Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 1, 1914, p. 4

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wayofl nioiit w count lliu iiioiiltinlu mw llu y iiuu- theold vrlliau itllir olrtttllllbhliu lit hwml aimui haw hm lit liriu im tin thy ihuhi wltllwuhlul dwrtlllimittll willi ilnih unit it fi tl tlivwull it tin i t1 rhl ntit im in i t in ill iii yarrow rot wit oil liuuty won and vry ilt oil ii lib i ml our soiila with dm pn rumtiuirirutlrrfd hwt wmin nntif innr wo unit itteltattt prsyir in find hlhiwf who bills llu im nf chtwr ktlll trusting iii lila dulless tnv ormt thus the qimii new year 1 david livincttuue lliu fatuous afri can explorer mill mluuloiuiry cue bail klnoxilnr encounter with n wounded lion that ultuost put uu cud to tbo ox plorers roniuiknblo cnroor before it had fairly lectin uut tlio atory taunt ik unfamiliar to many poreoue who hove uoor trend dr lu itijimtouo e book tbo udvonturo occurred while ho was llvlim iiinong tba ttakatlas uot far from tbo proaetit town of uafe- ling this account la from hi own bamtllre the pooplo of uabotaa warn trou bled by lloiia which leaped into the cattle pen by night nod destroyed their milk nud draft animals they ou attacked llw bards boldly by day hfitit nad ulthoujjb uvnl expeditious ncafnst the wild boasts wer plauned tbo pooplo bail not ui courage to eer- ky tbein through successfully it is vn1l kuowit tliut if one la troop of lions is kttlod th other uave that part of tha country 1 therefore want out with tho people to help tbem destroy oiw of the maraud we found the miltuola ou a staatl bill eov and with tree the men formed round it id a clrcto nod uredaally cloud up uelug batow on tbe plaid with a uayvaschool waster uautd lia bdlw i wwbh0 tuo lion hitting oa a place of rock mallei w tirad at hla and tba ball bit tbe rock tb lion bit at tba spot as a doff doun at a fctkk or atoim tbtowu at blm aud tluiu udplaa away broke tbrousb tb etc cu uud uopod tba daltatlai oujjbl to bao kpiard blui lu ula autupt to bt out but thoy wr afraid wbii itio clrclj wan mfonujd we taw to otlititf llona in it but darj bot flr lt w abould sboot aom of tb hofii the baabi burt tbrouffli tba him and as it was evident llto bin eodld uot fac thlc fo w turod baek toward tb vllloc it eojaff rouml th ond of tbo bill 1 aaw a llod btttlno ou u ple of rock about thirty yard off with a little wall id froot of blm i took eood aluj at blm tbrodsb tba bub aiut flrud botb bdrrtu th bun calld out ha u abot b u tholt otlion irlcl lat us no to himf x aaw tbo lion u tall oroct la aujr ated fcld fllcp a lihli ill v cij atabir i waa lo tba act of rautnlutf laowst tba boluta wba i board a afcobt aud loouutf half round i taw tb ikm la tba act of atrliifiltitf at hm ua caefibt to by tba sbouidw aud wr bfrtb nm to tb erotld 0tbw growllna borrfbly ba shook uuo unte aas dooa a rat be abnclc rro ad a atupor like that f by a fcoaaa id tbo eip of tba cat it eausod a aort of drahitotea la wbleh tbr wa bo uam of rata or fotllajr of to- ror altboujib i n fjult eooadoaa ok iwhdt wnj bapiumlnff tbla placidity la probably tvoddc id all animal itllud by tba camlyom ud f ttd it la m iatlful pcovulon of tba crsatoa fw iamajiitf tbo vu of daalb a ba had ooa paw d tb back of toy hand i turnad round to ruva wy wlf of tba weight and aaw bu joa dlroetad to ifabalw wbo waa alralajf af bint from a diktats or taa o tit ti yarda th sun muad tliv in botb hdrrola tbo imltda lmuadlataly utt bi to attack blm aud bit bu thlfib