Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 12, 1914, p. 2

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null- uuilay bill matrott iii lit till li lutr- mi tlmr iv till utreh vlluaitt llit or iii- inland lloyini uapastoiaiil in iiukimi jnr iiach in nummhbvb on uonruy umii mb clitllii cuillill wlnw nl ilia lata david htasli tnltar tud v kwi altjlsr allam uaireli ttlt allan alauartd- moor iii iil mill yr bom nf tlm fats william uwi cf ilia township of kaqmalnh tslie acton xtt tyxtxs tiiuitmlay mahcif i j iuu ie id iton i at notkb til it cohth terms fu gimcntl hilulnomi la u flill in iitwu ami tlint luuika uro tiling up fuiuln u hindu mltlont in ilia monthly ata toman t of rliarteml luinku for january purltiff lunnury intdrouittrluir dopoalta in lil li ikiiiiik iiitobuwi bj 101 million dollar ttm lotui now iwlttg ww- 1 111151 euwisc onritiiifiut deputy return tug oluler m ilrlilbuhurg in the roronl canudatemiieruucoiict eloltluu in ivollmd uoimtj li iboett committed for trial on u cliargo of oijtcrj the uvidoneo taken at tho trial clearly ehou utility notion in manipulating tlio liallot tim wutunr liuirof pareol prut in now mode ohnen lumiiila tlio retricllnii to ulx liountln lulling been i emoted tlm mltll tloniil five cant a fw in carrier dutricta lino also been removed tlilo will lw regarded ultli faor fenernlly rind will do much wore to remove tlio trnuult of mull parcela from tlio realm of tlio kiprei couipanlea mil ocatam va vti uki won cennured for lila recent uotlotia rcgardln tlio uillelt- ingofa retainer from tlio liquor inlcruttu by tlio liberal association of iimtmi uttd he itaa reagnod itu umltlnii hh n uuiinlierof lite legislature ontario cannot afford to liavs men of ida wnno of monil rectttudo tui 12 uu tor tuk ukiunmui of trafalgar tnwiwhlp council aro autvly a iirojrnavo lot of nuni at tlw mooting lout nook a nwalu tlon endoraliig tlio propodtmn tlmt llto oxutlng mu11laip1l fmnolilbo aol im no rhtotulod or anlnrgod no ui to include married woman tunp11 eri ua rurrltkl utianluaouuly iuuuilu ltoum1 liua npnnltitrul a com tnllta of flftmii to lnvwtltf4to tlio ipieu- tlotiof clrttob arlulno nut of tlw ull ihuojihmj liy mr amlraw llrodor con- wrvauvo mmw for dumlw to prolillilt tlis importation innnufaxituro nml halo of clgtuu ami clcaretlo lapora jim liw proltlliltwl tliolr nnuililiio ly any youth uutlr twenty yeaw uiu canoituina cotili wu attom to luako ntoro sumjilnu itrolif- aw aukudulcnv to tlio muiiuljtal act lu iwen lutroduiml in tlio ontirlo liouuu wliloli fkiorx uivlu voltii to marruwl woweiivlioowii at occupy uny prajuirt 1 liotb munl and uifo oro tu oto on tho kakm profkerty if tltu uiuwuinont in miitlclciit to warrant it lut if not tlun only tlie woman uudl oto a uiarrll woman wlio mm ironorty of iter own klinuld surely liavo atetltfroou wo tnow of no mar rutl kxkdaa owoara wluara not wjunlly com- tunt to vol any municipal quokllon on tliolr liuwlwiuls or panihaai an oeurattiiem referring lotliacuratuclklim to aluilili tlw tlnw- uuuwl cufctoni of ilia aruiy oomuuiwlirti mltjufl tt cu to tlt hcultli of tlui cur ivl tlw iwperigl family in front of im troops ut tbo ooivciuhiimi nf urajo urn luanoduvin uto tltat