Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 22, 1914, p. 4

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m thwoidvy ivmjutyiu ion tiiu uuio of iiomu the imitf of u igu hi a h uu way into tltti lit urtu nu it mint yoloti iii lfiiiulni ulwiiyu u it ir fulju li iiu mint tako uu li irk lit it ippy llntvu ibifora we u trim i tn i i mi the uotir nf il nu 1111 1 uf hut the song t kiiuiii hw t home whan fur uw ty ri in til imii wu i ivt from sir ing i liu wu liuur til song tli it ulnuu dm j ly afhimie wauumvtt with iluur o sweotuut to ml on ut utrlii of all what yu truing memnrlt u coum va ihi with thou wi love once more andelnirnf home hwnet home i o homesick in trf with eyuof faith ami longing hii unit id hlfth on the i ill j nl p iradhtr th father eh 11n11 itahold ft doors stand evermore ajar to wolcoiuv nil wli i r tni and there god rant with thou we love at but wo nil llml linmu pben itoaford a asooaooo pund a despatch from belfast ireland uya i a sum liu i eon raited amount ing to w 000 000 to indemnify tb ri stives of those who may w kllud or wounded among th ulster unionist volunteer in resitting honia rule atr eordlng to an announcement mid ra- oeutly by capt james oralg unionist for east down uuur at ft gathering of unlonut iiin ha wild tha sum required had been oxoeeded an oh that prised pverywhsr though canada wan not the birth place of or tbouia kelectrlo oil it i the honieof that famous compound prom her hi good hum wa spread to cn tral and south america the we ladls australia and new lealand that i far ahld enough to etut lt eaeallsuce forln all tbeountrle it i u on tale and in demand ih th pantry tha rubber hand will hold tight tha covr of cereal and sookl boxes children ory rott rletchtbs p a wbau paring potato do not wast a lan pat i a nwpapr will hold all uitfaritiht drlaa aetbui uun uaftlo hi itdtiukllata help from llr j o kel logga aktbuia itauiedy weim ilka ukau nevirthlma it u only a natural way the itnoke or vapor muhlntf tha nioit ramota fuuiiift uta aifiwiud tubes bruabcv aslda tha trouble and onni a way for frb air to attur it la sold hy dealers throuflb out th land old tim paolball iii tilt imiirtll vllt i ioddoo a jutd rwtbiill 1 iuututiou clark to 1 1 ouiuu u llocbot tolls uow uttor dlu in i tl w yoiiliia ot tua city would ad drua itiuqiaalvcs to football tbesa poruudco war faatldlooa in ibcu- vriiy ttis acholflra of acb aebool had n ball pocnllar to thtmaslvaa bs bad lnid moat of tha nartlfinur tdm iu futbara of tbo ployexa too mm aa yoatbfal aa uta yotmctiat for bjr uatural bat aaatdlnff to b r vlvad at tha alsbt of mo tawh atllity bay khntf from tbalr auoda lato tha aruna la utar daya too tbs wcclta- meotofuuieambu ba ksowu to lu- foc uta spectator bomabody wrotoot htramtalb0tl ihaa two wan war blllad by oold coour quntinaotuiaa aud y qraxoriaa fall tofiatbar by y year at football oaw jantf draw hi daffgw and broka booth tkafr bad mad ihy dlad booth wlthlo fortaubt altar buim of the bmdy- normal walaht and triaaauramanta up to rhr vr f ad a luliy wbuuld wuljib at birth avraa pou nd j at tbr month ilttio pouoda ut nvu month fourin poamj t on oar twantyona potinds at two yaar twenty pound and at threw yar iblrtyono twnnd tha laiujth of imby nt birth ahould bm twnty and onohnlf inches at tbraa month twan- tj two incba at flvs month twanty ihrao and a half tncbe nt on year tviuiity olulit tnebo at two year thir ty two and a half lncba and t tfar icnru thirty fir incbm it clioat moaaam at birth ahoold b llilrtrwti ubd a hair inch at tbr iiiontb fourtaan and a half incbm at luo month alxteon inch atonyar iluliloen lucb at two yar nlntan i or ht and at tbra yar twanty indie boiuu bublim aro built vary amall mil if well oven if balow thaa flff- urca thnro i no eu for worry tint if i laby i nbout normal khca and iioom not coma tin to th flfiure lb diet hnuld bo cnrcfdlly lookad into ov idmitly it 1 not balnff properly nonr ulieil 1 1 u crowth of baby body 1 vary i uhrunt sea that tbo ttb coma in nroiwirly and that tbv o crow utr tlulit and ntrono tu bubua ahould lo cdrjfully wntcbed atad dvopad naturally tural ttarmar uohtaind ahuha wimm btausilft anpaar to abow that man ova motv hkoly to u atrack by