Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1914, p. 4

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bc atan xtt rms tllullhia ma 7 iplt tub ribsoomkhhalbl 1 unit loolluir tlio uitlu fit- tlio clilldnnvliilir olium jor tlwlroiurowttnl niulium uud their iii till u wll1t it itom wimii mnvud by ten lir mornrlea or one firyotrmafciw i liftcxl p tlw rover nl hii old black elwat it wan ihcrti 1 kept mrnnmuu itl time of lonjf n whan i a child una uhltdded from wintry wlml ami mww i and tuklnir out tlw treauure i ptued bote llietll ull i htld tuy hornl ii moment on a brown puid blutwl then i understood tlm roconipeuao thata oauiliitf from above if i shall m mirrotind my own with ull it mothers hut that put la look ut what ive worn will quickly dim thoeto lltfiiveruorollikl blw uu alnon the t yood by ptluirfilichruuaii atuoeato moyilmhal oiiaf h juothera eltflr luul rooked llm wlwv family ft made a creaulnp nol a it moved imt tlmre waamuku in it sound it wue jtiht idah enouyh to ullow u chit llrtiu to ut our hoods into lwr hip tint was tho hank wlnfce wo dapowlted ull our hurt ami worruw oh what chair that wan i it wua u very wakeful hair in tho sick tluy of cliiklron ottier clutlre oouu not keep awake it kept uly wk tluit clutlr hivew ull the ou luluble and all thom wonluae tortf which mothere king to tbalr children honjre in whleh all pity and oompasalon ami mympslhetln in ttahacm aeoutbltted that old cltalr la fctoftwl rooking far u toad many year it may be t up in the toft or irarret lut it holds a ijuiily power y t de witt twlmajie nerves were unstrung woili athoii olf of leijiiii blauy womta become nld down and word out by bouubold ear and dutke uevr tndliif ukl sooner or later arid tbemstlve with shattered ufvi and wok btarta od the first lju of uy walcbcs at the bcart or turw yod should awii yoursdi a put bua by italaf wu- bumh hrart oiit ntrw ptiu mra arctw ooodlat tuly ntf writmi wud i woj iraobkd with uy bcart tm ytort m4 i waj wry bod y wrv wrt to uttstniiuf baancttnurf i would almost b out tjf my ulkl i daetortd bdyxlf wtb cryihln4 i could bet uotu at last i tot four bou of uubunt cit obd nerw wh wtd tby bav ewi bm x canttot speak too fjauy of lu mddcrfaj rmd tad wiu n6biiiiid it to all tuftm mil bum hurt ud nv kiua at boc pr bo w 3 bou t w5fl at alj tkakni or bulled dlfct ed tcajpt of ptiea by tb t mubunj oft uaoitcj u fl mrry for th rlob uonua who bu poor toat lvirybojy tils up oiwl uluaotloa evy wowan ukw to pjo away oi a vult if ilh ouly acrau th atrat to borrow an sproa patuni colodsl iwuy com uya b cant uixltf- suad why aoiua euu want uuj attb if it iwathlftli wot w fctuw a youaa man who ooalw utbif a warm buibor imoausa lt buroa bl rjaadul at loth ftj- poati aw born at luu they uwd to aay thay ward iwt tha prlnud vt burobta that tuoa aulclda baa hit tin pat rof farmers wife almost a wreck restorer to health by lydia el inulliania vegetable compound her own story london ont lahhafatntirvwlfrt and m vary buay woman i jut feiimttiof i wai ukon wltli imvr mlna in my back so had that i could not irt u or carcly mava with out paltt ami my pirloda weri iinlii ful my liinlnuiit fcallod in a rotkl iluo tor ami t wm unilcr hu enro for pom- time but hotllil iiil lltlla oi no ifooi on day fhitod of mine told mo to try lydla k hnkhainii vftllo compound u ah hod han erectly hlpd by it i heon uklnaf it hsuf won botwallj and my porloda hoeonu luturaj malrl sine then 1 havu lind perfcbouh in act i hav nvpir fi it kwlllntnylir lydl k ilnkhama vffubi compound u mudlclno many womort ndj u you think thla utut will blp othar wimm plniw pub llab lb ur k c young tamhllnfls corar london ontario canada wornn who aulfif from thoaa dlatw aa- intf lib mmllor to thai imk ahould not doubt t kbluty of lydlii h ilnuhama vaglabl compound u rlw thlr haoi if you imvti the whuliuat tlimbt tlmtlydlm km lu- blacomtmiund will lilpyotiu tita tllydlokl u uciiioco tmiiilldtitliillyiihtiuifyul- vlotl vouirlefttikwlli imoiumiid rvoul aud ohswcisi ij u wotwiti mad bid la abrlet eoiihdenca roiuvo auhtaut at uuu vpenae ttiouumla of dcjlua hav lkn alnly hit upon raauillail fotaathwa ad uldotoi if v6r with any tluf iv j v kalujgtfa aatlua luhiody dapit0 ita omtinu6m of httst coda bo luud that it la within racb of alb it u tva natioual rmdy for afcthua far rmovd frota tha ehua of doubtful unl swlmauultriara tloua our daauw oau aupply jt llaiiy a girl who u ioud of bar ijf t la ashawad of br ug fchoe rtmjtow otm kat tlllrtk of lbudluff bla faoa itooaubd it ivda a ahav au impofcjuiity hi minilhletf a woaun u uuable to dj with a hairpin how it dosa duturb ua wuui all we ot for our iuouy la tha wwt of it t nood4 nad etulura 1- aeony of unu with llollowayu