Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1914, p. 2

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lllb o mr and mr ww 1 v yihwraat tin tttwumi kverlati pa w4nly uktd aiii by i a wu- tna will pryae auw to 7alu daagbur el 11m ry lltar crawaott ommh ummonttf luwuf v lllomut1 cnttttiaa- day jiwh lb lorolhy u tunl dauatiur tfuriit uia ii u lumoly tokir wm llhlna juk uliwoilll aldwit mu1 of m ltd mm vv 11 vtiawmllioltorihilt itoaittaow pluahluim o monday attllmb i tba yeatdadt or iii bride kianola 1 hx udniatid imia bv uiv w ii cllee d i uneleoflhebrld lr wlllleaalubeeufcoblb- koaaatiarurkud ur j olio moon hown oa of waianial ii 1 la m leabef tuuiblar or ur witd tin john rfntbreok sudden death of young mdv muef otav vuew pmmd amy vary huuualr aw btmday movntaa 1mi waixarh im muahv attfll luojablitl walleee i iuuwk at tli labtlly trmldaaa aetrti on rttday villi alwllriai daujiubf ma late ueary lwur m yaw ueary murmat lb rmidne of bay at uodxaaa 1j llroab avt toobu oo tt day april iuui jy oalbmin jub oaixblatf of tbe uu john henry bwllu a 1atamwjla llmtboiuyaajf iw uhuouiau a0uwf4bvilnb ueoiary f b4rt w l iir uiuhiim aanaw who died wddetly may lai bun m ye hbort ana oddao wu bit uf rxir du one i atond by all 1 wa did bot know bblll tbetfdky ma weald be quickly eella away v9 yaaa haa iaa bar baart nil eore aaunh an wmbblnitator tubvau1lv site jutatt jfrte rss thursday apllllsalou hdrroniaii nvtmrn niwinrv tiaviiu ptui cavr of grain crop in canada but ar wan nurohaittua aooordlng to tliu wmka lmlletitt imuaj by tlta oaniiua ami butlatlm department at ottawa of tb wltoat crop of 20wrj itubala ftu000 000 warn marketable a vaixivi orr in canadian inualgnulor daring the flaoal year juat begun ieprediet ed by mr w i hcclt tl ruparitiundaat of iwbsigtatlmi tlia total tmubu- imtdjgranta in tlia your just olaaad waa apiwoliiiaily m0000 itut it in aatlnutej tbat tha uul ilurliiff tlmpraaot joaf will iw ouy 25d0x vm awroavlcv daraktukwv luui laoj a pdbllo uotloa calling attention to tla fant that all paraal pot rvkurlctlotut with kirl to tha wvlbt of pahlau4toalvon itounda liutaajl of tlx pounda aa odglaally ptovuail liava bwn raituvad rba ajjit- looal f of o cauta which waa at flrat chaiad od paiau ualul tar local tul vary tu puoaa wbara ua lauaroarrur dalivwry la in oitamtton liaa alas baau aboluiiad uhiajttiaj in tha varttora lutih who iteiuwlr uooty will but it rfundad by tu vnfaunt hon w t wblu ulautar of iliutwd haa glvau h6tu that ha will tawjv tltat it anpadlait to pnwlda utat thort may ba paid wt of tha ouoll tuud rantua fuiut of caiud a um not awadlh to 1 paid toponbaa who wrt emllbwa for uonay on dopoaltln tha vaytow bank of cauuu th raapao- uva abiounta ataiullnff to thalr cradlt in tha bookaof tlia bank when tha hank aua- pottded liayuunt hoo ahilrh for uay la out with uaual an attraotlva bill of faro for tha aportaiuan tha ivtff of lha north a hununa trip to poofilaii n u tha uutory of tha caiww bululloa a baotlonal uoat tha swaup uakuo tho luwgh- naok viahlnjf cluli obnaiiloaa vuhln a lawaand mul- idaal trout vuda u ontario waura ara sooia of tha arilolaa worth apadal luontloa whlla tha ragubur dapartuauu aro wall tulntajnad aad tha wbob of latarwt to both ckaadlaa abj a aportamfin w j taylor liultad woodatocb oat uw thla cuaadka outdoor uaaaalna u s and mexico nkotiatt wajjiltitftrnt april hpanuh abtlau- kador rlano la cliaruo of tha ajulr of uavioo in tha uttltad uuu today laforniod baoratary of but bryan ut 0il lluartav had uaooudluoaally aoaaptaj tha ptiuolplo of kaaduuoa aa lnvolvj in tha proposal of lha oorambiaata of btmalb antatjha and chill baoraury bryan iald iiuahaa daimttda ara atlll unknown and ha ratuad to aobounaa what tupa tha unltad sutoi vulaka- tha oabjoat for