Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1914, p. 3

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lne ckrry ne or local import a complete stock of kpoctnolct mill kjo ghtuucu all tho latottt mylim aio now irumuu kyu ciliinu mount luumuh hitmk li your hrokuu hteciaclcu mill ityu glnuium our repairing cliitrguu nro roan- nimble hanniaobl uoknoixi ibouttd geo hynds aotoh ontaiuo real estate varum tor twle lm uttltou ki and wtllluutuii too rami for nata fiviy nlxe ii you want ikknu write iuo for rutnlogtte or if yott wlub u well or nxehtttitfci writ kur we liuv nvrry larlllty fr truututrtluu btinlurua to your caimkflrtp aallufurllnii cokrejav thmdmro kollcltotl- j a willoidlua varna krlllug hwfliillut unorgrtown tuuiihday januxuvatldll br1ep local items lhmty of imw now nnd good ulluh ing far teaming uadrictriow u liiiunl olluxr u uiu alary of fri100 per nniumi t1t days ura leughxnlug out ww umonlh uuuy from tiiocarwiilwiriclt day kent mooting of llhouwug council will ik hold on monday fotmiary 16th 1110 win lout a of the roii bin bate gone iloun very iicrcettlluy tin pott ten day fur tho nt tliiiu tliu winter tho rood a were ladly drifted in phictia yturday morning mr rrauk e ifuluud boa dkpud ol hie undertaking hualucfca to muuru johu fctooe a co tim new furtuce rocoiitly liuullwl in tlie iluktut chlirch u giving tojiifurt and aatkfaclio n the canada towiicrimce arl iw voted on in ioel county wl thurtdaj january sflth tint lad ha ah of tin ucthodu churuh fell hold a tot la i mi thursday oteulug ulh tolwiar tliaijioeoodaiuliiructiiiii btartiml hy two uorllngtoii itnulnuin agiuit b ii ctaaver luu lieou dropped lie ra jamou it liuduy and mr tboiapaait oho tlio tounblilri auditor for the yvar their ujuhoj am 810 each a lufirclmnt froiu port lvrry imrcluimml uta btock of w filiiipir at tlio uuuiiotiu fciu lu toroitto illit w6u for wt odlltil ml um dollar iharm of tnuitih lm0 oouic into town uuly wltli logo anil firaumad ami it looku j if tlm faruuru wood lou ara far from lifting duiulel jot all tlio territory utwodi uaiallton atul liudpli u iuiw dry tlio tntt luir roouw wura nloaml ly tlm currying of loc oitloti in ruulliicli twnulilk maura lolm ucdornild ami w n udkay wre apftolntl hud i tore tliy to ralv810 oacli for tlwlr urviooa ut liutt uaatlng of poretown council wliowaa lb bald wo wero to liaa uu 0111 winter mul tliat uuira uould lw no wotk for uu loo inon loo la now fourteen aohtj think 011 corporation poud f rv dr howlwood of toronto tfuvo a very liitereuting ami conimlionulvo ad lra 011 tbg wkjioi uud moral uotlvfllen of ui church in tlio methodist cliurcli iu kuoitcliuroli youutf imoploti koouty kad a very inurtlii dlscuwiou uh tli hlgb toi of living at tlio meeting on uon- i day evatilntf kunuiroua vury tlmuglitful oolntauau tooauioaiuleauotuoraiiram- 1 ml tlio frlciula imra ngrot cry much to laro that tw warcliflnt tailoring uiwiiumm of ur ctuurlea k altlna vmh liumul out during ilia ug 970000 flro in ulilland latt 1 thursday tilghl mr akluu loaa u 13800 imrtlally ooverd ty inauranoa hv dr tliiuomt wurdroio for twutyflvo yean iautor of clialuuiru church tliujlph uiul twenty ytum kbtor oi kv laul otuwa died at montreal ugl altutyfour youra mi huiwluy dr wardropa had many wurtn friemlu and dialrra in acton ttutdoli city to fay 3boo mr juitioa meredith liua glvu judg latuib awardjng 5d600 to the ouipb caipat mill ca and the quelph womtod tirdanlug co in tbalr tlirao uctlona agalout j tua city claiming dainagoa for nfllgoo and ttapropor oonulruetlon of a lulilgo ovor tho spoul river thoy allagl that faulty oouatruotlon una maponsllde far tho flooding of lltolr troiortlem ilia loniulli auiu an order ulilch will imvo tw effect of uatamlling tlio city nf tlutljji to roon- avwtuit tiia lihdop