3 lines we lead in wall eaemeks- window shfadk3- cuwtaln eole3- our vtmw stooh la mow in and randy for your inapaotlon oivkd v0 a oalbb geo flynds aotom omtami real estate vmrmufr aale lu tfnjltou kel mud wvlllaatou loo fauna lor hale every ulae ii you want a farm write at ror cataloaac or ii yon tolub to bell or ekciuuwe write aiit we have every facility far trauumiltur baalueu to your complete ttallafaetlou cotr ottlcmid hollclted j 4 millotrtlmuv rratheluukmdlbllt cleorftctowu fflfcic virion jfm fjtoss tiiufthday arltilm 1011 brief local items may day to morrow observe motttora day keep tlie painter huay hrlohteuiubup your home tbe cleaning of street cowwonoed on ulll btrmtoti monday looming lletlereutoly tlie luok knot on your fruit trees and burn it an required iiy hw ih ft to day mr jt if ward tbe ueweleetrfcan i a fatally man they will mi welooined to our town writ btotur a utter u that si will reoelve it with a white carttauoo aoelostd by llotber bay ttt tortr will rot a new hotaeof vary pretention design for their orphanage at oavvllle thle kumtaur j gulaaky the eyealght apeeult will la at hw orooary bant uonday mayathojotaoovieeb iv a ii nuued elilraprtotor late of uoyna city ihch ha loeeted la acton and opened etfou la ilia johnstone ulook citlaen 1 lua all tata an hour or to mob wee thl month in cuanlotf our repctlv wmlirt and brightening up u town ifetar oliver luby john l lloor ujd j v coufailh wlltf u flualpb on haturday to lieer n w itowl ll uuduv milton oounell appealed against tlui jttdgtaant j jtiatlo uuuuimi awarding loud dawa- for hoojiiu lb lire of j huddy tut yuar tba aipal was dis tele wflb coau thae it trouble ahead for several uryu rtdore wlo have tabed to tiding on tka pavetaaat if lhy punl in o doing the geuneue ly law prohibiting thl i vay loflalu and eeiaelualve a hut iwokan uouor in town luut complalnaii a tka iicaa inpolor tkat for toodlka bar nlualmti youroli aou uaa lmmattldf lujuoralona of tba lotau lit twa ami ku fquuy oona luxnailnibk tt monthly tatellttjy of tka haltoo iftra ianraboa omapany waa hau hara oa ifoajay tt pathamb of tha ooupauy johh kaumy ei of kj- ullla wu prii altar an ahaaum of bawaral wont ululoo a th lauat aiuitlod to tba uf butdur of canatllaa towojiorojtuato kt ckmgla liltrarlaa it u to tt u700 am pluu aaj aptooauotu for a hulultuj coauatf that auouut kav iian aut to kaw york for aptroval jokn hfttou of tba victoria hot baar tha t orsoa cjulh waa givon thirty tlayn lu whlob to aill out ly ll oomhtulottra ulut lav not itoan aatufiad for itdoia tltoa with uia uanuar in wblob tbla boum kaa laea oonjoouj marfiury mr malllnaaii of korval la luy wltlt bla un 4auunjf aooia sow apjda cborry i uiul paair traaa on lu wooay on tba narval road tiiij orobard joliui mr kouav orchard of over ioootraao maklotf i 00 aetwi in ona lluk oovrvd ly fruit traa iloralj i tbatlmlpb tapaim tall an ititarabttutf aloryof tha itraaullon by frof laorpi veuf arwurono of harvard uulvaralty cambrtdjl majwofaialuallakoli watoh tofioaowltuputorobrlni of tlualph u modtfiiltlonoftbaliunaetovatatoarltywbat a toy so yura ajfo in aavlrf tba ufa tba wotmmut wkaa uey woh awluulit to- utttbar in tha rim rjad at tba boyhood bonialaki afaltoh mhhino ho how huow tm hlr uatahdl 044 m14rf- dmamfvuiora tba fipriuo bbow of tba lealtoti agrloul laral boelaly waa tba wat suooamful in wwy way lt a urt mjjty yaara tba attawunh waa vary urg had ao w tlia uutathar of antrtaa and tb quality of tha ualauda on etiblbluon uiibakl ihltonh vanutauon as oaa of tba taadlnjr