y jtflb ckr ry news w l import pebsonal and travel notes a complete stock of kpflclliufl nnil ijo tjlllfiuuu nil tlid inioj wtyttiu aiho now frame llyo clnum moiiuli lciihob unit in your broken hpectuclcn timl uya fjinuutu our rojmlrlini clmrgoii nru rouu nimble makihiaau liokmava leaiikcd geo hystds aotoh omyattlio real estate vemi for tutu lu uitltou cel and wclllugtou too rnrtua tor wale every ttlxe ir you want n teurs writr inn for rutuloufur or ii you wuli to writ or exdhnukc write sue wa buv evrry torlllty for trsumartlutt buslnnum to your cosapletej unlluracllun corres- kmbdu hollrked jf a willvttcijbi vatut h till i na hthcluliwl jeorutown ffifos jton xtt flras thunsdav januahv h ion 111 brief local items there la very little wiur in swamp yet contractor mackenzie u building 1boumln witon now fairly good slelgblng now and it i generally appreciated kvery member of georgetown council for 1111 in a new man the dominion uniii ullli which opened in uuelph last your are in the hmwivbim band beautiful weather uud flue elelab- lag were future of interest in the auctlona on monday william 9lngr fanojal merchant illu htreet ha wade an aialgnwsnt to oijr wade toronto the woman institute hi arraug- lu for a banquet in the town hall on tuaaday evening 27th inat capt jobubhew kindly rie inher ed tha patau vuium with a cony of th new year number of the uollnr iii cupldb ltokwoojevat for its tblrty- b trt lights was raduowi by the uydrohleliio conmtlio hut wilt by luo par light uaptut aunlviary kirvlca will be hld oh sunday 18th january iter pror campbell of uollwuf uoirenlty will proaslt tb coluctor of brampton was abb to fcvluru hla roll 01 dimir iklh with all tatta paid in nr1 tltae lu the towntf huiory afu jauii a matthews or- aogetill and j i aiu breuiptou forcier abloautw wie reuctsd to tbalr kwdtlv0 couucll on monday tb huturoua yuuug folks who ware botue for tba holldaye have r- uiwij to tbalr eludta in tha cohga sud lo tblr poutlona on ilia teaching jama 8 iuij lot st 10th line kiidrf will tall hi the regular tuvctlatf of tha wotoae iiutltute will bo uslj to- buwow fvuay january oth lint coo of ubwboum will adjnu tha x pkub aoclal will ba u in ht albaiia katlb ilaji touiorrow u at tljbt oclock wltan llinaw utturn ka lutallrj will ba uj ahjuly o tha fit haw tka adbllnuuator uf th tate of lbs uu dooalj uann will hom a hi al ol all tha bhtb an tha fario on wdwy 4tb vdbuary sir edward oka baa uaaj ba fayfu for a terra sly mslli will ull hu ulick aiwl impuoitfila by uueuou on friday jfuury 16tb proiw dulnr to kitaodfrotu tbla action will bawat at oaorsvtowtt or taa gotta ttatloia hy apdlitutiaht a browd bandbatf baloafilnk in mr w 1 oobt of ulluloa out eootalulng a allvar lilacult jar and gdtumaaa waarliitf apparal wa ukau off tba train at aeton by ajman ftsj bb wlfa by tuutaks nn th 2ilrd iquoaoibar if laftat llt fuitu putted biaath ba will ba rautnrad to tha owoar t- smpwhltnevcwttcallv ill u uovwidjr kutwlua aad kmu lit mw yorit uui ks wak wambowh uttnthtt vhcnwmdav ahoanajhaabaniboked at lbs uawaoftba harloualllnismofblr jnuiaa wbltnay pramiar of ontario which davatapad whan ua wan anrouta to tba aoutb ott m wcuparatl vult tfovaotaatlusliahau baan iroublad wltb narvoua braakdnwn ant alaapuaa- uaaav but no aarloue niuilte war anil- tiipalad whlu in new vorl rathar aurtuhig baart twublaaatln and tha baat oarvt feoauluuwreajtalln lady whit- nay and bu brother and private ay anil and aewtary with blta a lie had m raatful day yetfti u wjktetf brave fhjf lit for lu namfluulawttva mr john ueyara of