na wall hh uiy tlw aluno datoage the laievtvy rooluty nf anton illgh sfibool ittim uu ttgulxr mtlncf nn prjcuyuftnriintiu thfoliowingpmgrumitihwnalvrin 1 a hiidliik hy mlta a ollrlmi tfiwouirent igviint dpurtiiinit ru- rort4 tliu nvinth nf tlio two weeka pruvlumf klrulf ptttffllmu worn made liy mlfi krtindy mi wluii ktrthwr www w boy i ml itrown nit ihydm pnw iht mi4 v ii 11 rutty on tim ilne- fluofcnlil wa4tlimi o udtetui nn flhut in liyn storm l uuh m wji- man on dooifalvpfc i muh ii plunk nn ii mnwwl nn 8pnru uul g wruy mi iiuw to babtjfy stwttp the oatudth wtmh read liy lite editor tim orltlum lltiinrc wuu hoth rilcnl tutd ptuuhliik wltit pw olm w vlvno i lloaw oouht vrauk j u iubiov uartaatf m tlia nvm ol v j chunsv co rttilua bttitmtwiuiachyefrolhicfmilnyautlhul aframllhl thai 4w imi wilt iyilauiu ol omk muhnnho ourtihh for fc aixl vtv tnss vranujrjiluhhv hom to bfm ma aimi auowriufl in wy yo iwimr p ifti a w uuhauov mat kaury fubll bait uaurtb odm la taliaii luunallf ud mdlrallv on thu litfux awa mutotu nto a f shhph armu mhllnr anton inall rlr tltft httuiiul iituiitlug i adton lt fair will im hold in lltu council clminlmr tnt thursday ufturnoon joth hut- ut tw nolook to rooalv im annual ropart 1 for dlootloti nt ifltoorm mul otluir luikliietm ioorg ifuvill 1rotldout jftorga llyiulu herniary kcnurtatlawdknok ohkiroh oholi- fjiut tliurwlai tinlng tiki nlulil for lliorrgularoliolr uruntloti lint uud mi j 0 wllaou onteruiiud tlui tnointeru nf tm tiliolr to tea a very jiloauant ovoulng wuuauint and tlio tiffortu of tliu mlnuur uud ida dov6tod 00 worker mm wiimiii to glvo thy mcinhorw tuioyttut waa immli upjuolutod builiww tlomm ohavnara hhd mr morrlu hnvnliaa puroluiuod from ilia 1 it lvnrwin ewtato tlio htora aiuldwolllug ut tliticarntnf mill aiul wiiiom urvttu oppoilt tlto now lut ofluw mr ravi wija lo will put in u now hrlck front ami uuiku utliur iiiiirovcinniu to tliu pretrtl lfu imw bold hu hrlok uiro on mulu htrtuit ntuulto tliu ivuiilnlon ii0u1i in mr juu hiiucollo hut nnw ownarw uro to talio ummhalon llrut of arll ttao u4torui ou kntunlay evening comtalil harvey fou ml flonrga morru an midoye of oua of tli tauimirtea luilnlaaaly drunk on mdl rllrtwt he luul ii parading wltlt a 00111 1 uu i oil fnini hmr itarroom to tlio ottwr 11 day lucoitilntf tuora luloklcatiul with ouch kiicccmfvo ilt tlio cockttahla lodywl hlui lit the oolla wlioro ha remajnml until mniulay iiwmiug wltau im oanva itafotst if moora j 1 ltd entoml a 4aa of guilty to tlu cliargd prfrrwl uud wax lin ed frioo and 00- 1- mlmllwt twlwu by junto buum an liiurtltig dotit a was imlii in the rportli ragua on tulay tivwilug im following uunilara of tin luurumluui lragu holng ttu fckaker4 1 for tlto aftlruutlvo margurlts and tld htawait and itoy ilrowu for tlia tuatlvta lonu kauiuvly nulla mclaut aiul jack k uoily thauhjoct waa 1 iljvl that irulaiul aiu irulnuii ara imjpur tu hoollaiul aiul tu ttoouih uuuy poittlu knm aiooluutly given hy each of tlia lcluiura ft judo had dlttoult tak in docidlug but finally awanutl ttalr docuumi in favor of tlw kativ- tlia tabitnhrti of ilia klugu ordadloa 111 hid cuu and thlr frlviula iwji in nuy aud outing on mojulay evsulng iour bliighkwl wltli ovr jghty lu u boi wy aocvdd to tta lmu of ur and uru l l- juhufcton of tlkd flfit llim wlira a ihsllghtluloveolhg waa hpviit tho well kllowu itcsplullty of lllu hoow uu ilapwimij with lavui lunul tim ulug ordsrlua lovuuul an oyitr uuijwr which all anloynl tot la full tiui iurry tlulgh rlila lutnu again wan a tittlmr tinh to 1i10 oteulnga doauuraa ah lbilwtmmt lmtufr iuvumrwl tto arrangtaiaiita itava hon ooipltd for n illufttralwl uetur to ih glvn in llut town hall on wodncmlay evening hth april hy tlio ltv -i- h dyke vlaul hoc rot 11 ry of ilia kutlotuu rtanltariuiu