wedding to take place at tbelr reidnc vke avenue on ch rial ma alternoon mu nolll wllllamri who paaaed tkej modal kchotd evamlnalloaa uat week ha acceilad a kit uat loo on lha auif of the wurttm f4choolalaaaury of u0 miw william will have ckarge ur lba aanlor iii ro4m thkt ootpll tasatt gaumoak th beautiful wall caundar which haa been featured fitr yata by ii h hallman iniblihar iterlln baa iteen prepared for 1uj i ll bau tblrtaea page iskih incite i printed in neatly contracting color ha large calendar figure and each month bear an open bible lu which i hare la an appropriate eciplural tekt for each ujt of the month a novel falum i a calendar fitruuyearahy which a pttaon owy find lh day of the wank on which h wa born or the particular day or the wk of any ueled wvnt setkd u5fl to ii h iullmit ito 7hm mer lin hajaaiaaawava mr lu clark who undrwnt a earlou oparallttn al lluph lloeplla laal wwalt i doing a well a can be expected mr thomaji slorey hld a very auo- oeaaful auction tulle a week ago mr ww way urn wlttt ha epont a year in th weal ha leturnnl hotue mr wm tfrank had lha tnuforluue recently to lotui on of hla hti hackney hot mraleer melidtau loat one of hi fine c liuwlo ueaar john and mack mctavlah hava relumed bout from the wevt for i he wltttr mr and mr wm johnston of anion amtil huoday wllh mr and mr alexander molhdieii lwy rldlaw of the olb line weat chlilguaoouay two1tlp baa putuhakad lh iteaullful htkineataad fj a kwanre farm ulng lot ni 31 in ths th mittoeaalon weat ohlltguaoouay ltwttalti ltrioiitingto jamae mcclure uow gaoler fif hramploti hau wa made by j a wlllnugbhy oaratnom lite lriohyleriati tea mrellug on luaxlwy evening wo a aplandid auo oeav th programme wa full of in- lereal and eueryltoily enjoyed the toa ur albert yoang of the town line- ha purchaeed tlte farm of mr john mokenal 4 a paature farm th prion itald wan about h3qu6 mr and me clarence mcooleheon or iteglua are apend i ng ihelr holiday at the home of mr htewari mccutoh- itie rural mall rtute for a a too which hurted on monday on the bret and aecond hoe will be much appreval ated by our people of thin community mr olbuoita of anton who ha e- nured the poaltlou or mall carrier will no d mbl be u very efficient mall ollloer 1hr are ww more wotnuti than men lu condon s ninety porcettt ttf tltu leachera in the public nohoolu of imiludephla a woman i wuoiimmi uheu for ray aubacrlptlon in the hun i think it i one lh beet edited and moat independent ppere in canada j no johhaton hraato there i uol any taalloinnlal or expreaelona of appreciation thatoounta a dnee thoae that are aoooiupanled hy caitli tbelr alncerity cannot he iuea tinned i would not ha without the weekly nun it help ue to make fanning pay hy giving the correct market price jmtu hltel norfolk truly there i no other paper juat like the sun it u peerlaea in the advocacy ol right and juatlce oon detuning uumrupulnua method wher ever found may it influence aver in crea k b mclean huron county the above ubut a a tuple uf tlte many hundred of uuaollclted exprea alotttt received from hut iradtre you hould euheorlba for tho weekly sun the farmer bualnae paper ynu will and it proflubu reading o lady on ano broken 1 the wriat and the o bar at lb khoulovr wr the injuria reclvj by un dvldm wife of lriodpal jam oavldeno of lha cdleglate intltuta i krtday artartmhki by a altupl fall of a few tape on the alalia tf her realdnce wilh bar broken area aba tuanaged in apll of lbagrawl palo to take down th moalvor and ulaplwhm mr 0vid aht at lb did mot know old cent- uellojohndy beat hh ing r what did you calrb jobeiny i aln t be hmua yat dr moraea indian root pllli owe thru hniuur rlthlimn u tunog rheudmitun i ud and vukca to i imr powr of minmhtue htwmreactbrtinftudkalmyiu tury enable tbeae una to thorouirhly tiler from ike lu ibe utcw id the product j wauc matter wbak jeta uito tb hunt awl muuiica and auace iheae p dk ov- ball a century uf onunl uae r provvdcoacluuvrly that ir uc it kmt l ehen k udaeyaaad a cur heumefctlar klx men were caught tt hundy playing poker in a back loom over the hal ami l ntalau rant toronto huoday afternoon it u rumored that ae knany poker player might be caught any huoday afternoon in a certain back room in ac tun kvn toronto player are alleged in come lo town for game on huoday