naaaajiweya towuliu hu aold bli fvoj oek and iwoumenlatomuom ounlryuian ror good figure it la our tad duty to record urn daeib of m john hly of darby vru who died nn sunday the aural wi to the acton aaiuatary on tuaaday tbs bareavl family and boaband have the dapt sympathy of the com ol unity in thnlf aad bereave tba naatacftweyn council inaetit utit monday for organ laatlnn and other btulnaw mr and mr witt diamond and family of ouelpb apant new vaara day wltb ralatlvea in nawasawaya mlea katie anderaon nf toronto apant the holiday wltb bar parent mr and mr adaui anderaoti knatehbull thatv fa vary good alelajhltib now ajtar the wiowatortn of fjittirday mlaa mabel aeddav of urantford amabtbebolhlayavultliisralallvru in jfeaaajgaweye your uorraapundatit aaw live frf on tuaaday it wa puniued up out o wall into tbe waurlrough out uumtf ltbraklwh muu klhtl onlviiihii llhrwrun of anion kron library ivpnrlhtbat 7tk7 imuku wtnrti belied during llttll tliu la hiontafafol nearly a thouaaild avr 1012 tim iiiiinilmtrahlp hat hta inoraaa- a from 28h to hill for gmlalogutia hd nardu 231b waa iald and fltiaa mnoti tiling to ll 10 wra lmpod fnr kuoplnff liooka lonaor limn the library tlnm limit hambue throuath hnalnd luv 11 ii iu ii a or london who apant ut aumtnnr in touring ifaffland hau ltm tmourod by tin ispworth ltmriih to glva liu vory pnpular illustrated lnotura itainhlaa tlirnilrb kiiffland in tha mothodut cliiirflli on imday avdiilnir ldrh inn vja ixtautlful vlawa of old country ennett will m ivan hy a powerful ilodtrlo lantern ohhmktloh ohaakar watoh tba final round nf tha canadian ehaitiplnnuhlp ehrokat match waa played at ilamllton nn monday bo- twnen annua crawford nf alton and j lmiui mnorr ii a of parry bound formar aotonlan 81k kmtn wm played five worn draw and crawford eorad one winning the champion ulilp crawfnnl nt tha flrat prlaaofviooud moora tba hacond of ttt the btaif lmm valuad maubav tha puku vituatl haa loat a much ap- praolatvd mftnbrnf tha ataff in tha removal of mr o arlnr dill lo to ronto thla weak ur dili baa apant nearly five yaara in thla office and ha proven hlhttalf an ahla and trust worthy employe ha haa takan a poaltlnn in tha printing dpartioant of tha met hod in t ilonk itnow tha lartf- t prlntlnff nolo in canada wotm thau wi wm drant township in klruoa county ha bean flnad tftwo and uot costa ror a dafaetlva roadway that raultad in the death of danny connor thw town- thlphaeappaaudbut will likely and in addlihf another bltf bill of ooala brant ratapayare can look forward to an advauca in tba tax rata naxt yar no natter who are euctad aa township rapraaanuttva ubaalay kntarprlaa anoutak haw vtakw out a yaar ago aeton hydroklatrlc dapartwant rdtuiad tha rata for cur rent and eut tba prloa of tungateii laupa froni do eanta to a rtts on tbahrt of jtanuary luli tbe pr lea of laupd waa apulu rduod by over twenty par cnt thy can how ha aurd frotd tha corporation lit s5 oanta for 26 e p or 40 e p thla an- nouneatuant waa tuada hut wk by yltv hynds ua hh bmhka w awtaitchi uy tba vry daculva vote of fiflo lo ii uraiiipton has aaln oatraeltfd tba havrooia tha vote wa tha urgwt in tha hutory of tha town tba buel- hfiihih utd eiupbatuutly that tby wanted no wo of tba liquor trafhti fruir yar nplana without bar- rooma aat tba people of tba bnaal rutu kaarly avary qiattuucturar in tba town publhily oipoad tha atfort of tba liquor tnd to rtor tha barroom jutm h i ha mr auu uadaoau upytlda haa fc4ciirj l ha contract for dellvary of umil uiattar on ilural iloute no 4 acton thla route will