ifibt jlcl on- jfttt lxcss tlluithiay iki lvikhll i itll fljlylf0 banla cuu u4 knmk and lw u in now huw wmi i l ktddta if y wok 1 i iy a i in iurj iisii had it hi j way r w0ij vi 111 i 1 i vy wmll j i u wnill ill- il- ink l drry nilwll1liii tun i iiiw t would it kii- y h longing a y itn 1 1 l lly kmu- lutui girl with bin- yd 1iiu or a boy will tphmdld sleigh r walt ll u you ny uwijr ti hiiiiili ltannhr thtuv fids whuii siiik do m lu irioi tht voi -1- hoi ru- 1 dw d itiiy iy and ik li v- v ulf 1i min poor ulrl r hoy jl knock d v il thdoor th iughi and hollr yi1 1 up vr hand- a mrryohrltn iyl nu up oulsuu iii wl11 w tnoenlng ami thut fell til plh against lb window tli flrllght puyd in fitful guuiumllhomn suddenly llohby awnk and turned hu fjh up tu hlu timlhar am iih ga j bu 7m grew withlriiu bright end e radiant suill im riser hi u itltu feoe it u bhmltlrul he orud vh niothr pearl end fcnld and lights and the gate ixil shut i hud- ianls- he prnn up in had the king be kltuol shouted i the hneuuful king 1 then h fell hank upon tht pillow llohby bed w to ewe th king in hi- isseuty l ueu surelght forth h nt rnun bu fr nd bu xivrty iil lh kutlfu dly rbr ibara i no orw buffarlna hd lh kln lllmarlr 1uom1 him ihm wy th hum hnt undtly tiww tb wbung mother u bar kn h- ia lh bed tnd liar y wr dim ftb m11 hufuy and jui ciui uuu child unui ulm ltwuobrltnu uv ouuld lh lora bd omm1 and up through th mill night wu mftd th trln ut th ou okrul wnk by um ruddy oborut- of th nrby church 1 wbtumbvphwlhj wftubwitbalrflookk by ntsht all mtudon tha around llw ncl ol lb lurd cto down and glory mhona krnund matblnka th 1 bmd inddooi down rtd borna lb uttla huffarar i on tbalr imrad lnlona into tha pako of th king a tkavbuuliho chriaxmaairnalai ita drat anparnoa wm in tha kin- dreartan tbla eraoaful llttla mri foot oadajr dasllnad to bring- taauch kkanplaaa lo many nhlldran in many dlfiarant ay and titaoaa for wka tha child ran bad b bwy with antldpallnria ajtd prapara- uooa for ita nomlng llonaa rara bapad high with gay papar chain- with painted cardboard gift bright with colored rlbbona and with gold and unacl ornament for ita adoro aoant on um morning of tha laat day of ehool tha day ufra chrltmkaall tha tawll peopla arrived la holiday at tire with an air of enpeatanoy which knada it bard to kit with primly folded hamu for at one aid of the room etood the qhruttna trwi their own dear tittle tree and mimpm and untlee ajod nureaa ure thara a looking with fond proud eyea at the boy or girl la whoui ahe wa moat in- lratd preeently cama the ooed tnornlna oog after alnglng to the deal rrlaoda the teaoher and the children their teacher aakcd and to whom ahall we log bext t loalantly one mall hand attar an other waa eagerly ralavd to tha tree 1 to santa claut to the boxes under the tree i all theeo and many tnorv the funny little folk- wera aager for until it wai time for the gmntm and motion aonga then oh leads tluttared froga juroi- d 1 and laat of all jolly old halnt klcboua wajiaunk with a will j lalton aocrbnuvai olarai the two glrla ware talking or ohrut- inaaglfta and dnmlhy aaked ueli who of ell of her tribe of relative and boat of friend keamnd to have the veentat intuition auto hr langlnga im not iur about that aatd llel- n after a abort imrlod uf reflection but i know wiiom gift 1 alwaya hud aatvea kite from tnbarmjtunt all the next year auivt alary oolkirnv ueatulv that aoumlri hytrlu aald dorothy what doh ubu lv your hhrn give um u lltwral chunk aald helen and on tlii ihtvtrlopo which