Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 29, 1914, p. 4

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ffihe jkttatt jfm rm thuiiudvy tanuahy j imi ivotilc rt iiii r ii ii wmu r mi diy to in hi id i f il h lint diml m imljll lii hmrliik iiiururt tiluiio or tranquil foe ni lint hint i iuy lionrt to aay when vw wulmu liookou luti uuttuy thla luuiy woik my liiunulhtf not my i or mil wimi ii vh 1 mil the ona by whom tbla work run wat iw dan in thi rlffht wy then ehsll 1 utt i not ton treat or email to tult my spirit and to prove my powoitm th hull cheerful greet the labnr- ingr hourr and cheerful turn whan tit innff hhednwafall at eventide to ply nd love and useauae x know tor me wy work in heat henry vali dyke oh bhaxiliaw watbhwav xbe river aihfln and its trlbu- uhf occupy an ere half aa urge kurope thulmwoairhlon i oov- ra with rank tropical foreate aod for several months of eah year la hooded with tropical rains itladlffl edit to real- that tha tur awaaori lj bme than four thoutaud tiilleelohf at ilanoae a thntiaand nilue from tha m tha rlvr la ave toll wide and at xqulu two thousand wllae from lb m it la still thra ralua wide aod tiiv liable by tteatoera of 8cw una bdtdatt tha awivon has literally hundred of trlbutarle tha chief of tohleh flaw down from tha of vaokauau oalotima ecuador pni aod boll a dosan or thaw trlbu uhwkhov ft thousand mil lota la hu well known book a natural- ut on tha klv autuoiia ur w if boaj speaks of tha teailka vpanaa 6f w4ur whm tit liidlra tb arlt tributary of tha atnuon fcjtw two thousand 11iu of euurw buode u walare with tho- of tba aid 6 in tha jrywafconu madeira a bowiiuholiv i but in tha riy trt ll i hay whit froo thewhtueuy whloh u erhw away uj iu banks the ute dr a it walla ull u that tba well known itaall ubla in inaptly poduc and mporud lit tha v aroutwl tha juootlon of thu uadira itlvur with tha atauaoii ha saw itoth fruit and uomoai on tha tr- in jutiuary for iba fruit takaa wora than a yaatr to rlfwn unt thahlf emnmarul pvi- dootof tha awawm vlly today u tahur tha mattarad indiana hardly pnitlu aflri culture itut eollmt and lubattfta ruhbar f jr practically avtry- uja thy naad much of mi ruhbar la tuw obtain from tha danaa juntiua utd unclad watarwaya at tha haad of tba wadlr hiv whuh flow through kvatona faw whlta mn hava m- implorad nothing aa good for asthma aslh- um rauadlaa coma and o hut avary yav tha aalaa of tha iftlnal dr j d kaltog aathma numadytirowwraatar had araatar no further evldauea eould b aiked ofltaramarkama merit it mllavaa it la alwaya of tha aaana uavaryluff quality which the auflfairar ttom aatbtna laarna to know da not uttfav anothar attaaki but rat thla kt4aadld ranwdy today a bouaa of mlrtb la ona in whteh tha wlfa lauah at har huibanda wtala jokaa but whan a mana auto acta up it way worry mm mora than whan hu wlfa do ukewu tkahlal or truth and the rlitkilom of lfavn la of thn dlillil llkv of lliomt who nr faay tn jilfku wlinlitw rhd wltodlvaillnmaur it 1 httwthou mhiiy in hilkj world run affr follalty lilnlii hlhfiilmlndthl iiimii hlinlliitf r iiiiiihi itiii nil tin time n i- on liu hfinl or in hu imiul hydny hinltli wiimuii in lionornlilo and may 1m iiumi mot huitwhlly wbin tnnn waard tlifiuuolvoimiuluililir wliat iniwoii tliay urn- uwwarda of it and not tha nwuara frr r juonwy m ha u unainy khmt ah all nrar imaiimuml whllatbarala flh ihiralx inonty or thn want nfmonayi but money la alwayu on thy brain uo lonu mo thara la brain in raonabla nrdar hamitol ijmlvr olarfityniau and uardiiivru hu on in whole tl imikiwt and moat hoalltiy llvuv it ladualn aohoaaato tha faat that both