Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 8, 1914, p. 2

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mauilimtu xvut ft hi woinit i wfhliiaiiliiv aim hi ma imi lltmlfur iiv til hyiiurlikir jhl tin 1m i it icnj krlu 1 tfwiulil amiok tttwl mocturtf oftwn av-mii- imrkb uudlilrrmr mil ur w i uuathl wwl lujca wl i bawlw liaud- ilaetlaittl mlu i illnb ufc i mr ii mtlki wwsw at il home 11u lvolyii avauu wmi toronto v ul 1uy i wain in lila flat yaar uaiiimokoii iunuy january till in win ummaou uly elilld el v c ufellllm a jovous new years night th ubumi amurylntf atntertlnuetu ufwiuts lu torflnin on uoiiaay jauuairy mil filtjav j ijilwavi- brother of uaorca ifdwtrdtf aatou uihi i k 1 yaar hsattuy orl huuday jail till l utuli dattairal llmiilul uaruli ablin ifa of jol ifaellay naattwaya m3 y wlmm at tb hotel n uar inn in nawttittbat na january 11 baievaamieoftli lu lia villi yaajr ffihc jctoit jfm ikcsa thursday january 8 101 udrconial notkm tim very current expression by friends of tho barroom it january when local option was repealed in aototi that tho tlilo had turned ami tbat tli ore would iw a landslide of repeals throughout til province tblr year was hardly carried out ut she polls on monday it hi utatkd tliat tli dominion government through the department ol minac baa undertaken a vary thorough investigation into the merit of peat aa fuel the inquiry will cover not only tha aval labia supply but ilke- wlaa the commercial feasibility of ita menu fact nr at a reasonable market price or otherwise- ximdouiniokolunauat ita meat lofif recently urged cooperation and agitation throughout the dominion to eliminate the middleman lu agricul tural and orchard product between the faroutre in the kaat and tboae of the wtit one speaker declared that farmer of the west were paying three or our time aa muoh for fruit aa the ontario farmer received auoko woniui ov adviou to can adian financial intercalation the hand of lord strathootis in a recant article was thla that as thla country aa a source of profit ahlo investment had been bald in high esteem in britain in the past every caution should he taken to maintain it canadian induatrlea are ae good aa aver hut over state- meot in their favor baa bad the opposite effect from that intended a dkruratiow from the dominion trade and labor oongresv waltod on premier dorden and membare of iba cabinet on monday and laid before them number of requests for labor legislation amongtbaaa tbatduwilu- ed man have for thirty daya the statu of employee tosnahl thorn to apply for an arbitration hoard in case of dloaftireamaiit with employer that the dominion election day be made a public holiday pointing out that ut preut it was of tan difficult for work- in man to esereue lb tvancbja- pi daily they asked for eighthour day blu for all govartituant work tuil piuctlcb of bonuilng menu f astuhre lu auy foroi by muulclpalltlaa la eoudeoiuad by uadlng municipal bun and a portion ol the pa the whijo jueotrj aaye that wluduj- would not rt the paaaajje of a vary ktrtei law prohibit i tg booulf or any kitid wbatvr it would hava th atfct of phulrtjr all clluaandtownaoi ail mva lula i and thce would not u that rklaa hudlug for ddulirle i tha wy of fr4 allaa fij aiioiatit b ujt aiimoipuocia the llrntford tfapoalum riuirka i tfeaw u hot a tntmlolpailty in ontario that would oat waloom prohlutory laajulatloa of thai kind i ebrtfavsha ay iba wolfa urtbday dliib at lohdoo horf on monday alfnd boil lb- rt chairman of tha oratuj truiik hallway rmarkad i there ar eoua peoj in thla country tday wbo lu aomewbat partot fsahloo uke up the cry that can ada i gala too fail i do not think thay raallae that canada baa bu feoio througbt the tiijwt difficult tltd tu thai but eight moutba the 6vuia