uht- nlnjr than women mora than two mu bahttf ullad by it for evry woniarl but a london journal nolnt out that tha man ooentuiuon 1 mora likaly to taka hlu into tha opan wbaa utthtnldk la abotit xt haa baa obaartad bow evor that la m group afloally eotopo- d of both aaaaa lightning aaeua to prefer tha man and wa may thaariaa at plaaaura aa to whether it la tha compariva balght that doaa it or soma protection afforded by tha woman droaa or a dlffaraic in conduct bll i ty berweaa tha aaiea tba fact thnt cbll dreu nra aeldom killed by llelitnlno uupport to a eartaln aibmt ibu tlrat of tboaa theories whiting and aramnnla aro bait for elaanlng nlekal potato water la rood to kimova mud atalna from olothaa a faff shopped dataeauuit i tnappla aauoa maku a very tatty luh nawepaper will rivo tui brilliant flnlah to window glue aa chamois ohildrorx ory for fletchers c a www wbavoh the irlahman in prance bad bean ohaluugad to a dual hhure ha erlftd wvii flu lit wm altlllalaha that wont do aald lit aveond aa tha eballanged party you have the right to flbooaa the af ma but chivalry demand that you ahould dtwlda upon tha weapon with whloh frenchmen are familiar la that o indadnf returned thn kabvrolu xruhuiao then wall fotgbt lb out wld gulllot inaa m children ory tor fletchers castoria ciood htyrhbhb in hhavmh a buny mothar wun unti day rfrt- tltitfthatiibafloulddoiio little ohurolt work and takw o 111111 a part in ebarltabla and christian entarprlaa i ahall have only a ufa of bout work to fehow at laut aha aald rathur aadly to a friend one day why mother exclaimed tha uttla daughter who had ovmrheard the ward all wa children will atand up and tall all you hava dona for uu evwrythlngl i ahouldnt apoee they d want aitythlnp batter than good mother up lu baavaa magic of a m make a chain hlgld htiauoh m mh ta climb it a turlln corrfpouddut of the helen lift american dcecrlbe uu inurwtlns xprtmont that waa madaattbe work of oil of 1 in urea carman mamifac tnrlna arm with 000 of tblr tlftlurf matcnet a clinlu favtanod to the oround and carry lua an iron ball at it fro end waa raued to a varucal position by tba approarh of tho treat lifting raig tit hunpondm from n crane tbo attraction or tbo masnet wa ao klroiia that tba chain remained in a perfectly vertical poluoo a crown ur wort man cllmhed up tba chain without duttirblntr tt rigidity b tha laut tbo chain aaem4d to float in air tba msau4 pull ou tha ball waa brat than tba ttravltauonnl pall oa tba man till tmarkbl spimnt ahowa the fcitormoti power of attraction ac tried hy tba lifting masnet that are uk1 lu iron bd tl work to carry abodt irod mitarlal of vtwry dafrip tloii tha maanal aoabla u10 opra or to aaua iron uiaurlal at any point dwlrd anot convey it to any oth imtlnt wltblri the ran ot tha crane incidentally tit ue of lifting matmet baa greatly dlwlululied tha ruu of mvl- dauta in tha moving of haavy maaewi of iron subtle adwiuhtg a auccaaaful hotel manager pointed lo tba advdrtluiiugiit of u hotel at a fashionable rcuort fbo advrtieuint read special ratoii to elojile mas tba proprietor of that hotel aald ha daaervee to auoceed urn lay in iii advertisement a mibtlo trap for uiotbara with iiiurrlnffoablo daiibblera they read tba advnrtluiuuut upd tuoy coocluda that shun lower rate at tbl hotel etngut men wilt be plentiful they tberaforo dctilo hint therv lu the place undoubtedly to tnka tliulr diniab ter then uugbliiq lie concluded tuaa mother cjultu correctly llavo that a far ua their daimhtcr cbance of matrltnuny aro rommd tba mora tho marrycr wuabhigtoo uar castoria for infant and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signatory of bocicivyelwnww in use for over thirty years castoria he was a good soldier a hubbukm aoojrjkum a kuabi rolurroludouaatraycaaliia and flattened him at and wt 1 h badn t a chano to utur a whine llut bu pant no doubt wre pre- ed teal ujiuet immune lira liartltf tuat nu acquaintance one morning wblhj out aboppluu 0ow la ifru callaway that llvoa near your naked llr martin of courea you know abu baa a lhlld vury 111 with acarlet fererf ob ye indeed replied tbt otbur i know it but i doa t dara to gu and why uotr inquired lira martin there la aald to be no