bavaral houra utla uorn- laa dlaauawd tha ulaat phjuaa of tho uulosit aituatloa and t waa daebud to to to a wy bonorabla laagtb to paaarv paaoa tha iwdaiit u eonvlnoad that way with uavloo wotikl not b popular in tba uhltl ktatoa vcracrtik april 00 altluuijtli alrablp fioouta mport a foroa of two tlumiaaud uaxlouu undor tlatwral uaaa a few tallw frou uk output of tho uultad hutaa uoopa haro uiara ban hocn no flghtlajjc w twalya houm audit in ihouglitthaueiilouih ara wdlng back until tha annouooamaut of tba kault of tuadlatlon lanaral vun- atoti formally took ow tba dontuand bora fiota adulral irtatcharatnood thauaa jaakola wa tavan back to thaly ahlpa tho uatlvaa bam atkl all tha feakuata bava paid their raapaou to tha atara and airlpaa aad nr quit auaitabld to tha dlulpllua of tha unltaj euataa waahlnatod april w vortaal aowp- uoaby the ifuatta iovrtibianb of tbo atk of argentina bnull and child to umj ukr good omoaa to brliig about an uinlo- abbt aeulwaant of tbo ulffloolty hatwoeia tka vnltadsutaaaud llaxloo waa cahkd to spauub awbaaakdor hlauo by lortuioy bolw bwalgti minlfttar in tha hutrta ckblaal on uediiaailay oioulnif n muting of ferlii fartnora uaalutld t mr win hut honti in oounooltou ultli tlio radial railway duriey raiuhaontalltam mani nipontod lo au- wltli iho union i olihriium win ruttoti i vloa ihvauleiit awli itcltl rlaavraa huihirtl mokiiiimhii gxaou uva to aot with uia lloav a uoklnaon boy llinduy hil root k t barbour a pafjtlon waa uikumi by all iraaant to bava abittd tn tbo oouiioll thero wilt prnbubly bn littlo itlflluiilly in mmmrliitf tlt una tikw im an ukoulhuib npanlng for a 1 unatbvougb thla ilulrlot km no vallniad touebaa wltjtln alv to nlglit tu ea ifttraara aro may ontba und ami it lu la vary nloa nouditlon mr j it ciitittlng baa tatoad to kl sttaes ts5 sstsss tlm nniiounobtuant of tba hutldeit ilmth of mimi clara bauar at bar wotliarm lion cu arthur street on vriday morning brouuht oonatimatun and borrow to many heartu mimj battar waaaltltltbva mwkaofw if htoray it kan all da tburaiuyawlwant houia at u oclock in bar uaiut health in lha evatliur blto waa auddanly aaltad wllli u paralytic ktrofca reaultiajr frobi iteuviwtbiigd of blood upon tbo laalu hha imiimxiutaly fall into u condition of coma and mvuaod away early haturday morning ulka bauar waa tba joungeab daughtat of tlta ut hanry bauar and bad bar ijrtli in aoton twenty twu yaara ago her wtilowud inotbar and five brolhant und two ulalttru amrvivu ukai bauar waa a bright and popular young hidy and waa greatly beloved in tha olrolaa in whuili aba tooved fita bufivo uwl useful blentber of tit albuoa church cliolr atwl fjunday uobool aod ita arloua other aeuvltlea in tlio homo ural bar hidden iamlrtg away la moat keenly fait bba waa daugbtor beloved and a alaur eueotaail but in hl akauta churob bar vaoaat joa will ha bard indeed flll her cbrutlau cbaraotar and bar auva faithful work in ao many bpharoa in tha church raodar bar tatnoval an unusually kaatt loaa to tba raotor and all oonoernad in ht albaaa proaperity in aoolal tiitlo aha will alao bo aadly ulaaad for wkeravar aba want aba wan favorite tha funeral m uooday aftamoau waa yity buftely atta and tba church waa entirely inajequata to aooomtoodala tha buga nutnhar daelriog to auend tba br- vloa bonduotad by be itr wttluaoo vaa inoafc lupreaalva tha pall baarera wara tba svbrotbratf tba daoaaaad alfred ifanry jaobb john waltaraud mr 3 jaanjng tbt tubom of tba deoaaaod uuaea kria and loa whlla adah and 1uu1 cuuka lioreooa aud udga chapmam honorary bearara tbay wara tbaeead a whlta with buik rihbona aad each earrlad a abaaf of flowara tha floral oowaga we ttuwerooa and inolodad tba following i cataa ajar kvaally i croaa w a storey and employee l atllow