tby talk of la to a grat estant pa ad canada waaeaujbtllkeaabu ttarryltta full aall in a atorui of wiarfle hj dar tuoney 1 aay unhaaltat inaly that aha ttood the fctralu magnlf- leently i dont know any country fruddanly confronted by tramandoua dlmduiufd whlb hav ever coma thtwvugb huoh partod ao wall i am urtajn the more interflourae inereaam htwi tha panpla of canada and the motherland the gteattf will lie the proaperltyhoth will attain tiiiu town maiill wab orovvdbd an iviihiiirh niijiiyiinnt or iiiiiiuiimi ioohi intvriut wnn tbnt provldml on nitw voaia night by the hunday woltnol uixl young paopln of kiiom church in thulr annual cbtlatmaa entertainment the ephmdld prdgrammu waa con- ductnl hy knv j c wlunn in an admlraltln uiunnrr tim fnlluwlng jiivtiullti ulncutlnnlata giiv rxcltmtlonulu a very ajiurlalnlng atylo i violut gnulnttv jmle mowat oiw mnwat may wlldguat a drill very clovorly oaooutfed waa prcantd by the oldur glrlanf tha uoliool and a drill hy the ynuug loya we ara the ilnyu in lllne glvan in the rather iinljjiia cdutumw of blue overall and whlto cup brouglil round of ap- puuae a number on the pro gramme wbloh tha chairman atated eollpiitd ell former effort hi thl hall waa a nolo rendered in a aweet clear and dlatlnct chlldlah voice hy maatar harold wlldguat title little imweaa- urlo lu only three year of age merle tho eon of mr wlldguat oholr leader solo were alao rendered by other youthful member of thla mualcal family mlaamay and matter albert a dialogue 6fdeiitdedlvv vomantlo caata waa preaented by flu nellie william moaara urueat ilarr uoyd clark and frank uopheraon delight ed tho audience immenaely another dialogue which alto proved highly popular with the larg akeemblage dealt with aoine of the eruption in the domeatlo life of a family mr wilson preaented diploma to four of tha acbolara from the general aeaembly of the preibyterlen church ila apoke briefly eulogising the effort of theaa in acquainting thembelve with thing pertaining to tha scripture the flrt diploma ware presented to jackie waldl and john uobertaon for committing to memory nlntyelv verse of sehtcted scripture and the second diploma to olive mowat and llaale moffat for memorising and repeating the one hundred and aeven quaatlonu and answer of the shorter cateoblam the entertainment closed with a full chorus by the school and the singing of the national anthem after which the scholars were treated to the customary confection and holiday dellcaolee ontarios museum so td 6 agauy barrooms no o or ut acfrw- to nnl ejomj outlet wrna muanrul the elation a on local option throughout ontario nn monday hail felgnlfloant result e and nhnw eonciur ively that tha people of thin jlrovlnod are anxious to rid their reapectlva uunlclpalillmi of tha barroom with ita ttafarlou iiifluanaa in thu stl tontcot the doctor hy eonaldorahle msjorltlea voted to eloae the barroonte 01 the lfl place wharo tuoab atrenunua campaign weiw wagetl to repeal local option in not n single municipality wt the llqunr intflreate aueeeuful only six phumta gv votes against the closing of thu hatynomv uud the tuajorltlee were with one exception under one hundred wttfortlinetelyi owing to the three fifth requirement rjghtobn mini lelpal- v who gave majnrltlah ar daprlved of the desired relief from the legullfcfd halfl of llrjuor whnn town of audi importance a ayluutr arnphor ilar- re burlington ilroukvllltt ojiltour kkilhl napanxe vtu fluill fltn marjlf tllrionbin wnimthhdtfm anil wferton vote by niibutantui mujtirl- iwitahrld of tholi ft imintntim ft doe eeem unfair that i imi will of the people le thwarted by utctltltmi lugal oaacttt municipal election results afeqiieetmfcf uaetm maave uvistsuaf wovih buid dcthttr oom ksqueslugtowniblp had one of the hottest