Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1914, p. 3

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ehntm olwus hbttdquhrters tho plno to duy your iojm dollu lloolta tllbloii clirlnttimh mul now yonr cunlu tintl hoobutu pinny cliinn mill glnuawaru cut inna wulche jtiwclwy carving haiti llogorti ibj knives korku 11111i ipooun call tu oeo hynbs m ontaiuo real estate varum for male 111 if niton peol ttud wellington lo form for ealo every hik xf you waut m fume write kua for catalogue or if you wish 0 uell or khatijr wrltfi tat wei bavr vry facility for ttauuurtiua buhluemt to your complete tihtlaructlou correic tottcltmf c holcud jr 1 willovtiubv luroi yellluu mprlhst itaokktetowu ffbtjjljrtoit jfm wfi 1014 tbultapay j anuak v a hippy now year to you ivaatlee writing it 1014 today ileal old fashioned whiter weather mow know sunday school entertain ment tonight fjlelghs and cutters rau freely g few day last wmi the mercury got down to rero for the frt time this eoaaon no haturdey morning tho iiuif iiiuiui iiub iweu welcom ing numerous itvw autwcriber the pabt week or so wasnt it u jolly ohrutiimv with the grass end tree covared with pretty enowhekva p owing to the continued dry weather many wells and olattrns are short of waivr tint tanneries have been closed ror a eoupie of weeks for stock taking and needed repair good mowing ppy n yearl have you renewed your fuuu rukae subscription for 1011 p ht judo church oakvllle wa erlouslydauished by fln last wwk lite loj le between ej000 and flu000 corporation iotid haa boan illum inated with rlectrln lights the past week and skating has bean touch enjoyed i etiqlase 1 00 for vuim pakee which we always njoy especially the 30 yum ago cnlumn j l b winnipeg a new yaare rwolutlon like christmas fchopplug dervee early attention it will need attention both early and late tb atir il iiitaln of ilaltnu wfi juiumutn 0jrriprty will t hld lu tha town hall acton on uoddjy akh january ut 1jj0 oolaek jiai stu fivsldnt oualph wlr watlti puod awy tujay taoriilsn at bl ridne j7 lowll blrt aftarati iuuuuatitbotiiytbia tuyt coluotor lfarvy biaie hat not wlthfttaodltiji utahaaueul sth 04016 y ha haaa tuueh tualto amount of tan in rwtt than w tha uut at tha btij of luii iiftr orv a ebbai two of aotonii bora who bava mada a btiea of ral taia in vancnutfr il o hava icisambanw tha vuuu piiks with a vary attrctlvt caljadar ur ooekburn of iwantu wbtf with muob aodaptanea tha solo fnea u via lt knox churoh oh 8aftday valtia ills hah if m volca biwigbt out thla uubibar with splaadld ttl with my ubwfptoh i wuh in atulo ju4t a ii h of appiwoutiou of tha bowi papar truly it u lika a utur frotn honif aaeb wak 1 raaj it thoroughly hl wubaa mui ib towinto with tba eotudualof of iba boll day rub many who bava flt tha hlralu of loiur houri with tba baa- aary voluwa of holiday imtluea will glvdaalgh of tbankfiilneu and rluf now that it u nvr ladt hunday two young man wra akauntf on tha pond and a canidabla watt writ to warn lbft off tba lo wltb a prowouilon umur an old by law of tha town pawad in tha 66v as an altartiatlv thayming map took off thlr ftkatm and wanl bob ohaiplon tba ratualaa of tha lata jompb uaud of kimtuma who dlad in haidll tow on monday r brought bsra on lsimay mwaliig and eon way ad tn tha i bobianrhuhmther ur j h uaud towu una thu funaral waa bald ytardav afurnooii at bvrtom if tha paymant of tavaa eau ba tafcatt aa an lojuwulou of tha tuonay uuukat tba hard mniea biutt ba aaalaj up up to wednesday aveulnif da- i oauibar 10th tbara bad iwtia paid in tavaa tha utu of aiwilb leaving a babuim or only har307ft unpaid oakvllla raeord it ithvaodttonyyaiiraaltiaaaaumi i aaw itwb bordaa of drubka aa hava uaradad tha fttraata day aud night during thabolldayu r tba paw wok ffau u tba wault of mbib bok tha tluor lloatuun uld art obamvaut fwg lady to tba patau vtutw uiau oa itba fetraat ott flatdway morula trh tuurgatldn of tba mthodut cburah waa