irva tha jwopla on tha 8rt scohj third and forth hum from aeton to tha back una nine yaar carrylnij the mall frotd acton to bpaytlde and unateb bull haa provan ur mcdonald to ha an awcunt ofnarr always punotual and eourtaoua thu naw rout will ba opanad in a faw waakr tua towwr of tha nw vjaral uulld ingwlllba gicj wltb a flna towar clock of bt tnjiub biauufaetur rv ilynda baa wan awardad tba contract for ltaawtlon and ba glv tba assurance ibat it will ha hrtlttam in avary rapet the four dial will ba about thlrtyfclw inch in dlauular and tba bimhanlaoi will wwlgh bwtwvaa one and two tone tba tatkit idujiil inurrouatad mr d iiendruon m p tiirotbrday a to tba probability of tba dula balng lllunilnalad so that tba time may ba aaoartaluad at night you may depend upon thla dock hvlug uptodate in every riptwa hlaauurhig reply notblng will ha omitted that la rqulrd lo tutika tba equipment firt claw haay a t m tim fable a naw tlbta table eauut into affect ovrtbao t 1l ayataui thl waak the twalva pauanger tralna pawing through aeton dally atop hare as fal lowing i old no 1 new no so due his a m i ulduuluuou ui ft uildue ayi p iu 7 hid il a ftl0 m 0 ihdue rim p ui 17 uiuenoriduo 12iom hi qui no kant old no 4 naw no udue aaua tu h tfldue 0 00 a m tl luduallula in it udn amp m a a ihdue olwp iii 10 u4due aitrtp u no 7 whlcuformerly rait through to bavnu tuuuiji now runw aa far waataa btratford only heat in labrador xvan u feuuxim vhk vwah wmll tba pleasure of evury uieinlwr of tlw fatally durlug 1011 can lie conaldvrably increaaad hy reading eaob weak that tifrealejl of all weakly paper thf family uvrald and werkla blur or mdntreal it baa page for everyone old and young it i raally siirprulug what tsonderful valuo nue gel a aaoli weak in that papr one tlollar la a itiall aum indeed for ouch a vaat amount of pood clean whotaatinie reading during tlm year no itilgtake can bo tuuda hi minding one dollar to the patnlly herald oalca montiw for a yeura aiiluusrlptlon it will lie tbe iwit nkw veare girt to thu fhitilly immtbibalua u alw byiyu or ouio civr ov euiw lii4i1i1 ooumtv rrauv j f hr biak uutoar j ilia urui w fjuajaaaa lu lha cuy t toiaoo coouiy iki bin- fotf aud thai u inj will ptbaaa tt hwtth ti wot ana aabatri dy tvtsr uual nijv f ubll llulla iulinli cufa u ufcth luureklir aua ml dlrly eu tb bla4 d mimma aattaom mxsikrissbuo olkbamkbu burino tlltf wmmk mr karl larvln waa homu from to routo mr john drown umnt new year in wliigbaui mr hubert mophrrwou waa borne for naw yuar ml- mata will- vlultud rrluiidu in to ronto taut wk mia nalllu mulholland fcwtit new year in btratford i mr a j maoblnunn apant now ytiar at hi homu in oulodon mr and mr harry noble ur to on u weru hero for tho holiday mlu ulalr of toronto waa the gu4t or mr wilt uf hum bank mr and mr norman maaal of toronto umnt new year with frltmdf here mhw a cook and mlaa i howartb ultud friend in itockwood during the wauk mr and mr john matheaon o coningaby vlaltod acton frlanda laat weak mr and mre c u isbhage and cbll- dren of liar i in vlultud hi father home dr bomervllto ot hal lay bury who wa home for thn holiday returned on tuaaday mr harry evuukuui of cora ibty manltoulln lalaitd waa home for the bolldaya mr itlohard 9omervllte of london apent a day or ao lent week wllb aeton relative mr 11 c wallaoe of montreal vlaltud hi father borne bare during the week mr and ur w william of oualpb wera guete of mr william wllllauie dr t cray left tuesday mora log on a trip to hi fruit ranch in ontario california mr parey wlleou of hamilton epaot a day