elections on monday in bar history the polling result in the reelaotlon of hmva whgumworth and dputyitava coxa our own councillor joa wa again tha iopular uan among the oounalllor and beaded the poll tha vote was aa follow l glotuirrown rsievic l e- flask councillor 8 kirk o wauon joo ifaaou and wm oambl ilttuvu gao wrlsiaus worth tfll johu tllngliam qu7 daputyilaave william cuav doa jama brown 2flfl jams newton 107 council auv joe out w ouava oho j p bianjih uud d iuj 1 oxuvttxm ham alo there waa a hot fbjht tbicdtrjiarai1y in the luevblp where itouwt mahh opyoj iu forur ihlltor of the utar maib waa snowed undr fortr polud 4t7 vous touarb0c2 it is sjjiia- cant that v if- oroa wbo opfhtead w h fatbratofia for tha mayoralty nooildataj uarh for the luevahlp aj vu bliuwlf dtaud gorge illllmru dputyueva tlcuu motom itaava m o soiltb councillor part cola man bpr hart local option did not carry though it gav a majority of fii afcaltut the brroom ouklril mayor ham carta wee reauwtaj hy a majority of vfdovar aid j k- car- ter whoatutoptaj to ouat blw frooj th chair after he had aarvej a ooa- yar term am oartar would hav made prastlge if he had kept out of tha campaign thla yaar tummtotuouiartmuhuavmohoalj the alityelgbth annual meeting of tha mathodlst sunday hchool was bid on monday evenlutf ltav c p drap er paatnr prealdlng tha report of the various depart menu were encouraging and gave manuetation of gratifying aetlvltlee jit thla important section of the church the total enrollment for the yaar waa 310 tha home department ha u member and the oradl roll m the average attendance for the year waa 103 the attendance of sebolare nt th mariilntfsmvlc of the church averaged so the nnmhar or vlsuore during the yaar waa 471 an aggre gate of eloshllilae were brought to tha uchool an average of 70 the collect lon of tha year amounted to s3l3lt or this 221 in wa contri buted f jr mlsslnna t l 21 for educa tion i 042 for deneral sunday school fund t too to kiqueelhg sunday bohool avaoalatlnn and for hunday school periodical guft at the loaetltitf several auggeatlona were made which give an added inter est to the work of the school the superintendent was elected for the twentyeighth lima in uiooeaalon at tbla annual meeting your mohh raven daar header i please examine your tfiutij pitkaaj addreaslabal and ascertain if it correct ly aredll you with being paid in ad vance h p mooiue publisher nfcw fasutnilon to ale opened soon after new yeas one dance into tho egyptian room of tbe new koyal ontario uueeam which will be opened to the public shortly after the turn of the year la auiboiant a interpret tha phrase in the book of rxodu agalnat all the god or tjaypt to tee a number of these various god degenerated to showcase article for the nllhlene4 populace of a twentieth century city and to sen aomethln of the mode of life in tboae faroff day fa to aeenre a vivid glance into the depth of the past hut what i a great museum tor if not to record the activities of past man fn his endesvora to add to hi material comfort nn tho one aide and hi method of defence and offence on the other side with something of hla iilrher and rellglbua tendencies interspersed t but tho rlchna of the museum dale farther yet for there are thing here which belong to prehlatorto time and that is anything anterior to b000 1ic what has the museum to offer from theao remote time 7 there are tho remains of a man who lived and tolled lu northeastern africa before the world had known how to con struct elaborate burial casket when thl hap turn came to die hla com- jratt wrapped re nloa in a rude graar mat and la this condition he is to bn aaen today in our new museum close hy tho igyptlau room there ara several cases or itoman camp equipment and the frying pan