olurgytnan und lihrdtniuru live ilia uioht mrfat tatantal moral and phyaloal hvj jtohnllurna tha ortiataat oollnn of all for woman mutt ba avar ba tliv how and lu raoognliia tbad homa dapanda on woman and that tha aultlvatad wo man avalta ita inflnanoa waa to twit our valua of woman aduttatlon on tha ttflfatllnaa hlr a- llonklnann navoasmivowaaaaj i5vst0ria lives by her wits castoria tltluyeuumahnttboaiu bay tha tf if agirlbowato young man thraa eobmentl day ha la eartalu ibfl u la lovawlui him fb wot birthday a woman baa eelabratad tha aiar it in for iter to forgak in what yar aha wan born a woou iov tha lullourth hvar la a wry aanaatlve organ and aully aaraustad whan thla oeoura thara la uadnwaratlon or hlla and tha aohd liquid flow itttotbaitomaoh and tour il it la a mmt dutrawlnff nil men t and uany an piona tn it in thla condition man tinda tha baat vamady in parowiuaa vaffatabla pi i in which ara warrantad tn anitfdlly oorraet tha dlaordar thara fa nn liattar kindlelna loth antlw hat of pill praparatloria koehlld should ba11flwd toauffdran batnr fromworma whan prompt rallaf eao ha et in m almpta hut alronft vanudyafotbar qravek worm kitter wlnator thara ara wore way of pnadlk mooay than thaw aw of making it it takaa an xmtrlneal f wall tn ull about tha thing ha taw that lia didnt coma oannot avlat whan hollowaya cam obra i applied tn tham hwaua ltdm to tha wwt and kill tha growth hatty a wana nonaelanofl mm in m ktaia of innoeuoua daauatuda until hla wlfabaglnato alt up and taku nothw u la bard luck that uniuua watll ualmova la not only itllud but itw inourabla jlany a elark fall- tn an oppor tunity basauaa h kaapa hla ya on thaoioev children ortr ror fletchers q a a woman aye anmatlmaa indlata a lot of awnar word aha dar not ttua bnbtbe girl with aoiall fonk may ba abla to aat it down raaj hard nn a mana nok attar ha ha faced tha panpa with her a severe cold settled on her lungs ift ca hf urpby sptttm oat writh i bav bad occdiiod to uu dr wooda norway pin syrup and can uy it hum crultay u a wondarful tuiisltia lait wlbur my lltlla lit jttst a yar old took a uvra cold wbkb wttlcd on hf ludj j tried vlbidf and toil aimoit us uvipalr mhcu by thane i read of dr wooda norway hna synip and dwkkd to try it i tot two bottle and a toon u x ttarted to uu it i umiu tc it wa ukuc ttfftct i gv iwr tbra botlka in all and hay completely eutrj her cr wooda norway hm tlyrup it a ualhvnal ttuudy for wtnt 4roas all broacbial troiibhrf couaha and coldj of all kind uioncbltiri sort tkroat lloanmocu croup atthau wbooplitk cough and throat and luntf troublca disappear quickly alter a few uw hava bwn taken it will atop that lutreuia tkklun uuuiumi in the throat fakb cauui ctfujblu- and kep you awake at nlfat pil 25c lanja family tu boe put up lu a yellow wrapper tbrt pitta uei the trade ituik manufactured only by the t mubura co umltad toronto odt lufum uhititutu a woman who aequlraa tha habit of talking to haraalf bta tha moat eora pllmanta children ory rob rutchers ca a man may navar dlaoovar bow ig norant ba u if ha doaant try to tall hla wlfa how to run tha bouaa ulllara worm powdara ar awaat and pataubla to oblldran wbo chow no baalunoy in taking thatn tbay wllleartalnly bring all worm troubla to an and tbay ara a atrangthanlng and atlmulatlng madklna oorraotlng tba dlaordar of dlgaatlon that lh worm oauaa aud imparting a healthy ton to tha ayatam moat bauaflolal to davalopmaut oftan a man baa a lot of good trait that you would navar auapect if ba dldab tall you aboup thara giva ona woman two mlnutea to ala auoabar woman up and aba eats davot two hour to dporiba what tba