tlm rjjjiplipt ro owuly lnltutl ailna tli drink itatut of wliloti tlta oaw ortbr u a jiart itoa not coixtfia luhult toomumt f04t if tlw nxtfj uuia it qkcjva drinilnpf nuuntf tlw uiwai of tka uudlan itaojili aro frlulitful otumh tly ora tlouldn iuiiimmum in tlto am 6f lit am 0b ilkuem arul icdi a uoal ilnal about ibd biiililnfl of foail nuuu in ontario tuara r many uda llaa in halloo tltat not tutftlb for ttt fnwuditurg of uro hutaw of uauy 0 tkl will iuvbt tta oi ika uajn uw of travel ttta bcltoa ulojital by ua hjlai6loaa uovontusot mlbt wok out to rool aiwaiitajfa lu iuch nmi la ouuiia it uut vwuru pivlnda wis tra flie for tba roid iltovititf lk lifi tiad of thd roil drif ikirliitf tut ytr 01 r i jw htu kkdjoil thd eoupniiliuu ajtf imu lu dltrkin uit to twlv eualpatltom bailie krouwl to uukpr in oaxtt dultkt ojuvilla hvonl tthiav hkactom ov til- oounoil coutuill uat lu regular wwhut untubiy ohbnbijf at 7w oclock meiiibow all pramat kuavo llyndii in uw cbalr tito pinaium coinilttwm flftlt niiort vox ltawntoil uul isjoooltiwiulwl tlut tm fjiowbilf ooooiinta lw paltl t kbictrio ihaut tail ftyuod ujitpluu 110 oiiutuu tw6afcui4iw ihu n y moa frejglit uwl tartagd 1073 jan myuioii riitiillc4 tm uuuultml wortj priutliib 0 sau tbd npoh wan ailoptad tbe hyuw to rwliwo tlta iiohiumu nf idoal plaaoa of muununt ao introduouil anil piikmul liio rnuttoirof aorulililiidctlw floor nf tlio town hall wau uwiylit uk aim iio deulr ability of bolter uolliik luwottunodatlnn uml 11 uutr udoiiutto supply tlio hup uiim wuh ahpresnod tluit powuy uettooa audi a ar now in uae wt atlll tuunufaa- turu and tltat a furtluu wjpjily mlglit tto tirbui6uv tho council adiournod to tha audltorlurii to lupmt btatutw ihut umur vouu hohm91 wau to the atitou vmu 1uvhh ah8iuf woumyou klmlly allow mo alltllakpaoa towyafow wonla in itoltalf of a badty ahuaftd htutm a oorialii youth hutb4tiin thahalilfcof uwvtng bla borm atitkwllntf id an hour at a tlnto lit tho aavm 00u whlu hu gooa lubo a jtartiouur botua in um utl aatl apooda with hu beat erb of onums han a wlw haa a apoody girl bo fcbtttt apooa 1 wt ito bd had fiattar nob forst bla borm or thew will b traablo abawl of thd apootwr atbati th ofhoara of iba huraaoa aoclety aw moraaatl jobm oulmm till death op sir georfie ross tblat opoatt caadtam mtaiiamnatn kasxl away on btaturdavv motmltmr lkiilb limn to nit- looru w uoam tutrly wntiihlih ntiiriilnjr ut llm limontl houplul tnihinto iiiuh hmdu ttlntnut tuo mnntliu of illnmm nml many youm of wiillorltitf willi hit uooruo homi iiiih paiuoil out tlto wliioiitlouut tlm polttloliiu tlio uitlounuui mid llto puldlo btlribml oiiimii a louder in tun layit sir gnomon w rocr suhatott pitldln tlionait ami u tlaunrulhl cuniidlnn death ntn in idmutt qulaa befitting tlw oiul of a ufa wbtohltaaalrmdy known ita tbaro of jtybleal buflorlttff aloiiovitlin uurui ami u iioom uraao lr oreer tlio btauxiinaii nu4tl away tito end wau iinovioctod taily how antl the otlwr mcmlxra of tlto family arrlvd uit n iiiomaitt ufter tlio spirit bail fll ottco a blltoolmoater n uu oouhty of mitbllaux wbero lu 1841 bo wok bora ouooa u6wpcr editor auhoollnaputor atimlyamdniomlwrof tha jufluutur uiiiiaur of looitton prima minlaler