Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1914, p. 2

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h ukhaltkura ill imhitw htigi brlrlaabartiiita oitl wdiilty hhii uwmli bylu u u cam ip a ntlwti amwhii naun allht iltuulil- of jo ill malratlall kuj tinti4lil ulilf nniiiiwia afhbti ii ioiiii 1111 iihi jama allam in litahllli i ttuirrt lu flu1l iltm tdondv iwii hamuli tonanly ul vulwiii hui at ji ffllic ctou jfm rsa thulthiuv ma11cii ml 1011 kcditoihal notbtt wouuuknb com tvivii hold llio nt tentloti of tlm jnuittliiri on tuowilny aftar mivaii jum ui wultlug on tho part of tln working ckuwiit of tha 1rovinaa the houm luu iirioptod tlto prliwipla of uii up lodlo luttamttra uud tlwt liu imu gono into tlia oommltto htugo to lw eonuklered in icull koktiiirmhkuiatitt and forth county tewparanooallkncotiholdiliolramiuulcoii voittloi tliut wek tlto litter lit id i on a canada temperance act oanijwfgn in tha county and poaalhly alo ti ilia oily of btratford nomt autumn italian comity will evidently bo in good ootnpany in lu campaign i 14 klhkoiiykd that hon w j huuna oouuntputm two important oliaiigea in the li4oor llomum act lluriug the pmtlt mmlod oueuthe olnalng of alt barn oh haturday afuntootii ami die other la tlto eatahllahtttent of a oaiitrul ooiiumimiiou for the irvovlnoe to deal wltlt hotel llceuhea and thua hate tlia witting of tlmnaoa re tnoed ax far ui poulbla frou iolitcal in flnenee diaoact u oartluly not oauly obtained in canadlvn couit for uw third joar the canadian ututo 1mm rruti lo grant dlvora to atulrow tame hamilton of quebec and fomiarlyaf portage lt lvalrto man froo hi wife three time uu dlroroe commltte of ilia htuto haa w cootknotulwl it ijui tle odt im luu heetj re jeolad by m decraaalug majority oaeh llnie thla time the ola waa it tie which iieai that tba uotloti liail failed of adoption i oabut to tnako lu but policy harnoale with lu cjumui ulurauoa lb vuaairtt w laxuotiow htaue that it will uwur ualthfir imol iumt wxit auy nliirlliiiuiitu of littouloatliitf llquotw au sxuubtf llno sdvtltihi ooulritii will u caixuloj if pomjluii tla that oaaoot ih mnoblhyl will not hd viwd ukmthalrvtilrati4i it would ha whippy thln if all tuwtiaiiora in canada would ul ihla 6oflfchjot ooura tfum twmw tot of 2tu7b60 uwbu of tlt uaa dtiptl froi uia tlovatort at 6t wiuum aiul lut arthur durtntf ua or 1013 by uko and rail kouu what la uultobd to lw tho utg irralaoairryins toitaiiiijiip in i ha wou natnod tha w tlrant uonlaii will la liihrlwil at part ahhur on apu th tot lha canadian htubuhlp lift ctclty will ba k60000 bujwu of lvat caoada u vluuutfolng in for utf lliinaa thaw days yub luamwayiou of llr ianturj una hla plaoa in lha lcguatura had jut takaa pu wha it waa riuooi arod tliat tba nun who prafvrtrad tha eliaru bad oooiuittad ma art wuob calad wlthitfwflturaof liu oh mac ur vvu04i of uraavllla waa tha bum who laid tha ohartfa aalnt ur ittmalimgms fcfaj ur 1vguwa viola- uod of tha law uuulcad in ukmirfjug pay trout tha ddqilaloa oovcmbat f ur lovul featla unpilarltla ou tha tranb valhy cmxml whuahouldif aaatin tha lfctfuia- tura of oatariti a till waa rubj throuafi tha laglijalura in oa day whkh not oaly rjiavl that udu of tha pwtaltua ha had oourrtj luib irllavd oilma wha had uda thdjvb llabla to ilka paoaltua ua walh tbe post offices in halton aotom umuu niu mov wonmv ombaaa tha iumual