or ao thla wk with friend her mr john uamuroby returned to to ronto university oh monday eftar the holiday ur and mre 0 w uaaon ad mim klaanoirof lurlln wereguaate or mr c w maeon mr george yjddard of braeabrldge apant naw yaar at bu auur ilre nail ufldonald mlaa marlon lawton and ur john klckall of oualpb apant tha holldaye wltb frlanda bare uau wrlgbt or laev vmud nls ura n p moore ltowr avenue laat weak v mua katbariue keonejy who wa bome for tba bolldaya rturnj to allaudaleon baturday mr aud mr prv ivavoy of oualpb apant tbe holiday at mr luniabawa pwl rtrt mlkiufiiiydr deoueaa at oui jrwry mltalou montreal vlited acton frundatble weak mr and mre u x traynor of owen bound epaot tba holldaye at te botoe of mr uulbolland ur and mre tboe oowdy jr of alberta apant a fw day thla wak with frunde la acton aud uiiwbou mr wllluu mcicaowii of ulcbal o v arrived borne during tha wk to vulthl btflthar atid ol br fruada be- mr h 8 ilolnua ruui1 hudutua at tha o t ilomca on monday hu frlanda are puawd to ae hla baek again ur wllllau kjy of london an active old guunian of eightytwo waa the guaat of bl cousin poalbuutar mat thaw uuamargaret bennett who 1ms b teaching at olarkaon tbe pt two yaare haa rrigued there and made appllcatlnn for a position on th aleff in toronto ur john parblna of glovratflll n y formerly of actan la lying erltually iii from pneumonia at tba botue of bar daughter ur w 11 bpgbt toronto ur and ur park dill- ifi ror their boue al o lover villa but wk mr dill has been away from aston for eaventeen year but baa nevr failed to apand ohruituaa under tbe parental roof obiltjaitv v bldnky uwbthd tbteowvo poliowlna febarp paralythi etroka v bldney kweos of tbe publication depart man t of tba uetbadut book itoofad died wltb euailag eudduneee lay morning at hie borne at 100 n avenue weet toronto mr had been iii elnse bforeohrit- t it waa not until a few hour before hie death that it had etwuined erloue indications he name to anton wltb hi father when a child and went to toronto when fifteen to learn tbe printing buulneaa in the metbodlat book room ills aptitude early in hi apprenticeship won the admiration of rev dr llrlgg who rapidly advanc ed blm to position nf reeponajblllty at lile death he wau at tbe head of tbe publication departmantand bad for hi aaioolete mr h j moore b a other aoliin boy mr kwene waa an autlve chrutlan worker and an official member of fjlgh park aveuue metho dlt cburah he bud much todo with tbe introduction and eueeeaaful opera tlon of local option in weak toronto aaorrowlng wife and ave email chil dren aurvlve mr kdward ecwenaj hi father was for year an eetaetnrd employee of the caned glove work lu act nn omhwemh0ohhuh not much inlttreut wau iiianlfeetetl bare in thu dllfrrent niunlolpul elwv tlone on monday what mlgbe have proved a eerloue accident utii narrowly averted at ibe g t it croaelnk on fiaturdey morning owing in the aunw utorm mr and mr jav mcmillan who were about driving onto lliv track failed to ne thu paaaengrr train aproaohlng from the west ptirlmilely the engineer naw them und whuilud and they inauhgrd to back offaiidclrarthe track just a the irwin paaaed mr ningman r mr kl chppa mr wm orlpp and mlaa maggie crewaou are all vioiiuim of ih grip at preaant tmplral uva4br milt kr ijrwumiu virixrr rwo llrl dr w t artinfoll tbo famoli lalirador mlaalotiary and dr orouvvm thn young ucolob physician who in hi cblnf lieutenant apont ao- orul ooba in ht john nnwfound- lantl in june wblln tbolr n is ion yacbl tb furatlicoa wa in ilry dock tlio woatbur in ht