atiothw man wboaa llfo 1 bad uvod fttttr ba hnd immii toad by a buffalo trd to apwir tba lion upoa whkb ha turuod frotd uabalwa and attltod thu fivali too by tba abouldtr jit that uottiauptlio imhou tba baae bad rwcohd1 took uffoel and ha fall down tluid tliu hhola waa tba work of a ftw iimtiiaiitti and rauat have bdtin bl pnroxywui nf dylns fmte id ocdar to tala ont tha cbardi from hltd tiw itakntlau on ilia followlon dny uada a hneo boniitv ovr tba cakau wbkb waa dflclml to ba tba largawt ifmlda truocbltitt tba booa tatd anllutw lvrwi of bu toatb had nan atntted ilia uppur urt uf wy ana tha bltw of a uoti tvrioinhw a fttinahot woutkl it is couornlly fotloftwl by a itruat daril of alotiahliui uud iltuctiiiitra and avai uftomtml nalua ara fait p- klodkally ia tba part i bad a m uf uu jacket whkh i ballote wlpd off tha vlrua from tba tetli tbut ilrfv4 tba tfaab for my two companion lu tba hnvay hava both autfarad from tba uxoaj palna whit i have cacapad with tolly tba loeobranltinca of o faua jolat id tny urabi old china ttm boauty of old china la often da atrtyod by brown apot which appear on tba atlrfaca an ehvctlva way tt maddva tbaaa b to bury tlio dlah in tba aahb eovodnff it completely tb tfarttar apota raqulra man hue to ra- ttova thaw tfaau tha llfibtar otiaa thla taatbool wilt not barm tba moat dalk- uht ehujal naw yorit taltfrard unlvaraal ffcaa u on thoufibt which fotna ialiy to avaiy tnftu wnafrtbatr that b6tuhtf la too food for mtu tjhwo tlaaorovuarald i will find a way or l wtfl tuk ooavmf phlhp bidney tw jtaya waais btf atand tbalr family po- ixtijm asaioat tba walla wbli padda ajad paitwjf tbii boombold ooda ttm m ajraat dal of brokau sbiaav et and dauta tha drat tbluj fc ha dmta wban wovlnff lut yottt aaw baua ahottjd ba to haryr tba pteturaa ay dlaoa in ardar to gat tbam out of tba way without wajtlmt to cbooaa m arhawa of arnuuwdant twa will kswaatt ipwit dal of braakaf ausot atbaf unanaw rock trfasram ohaabaraw frirsrataaajdbyaoa5tobaiarary old eta whu otbara daelar it to b of eomaratlrla modam vtiglu fvnanea it eattta la ubaohitaly tin known tba ntpiu la uiaa eallacl draita aud tbw or mnuy variants uf itcuoaaa knalfb llh hpjin lalt italian odd rurlinb it la nia round aiooaft jita mulra ulbaa of tba lotattar of fcaw aaauodl ajaaio ovoouonai tin ii i i i f llu vp m lhwroh t re pi uiil hint i tyi fj vti lny mil ovuri nlulit ultlwiut our nxiiiilkliitf it if kioiti wtiru uiorv nbarviilit titid mro ncniutomed to think nlmiit lh liiuaiilntf of what they aa croiit itu- cotirlra would ba plantlfnl aa did monds in h kluibarley plp a tiinti mau to iuq uw otbr day xx but lu nil tlila rotor that i wbob k aquliit hy ya and look at an io- trl lluhtr i i rwpllud m u tha iraataat tw elntlini tlmt mnn haa vr bad in tha phllinl world it la apactrom analy im tour crowded ayalaabe bacoma on usiroiuinilcal inatrameat aud urut- lyxo tlio llfibt for yotl lata ita primary colom tho multitude of barrow fellta tbruiiuh which tha llffbt paaoa aa yob quint your yt act ilka a dlffracuod cratlua and cbnntto th direction of lb vnrhnis whvs of llfihfc in acoordanca with thrlr lenitth i lio nil wave aro lonif on tblr iiliu llioiihiiudth of an inch in lnfttb mill tiny khii on without much cbauaw of illndlon but tlievlout wavaa ara win re inn llflyvau tbouiandtb of uu im ii lii luuuili lifid tboy aro coriald irnll tmiiihl nut of ii ntntlebt una ml lliu ititorinedhtto wuvoj from o- nnyi lliraiicli yollou uraou blua atad in llu divrimih in