itoru brmdtnfountlaaof tba iirovlnoo john jardkoum of w4oa waj a thoroughly eoinpatatit jndoj otul hlldoouuoiui gava 0naral tatlidaouau tba following la tba itrualutt maavy draught joa tlfr maratboa f aid 1111 jk bon rd t ik ibuurd craigl bttehlyvu draught two yaar oua joa yalfer tiais lo ball 8oti iwbron w mocraady lauiru i sad v ueketub i 8rd w b uocraady lfydfotfaua haokbay joa tufaf tbutty laodar uasknay two yaara oil joa tvlfar htdranka tltotwvhbrbda j luoaa bundard brodm p barry mlduul orauaa i sad john blmnaon ohio todd t srd a mtiuougall bur wilkaa hjraugbt uttkllary tlrownrldgd aftrtaultural tota- a wllaon i 9nd ahwiuwi oaoaral trpom uau w n bootr boa sad fl a wluon bblgla madatar vrad roblaaotii ibwl joav tolar cbataploil moo muwa9uo m taamalmmafuupavar will bt4a ti uaralkaluuwalaallaaacaaa dmiiwulmm ibaau4f hm baa tbla i aora la all it maaaa aai thai utjumu haifr ckutrk oalaumaaivimaultcaamaawenowa to ib- apaalaal rraiwnltr otuna balaaa aiatlttf tlduam taqalraa aaaauiaumul traal iaa4alvlaftbaii pi ha aaaauiauoa ku4 aata a boluiaa a iha aau jljagnthtmim ailaa luvali tba priu 23tttlll4dtltr omoan on tumlayfnr hrili towm ttaatrarlm of uafuaaa- t ijwwt- m-l- mlu l tt1 nevvs op local import baptlamajhaarvlaa in uaua ohureh after h vory imiwofaalva mrmoti m tha tlloiif lutralfaiii ut iho lhktlut cfmroh on huuday cvniln itov mr tftownrth thtt iwnlnr lutivtlmxl throa cnmlliulou t ttuato ua nntiotially luraa at ihu mtrvloo wornkmai inautut montbly haaunar tliti lyknuf liioiitltly inmtliitf of iho wommrh vinitltuta ulll lw hold in lu cotnioll ommmr trmuy muy lul at 3 onliuik a uttc iittatulanoo la wiii4d i tha ti6mtiii of how tlto inoutiy lu to ita oxkiimii ulll lm ihaaiimotl mr havlll ulll lttuutmir tiiilllloil murrluifd a uood niiiulcul jmurummo lulwliitf trovldod akraatal aihtl takan to toronto on moiuluy clilof luuuati wuu utlvluotl by clilof tlruimitt of toroulfl to utrckt i if uiinhr ulio u uii itollovotl tobolitactoti on ti ilmncc of tlttrtrtlnii tito olilaf louulixl iiih i nail uud lodged hltir in tlto coiim tlmt oveitlnu on tuouday ultor- nooti 1olloa oilloor mnulipmiory urruixi fruiu toronto uiul took tho niuti to tho olty to mand lu trial a blllurd owa at mlltoa fjftonn wti6tu uoro axaininoil iojii ttturwlny in wjko oourl in th oaao in which c k uallouay uua oharitotl with running a lull low roam without iiooum tiio club charter uiul otlir iioouitiaiitm wro iroduoed falloa maqktraui uloo rourtmlhu thxiuiao no vnattar wliat it nuiy lui un utkal nuiy follow it chum iklon md mot 1l0 boolm of aaaount w bluffer htto dierclmiit itero who la now in toronto waavliarul lefora ii v moore j p yaurlny toomlng with do- luu a builiumii ultli a oradit amolliitf 91000 and iidk ututl4a to rwiy liuomdit ora in full did not keap looka of account whilfl ha oootliiuod dolnff tuch lujn ua rmjulroil ly idw tliocliarga ua prowati awl ho waa couitnittad for trtul lall being aoooil for iaoo w if ikcl county croun attonwy actod for tba iwoaacutlon ami a j xlucklnnoii for tba dfnw loaw auotiaa and raoattuod uaavt noit hunday will londayof laora titan uaual lntart in tba mathodlfct churclt a loie foabt to which all thamamlara ar in vltod will lie bald at 10 oclock in tha mominir to la followod ly an awomlila wruion ly tlui miitlor in tlto avonino thor- will tu a laptuoutl torvloo u leoaiw mm boivloa wlton tlia rlftht baud of fallow- bhlrt will la aittandatl to upward of fifty uaw uamhara and followluo uiu tlm aacramant of tlia lonl a 8apwr will 1m ad tttlilbttbrcd hut6c4 to uava w b4maauuwa