john waa u mutually root tor juuo even in th t wlndewupt city but th groavo matlo no complaint until onn after noon when thn aun frily tflinpored thn aliarp brnmifl with a hint nf co ittk auntmnr bo tnfoneil 111 fellow riiohta at til ti itotot that it waa time ho n n on to tho labrador ne thai rocky and forbidding land i calloil by tboao who kna it i can atanil cold all rlnht bo aatd but tbl unnthor take it out or rac i imvnnt wnlkod two humlrod yard hut i am all out in a perspiration im nfrnlil 1 am fctlnfcn bad a my naalotunt in thn losjltal at ilettle harbor onn day wlion ha waa unrlfhit v itli blu roat off tbo tcm- nnrnluro wfnt up a lilsh r fifty inffroitji in tlio imsnltal iellng oh hla v nl he turnml to me end said plolnilvoly doctor no man ahould ho niiucil in work in weather like tbl 0c of dr ironfflua many in t ores t lu ronmrtlor with tho honi nation al mluttlnn to drop toe fishermen nf ulilrli lu la hiad lu tho klnp cuirn tlu nfih roam on inslltuto a l tnlm a which iiooh for th aua- farii i vlnmliir llio h rt what tlio v ii c a lo a for i in jouhk men of the inland rllltu thn inttltutr hae a mmtlvcr of iwiirnnma aomo of which novo iwctt rurnuhnd by a nlrir of dr flronfoll ml mia door bear plates lilvlnjt thn itotior- nolle an outport nahormnn who spent a nlrht at tbo inalllulo va sued nekt day by u rltlmn what lift thoiirbt dltoat tbo place i ilont think much of it iip ansuern fnl of tho bt ronnut baa mru la on hy swell i know they baa hraui aw tbolr name on mm iloora toronto sat urday nirht a hltortlnnrd tutlr near ilrantrord thrro i a small con eri ration of one n the coiinlteaa odd aocte whose me ilura prcfor tbelr own ttcrlptural inlorprotatlona or pe culiar form of rhurcb govnrument to tboaa adopted by tbo more powerful da no m nation one of tbe famlllee which formed a rhlof support ot tbe ronnretfatlon in eluded a father who kapt a judicious eye over the finan cial concern of the church end a stalwart eon who brouitht an excel- lent baritone voice to the earvlcwl of the choir at a buslnaae aeealon of the cohmn nation tbe aoa who may ba designated aa john junior urg- od ibat a modeat aum eay iso be applied toward enlargta tbo space allotted to th- choir aud be pointed out ibat ao cremped was the accom- modattou that he and ether male membere at leaat had hot room to stretch tbelr teg comfortably thla brought john banlor to tha floor end with simple aarlousuasa he procaaded to offer hi eolu ion or tbe problem it i not ueceeury be said to spend hiorey ao that the choir member should bave roam to stretch tbelr ug what we muat do le to bit tlui pirmabt slngfe r- elgn aud scur soma men wltb short er 1k to take their place and if bmwuiy i will make a motlea to that etfct thus s tided summarily tbe agita tion tor an enlarged choir loft sat urday night howiatt in canada the visit wblch joeeph v flmltb prealdaut er tbe mormon cburcb hae been making to alberta in couttectlea wltb the erection or a temple at cardston to eot 1160000 aroueejj lateruat in tba eittent of the mormon population or canada aecordlflh to the census of ltol tbre wero tltl uormoue aetture in tbe deuleun and in 1111 almot 11000 tbe number le bow believed to ba consid erably over sixteen thousand in tha former dreads tbe principal setllmedt was in ontario tbe total being 33t7 wbllo la alb i a iht wore 3111 dy tbo last census it u shown that more than half the mor mon of canada are now foaad la alberta tba total in ibat province being 9078 in ontario tbe suulur la 4etl tbe balance being eealured throughout tbe otbor