Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1914, p. 4

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qtlie titian jfrrc ms tiiulthim awtflj litll like quir ifnnwutl ii h nil mltiliitfin imtmo mi to rlda in i wim iioam n if hin m row n itlivx of id im mil u it ho took liu frltuwlh tint for u rldo twiw qmmi tu i m uluo tlwtriarhuriiloimiimdg n hwk illllsionf htf uurlwl mm litllo tuni tlw hlul mil if fllll ufauuiiikml tihiiiiilub uud kli ii ituit lilwututru mihfchmi he spent hid 1im i plli of muh ami tluiit iii ulijiili arlatl 1 ii mit ntortgngo im tho liouui atul tbn juot cmta more ride ooodbv to motmkr a recent writ r on urn early quaker aey that tlte taotltor of tlte fou laano hopper wlten im whn loavlng home to i pin life utld i an to huuirvera noiitoniher luiy tlwu will never meet a hwit in the world who idace in it ih higher than thine uwhat lower tho mhi who wiuj going out into uiu world wuu then only fifteen year oil how buiny itoyit of that age would liava wudotu and tact enough to form a code of manner ou the great fct f tlio oqudllty of wen a chlklren of mod t the hpertan toother luul i ut a narrow duty to fulfil to tar departing mmi ifa had but oho butlm in i if o to flght at putlog site gave mm lua khletd ami had mm burr luitum ullh it ne upott it iufs u mora oomph in uumu modern ilayo tlcute courage lu no longer tlui only virtue or the htgttott oito thai u now n6odd in the fctruggu one of the mmt micotauful wan of butl na in thl oouiitry duu aald to friend i when i left home a poor itoy to begin work toy mother uld to ma conielttck to ua with edean haiwhi joowlth dwui baud i and with tiotl m help i have tried to kwp tkaot cuji for lr a liletum by ftnnoun iirtlt wuexblut- d at tb work m vilr la cliloaj sud wa oomtaully feurrouudl by iluttl crowds wbom tiabg bltod kbw tuajy it ioucimui uwu it bbowl tba kltcbai of a faiu bouu i umj wmi of tba fwily wu oartlrt out to imylu lifd slon j iba waou wam at lldoori libllltld 1k wa ufkvj rwuly to l eorrud out hui knotkr a iwor worn voman bld bdr batuld upoa bu hboubuirii looklntf atxalbt luto hu eyi tb4 wr oo ura 11 bfcrowu bbbail uo uoj fur uun wbak will you do out yonder f bor oy afckvd willi dwibrt iudi will you tiimbcr yoir bonm atul your oodt will you ooaui lci to tus tba bonw ftxiod boy you ava imw v tbouuid of bta looked oa tbat uctur vby uuaoi uad any eooiuwtt mi it imt bivbmml fxh would ktav lander and ba ayd dlu m uuy looked iwom feafch of limn anotlkor uouiiii uo rom ibd tootbar wlidut bo bad uft loiuao wbo bad built auob bbjb fond bojw vpo blm wutbad be dodat ifad u kfcj faltb with bar la u baobrtouiul of each of our llva tbaro bi aueb fcbadowy waltltfff bio tb uotbor wbo uv ua llf at wboa kooa w lrayd wbo bluvd la u ad ovd ua as ko ona aua baa aver doua wbi eau w tall bar wbi w twt a pain t ilava wa kpt faltb with bart xluahlw ao iiidlniim wbo xwiwj in oonltuil wilt wlilte iumhi tinfittir tlui tlrht irlnridhi of lnnnoii tluyum likely to imjimvo lit tltln twjit if weuia t jda front m utry told ly u cunudhn ntliwloiimry oiin of mir liullmi i blufj u lui know not n uornf thkluh imvliijr lenrttoil tlmt wo mhiiulnimoiniiloyixl un lneqtri- ut iw- nlt im in trttnitulliiiiii tltmiijltt tliat int initllled tnronmmkaltoii wlmn tolling itlvo hloi urnmklhlnlnu mum tmiulltr jinumt in mm own unuuuipi womtt in liui u1u tii uhdiiu wlibblm him jut tiny down fuctw robtllnu to tbo tnt ilitlonu folklora uiul unffuajra of ilia ittojila uben im vald in bin own ton0ud i vou nwa no u ttolur for tluit work wltboututtaworliiu blm wo oontlnuol hwihiioii wo bail inldutd ito ukl von ow mn a tlollar atul h balf all riabt uld awl then wn ixi tfan tlllnix blm mow fctorletf of tlta aa the ntlaa of tka wblla man tha fjueen aiwl bar oountry tbo eonaftrootloti