olbar bad on h4tilalta on tba varm hwry farmav and atoakraimv abotdd lutap a aupply of dr thorn uolaqtria oil on hand not only raady rawady for ilia in tba family but baeauaa 16 u a horaa and eattl madlolna of graat potanoy aaaublltutforawt oil tor boraaa and ttattla aflfaetad by eolla it far aurpuaaa anything that ean ba admlnutarad it u about tba aaalaat thing in tba world for a girl to gac bat that la bmunilnglfaba untovaralataan this lady knows how to keep well m aliatt n wi wh ii tti hfltm fiotwaxut man i thluk oin pux3 are tha nneu tlilnga for tha kldwrra when 4nt x niiilocauiidajpetaserad with dread ful lfluw in my sack tbt made tn riulte 111 j afrlefldgavaiaeabiof youi tjin illtsand artarl bad taken ona doae iffrituaapaju kthangotwyaalf nboxandbaloveibalfnf it waagnnv x hud iou all the hackacba it did aaea a treat to ba rid of tha taln ii anyone ull ma what a pajn tbay lava in their hack i aay von abotdd tryclintnixa ual j ptammtx take mra plekralla advlca and taka gin 1iixh tfaey will cur von of aver trace of backache kid tty trottltla or kbcunudjam jjoc a boa 6 for jms aent on receipt of prl if yottrrbakr doeanotbandlatbam money back u cw rixix3 do not k prompt rallac sample free if you tnwuuml una mptf national drt and cbertdcal 6ot of canada umlted toronto uancatona nlood and narva yablebf cotrcctfeaula tronblra and make petra rkhukml 5oenbc oa ktf tba itlna vcu ilato altirnya uooahf aaid xvblch bail been la ttao tnt ocv so cnra linn borne the ulimatoro of ami iuim boors kna4loiinlor bw kerw noiinl impenlalonnlnro iit iiiauicy aliotriiofiot4kt1rlooi all oottntorioltw itiiltntlona niltiiht-iih- bttl uxprlntntitn tlint trlllo with an it oiidniifrcf tho linultla of inftuit mill ciilmrejn isxpcrlonoo ngolliht lsxprlnumt what is castoria dautftria in a hnnnloaa jnihatlttite tbr coator oil pao- torlo iriii nml fuuiutlna bjrtijwt it la wttutont it tontuliih ucltliot- optum afnrplilno nor other nurootlo wmbatuiica it nro in itn rjiuirniitoo it dontroya worm amd o1iuh roorliiliiiomiu it ouroa xlarrhnan ait i wind colic xi ktillovc vootlilng xrmiblen oiirm duiiutlutttlott auid f intiilniicy it rtaalmllatou tlio 7oci rgtilaiea ebo btnnuuli nn d ttaxtcu nvliicf bonltby nittl lkatuml aleeihi rrho oblldroun lmuiiccii o ilotucr friend genuine castoria alway8 t boanj tho blgnaturo of the kind ton have always bought in ueo for over 30 year- oomttrrmwut a llttla girl wbo waa vary quick at nguraa and waa getting along aplaudld- ly with bar arltbmatlo want out to a party with bar mother tba uaual thing omurrad and brntbar mend aakad tba llttla paraon tha uaual quae tlona aueh aa how aha llkad whoob bow aha waa getting on in arithmetic bt tha llttla maid anawatad tha tat ijuaatlon tbu i o i am gattlng on wall in arltb tnetln iv got aa far aa oonlntera thu waa a fctuaalar to tba friend and to tba mother auo and aa tbay could hot understand tba child voluntaarad thla explanation i why you know two goalntar alx thra tlmaa and two goitlnlar eight four tlmaa and i know it all lfotbar and baby world how this woman found health iuunsverauicampouiui for ah rett of medicine itt wor uuea ohio i kuflferad avarythlng from a female weakneu after baby came i had bomb apella and waadbuty bad bhltk kfktta ba- foro my eye uy back adbed and i waa no weak i could hardly tand up uy fane waa yellow even my fingernail war eolorlee and i had displacement i took lydlae link haaaa vagatabla competmd and now i am atoat wall and healthy ixanuoallmy ownworkand ean walk to town and hack and not gat tired i woaunoigfrayocnvagetabla cuupmmd for all tha vaat of tlte madl cue in tba wnald i triad dotter a