of thin lrnvlnoo looilarcf tha oppoaltlonaiwl innlly tt hamtw at ottawa sir aorg rouau caronr omhraoori a ry wkla onrince inflrmllloa of tlto body tbroufth rhaumallam ooomed rtavr to antct tho vlffor of bla mlml almott to tlta oiul bla mliwl won olaar tin aama acute tlifnkliijr that itad plaal ao rat a part in the affair of bit day tho fatal llliww had ita beglunlittf in an el uututt apooch which bir oeortf dallvr- od in tlto honato on jon idtli tha oftwt ho ittwlo nn that oooaalon left hltu in a fctato of oiiltaiutlon on bin way hom ha wan oxpowd to a droit ami caught n oorioun cblll for aomo tlaya lb ammad aa if tlta uiptd nuuiaiiwn wo marly austrins from a mriojiu cob but by jan s4th it bacaina apparent tltat ita woa oorloualy ill ami ha wua i trough t to toronto 0aml lfopiul tlio funeral wa lutm on tuaailay morn inv ret li uillirfan ofllcutlriff it waa luitrosuio but vury blmitla man of buay iliirironl dopartinonto of ufa fatlteml in tho rod ntaiio luuia whch waa 0000 tlio bonus of rir tloorflo roa to do tumor tn tha lite hanutnr at olovanocbickthaeoruga toft um liouiui at noon tha butt hlea wara itpoknnoftr tlto utavo at llouttt puaaaat ooauiurj killed oncptt neahmuton riik llllbart leuiaai fefaut h4 awful daath uut thiiijrlay his dikd in abooy am houm vrunk hlllrt of 101 ann htrot lon- dan ont nutt a torrll4a tuath hut thursday itoninjr hllttvrt woa walking along tlto trocka itvtwmn ullton ami cuwttuiulllr uiii ha wo run down by tltoc i il fliuhrkhtnilnooultouml at tho umo tliuo tlta cftlcao flyor waa pau- inif wost nt a furauaratoif anooil tlto ooihtflch trln draw up ami um uuita itattekvl hojy waa ilaonl lu a cor ufa almost rvtlitct in pit of all tu oara unit atlontiaa that coukl ld vn lil m urul tho attcmbmn of doctor amur- tan of lliluin llllbert tluul iwow li ruaclwxl torania frank uilurt ltwuloo waa in iiojihi with his itrothcr uadst tha find iiiaa of uiocanailajobbliijiooiapanyaul traviud about tlw country bwvt of tha tiow ha woa twanty flvaara oll au1 uutaunud mauatiawkva during humlay evouluf gala but wk john inglua ilwulirr lot ii noa i kasnojiawoya took lira and won oouipuuly tlbjroyad tbu tounjtlp will glvo a tory utqh ota in favw of tlto ooiuula tdiaperauoa act wun it u knloaltuul at tho lint tuoclliiff of tho council iw corburt mvmatiml a petition fclgtwid by so rmtapayra prayiutf tx llta fortuatuwi of a now hcltool bactlon it was follow by amitliar utltion of w ratpayr oppojaif any olumua mr tlauyuo v 4b i ad drooil tha council and tha ruteiuyira piunt on tlto kltuotioii froiu an oduca- tloual point of vlaw tj tow log tliab uuua cbangrt won noocbkar- to improve tha prt- wnit oomlliiamt tim couiull took no action tha wport for fl b kn 7 naaiofl- wiiyauaafallawh t cuwt iv joan urltton ida crawford llaiol dralge claw iii kiuiii cxtruocltdn mafioa nritton lyla knitnody arthur htewort llmtot forhor claaa ii alloa kcimotly honora auula cmwfokl itnivohfi llury job honora 1 aimtln driulii honora 1 istul rayh lulim iliill jruu htawart latwranoa ditvonport urtll valnui wilfton itonon 1 1mnav llrittoo itonora jlmtnlo varruir hr i duck wllonu luinorn 1 vrad hlawnrt wllllojoh mr iulunlu hayttrw honora hoy miwton itoiuhm 1 kthol disuljr