Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1914, p. 3

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xltfb chrry a complete stock of tijkcclbclti nnd isyu fllumwia nil the lutetlt stylea alw new franies icye glaui mount lenuei tlriiitf in your broken kpectaclc uiirl llyu olnnumi our repairing clihrgon aro ronu unable news of local import maktniaob laatdmrnmrn isaufcp geo hynds reaii estate varans for iuiio in uultou poel and wellington loo farota lor talc every slae ii you want a auras write kae ror rntuloscu or ii you wish lw uell ok- exrauunei write ate w buve every facility for tratisuetlutf business toyoar eeanpleto lutufketlou carre tooudeuee no melted jf a wflloikjuuv varna helmutf htxulfst veorvetowu fife xtim 3fr rias tlluilhdav january 2i 1014 brief local items yuan ua iwintlug idatu old faijiloaed january uiawtblu wuek good wvlday cowo in april 10th uils yeer flood titomlug i have you renewed your vk thkiu aubttrlptfoti i kit lueve wlllumu laliaviugtwo can to brick uld down lliiu weak far hul new rwiilunoe ueeurig of 1aii vj directora and memtnr et lbs lawn hall mil afternoon it twoomack mlltou tlirmunn to lu flooded vitli pool toonta tlkbtva a uiiur of overdoig thl kind of udnur lurumutr tit prolofifted january thaw tbla week lutii urlouly asctod tho good aldlgh lag wliloh lt provaibwl the id monh llev wirt m mdoonald foaiiorly of churchill liaa boan apvluled paatorof the baptist church on tha blind uiver charge tim mvenuuta were dkgreitably tliiehy lu the few plumi where they lad wot tkmti cleared off itefore the thaw on fleurday ifcputy judga elliott la likely to be appointad to uta vaouul judgesdtlp of norfolk county hitoooo will he hla head- mr adam cook urvaoiilol the vitut vara naff wltli liaaket of prima auow anklo yaauiuy bwumfog wttloli wan imult at tka aimual incetinif of tuquaalkiff asrluuira society ut wk ur a o cwtur wu utit vlo prwttt ootuullkw joa wui olootod a ikractor t biunipal aujilo am lm wttti uttlfatiaual audit of tlw itooka ami vouolkara i i treasurer of tlu uunlclpal coutwll hourtlof k4ueation awl 1ubuo library a uiuiuu4l lotur reforring to ut tuatl of otw kwr ititsffarali but civibjj mo raidboe or otbar data by wlilcb eltkar um wrltr or tfeoaand uiight ba ulontlfud uj w4abd uila oaloa at uta mwtlntf of urauptoii publla bokool hoard but wooli ur t j huid who bad buu bacretmy xnaturar fatr twatttyalx yaara wu preiaatail with beautiful romwood itokl headed caou ur joaaph ifall ctiuroh btrmt wbom bouu aad lot wera rutvluuml by tha toronto btiburbau hallway whoaa rlfilit of way enoroacba on it ba uimiumumj um iromrty on urook strt of ur ifalaou uowar llatllu ira john bubliaommt baa aotl bar nakuium on mill stroat to ur joha ua- imtaa kjbia wbo lataotla makluflr bla boata bm for tb t utuw u ra buikbaoaoa and wat ofoala aa oontttjijuntf mtuovlhtf tolvxmto tliu will ba uhoii roeraued by tblr frtautlabara urvw a p oatapball bwrlaur laavao bdttlnif of nont weak for lotuloti eduod warn ba will ba for tba uext tbraa uuutuu in eoubaetlon with tba or- gaolaatloa and formation of a truat cvuh- eany to ooarat at hagloa aiwl iita wt uortjtowo herald tea yah atto tba vukm mm editor eould buy tan doaea rww laid ojat with a year aubaorlpuon how ba la abla to ktaiultam only tbwa awa with that dollar tt agga bava iroua uu but tba aubaorlpuon rwala tba taaaa baa wbara wa atanil in tba taattor of tba high wt of livlaff surtbara up st oalbarltua way ara a awall bunob for raoeutly 100 of thma at- taadad a battqwt ovaryooa attbohnjr in fall avaulag tlraaa bvry dog baa hu day and tkuaa of ua ti town wbo bava to ay tba farmar ptvmnb ruhoai for buttar esgav and ioaltry way toon bava to pawn our wallowtaua a hay brown jaaua bowttiaavllla btauaman oauwaowu tmnttuutt daatb alaluad uootucr forruar dant of tbla nlaea mr john fjaavaua wbo dd at bar fauuia in parry sound on tba sou inal kntarrjuant took elaor to anton