a dofiulauon ooaipuad of maawu w v w iuw aud if t voktor rwa4atttlng tlia uurlington ifortlcbltural aktoclatlon lroldiwt wluoa am 8crvtry monak of the irartnara xtuultuto aiiaarad ltofoa tlto county council huu whii raiutliig liat xuy to inako a implication to tlm ontario floiarnmant for a dutrlct repra haiitatlva for tlia county tba gora tociit paya tha tnanu ulary uul tlia couuty 9ad0forarulmneut tba county council docldad to uuika tlia noowtary applloatlon taal malta balua duvwd cblaf 1igiiuwr wilkla of toronto sttburuan lutllwuy wan lu towu on tuaa lay in oon vernation wltibokaiut vuumm ito taud tlmt tha btaol was now balng unloaded at coakuiluj miiioii waaas tliat tha track uyino will oommanoa in a faw dayu wltan tlila work 1 btartod it will undouulodly la riudiad au faat au powkll ja track laying will prooaad from tlia toron to and la tlila illractlon tbaro aro powor polaa to araet and tattoos tolnlld as wall aa tha uylug of tlta tui and utaah it la not likely tliat many plo ulo parlloa will utlllito tlta alactrto road thia aumuar to raacli tlto attract iww poinu tliat aw now being ooaldarol ltmaa day auuaaa waauaa rav u w siiklar oanaral rjacratary of ti lorda ikiy alliance of ontario dpoke at tka annual niaatlng of tba aotoa urancb id tlia uelbodut churoli uul wadnaday ovauiiiff an luurrwtiug raubta of tbu weak of iba auuwoa wan glvau itlmut which hu atlanilad tla aftirta of tlia organuatlon to aoourd a day of ratt in aavan to all working iaoja lliroughoub tba dominion itafaranoa was loads to tho vary oamdrauadiuutiug of cam lu tlto aldiugo bora durlug probihitcil bouru on sunday thin matter will ita lookad into tba oruoera elactod for tha yaar wara i vroaldaut john it kennedy koctoury- yraauirar john h colaiaaii enacuuvai j l warren join camaron ii p mooro und iha local tiiliiiataru whlakay hatohibi aaalu during tha burial nervine ut valrview canutery on monilay afunioon a very unaaanity ami ragroualda incidcutooourred a foreigner yimu tlrowl an italian want to tha bide of thegrave and wltli uplifted lunula oommeimuul aowa inoanta- tlon in italian to tlui painful annoyance of tlie mourimra and tba company prl at tho aoteiun urvlon mawra c a moore and prod nutley grunpad kin and con stawe ifarvay who uaa near urraated him anil raacadlilm in tbo mllu kant morn ing lie catne before ii i moore j i and through mr charlie marao mi employee of meura dearduuhv k co who acted an luterireter tha priaonar admitted tliat be luul lieen drinking itotb in oueliji uiul acton and tlw drliik luul gone to iita bead uiul tiuule a fool of blta he atalad tliat be came to aototi from llualjili to work at tlia lime kiln at dolly vaitlan bbworih laaefuaaa nw ottmara on tuowlay evening ilia aiiuual elaotlnu of ofiloera of tlio kpuortb laague waahekl tlio rcporta of tlu year had lotm jirauiited ahowlhganltualanual inoreaaaln member ijilp uiul a aucceeaful financial year itepottii from all the department udleate a aplrlt of growth throughout tlia entire nrganljtatlou tim ofheoru eleototl are i honoriiry iraa rev c d draper prenklont mlaa ulmiio v ilotiuolt uk vlon pro- chrlmlaukiuloavor fleo wllott urtd vlou ivo missionary mim etliel coleman snl vloa 1imh bulal and literary mlwllerilerlmllh 4th vloa iwtirlulim cltiwruhlp- a t drown atli viae pre junior and intermediate loaguao mra a t ilrown alul miji hertle hpalftht convenor miiulaul cummltteelviiim pern ilrowii 1lanuikrneat a brown auu pianlat mlaa a vttna haorauvymu rjllla vnuikuiu cw-hm-u1- clara h moore treaaurer j v colonuui the junior