honora 1 tfirifttfau prank mu joua m uvlngttone taaohar iiotvai thm uo nw t oil llbuaraj dollah raward maay fmorclaitiiriaitiftuntba um4 bg iiolla uiurih uura v wa ilia iimuralaaa b bhawq k ooav for lha ia4lltyariuul biu9 iu uairaauy liouail in all biuliiau traufuilmaajbmumuaf iwabutvwuoataay bbuaauaaabmaa by bla bill wiuhhil iclumaw waavih vbolamu dnuuuia vaj tlalla oaunh cur ukm huantally nlmallvuunlliabloa aad hiwmm anrhttaar ibaayuta vautawau mlltll pbnllla amo bi takiikli aaoaiiy ritufovm school board deuberaies kbrd hfaaw w dimum matum tr 0ral lntrt tub till ii d iriluamoil hatiotlt llto hoard of ljbtimtlon timt lu iwuiiho umtlou lirtha counoll cltnmlmr monday ovonlnu wt h oolwik momlmr- printout i william jidiudnua clidlrnmii i c hwlubl n ittrliou itobt moott ml jdm kemiti tlio commit too oil yiiutuuvt pmoittotl tliolr third llejtorl ami oomtmmilml tltat tlm fill low i up uoootiittu imj hij1 i ooo m homlry co primary nun pllaa ijw wootlhall k mckay 1 dotc brooma a ml hon h a una w h0ont dominion iitarauum co pramlum mi 010011 bniwl n f klooro qxprdttti 011 gmwla frttnttorouto ft actoti froo irihth printiiiu 00 juh hmou auptll4 lsi jjoti tbo iort waaadottod tlm r ploughing of tho coal bin wuw broukbt boforo tho hoard by tlto janitor ami tlm hiiv4y ctmrnlttoo waa doputotl to lauka nmiucemoula for mtmthng n few ton to hint until tlta ieffuhir mipply in troonrd in tlto nuimnr tha noml of having tho lira drill in per fact oomlltiau wai amthrudud ami tho hoard ilooldwl to krnnally lttot tlm drill at noma data in tlm near future tho quafttloii of levelling tlta oelwwil gronmla waa ahto brought fitrward chairman jolinatono atatod that furnt turnatnnuntlng to approximately v100 bod itafiri aebvtotl by tha teacher for tlto tro paaod furnlfiblng of tho taaohora room in tlta imw aohool loilkling ho tohl the member of tha hoard that tlta commit ue did not care id umint tho woponnllilllty for apaadlitg that amotint ami aakod tha hoard to buta what they wera willing ahoukl lia upent aftar much dlwjumiiti tha property oomwihoo wa inarucul to furulali tha rooui at ua conaervatlva nu amount aa poaalbbs after dlaauoalng minor itatna of bualnoui tlto hoard mljournad at nltta oclock helpful address on woman- hood hra navtttiut of toaonto addyaaaad a tmw ookkibauay t aetaci laidu uhdktu auajmoatw ov womans khkrtttora for practical and helpful influane ami huiitalned lntrt uta meeting of aoton womans inultuta in tlta luptul church hut frkbty availing waa krhap ilia tmvtt aucoowful tha iiutitule itoa vr i10ui lu aoton sjrti nunuan of toronto nno of uta moat acoeiuabla epoakera ut tha inatituta waetlugu throughout tlta iroviuca addmaa ml tha btre gathering of hullea aaaambl- ad bite hrt imprauod tha alua of llto in atituta to ita toauibera and polutad out ultat a woman ahoujd aim to acootuplut in tu itoma in tha achool and in public ufa hhe tolntad out accompluhtoaatii of wo men in tha pea and cuiaiad that nearly all uuful induetrioa were originated by women tho principal faaturo of tlta oddr waa itowotcr on womanhood rllia con traatod tha gvaat vajuo of human ufo to rlcltea or mourul thing flha pictured tha two mother in tho homo training her chlldrou and caring