piovlacee makra li h low it is fall ma ted that ontario lo ten thousand of bcr popiiilloh eviry aprlnk through tboae who go weet on tho honieseoker aud eattlare ekur- alona in the fall jarly twice that number leave for the prairie as hir- vtatora during tbe ontlre year the i a sieady drain that would bring the total of t ota who leave for tbe vuiat at closo to 60000 hut wbllo ontario la toeing heavi ly earb year ot what might be term ed native born it is a great gainer from another aourco tbo llrltlsh lutes this ye tbo number or brlt- lii immlgranu that has alroady ar rived here reach a gubso end when tho figures for 1d13 uw complete the total will be well over 40000 uchuhlon la teoulred what philosophical and sclent ifla inalrumont are within tho meaning or the customs act le at preeeut a sub joe t of consideration by the cus toms hoard under tba act such equipment la entitled to come in free when used la schools and college- there are attempt to widen its ap plication and upon this the board will bivo a ruling there will need to be a gpecine definition aa to what otsi or are net to be classified u aclentinc apparatus bvwer oet married while tbe population of loudon out baa been steadily increasing a marked drop in tbe number of mar riage registered la november la a feature of tbe moatbe vital auua tlce tha high cost of ihrug u aa- parenuy having a deterrent attsct a matrimony wto inreatod oheeet tha honor of mrantlng cjukw ha bmu clalmad hy at laaat fodkiaea aatlobs and a variety of tatntmi per- gooa have been m aa aola inventor ranking from japhath gad bhem to king bolomon and ahato- ue it u however generally agreed that europe got th gaua from uu arabic checkmate being a ear- rtiption af flhah mat th king la deadlfiu4ott chr ufc a stola isi tin watat we cannot too soon ewrrtnoe our- aelveai haw eaauy w may ba dla peaaed with in the world we tbbik ibat wa alone are the we of tbe cir cle in whlcb we move in our ab sence wo fauey that life will ewe to a gensral pauae and alas the gap that we leave la aoaroaly peweptibla so qulckjy la it oltodt h met dtukey today for tbe flrtt time fir year u haaat i chaaged wuoh j ob ba hasnt cbeiured at jl but doaaut team to rause it i bow do you meaiit 1 ob be forever talk abca btay btarioa duhled billions hutilatkv of ii twaaura hunt that maw paxcd alrd tyavelani for hundradr of yaar tba bailer iuh prevailed that gold dual and gem to the lelue of ibb0o00o000 he hurled at tb bottom or tba aacrod lnkt of ouatavltl in colombia a ter ritory onco occupied hy indian tribe ronnwnnd for their fabuloua wealth tin aboriginal indian of that locality had a custom of coating all tbelr voaael and ornament of pre cious mntal intothe watera of tbe ukea a onorl to tholr god and the bnowledre tif tbla custom led to hi j imllof tbut hu tn handed down through tbo up that it wa tbe hurvlngptart of fabulous wealth for centuries almost ever since america wa aral discovered travot- nr and axplorer have engaged in various expedition in search of tbla territory end many attempt bave neon madn to drain the lake without succei tlio spaniard were just on tho point of succeed i hl in the task of draining tho iske after year or hard uork mnt upon it but when they weru halfway through the aide rail in and year or work were wasted in 1000 an ftngllah company un dertook the work they proceeded to drain it by digging a tunnel through ilia adjacent mountains bringing it below tha level of the sur face ot the water the lake was not emptied until 1003 but it opt refilling on account of tlio boavy