ami intermediate auguea mautanon pw felt itim l4ikt ffuturtlay nftor cvrhlliiu tho dau iii bill in default of iiaynveul of tlu fluo of 9100 and coum iuiuxmmi ou him fur boiling lltpior to tlou vuttw in hxral otioii niuuuigau oyu mm reported hut woik nallwii natkiiumui iha jaw puldlcr hot th tind wan reloaaod champion all liquor kjoanate klenewod tlie boari of ijocnwi coimiilmtlonorii for llultmi met in milton idbt uouk tlwro unm pnuuiut maurw if a iraliam unit j p uiuiuiiiihoii uiul ijoeitihi inspector porruh mr tlraham wn ulectad cludr limn all of tho fourteen lloeiiuif lu tho county which wm in forco in ihis m warn renewed for 1014 1a moo maurulnrntnt haat weak tho llduut clturcli hua ariangiml for u high ohihu am laoat oujnulilo inuuloul uiul lltnmry entertainmciit fu thu uiwu iiull uoxt tlnirwlay uvutiiug 7th may tim iroirmmo inolwleu immborm ly tlm following popular eiiicftalntru i mihh chrlaty klllott roailer ami iniwrmonator toronto miu klllott in n gruduato of imtnilt hcliool of tdoouliou uim 1uii noimhi koiuano aotolt lntji mit- niluou u tlie tulentod dauuhur of en vuyor it k njimhi tiuelph anil la one of tho most acceptable of tlto youngur clun at iaaulblu in tho i toy ill city uud hr htudcut ac ilia vonvnto coiimrvatory of murio mr prneml warren tenor bololut nl walmer load baitlut church toronto mrenimt wurreti ik no tranger to acton ilia hinging lure liaa always won for him high enoonluiu the program ino through out will 1 a great treat af altoa couuty bulldlmin at tbo mealing of the county council hut wnik piano and ujioclilcationu wore uubmittedhy two urohlucta for tlm pro iomvi new registry oalce aid for an addition to the prownt building as an alternative no action uaa takan aa tba law roipjlree that all iuuh uatui inuot ba suumlltad to am approved by tho onuho oovemmeut ixfore wuplioi by u county council tlie plana will ite aubwiited and if apiroved aitlier of them may be ulofited at tlie next masting of tlia council aa antra aooaiuuoilatlon u conituwul neouiwar there uero uanb too fur tlia rowblonoe of tlie governor of t he jail but itbi hottollkaly tliat anything will la done with theui tliu year a report from tliecounly treu surer diowed tliat there waa money available for ihu yearu expenditure tlui u bail i toon uuppotd the new ttfoelcun engaged aa- j h wsrdaallritmruamd mu fotei to4t haba tba ooub- atlw okaua cohalainckal ilia dutlma to- hotlhow tlto council met in utacud mjioii hut yhurtday evening to tloally decide upon tlie aebiotlon of au electrician to buocead ur tlorgo huoddy vltoae rvalgnatlon waa aooouel at a prot loua mooting tlie menibcni were all pnl reave hyudii priiijjlliid after bpendiug tlia evening in ooualder lug tlie quallrcat lon aierlenca ami recownteiuhitlona of tho several llkaly aifillcanta the choice foil upon j ii wanl of yottenhaui a man of hoe attain tuenta longenurtenoe and tlio bearer of very flattering tettlmoulala from lurevlouit euitlnyru and otliera tba engagement waa formally made by tba iiuaiilmoue parage of tlto folhwlng reaiulloii i hoted by murray mcuoiuikl aeoandad by w if hmllh that iba application of j ii ward of tottuuhaui aa electrician for tlia hydro electric plant of acton at a naury of fw per mon t h be aooejjed du uoa tooommonoo on may 1st 1dm and that un agreement nutting forth hla varloua duliea be drawn up ly lite electrlo light com- ml t tee to be algned by mr wanl at tlia oommenoemant of hla dutlea moied by a t llrowu heoonded ly w m cooper tliat j if ward ba engaged au oarotakerof the loan hall