and many predecessor of our present day pot and pan tosey nothing of door loeke nd hinges are elaborately carved it i interesting to note from the case inscriptions that much of thla itoman material ha been un earthed in upper icgypt belonging in all probability to eofa military ex pedition a very fine model of the acropolis ami blar hill la preaented to view and these structure form a ttlrtklnz contrast to the model of house used by the pcoror elaaa of ugyptlan peasants leaving the roem whoica the re lics of these pest empire are stored we come on representative collection of later peoples such a the venetian and medieval unnland blr henry fellatt has placed hie famous collection of armor and wea pon within tho building and tho best portion of a large room 1 devoted to the display of these articles the manner in which man ha ex panded hla euerglaa on device to murder and mutilate hie fellow 1 almost hideous the forerunner uf the modern automatic pistol i clearly aaen in the great ponderous gun which are equipped with many barret and fir ing mechanism then on tha other side the ingenuity evmmded to offset the terror of these and other wea pon is extremely in tare ting and in clude almost everything from suit of armor upwards the students of ethnology tba comparison of the barbarous nation and the civilised i of great benefit for one may aee the relic of a po- plo who have stood still for eenturia contrasted with race wheat idea if not ideals have slowly evolved in the year they have existed the hoysl ontario museum ha bean seeking a heme for tome year and now that the ttrovtntlal govern ment and the university have com bined on thla tuagnlacent house and lu content toronto undoubtedly i in possession of cue of tbe finest in stitutions of ita class la america tbe upper floor are devoted to exhibit of a more or lea sclentloe interest dealing with rock minerals crys tals and foulhi choolag tbe cuapllon rev alexander mcailllvray tbe wellkbowb prasbytsruui minister in toronto u credited as blag tbe re lator of an amusing story eoncsrnlbg an actual incident fa a canadian kirk it seams that la this particular church there w some esrelaa young fallows wbo got lata the bad habit ef xpetetlag on the hoor tbe nuisance had continued for some time when lbs pastor natlenoa sb- ally earns to the breaking tolat he si landed a meeting of the church beealon sad explained the ellutla to the pillars of the kirk m am afraid if this xpeterauoa eobunues we will have to have a cou ple ef euepuori said he dp h oas ef the afdtvesid pil lar and gravely asserted that lm- tnsdlst aetldd should be taken an lbs rouet ef the mlautar i meve said he that w nomi nal david urberou and bandy campbell a cuspidor canadian court a bawfij twujoat baaater dcmvule who used to be eoloawl in the cavalry tell a story ef a ahata right at a mill us camp down east on of the infantry regiment hid been seat out along a country road where they were supposed to be ly ing la ambush pending the approach of tbe enemy nothing tuppeusd however and soma ef the mas bssaa to amuse themselves by tiring on their blank kimmuultion iuv that wont do exclaimed sns of tbe rural onlcer w m sbb- yosed to be tying hsra u ambu- unesv whole meet may move there u a possibility of the olou- eestsrv mass nabtflg deat transfer ring its headquarter to yarmouth no owing to the fact that nab la now oa tba v b free list and that by becoming a canadian establishment the fishermen will be ad mitt so to the fishing grounds on tbe nova seatlaa eoul sx crf verest with tbe xeeptlau of siberia llra- ail and tbe northwestern united butes drltlsh columbia timber wealth is reported to be unparalleled in any other country there is something wrong with the lofty ideals that run to highballs