rvporfc of tha iwuuhur laaaral jiut uaucj for tha uat flaoal yaar glvaa watji lauraalfuff iaforwatloo h luatal nvutim of tha ikmiinloa aiarnaaud 14u2ftt7tu an lucvaa of 9267ite7oj ovar tha pravloua yaar canada now baa 1417h pou omoa ufct yar ftj lattcn ftotw post oatda and 14fl000 ruurwl ut tnt wart paaiaj tba amount of luouay ienluad by b0oay onhuv iiikt jitetal uotaa watlmwa7m4tf ah ineruam of i7 owlmo orwr tha- pravloua yaar tha awdunt of uoaay ofi dapoalt lu lha pot oooaaavldgabankulallttultui tba btwa axib to lwd ltt4v oaloa uuubar ed 111770 lu iluton county tha abuxtat of si otuty ordf uulttaaa in tha flva towna waa uh fouowa uo nubkeh auoukt am iuw 470100 barllnjhod tum 1dh7im tlaonrolowi aml 4lwultt uluoti 4u 4flmlu4 oakvula 4iuk 440547 tha vavmhm aalarua ootnmlaaloita of tba vairlotui adoountlkux omow of lha eotutty ar aa followa i fcmvnriuibv aua uauv eamcm ytuaaoa f miri dw mm ijaamw 1mm tftlm uhiuu aoam mojm uta mjoo a vitaai taw atw wot n ittm imijoo loam taaxd biimu lja imxo yj mum cawvlila imj l 1mld9 kit mjoq uutaa m blfiata lttajw tiam hnb flaaaaajwaya utm imjw iaftl lam ks3 ww n im ttju tarn tba ravanoa aaurim and rant of tba uma4ooanuttjr tmfi of tha oouuty war a follovn i wtviotoa uuki hkmt apfiuhy si4470 u00 g00 akh tav71 4000 aahjtrova dz70 ttuo hm oyo o u0d uaittaliij icwm ottoo 000 ulattorohy jaw co 4 j hmaty auav 14400 is 00 kejuo 14125 7404 l00 kuatehbull 1037 imlw uwabouaa 2417a 10w 080 uanmwood wxlo 4400 jj i0 00 000 mutoo lfehtfau iaa10 aqloo uoo moatt lixaa uaui ttoi korval btatlou 11m ao00 tl00 bbatfdau 1m00 tw00 l00 qmraua 24 7s m00 jtralalgar ji4s0 17100 11m zlmm ii 1mh7 7ido w dartaa tha praaoul yaaw a utttnbftr of th aa poat tolom will u cloaad owing to tha tatrilaty mrvwl laby now eovoraj wlthwral dalivoty roataa our municipal government midbwaucu in this ootajatlttraj couiioil ttmit on jjiuwluy uniiiltitf in rnntiur mmtloll mlnltrn imreaiili io lfymlf ltov um ct mity uolhumll utld w 11 hinllli tim looiuiitteu on ttliuiiioo mmmjuiw tltvlimivtintb iimmi and tnovud tlwt tin folliwlit booounta l jmiii t 41tmh 11 hv malimiy limtnacatruntfornur s3i100 can tltin kun tii uupdl 174 4j hydra coni numjlirt hoj0 kuminll co hwtte- 4h 00 ctintiilwrulncii melirt u4 r0 n k uk fy lalt-rvlcrtiil- 707 300 40 1 khkhai atvoi y actoti vnmj ivmk iutlrit j4tu u hloray lalor at oanmury t 60 v d ultohhi uamlnff 4 bo l hit ill rkbtorv 100 3005 tlur report wu adoptad thou aijtcw mnlury oo tractor osknj fur tlto imrlvlhta of oondutlag tunuiry owrat loiul an tuual tha council iutd in hu proposal llr alar alao aahtxl u counol to oonabur tha matter of n pavauuut on bfiana htroat it waa anjntamoil that a elmlor walk iw put tlawn tha feuqatlon of thla biaturltrouithtu tlia nooauity for a nuutlwr of walka on atraou in tlta outlying dlaulou of tha town tha matar uiut tta glvou raott conaluaratlon by tin btrwt cotntnlllaa whon aprliig opana acton lawn bowling club b imu wialiltrl lb x a maatajrvtowli4 mm mttt am to bui mmtmormo tba annual hiaet lag of aoton 1mwi llowlln club laat thursday avanlng waa wall atundad ami lha htaraat inanlftl pfowlaaa a vary lataratlltur aoaoon tut tlta kraan haoratary llyn14 rad tha annul ijuh whkh nltowa1 tha dluba soauoaa to ba in food oodditloa with a lialanoa in tha uvaaury wui lha fewloa of tjoum for lla pra wit yaair waa ajvnoanoad rtov hyuja aid ha found it woakl bo impoaalua for