oohtalltu it uh wrluri ror my uleoe helen to uimml ami framti doturm supply ouahloim hhi 4ilhruti flnuh tha glfta aim retikim yoil mi pooplx are lovely about bmunulorliig things for me and giving m valiikhl pbuti- grafha and ekeulitf hut it cokta a good deal mima utiwn lo gt them in order i ami yot if yuu ilnnl tbepmipu who give ilium to you amm to think you dont apirnut thum wild what tuakau you look wo quewr dorothy v vti imwot yw intmmi mi- hnubud prttmtik no uld luillly lo 11 vtlci u ru bor lihiulkoratilr bit i- vp i abtiot 01111 uouilhmly gvu re akommih immuiuui mull band l and 1wn huvr twen ahlo to the dioh lo piti thniit on 1 ny aunt mury oolburn you fought tn ben kkhaluod of tyaelf ald hpuii a philahthroribt willie- wlil u h plillanllu plalr- iv a phlumliroput my merely a man wtio haatnore ntom than he oati pom lily u hliumif hbr thouautii a paitny for yoar thoughu drl- lag eald newlyured oil harry he replied thny will ooat you far mora than thai what weri you thlaktng itbout tlieu r juot tlw awn i ordered ynterdayj twenty vac njw n it fj ii iv rd lhiiiwii krcuio- r- ur jilp i w i miiui4i ld lllnllmg wlllubld f- jiyijl amlixx j k 3rry 0r jml john wliiiiw lor hiihi trulh- ltr ti tl lo0g lly dim rallihl mi kturdav kunday a mdxy alntiwil romjalaly aimtld tbw bulghlng lrlpta rnlitiu lo bold hwy svxi ut will opprtuliy or l fir huji1 the tujuor trmo in lli- provur- riivhmrulh klhllor kiog of ltv j w ilu of acton who prl ed humly aitd uitim umdy y- our ipl wrha1y ll will ur it ii u an ituol graoful ipeekar a hatural lrr 1 fact end bla ullt- l fully in kveplng wltbjtu aiannar at the motttudut huoday hob anuuarury llhoday thn nblldi wr addral in hi mitrnlnk by luv w liryer- and itev v v ufrv lr ulcbigan in lb nlg luv ur ware prwobwl a vry -hi- ijuent urmon iruiu a naw txurn hahae daury lb alowre milk of the worvl tbat ye may grow tbrby 1 isit a2 on monday evening luv ijyron ijlrig gave a phonograph 000- ovrt and the annual rporta ware given the avaragn atlandsnoe had ban ltd and the total receipt io tbe mlaaloo 4ibea wera opanxd found to rxintahi hum an titer fllou hanta cuua exerour followed the ebaenoe throogh lllaeae of ur icdge waa niuoh regretted at laallea kckkl on friday at the oloplngof the chriaunaa examination exereiaaa uleaorae the tea wb la leaving wa preaented with l affecuonatej addiee read fay ulaa kitty ourrir and a beautiful album and pair of yae by uleeee uaggla kirkwood ami alloe lealta on behalf of tba eohool ur and mlaa tuckeon of holatelo were gueate at tba home of ura thomu klllott uajuukv kuiuido- at um bow of um bua ulttar ih b kv a hanub mr a- lt uud all vi harrnouakak qaaillaoa nm bmiiiliw km b an u h ooek aetoa kf r w u aaauk aalaa u alia mar j rjuka ef naer llwaibk atet ur taaa d ol uai tdlkt uaowaaliwa heu llerabr an u mm jotoa a inuua u br a auhval amd blavmbi ohru the aafe and mm pvjorth of july took mightily with the public ha aafe and aana obrlatmaa any obanoa to become popuurr te cbaraeterutlce are thee t 1 a reaolutlon to keep within uauvi neither running in debt nor having thing charged that scrimp month lo pay for nor having guilty feeling over the outlay of money one could not afford x tba cutting off of all gift for the aake of appearances 3 itafuaal tn sngage lnw reciproc ity act giving to those from whom a present seem impending 4 vnwllllngness to eat i mate jlh money value of giru received last year as a basis of recompeoee this year u emancipation from entailed gtft- glvlng that is giving bacauae one did laat year and the year before