lountli and nr inortr mid luoru tiirnod ublda aa tltay ml 1uirtr riu t- tiuaquanca la that j ii nth iliroimli your uaarly clocad otlmlio n luuid of colore which la imtliliiii hut mm fuuiotia apaetrubi of th uutmiiomiru ll tlio ill4covrr of that spactruni and flu n imiiiiiiu hint it d to w imii ran m nut ntnt tlio adii and tba utiiro mixi iiiiuw of i wry known ala- iiu nt uf innltir uhuu it la mitda to aliliu ihiu nut vuut laugth rxulur to ithulf hiwtrtmiatilc ltutrutudta nuira twrfvlt thtiu tha aylaaba rvaal ththmi hium1 il wn m in tha lujbt at tba aun and llta ufar nud by that rwla tlon tiddltla utj to dtwt tba incdbdw- rant llouda itiipml of llt bot va para of iroti iopimr iilrkal pkhnttm carbon cnuluiu utulluiii aitd tuaoy otbv aubataiica ubkh uow lu tba atnihphfer of tbi beavnly bodies w and tu tblfiit lu atari fc rur away that tblf until may ruulrw ijouo ytn to ionia to u althouob it laa with a apaad of lbdjloo tulka pw awmnd look around you wbati you utei- u brilliantly llnhtad pahor wllb cryttnt ehabdalura bjinfilatf from tba rvllliut tba myalarioua apoltrum i1ihui nt od front a bundrod dlrwctlouo lit tnico tha ilau cryatala of tba miniumler h aua kpactrwcotea ami tuny to aftrato tba varloua eolorvd wav thodsh 6d a aoniirwbat dltfriiit iwln- cbla thay act botaadltfractlon tfntt liaaa but aa prutdfl but tba affwt ik taaarly tha aatna wlu llflbt co through a hruat tba rad wavea ora imii hmit odt of tbalr couraa than tba or- ans tba 6mha iwa than tba yallow tha yauow lu than tba etacn tba intd iwa than tba blue tbo blua lu than tha lodltfo and tba ludlao la than tba vlout tba kteult u that what waa wblta mcbt wltb all ur wava lotartdtagud wbau it cbtvrod tha feaiaot tsmiaa out la boautlul ihaataa tt olw a aloitlar ttfatt la brodoead by tbo twvaud ada of a mirror or tba fdcts tdt a p4c of cut claaa bllttarlas on a dhuar tabla tba badbty of wala dapanda au tbabr kotroscplc powara vry traaparwttt bubaubca baa ita own la x of rafraction which lueona ira ttteduay twr of turoluji debt wavaa tha dlainoad as tba kins of katna potmaaaa tbla powar lo tba high aat dattraa oallldtr tba rafrsctua in dax of air 140 that of qlaaa la front ll to ltf juicordlflff to us daualty whua that of tba dutosd u 24f thla tmopvty furuuhta a ttadd of datactluff tba oddluanaaa of ttod tdklntf advuntasa of lla hhjfa rafrnctlv powar and abaplbfl ita faehi aecordlafily tba jawahf can vaatly loeraaaa tba brilliancy of a did tnond by pmt cnttlbtf ita can brliitf aboot tntavnal rvtlactloua that mako tba kfcod bteiu aa if ita atotna wera ail ehra tba kbidttaaf of colora lu an opal la lhoa ta tba aidatanea of lavudbly oil bbta fiaaaraa wbkb apllt up tba llftht wivm aud acattar tbjr buaa la dall feat tataraliiftud rdhtbowa matara baa baau doing tbaaa tbluaa for thodmnda of yara in plain tight bafara uaa found out that lui could tba brladpla ou wukb aha tctd to uucovw tha aacrata of tba uulvaraa vary llkaly aba la elvtatr ua many oth r wjaiahy valttabla lilbta which wa ara allil too alopld to ubdarataudiarrtt 1 sarvua la hpoliaba fipokafcdana vlww unviiarwarthy r l ulad j rafuaad that man llw uajruatworiby u da you any thatf ufa vowad ba would plu away and dta if i turned tabu dowa aud tiaw look bow tut ba hjuj brdwu -taula- vllia oourlarjotirnal ijnv fa a gdrdaa avary tbotipht la a atd htalwhatwaaowwavaap uattlt yvaar uuadan taoula wbo taaka a ahow oh eradlt aaldooi uuka cradltabta bbowlhg corna ajra eautad by tba utaaauva nf tlflfht liooba but no naad ba tmublad