at a talary or 50 pr annum and euglueor of tlie vira brigade ut a iialary of 940 per annum carried council then adjaurued personal and travel notes oilkeanhd utinina tlfad wkbfck mr it mllllgan mid fumlly nf kucj lug hnvo mnvod into touu ml may blndany una lioimi from maodonald hull ov r rlumhi xiim jensin frvlug of hudhury wuu n gildulof mr john l kmuuwly hut utnik mra idr mokimguo of wlimlpng luoilo acton frlmtdf it lilef lalt hut ucok lun mr dow ttn tor of thornton uaa the iiotlftl mr und mtf w r hunillu uovonil duyn thiu uch mthum john cook wllliuin i tort uud mfmlhittlutitttimhdihufumridof mr wll linni cmil ut oxprinir miiud i muni iihuioii llroun mid ifiimtd niokliu un hmtn from iho uuucrxlty iho nummlnullouu far thu your la lug completed mrw tlionuim htnllmm ituritod lumin from clilcitgo uftci nikiudiiig nmoulh with her duuubtei lltero tlui llrul of tho week mr l johnsuuio uud mlu e ituxmell of wvl 1irotilo utiiit tlio wmik end nttlio houuaof mr mid mru fumcti hoiilervjin mnru htreel mrv john williuiuu liu iiuulo no proreiut touanlsrccovory 4t thu lenurul hospital jueljji hitch lilt uuo una ivponoil critical yesterday mr wm ifeniatrolt who hpout the winter with friend a in toronto caiun to town hut wouk and inpocth to remain in acton for hoioo tlino mo alum halxinavad tbo furmera of thui vicinity are well on wltlitlielraeedliig mra il engluli of toronto vtuteil tier motlior mm j camdell u few daya hut week mra hupheii iloaul in vlslllug liar brother mr william cooper of acton a itumlriir from bare attended the funer al of tlio ulo mb bauer on monday hut iflaa aggie bhort 111 uliobaalieeuhpand lug a couple of weal a with frlende lu toronto returned luwno prklay oveulug ur alfreilbwindlaburuloata calf laat weak with rabblea vnur tmiha turn ooumoil hhould do vhi0 uahino put a few oar loada of broken atone on tlio worn ilaoeaou mill maltiaud church b tree la have tba ieruiaent railing put on tbo upper main street lurldga have tha eleotrlo treat limp globe cleaned it u six tuontlui tlnoe tliey uera but cleaned have ttte ahada treea ou tha ktreeta neatly trimmed keep tha big boyu from playing ball on utoutreeta vouh ahintf ho gin itot be doua any better auywlujre not quite ao good generally putt pkhbi prlooa are right if you require anything lu the printing line fromu vwungeard to m painplilet let un luiveyouronler a nrvhoutt vhhotavfoh judge how did you ooma to enter uta remlaea t j iviaoner well jourlionor it waa j in the morning kllclien window wide opeui no ooh about uowed if you uoublnt u climlwhl in yourwelf did mr ycat have- itny trotibla gttiing la tit boua uat hbrhi wuhj yon vmtt home from tba cfubt crimaniibak did ii bay do yon retuaiulter bow rutty that uuht bay was uul ttlguv walk look bow bright u u tww yonkara rtdtcawhti i oubhjiirir oo weiaee o 1 uut eomlujfyear hebra ncimw in pre-i- dent of the junior d jack kennedy of tbo intermadlataa a halfway mark doaa ftt thw inalti natd roiibartlng tba town at kaalport hud calais mr ktanda a mdantf llltla tonnunuitt ttrwt- t to murk a luoat itdvrwtlng it- graphkal polot to it u avarily hnlf- i tray between iba axiiuitur nrwl burtb pole tba jal 6ur way ttab- ttinltb liraca tbnl bt keepa all of rda proinlera i mumht lnw ba tiuiniftrm to iff ivliw hi- rtrr nuy ciiulauitl kinpjltwr a you up couple couxidcr throo n crowd after the lioneyiuoou mlnluiixe komulal in iho homo of jour luilgbhor ami pulverlo it n your own we would 1m mirprlmml if mo know uhat our nelgliliora ihlnl of uu if lltey over uho a a thnught this home