eainatery luat vrlday liar buatband two aonu atid ok dauub- tarurvw to mourn tlte loaa of a lotrflg wlfaandtnotbar lira aikmcttob many frlauda will ba aorry u haar aba la wry 111 at ghmaaat mia haggis orawaon vulted frlarid laoualpb laatwaak allaauallaoriutw la vliltlntf frtand ttl uvarlutt uraijamaa gambia tatuindl hom hotu bnflalo uut waalc waaaja u tewdk bayard tliouab atlll vary lauuibtatoba about again raeva oampball attandad tbu maat- tom of cfouuty oouunll at mil ton on voaaday ii waa w t alaotad waidan but bla tlna in emitting all right batuaif ry titoitiawilfooru imtl u buay lay alt tha iinnuul inwtlnu of halton wit inamranea ou t acton on mon day hi wnrk lautili atnralhud eaumaaumcrtyalnilcaaiif lamlff ad thai aalt sru mill u uaai sniuumdlmid puuiaiuj lw mill aua w mjm e4 caune umi aaaaat bit miiraa bjr lb tpauobaarffa oaxr nnm ft praaiata uutui aay hatra datatrb oata la u1mi aitianamiyoatbbtmdatod hom miimm iaobmk 00vudoo daatth ot hra jtobn iuno tlwt rtiniulnu u ura jojiti tjovtti who dlodatlmx- itoowi in wrry round mt lb aullitl were brtu l acton on vtl duy kervloa wau oomluotml in tlta mntliotlut church by luivc 1 1hxr larst numhor of rubttlvoa aiul former imilultbora italtitf krtwjnt itttanttaitt waa nxada in valrvuw oatnotary btok aahtaai ktuunat attahl ivuiflnf from thu prlosa ruling lit tho uiuu of farm alook iba high oot of llvliiif wv far ku meat l oonoarnad u not ukaly to lw ioduch niitcli in tlta naar futnre at llio mook ihiitfhald by uawn f h iittdy ntwl it n urown but woek a fraji btllk uriula now and lir calf itrooght 9ioiao aumniaoblaa bl x trotulu cow brouglit tm ntul youfitf aowa un basil on rtnoiml af yguaa mr arthur ilaall u a tfepartmattt kduoatlou laoturar an ouuattloa and imraon- ul liytrlana eoitittmnobd hlaoouraaof laaaona in ac too aclioalayeittattbiy in thl mornlnk lia addrofiaatl tbamrltnary dlvlvtona and in urn aftamoon ttta continuation fltudottl tha lacturwit will la oontlnnad today and vrlday patltara awl moutara arammmlal- ly invluxl to ita irwoht kmiiay aftornoon will ho a tlnw of uuoh inuitat urntbrouramluumoaa tfta ihurfatou town oauncll in com jiaium wltli un rtwiuat of an influential deihitatloii of cllluna paaadd a bylaw flalnu tlm llaaiua lar tlm eala of cigarette within um tnunklrullly at 1000 tha liullmrimata nujjjyliijr of ooaln nalla to lulnoru wara children in facuwaa tlwt luclmary cauaa of uila draatlo action tba hallhitnd tnorabiof tha rinlajf neratjon ttiubt 1m uafetfuardad by every nowlila uaaiu erin advocate olivia ta tb wiueei aga euta no flifura when cupid tela bla arrow go thla la abown by the toarrujr at ullton on january jlatlluv w h martin of uanaewood of uu kluabeth h chlholm of ullton ueil baventy two o 0wr kfadduwy aftl aeventy blftht of llraatord tlta ooublnad atfea make an umrreiiuta of ooa hundred and fifty yaara mr haddlaay waa btamail in ihoo to uu htrift of kalvla atoaklaml alia kawe away on ootobar 10th 1019 on vebruary 23rtl 1010 uiay oalehratail their gohlan wedding having ilvad uaaly forty yar in ilrantfaid ur hfidiheey la a oarpauter by trada and aull punmea bla ealllag with hla old uma vigor and ability tb oddraucefw ofberl on tuaaday avedlug january 96ui tha onloaraof aoton lodga x a o v for tha enaulug term wera inetalled by ix ix u u auxwortb ajjated ly p ix o fl u wlleoa and bra bala and uolla of bvatathton at tha cloaa of thaoaramoulaa luatruotlva akwha wra delivered by llroa auxworthy and wllaon other vlaltlng itrethren wera drag s navlna a dobbla and j bulr oaorgetown and tho kevllla w q of brampton tbaoboew btatalled werar jr 1 t uorrla n j a uoere vo rbootl it hao a h marjll v bee a 1 quntou traaa il u mcdonald wurdenjaa dobbla ooa john couv o a 41 maaeill j flb uaokla ilrn o it uowttraou lan if wluuua it r v 0 meil uflvabh lav 1a a roulu il h a v llolaua u a h ii llarwood chaji nell uadonald tha a b redded wbaa haau4 tba banquet given under tha aupioea