for imt family tha gtwat impoftonca of teaching bar chlklran tha aory of thalr llvoa rathar than having thaw uom tha aaetad truths luvovd out- fckla tha boraa ami often utular uuwla ami uaatbmahla ooudltiona waa forotfully pre aouud tha toolbar la b t fittad for ita- parting thla inforwation atul thould boor tha raapoaalblllty blta opoka of tha oc- radaami of tha human body and lha rt cara all khoahl uka of it hw advba to girla wu btaluaua aboa all thluga tbaj auull navar bwka u jv ehaap in thalr conduct aor by umlua foullurity tha aihlra waa a uoot vojuahlo ami la- tfcrouag oaa oaa udy raikaj 1 i wub it wara poaaiija for un koraua tn ullvar it umur tha au of every womona itwututa la tha ooaatry during tha evauiag uua thouipom ami sin hofeartbungiioloa ami mro a t brow u gava a read log lira jamea l wamt praudt of ua lualltuta oooupied th fchilr slit james whjtnevtt home tb asi lvm um uooapllal art t a ma4k ulat hkoovhulv w wbmouuul aftar an evaalfut utra bdoatha duilag parloda of which life- toofaiad u ha hoaglag by a thraj rlr jaam whltnay praodar of oaurio 01 uoa4ay took leava of luultutloual aavlrouuadla for what ban bwh uruad in a truar imhoo homa rweat homa tluuuxh tlta lyomlar hnro euulmcaa of hi- aavvrd and trying ilinam ho looked womlarfull well in uclroafaiata dead uma tjport ia a huut oxienaio litla ulood will tall and tlboaa will toll but a w onian umioliy itoatx thoai to it iuaotooutari vuaa into a lovaakilr ami t will uoou ohaa to i intaroatlug ipartibli aoay hatatal aoat up uil hohodul n4 dont aak th knaitnuaatr unnaeaaaary qt lu tlto nliaiiuom juut utitluirlkctl by tho lolmhlor tleiitiml on of tlta itkttt i111 tortaiit u tlm romluiilfln of ibtt fleout fro on mtiu iktrool mulbtl for locil dolhnry in plim4 wlkiro ibo loluir currli wvtctn in in ikjrtlttu tlto niion lum lu forou for pnrrnl uit 1 8 bh 8 4 in 1 pomtil li 10 10 lf 12 is 9 poo mlt ml 14 in an jl 9 j too nd 7 ib tfj a 11 4 iuhiimim m 22 an w 11 1h ft uinda 10 w it 44 tu ho 1 jtouiulu 12 m a iu 11 7 j wu ml a 14 u 411 ut 74 hi u toumu 11 3h m hi un tl ikiuudu id 4 j om 7fl iu 1 oh 10 jwutidii jh 411 iu hi llll 194 11 itoumlu 1 ml 70 iu iii ixi tlto maxim in 1 cburgfl on llty wkmii aiuiii not fi iicood 01 to mn 11 otiimc tliachn wlto h born u tbu llvuri4mui in bla nuni h liny live to tiul llw rmnlly iuto for eczema uaa a nrild aootliiug waali that inalatitly alopa the itch we liave uold many other rtiiuedlea for iuiu trouble but none that wa could personally recommend atf wa do the d d d prescription if i had lfcsema id una ddd proscription k j htaasartf drumlat aoton bank of hamilton save vour money what a man earn in not aa important aa what ha tavaa an office boy maklug f a wb uf which amount ha oavca ti a actually earning mora than u10 jaj a weak man who uvea iiotlilug tha boys bualdaaa la paying a divldead the man iu a fallura mo matter how small your salary may b you make a wrloua tnlatak when you fall to save a part of it whh you rt your neat wk a aalary make up your rulud to dpoat a certain pjreentag of it in thla bank wkar it will draw interest at tin highest currant rata georgetown branch w h waacay aiattaca early showino of dress goods and silks flrtn aolkrlbrmnilo