wltli tbam ioiik when so almpla a raiaady ua llollnway a cora cure u available hiaj abvamiraah facatloua dmtot to avtlaol tlia nleturaa on tha walla ara your falluraav 1 wuppoaa t dyapaptla artist i yaa thats whara you rtootora bava iha pull ovav ua you eui jmryjyouw wiiph your liver if ii it uta stow tr ftrplal iipfiiiyiirtiniiitf mlfum lox4jvr raisa a laay alow o toftod uvar la a tmlbla aftjktloa as it holds back tba bile wblcb la requlrrd ta tnova tbo bow and fela it into tha blood lultad tkua camlnt coaaunaaiody catarrh of the iltotrtacfa sick lidklache laasoor pain under the ttlaht bjtdudrr tte mr mcalay bauhrooka uuilc sta- tlonl wtlbja po asvaral yaara i bad laata troubled wltb pajaa la tba liver haave had tncdicuta frotti uvcrol doctorabuwaji only relieved lor a thaa by then t then tried milburna tau- uvtk xilla td t haw bad m troubla with my lrwtv alnoe i caa boocatly rtcohimertd tbtd to every peraoa who baa llivtr troubla mflbuma idjxauvef mils ai suto l vi ajl or a viaujor si do nt oil dealer castor i a ttbo kind vcu wnvo alnrayat boabt and trhlctt kum immii uae tiov ovor bo yoa hn bonmi tho alffnautnze of f auid iwa hocrk riiodo multii hla xsr- orinl miimvlaloa alnco tlmlufhricy allow ti oitn toilocalvoymt lu thla all oonnrlviilh imitation mulofimuntnoml bat kvixirlmeittd that trill o wrltli mitl tumlriniro tho lutalth oft xntamta and chlklrou ksxperteneo ttraluat uiporlmoai what is castoria ctaatorlo la a hfurtxiloaa aubatltuto fbr coatot oil laurav gforlo jr4iu nud uiwthlitn bjira it la kluuutt it contiuuu iioltltnr oitliun moaihln toor oiltar nrtrooilfl mubatatioa i tit ttff im ft trtuwnuitv it drtatnya worms tttd olio m avovorlahnoauu it ouroa iiarritoa tuul wind oollo it anllovom woothlnn vroublctaa curoa coiwupailoa auid kvlutiilaucy it aaaltulltut tho food ywtiuuoa tb tuomocu tuid wowla wlvlnn healthy tuid wnturrtl kloop- the oltlhhroua xnmmett x mothoira atrloiad qbnuinb castoria atwav8 i btrniu tha blgnattua of the kind you have always bought in uae for over 30 years pimples are efe soil kttapua art cauwd by tba blood betas out of ordir thoaa uttta ftrid sora apfwajr ou tba forehead od tha boa ort tba thla and other part tba body and altbouth tky ara uot a unttoua trouble tty nra very unhjibtly to botb yod mbd your mtibi tbera la ooly oia way to let rid of tbttd and that u to purify tba blood uurdock tllood bltura u wuhoat a doubt tltc bit rndedy od tba tdarkat fat this ruupou wtd 1 donahue jr hamlltod oat wwitt- about six months v little sou a face was literally covered wuh pldiiiua i trud evy urparatlod x was told of by ray riedda but ut ku avail boon i thought i could bot lava ibcid fixed up add would hava to wall and let hi id grow out of tbti but hanks to ii unlock it load blttcra uwy re all gone aud i fladly rcommod it to anyone llunlock lllaad ulnars is uauajac tureil tolcly by the t ullburd co- limited toronto out uisttiafcimd wjcaohrtlohat naw yaava reaolatloaa hava falud lato dufavor lu omrtaln quahata for tba raaaou that tba kuami baa baan aplud to a tri6dl aadtlataatailty with uo baakboaa or will to kaau it raot tba oomlok of tba kaw yaar briaga to moat uaobla kvjprwt fok waat- ad obdoatdduufti aad a atlr of auobluott to nika tba yaav to doom kaora wovtby bat tbla flicks of ulngud aatjrmtloa aud buullutlou la uo bmta a vaaolutloa than an aooim la an oak r ona way grow out of tha othar but that la aa much aa you nan say at any una of yav kaolutlou la aa dua ft tbloa aa aaui ba found all anhlavamaat