of uta womana luatluu by tha canadian shredded wheat ua lu tha town ball on tuaaday avealng waa a taaicnlaoea t aneoehi nearly four hundred gtteeta aat down to uia banquet tba nuem waa quit a tawpa- ing ooa and nwet aabataatlal of ooa the value of wbola wheat pradaeta waa freely daaiouatratad daring uta earring of the menu uta uathodlat sunday bobool orehatua played a nataher of at and an axaauaat prograuua followed tha banquet ur heawlih of oeorgetowa gave two raoitaildua in whfcb bar dlalaotla abllluaa wara vty creditably uanleetad uuiaulaauay wlugaat aaug two uutn- bera attraatlvaly dauonatraalng tha awet- neaaandeoupabioberrleb young voloa m laeaa lfjual and lotlu uatou gava oaa of thalr popular earaat and piano dnata and mlaaea kana and ttaa bbarwood of naaea- gawaya aanff very aweatly a dnat ur colborua drangbtaraan for meaara beard- uora co muuraavmal irelu with taub aooaptanoa hu full rich barltona voia waa apleadldjy aultad to tha uum ftr glvan thaladuaqaartauaandthauaia quartatta and tha mat rone cboraa all ran- dered aeleouona which brought voolferoua upplaum a faatnra of tba programua waa tha addraaa on anplm building by ur jifawltttnutoaalaaatofthacuaa- dtaa bhradded wheat co hwaapalrlouo and abowad tbtt vaat uataral reeoaroea of our eountry tha wambwi of tha womama inatuata ara to ba oaagraialaiad upon tha anooaea of thl vey fotaldahla vaotura an wtrathiq- malaaliilaimnat tha chloigo ilea club waa eartalaly given a oordlal raaaploer at tha town ball on saturday ulgfcl it unat uva been gratifying to tha ottotka of bt albana church whan thay want to tha unuaual avnatua a brlnguig ancb atubblawgroup of entartalnara to acton that their afluta warn aa fiilly arecutad that uta oapaalty of tha ball waa taxed t acowjaadaia tba audiaftoa tfaay ebaaa a vary worthy auraotlm and tha reauua wanaaiatb their tanterlty tha mrauiiw readawed was in all reanaota anayabla it waa varied it waa uuruorioua in every nawhar tlta ueubera of tha olaa ctiib ara ganuenun rjaaaluff n inanaar auraatlva la thalr ataga praeenaa and ara vocal and laatu mental artlata thalr yaara of meftfluilan and maetant atady and work together bava prodnoad a parfemlao of enaambla truly ktnariiahla tbla la traa both in thalr vooal and thalr inatrutaantal uawbara their rendition of aaoratl ftlaaaloal and popular number ward equally good and al ware eoeeftaua to tba larga tw thalr trotabona mnaotiotta warn wagnlfl oeut their hertaony waa wonderful tha atatdly aouorlty of thaaa luatmuauta waa ably ualnialnad by thaaa aklhed puyara ur dixon wbo praaented a aarlea of oharaetar mpereowauort gava utaas in a wauoer rafraablaa and not avardrawn hi ifooalar with weilbnown peotna by jama wtdtootttb ruay abowad aonta vny raaluuo bit of aharaoter vary worthily faaaentad tohkagollaaotnb naptl rated their rutdlenoa baraa u way that an anton audienoa u aaldom captivated may tbay oomo tbla way again officer harvey sends in his resignation oounell mnkaet lrwepoeau to oeauntw hla valued ateraleeej olfehic maolcimmona aalarv laj hoitataobd council mat in regular uraabm on monday availing at eight iolnok mehtber pramnt t qeorgti llytid heavei il u uadonald w m ooorn r w ii atnllli mtid a t drown tlta ooamillua on krittanea preeent ad their aeoond reportand reoooirnancl ed pymaitt of uco4iiiia uu rollttw i otcmultal avawtrrtt n f moora frolght and eart- fleoiiavlll bupnlle frank uaatara lbar itobt htoray work at oaioe- ury municipal world tuppllea maakanmlr lixor artd ktaoo 2 b0 100 auppllei klurnuo vlatt n if moora freight an eart- agn f ihs hydro awar coin aupplle tsilia can uen rleotrid co do 03 ad hydro lower com gtod lojul tba report waa kdoptbd at title jnnatura tbatuava announo ad that ha had jut rtalved a oom- munloatlon from uuttlolpal omeer uarey underlng hla raalanallon tbaannouneatnantralbarnnn plaea ad tba utarnbera and omoer harvay waa called in to confer with then ilaaald tha