wb arc ready with qome very special values in new dress goods in the better materials wa get only short lengths which ivcs our customers almost exclusive patterns and materials this weeks showing includes some vory special linen gaberdine suitings navy and brown 54 inch at lm shepherd plaid wool 50 iflo widorlftc yd suiting serge black navy 54 in at 0c and yd new grey tweeds very spec ial at 8c yd wool poplin navy and saxc blue 40 inch sac yd special38 inch dress silk beautiful soft quality that will not cut we stock this in all the best colors and in black this week we are showing also a new range of lace collars and embroidered silk collars these are the very newest goods and are moder ately priced at 2sr to sim we have also received several patterns in dresden silks in various shades of brown and blue these silks are quite scarce and generally hard to find at a moderate price we have them henderson cj co mill st acton out big showing of womens suits coats i canadian homeseekerst excursions manitobjc alberta saskatchewan ilufartbujauwfklloofttvrltluuuiw wiwlp4 mad uturn sisw uduaatoas nd luflwia utm vnari van bj suitku wt oaj t4atftk 4 taaam fsp ji umul utmu two kaullta tonewav luumnit cmw katii rtiajujav matfaj amp iwit sta jiuloa uakda uoi amii alucwtlrlrailu tvmuai truli u- tmhimta i1m bialloa without llw uatk tepflba ruiit tamimla b aktu di8plavtmo tha nawaoi aprlug modela and romt recently developad atyla ideaa upper moat lu every woiuaaa rulud at tlila tlma la a ilralre to income acqualntad with tlte spring fajjifoti in atilu and coala to lurrj from a rellahla aourca what tho moat popular uylea will ba aud if poo- albld to aaa and examine them we ar ready and anaioua to gratify that4aairo with our gathering of new spring kuila and coaln care fully tclocud frotd tha loading atyla ccntroo add many or thaa will be ahown tomorrow for tha flivt time karly aathiaahowlnglo it la broadly corrtprebenalve and embracea all ol the haw fash ton a which have received the nptvrava of tha blftheat atyla author i tua but thla la no place to apeak of the beauty and originality of tha varloua atyua you cannot fully appreciate tbohr bvjiuwa until you tee therdi w aak you to coma tomorrow bo that you may a tha now auit and coot atylee and ha abbs to apak authoritatively of them have you osn this bootilhvil new spring wallpapora c tha purely docorallva funcilon of wallpaper la often deftatcd through the aalectlou of untulubla paper h papers ara lualgaad with a wall deflnad purpoaa j surely amoug tha tbuaanda of auwngtutterua recently received frttto lenallsh canadian and american uabufacturare you can and aomethlngln harmony with tba charocur of the room it u propoaad to dacorate to aaalat you a a reaponalbjiity that wo accept wllli pleasure ouraaoortmentof tpriug paparala woat compteto tetabraclag all thataleat pattcraaof tha foremoat dalgneraa fact well worth remembering in view ol the aptwoacblugbprlngcuaalugtaaioa aapclol npenlng dlaplay of theaa hsw gooda la being held in our large wvlmlghted walloper department thla week you are cordially invite to attend third ptoor our daej mmhbitf davpartribiaiiat l now 0p4r tliooe or our patruna whom wa hava aervett h