anooclatlon tim auhjeot la luiportant tuhorouloala and ifow it may ha com- luittoil tlila looturo imi hoaw given in niauy citlaa utul towiu thraugbout tha provlnoo aiul ima invariauy luun upolcn of an cmlnontly practical ajul iuuiibely inatructlte und uat lha aort tliat all ejiouli hoar itoavo hyuda iiuh li wily ooumiitad to all tlw chair it i tuwl tlutt niany of our popla will avail them- oolvea of tlio opportunity tlmu uhortlotl to gain important infortaauon ou a livo aub- iect ibtiatinr rvvi ymik tfia travel talk givun in tiw mtltila cliuroh lat thuraday svenlug hy kev ii ii blngluw h a of talbot htr6t ua- tlat cfiurch london entllleil from the highlands of otiuho to hlghlanda of 8oollaud wan very mailtorloui lu ait inurcung and instrucwd uanuer lui conveyed hlaliearera in il ought and vuion from londotv ontarl to tha ontario highland the uuakoka lakw dlatrlot rtroaaiitlng many vuwa of intermt and beauty of tha ftoanery of that part of our nrooluod vrom lta a roulo wan deirlb- ed through canada and aeroaa tha atlantic to booilaud tha nuuinar in wliloh boot- laud- ami the hoottlali woide wer deaorlli- l attd tlve uoenery thrown utton ilia ounvas wora of great valuo la ahllag to u better understanding of thla uiul tha laetnra anil plotureu wtre tauoh enjojetl by all prenattl hhvddd wham mavtuiutmea vummiav tha hancjuat to ba givea m tha twnhal nuxt toftaday eranlug ikth lout hy tiui canadian ouiddedwbaat co under tha dlrocuou el mr jj uewltt uilaaagant aiul tha atuttlce of aotoii xvotaana kuatltute proule to b an event of uuuittal local intehal that it will 1 a buooewi u already guarantiuml by the utro mile of luoijuet tlokete the patrons of the unique uswir will not only have the privilege of u well iwrved and uppetltlng imntloetj luit an exoellent tnnaloal mul tlterary progruiunw will be preentod tut follow 1 halmtldu urellatlou ur faatauh hfllo ulu uay wluaaal luaiitibmaia uluaa wal aaa imiiu wmhu nuait wulaaaauaaaaaeliuagliaaweed hlo ur celbetua uaalulloa w uapadillea- uulo m hajaellml ualauumuita laftltttdaulai n atu fia uaana ooj bava iba kiai mr it p moore will oocupy i ho elulr ohlewfo ou cdub oawin for aeverul yeah tha itedpath lyeeiiw llureau inn bei putting oueuuirtaliuiieuta in aeton ami every ouo of theut had been inwltoriouii high oluw and enjoyable we liavu iwd laitreut the wbuutrd iaobahl tlio cdrtooniat uatto the ituprotor him neat hat unlay evening another nf the iiiwuiun nttruotlnnu u in be given the fa rf unveil chicago tlloo ciuu uwler thn aiifarjlcea nf st alhunu chiiroli they will gln una of t hair very versatile ami wipflrlor trvgninmeti tlio chlaago fliw club 11a u niulft quurtotto la uiuiirpaimed thulr reiieitolre la iholiably inore exteiulve aiul vurlod than that of any hlmlhir irguliu tlun ttmlr troultono tuartetfa u one of nulurllutia aiul4caaingwuidoa1loviilum overiraentd the chicago fllee club tthitflllnu luw piwmhiwi them to a ihu nmneroua victor viotmla reoorda whloli um elterlaluxl in ell homnpoawmhltig gruuudionec their tkunlieumra 141- urlnmcihu old itkuk joe huh ntlllwiththeand many otltetu are ihtily unjoyed uutl many wlu dealrfl to bear the nrlglnul renditlnu of tbfrmi faverlto nu bura the town liallrla likely to lie taxed to aocouttnodate thu undlaucf which will leather ou maturday javoatug tha vownahlpf aaahitnant mr ilixi ll thnniuvvir huu lieeii up hluted aumrfuuir of rjpmulug fur ward i uuud a uud mr ln r campull fur wurdu 4 o and il tlw will toai iwiw 0410i1 for their uiirv u of a ctall to hov m tu orm a call fromauuton iwbyurluu church uilionklnl m i ctw h a lauttor of thu treabyterlan church at norwood bol of m oreo ku acton it includcu a youly ullpond of flsoo puljl monthly in tulvaiiuo frbu inaiim and four weeka itcjiduja aotoh bible outy tlio amiuul meetlnp nf