him to aooept tha hacrvtarytiilp for tha proacnt yaar ilia tlubnaroua puljld dutlaa inoludiutf thoaa of tha watjooahlp of tha gouuty csumki him to ba uuuaually luay and ha doollnad to fcowpt uoaainatlon or tha ottoa for tha oolotf aaa uv t j llaabatj aaoqmaritly wjuj lo tha omod ilia wallknown eathualaaa aa a bow ur will piaufr hint for tha pojtloa tha otfowa tlaetiil wara i hon lyaa w a htomy lvldt- iw eaka vua-ptwllwt- fohu cola utiwh j llaaaahl fluid oooiialttaajohn wluuiaa a j lfalkiutioti v j flouu and lha hacra- tary coriwutm to bvuot bklpa a- j umm klnnon w j ttoau and tha bartatavy uauliatuiip in tha oaaual lawa bowl inj auoouilou will ba eontinaad tha flroan coauatuaa will ptouad at won a aiwiu oiisaa to pt lha lawn in good oodltiofi esouesingtaxcollectoits aie amkmnrtd ifytfcaaipliial im ww abba4al4 av hu waa41aar m ati hit 44fia honi btomttfhta arajmoafaj at tha but teaqlnrf of lha towtuilp oauudl all tha tuttahara waa praaant uovad by thoa coxa aaooojaj ly j l htandiah that lha urw pay thafulow- lay aoooaala i rohart joja ouuator of wafdna iuujwuwm u r iiiiint on daga ala that 1 a cuap- hall ba paid tha auat of 7a la part pay- taant of talary aa aaateaor oarrud u1 by j l b4aadlh i66l hy thoa oua that tha itauanr pay iha fouowiaf adombtat w c abthoay tha aauof teamfo tua auptdlad tha towa wjj ins waa ktaaaau boaua for dw iroylbk dorf foad wonylilg hajl hm i vrajuajdaurafaajofdotftail 1 1 wtd uaatarraiarklefuvtajtajttt fewk fuoat for raoaovlast an luaua ponod fram clun wtlllaiaa to uatelltoo airjrhutti twt wc and avpaaaaa fdolwl wrlaj uovad by alan jo ajkl aaoaiud ly wta claava tat tha mmiv pay h claadlaulatf tba auu fiwf john bu 11 yatja wha faaoa fci74cwiuj uavad ly waa cuava aaooadad by alav jo that tha tmauirar pay tha wll- tlabuufuga tha aum of ff ti wrltaf to ba uaad in oounell chatauar for lha baoaflt of tha oounoll ouy cawlad yeaar l uaojui wat uaava aad alosc joa kaya oaorfta wrlglaawortlt and thoa out collector for tba townablp for tha yaar 1014 wara appolatad aa followa i wanl no 1robart jtyoa tt ifaary may 4lwa0lbljria tta k lladvay kd craauaward uovad by alan joa iaooadaj ly win claava tliat a taaolatlott lo paasod let aj- itolnt l at lha uaut taaotlnj of lha council with lha eottauatallon of tha old fyttatd llnf adopt auy poraon wuhluff a changa plaaia taha uotlea oar waj uotad by wta claava afrooodod hy alax joa that tha traaauirar pay uw v katou co tha uun of j for 120 roda of win fanoa bald ovar from laat yaar car rtad vod by j ki btaoduh awdodad ly wllllaw claava thai tha twaaurar my ura ucauutar and j r hiuott tha tutua of w aaoh for euwlnatlon of loo btavaaa of fllaawluuau a laaatla aaua to la chatgad to tba county cwad llova by alax joe mooodad by wu claava that e jraaaaward u valuiwud wzi haiiuvoa j cutv hwid twlot aaojcarrud uovad by wtd claava and aaooodad by alav joa that tha following mtnu la ti- tunud atfajnat proparty alax bataeaa j34i oao coopar 1204 a1uh uarby uj graham 1w1 44 1l j uyada 1190 fca toxaa wiw muuoou and palmar 74l jaa mflnauy 14a unooou- plad lauda ii 4j ala that eroaafc may ba paid tba aunt of 1184 for 45 roda wim funoa bajtig loft ovw frotn hua year car rlad alovad by alax joa oodad by wbl cloava tbattbafotknriog dog uu lara fundail owaira bavlaa taovod away j kanasi vrd owdy 1 uatt boujklu it tu uavu si uaa void tboa wand moody broa daatroyad hoajrl d