rains and tbe presence of uprlncr a certain number of jewota and nrn immte found in the mud of tho labo bed seemed to indi cate that thu beared for tho hlddou treasure waa o prove surcemful then tho mud led hard and fresh difficulty wau thus encountered 1vcr slneo the engineer have boon con tinuing operation i but no further treasure haa eonw to light afttr an ontliy or noma 6s000 it has been drided to abandon the hunt it remains to ho rem whether any- oni else will labo up tho search pardnuamv muul pour lancashire gentlemen r eently paid tbelr ural visit to paris and in a chic real eu rent they called thu waiter to tbelr aid to fix tin monu wn don t understand krone h and ww dont want to know what the name nf tlio lt nil is tbay evplalnad hut let u bo something typlrally french noinelblng you cant got in knclond tlio gontlonifln leave that lo mo antd ihn valtcr i will devise a col lation oxqulee and walking lo tha apaaklng- tubo be ho ut ml lu clear kngtlvi as tho visitor thought c soup iwon that waiter had tinn ti turn round the men who fortunate y wer sitting near tbo doer vtr hurrylng down tbo boulovards rsioit and pair not till tbelr fmi njo on tbolr nullvo brath again diu th y ilnd out tbut cat soup was the parisian for the french quatra souivca four aoupa ilitu vo llll 1p llolo lu uil it souiellnias baconica necessary to oil up cracks or dents in ono uood ork furniture floor etc tlio fol lowing is tbe best way of doing it white luaue paper is etc oped and per rlly softe aid in watec and by tlior ougb kneading wltb gluo transformed into a paate and by moans of cchcrr earth colore colored aa uoarly nf poslbio to tho shado of tba wood to ilia paste calcined magnesia tu then edlsd and it i forccul into the cracks or very firmly to tbe wood an i after drying retain its smootl surface no woblrr tie uk auut mary the small daughter in a family where there are a number of broth er and stater went on a vllt to an auat where there are ao children tth wo quite earvlad ebt her ft by tba ttuatloa which abe realvd and when her mother arrived to take bar borne aba waa very unwilling to fed why do you want to stay with aunt uaryt inquired tha mother the curia my hair thre time a day replud tbe child and she drww ma to beat tha band grand trunk t time table chances a geuaraj change of time will be made january 41b 1014 time tahua cobtajaldi full particular may be bad ou applkailoa to grand trunk agvdta low mtes to california florida and the sunny south mow im mmcrt tha qronil trunk kullwy u tba mtet direct rout froc all pohtt but uwuurb camula via chicago datrole or htiral full paittouun at orau4 truhk tlclut oiu trwhuck hohn ino d i a varoats out n f moore baooaoic ygtansrch maala all tralaa caumfl aaj prosaat lt- amoval efhtleiaaltom gtmlel plaaoa kle ordehd iaiuhs oit drmy or at no 0 aaoiatitt tetvaca bowat avauiw lauhllbcai btohool iiim gromuimik ltihtrary huoluly held it flrwb opaii mooting on monday xven- ing a uitvolal prttgrauimm wm pro- vldvd for tbo wvenlng and the aohnat waa crowded to the door with young and old of tbo neighborhood to enjoy the proceeding which wer both educating aud entertaining tha inulli faaluiu wa a twohour add re by mr hugh guthrl m p nf guelph u hlu travel in unghtnd nndwhat he saw and heard while attending the coronation v n good niiislo we provldtml by tha itockwood quartetta mr john htuwtur isvurtnnt mr moculchelin of oaprlnge 1 tba mlswe tltompeon and mann uiul the graenock orches tra miss margaret near gave a monologue which was much appreclt ated a abort addreea