baaaaiant km- ployeeaof w 1l storey ft bodi wnalb mr j jedbbigri bpray uuaw tlua uadaanjvulaibaae- w1w choir of st albaua cbitfob orot oaloar hoholara of hc albeoa kody bouoli wreib oograwatioo of bt alhaaa church wreauc st uirari lolll of ht albaaa cbarcbi 8pray gltta 8wol hpray ul ulaauweurt i bpray uf and un lb wluiawi aaj ura and lira us j ch bpray mr aii ura a 0 t lwrdorai hpray mba kria aaj lua wutai wrab ubmirn adab aad etbtl cluui bpty mr aoj ura j llubwan aud taiaily battdo i tlta rrleoda frobi adlatatioa wba attand- adworat mrattdura jtuliuaoetug ura theodora smllb ura auguat drump ura adabs baoar ura cbartaa kbbaga of berun mr keuxt kaaer ut oca myrf ulaaaai elbu unda and vioue baiuar and uled lana lldartbur of toroa- to ura joba krter haoover lira j lrabb waterloo uav v lt uayar thai i 14v aad ura bauar uj lira cdaa uayar of 2awood aad ura chaa burrow brayaaatoa mayor cautfi the favorite halt0n ubtral convention uaduauajwa uomm vax aroejamattaawiikia ritaai tba annual spring hair of twbe agrioukural fldolety waa uij ba tu brlv ing tvrk oeoretowa oa thuradiy april loth tbara waa a burg attaaxhuto and thagaia reoalpta wara abaad of bsafc year kmaaa ulba dleo flin i war tea w- lowat draft uialilod 4 jaara tad or- 1 at jo tuwi sad nell flillua draft or agrloalluiaj teaaa browav ruga jobii bcu cleoaral parpoaa taw- a wluoa a u tkonuod twobaroo btaukm aay agacbaaoay ajmlninoai uouoaau broa ouriaat r uaokbaiy bfallhtrtj aay aga laeeph tuv r breadotr w bailey aiasu mara or oaulelgw c bdward joaapb teliar twam id ifameaaj c moovt boadaiaa eualliod any agju p barry latutdtdd fliagu mara or oeldlng 4oba oabipbelb ft 1l tladaay toaw in lfamachlold broa k browuridge tharobrad btallloa aay agajauaa bovbud bob bovalrd liu rtrwjafwcmo t kuampf baa a pair of toaaa to whoa two jet black yoaag oaaa wara hont bat waak ur kuupf valaaa tba adjulod to bbi pou aa wortb at bwat tsmi bookwood aaat a larjps eoatlagaai to loalpb oa baiuday aftaraooo to baar m w bowau k c tba liberal leader our icec ream parlor open for tho season on saturday every frhsh fruits straw- uerrirjy pine apples grape fruit oranges lemons fresh veeiablett day resli groceries best candiew our ice creum ia made freth every morning from pure cream t statham son jit o ata caktuu4o ibv um uaaredai tn bout waklunatton tl uru of bmil wellingion ului mat in convention at juolji mt katunlay afternoon ti oonuular tlj tumuiuiity of ttoral lulling a ruklliiate fur tbo next ontario elootlou falud to iwhuliiutu u oanditlala ami tba blatter wan loft in idwy- nnoe tbo only iiameu hwrntlotiwl wara tlioaa of mayor bamualcyrtor of ouolji ami mr j 1 uaolntoah of umi 1uoiji moroury tba candidate of um hint general ubotlon mr maoiutojt daollnoil tbo lumtilnation a oontlderahlo prcportlfto of tlwi riohv gutea itowavar uliout ono fouitb uero otkpoboil to nominating a caiwlhbilo at tha preeentrruae and proail their viouu no bard that tba oonvuulloii titagnulmtoek bald lu tbu iddlng oonolwlcd to duluy notnliuiuon far a tltrta th nuriority in favor of mr carter notnlnatloti wanted tho meeting to tvoodii ata him forthwith but when uomo lld out forboaouonlt waa tlaalty doaldod ofttr mucli dlaookajoo not to nomlnato anyoiut iuatnow but to call tba convention again during tba naxt couplo of monlbti death of an 0spwngc farmer o w oaoateauka lr- una krtd vocumi baeid irt kad klundjlv o w ooob a wall known aiwl proamr oua fartaar raeldiug oo um firat lino of erin between evertou and oaprlngo a man forty tbraa yeare of agt waa fouwl daad in bu bed at ba bomo on friday taomlbg ifa ratlrad tha pravloua availing in tha beat of baalut apparanuy but whan ha did not gat up at tba uaual tlnta in tha mora lag bid daughter want to hla room to call blu bba raoelved no reapotua and