dull r hla oflloa bad grown to euttb proportlona that ba eould not overtake them proparly aud had too touch bard work in aoeonv plublng what ba wa trying to do farther ha fait that aftar ralalng tba aaeeeeraent over so00u0 during tha five year ha had wh aseeaeor ba would not ba able to increaaa now by twenty par canl aa aoma mambara of tha council propoead tba iteave aald ba kuaw tha dutlaa bad largaly inbraatad thu hydro- klaotrla eollreuona bud become a vary important factor tha bollaatlon of taxea required a good man and ba waa f uiuob averea to dupanalng wllb tba aervlce of omoer harvay hi hooka war wall kapt and ida aaoouuta wara alwaya eorrvot ho would favor aaaanrtof eowpronilea rallavlng mr harvay of hi town hall duilaa tfau woilld rainova ooniddarabla of hard and akaotlag work and tba duty of being tbara at all hour early in tba morning and lata at nlgbt ho waa in favor of thla and continuing tba aalary at tha praaant rlgur uoumstllora mcdonald cooper and urown aacb coincided wllb tha haavaa auggaauon and aald thay would aup port it thay would ba sorry to ma omoer harvay out of tha oflloa councillor htttltb tald ba waa not in favor of taking tha eouraa propoead and ralteratad hla stock argumant of paat yaara of what tha uta k d graham otad to do tba ilaava raw tided him that tba faithful omoar of aarllar yaara bad long tinea passed away to tha rrgrat of all but tltum bed udrjargonaa transau- dnua ebaaga slnea tha daya tba onpoa ing councillor waa ao fond of quoting tha proposal waa thru uiada to omorr harvay and ha raquaetad a few daya to oonsldar tba tnatlar this tba council granted tba matter tuuar however ba adjusted in a few daya aa tha work or tba asseta want for 1014 muit ba eommanoad by the loth vehtuavy anotbsr bomb was now thown into thauaailng by tba verbal rrquaat of clark uaeklnnon for an ineraaaa of aalary tba salary of w ba waa vaaalvlng ba said waa fjxsd back in tha daya whan tba total raoalpta of tba municipality wara oouo or w000 now thay nra bva uuaa that tuni tb salarlra for thla nhaa in tba olbar towns aratourilaaontoutloaoasat own ffioo with rstra illowaneaa for band una hydroeuctrlo aeoounta ullton jfflxoakvllu 1000 tba couuoll eonbldarad tba reqaaet favorably and unawlinoualy decided upon an ineraaaa of ilo tba raara said thai tba tsmporary flra angina waa inaullad bad baan tastad and waa in good ordar tha toerna angina whan it rat urns from tba factory in a rw waaka will ba ajnut aagood aa naw ua tuggeelsd baraw nfur a quartarly impaction of tba angina by an impart to ba aura that tba anglnaarwaakaaplogltlu aauefaatoty ooudltlon oounelllorsultbi think w ought to gat tba tleardtnora co to lay mains all through town and bava tbaoj ranar ad to pump walar whan wa bava area councillor mcdonald batter lustal a system of watarworka for all burnoa as for tha town tu ttaava yaa bra uajua roald aoet at bust 914000 aud wa would bava tto watat works uyaum then coancjllormadobajdmaeetabaard uor as co aspaet to hava a email ebamloal angina bara for tsauna in a f4daw and tbay ihviu tba connollto attaud tha ftiporimanta wa might find it of advantage to bava a chemical flra angina for tba town tfa c than adjourned miimah darallcta tills la tbtf luvurtilblf tilatory rf ucb causa- lt uu uuldvuiliiod body of a uhu ur woawu youug or old ba dhv covered und frutit ull dlractlomt will coma luqulrlua diictualu tlhj fnct tliat many parautui tuna iliaupiuarl from tba knowludiia uf i mr fruituu tviig adlaa and iwiriathv mro iltua unccv- arad far hi terra uh of ihqulry pnivaa tluit aoiuo una in web ease baa suffarad auxutty uvaf tba mbudug ana hitd liau faaml evil lutpiuttilotia crime ahuuu matiiiwhuly dbuuuiaut uanap liluoam dowlrv foruilvvutiiiv ur among tha musai tlmt ihid tn tlu duappanr- liklltiuuplu ptdr jltwa arfivntaba a prouiloebt stulo tithriiil in a taoott tain raitlou rvlltwl in til- buraa oaa hot anvrwhut und liuiultvd nfa