mad- idnea and tbay did ma no good mra maakatkwiwefdnouu ofckl anotlubr kabe itt iwa bothered for tea yaam wfth femaj trouble and tbadoc toratudbotbejoma iwaaaouviakand nerron that j could not da my work and avary month i had to rpend a fcrr day in bad i nad m many uttar about idu k plnkhama vagatahla conv poond eurlag femala tronblea that i got nbouleof il itdldmarnorogoodthaa aythhvf elae i ever took and now it baa cored ma i feel batter than i hava for year and tall avarybody what tha do haadcata forme ibeuavel would n6t be living today hut for that mr iibtmb citcryctntttt nab itllnou wromr or tub xjatj aapo tba ulahop of london on ona ooaa- alou whan ba want to etiieklngluun pnlau told tba king that ba had paated lord sallabury in an anteroom but tha latter did not aaaai to bnnw him ob tald king kd ward lord sallabury navar raaognlitaa anyone and going to a bureau ha took out a new portrait of bimaalf and banded t to tha hlahnp aaylng what do you think of tblar- a vary excellent llkanata air eald tha blabop wbau i ebowad it to halubury aald tha king ha looked hard at it and then aald ptmr old tlullert i wuhiiarlf baa ua atupld aa ha looku cc pimples are aa eve sore pimple ure cauud by tba blood being out of wdcr thuw9 llttla fudterma inrcs iipncur ut tho fonbiud on tbti now thi tbo ihlu und otuarlpurts of thn body and althoutb ibcy ate not a deuitroua trouble tbuy are very unnlihtly to both you and your friend the la only one way in ktt rid of them ami that u to purify the blood nurdock blood ull tern is without u doubt tho bent remedy on the market for tbla ihurpoatr w v douohuc jr hamilton oat wrltm about klk montha bo my little aona face waa literally covld with pimple i tried cvry nreparatlou x tm told of by my fmuua iwt to no avail boon i thought i could not have bent fined up aud would have to wait aod let him grow ottt of them but thank to burdock kkwd ditura they areau cane aud i thullic rtcpmmeud ft to anyone nurdock blood blltem la manufaih turn aofcdy by- thn t mubttrn co uaallaov torpato oat- hmaomimotu tow mono udwln waa tha prlda and joy of hie parehu heart for an highly bad ha dletlngulabad falmtalf at aohool that everyone forataw a brilliant earaar for hlu ah my boy exclaimed tba father proudly we avpaet great thing of you varna ii an atiulva udder but youll climb it then udwln raeelved aoma good aound advlea after which ha wmt out into tha bard cruel world to make hi fortun five yeare later kdwln returned homa ive climbed tha ladder ba aald tn hla father i knew you would uiy boy de clared tha proud parent i told you youd get to tha top m vet ive been to tha top ilia volcedropped im a window cleaner now only ita bene ef humor bevd thla hen from beeepltatlen for eoroe time write huburbohlte in the oloeffow new ouo of my liune haa been indalirlns llaelf in n pmttha that but for th little joke involrttd would have ended in ita docopltatlou it i ona of n pen of alnhl sg mn chloea or aeven rather for it cutf prodoclna tnecbenlam 1 conamerably out of order lie beat uvardlre belotf bout on in the fortnlobt vet until recently that hen waa scheduled on my book n the premier layer that hap pened in thla wayi tcrery mornlntf when x made my iip- earanc in the sarden nora the lietir would be found clocking beeldo ouo of the ess with all the foroa of it ran coo throat if any of it elatera laid claim to tha property there would b h wild flultor und tba andaclon bird would conlluue her boaatlaa when aba had cleared liar bill of reatbar roma time airo x tuacovered ber in the net of taking up her aland over lb production of another ban and a care ful wuteh thereafter