of looomotk mwl kubtltoitu ami natmeroua other fet reullnit to tlwt lmluidlal jihu at u cloo wtai nowou osruu flvo dol urn hit kiughed com we iudd it in tlmo wo wore honia olu uutwadollaiw uiul that will bettbt tlto uoooutlt oiildfon ory rod ntrchers o a evm aocna luauiaiblutuabmualua ivrty hubaa it ay tollv tba bbapli it hi aajiy for a good uatt to uala bad brvaba children ory- for fletchers o agto ria lvhr inonay la itft tmt itard lo get it li wnnutlntf mtro tliurt trua love if tlto llrl rtaluu liar aimtlto wbnevar immiii of an aotrwu ueekfn dltorod wltbotit hl1 llcrfty r ho haal juuikl ibivti you u iatui uiit wr that nfum to itaal t than try iv aitomu eouhho oil in iba htmlng it will atop uougmtnf oarry away tba iwooji aomh druw out tlia ua aiul traialr a elaaii way for tba uaw akla it la iba ro0itiiuml liaabir abumff oila and utyrbuu of ikaofda can certify that it ualod wbara otbaroiu railed utterly hiokaratlut a amall boy who waa in the habit of gojitif to church with hla fatbar always lookad at tba luard oonulan the bytuit hbmbara ooahauday uiay wr arraiujad 11 ihi tl hoy u usual lookad at tba boanl and aniudlv toocltod hid fatbar atul ev obutnod took datlly u bavo added it up right at but a washing rbaraa ho love to lnautarifalve um toother vba aajilar it u to rafortd a man tba iaa it uiumtlu to tba atujatlei camlldala tnay failtocateb tba floattaff vota to suffer from headaches hues lire ullelalle raiu10ad man hadjra uy off bdtlnifuifeilimu buffalo ny i bva baau amllaun couductor oa umcfkmdj uichlau onbal tag tba uat thrva yr about four ycara ajro i waa bid up wltb lutauaa balu in tlw kkjum ry aoa back atul autfarad most aavrly wbau x tiled to urinal x twd with uy faully tjlyjdutt fcw two uiotitba for grawl lu tba bladder but dhl bot remlveauy beatafit about thai tlnw x tttet another railroad hiau wbo had bau altulurly uttecud uj who had b4ti curad by gin wixh mtuf bmvlug baed klvcu up by two- telaaatt phymicuwt who irmtaj hw for liabaua if u aow rubulutf on tba ktdattdutmrfectlycurad xlaalrottly ajiaaj hm to by 6lh wixs wbkg 1 du with tbarvculb that tba palua left ali adircly 1hank a unit sotaborf 6 for ijjo hampu fre uyouwrltenallotiaidrmkaiidcleiulca cm 6l cauada uuluil toronto q a mb ali mwuilmm fahtv wksman you tfotit nut wkl tlia ymugaet of tba flvo children im going- to a biirurla uhyt4ydur aaawd tba tnothar at we all gojn too v na dear you warn t tl aftar a few momenta ilaap uumibt suy bta tbaa dout you thtuk theyd ulolei uom aurtrlaod if you iltd tab ua allv it takei a ptttoa wba bma bad aad a tuhject to bmdwba to dcectiba tba uisct- lriwkkhaluiubilt tba dull tklobbw tba atctua ftau aotbhlnui id om put bt thi bead koanctbnei id auoiitr hha tbfcd acald bvetr tba wbota band varylna u iu aawrity by tba cauat wbkb ixku it ttd ldkea that tfcet u mencthlrlif tinua with tba ayatciri tba tmt that burdock wood uiturt rtathca tba aeat cl tba troubla a dua to i ta uca hi tliavbij and imnuanully ck tba taiua tj tba beodacbr urf aiklwu 4ia i6lb am batcal tajy alta wtltca fortbma wahiwaa trolhud ail tba titua with akk fwdatba and uiflcrcd tlao wltb coawtlpauod aud lattt brakld out id itiutde ttad iorj oat tdy faw x tried awrytbliu till at lui a frdd told tam of uurowksbma blttam i took two bottka aikl wy akld u u cuau and fura aa a babyg and x haw uavi beau troubled with tba bwdaihad aiorw burdock blood bjtura b taoad fly by tbt t uhbvi co tiwtt tvtraatal owt fncloicmeiii mu frank tee race adducing tiik good roaja convention ut tacomi washington gave the following enthusiastic testimony in favor of good roads i am cibhiftd rower i haul my produce to the uucikriiu factory at south seattle before th roitl over which i ravel wai builr i had to tt up at 4 oclock in the morning to ttirt on wv ioumy the