thatytc if it is time to stop just atop 0 itsfralnlng from saying 1 have awtyfly pereons on my christmas list this savor of ostentation and incite some poor foolish soul tojtjry la roll up a similar lut 7 uaklng plans with wise restraint and calm eat mate of time involved a wouldbe ladybouoliru suddenly conceived the plan of giving work baskets to a number- of old ladles ttach basket was to be fltled up little needlehooka pincushions mbe hired a woman to make tb hut the time waa too short for such an order and idy hountlfuldrove ber ao insistently to flnuh that she was 111 allohrtatmashayl the thirtythird dagree aarte and safe people go allltle farther and aay 1 olvt- at christmas only to the poor to the aged and to children 2 hsmemherotherdeeervlngmendi on their birthday blnally auod with a hpartan deter ni luatlon to be firm kpworth out look t ohildren ory for fletchers p i a new york city baa a aarvant maids club with at iuiuitmnl according i tatulla a woumu lova ktrdohtmt kt the fege of thirty or the x wnm chemist in kiigland twenty own thlr own bual- tteru nvw w and imvr will be nnlverssl panaca remedy for all iii lo which tlaah u lielr what would relieve tllri wm aguravate th oi y hve bow ur in quiuiiik win whan olttulmml a mtund utiudullhimlihl wulw w rnmy for innuy and grluwou iii lly it gradual uud judicious un thf lrmt uyeltrni h- m into convmlee- cince and str gh by the influence blob qulnlns sxsrt oi natures own iwutratlye it tlv- bjw lo uhom a chitla kti or morbid iondenwtf hlil uck of luurot iii life i a dlseav a hy trmnuulllslug ihn olirum dufmhhmtlo athllul mlftt mhmhlng llujirt vigor to lb action of the blood which being vtillultol cotlreim ibroitmh tb veins strong httdiig tkie hsajthy hnltnal function of the ttem thereby iaklng activity a iisosaaary rceulr tttranglheulng the fittme and giving life to the dlgasllvs organs whlor luturwllydemattd inoreascd subalaocr lesult improved appetite north- rop lyman of toronto have giver to the putdla ihslr superior quinine uy the opinion of woleutlsu ibe win epproscpee nearest perfection ufnny the market ah druggists sell it twrwteabifonfjsrerftil- ncaa and fkstxofualu neither opummorpbjne nor rfiocxal not 4aic3oxic ffl t it ni a perfect remedy rorcusattp- tion sourstoimchdurrlipttt voinxtvufa03ltr ocsswillossorsiilr yacsowls srgn 3t9ssr new tftdhk lxacr corrtai castqria gorlnftmto and chudron the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castqria tllabujodiroauurraattidai the world may tn white wllb w lo ir the wind rave and the tonus l hut nothing laj ha chill and rau of outride wfatber on sea ur land can allp tkj brightniw of ohrlatma ills the aaaaon of mlrlh i nd faaslhig thikhmmi for ibw gld- lnm of the llltu onaa and tb- joy of lhlr inl trw ibrtf at mloor h in the wong hvre anal thorn if th hay t a ul in l rlrcb of ovwl m during lit yr a buah aay all iboporerily upon tb ulody fohrilunmil1 if tber i analriy tmhtl n wlin ulrsngtb id liluig htvlmuourwuikmh h voni ihomg l mlllog of il- juu- laoca yat hme ihe b itnly said wultw out mir tl thy im krplared by miin whrtlru i- ll ih h i i b- 0uu0 dlpolim lb nh 4 ln ii anlh t kjolclug olilin- u h tlio of aottg arouiml ilv glow in the gr t ctbll of kunfr hi uihcuis pufa cburbm hldium vuay anuong naw ktglnd hllu lo touting puo on tl froruw i k i w lbr u no acrl vdlfior and in blxu4 wlthimlt inuniur lb otirtttum uun aondi mrgrt k hangalac in aliiarkal uloos 1 assknt to blllb fjtll- nllu hl opened tb- front t hi- and wa oooted by a aliangar la your father at