barefooted woman workltiu- lit tb tirld madam tan you tall mo bow uukb fartbaf u i to jobuathia oornrrar tba womau laaited un bar boo and pondered grnvtdy nn aba aald bnal ly i vant my ana jim eould tall you utousb jham baan urooa hv gut altoa personal anotravel notes uoetej atnd lrwewo itemw of fntaraat to ifreea rteedero albdamibd duhino th wubih mr medley of uri vukmi frleimla uro on helunlay mr it n tfiurtull of liirorolli wit humlay wllb bla mother am other frleimla ulk lottie k hpelght la amri4llng a oouda of weeka with frlemlm in toronto mr u a fl uatuiewa of btona umit tut toronto tnada acton frleiwlu u ltrlef vuiton vlday mr uorrla haxa a at new york ibu week attending um weddlnu of icr alitor mlau laullne tionon to mr doiudawelg mr uiul mr ivrederlo w llarur of rvtruand oregon announce uta engage ment of their tuugliter lereldlae marie to mr ctaranoe harold ivehu um wed ding to take place the fourth of jtebruary oerabllne waa lom in ueorgetown ur frelm u ua youagett aon of dr and mr iselin of irvlttgtod ivwtland herau a ttjadoetlan fereonnllr wa su not pratand to ba uncb of a hand hi raudlng rbaractar but whan w waa u ymiug wan earry lng a ialr of kid ulovaa la eao aaad and a cane in tha otbar wa know ba imui looking for a plowing job oa vaatoa nawa wan dm mudsjom bav blnnt tlu dnyn or llenrj ludaon tin co huiiilrod iinil four iara ugo tlio wulttru of llirt duy und fllrnlt that hrif hla numo itavo hrcn navlicatod by wlillu men thr ci rent company founded ulxty yasra afur tlm dlacov- ory of tlio llay sent mil ua ablp ladan with goods and brourht tbam liowo inilon with fura uilhg only tide route tho ndvonturous itadla- son nnd hfa companion laid the foundation of oil tradn and eatab- halted tho ruin or tba company tlirottg out much or thl northern wklon with trado there hi in id nd tba stem condition of war tho hudson bay company waa hohllur tbla eountry for fnclund thl wtut bofora thsra waa a unltnd klnftdom aud savaral time tba french attsmuted to drlva tlio knaluh from ii and thereby make uunarta land a part or naw weneo of which the capital waa quebec on it ha ik tit a overlooking tha tit lawrence thla war on the water and along tha aborca or hudson hay took place during tho reign or william aud mary tba leader of tho vreueh force scut to hudson llay was iberville after whom fa named oua of tha couutto of tho provlnca of quebec in 1c94 he compelled iort nalaon irort nelaou it was then called to aurreudsr after a bombardment of three wocka two yaara later an knxllab heat racaptured tba fort at tha same time hscuviuk a vast quan tlty of furs then both unalaud and jpyanc praparad ror a eontllct that it was expected would dually tattle tba question of supremacy in hudson day each country sent out a heat that from kuglaud constating of four of tha companys ships tha hampahlre tba hudson day the daring and owner love tba hugllsb ships entered tha blralt only rorty hours in advance of tba sblpa or tha wench both fleets being much im peded by tha lea tha wench ahlpa really followed in tha wake of tha atlleb having an tared tha bay wbatw there waa more epsa water iberville hi hla ship pelican saeoaeded in slipping by the kngllah shift un known to them and reached the mouth of the nelson ttiver within eight of tha fort tha garrison waa greatly surprised for it bad baan beped that tha ksngluh float would prevent the strench ahlpa from pass ing through tba blralt tba appear ance of tha pelican showed that tbla bad not been denes but the english fleet waa hourly expected aad ahem ware ared aa a signal to tba ap proaching vessels iberville also anxienaly awaited the coming of bla own vases- and so two daya ware jmaaad in a state of suspense by both tha garrison at vert nelson and tba crew of tba pelican on tha tnornutg ef tba third day which waa september 5 lot three- ships ware dletbuuy visi ble aad so ecnfldaat waa xbetvmo that thay ware