daltgfatvk wllb tba aoloa wudarad by mm auaaoa flail th of tb tvuwnlo otttuarwatoiry of miuld ou htuuiay fiha alao vary klodty aaalatvd tba ebolr in tbalrapmlal anihawa and aug at tba sunday cfebtmil rvaw avlea in vba aftaraoon th xjatiaa ooumlulonat met vldy tueoiikldar ib ppod qtfar of tba llornita ut tba nw mwtofta uoul tifru frtd oarbult to elmwarj doiuddtof braatfortll aw tho o had nut wtmplotaly affraad n tha eruut tba traiiafar waa not put through mr oarltntt will not laavb i milton wbwplnii news op local import inmrrow keaapa of ilmjdy orvitmwm a ooui of yming married ladlctt futind tlieniimilvcn fothor wtrlouu predlcu nintot ejntiirilay wlioi drlvlnif down tlia third liu a trnca lecmt uu- fiutetlcd mid tile lidnui kit frlglltoufed and ran away klolli of tba indies ware thrown out and badly hlmbeit up baptist chrtatntm kntartalnmant th- tiunday uchool of tha ilaptut olturah atijoyod a vary ploaaantohrut uiaatlda availing on tuaaday of ufc weak a ohrutnia tea waa provided ihaaobolara aarly in thwevanhw ttr a vary orudltuhlu programinaof ohorua- a reolthtlonii elo wau glvan it waa much appraclalad by tba larga audi and ravi mr howarth waa tha fllialrman of tha ttvanlng and ha kapt inatlara moving in a moat aatufaatory inar 1 mr donald mauh in ohuaf aohloago vlultorol nota thla weak waa lr donald mann vtoivaidnt i of tha canadian northern hallway ha waa a guritt at tba dlaakatonu hotel and wau ueeoinpartm by t a hyatt and o g hut i it i under- tood ha met bivrl olllelala or awtr- laan llnea including thoaa or tba qreat kortbarn hallway sir donald mann waa born in aoton out in iftw h waa intandad for the inlnutry but ik- catua railway contractor and with sir william maakenala plaiinad and built one or tba dominion tranaoon- tlueiitala ohloago oanadlanamerj b aotai heart- bid cmkmi waak rafarrlng to tba patting of tha 30tb llaglmant lota hiraa of hal ton tba champion wboaa editor major pan- tort waa for a uora of yaara a mambr and ofilcar aayai fornjany yaare thaqoih waa one of tha moat tttttimal of tba rural eorpa partlaularly in rlfla ahootlng it wint tattiy good marks men yearly to the ontario fllhe auo- elation ttialeha at toronto and tboaa nftha donilnltiu mfla amoelatlon at ottawa thay won a blgfehara of tha prlaew at wth in 1663 they carried off tba two principal taaui prltae at ottawa tha oaron and lanwlowna oupa year after year jit 30th had ona nr mora men on tha illalay team ent to kngland uow dlaorganlaatlod cacua about u bayd to undarataj chawa ajfai ooimaehbra last friday thra young man lu town were eharged bafora ii i moor j 1 by tba oidr brother of a ud lu town wltb aaaaulung tba lad wblla ba waa akatlng ona arenloaf ou corxoca- tlon isind tha youug wn aluajed tha punubmertt wa inflicted baaua iba hoy had apokeri tneiiltlngly to a young lady thla boerever badenud shortly after tba wwfarto wra imuj u of tba aforeeild youhg tnad waltd upon tha uugutrale and laid an lufortdation foaaeault agaloat tba lad wltb tha big brother charging bio with aetaultlng hie atuallr brother tba eaaae war tmt tor bearing friday afternoon laeb of tba four defend daiite aa they wra oallad pladj guilty to tba bhaiiia tba magutrata let each off with tba bilnltnui hii and rjwilbt and tha towns avekequsr la nrlebed by 91 00 or 6oura they all bad aallafaotlon uombb ofcaajltvatloh valthfulneie in ptkifurinanpe nf pub- lis c6nlruln oee r whii and faithful heawln mdiillulwlvdiig ptibllo hublilrae without futil itf favor arw very innine vary to lbn uaf guairdliigor the ptibllo weal in theee day when papera ar ua fulf tit wrong doing in oflloe and wrong doing in eervfoe it la refreahlng to read of the rtlgged aenee of reapon- klblllty manireatrd in the province lot yeara ago we found in that inter esting volume iteport or arohlvee giving records of upper canada aa- mm lily ifllui on march urd 1812 u tha petition of daniel apllmaii which la ai follows to lha honorable the com- mom jf upper