dlaeloead her trim capnbllluea a aenaa of humor la nn donhtedly ona of them and thla i ba lm rewarded aa a aavlntf trace for i bnvo decided to allow oar to cotitlua llvlufx by her wlte persias poet uureate- ohildrerx ory ror rietchers c hhhovb this rut you find it often difficult and aoma- tlmaa luipoaalbla to remnve rust from artlalee made of iron tlioaa which ara moat thickly coated ara moat -aaa- lly olaaned hy being immeraad in a aolutlon nearly aaturatad of chlotlda nf tin the length of tlmr tbay ra- main in thla bath 1a determined by tba thlflknaea of the coating of nut gen erally 13 to 21 hour i long enough tha aolutlon uught not to contain great exeaeeof acid if tba iron itaelf i not attacked on taking them from tba bath tha articles ara rlnwd flret in water than in ammonia and qulakly dried tha iron when thu treated h tba appearance of dull til war a elmple poluhlrtg givee it it normal abearance thleproeaaaueuueptlble of nuojeroueappllcmlloua ana 1 dalln ad to render great eervloe in many ln duatlrlefl her hurt airl reives wet 80 bud she could motftlmtla tatboeewbauplnbundefaway but boe mat u broken into by fear lul dream hjihtmarta linking and kmoibcr ink eeamuocte who wakehi the tnortung utlreduwben they want to bed we can rwxttmaod uubuma heart and nttv pul by takhtg them you can hava jwoll peaceful undbtuibed rdrah- hut aleep hack of ht ini chu tad homcaiue cmt writ jfiut a few unca to ike you fejaal avuiaurajl heart and nov itu did for ma my heart and otrvea were an bad x could not tlnpaand the leatt ttolaa or excitement would nuke ma bj eo that x uud to thwk i taai hjog to die and x would tremble tmull could hardly und i took doctor uedkhwr but it did not da ma much toad at utt x tried muburna kfeart audmerve fnu and i can otrtaloly aay thty did me a treat amount of good i can re- comtatid thtm to anyocie who i auffcr- mtf aa i waa mlllhirna heart and nr ihtla era mc per boy a tioiiei for gltt at all neauni or malted direct on recelnt of price by the t mllbuiti co umlud torohto on uomoaiwrj a beautiful oermad atory tabtua how on day llttla girl named jfaannatta wltuaeaed a great army re view tbouaanda upon tbouiand of pactator crowded around tha eland before which tha uiuneror was to watch tha pawing regiment while jfeanatta was aaated on tba stand aba saw a feeble old woman trying very bard to get wbera eh could har tha hula german girl said tn harwdft lis lanot rfgbrf of ma tn alt here whan i am strong and wall and ean stand wblla that feeble old woman nan sea nothing i ought to honor old g aa i want someone to honor w whan 1 am old than sba gave up her aaai to tba old woman and want and stood among tha crowd but while llttla jfeaonatu was standing upon bey tip toe iryltur in vain to see a oourtlsrof tha umparor covered with gold lace elbowed hie way to bar side and said i lu lie girl har majeaty would twgud to see you in thf royal bok when tha abaahtrd girl etud before the am- pre she gralouly aald i come her my daughur and alt with mr i saw you give up your aaat to that old woman and now you must remain by my atdr galeeled love yooreelf ae you do your nalgh boraadaeebowfarychiugat hie deb when he had one wai anything but a tllneeure lerela la the only country hsaldea tttujtaud where a poet laureate has ihwn ttuclally maintained until ra veutly phab umutatter el dla in 18m abol labotl thn poet of honor which the court of teheran far otntarle bad itoaered but the dutlee of the laureate of old ivan ware far more ooaroiut than tboeo of but british confrere court etiquette demanded that when tir the king of klntr traveled hi itiitimnibu had to