ooanouajjoaitiad to aiaai april 90th n jr kkrnw mmm uarr hiirmt mroli a7t- kn ii 10 llkvt him khii moudav march 30 mru ctmtiihiuliutii krin tkmiu mtirali llcollii kildbluic kawwaawfyit viiidav april 3 ruiui ktook tuila in rjuttlwrufriku tvaaimt auil 7 iolln momiiinu lrli sdilletts i cllansolblnfects roduwood our uiyv won in u fiut uiul furlotm itoobey ttutlcli h itli tlui itoyul hank team lluclpli nn baturday atoning the 4piiuo raoultod in a uin for urn llookuood tcuin by a beore of 3 to 2 onhwffjom oornlin tim youttf kki4u imvfl lnu taking iul mltluut of tho loo whllo it luktwl on tlainbluu pom i hkatlnn l u tllo witt wlkk tim oitlrtulntunt hfira ujl tueluy ttluht wuu iryuiooatiiful ntvlwlthuttulliu hint ltv a i biijiw uhh uuublo in up kiu uv mr kvunu fliatnouu uuio un ukwllontiulilrou hiiouim1 midlltokruh whlili uux llhlonft1 to with froat intuiitxt ill lnur of tlto plmlt lliiittllrlmml chum tuiim in ulutor mr v i harrow anton lfiio u uiy jpkwl mlitrot on nil imllouu hru llurko rotuloroil mutpil louuk milon tlotiu uihi tbera uore uluii iwloctlouu by ituhnuiiiit oralichtra wnl tho ihiplul hun day tkhonl quuruttn itf acton itov t it cluiku mudo mi aftlclenlohklrtiinn mltaon w mill v cilpjm rrawoa mjiii mimla ut ii rw m crowuunm aftor u wilf uuulu inuu iiiiihikw i jnb li iiouom iho factory n bank of hamilton cblll ruud wjoodoo why a slo auoual t it ui bi ui iwt yau wmlwr im m in ihuk jlmottnt hlm bmaum hratlt la ulal ii it riuy li ubhsfvalmitklakmtl aeoboetown branch w h uky ur 8 myl buty yotir n ft direct from page n 6 37 6 40 4 111 47 22 47 ltd 48 22 4b 1j 22 ib 48 22 48 161 heavy fence blluhl iilituuu 16 10 an io 8 9 10 10 18 ei 7 r a 21 6 si 7 7 71 8 6 el 7i o lo to 6 fl 6 a 6 6 g b 0 6 g 8 g g 4 6 5 7 hi 0 0 4 fi 51 7 81 0 9 6 g g b 6 g g 6 g b 6 6 6 0 g 4 4 6 51 7 81 9 9 4 4 6 61 7 8i 9 9 3 3 4 si 7 7 7j 8 3 3 3 4 fil 7 7 71 8 3 3 3 4 61 7 81 9 9 3 3 3 4 61 7 81 li 3 3 3 3 4 51 7 81 9 0 special poultry fencing no oyoptttd uolloai launimdlaii ko is upfbu 8 lchm jurt claa tar clou bar page railroad gates 48 t0ftvu 48 12 ltoto 48 l3riotn 48 l4flot i walk gate 48 in hijh 31 fcopemng 8taplkl25lbho brace wlre25lb mil stretching tools complete outfit 380 400 423 4jmj 23s 73 70 a 00 pagewire fence co limited vom 1 tktit hu page fences wear best matthews photo miustket aclon why not do it now order your new spiitir suit and overcoat today and order it from r e nelson wo make them to your meanure from 9i84m up to maa and we make them right see the ele gant range of goodu we are shbwing now r e nelson aimlru our fl ajauuuh lia1mmalih high class suits to order we beg to announce that we have assumed the agency for bosons high glass ladies tailoring and are prepared to give the clos est attention to this new department of our business mr bosen will be at our store each tuesday afternoon during the season and will give personal attention to your sel ection and to subsequent fittings your own materials or thobe selected from stock or samples will be made up and a per fect fit and the best of workmanship are guaranteed the suits already completed and delivered to several ladies in acton give ample proof of the high quality of this firms work see mb rozen next tuesday we will give all information in our posses sion in the meantime henderson co mill st acton out lxo0ooooooaooooorj the store is brim full of new spring merchandise tha