limit of the load i could haul with a team of 1b0o pound bom wai 2500 poundf and after vitlllflff the factory 1 would arrive back at my home lite in the evening hut look at the difference now that a permanent hard surface hai been laid down i start on my trip about j oclock and need only a team weighing 1400 pound to haul a load of 5000 pound of cabbage which ii double my previous capacity and beat of ill i find on my return to the houie early in the afternoon that i havo finulied the day work without the hone having turned a hair couctftta rrwtf moaui rorj eeokaomy they prevent your road taxes being spent in pitching up road that nvr will ba good road tuy aia tba ckutl kud of toad at lu end of un utttn at iweaty yiua baesuta ibey tattklly lindaaia tie eott of uplrrp tryoal4ayoulawjibwirar loaj with leu effort and un wrar and tear oa bona and hlcih tbay lacmu had valoa ftlrr roaj tloaa axnarajfy and dacha tba cot of livuijr wrtta for ooad uoad utmntoh and uua bow food roaj will benefit you f m d cauda ccount cofmpny liniked sw hwu bdutaf miraj hhhmmhfamhhhmmmh s the empire typewriter 2 h vlslbld whugperfeot allgomeatllghtaiiff j ftila own ualatkiw aa iruuaait want to tba uluuur and told blu ba bail ieaa a u ivuri and taben 1 aald tba pator last ulbt replied tba tlnild man waa pauldg by tba ehurob yatd uul up ajhji tba wall did i ubold without a abadow of doubt a spectre in wbathhapedld itapwar r luqultwl the ulautar it appeared iu tbauutaof a donkey npuad tba wan 0oboueatkl hold your tongue about it rejoined the uleuar vod are a wy tluld bun and have beta frhjbuneil by your own bbadow mdaaual or wilb hdatahul tfahoraa ahaiuloned durlug tba gold truahtotbevuvoulniatl ami irw have brad a race ef wlhl tlaanndanu whleb m waldtujc aueh dapradatlona tlta evaos bivar oountry in waatera allrto atul in eaauru brltub coimnija tlut the tlovern want inui baeu akliad to tidceaormbwuaiirae to eliaok them tbo boraea have liaan rnaldnjf raid on the miuhou killing ttuhy d horaea and leaullng away valuablo waren wbloh imva itaau itunohect at wmujii arable axpeuaa by tba wttlera ttm drironaa 4umhv a wuoonhln adltor waa vlaltlntf in chleagoand daejdad to imy a new panani hat flolug into a atore ha aakeil the prloa of one that lw bad good to blm vii teeu douaw ropliad tba cdorb wfaareai the editor tubed wheni atw thelolur tba ekk appaaml bawudered for a r beat attaafwl to aak what boir irha adltor replied tba hotoa for tba araof tbeaaatbatwoulj tv autaeu dol- lara for bat like thai her cough racked her terribly ii woois loimy nie sviip effected a cure couiha a the grtdtfub aoothuig of vf wood norway pin syrup and for the racking perabteat court often preaent id cooaiudouve caaea ft will be found eudedidgly beneocial and pleajutnt to uke the tue of it la generally in dkated wherever aytnplattu of throat or lung trouble appear but eipedauy ao with all peraod of a eonatudptlve or catarrtul tendency a it prompt curative propetite speedily tetnove the datucer and realore the throat dnd luoii to a sound healthy autte u uaed in lime mrt hdward paluiaott vounaa cove xtoad ndi write i i have had oc cauuod to uae dr wood norway wtw sytup nod caut aay that it i certainly h good medicine about a year ago i contracted aevcre cold which kitted on ay iduga and left beni in a very weak atate the coutb racked ma terribly and i lu deapdlr until a frleud ad vlaed ma to give dr wood notwtty wne byrup a trial x got a bottle ami beore i had it half gone 1 found relief i uaed two bottle nnd have never been bothered sluee 1 would not be without u la the bouae price u5c j family aire me manu factum only by the t milbatfo co liatltad tfarooto out escperdenteridurarioo speed aa tii by the c i it c u u ttank or llontreol uercbahta llank itoyal uank