houia r he aakad if aojuty bu old friend hill ha onn to sea hltn thau papa unv at 11 unrxpctd rply oo tattruameaa that if any hill ealn he queen wllhelmlna is an astronomer hoelely women in larls are wearing wigs to match their oostuma the ruche of cortland baa imhih appointed mlelreas of lb robs by queen mary uf kngland ulller worniltwderssre complete in themaalvea thry not only drive worms from ibe system bud repair the damage that worms cause and mi invigorate the constitution that it epeedlly recover from the disorder of the digestion that are the reeult or the work of these paraaltlo intruders they do their work thoroughly and strength and soundness follow thnlr lly wlre suspend a round wlr net ting from th chandelier to hang just below il this should be wound with southern moea prom every section of the wire hangs the graceful obrbtl- anas silver reln which may be bought for fifteen cents a box kvery now and then a glass idols gives body to the loe scans fvom the central palt of the wire hangs a bunch of mistletoe tied with a silver ribbon a round mir ror as the dcntrepleoe reflecting its berries the mirror should he edged with the moss also green and while china should be used but no candle sticks as the light must be from above white roses at the mens place are drawn through at on corner of dainty obrlatme cards which hear each guests name hpraysof mlftleto tied ohriarrmaaj quotation christ la wont to natch every man in the way of hi own craft uaglclan with a star tlihsr with bah ht ohryaoatorn a good conaclrnce i a continual obhalma benjamin ifranklln 1 will imnnr christmas in my heart and tryo keep it all th year queries ihpkms this day shall change all grief and iuarrel into low hhskespeare i havn alwaye thought of christmas times a good timet a kind forglv ing gsneroui pleasant timet a tlmi when men and women seem by on oonstent to open their hearts freely t and wi i say ttod blse ohrtatmaa charles iklcksil the christmas star ha five points 1 love bt god love to man thought ful ness aalfdonui and joy anon the real christmas tree is th tree of ijf its branches kpread over all land and it leave are for th heal ing uf the nation anio a wells all the public position in frolssy itrano ar held by women the oil of lwsr it 1 not claimed for or thomas kclectrlo oh that it will cur every iii hut it various that it may be looked upon a a genera pain killer it has achieved that grsatnas for itself and all at with a knot of sllver ribbon lhroagh mi lo surpass it have failed h which is twisted a bone hairpin will be souvenir for ihe girl that will se eomn merriment castor 1 a or infants and n tumyuhanahnttejm bean the signature of there are 300000 more women then men in london ninety per cent of the teacher in the public school or philadelphia are woman warts on jiaids i a dlatlgure- tnent that troubles many ladles i col in way corn curo will re mown ih hlamlshe without pain i roirnon krr old klohly 1 dont wuh you for a mtnlnuw young man nop well havent you any other good position you could give a fellow p does it matter lions i mirrvti to you uuit of all tb i vromaii uiul ililjfrsji who die each in gamut mi in kv u a vloun of iksursituoo t wk f uattku tluit iwe in every three of tbsss 1 cut ojt in um lull glow of hie wiut plan ami lioi boglvon ui uoimlrmi a safe and sure medicine for a child troubled with worms a mother ireves worm if x terminator marino nkapomslbllatlfctj her dad sttu nlyl ho you want to marry my ilaugliti do you v hoared riillnr ym air lbhut not any worsi