uumi thamlitettoa found utat ba bad paed away during tba night- lfa bad bead daad aoma uaaa wbaa found death doubt- lea d to heart cellar uf oaok waa ooa of tba moat highly raapaoud farmera la that eoctlod of tba coualryand tbauawaof buaoddati deuua okbk an a irreat ahok to hla friambi and bejgbbora if laavaa a wlfa and fatally of flva ehildroti nifindwaaatoualb of ur wiulam oaok vredarlck btreat aototl tba faneral on buuday aftamooo waa 6m of tba largaei vr bald in krlu town aklp tber wera about two hundred otavejaboaa in tba oortag an lotpre- alva aervloa w bald in oaprlnira twfcy- tarlau charob after whlcb interment took plica id kvertori 0metary kerer pat tod uauy liooma in any bur or vad vlowra aia muob prattler if laaaely tbd awply arranged whed a ckloked u to ba cut ferfrioama tba ibjoboldg oaa b quickly aooompllbed with a pair of atoat bolaaora wlerj uirdugb ell ij tbe bodily nttdruco liuratlvea ilv yatitle timely mud effective aid without h or dkir ac a box it yotu drugjfuta i mmn lh ajliilre i j vigorol uyad rabt to feel wall bright and th full oambltlod ba abla to moto abtet mdck bjtd tanarily vlqouol the grant vroacb tottls will braca you uwlttuaiirtui wularala ittha rn could ooly irdprem thbl ought la tba world woold ow thast a krealgrallttklai butejlwacau da u to try ooa baitla akd for youraalf tba ebaoga will ba woddorfub vou ooad a apria radlcla tbaataka vioorou bold at a t brown drug atortf lmadclt itowkll will altlmd tint pihjjti of huttou ttro limtklng far warl with b goml deal of inunwt to lu ulwral oouveiitioii to lm imltl t milutu i rrlday may hlh 1 low of u krolimi olvotlon for um fog ma turn at tin ixrly duto tba ubarulu pnnwimi pntllii in tlnj llotd ut tliu oonvontuui ono of tlmlr very ilronjut man tim oouuly iu uell orgaulmml and lliey will no into iho huht in raal goiml biimor thla conxantloii will ixinf uwvcll inter ontbacdumu mr k u itownll lu to ixj prewiiit to i6lior vlmt will irolwbly lu hla irut vulillo uddroau altar tho ciomi tlwt mwint mkkulon mr tlouoll imlib uurm dtioo in iimj ignid uf tlia ijimjiuih ami otltera of hulloti on ucoouut of tlta biuimlld llyht ho iniikliir till ihiiuiu tj of iimi mopto of onturlo ladies house dresses and misses and childrens wash dresses mm uaanarjdbtiuoa pringles sale has commenced 20 per cent oft evwryuiinrf except j kodaks goods kept as long j as you wish and de posit made the whole stock must be sold so bar gains are awaiting you o d pringle jawalur wyodhjusf guetpb aoddnqaududw get tke gard- eni cr the most innocent and the most absorbing hobby of all gardening makes you well and keeps you well think of the mornings and evenings in the fresh spring air the outlay is trifling seeds with a pedigree cost very little more than ordin ary kinds j inexpensive too is a kit of sheffield steel tools and they last practi cally forever write us for a catalogue it is different to the usual and it is free carters tested seeds inc 133 kfaih strmt wt toronto ont metropolitan bank cmwwi nu ua mjxxvxxuso unrfmud tm miumum mod auuaiedao headovrlci tohonto phrw9rs business given careful attention loans made to respon sible farmers for business purposes sale notes discounted or collected bkanciibs in this district acton milton gualph campbellvllle norval ioui new department on the second v hoor now cairieu a complete stock in tlicic two lincu and it is our intentlort to keep fully ubrcatt ol the eason with the new est and best oodi that can be bought we have priced these lines very close in order to fully acquaint our customers with this new de partment andthe woman who fns not time lor sewing will find satisfaction inour showing special 100 each ladies house dress or good fast color print in bluo and white nnd black and white stripe as shown