northern cmwn binb ulglit lrctorlaa ltd itall tie- boneco ate made lu canada therefor uve that rnud be paid a duty on other tnakea 1j cj vd n4kldg to ty cm ad awlre u vwer ortua m wiluahs gamnpatstobiho company ltd g at 1 ji m wiwmu wwki4tml q4 wdhhhwmmhhhhdhwhhhhkhwddw jimie wann and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts in horeiud calf on buclttkin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you set equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt aay the wool knit wriot and lined kind aliown below warranted htuiiie koroehide waterproof and fireproof just the tiling for warmth and comfort sold at all htorea every mitt ia tagged storeya insist on storey v w a 9th0hey son umitea actom ontario an indian traitor how tlw hat krnhrl tbn lro41 oh to ibe mauutrrf ttf 1lrtliif touring tho daya ur dm old uoglnin lltore lvd in what la now lnnaila ant tlioii thn torrltory ovor wbloli fronoli lnflunuri tirflvallnil a hun n bhlef of hlath otiown hhtimd komi in ronk or t hal honinwliat beforti hla tlmo iii un tlon tin ixon brtknn up and nlmort wholly dnatroyod by tin lr rnuahih inn miho tliul invdlcrnto rtnniuy the iro rjunla tint xfai of ttm huron nation wa inllif rounlry nttnr ijk hlluroc ontario but a llltlit lo tlio wumt and tsnuthwoht tim iroauola inirnod tliolr town tiibniiucrod tint graatnr part of tho 1 11 hn lil ian id and drovo tin aur vlvor from tliolr anceatral land ono band or re fit room made mm 1 my to tlio uliorott of i j ko hupurlar untl to ihn inland of tho loorglart lluy kondloronk or hip hat van tlio ilmtendant of ono of tlioao rofilgnas at the uriio of tun occurrence of tho rivonta hare rocounlau tho itnt won lr tho prime of life a redoiihlahlo war rlor and n utno councillor hnmcof tlio trcnrli mlmlrml liliu grnatly bu had tlmy uiidnr ood iiti loiter thn oulj hnvaadniled him ion one french wrlttr of ho tlmo dc kfrlhod tlio lint n 11 ijnllant tnan if ever hero wn ono whlln tho blu torlan charlevoix doclarini that lit wuh tbo abloat ludlun tho i- ranch ever knew in america end that ho hod nothing of tho aavago but tlio namt uhd tlio droaa when tho da earn it to bo found out it win ic urn oil that bealda tho numa and tho drenm tho hat poaaeraad tho aavagea ciinnlnit and treachury ilafaro tho porpntratlon of tlio act of treachery that waa dm direct rnuae of one of tho bloodlea ma aa re in canadian hlatory tbo ltt had already given tho kronen much trouble by hi conntant intrigue with tho iroquolu with whom he had vn made a plot for the mnanacro of iiij nalgbbor tba ottawa under cover of a pretended treaty the froneh aparad no peine to italn bm to t support of their eaua at tbi tltntj 188 the crunch in canada ware bard preiand by their inveterate ana my tbo iroquala and finally after a bard eampi ign peace wa made betw et tbe colon and the five nation tbo hat aw thnt tht would mean an oualaugbt of the iroquol upon tho hurona onco the foruar ware free of tbelr french war hearing that peace envoy of the iroquol were on their way to meet the wench ba waited fartheiu after waiting for ave day the iro quol meemuger vout in advanco of the eubaaay that wa to go down to lfoulreal approached a they eatuo near tbe ambuahad huron gave them a volley of bullol killing one of the iroquol chief and wounding tba vt thau the wbol parly wa halted the pruonardfcwcured tho flat pro eeedad to tall tbeni tbe lie that ba felt quite aure would prevent peace balug concluded betweeu tbe vveucli nd tb iroquol he told tbo iroquol that he bad beau aent by governor danon villa to attack hem tho aatoulib ad prisoner protected that tbay warn envoy of peace tim ltat petendod astonubmant than borror and fury and preaeutly broke into cursing da- nonvllle wbo he aald had r a tbani the instrument of bl atrocloua