oye tut i anyone j dyola f ml klnda of clojh j magi baking obituary hlsjaiv whiaii for wutinil jtar mr wallaou of tho 7th lino nunhiigaweya hud hecu in tour hmllth ami for aotne time wau coulliuwl lotholiouao tho und name muuh more rnpidly lluiu wiiu eiaotel ituu hmnluy morning when ho suddenly usaedaway mr william una born in naaagtiu cy a oli lli farm now ttocuplod ly lfr joint ii lac v look he lived ull li uijh lu thut touiikjiip hfty three cmu ago thli month ho uoddod hiibaima o nolll who died four yeoru ago on lastor humlay moniing jatli manh eight chlhlren uelolwrnto tltctti of attain two died in liifmtoj thomt tturviviiigarei mm win mcniauglillu koiuuiau03a i mludhuuniim at homo urn xlitu hlnatittli at cteieland ohio i bunmln on the houiosteiul hubert und ifonry mauiru itolert ami iiuoh wallace alton on itulf lrotliera mr allace wuj a iiiuihih r of 1 itciiour mutho dlatclturli tlto funoral otertiay after n uaaooiulucted by iteva e m car tar ami dr lluir nunugaueja ami lu torment took plaoa lu alrvlew cdmtery acton okbwaomai oohhibiiu quarterly communion itorvlooii will ha held item text humlay morning memsia mnklroy ami dtllteok ovungnluln of lumllton ulll lie proaenb and asmlt the pastor misaifeltm damper chleu datigliler of mr anil mra h damper of th place watiqulotly married at tho home of itov fl c wgiuiiuiii evorton lo mr walter pryfr acton on wedneuday awll 2jnd tlio lrldal jittlr uero iniiittetidml tlie bridn iimiuimi tihnrmlut in her going uway unit of liluo ludiau cloth with crii net wult over nllk am uhlto hat with cream ullb rlhhotnt nud whlto olrlch 4umo tho many hum i mime preaeutu tohtlnotl to tho hlgb outhtin in which iho bride lu held mr uud mra pryer ulll rouldo lu kwpief inj wheru the ltcit wlhhou of lltelr many frluudu follow them for long life hupp iiomjuitd unuwrlt mr prod crowkou vlultod frlomln in ciunplxillvillo ou hiiuday hllia jbinma crlppu isitoil friaudu lu toronto list uock mr and mru voter murruy tnj mil elva and mr nud tru prod hyiw ami dilureiiof churchill vlsitml at mr k klnklhiry on humluyi mr oeorgo ltampii4tumetl homo from chatham n hrtturday mr joa crewuti juolpli tpent the wonu ond on hitnnlaj mu etltel damper pramoaa viuitwl at home hero un humlay cfflropractlckiropraktic announcement commencing monday miy 4th i will opun olticea in tlio tohnatonc block mill street acton continuing tlio practice of dr good follow of guelpli wc remove the cause ol our disease by pure unadulterated chiropractic without reporting to medicine osteopathy or surgery consultation and analysts free at office dr amnlesen chhoptctot dr morsoi itodleka root pill owe lbii alniiiilar rffcctlvaneaa in curing hheuiruitism liimliago and sclatka to tlicr powrr of stlmuhillog ndbtrcnatbenlnkthekldnaya tbey enable ibrae otvmt to thoroughly titer from the blood the uric acid tba product of waste matte which gett into tha jolnti and muudaa end ceutr tba painful dlacaaca ovr biu a century of conuaht baa baa proved conclusively that dr moraaa indiaa moot pilla atrutbea weak iddaayaaad u cure ldaomuitim no frieno like tlie old fnendls i v v o ta slrlbood irough ufa and right along to old in chambatlairt tabula ara womaia beat friend feed ha nervea aid digaalloii atop baadachea keep tba blood rlcb and aaeura good bealib unwauu aaadaaba ar byti- bmt fl i m chamberlains ta q l e t s skin on fire juat tha mild simple wash tlie well bnowu d d d prescription for ber genia pud tlio itch la gone we have sold other remediei for bkln trouble but none that we could perunal ly