daoaoda upon it otuu axtar la ita twodnat laobla who aaaar at naw yaava raaolntlona slnibly fall to uaa tbair tanua eorraotly tba thing tbay laugb at tba rtaab of a bat- t burtmtaa whloh dlaa away in m waak c a tootitb at tba lonftwat u not a r- aolutlott at all for tba pttrpoaa bora on naw yea day krowlnc aa tba waaka paaa aud llftlak tha ufa ta a blhar taval uo oaa eaa havaanyutlnk but honor harrejiitaaleives wat so bad aha caum mat suep- to tboae wbo tlt lu a idud ol a way but wboaa rt u broken bto by faarltd tbcabdi buhtmarcav aiakbbddaaabiher- dar atomuoui wbd waka ut tba ntonuas aatlredaawbadthay wut to bad wa can recosuxicdd aluburda heart add na ihua uy taklair tbcdt ayou can hava youy ou pwcetul uotlarhad rarcab bur bleep back again xlr chai tcel ilordcaaua oat wfiiu just a few unea to let you know what miluurua heart aud nerva wu did for me my heart and uetvta wete ao bad i could not ateap aod tba least hoim or eadtetueut would tnaka me feel ho that i used to think x wai aouut ta dw and i would tretahla tuiij 1 could hardly utaiid i took dbcbva roetllclitc but it did not do ma ntucb ttood at but i tried mlllhirtia heart odd ncrva iwa and i can certainly aay tbay did me a sreat amount of good t can re- cottihiend tbeiti to anyone who la fcttfl- lrt as i waa milburna heart mid nerve ihtls are rov iter itov il hone lor ii 211 at all ilcnkra or thalled direct oh racelot of iwlco by the t muburfl co limited toronto out a bomrmeooklrtaoultjl for eamp- rt fold i da- eotdiat anouh to ba eatrrlad in a coat pukfct haa bt invantad au auatrallau baa bawd fcrabud auotlad btataa bataat for a brooma fo tramabuhtldtf iniuk hair uoou baubaja ona of tha ewuxuddot oombulala of lalanta la wands atu tba btot ffo- tlva abolbjatlon for tbatn u altb qravaa worm uutmmlamtb uu wbw baoautasluau tbara waa murtdlurf tootai only lit tba subway ear add tha two young wobwd prml la vain for a aaat just watch taa gt oaa tha prat tlar of tha two wblpd sba ap- broaehad a tlrd bualaaaa uuut wboaaoaa waaln bu uanar why ursoiltb bow do you dor you tra qulta a atraagar will i aaewpt yoar asdlp oh thaak you w moou with a waileloua adilla tha man doffiad hla bat file dowa no my um ba said hava you baau ilt t i haar you dldn t call for our wash tbla waak i aud nor crlmaonad wblla tha ear tltlarad thrl oef- muhi mrodti pramlar aaqulth of baglaad anv bloyaa woman aaoratary in addltlaa to tba van wboara on bla utaff aa oh of maitdr tbodiaa kclao trio oil la not a jumbla of madlolna ubataaoaa thrown togathtr knd rtuah- ad by advartulua hut tha rasult of tba uuraful invaatlgatlon of tha etirallva qualltlaa of cartala nlla aa applied to tba human body it la a raraeomhlna uon and it won and kapt bubllo favor from tha flrat a trial nf it will carry oonvlfltlon to any who doubt ita power to repair and haal iderr hohtttiiiho voi hih aanitntryiiimii hpiillad tii a unllotnr fiirlfff wdvlea after in lutd glvan tha elrflumhtaneaa nf tha eaaa ilia lawyar askad if ha had atatad tha f4ela avaouy aa they had oooiirrad oh ywmt air rapllad tha applicant i thoufthtilt bast to tall you tha plain truth you can put tha ilea in it your children oty rob rietchcrs castoria j tha works ol tba moat high are hie beat w6rd it la a uvar pill many of tha alt mant that man baa to contend with hava tbelr origin in a disordered uvar which la a delleata organ uaoullajrly suaoaptlhle to tha duiutbaaoaa that noma from irregular bablta or leak of eare la eating or drinking thla aoounu foe tba