jnclude a dwarf a muul a joetor a blktorlographer and a uut lnuronte j lliu itiat two 6ere kept buoy for whltu tbu blitnrtotfnipber bad o record for immlorlu nil the doltift and any i mb ut tin ahull tniull aliab tba lauraaia una cqllod uton to celebrate n large unijiortlnn of thaaa in vara this cua- tuui wiih not tut liad utter nil und it mi rluldly ohucrrod and followed up fur tliv hhub kuuntuir that many of liln tltfodtt and ulterancea would lie co in 1 lilted lulo uu ode on hie imperial uunlurfnu rult bound to speak and to imiiuiiu mujoa ileal ly a thins that mo kiinir ul din wlio abolished the hiu- reutcablp never did philadelphia fadiror ah uhc0mtlbrientary cantaaeer a youutr tauorywhoaa uuforttine it wu to be hideously italy waited on cberublnl one day and naked to ba nl lowed to oire u upeclmsu of hie vocal powers pvtr a wonder ble application waa met by ueulky nod of acoulef cenc da aatur end aeng superbly there came another nod accompanied by sometblne like n snbrt of satlatae tion then come a pause which after a minute or so was broken by tha youthful artist asking id factoring ae eeub wbatbar be mlant aventually hope for an eugaffauant at the trrnnd opera nor thundered tha director but u charuhuu ttor the dla cotuolata artbit was slowly departing wbon oherobhu rosa took bltn by both arms and looked him fully in tba face- h am eorry be said very sorry but man char da yon think that tba opera could gat up a company of orang on taaga to slug with yoarnaue ufa and adtantar warth the fenahy john four yaora old was tryhur to ran tba lawn mower which ba bad bean fotblddea to touch ilia mother came to tho door and told bhn to atop it but john ran tba mower down tha atrip of lawn and back again before be atopped too will hava to coma into the bouse and stay for aa hour aald hut mother why did you run that mower after 1 told you to atopf aba asked welt uamms uld john iu rather hav run it twice and have to stay la tha bona for kin boor than bo ran it at au vbolhly pejiueal slrji wffa rekhnlo thla fuany my dear her tn an erode which say they har found a new apeclae of bird la aueiraua which hava four uo now whabrrar do yon suppose tbay want foor loga for unshand fjwtiliivthy ara prob ably pouudaoa toy love and by thla beantlfal cemtrltano tbay are enabled to stand an both ejdee of that fence at tha earn timlddod uett net like hla ometatw doctor rn getuag tfad of thb averhutlng duanlpg you nuoht to hava mora reenter for ma than that sfy gimndfatber wo ona nf tha ahurt fwttlera wall i wui yots had inbarttad that soelity and wmld aattla riy slpkla xder aariil mete the cy fair- if be uu my dear vonro not to scrum or faint tweene itv jitet what we all tamatosaa tha utdyttut i thmiaht be waa going to take up a paetengerllfa hyde parue uamda arab thm inarbla arch of tit north side tat ilyd path tandott dtjod criatnai- ly hy kltuf nwrs iv to u an trana to lluoklngtlan palaneenat4aa mfaleh your liver lllllutisjmwytttiic stirllliaytkrlmaf a laxallver pa a laky slow or tonod liver is a tctrtblf smiction a it bold hack the bllr which i required to move the bowela and lets it lulo the blood kutcad tbu cajuuta coeuupatlon catarrh of the utnnutb bkje headachc luarour tain under the bliht bhoukkr iter mm weiky ititauwlr midjlo sta tion n b write for aavcrai year i hid been troubled with pains in tha liver x have bad medicine from several doctor but waa only relieved for wttlme by them x then trfed muburn xxa- uwr puja and x have had no faoublc with my liver since i can bonceuy rettoeotnend them to every pereon who ho liver trouble mltburuit xaxauver ihua ate u6c 1 vial or s viala