canada in parliament hsaembled the humble mtltlou of d bpllman aiiewethi that ha having undertaken to build a bridge aaroee the grand ltlverfor a much laea ium than ha found it poeelbla to accomplish the work for ha haa thereby lost two years of the moat valuable part of hla ufa and involved himself in debts wbloh it may take a much longer time with painful effort to nay ha there fore humbly brge laava to lay befara j your honorable haute the facta following 1 that he has spared no palrts in having tha work executed in a masterly manner in doing which ha has expended no less a sum than three thousand three hundred eud twenty dollare not including any charge for hla own lima that in tha expenditure ha baa observed tba moat parsimonious economy that in tba above time othrr expenditures would unavoidably take place for tba common neeeeaarlaa of life which though not dlreatly are indirectly connected with tha abova aa ba waa prevented providing for them by any other tnsahe that between five and six hundred dollars of subscription monay remain to be oollsoted that soma or tha subscribers hava left the tiountry which makes a probability of some d- baleo oy that though ha baa expilanod difficulties in tba peoau lion of hie work nothing could maka him thrlhk from hla duty thw with other concomitant clrcumatancwa whldb tha wisdom of your honor hla ilouaa will better oonarlve than ba can describe wltb the bumble submis sion halayebefotayou iftbawlsdoni of your honorable ilnuia should think fit to remunerate him aa in duty bound ha will averpray dahiu urilmah such a frank statamnt aud raaoi able appeal did not sbj lo tuova tba hearts or at least the bada of ibeeai pioneer ugulatora for mr mallory movwd eeoaded by uie xahu wllaoit that lha petition of danul tfpilman be referred to tha com ml i tea ut the coa- ungeat aumiitu which commltta passed in tba hgallv thechmstmasiipe visitations tha mom onwifciare and stnlly we- uhlona and out ot town vleltai rjiirisrrma urinir mahipfcan sztjexsts cuuatoaatljl naasaoawuva i mr david mophedraii who lulanda laaelna tor tha wowt eliortly has un gmgado m- crawley to wij hl stuck d iwplemstiia by miollon on tuau- r otb janusry a u4a tveea viemleal miie tba vttux pstkui la la raajpt of a letter from ur j k mooarvlu nf uawlcoolty maaleo dated defaujhr islh renawlng hla paper for lha naxt two yeara la which ba cayai sir eeveral uionthu our malls froj tha outsida world hava been very ii regular and uetalu however wa ueually gt our uttare and iwpra and though atiral wks lata i asauta you wa epprwjata tba news from tha outside world mora than ev- wa did all foreign malls now coma via vra crua this poo country i tarrlbla stata and iberawaujnoitbldg better in tfajbt clomalblng wut ba dona soon by tha powere or thera wilt i ba uotblng left to sava uulrisse la paralysed and any of tba bills of tba jute bank ara not aleapled by tha baaka berv wa foreigner w wall- log aafib day for eoaaatblaa to hppa and we dont eara what it la so loaat aa there la soiostbltig of a ehaus for the better tha situation baa ba jrvt- tlng gradually woreatltjaa tbaflgbtlig in thla elty last vebtiary a rveity lauxa aveaiua wdduar at tbarildsdca of mr and uit john harvey lk avanua a quiet 1 but vtf pretty wedding waa ealahra- ledonohrlatmaaaftarftoon promptly at four oclock tha eldeet daughter of thu happy boioa of seven daughters mlw jeeejr leaning upon tba ana of her father anurej tba parlor and took bar place by tha side of her eepousod husband mr carlton ii banks of monaa jaw bask ftsv j c wilson v a perforowd tba j tuony wbloh united tha happy pair in tha boud of holy wedlock tha brlda was ebarialngly attired in a gown ol eraeuu satin marqulsetla over eraafad aatlu with laea irlumlnga bha eir vlad a shower bouquet of eraau rosea aud illy of iba valley mlu margaret istar of tba brlda of calgary waa maid or lionor and waa daintily gown- ad in pink ttwaallpa wllb lunlo of abadowtaea