his that ba bcuatad anebor aud sailed away to join them aa ha drew near ha uaraed to hla surprise and perhaps somewhat to hla dismay that the ate ware tba kngllab bast now reduced to urea ships for tha fourth tha ovaars lot had become separated tram her companions wbaa they won in tba tcetiald aad was nerar more beard of iberville was not daunted by tba discovery he decided to attack and mad straight for the throe sblee nf tha enemy u wj a ease ef three against oua but iberville m waa much superior to 1u eoate for tha 1ellcan waa manned by about two hundred and bfty sailor and marines and the veeeel tarried forty- four places of eaanea the baits begin at ones iber ville nrat tried to run down and beard tha hampshire railing la tbla bo turned tn the daring and the hudson hay pouring lata aacb a dauagloat breadaldet the mngllab re plying with a musket ore lata tba pelicans crew and a broadalde of etrapeabot which wrought haves with the enemys kails the hudson day than tried to run in front of tha pelican and give her a constant bull nfa beolde taking tha wind from her aatta iberville saw tba intended movement he veered around and by a oaa piece of aeawawsblp came ae near tba hamp shire that tha crew saw that board- lng was intended bat a urrlae breadalda of graae held tba wench in check for a time saving the hampahlre xt waa osiy for a time for at the end of three and a baji hours of dghtlag tha hampshire be gan to sink with all sails net at tbla tlm there were ninety men severely wounded ea beard tha pell- can forty having been struck by a single broadside notwithstanding this iberville decided to push tba flght wltb tha daring which waa tho smallest ship and had suffered se verely the daring seeing that ahe waa alagled ant for detraction crawded on aell and managed to avoid an encounter tfae pelieam o- ing la no condition to give chase re turned to the hudson bay which soon surrendered in the meantime tba hampshire had been steadily sinking and abort ly after tha surrender ef the hudseu bay tha hampshire went dawn wltb hoariy all en board and thus waa rohdudsd what was in tba opinion of tho beet authorities bath weucb aud ingllsb ouo of the sorcest and blood lent naval bailies of the war billouanea- u certainly one of the most dfmgree- ablenuawnta which ftcah u b5 to coated tengueblttr taste in the mouth nausea dusineas tbese combine to make life a burden tba tttueuadwdcrcd llvcfbeeurei dr moreevlndua root mile tbey gf straight to the root of tba tmubls put the liver right clcsnte the stom ach and bowel t r the tongue and takeaway the bitter tahs from tba mouth at tba firet sign of bilious ness take dr morie ittdla root pillas died asios voetm tbare paired uwuy at uts lenentl hoipl ul oil tneeduy at tlte rlm nbl ugi tit iw yuara ura jtlli mnfutti wlu waa one of ui pioneer eeuleru of cape llmton twelve year ago hlie twpvo to otit4i wltera for tuttne time bhe resided with iter on mr angus uolati two yuara ago be left for itoglna- luqljtli meroury rjoeexwtownw maw snw otfleo uiu while in cjbrfetown tlte other dy a tkromlnont oltlaen tolntwl out dm ulto aocured for the new poet oflloa in utat town wblu it may ajtear premumptnotia on tba urt of an outauier to oner any crltlalaai in tho eholoo of uia site we are forced to admit a feellntf of unfeigned uurkrlaii at um 4uoa oboaeu for the moat important ami coauy publlo building of umi uiwn it will i plaovd ut uw corner of mill and water titreeta twenty or twenty five feet imiiow the level of main fflreet wltli umi trejiueof tlm toronto huburbau hallway towering thirty feet high tuo ur three roda to one aide the obi aaw mill u fow feet to ute northwett and a group of oilier aomewhat unalghtly bulldlega on the outer ritlea cluaena from all part will rotpilre vogo ilown bill to uta poet oftloo tlm tower clock will ba in view to a ery email section of the town a site on main btreet would aurely