allimaad miss mary waddell ha returned to hamilton to normal school mr adrian hilts of toronto spent sunday at the home of mr ira itoaxel blue mountain school will not be opened until next week hi the teacher miss moore i suffering frond anabsaeaa on bar hand mies mitchell has returned to resume dull at th peacock school mr d mckay whuspentofarlstmau and new year with her parents mr and mr o sinclair has returned to her home in toronto tha methodist church will hold w tea meeting about the bth of february ur j lllnnhf i visiting hi daughter mrs kay near london meter clayton berwick and will tltlta attended tb literary society at leslie school oh monday evening tha misses allan of tha eecoiul llpe visited nallluam fruodsover sunday mr and mrs a wopwby the weat have been visiting balllpafa friend h morses keen instinct hydro kntployo can mpot drag lamp with oerialnty llucoplmlu n every schoolboy knows b always been the top lin er in bnrsedom though tbe enchant ed houu in that old friend of onr boyhood tbe arabian nights rats him a close second hlnco time im memorial tale have been told of tha intelligence of mans boat friend and the latest comes from tho city of toronto just at a time too when tbo auto seems about to back dobbin on the stage among the multifarious depart ment which are in existence to at tend to the various utllltle run fay the city 1 one called the hydro- electric garage here are kopt the auto used by hydro officials truck for the troublo department and other machines too numerous al most to mention there are alao horses which ara used occasionally to save gasoline one ancient oqulno ha nocturnal duties to wit he hauls about all over the city streets tram dewy era to mora an equipage presided over by an employe whose duty it to prowl round from ona thoroughfare to another and replace burned out street lamp with new one whether ilko that rrlend of harouu alraschld to drop once mora into msutfatt of the arabian nights ha vriea new lamps for old deponent say ntb not dut it is in connection with the intelligence of this particular horse thst this tale has to do bo wise to bis job ha the venerable uagbe- eome thst while roaming the street in the wea sma hour apparently sometimes asleep on bts feet bo will instantly pot a hydro poet u front ef which a lamp la not burning and without word or act on tbe part or hi driver proceed with nonchalance most remarkable to turn round if on tbe wrong side of the street and bring tbe wagon to 4 halt right at the foot of tba polo to whleb tha dead lamp is attached nor doe tbe intelligence of the gentle animal stop at unlit lamps ha has a keen scent for apples and can in the langubk of his drlvsr spot one on tbe street a hundred yard away a loose rein and humane driver allow dobbin fair chance ta pick up his tldblt which he raastl- cat leisurely and then without urging starts once more on hi way in quest of dead lamps- leper are cored dr ucnutamberi director of pub lic health lu canada believes tbat be has discovered a cure for leprosy during the past year two or th ta which have been under the treatment at tbe canadian leper colony at traced lo nu have been sent away cured in all there have been four absolute cures the only doubt which 1 in tr montlxam- berts rnlad u that the disease has run tbtalf out for two ess have been cured 1b soma way without mora than ordinary est and treat ment at any rate four cases which have been under this kpealel treat ment have been completely cured and apparently bopelesa case have bean materially benefited the cure dr mcatuambert says 1 ehauluoogra ell ha ha made a special study or leprosy during tha past so years and amongst all tha remedies which ha ha found used in various parts of tha world ha planed hu faith to thl eu which