oceaalornthy ar i ler abere oegermown surveyor have again bean at work in huualng on lb nw hit the c 1 hallway inland runnlnft ihtottgh title aeclton the road will run through llala uarry on lha ucuod line lhrough the ceorg luack daoa at the jourlblln and flwau h mccul lough bouae and barn on tba aevenlh line above georgetown ll la expect d conatrucllon wiwk will commence nt year the turorgelown herald uaued a epcu i hue t rated numliar laat week which la a credit to lb ufuoe and to th itfwn ilb uluatratlon ahuwlng th ofllella and leading cltluna tba puulc imlldlng and uracil atreete and it int reeling biatorical and miajraphlnal latter preaa give a apun did decripuon of oeorgelowu and it lnlreta auetlea tha mrrl halleat oauatya vital mui the annual rv t urtha mrrlag e and daalha in thla viio f r th year 1012 ha juat un dur ing ihe year there wre in ontario 00870 regiauatlona i t blrtha ikic marriage and u160 death of lha biafriagee hi grihm vinl 1 i lirulm were to year of age or over nearly half of the marriage were of wron between aud al fun t g of th- daalha uttl were oauaed try urgan lo heart dlaeaeaa ami 0 hy tulwrcit ipaia in haiti u county thr were 430 blrtha al uya and j10 glrla rur pair of twlna war rngialeiw it 1 very erarfllabl thai inlhlacounly uat year lbare were only ave lllglll male birth hlion had itml marrlag ee laat year l of which were in june ouring the yer we had 230 death of thaae 100 ware male and 1zi female 111 ware canadian 4t for elgnere and tl mil alalad a lot of oiir goods stolen but wc iiavc till an abundance of splendid winter goods on our shelves these we arc preriarmj to sacrifice at very rreat redactions fwsm thr prices marked at the opening of the season w as to clear them out we regret our calendar have not come to hind in time wc assure our many c unto men we will supply them with a beautiful calendar next year early in the season a merry christmas to all k acton bargain store wm singer proprietor rqtp0 w6e metropolitan bank gjnoaudoooo vmtaojooooo this ba nk extend the seasons grtuit to all patrons wishing them a merry chris tma and a ll appy and pros- pcrou new yes ir m j hookk htaa d bt thomreon ko vie rv sin w monrimetr olaiuc tco jammm nvnia mm john ainerranouic kaa w o roew ke dl roaa oeaaeal hurnagw i xorkndrxxk0ooocn 5 10 and 15 cent store xxe ore enlarging our utock every week so it will pay you to call on uu and inspect our new lines youxio not have to buy juut come m and look around visit quh stationuky dhiktubnt and sub tim srucial values j bo not forict the om favorite neilsons chocolates h wiles mill st acton conscjentious plumbingv heati 111 in for i overshoes fojkt it costs 50 little and does so much positively the iarcestsale in canada i its your move 5 wc are now showinjour nrw line ofchri t s s m is neckwear and miy wr arldi a mo t it- s tractive line all pkicrtsc up to tf color- c in and styles offer in jlmu t unliimtetl 5 choice j s sr our new hnro of hruce set arm hind s s and braces all hand oinrly loxcd 5t up to s im s f r e nelson a iainter goods must be sold at60c on the 100 t3 until jan 10 next rubbers boots and shoos overcoats suits sweaters oto will be mld at 6c on the dollar owing to the open winter i am ft with a bi block of these goods and i mubt clear hem out the public knows when morris saxe says a tlnnj h mnns it and there will he an absolute taving of 4c on every dollar- vorth of these goody sotd come at once for bargains morris saxe main strbbt acton ont is mot k jwevth 1w1th us to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse usj- fred smith plumber quebec s guelph phono 337 1 i have you tried the new snow shoe dance vou will find it great fun to dance to grafonoht music no ono has to miss the lancing in order to play for the others the regal illustrated is tho first selfcontained upright instrument to sell for less than 100 it costs only 65 other models down to 20 and up to 650811 on convenient monthly payments any columbia plays every disc record of any manufacture tho ideal combina tion is the grafonola with columbia double disc records standard price 85o for tho two selections have a columbia sent homo on trial m music supply co wholesale only 88 weat wellington st a t brown i actori ont toronto out agent

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