great many uvar reguutore now preeaed on tba alien- tlon of auffarare of tbaaa tbara are nona auparlor in parmalaaa vagatabla lllla tiialr operation though genii la affaetlva and tha moat dalldata can uae tbam if any a live wire geta shore circuit a severe cold settled on her lungs lira geo murphy speaor out writes i have hod o lo use dr wooda norway pine syrup and tau tay it moat certainly is a wonderful medicine teat winter tay little lrl just a yar old took a severe cold which settled ou her lung i tried evoythlat aud waa almost in despair when by chance i feed of dr wood s norway isue syrup aud decided to try it i tot two bottle and as soon as i started to use it i could tee it waa taking effect i teve her three bottles lu all and they completely cured her dr woods norway isaa syrup la a universal remedy for sufferer front bronchial trouble couihe and colda of ail kinds juroachlua sore throat hoeraeaeie croup asthma whdopldg couh and throat aud lung trobblea dlaappear quickly alter a few doaea hava beau taken it wui ltop that dubrttlag tlckliflg aeasatloa in tba throat which cause couthlug aud keens you awake at night pike 3so large faidlly alae 60c put up a a ydlow wrapper threa plae beea the trade mark tdantifaetured only by tb t muburu co umliad tortttto oat attiuad lubttltutta a otmvm arw tha prokparoua hare loiiiiulnu mi tlid tomico of the lonttlntf holil in lliu faablonolil uutrrlliu lllniv uulllllllu tholnuulvou it wiin ii ill lunlllci iii lift rno4iu lurlmmly wua liially good jomihjtml mill lhiiitrlhukil in the m oral air of moll fnl tohtiiiiltiuuit mi i then tho wouian put li uu upliuir atica viv a moment ulioatood on tho utone atopa that im1 up t tho ttrruco itihl tallnif the prouporuuu uiiimki lit lior nud wondorotl why ahv wuh l lit hi tboy proluihly ilnuulllwl bur uu oiu of tho roatwctahlo whr tbs wotaau toiiltl inn illnuulw tlm fact that aha wns in troilblu of w m aort elba advaum lipou lliu pnm poroua ami ylaucod timidly fmiti fiuv to face thau unthtirlus bee foiiruuu lu both bands abo walked rlaht tmiut thbtu into tba veatlbuto of tbo hotul a little hura of apecufattou ahuia tliero waa lio doubt about it jhvy found tbo womau intoraatlntf wonder what a worrying barr- uu ono porbapa aha thinks or puitlnu up and la a lie doubtful about tlm rul alue raebld a would ba wit the cold etara wltb wblcb hla remark wan received told blm that it was iouuld rad to ba lu decidedly bad teslu aa a fact tba proaperoaa wore inclined to feol ayupatby for tba womau they bad bea well fad aud it was a nugnldcvttt afternoon also tbay were geaalnaly curloua soon aba cam oat ajtala lookluu mora dajectad than avar uba loobeil around aa if for a use publb mean of aaau but dsdldtf bona atroda thw barauly forward my good womea yotaaatd ta ba in troubla caa i do aoytblngt it wma tba tdriy military looklnu taua la tba tenmc wbo apoka apoke fcrdflly aa on wbo la la tba liablt of doldg favora abreeloualr tha bo bmoua tbougbt it a thba daring hut tbay wwr acrtly alad aud they lb tattd no air tkabk you awplud th w0tou and than aba ballad bo words by a mumvd aou i ilfa botbldg airothldg at alt aba added tba military looking maa roa rroui hlaadt hava tba goodikeaa to taka that chair ba bald barvcaptorlly bd 111 be tba troth i hava no doubt that ahall ba abu to tualrt yod wbu aba had partly tompod bar lf k womau aummrd put iwr atory wltb tba aid of mueb prompt lag fv3cu bar companion i am a widow a color aernaant lu tba wabth oraya my huabaud