was glvan by mr jamae kirk wood imm p t thechalr wa ably oiled by mr j h pearen a hearty vole of thanks wa extend ed to al who took part in the pro gramme with cheer ror mr guthrie the meeting closed at a late hour wltb tbe national autbem wonderland moving picture show nib sax attlevcs nadntco laxatives are especially good for children because they are plcaaaut to take gentle bl action do not irritate the bowela nor develop a uaed for continual or lireeaed doie asc a bear at yor dmgglita nox a gold 108 while you sleep the moat remarkable cough and cold remedy known to science for all lung end throat trouble it haa tut equal asc and soo pr bottle at all drug store admiaarcm childhmh aae of at i omsmwm v rrooaielor rnoble palry norval king cbelc riva ttua poultry food wheat com craxked cwu puck wheat orit oyattr uhtll and heef ucrap stock food 0t uolled oata com chop pea cbepa dran tlhortx gluten meal mole- tine ftd flour mlud cbopa and bait uerbagum and standard utock food j l szkrrb1ni mknroin f st l i i irira all idifil4t most jfloplar with most pooploror most purposes comfort soap positively tbe iah8est sue id cmmuji l 7tmwurhh utulug bcdum or or uma jrafnr in oovfamui ntlkay qfov uis cuklut m ma mitair auttbtv mtttur afov fay an a uia chitdir ust sul puuh aud thbacle aya i un doet fitwuttion in tor com tuvr bsttir tkau cuvt liquid sulphur curs ecrna aud bhennuillsni by purifying- the blood kcsema no it hhuu mutism are kindred daaasa ilotli nrlaa from tho tuiine caiitut impura hlnod hut work differently in illnvrvnl peotdr liouio lulnlun hsimovalbi thsloauabl smith brothers rf s0ulu mlluill iku tuxuh frit- is rihli ixitll ar al ly all drusiliti if vaur iciiumui 1 rnrry li rtiwlt direct la 0ui tllllll i iioi1i ctu i lultli mb hay ilr1 yaraulo uoj sulphur prodlcts geo patterson l1vk stock dkalkh aoton oht cattle slieep lambs and hogo write phone or call personally urror you kli ut ur big szhlu6 i 1 1 la represented in these items in daily dress j necessities take the hint buy now sweater coats mufflers lined gloves stantields underwear shirts tics arrow i collars 2 for tisc cashmere socus and hole proof hosiery headquarters for everything in the way of i mens dress accessories and wearing apparel i b e nelson mtfalhumwhwwtfhhhhmhhhhmh 1b6e metropolitan bank oafcdtal jjrjoo00ru sjijaojooaoo this bank cxtottds the seasons greetinga to all patrons wishinp them a happy and proflpcroub new year ts j hoohki ham d sf thounsom k c sjih w hobriltflkh olarv ko john itlktsrtalhook staq w ix roaw oanaraj manaaf lrvselde at vtoekveeloeat jjimba nvnis afewt wd rofiailt l wo3ooxxx0000o0o0 ban k of hamilton a bank account saving hi a habit that u osslly acquire1 and affords more pleasure and satlslactlou than can be de rived from tbe spending of money no matter how small may be the amount you are able to save from vourualary each woek if it la depoalted in thla bank you will bo given tho unto rpurteotu treat meat that lu offered large depositor an account can be started with one dollar and the highest current interest will ittellttxleveryiilxmonths e0rget0wn branch w n muu uw actons electric cho m chopptagch rolling done daily satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton our earnest thanks are extended for the liberal patronage accorded to uu our profit in the holiday sales gives us grateful satis faction and we have reason to hope that tho advan tage ol your purchases gives you the same feeling will you accept our sincere good wishes for a happy and prosperous new year geo ix fr ingle gbuelph