gudneaa of tba bright sprioo dya u apparent lu tliia grvat halkorlnk placa of mcrcbantll lach floor uumpuuyoffrfcbpfvdr with tha beauty or tba now spring styw charming millluary atuart coata fahloaablatulta clrrtbod wauta rich da fabrlca aud tilttibliuffa aro hero in plooty bprfua buying ha baaua and tba itora that aarvaa you well and quickly li raady cuvulsphisuhafoy woman ilruimuaaa abaautiful lliowlna aaaaiubled whh tha ambu lloa to outcua all pravloua duplay wa are raady with trior suits and flnar bulla thla taaou than avar bafore thalrkcrvicaabllltyaa wll utbair baautyhaa caught tbavyeof dama kaahlon and hiauy uaw tnodu bava bwaevolvwl wa ara ahowlnjf soma very handaoma and atyllati aulu of una trfd vaoatua broadcloth ami uauy novelty clotha lu ahada of black uavy copaunakati tan taupa uahoany etc it fact all tba oaw anil moi dapaadabla clotha colon and fclylaa ara t eprautod lu our tarni ihowlnb it it wlaa to hiaka your ih tloaa bow for uur aaiortuatita will ba broken atid pat bapa tha vrv auit that you would uko will ba sold vilt our suit daparihubt tomorrow or ittttt day and look over out dlpay youll ttot be urd to buy whlla vlaw lag tb tuw aulta oota tba raaaouabla pi icoa w3jcaxil tuui mtaaak kfchlonabi sptititf cta hot in earabaalharaban aucb variety i u atyla aucb handaotna watartali a wa bow hava in our larifa ahowinv of women and tulaaa uprlav coat tbaraa u ktyu foravary fatuv and a prlca for avry puree inclamled in tba abowiox ara aoma vary faalilodabla waw vork buklala in clotha of antlral uaw la uovalty cbcka ratlnai badforda ate tbara ia alio a aplotidlil ahowintf of caaaduumada coal kvjfyj tnodal la cut according to fahloaa lttet dlctaua beautifully ullord aud apuodldly hnlhad la wary way thoaa who ara raady to purcbau thalr uptlng coata by cotdlaa hara ara aiurd of a aatutactory auottuwtit for ajacllon boldaabaln equally aura or kcluoca of quality and tdodaratuui of coat coata way ba purchased bara at price ranging front sioxo acoad floor the new millinery is strikingly beautiful adaptation frotu naw vork and pari mmlelu aod our own craatloua unita to make a colorful ftlctura that u woadroualy coniplata tba mluloery deiurtniaul ih one of iba moat attractive poti in tba atora or alyulovara our abowlugta both brilliant and beautiful eiulng rprtnution to vry how and approved atyuttidatvcy in millluary for aprlng tiinall and medium ahupea with uft crawit sad upturned brima ara tha leading houa tba tuaif of tbaaa ara richly colorod in gamlarma bluu 1airol blua tatado nagro 1urpje taugo citron ale triumlnga ara raoally wlda ribboua in haautiful and etfdctlva poaa oalrlch faatltara mar onry wiuga and nuiuldlapraya alao cobia in for a great ahara of attention jt hau ara aliolucludad lu tha ahow lug tnily a moat charmlug diaplay and worthy tha atuuliou of all woiuau of thla town who dailra to ba wall poatad on tba aa millluary atyloa for spring 1014 bacood floor d e macdonald bros llauuj cor wyajhmu aj macjatull slmett ouelph oat r3tfetddadferjbbtdadtattatttchitjatsbt5b rjkitsb tfibdsbdsbd browns drag store ealla vigorol the gtteatfrknch tonic a medlcjno that piolodga ufo vioorolv will da all wo claim for it if not wo refund you yonrmoney viq- orol act only prolouga ufa but hiakea tha old fal ttnj look young it reatorea vim and aaergy vioottol tukeu hold of the fuiltlo ttarveu at uulc uud bracou you up