recommend l we can the d e d prescription e j haaaard drutfiat aolon gnaaldak3a georgetown oarage and machine shop t j speight georgetown aufbtobua f molor cycfes i hkydti i agency for the famoua ifilaaaklbt meter cara tor acton george- town milton ami vicinity all the lateat modelu the most durable canadian car day prlcoa lower than ever before and catalogue automobllolfrcu tubes and acceeorleauuppllod at city price demoutrauou any for itartlculara prlceu excaltlar molor cycui the fpij mculal ou onfall lion tutu la the ture and i liable road cycle bleyelat ulcycloaofnll the beat makea- a flratclaiw bicycle for titt second liand bicycle frotnlll upward repairing equ1puent we havs a flratchua equlpttuqt for all kind of repairing and our wide experience with englaet and machinery give uaipecialadvantagca in putting ear cyctea or any other machinery lu utufaxlary condition t j speiqht mahhews photo mill street acton mnnm the decorating of your walls 2s quite a problem you want them to be pleasing in color and appearance oo as to make a suitable background for your furniture and pictures 60 tha ideal wail finish ahould bo artlutla la texlure and eoloridft abaolutely multary and apablo of being eloaaed if tujeejuuury with aoap and wotor oad durabloto avoid oo f request etpuim for rodeooratinip wall papcra do not meet all thceo requirement tho pattsnui and dealgna fade la paper uemaelvm aoueet dtwt ami gertna and cannot be property cleatiot banltary okprtu have proven that any kind of wall taper u ufutanitary and tbo euatora of applying now paper over tbo old afford a breeding place for gorwa ktuaomlne and other water polnu while eloau and eanltuy haw not ho ueoonaary permaneticy they need frequent renewal uul often rub off oa ooea imnrnf imitdiyn ami outfit mark euiaot bo waahed off uuafaotohiy the product that meet every requirement i bherwbvwllllattui slamoaa a durable flatdrying oil palai made la a variety of twentyfour beautiful nhadca tho wleotlon of expert deeoralora tbla fuuab can bo waahod with notu and water and will laat for yen coma ami aeo ua about sw hattone h in put up in liquid form ready for uae ajkfcjraooioreanlof tho frlwlri whf james symon hardware paint acton larger business it the busineuu of any retailer in thiu community ii to rrow bigger in the ycara to come it will not be 1 matter of accident or duo to an increase of population only it will be the result of intelligence added to energy plus advertising wherever you find a big flourishing bumness you will find behind it a strong pushing man ol indomitable spirit driven by the power ot these 5 words i can and i will 1 hiu man adver- tidea he must deliver i110 message to those with ears to hear multiplied customers and larger turnovers arc ab solutely essential to his progress a word to the public help oil tlie liunlucu of tbom wlio uiow tlioni- uilvihi eaar to have your cuatom wlio invito 11 oad prlia it euoufth to tub far it sbop wlioro vou receive ilia lwt wrvlco voliiou oml ooilii kaward wllb your favor thoio who solicit your favor liy mewiofces ftilureoed lo you caili wtulf lu our dtlvertleluk columna shop where you are invited to shop actons electric cho m chopping fglrolling done daily satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale b p caldwell acton this sazeeks sp6cimls 3ct m saxes splendid line of ladies shoes all sizes carpets linoleums oilcloths at special prices window shades and curtain poles at halfprice watch for the specials to be an nounced next week morris saxe mill irrnaar