hiss dora playiul lobatf- grlnj wadding utarob and during tha slgnlagof the register mla attn la sang vary swaatly tba popular solo ba eau tha groom w present to iba brlda wan a gold watch to tba maid of honor a band braoalat aud to misa dora a paarl ring tba bridal eoupla ware tha reclplanta of many valuabla token of aetaam fmmedlataly after tba wedding repast mr and mr bank took tba l2i train tor their new home in moose jaw the beat withe of the community follow them turn aomums tmjcr rjakiuhduh the beautiful wall calendar wbleb baa beau featured for year by h ft flallmam iubhsber berlin baa iteen prepared for 1014 it haa thirteen page 1sjj8 lnohei is printed in neatly contrasting colors ha lge calendar figures anal each month bear an open bible in wblob ibare le an appropriate scriptural text for each day or tha month a novel fea ture is a calendar for suo yaare by it peieonu may and the day of the weok uii which thty werv bom ur the partldular day or the week of any stat ed want baud je lo ii 8 mailmen box wu berlin or a copy tha sunday hcbool ut tba cwngragev tlaal church bald thjrentahalnmaat aed cbrutmaetveaonliondayevetilag december 2nd a goodly number turned out to enjoy the spleadld pro- grabime provided by tha echobjte tha church waa bretllly deeorated and tuatarlala to carry out lha die- logu wara provided by inureeted frlanda of tba fiunday sbjwj the chrlatmaetiraa we prortdvd by mr 1 1 tho hyde i the program ma waj lengthy eod iba warm applet of iba audunca showed that the quality waa good tha scholars wrfotbjd their bhs well the rcltatloa souge and dla- irtgue were exoelunlly reudeswd great credlf ledue la lira hllit uada wboa charge the entertainment waa arranged aud those who aseuted bee in training the scbolare the aholr under lha leaderblp of mr harry olbbocu euo sang an anthem marching to canaan mr macdoa- ald fotaiev pastor of tbeeonttgeuod alao uttg a eojo eotltud the chlldrena uome mr bweafcbam gave a uuubar of seuciiooe oa the grejaio phone faithful to hla promise hauu cuue arrived oh 4 be eoeoe and out of hie usual bounty haj preeeaia for youag and old hla quaint mauner gad witty expreeleas kspt all in a state of laughter and godd humor the holiday kchool wee reorgahhiws eoiae eighteen taoothe ago by mr mac donald and sluea that lima the attendance haa beau vty good lvayere and hopes mingled for greater work in tba future aud that tba blese ing of the lord might reel abundant ly upon title important part ofj the ok of the church tha prooaade amonhted to tfuufi ohuwatomatoollwubtei a happy new year to lha ltacu iuuwii its steff and lie many reader orta of tba beet anleruiunsente id yeare wa given la tba church hare on monday night of last week her f r clarke tuede a very ettcletit chair men and tha following programme waa gives 1 opening eong by school chairmans addreae reclutioaa by beeala ulflgsbury 01g lloorr wesley klngebury charlie lambert uarfe- ltutk johnnie klugsbury kathleen miller robbie kingbury campbell miller laura lambert meek maud murray kingsbury krala crlppe beeale kingsbury mud cler lanthi eoloe by joe fryer mue mary mocaw eong by three girl flag drill by a elasa of girl aud boy end several rdlaloguea selection on tba jirenia- i pboua and choruuw by tba school ae usual baitta claue appeared at tba close to make the children happy wltb many glfta the church waa crowded to tba doors aud excellent order waa maintained throughout mrandurjflwarrenmueuslen and meetcr fred spent cbrlstmae at a family gathering at tr warren toronto mr charier a g hattbewa of tvroiitn who bae spent the past elx inontha in the north wast waa bare for christines mr thomas scott jr of youngs town ohio ur thomas scott ur of jelr and mlwe mary cooper oleu- wllllainu were guests of mr ifibt kcntt bower avuiiih mr aud mrs w u kuuuey and mreaix sprowl were at brauiptort lasitjvediiesday encoding the funeral of mr samuel bayeou holiday vlultatlunu were ntiuuirour to and