tlio aulo ilruucli ftllile tiicluty will 1m hold lu the methodlatclmrch thursday eveulug jan uary ihhli when uo jvao tllhuiu of toronto wlllglvoun nddremj entitled a might with tlie to knotu of tliu vurljut lllubthitotl with lantern viowr utmlly obyd opium uharlff welwter hau u vacant lot on wnl marv utreeu uu toh an knglluli mii to ahavel offthe unow there manning to clean tho uldawalk vuhterday thu loan chuiiietl it oif llui whulu tot atwl plll it upon tlie able of tlw utreal in the groat utiiubentent of thu uclghhorh champlom smtttroaiiaatihlp huliain mr loorgo murray imui nf nur well read ami widely travailed oltuena calhhho vuum ihkim attontlon ut tint fact tliat tlie article whichatieartul laht wbkrpicllng the tonnage of jilp luiihllng in cnuda uit year cliouhl luivo rtud thoumiuli im4ail of mill km tit ituihertenoe la tielf ovuient lo thoughtful rvailr habrud trt nuluubnnu on haturttay ovtulug ivomiihcr ilth 101s a quut wmluug won w4tanlkd at tit atwlrawaianmtjiaoa4iuctlugiaiitua lug mr w l rfomhy ami mua mary vletorlba flaluya both of ktuitoi at which place tltj will roitlaua to malta their itooui tho lupraantatlvia eiiutula oongyatulatloua ulnutlno lcwprwiita tlve l ib aswvn tltd annual mtlug of tlie ilauk of haulllwi on wanihiy jamm tuniuill g4iral fcdanajjw for 24 yara annouuol hu itauwduu rtlrauul hu waa given 1 a ruiriurf lvua of ijbod aul ku a u i tant j p tull was eplntd to the vacant pnltlen mr tcll waa for a nuuher of yam agwit at norgiowu aud la wnllkaowh luiro budlaltii6olbvm luv i i nuuum dul at welktftod uat woak in hla hdmuy bfth jir he wammtiathe of armh itvland ha twbh to canaili in ll euly foilw and for utlrty yoara wai water ol a iiuuhar of methodut olrculbi throughout ontario hla taat cluirga lielng at tiverton ha rtlrd from the bilaltry ahoiit thirty yaara ago ami bbttbtj u walkarton five aona aul ona daughter survive hiui ui uuar mua routon at hewe aad the aona if c of clilcago t ii of niagara veil w h ofaluka 1c j of cuvuml and d c of hamilton ur t h iloulon waa for aevral yoaru a realdaat of acton sm country hahoel tveyai ttie boya of tho haoond liooi tlie third ilcok and tlie fourth llook of tlie vurioua j country ochoola around acton abut all lug j boja and young fellows who have left school alao all fatlteira who eanimtly de- tliat their boya idutlubii iroiarly and beautifully inatructad in how to take cere of their bod la u am urgently invited to attend two lecture w ptitaoual purity end eu hygiene to lie given in uie acton publu hohoal on friday schh january ut 1030 a tn tluut aiul p ut har let no boy be deprived of uile golden op portunity of learn i en leeuma wonderful aiul terribly neoiutl uliou tho unlendor and aaoredneaa of hie body it la of eternal importance ttiohalocturea wlllbe dellveied by ur arthur w beall u a of the deparianeut of education toronto mr ilealllaa apoculut of thirteen year utomllugoe thin aubjeot ami la an eupert in atldreaelng iiaya all such boya will oi oourae bring their lunch and lie at the ttohool ahead of tine hnoxcbuveb annual mgoumf both puator and people of knox cliurch feel deeply grateful for the uplemlkl oucoeae which attemled their eflorta during 1013 the annunl meeting held no wed- uesday evening january 14th allowed wogreu ull along tlie line not a tingle report presented had any touch of discour agement honafulheea wu tha one tliiug whlolt cuaraoteiiited the meeting the glviuge to ulhftlenu far eueeeded any prevlauu year in tlie history of the oougre- tion krons all tlie dfsereut cgunutlooj ww worn given to alulotig and lieaidea thli 11000 wu befueatkotl by the will of the lato benjamin klnnalrd the locrea ed attendance at and inutetb in all the different er vices of the chuw sunday behool young peoptee guild w v u a ladlea aid boclety