parody on toy brother exclaimed tbe hat la addreaalag hla prlaonere go home to your people though tbero i war between us i give you yrur llbarty manila tbe indian name for the omraor of canada baa made ue do to black a dead that i a ball haver ba happy again till your ave trlbed take vengeance upoa him tbe uat retained one pruoner whom ha a id be wlabed to adopt to take the place of one of t 1 follow er killed la tbe aklrralab aa 100a aj be arrived at ulebllllniezklbae ha perpetrated another act of treachery by having bl prisoner abot by a file of wench soldier tbls whan told to the iroquol counrned tbe tale of traaebery that tbay bad already heard and which they believed lu eplte of denial from the wench the arfar of the iroquol waa on br tba temporary peace waa broken by tba maaedcre of lacblne oa lake at lou la ulna n lie above lfeatr tbe etory ef whlib forms one ef tba blood la t chapter in tbe early hletory of ccaad castoria for infanta and children mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria the grand trunk railway iabslencfkm twaihaf tlw ml wli 11 mlliultu at wbloli eeeoe trail ucallal auooi naikii u4uv doimd wart ho u iwim ti mo m m aisa bt no w 11 lie in ha bl lowe tn no ui lljie ul hn hi ulttbt no vj lll tt n iis 9b m we uvm 111 no if mcki mn ul fji in no it lraoa ta imperial counter check books the popillnr iniiorlnl counter check lloouu ninmifiicturcil by the appleford counter check iiool co mmltad ham- lunn miiy ih onlurtd ut the fmkk 1ui ih bmnple t iiihi prlceu of nil atyle ahown on npiulcntloii trompt delivery tliaro iro morn imperial in ue in a hon tlmn nuy olliur checkbook t0 aciob fre prcan v local adkncy loanrijumtsrvjtsr ij itoftonto cawada the berlin steam granite mil marbts works oabplcii tiriauh whophiatom turn iuvmm e actons electric chopping mill chopping cqrolling don dally satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton kpidvedlc atooug llabblta the eurd or uowhoe rabbit in tbe cdbiroee alia dutrlet are dy lug by hundred of an epldeule which bdveral local doctor and veterinary burgeons have pronounced to be tub- erculoau it bu been tbe custom to offer theae rabbit for aale lu tbe to ark at ef tbe larger 1 nj but elnca tbo early fall of last year they have not been fit for food the kd- hf- montou hoard cf ifedltb baa already reallied tht and ha prohibited their sale lu tbe market of that city tbe fact that rabbit increase and decrease periodically la tba nortn- weat la well known lu bl moao- gvaph m a vautu n- i w w nelaou writing lu 1000 tell ug that the axdet nature of the epidemic id unknown lie ay la the upper uaekeuale river region during tba winter or 1904 u a weble feuud varying bares extremely uutnarehj aud great aumber were dying frotu au epidemic uofoh la vr north the motor car has invaded tbe far north and baa auperaedad tb dog train a g means of travel nig w r- rful maohlna of tbe boborebower type were used and a speed of near ly a mlla a minute was made by them even wbeu traveling through a depth of from su inches to a foot of snow a arohv av dahikl wuearah ilanlol llitcr won onco micd by hla imilfllier for a bill nf long ataiuni iu faro hie null waa rvttlcl ba mul tho but eher on tliouraat and to tho munu gnut emtidmifciiient fctomil to ask why bo tud coauil wiuliim nrouiul bin onlcr why ur uouur uaid tho trudoi man i did not think jm wiuili want to iw with nvo wlwn i brought suit figalntl 3011 tut tutt rjiii wobitlr hoo mo all you wldi but for iuuivciib aako don t r tobteno rootodoath llllkrs worm low dura are not curuu d by uiy other preparation as a vermlfugo or worm datrayer imlaed there are few preruratluau tliat lava tlia merit tliat ft iiob to recommend it jjoitwra aware of ita evcelknoo uuk ita aid at the first jiulloal ion