from town of which thu vhku pliluui reporters gleaned the follow ing mr wltllaiiiscultfiiiait of heiur mr jack chapmuti was home from toronto mlu kiu mcpheruon wau home from toronto mr reginald guntou wen home from toronto mr and mrs mokechnle and daugh ter toronto miss klrpatrlfik ofhalt visited her mother here mr frank mavlll of the mercbante bank oakvllle mr aud mrs j n taylor were here from tdsonburg mlaadora worden vlulted her brother at pergua last week mr aiuiik worden was at george town forobrlatmaa mr atldmru h mellon iipent christ- matt at galedon kast mr joe kennedy visited friends and relative in toronto mr john h moore and misa lottie a mooa of toronto mr heber wllllainn of berlin waa home for tha holiday mr thomas hose visited frlaud at st thoniae last week i mr john l moor of the gaxalts burlington wae borne mr and mr nell mcdonald hexel and jean were in kthet mr and mr- ii r wansbrongb win here from guelpbv misa bertie smith visited toronto friends during tha week mr and mil u tl storey of toron to visited aetna relatives ml tna mo art bur or toronto wae home ror chrlsimav ur tiiui henderson la home from i sudbury for lha holiday i uiih it bandon want to hvr home at tedgar t ir the hollduye mimluiu somervlli uf london la thw guest of aetnn frleuda mr d swaekbamer le hre from toronto vlulilng relallvre mr jatoee hall of toronto waa a guet at hi father bom mrj aud mr kb gear spent chrut- tnae with relative in krld uli margaret kennedy of george- j town kpent cbrlumeu bere miee delena hayward waa borne froot toronto for chrlumaa mr irved smith of the metropolluu 1 bank uauilltof wa baeoe mr angus kennedy kid daugbur were here from uraevbrldge mr vied a macuau of tha mer chants bank waa la detroit mr and mrs j a mekecbem of 1 guelpb wre here for obrlsteiae ui kule and myrtle dilla of to ronto are home for the holiday mr t bvay of toronto fcpt sever al days in town during the weak mre l o matthew and wl myrtle and mlldr1 of toronto mr jamre b kaly of hamilton spent chrmmea wllb fruoda here mr il garvin and mue garvin epat the hotldey with toroato friend mr aoj mr donald ucuti at guejpb were brvedurlngthebulldaye mr hiij mre buiby or nlgra valla were guite at ur bobert walsoae ur end mr vraib melntch and mr an mr roy melbtuh of orlllte mr euduikjoafl klyenj fm ii y of haoilltoo 4wutcbuuuasbre mr and mta p j smith of wlnnl- pg end ulse quseua salth of tor- onto u ejid mre k j moore euj joe- siyu of torooto are guate at moore- crolt mr v wiuieum of actou mde ouelpb frleode a weekad vuitv met- eury mr oladitoae utubad and file bessie huehaad were houa from to ronto mr oarloe wlllufai of hault ste maria vuted hie fatbere boeee thle week mre i hornby and children of nerval vulted acton frund last wek mleesueaonab wailaca le spending 1 the holiday wltb frunda at ulytb and ripley mr and mre brant swaekbamer of toroato were at ex warden hwaak- bamar mr joseph crlppe of toroato spent chrutuea at hla eutera mis o he- laugbllri ur and mr itaymond morrow of cubruge vulted misa ada sotur vllleustwek v mr and mr tbouue kbbage and mleakhbege spent obrutmaj wltb fruude at berlin mwesra joseph and jamea mulbol- tend of georgetown spent obrlstwaj at their home bare mr austin swaekbamer waa at parry bound but week visiting bar deter mr leavens mrs ale kauwbuw mue jeeale and mr obuholm of went toronto vulted acton ftlenda i mr aufue kanoady aud hu daugb 1 terteua of braaebrldge spent ohrlat wee wltb frleuda bete mr aud mre wm mcleod and cblldran of toronto were gueet of tha mlseee ifgwtborue mr alva stafford of st tbomaj rpene a day or eo but weea wltb i frtende lu tba old bouta mr a m stnltb waa home from to- uito aud spent the holiday wltb hi mother at lalrvlaw place mre w a stewart and misa stelu have beau spending the holiday wltb with relative in rochester mr and mre vernon woodward and babe of st wkllletum were guteu of mwu a p smttb lake avenue mr david p brown of kreklur alberta