was t tat lodging id tba town tlira waa u gantlaoiaa ealud coloael iforriah boardad la my booaa algb ou tj meetbe bald bvd tmy ma aa soon aa hla divldaoda or tomathbi cama u at tba half yar 1 managad to bold out abd gave blm tha good labia aa b waa acetis- totoad ia though it uaaat owlatf tba landlord bat i d do anythmg to have tba gadtry hi my bouaa tcb proathfoav mbrmorad ayupa tbeileaiiy jlast bafora tba ahe mooiba waa ap ba bald had hava to coma aa fefaay at thla bofcal to meet oaa of tba director wbo waa going to pay him hla moaay au bow they tall ma that tbara barer waa no oaa bare by tba name of colo nel uorruh aaovaadtha bauttr oocde into niy hoaaa tsda bmanln aa thaytl taka all my foralfare faa tha u i owe tha landlord fwalya poundar rapaatad tba mili tary looldng maa if a haaitatad and tbaa fnmbiad la hla poekat tall daah it bar la tt toward it and hie voie waa gtatfer than avar ita glared ferotly at th meek utile bub by hla aide who promptly begaa tba inamhhag twacaaa toeovarhk eoa fuaioa other aunhlad too aad at tho and ef a rwipla of urtimfrr tha us was tbara fieaat tva it air 1 nudatn doat talk uka a focll thttndared tba military looking maa thtt homa and pay oat tbebi- ufm tata that aveaug hi a room in tba poorer quarter of tba town tha wo man waa fingering tba sovereigns that tea qold to tba good any bawr aba aald romptacently where abaluwa try iwntf dont know old girl llut i was thlauliur or llrifihtou it waa tha military looking man wbo aaawaraovloadoa ana ware children oty ror fletchers oajstoma xltar 10 yeare with aatluaa dr j d kellogg atlhma ramady prov ed tha only relief for huh grateful uaer aud tbla la bat ona mira among many little wonder that it has now brebme the ona ivtingiiikmd ranisdy on the market it imw earned ita fonia by ita never falling tffailvnaia it la aam lag it today us it has dona for year it la tba greatest asthma specifta with in tba reach of suffering humanity dblayfed oueaa llrowib will ba gattlog mar ried now hat baa bought tha house he been saving up tin so long not yet t hagotahnuaaan far out lo the eubtub that be lias to save up fo an uto apareprlate did you bear that tlwt poor fellow who loat both bbt left la au automo bile accident intends to ro lato poh- tlcar no how caa ha without a leg to laud finr oh ho aipeefa to go on tba atuun dudfl whan you know a ihlue malatata thnt you know iti wtwn you do oat ullmowledgu your iguomara-ootifa- elua u taatlmg hla ralth uncle well hobby what did you leant ut acbool today 7 hobby 1 learn ed that tho world is round and turns en blua uka that aloha la tba u- brrtry daola wall what da you think or that luobby1 tbluk unela tbay are asking ma to believe a good deal for a email boybl paul ftc- traaa r j ii laeutt ta lajury lira wombat hi hlauly lodlgaant bfer bousa waa robbed i baar ve and tba next night tba txnglau brought back bar silver plated war plttaburgh post plaakurca mnlir ona sort and buy bat mtt tiuppbtww iliipplnaas la an itrahng aa ava iilr tha uae or sfulera worm powder inureabajby children ao f ar as tha ailments attribute to worms are con cerned a high mortality among children la traceable to worms- tbaaa sap tha strength of infante ao that they ar unable to maintain the battle for ufa and suoaumb to weakness tbla preparation give promise of health and keep it ajondon baa a hotel whleh la exclu sively for tba use of children and run by a woman castoria ifer inluliul oulbm lbkmymttmrmaajjf beara th signature of pots pans and