for si 00 at all dealer or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t uubnm cr umltad twnto hit in the dairy uoc pannhlne to thoroughly clean and nhinc all tha cans paila nhclvco etc lzavcn everything bwoctnmelllng and ndiutaiy cleanllnebs pays eepccially in the dairy use panshine b ile a pure white clean powder doein drntch cant harm the handa odorleie qlfur top tlr 9c atidl m re re m m m m m w m i the grand jwunk railway asaimatn rilaimii mmnhhwwwwmmhaiwmwmmhhmm mstm ss the empire typewriter 5 m m m h h at h m m m m m m m h m m m fi visible writing perfect alignment llghtuhik m esoopomont endurance speed a uuki by til c v r c n r dank nf montreal merchant nanb uoyl ilnnu northern crouue daiiii mislit dlrktorlei ltd hell tele- phono co etc made lu canada therefore uava 93 that raut be paid aa duty on other malfeft i out vm holma to try oat a kiala la vav naw model emoln ml m wiluahs manufacthhing company ltd u adlld bt- w tomato wnmat hootnwl ou mhmmhhmhaahmmamhmmmhmmmhmh r the merchants bank of canada biuuuu4 1u4 vs fimklu u cmmmjd thrift fs rirhtly described as eco- nomical manakement a shrewd buaincnn man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves pcrhapu only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ot his success lies in the principle ofsaving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par owiral paid up ajovniivyoo mcehmvin puhpa mffaiiia acton branch f a maclean manager warmest kind for cold weather tougher horsehide will nrsvcf be found becaiuo the bct is used or storeys gloves und gauntlets and yet the bkin because carefuuv tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance- waterproof and offish tieproof the best working glove on tile xss market bold at ou ktores insist on st iwlf conscientious plumbing heating is not k myth smith us to the contrary wo make i the must important factor so if you favor us with your patronogb you will entnusiustically endorse us fred smith plumber trt ii wlurr ikllmtlm vlliieriallkl adutii tltiuii utut ho ii it win i jtl wunt lilt k iv 10j10h u vutp r map tr ww p tt 1130 u poultry i poultrvi ceik paid for poultry haw ru pu fuc sm0 kctqn imperial counter check books thu populur irtiwrlnl ltumtur check ilooltn manufactured by tho applefortl counlcr ciilcic book co dm hod ham ilton miiy lw oiiltixd ut tho 1aur prijis bumpleu und pricea of nil ntylcu uliown on application prompt uellvory there ru more imperlalu in uue in acton than any other check hook titf aeloa fre press local aotmcv ills berlin statu granhfl and hartle worts oahflur bhauh krotnibptor dealanara end builders of blame meuiloattma uoiumenia uarliera and headelonea and all kinds of artistic culfetbry work wh hem9treet agent acton or hilton iji vexir jst bus limo the dndertlged rmpeclfiilly lollcllalbapniroaaifa of the pub lic sad laforma them ihat well table jaya be secuad at a coufobtsuu bua meeis sli ralna betwean 8 13 a m end u j p w carefal eitenilon alveti to every order the wetitr ol com inerclal travellera fully met john jitflllikjuts pmofnihyoh g rockwood h n i chopping mills j all chopping will be j g done npeedily and well n on plates or stones i flour oatmeal b bran shorts j the best at lowest n prices i harris co uaiud kockwoob omt i hurjuaoduunddddumaiabrih boots shoes btjbbbrs nrjqdaoaacfaquinnunadnauaaoa i all lines tt footwear j at right prices au metia rubbers at i bargain prices aaaurjcirjaaannaadnannnnrjanrja w wltiliams mill sirp acton odiitiixst guelph plioml 3jj atents ttunitaasxwn ml utfd habioh thabion ihiiarotiuateaauamkmtiitii tr j

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