in cut sizes 34 to 43 childrens colored wash dresses from one year size upwards starting at c each misses sizes from 3tfc up ai10 inlants and childrens white dresses at various prices henderson co mill st acton oat i you will profit by purchasing your new homefurnishirigfs and wall papers at this store tijjgapurcliftsara begat pricaconceailoua ihilawliyour prlcoa are ao vry amall large ttoeks of iptiughomatlulnga ruga uatlluga lluolauma curulaa and xyallnapara ara ura houaalteapera who ara plauulug tbalraprrngciaaaingcampalgaa will profit by replacing heir worn furulahlngs wltb braod ttaw oaea i roni our stocks iluylng in urgaquantitlea aa wo do etiabloe ua to tail high quality fcooda at boull priwil uaka ialoctlona now whlla auortmenu aro at tbalr baat scotch art squattes imported dlract by ua froad bcotuud aad now oa duolay u a bandaoua aaortmfiut of all wool bcolch art square they ara well wada will alaud lou of bard wear aud coda lu a rang of vary artistic pattern colors will not fade bltaa id ttock up to 4 yard by 3 yard priced at frota to ttfbtm new beauties ol wkavu and color in uoou ftuosa urge variety to cbooaa from la haadtomatycoiivaotloual daalgtia it la geaarally knowu that thu atora will uot ttaod aeeond party to anything thatdeterlorateaquallty uraatuuiral that thara la nothing in tha way of lighter weight fewar thraada aud cheaper yarna in walch for in buying ruga hare at each price our ruga ara u good aa tba wwatorn art cao btaka thtn offurlug valuaa bard to equal alaawbara our jreaant ahowlna comorlaaa vvtlloa amailouur lighter weight fa 1 u good aa tba wwatora art cao w v ig cobiprlae wtltoa auajlaleb kruaaela and tuneatry ruga in alm from 4 foat 6 luchea by 6 feat to ti feet 6 acbea by 13 feat 6 locbaa at price raiiglflg from t to mium curtains and curtain uaterialstba aeloctloa of curtalua aud curtain uauriak u ra- rtuikabla in it- variety in tlta furohltig of ba home nothing play a mora important part tha tha window curtalni and draperlaa ttiatabuiy with iharefurnlahlugof bowaa for bprlngararavallirigla tba wlda eboica of beautiful ciirtaiua curtain materlaja and draparua that tbla atoro baa vr uid woaa auid lktriiu whlta and balga priced at par yard from sc to fl cklril ruf ahaulow clothaof both eag- llab and american watiu fact ura aawat coloriaot priced it par yard rota 1mk- to tt4jm bukouri ror light drapary rich toft colorings reasoaabjy priced vetlouraablnglaatid doubla faca aaecta la abadca f tcowhgrnaudutrcupricadatneryardfromli4lttoellhi nolurtgham uaoa tad bun- lrw7 nat cuhialrta in whlta atid ivory pricod at par pair from ftc to tub nkw wallpapurua woodvf ful varlaly of baautirul arfacta aud apuadld coloriaga ordlu- ary wallpaper make ordinary looking room no mailer how tastefully you way furutab your homo lha an lira affaci may aaally ba vpollad by ualng papara which ara uot tnoroughly aulubla onxa oa your wallpaper la tbara to atay for aoma tltua dont tun tha riak of dlaappolntmaat select your wall papara frota our nugalocettt ovw llnaa we ara knowing tha vary uawafct aud boat idaaa in every grada and in aucti variety that you can readily select tboaa which will uuka tha moit of tlio beauty of your room and anhauca tha attractive- furalahluga vour draparlea carpeta aud ruga can ba wade to look ihelr bait by uilug the correct wallpaper make eeltctloua from our atocb youll flud prlcaa remarkably low leave ua your order for window bbadea well guarantos latlafaxllou llaaldaa carrying a complete block of alt atandard alaea in window ahad w hav a fully equipped department to raaka apoclal alaa kbadaa employing only eiiperlenoatl man aud uaiug tha bea material quality cloth aud hartabora ai rollera account for the excellent iwrvlco givea by uoxdouatd ihadaa auk u