danger ot tub lag the fever you know after one la alateett oh but then you know replied tbu other wodjuu 1 m bo young lu my feailntt a navel sight a young womnu from tlm nt waa conversing wllb n kotilmkl 111 nbout tobacco aud tobacco mining hlitr una vary pretty and n good converaatloual bit and tba young in in from hen lucky waa vastly lntcrenlihl in i or 1111 til ehe gure him n uiidilm uliotk hy announcing hbunld loio lo veo 11 to- baoco field eapaclolly ulicn it u jual plugging out aruouaut tlefera and aft when a man in lu love with n girl h bolda her band o tlglitly tlmt it would aaem ho u trying to kup ti r from getting away aftor tli uro married awhile aba ima to hold tiu ooattatla to keep blm at home 1 jurlthi titnadnlob pear papa karl lt phty wpa nnd mamma 111 be mamma ob no you re much too atupld foi that youbepapairilcgeude ulttlor a owtilnb man qhgg4vhati you dont look upon aharpe oa a coming man firlggeno but i wottld it i wa in ehnrgo of thr pinltenuary noaloit tranachpt after waerinee coma reel peace joy if wa ha worthy hewmnu wit badly ran down mubunr heart and nerve pill buht her up mr frank bloub sarnla oat write i embrace the opportunity to write you keying that i have uud mil bum ifeart and kterva vuu and found thm very helpful to me i wo try badly run down aud waa taking doctor medicine my aott out west wrote me aaymg molbtfl you uee the mil bum heart and nerve tslta they will ba better for you than doctor a medwrio till i did with good reu1t i often ntooumend them to othrr people my doctor did not know i wa using them be need to say vhyl k never saw any one a heart gain up like your bar you do not need any more lurdlclne mllburn heart and nerve nlla are boc per box 3 boxes for jl 26 at om ikaler or tnnllnl direct on receipt of price hy the t mubutn co tmalud toronto oot farmers wife almost a wreck kealorod to health hf lyjlai e fujjiaitne vettcuu compoiioj ho own story london ont iamafamurawlf aud a very buy woman laatfeummu i waa taken with vre pn in my back ao bad that i eoold not get up or acarcaly mov with out pain and my period wero rutin ful ii y husband called in a good doc tor and i was uiulur hla care for uatno time but ha did mo uttle or no food one day a frud of mine told me to try lydla k wnkham a vegetable compound aa aha had bean greatly helped by it i began taking it and toon got wall and my period became natural again since then i have hail perfeet health in fact i have never felt aowell inwy life lydla k pinkhame vegetable compound i a medicine many women need if you think thla letter will help other women ploaao pub- llshrt mr k c youha tambllnga comer london ontario canada womenwhauffurframthoaodutreai ing 111 peculiar to their aex ahould not doubt the ability of lydla e pinkham a vegetable compound to reatoro tliclr health if yoiiavotheautflittinuht tliat eiydlav kuimtilklinmm v trota- blaoomuound will itelpyoim rlto tolyainlmiibliunimtjltclnetu cottfldcntlnl ijytmmnufnruil- vio vur iottr will it uniitl kiadauil niihuoiwil b n wmuiiii anil bold lu atrlut coullduiao to place fern upon tha window all raaanathalrdeath aatheyoannotrtaud a eoldf draught an always iteady pill to thoea of regular habit uiedlelue i of uttle eon oern but the great majority of men are not of regular habit tha worriae and care of bualneee prevent it and out of the irregularity of life comae dyepepbit indlgeetloit liver and kidney trouble as a protest the rundown yatbrl deroauda a eorreatlva and there i nana better than parmetee a vegaiabl pill they are simple in their oompoeltton and can ba taken bytliamoetdelleauly comtltuted whan bacon come from tha market a pair of sharp aclaftore will qulefaly rainova the rind arratamaai bukutaiaiv bloka i aa thy hva 0xruj oh m boy head lu odr to make a btu boy of btid jiake that li t whra myddumj to oprta to make a bttv boy of u 11i1uv worm v-jr- and tha battle agalnat warma la wori th powdr eotvct tha buwbu eoidltloie of thtonuuh wbleh nourtab wontn and lha dwtruetlva paiusltw cannot aut after ilry eotn in contact wltb tha madlelna the worms aradl by tha powdm and a pdlly va uated wltb other rafuaa from tba bowu 8ounjn i impaired lo the organa and tha health of tba child ataadlly