ihuo ili wnt to mwny me oohrkot volution vnow jolinulo aald the teacher if ymi bad six pmmlou and ohrll had four anil you took hi and put them to your what would that maka r t johnny knowingly trouhls had indigestion for over ten years weakening the body will never dytpciimii or inavurttton on the lru e should lw to rtltt ibcicau tliu slnnulh llurdock ijiwmi hitler will do tblri und ul the wtiw time enable you lo liertske of nil ilia wolewnc food re- ffilttswr vv u injection lor man ik tv trlcl novcrtil ukt indldiia but ul whliout by iliujock jllul1 iiut i dsfcd kill ud i fed i i cjtoj j 1d 11 i iliulud tunuito oau tb11 ten yw uud dilferttit ohildren ory for fletchers casto ftljk excellence is known to all who have teslod its vlrtlioaand learnt by expsrv ohoarrvtratjcino y in a certain ana gbiksl walllng 7- duthictly a thatriol phr am wlo nbllg r tli h rniitiy ml i i xiiiitlir m laughing nui y ih- uhat walk ii orl l- rtiilow- wy yr- tunnsg 11 i i puytd 1 1 rl j tb k i ifs1 f bu salary w ol fori hrooilng 00 siui- bysiilislwskiumrl tlien ih ghot wont walk lo lulil wlthgl was lb was badly rh btwe mhburns heart ami nerve pills bujtt her up un frank luough sarma out writes i cmtiisn lbs opportunity to write you laying that i have md ilil- jjurni heart and ncrv lul and found flwm very hclu to tor i was very badly run down and wat taking doctor a rtrdmnc my ion out west wrote rrlo uyintf mother yj use the mil- il nerve ldls tbey wul im better fur jimj than doct till i elul with cl irutlu i often nctmtimnid tbrm to itlbrr people ky dikctiw ilwl not know 1 was usaog thess h iitnl to key why i never saw any one lwxit cam up like yours has you ibi twit need uny more nwdtciar mitbuins heart atd nerve imis are ulc per m u lwoc h tl 2i at all drolcrt or malkil ilirt mi receipt of oiler hi ttvc t mlhuiu cok umited toiootu out hill has women streetcar conduc tors there ar 10000 working girts in llledelphuwho are living in furnish- ed room away from home a cure for fever and ague- diet ur bane of th stomach and liver always precede attack of fewer end ague showing derangement of th diges organs and deterioration th quality of the blood in ineee airmen i e par- nteleee vegetable mils have b round most effeeuv ahatlnjt in fever and subduing th ague in a few days j there are many who are subject to aheee dlalreslng disturbances arid lo ffaee there is no better prepamuon procurable a m means of relief the women of china india and persia still wear pantaloons us unhappy mly there u m sim loves uuu vauat mittss that a faw h is and wltliin a few j ived tbousatxl of utes ones and can asvs utam all if a ittus more bolp ami a illue more ivrbap it aoeaiisi iqattsr it b all very intsresung imb it 1 no liameillate of yours kor wouu it uirrsm if bntarlnjr somebody suss imovs and osrry- tsg off their loved otiss oonsumpuou eame into your boms and said ita hand on th one you lavs the bsss in all the world wocu it usttsa then if you saw your keshand wife child or friend dying forlack of allltle bit ol the rnoney socae other fellow waa throwing sway 1 wo j li 1 ir mavtsawhsn csirtielmasdasse if there wercmouiing for you to do bet alt en the edge of the hod and stroke the whits baud on the ouvorlsb and realiaa that thin wa the lasb chrlsunsa i thin la bow much it matter in thou of botne in csbsds this year and will oon- tinuo to matter until enough people like you tsae the burden and feel bow oruabtug it la ih imikm tnatur ifc lu die mosft important thing in tlie life of sous unioruinau seosrer what you