of i10 uvuiumi of wonno in tluitr chil tircn knotting that it in a per feci i y truit worthy uusdkluo tliat will gho imuiwliaiq and butlng roluf ikua man ecr foot hu wlfort 1 1u uitli out kicking lutu in ih lai i ull jou luio tit do u to a foull moo an wat honkay choov or uld ulhbhumtt i uomlcr why amy refuses to bun xfr ikmllng t hlutaafrukl ho uon t bo kind to lior wont bo kiiul to her tluodncsi grocloiu hoant site mcii tlio bouulifnl luonumoui imj nut iii for hit lint wifu t juilttv llealpneri llauiloeumg luiililunen a p i hullilaia of biaiue munumeiiiu uarbar bad tall kind of autistic ci irtchy work wfif hemstlleet agent acton or uilton xjx v jii jt x bus liwe the nnilaralnned ratpeclfnlly aolklio ilia pitiouna of tb pub lie au 1 luforiiu 1 htm ihat well equipped and btyllah uig call alwaya be aecur t bl liable a comfnrtabl bu meet all raint lieiwn iiiji m aoj 8 ji p in careful aiianilon alved 10 every onler tia warns of com marclal traveliara fully met john irtilllikjuts fhofhihyoh hihtjn atul uurjjty uom an tliolr uuy to walk oarly 010 morning who 11 hoinu lulng a few janla in front of uiii-div- atooidowii ami jiickul up u tuushilling pieoo 1 bnra hjjm muqjiy tlutu my iwlf crown jou liaie fonml h llogen itooil aniaxail saying au lu jjaro uurjiy tbeooin iltouuyea elwiuso t castoria vdt lufianti god obildrea ttukwyeahahahnjibsajm biguaaotcjvic flauj rlrlot- idedl tb charlottetown v b i island patriot i eagerly looking rorward to tbe day when it circulation will uo 4000 claiming that those figure will aat a new ecord for a wince kdward island dally for a separate issue m couldnt b hohiowtrk mealf ias so ml mn ttwrtiqiututlutultcoaugaik write i thought it my duty to write and tell you bow much your bauburae i j heart and nerve hu did for ue uy bcoit wa ao bad v could not bleep tat nor walk about the house i cook not do my housework at all what my bus- hand could not do had ta go undone 1 hod two small children depending ou me betide three tneu to cook for and it won led me to not bo able to do nay thing t your geo patterson uvk bvqojc ttfcvtxk actom oni cattle sheep lambs and write phone or call personally murdaie y0o sell bcc me hogs my pill- husband bad taken some 1 1 your ed 011 puu home year ago and insisted 011 tun tryutg tbent ao i atartcd and be fore i bad token them two week i was couslderably better atul before t bad taken two boxc x wad doing uy owu wot o agaln anyone suffering from heart or nerve trouble of nuy kind should just lv your pill a trial if anyone i tare to write to me i will kudly give them nil the information i know con wmbitf your vronder ful medidne mllburo heart and nerve will are i me per bo or 3 boxes for 1120 nt all uvalfra or mulled direct on receipt of i price by tbe t salthurri co i imlted toronto ont uotlwr irevw worm rutermiiiator will ilriveuoruia from tlo eyttom without in jury to lite child became its action while fully eotlve a wild igrtoritvco of law enouuuiiiotnan nnleae be baa a pull turin tiro nnooent blnla 1 almost any woman can fctufittliain oowtti ih sthai knbvnt8nm here am aome of tlio moat important of the hm t issued to the pnblle ly tlio ilureati of 1lw proteellon under tho illraetloi of ita former iwd ilenntv vim chief ulluamoiierin ret liwl nt lieforo he vaiwted bin ofhoa to tube up liw 1 dont allow ebiblteii t play with bialclteti ixuitblook the flro oucopmi you may heed tlidtti ynunuilf to night iwtfeavoaviirvtlilngto tlui landliirili liupect your own linuui fro o to garret aiul locate ull anile iwt throw away llglitod inattliw fllgar or nljptrettea dont go into tbtrk olnttetm bwlrounn or cellars lining mauihfm tw camlltm to llnl your way iwt una alcohol letup wpanliiltv if made of gum 1 tlmy oftou biak ami tbo fluid at oiice im ignited lwfclhi ny