and uueion bond eocouragea the congregation to renewed sartm in the good work in which thay are engaged b o ik iwelwllatlftrp lut friday dlorlct deputy leach fult- ed lodge woodgreen awl infctalled the offioera for 1014 t tha ltutalutlenn adjournment waa made to ut aluna purliji hall wliere refreehuenta were eerved and an enjoyalde programme pre sented thn following waa the toast llt 1 jthektng propoaod by tho ctuviruau lira chaa mooro p p our country proposed by ilnv ilro llowurtli in v poalng thta toaat ilro howafth aakl in parti we like to think of uugbuuti urmy aiul navy her parliauvout hut the true houroe of rtglande greatnew u the holy bu4e we aluvuhl read ami utudy tho hlljd lilly lira betrtou- roittoil to udu toaat rovbro wilkinson propoaod tha flona of knglaiul he waa pmaetl to have opjiortunity ol touting the order lfu reminded tho btembarii that theaiieereaonieiuioaluurdureuot liitwil- 1 for iciiglond iwt for tha itvdlvliluaf who tunkea hlmnnlf ihuisptcuoum hy his oomliirt uwl uuech hn declaretl it won tjve dniy of all to livti upright hflneat cltrulhhm uvph uiul thereby live down aurh hneera in replying to thu tout i ii lire zumjbh gave the ntmulwm a line oil- dreea nn icuruihl uoitnur tlw king mul lovti tlm ilrotlior during tho oveulug ilro lnadi predated itftk hurwood uoore ami uuiiton ullli thu lit lnml- lenta juweli eiwsli hrtitlaiirwpoknwoiinof unmeolutii mul thank h ilro iliiuion who waa uilvanood to tlio mtaltlon nf 1 p by virtue 0 having mivjal tlm hmlgu uh eeetmtury ff hvo jeaa auted lluit wood- green waa in n liealtliy htuneui ooiulitlon und n o yorti or two ouht to lw auu to iwlld prembee fortlte lodge during thu five year f luce organisation ltzh nuinihetn havw been initlaleil ilro k tylec receiv ed tlie nrdur of merit for mcuriug tlia urguat number of cnnduutuw durlnp 1013 ha wtkl lm wwuhl think uu muult of it uu bu would of the v c personal and travel notes olhammiq uuhiho tmu whuic mr arlof ihiim won imma from toronto tier huudej mu hanlon of nehuxi ii o u thu gut of mr w j tloum mr and mm john w kuuueily of leorgulnwn xpiit htmday in acton mra olivnr cook uiul imim left but thurhduy ui jolu hur huubuud ut ht paul mluii mr w j gould wau at toronto yeuter- liy uttundliig thu funeral of hi aunt mro llfw cahlwell of llurrla haa lieen the gucut of lufr mitt mr 1 f caldwull fcr itcveral weka mr waller tawnuead of neepewe man hoe lwn tlia gnent ihla week of mr william leulitnan mr ami mr h xlnrrluon fonnorly of abliutovu are now luitttial lu tlwilrnna new iwinui in ooorgvtown mr uml mrs frank mtilutoji urrivwl on kutuiday from orllliu lu iiend u fow wuela lu tlia old homa lira joi ji hotmi wuut to i lot roll on motulay to vlalt her daughter mm w p- nuar for u uouk or an mr donald kojudau uml mr tunt uml main of loodu llonnel man have been apeiulliig a few dayu in towh mr thoiuaa ttutliaiu uft lau wk for j clilcago aiul will spand a mouth iw ut wltli i hla daughter ami otliar fruiula tlierv mr cfuuua cutk of wetoroito waa homa over buiwuy etui afcitd tike lluptlrt choir of which ho waa formerly a tnadlmr wltli tlialr auulvuraary uublc mr jhihj ii cookcr of luroit ulch waa lieifurja ihu week of hla brother mr klug coofiar ur cookar la vultlhg hu oli lionia at marvilu ami otlr points for the flrt lime in twtnty uv4u yeera mr uiul mm wuiioni wllluua wut lo tyrone to attend tko forty fifth aunlv kury uervku of tlie metltodui church which wj tkulr lumie church in their early 1 lays tlwy bwt many former frutttla itoth at tyrone uiul llowuianvllu 1 plants in sleep 1uv take their nape at nlht oth ere during the tiy clover abuia mm hvve iwfurv ruin jiul ut nlglil brluuluu two uf it tlin- uaroa fatv lo fmv und ruhllnu f li third ovrr tlw lui llu ytnuitf tilw totiw are ulao uiim fully ulullfriil hy