rt of ore in thla departeraenl will be aura tn welcoma thla import ant bit of dreetmaklug newe t our dretamaklng t bapartmant fullyeouppd and auprlute tided over by a faahionwlia and ekparlenceddraamaker u now pre i tared to make ttnlah and tit tha vety coatume for you a style conforming coatuma that will excite admiration r- u every gathering we advua an early appointment if you would have your coitume nnlaltml for wearing in n the early part of the aiasou j i d e m acdonald bros kiu otrwynaluuabaaifacjoiulslncu ouelph oat itdabdftdkhfibdirjdfs ilp- yki cleans gut glass and all glassware easily thoroughly and quickly leaves them bright and highly polished absolutely clean for every kitchen use panshine is equally effective it keeps woodwork and paintwork spotless panshine is a pure white and clean powder without any disagreeable smelt panshine the magical kitchen cleanser soldlahanav un top cut 1uc tluhn jhfomeseekers excursions to manitoba 8utcliwu aud at- iwrl kub tuurfay tlivh jhl to cktnor tb ibcltulv via cfaicajro si paul of dululh wihmlrao amomanrummsailea omontomahdxamiau wud prom toraom anil lullom hihii and wt ot toronto propohlouato low rata irom bullosa uaa ot torouto rlum limit two wohmut pull jtartuulara at tiriml trutiu tlcvel dmcaa or wrlu c e iiokn- iho o i a torouto out wonderland moving picture show our films are changed every night we show adhiaaioh at ohnnaah ciiphj 1 r lj oregory prop 136 metropolitan bank capital vm ut autwolooelod ilia a rriud suatuluboatio ubdlvud rwiu wmmquu head orrice tobonto phrw9rs business given careful attention loans made to respon sible farmers for business purposes sale notes discounted or collected branchks in tins district aoton mtltn guelph cnmpbellvllle norvetl mxmqqoqootxxx d0 pbinchib is now ready for your watch and clock repairs prompt ness and good work is what we strive to give nickle alarms put in thor ough good order same as now for m cents geo d pringke tim jewbller gublpii ont maitltlkjm0icnsea itmiirthu 1 ilvntn nlilnt ltmlii the tlay at xtooitk imvkh itllllioim uvv pukhams tt litill hun tola lii adlou tavatilul on ntia aid man o bail mr- av wkodino invitations and awrjourjcum kith 1iim fliit ifikh im a hihum a mwiuhy el wadlluu invlutlniia mil amitiinesmatiln tllllilta l otlloa if lll lo vtur ail lr- 1 jill iukhh atnnoottln r au0tium saijks aiiti ilia inmolli rliwtsalilmm tt nttvv 11 r ami a iirimitiu l i r uoqiii all t wool t itin vuu liya your aimartnua ilolbatililaak allroa caiiilng aiii3 ill alwava airfflla nail mlllna i n nus rori ilnek yi10 vuuu laimikits vv von ha t uriu ih ia if attqulr valunlilo inipppty in acton roii oallti3ho i irlltb of dlu u nasi iii ual ilftrar 1 ittinl in pia iif i1i1 ttiii lu bliclkti liair u vi tliraibb wruhlfliot mu ixtru en1 blalilr etileiilll sai urt wllli unit no- ciuirtiuufly allual for tartua an t iiartlculsr api iv f u llnutltukuv ft ajlltou ii f uuoiip a clearing sale ih tainln township faiisi stock 1mple- stents etc the 1m1ur1ljiin1l ban been iiulrucud by ow dsavara nnal it m till ton toaellby public aiutlnn oil lot s nn1 hue it in tovviiklilp mi rrldny mnroh soui 10 u at one o clcock utturp the follow it tf iiousisi hruwn utillng rialhu 