improwa hllcvd oftang and ahrwlded cocoa nut put into a dub in altercate ley u a dallclou dewert no tnaa or woman should hobbla painfully about beeauca of corn wbad ao certain a rallaf i at band at llollo- way ooru oun alway wear a white aproa wbm uwlng on dark material aa tbl rellev the strain on lb eye was troubled with weak back weak back 1 cauicd by weak kidney and it la bard for 0 woman to look after her bouiebold dulle when the is suffer lug from o weak and achlug back for no woman can be strong and well when the kidneys ore out of order doau kidney pills go right to the seat of the trouble cure the weak aching hack and prevent any and nil of the serious klduey troubles which are liable to become deep rooted into tha system if not attended to at once mrs augustus jinks deaaorestvuie pat writes vor iwveral year i had been troubled with weak back and kidney i had terrible duxy headaches and could not sleep at tujbt a friend of mine baked me to try doan s kidney pills and i did so and in a short time was cured doan s kidney mils are 60c per bo 3 bones for 20 at all dealer or mailed direct ou receipt of price by the t mlllniru co limited toronto out if ordering direct specify dunn it i letter tit eltuiti meat by wlpplug it off with a wt cloth than to let walv run over it xv butt mixing beaewax and turpen tine for floor polishing add a little spirit of nmtuoitla tltw flhcapnwti of if nl iter grave worm ex term 1 11 i w put it wltbln reach of all and it oau ba got at any druggist coughed almost all nigbt with that dry tick ling sensation in the throat a bod cough accompanied by that distressing tickling aeniatlou la the throat is moat aigravatlng dr wood a norway pine syrup heals the mucous surfaces relieves oppression and tlxblncis of the cheat remove accumulated mucous or phlegm quite even the most obstinate and dutreasiug coughs securing sleep and rest at night not only to the sufferer but to others wboee rest would othorwlie be broken mrs duel marshall datswood ridge n ii writes- just a few lines to let fou know what dr wood norway ine uyrun did for me 1 took a severe cold coughed almost all night with that dry tickling rciuuttloa la my throat the first bottle did tne to much good i thought i would try a second one whuh x am pleased to say resulted in n complete cure 1 can strongly recommend it to any one suffering from a cough or any throat irritation the price of dr wood a norway pine byrup la 3sc a bottle the large family alie ouc it u put up in a yellow wrapper three pine tree the trade mark nud in manufactured only by the t milium co limited toronto out a goad way to prepare cheese for luncheon la to heat it lightly strain it and ml it with cream or butter castoria sax incuiu ud cuutta tba kind yob una alum bwjm xleaitt tha signature of dkcttldamltd puftchaaulho riw mm or adqixah during the recent bearing by tha hoard of arbitration of tha case uf tba ave thousand trainman and thu burlington hallway official nu lha demand of tha man for increased wage there weru blvan hguree siow ing tha riaarraeed purchasing pnwr of a dollar sine lotjes the flgur were given hy j v ityan a atatlullelati of witahiugtnii who haa made tlia high coat of living juan inn aapeoluluuidy taking tha fiftveii principal artlclrw of fwid and using tha 1002 price of theaa article as a haalx ha khnwed that in 1003 lha dollar wa worth 101 cant and in 10oi 1h 4 cente in lout tha dollar wau worth us 8 cent and by 1010 it bad dragged u enl thhi waa an advance hi value of 71 u cent dur ing 1011 but in luule dropped to tfj0 cent in august 10f lha value of tha dollar a compared with 100d prion wa 81 4 cent tha hfiyownt dollar of which we uaed to bear hack in tha ninatlee appear lo ba almost a reality and hi lms wa dplrd by paul u ha hlf mad cur in waleawkla uf of paul i tu blf mad eon of catharlna the oreflt occur the following anecdote llluatm tire of tha working of the dlsomati lead total it smms that in a report on military affair mbmlttad to the umperor paul tha final syllable kfj of the itoeslan word for cornet or ensign wa carried over from one pg to uu other the amperor took it for a proper rum and moved by a caprice be cava order that ensign k1j aboold be