do with th attached tire 1 a if mm tpumlfmr c w i j w it lia4 wrt b v eaclem 1 tt00wllltefawalt i aloq will pay iw teur wssk tsaaes will smasm bd fur rsr itefarl huetfu d m tmrataasnl miaaw4ajmltwn- iv sitkssikis j hiku4m w1 2tott2z u- hu l w m foli- 111 111 llhookrr iv r in 11 ilrutfuui hld gv li u ul lll lululwurh in ii wii wll mboit hni lj olmli oui ihrv tlv1 i -k- lbtilt ul wi would wlk i a ultrrfoult kilaoh utw iimotdt why thw passed ml luikblitg htwgt have- hows thn fiiilly r nuksd wilt my nhlldroii h hgu now oinicuitp tllhuutsalsh u thty nol f itiing ngo hut you dont itbmw a rathki limiliw my cndin ate at go wht lr i uh slkiig inywlljr 4 im wslthik k liad tikmnpli und if lsmukoiioutlvilut kid think im a itack iiiitnlmr what wniltd you do p oohrkot pninolplbs ikiy vat illil you learn at school today p dal prlnclphiu uf inlnreat fadder htyy t dnant you know tint der rlgfatalnd of interest has no prin ciples i the town uf ti on trenu- lee- mines wanoe has m hi mb rate of unly one per thousand ohildron ory for fletchers o r woman journalut in th united htstes number a10s ur hose luhb ni apputon wis recently paid a one of u0tof gossip ing no lut with asthma asthma usually attack at night the on time when rvet is needed most hence the loss of strength th nervous debility the loss of ttaeh and other evil which which must baeapeoud unless relief is secured vwtunatlyrufhpolbl dr d kellogg asthma lumsdy has proved lu merits through years of eervloe a trial will surely ooovlnne you thi chaknntariw addrui a gentleman was about lo be mar ried and his employee decided to give him a wedding preent a smok ing concert was organised and it was arranged that th presentation should be made at it th chfctrmai was one of those sadfaced mortsja altogether unsulted for a fetveoccaslon 11 eititiuinoed hairway through the pro- grmtnme that after tit next item lb evalit of the evening would take plaor i will wait till ibsu i said to speak a few words to our dear young friend on tb solemn oooaslon which will soon uvruke blm now w will hear with pleasure w reciuhon by mr thrown it la entitled dotuned doomvd to death let us hope lo prohl byit then tb prenlnllou will be made was troubled with weak back week beck is caused by week kidneys and it is hard for a woman lo look alter her household dalles when she is suffer ing from a weak and aching back for no woman can be tron and well when the kidneys are- out of order dosna kidney imls ribt-eo-tbe- seet of tba trouble cure the weak aching back end ptvut aui nml all of ifbc serious kidney troubles which arc liable to ttecotna deep rooteal into the syhuiu if not attended to at uocc mrs auuustua jink demorettvllk- oot writes- for several year i bad been troubled with week back and kidneys i had terrible diaxy headache and could net sleep at ulsht a friend of nunc naked tne to try doans kidney lhlls and i did so and in a short lime wa cured doans kidney mils are wc per bo bo for l 25 s all dealets or illcl diml on nint of prii by the t mtlbufti cti lunurdjcmqpl out if unleting direct sccily doans coughed almost all night with that dry tick ling sensation in the throat a had tough mutii 1 i diltrttuutf lullot mtiuou 1 thiout k lnwt utxiuviiliii dr wood nwtiy l iku the niulhi suilaiib itlltivri ipi and tiililimv j ih 1i jinnihiulnkijvji i ll lvn tlr hkl olt uul h i ouhk utkiriiift utcp uinfii1 i itot only i il 111 t but ti wlw 1 u hii oil ri ut hi lu thl grand trunk railway i iahmknokr tralks i tl llli u i lt lima at vbicli sias viiti ko ii mhta