bictoititf lavi which mow fnrunnl lu the evvnlnff und wrnp thvui unuuul there are two plant in thu minim whoe ftowere eloep by daytlw ululii bloobilnu tock und lythnl vtlmr una the formei la wltuwvd nud khrlrcled in dayllcht imt expands uud axhaua h vnnllln hue odor nt uljlit the lychnte ia white und in hruhl ennahlne every hower rhvw uml hduge limply down aa the aun aeta thlu kudymlon plnnl wekee expectant of the moan hu- drooplbtf cnlyaea rut thotauelna nud alowly eitimivd their ttowfra it vlul bly ceeae to droop nud fan urn i itu plant which iilmoat died l dnr u adorned anew he sutor tin ivd lycbnli ahlntti by day nud l iiilhl dlurtui lint thlu vvhllr wif lint hunr uft the heutttn niuitml ruilh l i become vcwnertlun as it open uiimll lllrw iivnr ud vult it tlif riilyii it of hint ivimlxh lutr n 111 li lltcy rippnirp tin- uu dew which nttnm- hlw ihiv- hi laur dull red lu llf twivf it l a mrity but f imv kii ll il- souia onenedkolauinn test your barometer air er meuture in the tube will ren der it unreliable douteipuct 11 imnuiitflw i- the truth alunil tin vrwiihrr uuin have toalml it tlionuiutilj to fun moo eoiuet for uuretuiblltty nn ulr and water mixed wltli the twtriir lu the tube rhutui can bo eitruilhtl i boiling tlw mvrtury in order to teat u baromtler id it bang for a tlmw in tbapropurpoulllua than gently and with care loci i no ii w that tha mercury may itrlke acaliiut tha blue tube- if there u no nlr wllb in you will bear n auarp metallic click but if tho wand la dull and mufnvd it todkatee the premuoe of botb air uud moutnre ttta preaeac or air alone u abowtt by minute bubble if at any unw tha mercury aeeuui to adbefe to the tnbr n la tbe ilhjht- et 3egrm and the wuve aurfaco u onmee a man flatteued form it u wiu to coacluo that althr air or uuture la duat 111 uy 0 tneee euea tbe laaunaaat abould be put 1u pert head for rectlhcntlc tbere are aeveral idneu of barons etet tbe ordinary weetner bu to oomrnoa ua i mora or leu nut- uabla and la eaally nud mora no by eahbh bindllng in fact any barom eter muat be treated with great ro pert in order to retain ua uaefulneaa hafera weekly his bladder was teflnlbumnflamed gil plui btah iuw larder lake out marta aotb t luul been suffering for eomo time willi ray kidueya and vrlne i wae couiteofly paaliig water which was very atmnty nouetlniea aa niauy aa thirty time a day koch time tbe pain waa aomtlhlute awful and no real at beard of your gin pills and decided to give them a trial at once i aent tuy cbubt 6a milt to get tliem and i am pleased to lufwnt yon that in leu than auiumin x felt relief lu two daya the palm had left mo entirely x took about half a bo ami today i feel aa well aa ever ami my jttdaqya are actlngrjulle natural again u1d cabtluuan fmn pillb aootbe the irritalm bladder beal tlie alck weik ialnfiil kldneya andatreiiribctllmitlitlitikevlutl orgaua moueybickif they fall 8oc a bo 6 for f lip lainple fr ifyotiwrltenauoualdrngandcliviulcal co of canada limited torouto 179 why doctors prosorlbo 108 nox a ooiid tiitr hhmild w h ftmug dotlrti mid hhtrniigar daluimliialloit nn th part nf itvtfy furiihu iti tliu pinvhii to have the iwat faolllty mid know tb lauat ami lmt farm iiinlliod hard work la tint tbunnly thing llmt eoutile nn tha farm parnilng la u buuliifue knil n gnml inr to ntuko ll ibn liacnaf unugbttolh lidulihtfaiiinlbiwu hmat imi lubait advatttuguof tit flmt move- you ntaka ehnuld im to enlwnrllmi for tha wekly hun the pm intra ifiliilofmm papr it eintu h llltht but inuuiih a lot to tliu fanner who u look ing for prnlltable rnllw sir jas whitney home again lei how dm rjbhunalu hompitail hlr jumna willi niy picntlor nf onlarlii won trwmnvad from nw york on hunilay night dual nod tha ji riny wt1l and evprawl a plaaur nt luting in hla own home