promoted to the rank bf llanlenant kte law an axpreesloa of ambarra tnent and dlaappolntment on tha face of tha ktaflf who did not dare to x plain hla errori eo tha next day b pro tnobtd tb lieutenant of the amy be fore to tha rank or captain and aome day lata to that of eokmel demand ing that the oajeer kbooldbe proaent- od to him at once there wa con ktematloa evarywhara tha orate were turned upalda down in aareb or the imaginary k1j a kubaltarn of tha name or aome thing like it waa found in ona of tha regiment quartered on tha don if waa aant for but pent grew imp tlent and in tba and ha had to be told that k1j had uen carried off auddea ly by a etroke that la a pity obaervad tha er he wa a good soldier the naue artthurt h ha a wldv tiaahum than i tumrelly gmpaed tb new life the londod orgau of the most ancient faltb give it radra tha following recoedlta not od tha name arthur tho name i not pronounced artbur but artaur tha a i added for pronouncing in an acceottiaud matumt tba ti ahdld ba by tjf and u ptmiioilocwl ilka are lr blenifu- tha ta and tha ac bd twrt ti tha name la tb o tau- or iw artau or arihor t a ttriiramm leu and la shown aa utuolt it ruiw th lmj f thor or tor- 1 tha lvaa4of tli hlbst lb utile iw th tharn or tatsn of tba aut udmllar to the tanria or tovua of ltubd and scouatsd ttwy wra tlia rllgioa mnduttiitn of l la put who ud tba pvle rluhtl h tha way of tha taosi aucunt rallli wllb tha tairootlotf ef tlta uncuiit idwihod ttfa tdandlabt gntdually aaiad a political tufeu becaua ut thalr aadal tw amodg tba oalth tba word tory oaoclatd wltb mod am politick ba eofoa from thta tlta word vary tbxwor ha a almlltir hhlag to arthur aud lupll tha party os twple of dlvloa inulusanca wua4ra weavful cum-u- tha ellmata of portugal u the mot wondarral lo ksdrop a polycx erowd of acorea of thonaanda nle au unally to tha illvwe from avwry part of kcurope in ordw to enjoy tha sup pomd maxlrdbm of aunahlua but efua to ba undeceived by wwplng tklea and wltb tba erosl mistral a a cartatoty at lisbon oa tha other band cold wastbar aa understood ahtawbera i hurelly unknowa tba tsmpsratura b not only higher than that of tha ulrwa but la aciuabla to a dssraathat almeat daflaa bauaf what thla mean hi practical affect la illustrated by the fact that la uarcb laat 1 mat an bag- ush lady 6b board ahlp who had atayed six wka at moot tsatoril ar u- bod and had bathed lu tha aaa every day bi tabrdary nor was tha aeaaoa eeaptloaally waruucriboeea the pundits pun a vary duuaguiabad uritleb man of aclenea had tha foible aaya profaaaor ureuder matthew la tba century ifagaalua or inventing thrilling apl aode and pretandlnif that tbey ware of hla own experlenca on txm ovcaalon after ha had spun b marvaloas yam wltb himself in tl center of tha coll a skeptical friend looked blm in tba eye and asked alero ry oufeordl do you mean to any that thla traally occurred to your where upon tha imaginative mab of aclenea replied with a twinkle te4e jut ooeurrad to met 9vw teat doaa your huaband treat you ua- klodty v askad tba lawyer certainly not aald tha uombetan ual woman tnaa why do you want a divorcer i doat actually want a divorce i merely west to apply for one thau i can judge by tba kind of m fuse my bbabaud make whether ba realty care for ma ear bot star ulsa aiadya can you eookv in quired tba prospective tailor cau tiously i can aha answered awaetly bet tha young matt i am angagad to as sure ma that i wont bava to han- aaa city journaj ha waa hungry dill waybaek after atudylng tha bill or fur with 1nteraatrra bring me all wota on ro an a place of braadt sydney lloluua what he waated la thla a secondhand shop vea air wall i want ou for my watch- hmart at rt wary man mind hla own btnav ttmui it 1 mi tndpmur to tm what ba wag aihtbi flmrwau had indigestion for over ten years wtalietiliu ik body kiu tuvt itiuw dyu y iwllibllotf ou ibotui irury ull cfruti iould ti to uuiluuja mil liuw tb tkiutil lluklock uloud blltcr wlud lun uuil ut tbo mimu tlttui ciuiblo you ti lumako ui ull tlw wbolcumuo io1 iliiliwl tallliout irur ol uuy tutolauuit mr henry p wblte suimttrtm l write- bavo bu troubloj with indlteatlou for bun thu ten yunj trial uvnil doclon ud dlnwit