hinttuiawaorartlu nll y l g t lt 1 bio ir mi miw 1iju ii uitth auoplimul uii n will ju1 u lw bin l vz fe v ho- wootoi u iriimh iml ronild slot ull mtj i4wt ol tbrtu at- iuo11 i lv r i that dry ik limit u jliun ii 111 li i tl- li i l-uu- hl ur- ui loud 1 i 1 ihhitll i would iryutrroudonr in h many timid u inrtu dih i am j1 to vy inulud ii n uiul i hy naklng lv- l h urb old r w v k r u in th- any oik- mlltiun fiorn u coimli or tbt tiiilli- my yl- ih j ir wiwhi 4 s iv ll4 dlniuolt for uuwly ntrll ihnn iu 1 v a lttlc tin 1 hr ntsn lo ganarat inlinh mithltxlaio family mr uk it ih im l ugi 10 a yellow wuf b ha sn bar m it on tb hnri msnulali jy hy 11 t mi cn innlui thoitto oot 95e empire typewriter visible wriungperfeot alignment lightning fecapmont endurance speed an ummi by tb c i it c n k llank of monlrcul uaiclianbi unk koyal llank nnrthsi ciown banl might nikxloitrt ltd itell llc- jkhnno co etc made in canada thcroforu kv ti thai feu lto paid un duly oa all otber make it coala yoa nothing lo try oejf a eaapire in yosir oitlce wiluams manufacturing company ltd is adsuu si w teroaln werks moatseal q hbihmbihsinhmmnblhmbihmsinnmm merchants of canada bank jtci thrift in rightly dcbcrilwid au eco- nomical management a shrewd business man in ipokcn of as thnlty because he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret of hi success lies in the principle of saving one 1 dollar will start on account with this bank all local cheques cashed at par cafirajlaaid o swtnetoo rkakava kruhus icvbaojbw acton branch p a maclean manager 1 j g ij warmest kind for cold weather tougher kotbchldc will vicvcif be found because the best is used or storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the okinx because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliublc insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and jjmta the best working jloves on the 4hirls snarlet sold at all btorcs insist onstorcy imperial counter check books dm popular litijuirinl counter check ii oil ma n 11 fun i u txl by ihe appleford cumtur chcl hook co mimtod hsm- ili may ho ordorod at the ksxa 1 of ell itlylo idiown 11 uiktlfin inmnt dollvory lihjhirluls in use in winter shoes loom v nor oowfiom our kupsrh slock 1 11 k l si lha hi in mr un lola1 will lu inn r wlmlow wr r itir 111 hul uioh klmwn will l you ko iu of whl our ktim k i life we soar l3va a lar suoitmanl of bbjh rsde ih llw nw yu hhow lta saw ef at witjliams jas flfasna ct good shoes mill street i acton dauuuaaaaaaonaani rockwood chopping mills a all chopping will be jj done speedily and well g on plates or stones flour oatmeal a bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris v co limited kockwood ont i danndaaaanaadaia t rcton iji at eiy bus lim the undersigned raspecllully bollclla tba imironaa of the pub lic and inform ibem thai weu slsburs a comfortable bus meals sll irsln tslwesn 10 00 am sod 6 lo p m careful si leal loo given to swry onlar the want of coot- htorclll traveller fully rasl john iniilirtjwrs prornibtos poultry i poultry 1 1 ch pld rar poullrr raw furspurchastd it skxb hcton tiabatlliyeain granite ad marblb works oahpbr bhaun hranurm autistic c1cuuturv work wm hehstrbbt agent acton or uiiton cqnsci6nt10us plumbing keating is mot r jutvtm jmith us to thu contrary wj i pakj it ilio most important actor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthuhiatitically endoru us red smith plumber quetiecst guelph phono 337 1 mw m notlr wfc7tev atents i qiiiuaiiji marion a nauon or uoiwtyavcu stcxtwiuslmodtnal