has been in us in india for a- tuxte ha wul espial th treat- meat to mad teal got let and submit detsiud report of the effect of tha tfastfuaill buraiaga rsavage in liriiub columbia dwell eshsln tribe of indians wbo read and write thotthawd with tkalltty tha story of th manner in wbieh thy aoaubred the accomplishment f a truly re markable eaa it 1 aisled that a briton who visit ed tha country ef tha indlaa as a missionary found himself so hamper ed by the brnoraa of tha trlb who eould not read tb alible ha gsva them that ha bet to work to teach the sboruiaad as tba quickest mesne ef enabling them to read sad writs i ft mmd a deuhtiul apart ment at first but bating based on tha sound of tha word there was no ud to learn spelling tha prlset began by teaahlng tha mar utlllaut men and than tending them to uacb tha others do successful was the undertaking that there is now scarcely a indian old er young in tha district wbo cannot read and writs shorthand january sale dowa la ttajj ivb hev krnk w patterson of cal gary durlag a race at trip east in the interest of uaptut wtstsm mlsslobj used to tail a story of a minister who was preaching jbout tba prodigal bon afidlhaa said tba preacher ha began to be la want and ha sold his coat and next he sold hla vast and then ha parted with hi shirt ant than my friends ha came ta him self saturday night tha otdckasi oath iror tba first urn la tba history ef tha vancouver court tha eblckn oath waa administered recently la hah quang a chinaman wbo was a witness in the case of mvju men charged with rioting at nanalmo af ter th oath was administered a young white cock was procured it head placed on a block of wood and chopped ott by tba chinaman the ceremony was witnessed by a larga crowd of person an ksruest appeal in the early day of tha province of new llrunawlck one of tha judge bad called in a local clergyman to opeh court by prayer o lord ha began w implore thee to bestow upon tba judge ef thla court tha wisdom and discrstloa beso greatly needs haoflarjawstva for tha township council tha old member ware reelected by acclaim tloti as follow i reeve duncan campbell i councillor m j carton d h ilutcheon matthew job jantae moffat tba police village trmtees for caiupbeji villa dr carbsrt prank a whaellhan c 1c klley war ahm elected by acclamation tha bad habit of tailor ara often found lb ulatlc parlors dr noiciti injl hoot pllla je not a new and untried remedy- our grandfather used them half a caattury ago before cocjcdamiloa rurywmmssjtacanfyev4tyovtjg- or general at ore la tbocansd of thai day and were tba racognuradcureia thousands ef homes for constipation lodkeetloo biliousness rbeumattsr sadkuiieyatwtuvtflvooble to day they am just as effective just aa reliable as aver and nothing better isuyatbscaasvlsedto m cure common 111 jjthe clearing linen offered last wcolc have been quickly picked up by early buy era but new attractions are being added almost daily and a frequent visit to the store just now will prove profitable aaaadaaaaaauaoaaaaaaoatiapcmtmciaa a n remnants i remnants i opr remnant table is kept n well supplied with bargains in j i short ends of all kinds of dry g goods you will find many i snaps here every day fj i i aarjrjqadaadrjdaaaadddnaadaaadaanao aaddddddddddaddadandddddaaddqddn mens wool undershirts 59c o odd unems in undenrahlrt only m ttgulr 7otx eund bso valuta p pillow caaaa 33c pair musclar of sfoocf quality cotton a neuy hewiiiusdl wtotui 40 42 fj 44 bichisau h wlag aad uouala s 1 a oloaus up of redl win uld s feteithar boountu uut vrtrf puioti h y sit 7so to sloo y dddaaddadaaddddaddddddadndddoddd aadaadaadpdnaaaoaaaaaaauadabtiaan eiderdown wool 10c p ttuur 13 n for making aviation caps g n colors navy red grey white n and black g g embroidery