oitdkln but ill without naccai llavim huud of the uuy ran tioctod by durdock blood bitter i deddtd inttb ud i rl that i aw cured at r f to kc bard work i could beforo i wo tubtm luck burdock blood lllllin l mauuloc i l toronto out build a better silo and save money ouild the kind tliat will keep your cnkihc nlwnyii it ltn lwa build tlic kind of biio that docn not have to be rep tired or punted every other vear your diiry herd will allow itn ipprc- il cution in the addition d quantity of milk it aiie tli litl kilo by keen- ua enntauo perfect increase output and toon pays for itself a concrete silo it the dairyman surest dividend payer it keeps ensilage in just th right condi tion and does not permit it to dry out or ftcf mouldy a concrete silo cannot leak rot rust or dry out ft has no hoops la replace kerjuire no paint and needs no repairs during an ordinary lifetime n 1 wliy lor llil fr book wuit ihe linger can ilo willi cnhcrlc il tll hnw 10 build concrete uloiuul nuy ollir iii 41 011 th itrnt tltsl w ii mv you huoy lollar vm l11w ctuuda cement company limit j 51b bu jj tulul mouj i m h h m j vwble writlbk pirfeotalluameat ughtntng b the e mpirc typewriter 5 escapement edduranco speed eupir as tilled hy the cpu c n tt hank of montreal uercltauis uank itoyal hank northern crown bank ulgltt directories ltd uall tele phone co etc made lu canada therefore ivo 05 u that mutt bo paid as luty 011 other makcii ii cssls veu nelllag la try oat aa esielre la veer ohlss m williams mandfacturing company ltd m u adelaide st w toaeato uoksmobtrai que the merchants op canada bank b4tkiuu4 tu4 2u tinuuhu le caaast thrift 10 rightly described as eco nomical managtment a shrewd babincsa man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his oucccss lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par castiraki said uf ajaatoo natshrvas vundu dojuoo acton branch f a maclean manager thi grand trunk railway pambcmaick thaws trtw-w- jcy mo u st tm nn kft in no ui lold tokiry si m aits w i taso w aa rtil p ut poultry i poultry 1 1 cih ru for w saw ru pur tk srxb rcton impeftlat counter check books llio jw iiulur imperial counter check ilooku nmnttfnctitred by the appleford counllf chuik hook co i imllwl hutu llti it nt ty ihj nrtlenil ut the pskk ph11k tiampleu innl price of nil style uhowti on application prompt delivery there uto more imperial in una in acton than any other check rook wov aeton fr praia local aoknov tha berlin slaaia grulti ail marble works capieit utiaum rttortilsctoa dsijtimr sod uulldsr of 8iium musimumb uoouuumu uutai usj ihidsloturii ud isll kind of autistic cltuktillty woi1k wm hem9treet agent actom oil u1lton juii it er jl bus limo the undersigned reapeclfdlly solicit lb patronage of the pub- he aud lufom thern i hit wall equipped and btyluh hjjw cat always be secured at bi alible a eomfortabl bus uatts all trsjaa between b13 a nt and 8 j8 p in careful attention given to every order the wants 01 com merclal travellers ally met john illikjuts nofmlyon haaaddqaaaddddh rockwood g chopping mills i all chopping will be done epeedily and well pn plates or stonett flour oattneal bran shorto j the best at lowest prices i harris ft co limited kockwood ont i mnndananuriundnm boots shoes btjbbebs ddddtidddddadinnnnadaaaaniid pliable yet tough von might licgin your actmnlntniicc witlt storeyti goodii by invi sting in a pair of these ilanudiltlc mittn flleyre extxllent eitampleii of how tough aud pliable inittu tuny lu inntle by our chrome procewi with the added mtlifactlon of knowing tlicy will not tmcattw tiff tv lieu scorched or ualdcd dout forget to buy storcyn aud theyll remember you by wearing longest at nil store w h storey son limited acton oal k all linos q footwem- at ttiabt prices all mens rubbers at bargain prices i anantiaaadddtianauiinnqanannl w witillams mill streer acton conscientious plumbing heating is not src wyth sluith us to tlio cotrar wo maku it tin most important factor set iljou favor uu with your patronaga you will entnusiustically endorse us fred smi1h plumber qutuntc st guelph pliohe 337 atents tjotytva71pltt majuosf a hakloac ilftlajrisnlttstetfidittim

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