city again theru baa be it no improvement in ble condition alncr hla rvtiirn heu vttry reatlraao dvllrloiiu tmm nf the time and gradually growing yreakur limibmouaiia ur and mre thoitiau kmttiedy and belie of quelph were g 11 tutu of mr and ifra w uowdy thla wek alwaya wear a white apion when awing nn dark material aa lltle rail va the strain on tha eyee when hi con comae from tit ntutke h pair of aharp ouuoru will iiilckw move the rind 1sevllitbc uialtvet am different lu thut tiicy do not gripe purge not cauao uauaca uor doee conuaticd ttae lesaeti their effect lveiia you can ajwdya depend oa tlietu 95c a box at yony l bmggiatu ia tnalij oe al tt fa a- ac aleaaill grand trunk ivmx low rates to california florida and the sunnv south mow im uttrt the grand trunk hallway la tli mowt direct route from ull pointu coat through canada via chicago detroit or buffalo pull partlcularu at grand trunk tkket omcb or write c k horn ing d p a toronto out severe gold on lungs and chest quickly relieved ky nudroce bynia mt uaf ueeriee and cmerpa mr j beward llrowptouvuie que wrlua two wek ago i took a aevere cold which eettled on uyluhirjandbiycbot was very ror breathing tight and aevere baeklflgvough iwahfialttiguiaenble 1otiht liottle of naluco hyrupof itumcd licorice ami chlorodyne aul altar a fw doaee i mt gnat rrluf and i went into a oonnd elep a tiling x waa not able to do for home nights neat day x waa able to be around again and before completing tbe bottle mt aa well as ever it la a flue cough ami cold enr hadmco rup of lluaeed lbodce and cuoredye rallra the irritation and etaffedun feeling in thealrpeaa age boothae die tickling which bukea yoa codgh looaeue the phlegm and drivee not the cold before it gets trouble- eene in ho anj wo boule at your drngglata national dmgandcbenucal co canada llmlud 333 a yar o couldnt eat 6f he tan eat three fcqusr tneale and vomoilmea ono jra bacauae cbambetlalni yabute eurwl aiomach troubua and gave bias a good dlgntlm von try them 33c a bottle all drufgute end dealers or by geo patterson live stock dialik aoioh ow1 cattle sheep lambs and write phone or call personally bicrolk you skll hoc uk hog9 stove polish makes home brighter and labor lighter a pabyi inerkdaunvoiij no dust no waste ihahiuon oakadai no rust rn ji actons electric chopping mim at choppbigcg rolling done daily satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton beeauae it ht not 11 jtotudt mtdlcllio but a ircacrlptleu of n vtry eminent doctor 108 nan a cold in one day asc und sociwr botfio at all drag atom tjtow soon will your roads that now take x x the heart and soul out of every man and horse that uses them be made into a con tinuous stretch of road that you and everyone 111 your county will be proud of how eoon will you btop filling the ruts and mud holes with your road taxes and build roads that will permit you to put your road taxes into mom good roads concrete roads coat no mof to build than guy other good nud and their upkeep ekpinse u ptacally uothlne which mike them din cheapest kind of ijood road concrete raid benefit the farmer eoneuiuer merchant newspaper board ol trade and railroad they make for tremtcf prosperity gnerauy by increatlng und value and productlofli imnalna more ttadej mora indutuleai more employment greater trsfic they decrease the coat of marketing all of theae factora rmh to decretae the coat rj infing every ckuen owtttohlmaltobvtlftheajvinugei of concrete road and learn how they will directly benefit him this information i free for the taking write or ft today to cameatfteeev ttemaataaeea caaaaa ccauat csauuuiy ihaitij 801 mbnm feaoeaa hmuni mtls all right 6m f d ut soap- not like ordinary soap but better i positively the largest sale in canada i o the metropolitan bank statement