have been mora con venient ulgbuy ami uoceitablo to tlte large majority of uta clujrta buuluwavad the annual tearneetlng of lb methodlt lnday bohool id ba held on friday evening oth ifebraiiry promlae to baa very attractive mffalr re will ba served in tba hall from 0 to 8 oclock the company will then pro- oeed to the church for tha programme hereaddreaeeaara promlaed by llev 0 1 draper and m v moore ki acton luv w wadded natllnarad and the paator hav dr maarthur mlaeeacheyna and mitchell will glv eeveral lacltatlona and aotitn sunday ckbool oroheetra will render a number of nelvoilona mr fred cleava nnd ml- lena allan vlalted ualllnafad friend on sunday ulae uargaret akltt vlelted acton friends laat week cavaridmolher saysc ksa thai wi iuu wl bai ml eg liqubmphur liritia- wlial rara if ewrr eumatllat eq2eju and klujr vruublm aud klujrl raaelar u t lll ll wilk111r tiefcrawflau aaaia year aln will xta ywe yea au ttfeitetf a vui te 1 atr wlmuia uejm it net eutfrr imw t tut m aeltle frta yeir awufmu kerava tt car yeurmir 1rle eats us may ftlmet le ts 108 nox a cold in one day refuse imitations every betue has the uunaber and wording lee nox a cold tbla u the greateet and moat weaderfulofalloougb medlclaea ajc and soo per bottle at ail drug stores hacking cough of two months standing cured by natr4ce yrwn ef lueaed ueerioo asel churaoyeo vo4t know how hard it la to get rid of a cough tlutt has huug on for even two weeks let alone two months tlo you will appreciate what nodrncobyrup of liumed lloerua and chlorodyne did for ut tatrlck holland of itaat ralllc p kx he says i euffered from a hacking cough for over two mouths i tried eeveral rtmt ill bat they failed to cur hte at laat i tried na-lim- co syrup of ijuaeed lloorle and chlorodyne and got aucb relief that i tried tnor and after luting three bottle was absolutely tttred the unique aclentlfle coeablnatlon ef three such reluuaretnedu make m- dmco syrup ef llaaeed xieorie aad chlorodyne the beet preparation that that has aver been ottered for all aorta of colds and congbs get a zse or 60c bottle from your draggut and see for youraelf bow rffecuralt la netieuel dvtig and cbettiical co ef caaada limited ua quit dosing your cfailtiren wbfa strang ciurell ctmtlie tebleta are meet eflactlva ha seupris- ueseoeaicb troaeawe kj silpedoei lertbe kftttl make monday shorter easier end cooler posmvttvtta uumestsjiie id cjuuuxl ykjspniiiq kw actons blectiic cho m choppmgeri rolling done daily satisractiom guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton bliick knight j stove polish rtm a brhomt 8y0vc awd a emittlt rvotatrom uu alack kmtor j4pbtr the rjdallwtmmo tow nowaotcl hamilvowomt mo roes concrete hof houses amj feeding floors enable you to raise bigger hog and better pork without heavier feeding a concrete feeding floor permits the ani- huls to clean up a the fj wnbout wsuc and climiiuies the poaaibjity of your hoyi contnettng thecaic to you they meaui blazer- ivofiu hog bouees of concrete are unkaty easily cleaned nulntlid sh evcrt tentpcrahire and give plartty ligbi and air which tend to better the quality of pok concrete will net rt or roi nvr bead mtuli wtkiilu it will out wr aby oiur iuirui for lira ururttu wrua lor thla beautifully ulitraud i lvik hvlunka r itauwvbow to uilu hog hoiia rdtf rlooia and nuuty otitr ttnefi lk farmtr biedi reeeeee iwj feheo aureem caasala corneal cearmeay usrimj ithr geo patterson live stock bulk actow out cattle sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally krome ym ikll sek ue uuaunauhuiniuiaiiahihaaaj i your moneys worth you get more than a- per lee t fit in our line of 5 semitailored overcoats you get serviceable- s neso as well as the latest in style and fabric s we suggest that you step in and see our line b prices toay onethird off regular g to clear balance of our line b r b nelson

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