4 yearn riulii uvy wuj ulwui ijoo be i black uulibng rinlng 4 years iceueral nurpoae flrktcian kiiikio or double t brown fltling rising 3 yeara 1 bay maro 0 yinm in ial 1 modular riiina 3 yearn aired by leotard cattmi 1 linklaln cow 4 yearn wilh talf nt fiwit 1 bhik cow 3 veani with calf at fmit 1 rut cow 6 yeara aunpoold iuliiwo at timvof sale 1 snot- tea cow nearly frettli mid in calf 1 red cow 6 yearn iupioeul to calve in april 1 red cow milulnfr wtll auppnted to lu in calf thlt u u lii licnlr cattle and right every va 3 fat milk fit in kill 3 biiurii rlning j itini 1 liclfor rising 1 irurt 3 in hint iidni 1 yvar 3 rprtnn ciivlj t tlf 4 niuntlit 1 iulf a mo mint hogs 1 york tow due to farrow 30th march 11 hir tibotit isoluavacn m hoga ulviot 130 hit cull i ply nn dtickn grain200 busliela oats about 8 tonu rirtcl tan 1 mm thy liny ihpixmenrni ibttnwagkongootl at now 1 old wtikkin 1 ret uumjjjln 1 pelor hainillnn hinder h ft cut uttd a ftttimiti 1 1 alccormiclt mower 5 ft 1 drlnn inirm rukl htnl 10 ft i pelar hamilton twcil drill combined uod ahapu 1 putcr himlttnn cultlvatoryoojl aa mw 1 pcur llamiltun fcufllur i peter hamilton mlir 1 pctur hamilton barrow uft now 1 ricury plow 1 toltuii plow 1 cutting boil jul double treco 3 wt will flic trrvn 1 hay rack j act harnctut 1 tnw bihivviu forka cuviws i toot ilialnu s latltu clmlna tic 1 blriubnmt new 1 tabic i melt me cream hji tr ttur now 1 mail win oumy cliuni lovor nttaclimunt 1 range orunil mm noirly new tkumsallnuniauf ten dollar ami untlir c lull over that amount tuulvn mntiilis irnl 11 uill tto rkiii on apprnved jnlnt nnicr iivuper tuit off for canli fatlowu 1 mmitbu liiy train nml fovl t ifli no rcwervu n farm hcon rented 11 j kihh a a itoliit avctiosvvt clerk new telephone directory tlio llill rl riu anv al ruhaj it uiu in 1 hut a tiaw latua at a l3ul ttiliotta ilratnr fnir lint ilntlltt ul 0otrt uuild luululloij acton piiim win mninttiiiltn iimtuuiii buiimi lm n iikunwliawlil elian lu ilil rnmul in iinntil iilncn hi i n in willi iii iwil uaiiaaor 1 no toltiam luaillau in iiiuimu coaiteetlng cotapariles tiic bell telepiiono complnv of canada mr brown the uptodate druggist has scored an other point he has im ported a large stock of that croat prentih tenia vigorol and has been made the sole agent for aoton every bottle guaranteed lluingulwuyi m tlio lookout fur lltu best inovorytliliigln tlm drug lino mi ilrnwii linn placod in 11 nek ft inrgo con hlgumciit of tlio great ircnch tonic viqorol hvory tiny uiitura u pro- vtdliig tm with somctlitng iiuw tha lutcitt mudklno ii tho mntkvt in can ada u vinouoi wvnk and ruimawn nitiii woniuii and iliildron can now be miidu htrongiuid liunltby kvury home ehauld conlnlu n liotllu nf vigorol tlio tonic unit in iituuic tlm wbole human uynlctii in nt nncn toned up that tired drugging feeling dlnpperii and llfobucamoft n jity if ymi are not jtiat fcalltig yiuimtjc gu in llrowua drug htoro nud got it lioltlo nl vigouol if you dont fuol liutter in twentyfour ituum go luik nnd get your mottay viuouol ncta on the kldueya llverand blood nnd btft itowurful fletth nnd ayalam builder prlcfiiwa bottlo or ala or

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