arrived lu town but week to make an extended visit wltb relative mr wlllum waldle jr i hoavt front manitoba aud will spend a month oraowllb hie father alan waldle k14 mr and mra raymond morrow of uxbrldge vulted mr thomea somer- villa last week on their honeymoon tour mr fred mclaughlin of twunto spont diristmes at bl borne uu uinthr returned to tha city for a few da- mr and mrs thome gregory of piean n y were chrlstmaa gtiesu of their eon mr il l gregory cburob birtel hxuvai hauov aflfr several ntoiithb nf poor health from hrart trouble mr namuul ray- son of brampton eon in itw of the lain john kenney aoion passed away vry suddenly ut hu home m week ago but moitdy hv was born in huffolk rug slktyelght yeareago lor thirty yeare he was official bell- rlngtr and caretaker of tba town hall hwwaa also for twenty year janitor or th dominion rank h waa a most faithful cfl1o4r in his early married life uriiayu waa for wouih time a resident of acton mr hayseu is survived by his widow ona eon william with the copeland chatter- eon co toronto 1 and four daughters mr wm bartlett brampton i mr williamson niagara palle 1 mlsa ray- son and mis winnie at home mitu roiikurtiiohlaiw a alight stroke of paralysis following many yeara of falling health leaultad in tha passing away of margaret ritchie widow of tho lata robert thompson on tuesday december ifltb el the home of her son john i i thompson lot 23 con 1 ksqusslng deceased wa a daughter of the lata roltert ritchie and was born at walerdnwn in iflw when but a child she cama with her pa rent a to nassagaweya in 18a2tbo married her lata husliand and they settled at car- glllsmthe thlrtythreeyeereagotbay moved to the farm where the died her husband predeceased her ten yeare ego there wre seven children in tha family all of whom survive 1 wl ham john and jamsa and missmaggle in kiqiirelntf t jnepb and mra john moor in onolplifand mrs thoa webb rmen mill thsy were all at tbslr uiothsiu ltld when she passed away during lite years of her active life min thompson was a haul- work ing woman and a kind obl neighbor she wae for many year n member of knox church acton the funeral on thursdaylsh waa ronduc led by her pastor uv j o wilson b a uu of br old mend and ifelgbhoraatedepajlbeariei mhuuhl alexander waldle thorns s arthurs thomai story william mullln john sralkerend duncan hedougall the remalna were laid at rest in the family plot in puirview cemetery acton watajgleaerorth laoppoeedl by john aunarhsim tunaoao mciistiinicbu ron bavurv the nomination hireling in rfiirr- log on monday was inte of the imtltut ever held at btewarttown 1ereonal- itlea were freely indulged in the old council went hotly scored for tbslr llberul policy in itonustng the construe- tlnn of wvre fvnnlng which cost the towhshlpufj4 h thu waedutrlbut- ed among aenree of rutepayars of tha township in sum of got iso for 210 rods to john bingham one of the aspirant for the reaveehlp to gl13 for 4j rohe to john sharp the nomination for tha varloua positions were a follows 1 rickvu ceo wrigttueworth and john bingham dwurv tline cove jamea new ton and jamea brown cotmctlioiu alex joe william oleavee jamsestandub jatnee lind say dan reed john klllott j w l hampshire jamee mcmillan aud j russell several of those nominated for councillor have declined to stand kum i huuvu alex maklnnon k t lurlwr and km marshall diuurv wuy jeseop eeel ooukcilifoiih rhenexer beewlcb jamee blnnleend joe benham accl ouultii mavokmeyor carter and aid j y carter itisalli right omfort soap it you want comfort- use comfort soap positively the largest sale in canada slcr hogvjeachfjsa ea not reused by anything wroeg in the hed butby conmldetiod bulotnv- ae end ladlaestlon ilsadacbe powder or tablet may deaden but cannot cure them dr morse indian fceot rslls do cure hick head ache m the mrujble way by rcrnovlag the eonrdpatiort or sick stomach which teueed thefd dr aaereee induua root ptu are purely