of the afiatra of the bank as at december 3ict 1913 liabilities rfotea of the hank in circulation 0478 17- so pepoalla not bearing intereat 18003114 b3 depoalta bearing interctt including inter- tmt occruod to date 714563176 dividend no 30 payable january and 1014 ajooooo prevloua dlvldende unclaimed 35o acceptance under lettered credit to6s6l llebllltlee not included in the foregoing heada 403367 capital otock paid up 100000000 fteaerve pund 193000000 balance of irofltand iou account carried forward lhjs47- 1003156813 j3433547o assfits current gold and bubaluiary coin ib7ia74j dominion gevernnteut motea 190340450 notee of other banka chequea on other banln llnhtncea due by other bank in canada balance due by hank and banking corret pondenu ehtewhere than lu caaada dominion and provincial government so curltlea not exceedlug markut value canadian lluulelpal becuritiee and tlrttlah foreign and colonial becurltle oilier than wanatllan not exceodlng market value railway and other bond debenture and 75000 4ll7ls9 3la7o3l btockanot exceeding market value 11 and bliort not exceeding thirty da loana in canada on llonua debenturea and ulocka 10551113 53 other current loana and dlcountw in can ada ileus rebato of inlereit 7soi 75335 llablllftea of cuatomera under lelteni of credit oa per contra overdue debt estimated loaa provided for dank iremttee at not more than coat leaa amouuts written off deposit with the dominion government for the purpoeee of the circulation pund mortgagee on ileal ualale aold by tlie hank 106506 43443 31934103 w o koalej aeuaaeu meutalgefn auditors report i have examined the boofaa and account of the metropolitan bank at iu head olnce and principal uranch in toronto and checked tbe caili and verified the inveatnieuu and aecurltlea on hand there a at thecloaaofuuiinaaaoudecember3iatigt3 agptaat the entries inreganl thereto in such booka certified returoti irou the remaining branchea liave been duly furnuhed to me togeuier with oil information and explanation required and i certify that the foregoing ataleruent of llabilttlee and aaget oat deoembor jiat 1913 li la agreement with tbe booka and propetly drawn ao aa to eahlblt in my oplmnn a true and 1 aa at december 3 lit id propetly drawn ao aa to eahlb correct view of the stale of the lank affair according to tiie beet of my information 7taexptaationavti to mo and oa ahowu by tho book of the bank toronto otu january 1014 profit and loss acrwunt oa vaay atodhanf paaaeabaama tsu deojitt ton llalance at credit of account si8iisj6 dec vat 1013 froflta fer the mx after deductlnt charge of ntanagemant interanvdue depoaltora rebaie on un- maturecfbllli and of ur making full provtelon for all bad and doubtful debt 16565035 3475476 dlvtdondavfea m 54 u and 36 810000000 written otf bonk premlua toooooo reaerved ferdepraclatlaaln aeouritiee owned by the uaak 4000000 contribuuctoofraoefapenaloni pund 300000 balance at credit of account 1833476 34737 61 u x hooww w o hoeaat ecteaj mautaarea tie sed bhhhuifmhalvwuhmallrillhailiimhbllihblmhw your moneys worth j you get mora than a perfect fit in our line of g semitailored overcoato you ret serviceable- noaa as well as the latest in style and fabric j we suaccst that you step in and koo our line prlccb today onethirt off regular g to clear balance nf our line 3 rtf ivrtpt hakt bsetrs dtbrffjsa s khmhiiatmhimhmalmllmiiiihhalhlihuhlmaiathmm o earnest thanks are entandcd for the liberal patronage accorded to uu our profit in the holiday sales gives uu grateful satis faction and we have reabon to hope that the advan tage ol your purchases gives yoa the same feeling will you accept our sincere rood wishes for a happy and prosperous nfw year geo d pringle iuelph v-

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