lor a price no order too large or too email prompt larvlce d e macdonald bros coy wyaalmm and mtoejaatu slweu ouelphoal m ddbdabribfjsbdsbdibtlhrsbrjrrd wonderland moving picture show our films are changed every night we show admiabionlakvnluk it ciiildhkh cuauaiuiiiud t r l gregory prop grand trunk svs hoauemmsktrtt excursions houudttloke4toc4nta la haal- totmk albaah aud ttaalutultawaui via ohlaaaw waul ov thilutb ba aala amah tuaaday uaui oatabat- tt7tl la- olualvaeiowiataw threaab 1ultum yourlx hlaanara to mllualpftf oa ahova tlataa imvlaa tenula ii p m no abhba of eaia hktuhn limit two mdntiih youll need a rain coat now this is rim coat weather see my special values tk to le all gu iranteed goods 2spcci1l1in uinhrrllau 08r and slkt r e nelson the orand trunk pacific railway la tho ahortoit unit ipilkent route belweun wlnnlpug kaakatoon and kdmontoii with eaecllcmt lliroiigb aurvlcoloheglnn tralnn now running into calgary wtdham mlwaai oumlrh oht geo patterson livc stock dkalick aoton omk cuttle sheup limbs and hoj write phono or call personally kromc v0u ull s uc otto obrrtislmrnk oogoca0 maritlagirlcknsks ykhuui1 in llvu efflno liuliltj ilia day at to lkt bar i out 11 wafer vm 4llrnlata u j ly iim h okblwkm kaltlv ciomim unr will 1 all ualav wlumlay tlmi1y kvulii ltv oh ami altar xlayjtl fin uniilay ftiw foit salik adfhflltlilli luiliii fit willwblr wiulliiaibr kvwl aallar tutu l i htt bftaan ntr lallliitf wall uti i la m bo4rhumirrilllru i rln immmi la tam aay a ly kjw koil iiaiciiino mr costb lii fabthtbh costb faliarn hit lllr1a uub kabhrd half hlnala tymt fatrrna tn4 4 flviiiaulb hk krlka aio l a tmiu lit wiiou auea to a v o ilea dm haniiaky wollk wmii kudmu4 lu tlil ad 1 at4 tawuau duluftj tli cuaal ulvta ftt6lhuo t tay 0it bmlkl bow will iralafjrm lubllaa vltouah avhu i uwa m4i ittm indian itrnmck ducks bnolibh pgnciluo tavguhofrtu j litum f 1ubfhf arar xt i l 0ntrulutm ir 0auipln4 jicbbaa tfle 1u ailke 11 y bioafa u all flwilu aa 1 iim taken tut wbaaar abawn c ii i tbi km le ulllhuwt aiuu out toepuitllc iikalni crrtxklnm ahu huquharratd to oomlv wrtii thm kukllio ukjiivr1 aoy eelurriifraw kai i h lit watar alaattf mtballalue aaa eib uiha aaa f all rlwiaitiaalo4bft wbub uay 4iaw iba tab la baahb bim tba mui enajuulal by iba uulb ear m uay baal m wbub day um flaulliy hamjmloi will vattoaa fe4hial iliiimauaii aud laillhr uia huui ibai ill fcwtuu of tba t tett jsiwateta vis bt kil lu uii4 tvl uill id laa fr4i ty dlua baoae aad lo t fiaai any ui ty luwfibb6rt p alaar uota mmf alaaalaa watw ltd raaolarly alaauad will ba lulaily au aufaaaa are aara s3 ubvauul ts ktatlva ooaa ht au4kjaa luuallt do you need money you cam kanhw tuonay hamdilngi our itna in ihia tarrttorv u your spur uma to advanlatfajl tha uiet una of ita kt rid on ut marhst tfasv to aall urutaaltettj markat wruaa today and aaourw uua una t ava wladear oat spring millinery i uikiu hawtiiobkba mohtom cordial ly invite tho ladlea of acton and vicinity to their millinery rooms ovln uvmuv dav auo uvuhiho allthauteitnovaltles in spring uil ury wlllbs iltown uuses hialhorm v mortoa ullltltllltty acyon take notice j gadeskt the wellknown oyetiflit specialist ol toronto will be at mr e s sices grocery store mill street acton on monday may 4th office hours 930 a m to s p m evenings by ap pointment only anyommiffcrinc from bcid- aclies cesirain ur tlefeccs of vision slioulil not miss this opportunity of consulting this eyesight specialist consultation irtr ce w k cooper la open for contrail nf ull kintla for cattmdt wulku hrldga culvert ploorr clmvnw nnd cumcnt llkvcks cattwuton iwjitl at yirwt a iwrreh orderw ibtrby mull or at rail tic uco will racolvtv prompt allulloo a aaaaaa

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