and insertion sc vd lines that have sold at 7c n i 8c and qc a yard a good j chance to lay in a supply for i 1 spring sewing unaaanaaaaaanaanaoaaanaanaaaaoaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan g s dress goods 19c several more pieces have jj been added to this lot and you j i will find this the biggest dress j i goods bargain you have seen j for some time b anautiotiaoaaprmrmxmaanuaaatibuaaaa groceries always fresh and good canned corn 3 for ss peas tomato a tiger salmon lowe inlet horseshoe is 8 cooking pigs lb is raisins 3 lbs s currants 3 lbs s sunkit calivohnia okanous the aweet seedless juicy kind good large size at jwj and it a doz mill st vqgooooooooooc henderson co sme money by buying your winter needs in our great january clearance sale- now in full swing i listed belaw are onlytonis f tb many bargajua to lu fouud at tlila iter durlag this great clearance mevetaaat corn imday a tuturday and watch for tbe blue and whit january uls tickati they ara gulda to econeesy ifufws vrirvt wonr hijaadld aiortmaut of ueua winter ovarcoats laciajiag jyieis etna tjoya wear tweed uutrt with osavlbl collar ala a few lsr fcla in uk ueltou cloln coata with velvet cellar brko line from our rogular alatfe warihuntoiiooo sale price i 60 u bsrfeaattldg hulls ef wonted and tweed material lu brown and rrray ttuture alao plain and seat atilo etfecta three buuoa sjagletwsaited style well mads and conwtly tailoixl in evtfy wy rsseiuia 44 wortbbpto vis ao sals twice nlhs bsya tweed vuu sljl overoosts with coovertlhle celuw well made and perfectly finished sitae si to 33 twjtdahy worth a oo and hs50 sal plc 4 woiriendtuid chhdjwma stylish appeurel yyj jfci weedens bla asotre and lined iaiesrj uadsilrta rtularis sale price 3j dea pairs black ribbed otocvinw all wool tulsr joe sale price per pair a grand oouectioa of weuaaa ajdulsaa winur coau lu all the popular tyus fabrics and ooloringa d macdonald bros iw cot wynjhtm nj mucjomu slrttu ouixth oat itidfedfofttsbtshdfcdfc dsbdsbdibrjebcsbdbf i canadaponiand cement iltht bbtjhitttiinli fomtt at mil i i ml lit owner rait koiv mtua if i rdui rf owl rt i imylllh to l k4v u llvuia aouu situations vacant kaiiavay riks wanted ajl antilt i tiar nr tainarae 11 nmlinn thlob unlit load lr a till haluj alfjil t ol lmif i vim 4 i i eta tlia hm rr tli tornuio huliurliau llillway wbara v cllinopkagilc shu 1 l ilii lain ami r lluu will li hoi r arinltor niir ifimlir i w mi uivlouta uatbejl of anl liu dlobaam foumlibala lavlhi ftivtri i iiy a ur i l falirtac i mi rtuvalnjhi1 by ilia j i mer loll laua ll mouvimi u ilbflauis ilin llama lools ud a ilfjd tooo lurut aba sud t am at ilia imiilnlon llnlal aatnti avacy i irjpi mudilay rrnm ilia linura cf 1t3 a u 1 00 a id an i wai ij bn varv ilaaaad le liava i call ati 1 wo 111 h lain our ulitbatla tua illy foimuliaitou an l arnlnallou traa hours i iilolqfjoa ia oallv aib ro ir i o rioolfliw atia dojiiioioo lldulaeten notick to creditors votiriisi li lik i i4ila an uii lunant ut lily e 11 ton kridav tiisj th uav ov january lfh at llura o cl cli p til tot 111 purpte bf t9- insaauuiiianlal aralm air iba umtj4nlla so i lliuotal i r any olfn fo ilia uu lav ik ai hlniidqt or iiruara nultutbuuih4 tat tbo orlediiu ol tba sualra ol iba satau s- ll pcraonielaltultlii to raittr umm ilia wuu ol tba till inovut hum hi uulr ujmj pfoiaj t yatfl iil wlllt ma wis la tbe ttta b doriall maailua ulr wliloli iluia 1 wul b- mj to ul- lljoiiu buv sal avu livloqroarl to diom iimj eely er blu i abjll iliau liava rc4laj botlm obllu wsdi os notice tockewtojis in ui matut of the be4ats of hear jtatnw lsiniueviti uu to the towhhlp of ftrlrhr is tjaa county of ilaltod tt uhrttoi sv notiri la rby lvo btitausi is uiu 1 uoa uloa clap4w am ibas mi arjtdaftttdmbteb4hlbj