vege- table free from ny harmful dug safe and sure when you feel the h coming take dr mosr3 m vkaiik root pill you get bilious bceuia your liver is lazy you gsl a buloue attach whn your liver vsfuese to da it work tha btl dose not flow you become constipated pood soure huteed of digesting you have that bluer aa gall taste tha atoniach becomse inflamed and inflated turn skt vomiting and vlolsnt hsadache the beat preventsiive end cure for bilious nets la chamberuina tablets they make the liver do he weik strengthen the digestive organs and restore to perfect health tic a bottle all dealer e and drugaula or by mall ceewurlshi eaeeueue ceyaay teresae 0 chamberlains tablets oitaiwajokfsy rjoajmmaue tba snow storm last wek mje iood suighjhgcr chriamai but the wbeu are ruetileg agsie among the chrutmai vuitore te aed from here we aotked 1 ur and mrs george bern vaur- loo et mr john crwia ur and urt w j vaanorouui cujpb at ur j oawuea ur hku urewe ciwlpb at the p reataj heme mr ead mre jatnee gamble went le buffalo ur jo crmd cueioh and ur1 end mr albert gtechedeoe uhted were at ur u crewoa a george l aud john a detajwr ef cheihem vlaltodat their iterete beaie ovrcbrlitieijul ur jamea uartlno chatham vuiuj bu euel urs heery dmpe derlag the week mr percy wood of campbell nil vulud f rudde here during the wwk 108 nox a gold m onb day stoveii polish row bmaimiess black khd l0htne3su3e 1ight itu hum rriimbu cougli una cou unnnarjaauauaduaaaaat r noble 1 wuk vi mil a j kmitshy ud ujut wbw vum a p i tikblu kowajrrr i yhe ft dallkv of lto hjuuilyqhouf1 mo root mtt people woujj l benefited by tba occa- eional uadby maerer bxrvt nou vt i big mhlu g e is represented in these itema in daily drctu 5 s ncceksitiea take the hint buy now b g sweater coats mufflers lined gloves g g stanticldu underwear shirts ties arrow g b collars 2 for he cashmere socks and hole- s g proof hosiery g g headquarters for everythlug in the way of g g mens dress accessories and wearing apparel g b r e istelison a s w8e metropolitan bank take notice jaues l wabjutn iuwaou aauuatjiiuaijnkavhmri x cadesky the wellknown eyesight specialist of toronto will ba at sir e s bjeai grocuy btoton monuay january bith office hours gjo a m to 5 p m j evenings by ap pointment only anyonesuflering from head aches eyestrain or defects of vision should not miss this opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist consultation free clij w fi fio lwrtcotl60 this bank extends the seasons greeting to all patrons wishing them a happy and prosperous new year vuiaum1 bank of i rillbt m j wooaia trw o u tuoureau st c wiw w wdainmatat qtdutu u ft jahtaej wvulat afu john swerraettklbc bmi w b hoeeat w 0 hosaaj oeoeeeu wtia tfg worktarfor oibm tub mo wtia loot latn we f utur atul ttktun titnuaulbaewurxm tsw f to ut hi vuku will slwy u dnwu uaua hi fow ubthu huron hlu hut 8vlu i uot hiut uim jhnuu tu ttirtdi asm l0mhut0m uut mflulnu day a you podootu oru- n bud mcnum jiut t muy more dsy will yoo b woihlak o otlmm ou dallir will onsu a uvlug ucoubt wllh thu bjak ud lbs hlsbut le ol ourrast isuns wlu b oradlud ttvary ux ratitbii ceowietown branch w n sinn atuuw 5 10 and 15 cent store wfe are enlarging our stock every week bo it wi py you to call on us and inspect our new lines you do nor hae to buy fust come n and look around visit ouk stationery dbpahtubni and she the special values oo not forget the ou favorites wilsons chocolates h wiles mill st j acton our earnest than are extended for the liberal patronage accorded to us our profit in the holiday salesgives us grateful satis faction and we have reason to hope that the advan tage ol your purchases gives you the same feeling will you accept our sincere good wishes for a happy and prosperous new year actons jslectric cho m chopping rolling done daily satisfaction guaranteed flour akid feed for sale gfceo d pringle ttuelphb f caldwoll acton

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