dishes panahlne really hau no equal 1ft the kitchen you uhould not trout to hot water and oonp to remove greane and all traced of the lant meal n cooleery it ion t wife uae pan shine it makcu poto clean and uweet tin illc ailver paint hke new panshine b i a pur vtilln powjer with no dltm tntl wiuttim iuc tilt grand trunk rail wav iaumunokl toalmt t iii wi u id i iii iu kl wit loll i htlt hmmwhhhhhhhwhhhmhwhhhhhhhm m m w h h m m m w a h h m h a h a m m h a s tofie empire typewriter at visible wrltlnkperfoot allgnaontllghtnlnk esoapment endurance speed ah uil ly iii c i r c n r lluuk nr montreal uorcliauln hank koyul itanli mnrthcrn ctnwn kanb miulit ihrtclnrii ltd uoll tclc- liona co etc u31i in canada ttlrforo aav lstut nlut ba paid iu duty ou all oilier malta ii coal you nolkum lo try ottl lia kttirtf ta your orik cmlr wiluahs manofacturlng company ltd maialauabi wtils woiaiulaal o hathhmhmhmwhhmhwhmhhmmhhhmu the merchants of canada bank thrift la rirhtly described an eco nomical management a shrewd basincsa man is spoken of as thrilty because he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but tlio real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an account with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oalpf mb paid up vre4v00 hksunvas vuhd es01bo acton branch f a maclean manager fr- jujx gbwwf warmest kind for cold weather toughes horsehide will never be found because the beat is used for storeys gloves and gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and rflnl fireproof the best working gloves on the ohibb9 market sold at ol otores insist on storeys consc1gntious plumbin heating is pot k tutvth uleith us to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor ut with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec si guklph pbone 337 winter shoes clinom your shns from our itipaib hock wlvr you tiavs so many ahapaa sad tl tal a innk si llw thoa in our window sn i rl iciiml will lb aaw hyu in our wlmloui wf cm show bui a uw ol ouruuit but thou altowu will slva you sn lda ol whit our mock ii lit j we now hava a lit iwodrttaol of i lh irada 1 rvca w wtliams tsvw home a oood 8rio mill street acton riaaoaooaaoaadnu rockwood chopping mills i all chopping will be i done speedily and well 1 on plates or stone b i flour oatmeal i bran shorts the best at lowest j prices harris tv co mockwood limllcj ont maaaanotjannaatjhet rct0n j jltexb x bus lin the uaderelfbed respectfully sollclla tha patronage ot the pub- lie and latortda ibam thai well btaulbbael sum wtyltab atlgf can always be tecured at bis atablaa a comfortible bus meats all iralas benaead 100 a m aad otg p at careful aiuailoa ivea to every order the wants ol coa mrclil travellera fully mat jo him irttllllikjuts iiowhtbfrem poultry poultry ii cash vm for posllry kaw robs purchased jut shxm rcrttn tba berlin steam 6rutlta and maitla works oaeirkjr tanauh phopaiarroit designers and builders of statue uauslaeums mouumenta mdikera and headstones and all klnda of artistic cbuimialy work atldbkib wh hem9treet agent acton or milton 1upebial countek check books the wipular imperial counter check looks manufactured by the apple ford counter chock hook co limited ham ilton may be ordered at tha vnu pa maa bamnlaa and prices of all atylea ahuwu on application prompt delivery there are mora imperials la use in acton than aay utbercheck hook tamfc atents mawom maiokt vlttwtkrtoaciuaiwahirfreil

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