ibi4 lit i ail lt4 xuudl iliuli lluly jtuwunublwa4 i liuj oh v about ilia jibt uy a 04aw uus u rwiuuij on or bttw um smb ur ni ja ary to tan i by iki i evutrw u i mllat rw itolwrt ii uiatmf b idoui tha tituil kiory juii iyl4wd a uuuibi ai tiitlr imnduii tutj ibe iuim el ua witttitu it aoy bu by ttwai an1 uvuiar uks urilaa iut rjtm seab bjtuliou data ba uu a 1uiittut4itw vul huj o diinmt iba bmtta bt uh uimtia tb tkuild ta tla4 outy ta tli a uluii bave ontlfci an i tbat will not ut lubta tot uia wij vrt iliwr to any irmvo w imfa auluia uotlm ball ujh bate bn tjir k bltauibe tloia ol astb dutluiuoo j uarltlkklam ajlicitiokiwnm uo auction sale iiioil class stock ttiu unilersigood boa un isstructsd by v h- hennsay end u h browil to mil by public auction on lot ij fourth hue cque ij oo tuesday aolh jan0aky at ooe oclock the follow injr horgebi gldlng by sur of row ritltjff j years this cult u a blfffcllow 4101 geuilug- by rood worker and quiet ifolleway rielag a years cattle i stock bull ramadan duke7qistbrkl by o a c this bull baa provedagooditockgetter wdu rrea fumlaltod day of uiu t cowjyrh due time of uls a baauty i cow h yrc due ihk april tlimcowetrt the beef klad a farrow cows years partly tat i fat cow s years 3 heifers would do to kill 1 pure bred steer yssn short m 6 steers a years s stera iviaf y heifers 1 year 9 calv t fcoed boll calf 4 njotuliu pigsi utwamt bpfg s weeks eld tlntaofrala 1 sow due february ntb i sow tluo march rtlii i sow ana april tat 5 mora pig 4 plga q weeks time of tale i pigs b wseks time of saie tlteu plra are all yorkalilre bred tlieu cattle are short horn grades and ore in good thrifty condition thre are pure bred tuuxi3 or sale ten month credit upon furaulilog approved notes intfo coa a rjicbrr i a uaclkan auctioneer clerk is s 1 mil oirf for omflakkmo auction sale farm stock impxjk- mknvs jctu thw m a cfthkcjsj cctjvtal daslet b yesjr mttboitioatl uyosirjo not know lasn wrwlw thouiulcrulgued ima lioou luslrticted hyjamaa hold to sell by public auc- tltnt 011 lot 37 totli line usqueslus near torra cottn on efhiday jahuahy 16th 1014 one ouoik the followlno iioluhijihlacl horse gray horse ptirciicroit colt by cacbll hciivy tlruught colt by tclfcr b bono cattlb jersey cow call at foot lrtiycou calf at foot llrlndlecow due ut timo of halo llrliullo heifer due at timu of nolo brown cow duo llarchi boiler due kebriiury rod cow due hep temlwr no head of utouri i to a yean old a yourhtijt imlforh 3 calves altoit horn bull i bn tcli or cattle all cbolcu lottk biiisbp asi pioh6 otcetttjr ewts 1 owe inmli all bred to pure bad lelceutcr ram 8uur bred decititer 04tlt howbrcit dectiihlwr fblli 3 tunvs with llttoru rj wtwk fl to rj montlta abovu plgu rttftuturod nr ollglblu for reglktratloii in tuu lurdo uugluh ytirk- alura hwliie rticonln i now uud b pls 4 wonka old number at flymoutli rock bens 19 plymouth ituuu roontum impmsmickts lkerlnif binder muieoyiiunli buy liutlur muhioyhsitls hay ruho almxyiiurrlit ih tllsk drill uolhoyliurriii 1 tooth ultlvutor 14 tlltil tiillivntor nduujl 1 hi fool laud pulvorltor khtucyilurrln u verity plowuno j 1 jluirow plotiii ucufller 3 ncth htirrowa fsrm triillx jutkiuih wag- ifou uud box buy rmk corn ruck fan ning mill noil batraer uturkot wasjoa buggy hot uolwietuhit trcam ftblppiag cans crauiii cooling tank iuantty ol bay and ttrnw quantity ol sawdust also n quantity of lioiimilinld furniture uuiiyothururililuu no rcsiivd oh thu fnrm lit wild uud mr kultluicolttif wht 1eople met nt georgetown and terra cottn htatloiih by upimilntniqitt tuum9 io uud miilur cash over thstiimouiito iiiontlmcreilltou approved julnt tiotvtu 0 jwr tciit per unnum dlit- coimt for uuh ilienj petch sbs auctioneer

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