tjoma of your uurvu liava btu dortuuut for year aud if thuy uro uot looked of lor tlioy will dry up aud tile vlgokolb rdacuen tha uervo contra imiuuilutcliro youth aud vigor tliat tired wlloua raallutf u runjovadj all your pal na nurt oohea or drlveu away the moat wotnltrful tonic er aold in v1qorol dout bo a burdau to your ticlf oadoutarai got a bottle of vi0ou- oli today aad autt life ever agala brown drug utorohi tho only phuw la aotoa where you can buy vig0kol price 4iee a bottle oraju for tj 00 the merchants bknk op canada mim iu4 vltlmnlwtacwiji jfthrift is ri described as eco- j noinical manatjement a shrewd bubineuh man is npoken o as thrifty be- caube he saven perhaps only n dollar at a time perhaps more but tho real secret ol his suvctsn lien in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with tliiii bank all local cheques cashed at par tuinrumidiirmmw tutmmuvm rottou tamixwt acton branch f a macleatt manager i if a wouuut a udu alio can wake upforlt bat utera it tut help tot tba obw geo patterson live stock bkaltk aotom om1 cattle sheep lambs and hogs write phoneor call personally betobe voa eux sue me a rftcobirllsrntnts lt v 1- it kouitek or otiia rromo utanaliat in n i of uva vmr no and throat wiii i ill anton lor namulullon kltj imiiiik v- tnr ulawva on uoaday mmrnli ui ti lri iuu il illl 1 f m ontoa at llnimiia itrutt niuu iuj0hy f0ii 8alk iioiiuut wai1 cu uu miiii u urn mill kff 1 abiod svnitaby work puk in inrlniist riut4ta uii elaa mi i it u a knn lh hrlii otitu ur uoohad now will fltirl lunuou tiiouah4uikii i umm huhi aalmt blllhtdliars house to nittrjt that vary aatiirmutiukuxnvtuia liana on uairla xlrai hard a toit walac lunt t i lib yiioh h-ronv- lurd i ticuu a harriagkjijlgkn8rl irwokpld tlvau gjsm aunluit tba day at at4itaa in avaulua if t uoouwiahuau kulllring uvt kk hake uaplmoubolli kuu a tti vuklt rutthmofriok wk00ing invita tions and announofetuknts tiih alnu vaa wiiia wtkw m vuur of wajiua luwiuiloua r4 autmhiaaaaiaal hmilmal ia1awfeiillayanirtirm riuciivaiwil atumooukla auction batkb u4 u tm4vv tlr aal a4 alan uuk aiua- u luurirf caiiling cards ladiihtjwvbiirfutaku4l mluoa vwm id eelad ej uiwk tba ifuhm taa ii l uooum vvkuamh a4moul kahmkrfl why nat m wlfuj buiuwy y ba bum o lnl r aa nil r imw hiilf ium millinery opening uiks utbbav is now ihuwttig tba latet stylai io spring millinery in hr prvmlwa ovar stathama atora lu tha warran hlock a cordial invitation la axtandad to all ladlaa to tha bpilag opulugoa ritloay arid saturday maroh 37th arui 2hlh miss murray illlury actom spring tools pa wn mechanic farmer gard ener a householder we hive within qacmnet for he houmwlfe paints and varnishes edilljb uauid ptloii trcicdtoue for wiu cudiidd for decoraunrgrtfai- idf etc au oti1kb ukauiwaklk oooltl for iiouk ob faku c g speight rjnor3le flour feed and seeds we havo lust received a traah atock of reatlaof uud clover timothy ahilke alfuun red top canadian ulue orau all government standard we are paying the highest luarket ptlc for all kind of grain at our ele vator j la djtttrrem mhnkobn millinery opening muikj ilauiuuaajk moutoh cordtau ly invito the lodlw of acton and vicinity to their ulllluery ououihb ou friday audi saturday watachxoaajal all ih llet iiovuim bptlu ult- llay wulbe ahomn mlsaet hawthorn tf morion mnarauct actok

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