lamp vlth truaolluff kero aeiui or ollior oil while tint tamp h lighted koep tin hurueni of nil oil luiiw thoivnigh lyuleau lkmitliuep uiulehim in fiitttilng but u ttloaed uiulul rooeptiiulo uont allow dolutiry ihik in tin buuk tho dnuili wultui tlihu in ixitliirx t by tbl uioaiiu iiium hitroiul lliaiuuglmul tlw liullil lug ikmlt hllvu hlorugo llhlwllm lllnlut htulr uu or iieur dumb uaiter tjuiftn tirln tbeae pucm ut on your tuitii uslt children ory foo futchers castoria codlo hot stbaefihiei bp for ljsmo bntk wcuwu are coming to undcnuiiid that weal lame and acblng bacls from which tbey aurer are due to wrong action of the liidaeyt tb kidneys are overtaxed glveu more work that tbey can do and wbeu the back ache and pain it u almost lui poajbl to do her housework for every move and turn means pain oa the grst sign of any weakness in tbe back ixuna icidoey ihibt sltould ba taken and thus do away with any buffering froui kidney trouble mrs a j lojoode klnbaton oat writes i am writing to tell you what a wonderful cure doau kidney illle did for me i wa tunetlng with a lime back and for about tvn day could hardly itrejihleo up for the pain i hod used quite a few of other kind of pill and received uo relief just then tuy skur came and told foe about pojiib kidney imlf and what they had done for her so i decided to try tbeni j ued three bones and i am completely cured and i do not hesitate to recommend tbeni ipric 60c per boi 1 botes for ii 25 at alt dealer or mailed direct wi receipt of price by the t mflbum co limited toronto ont ii ordering diru1 i ctify jjoau a uwwamwaciddadaadqaddhhiuwaaisj h 1 chopping mill i n alt chopping will be done speedily and well a on p uco or titoneb flour oatmeal ij bran shorts ri the liest at lowest jj prices a fl w urtii aro uiulgbtly blainiitltoh umloonm are ulnful gruwttul ifullouay u corn curu ulll renwtvo tluitn- l list ih tired lu tho liono ijiowa up in tbo whip tlieniau wlioliooitateuuuiy llnd it too into to act tim iowiiulut liaw 11 chronii uuut if iudlgebtlau harris 6 co limiuj kockwood our hhuhuynadunananadddh boots shoes rubbers naadnoanannn nnnnnaaonaano n not give up ttwtgksklci stiff eritifti at hut fotitits hajp in lydia e pmldwn v3stsv m cacnpoai iticlttuond pa when i started taking- lydla e piukhams vegeubla coiripouodlwaaliia rjuadrully rundown auto of health bad internal trou ble and was ao ex tremely nervous and prostrated that if i 1 had given in to my lings x would have been in bed as it was x bad hardly strength at times to bo on tny feet and what x did do wag by a groat ertort 1 could not sleep at night and of course felt very bad in tba morning and bad a steady beadacbev after taking the second bottle x no ticed that the hesdseho was not so bad x tretod batter and my nerves wcro stronger i continued its use until it tnado a new woman of me and now i etui hnrdly reatlee that x am ablo to da so much as x do whenever i know any woman in need ef a good medicine i highly praise iydla e rinkham vtr- etahlo compound mr iiukk cbaukql40 n tulip st iuchmomlrs wobem haw beeh velllaa irmu for forty years how lydia rtfnkhamo vegotabu compound has restored thi lr hoalth when buffering with ft male 111 x hi account for the eoortnou demtuid fill it front boast to boast if you ore troubled with any ailment peculiar to women why dont wets try lydta kl mnkhamg vegatahu compouilt it will pay you to- do so lydl- e ilnk- hm median co lyan maaa b all lines qrootwear jj at right prices u au moris rubbers at h bargain prices pnaapaaaddnnancinndtjadtiddad w wiijliams mill street acton ate nts 1 cmnnaneeriininn id u cmmiumju nutmlr ihvkhtdjr uvlflvrttrhu wul b uc am hjuion k haki0h isilumiltylllcisiurliitslkmlml oven a vum rr

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