corn cura at hand to rvuova thatu uiulouay havooliarnuifoirkavajtaa but the girl wbodoeuaooutluuoujoutbapuno ovlutttly forgta that tha uallihora are partly elvltuod ohildren ory for fletchers o a3tor i a afur u woman ft tha idea la bar bail that j oan earti iwttur living tbah liar buaband oan ha ujlght u wall lain to uw patchu ou hi own barnaul tha open koaaon for ooa hunting la twlv wouthaloajj 8om p0j4 kdaai to think a pbilao throplat urly on easy uark ofuu a wotaau a allanoo la ioord kjguld oaut thou a uatiu wont it i pofcjua toinoid tenputioti by at totklltuj atrktly to onau own hualima a man tulght juat 9a wll pauroulba a wfoty razor a a daaf and dumb larur you can cure constipation by the if sa of milium uubullei run a fre motion of tha bowda dally should he the rula of nvtry ooe for u tha bowda do not utove dally couitlpatloa ii tufd to follow and brutf la its tala waay otbet uoublea wbcti tha bowtbj becoma dof td uu vou et ifeaddclm jfaubdke pun ileutburh lloatlog 8pkka bor tha ityct catarib of the btoniscbv and tboa tired weary fetllnc which follow tb wrong actioti of the liver mr ulliab a ayer pawcctt hill k u willca i wu troubled wltb cott- stlpatlon for many yean and bout thkfl warn ajo my btubarul wauled toe to try mllbumi lam llvcv ipliu u they bad cured him i gat a vial and took llicm and by the tint i bad taken three viola i wu cured i alwoy keep them on hand ond when 1 need a mild uatlv x take one alllburn uu liver win in 2c a vial ft vlala for 91 00 at all dealer o mallad diroot ou receipt ol prka by tfae t mllburu co llmlletl toronto out a cold developed into bronchitis ilowvr shgbt m cold you bav you ibould naver iklt it la all poa- ilbllity if you do um treat it lu lima it will develop into brouchlti pwuiu or soma other urloua throat or lunj trouble dr wood norway waa syrup la partkuhuly adapted for all coku couihi broachltis pneumodu aalhttu whoop- 1h coub and all troubled of the threat abdluh tbre pdlnla in uvour of or wood a norway htte syrup are i 1u action u prompt 3 itinvlioraua u weu j beau and soothe tha throat and lung 9 it u pleaaant harmleaa aodaiicesbuin luu ufa albert volt utockviiw ont wtltii- juat a una to let you know about d wood norway pin syrup our oldcat bttle tjrl la now tin yata old wbtu the waa our tttontha old aha got cold which dewloped into dronchltls and we tried everything we could think ol and bad two doctor attcadlttji bcr but it wa uo good one day i read ba your almanac about dr wboda norway mna byrup so i ulid ii and before aba had enisbed one bottle of it the dry backing cough had uhy all gone there la nothing equal to it and we are never without it la the bou 8u that you get tt wood a whtd you oik for it aj there are numeroua itidutloua ou the market the genuine la manufactured by the ullburti co limited toronto ont omoajsoe family ol 60c easiest way to clean cutlery just use n little pnn- fihlne uprlnkled on si damp cloth and let your cutlery be oa dlrtvt kreoy brjmy un it may panshlne will make it flint- enlnef sweet and clean in a jiffy for an eany nhlne use panshine its just na ood for painted work and woodwork for pota pano linoleums and bathroom fixture a panshlne is a pure r white ant clean powder without any disagreeable smell and does not harm the- hands lwtfe sifter q at mil top tin grocers you get bilious because your liver is laxy vou gwtnbllloua attack whan your llvar raiuaaa to do ite work the bile doaa not flow vou become conatlpalad pood aour tnalead of dlgeatlng vou have that m bhlar aa gall uiu the alomocb beconue inflamad and biflatad lurna uuk vomiting and vlount haadache the beat pwnttlv and cure ftw bulouaneaa u chambarlalne tablate thay make the llvar do lie work trvngihan the dlgailveorgana sad reatoie to bwlaet haajtb uc a bottle all dcolcre and drugguta or by mall cu- wbj- wajktse camfmy taawoie chamberlains tablets whan a gltl thluka nhe hat a broken heart tta a hlga that tha la idliouu liany a ilallar row into tho iaobpot that uht to go into tha uou lwt woman form alllanoaa with each otlterfor oaefulve and dofaualve imirpoa in union uure may ite trmigtli but without unlonit thore woukl ha no dunreee auy man oan una a hkr hit with a woman 1 all ha baa to do la ait bill and ttaii aa a vertalfujfd there la nothing potetit uu uother oravek worm kxtermlnator and it run uo uoii to tlw moat delicate hlld wltliiwitfuaro injury to the omutl tutlon japajlac tiw contentproduci dingy tkacoiordj aoj unughlly bato in bot con- dnciv to cobtcfibnol why oot brng about their mojj float proceal tlu proctsa cooiuli td aplymf two coaia of jap- alac ground color coif of japalac gramuf eow wfatch u gfauocl with the japalac gtaiamg tool aw then two coau of tuluiral japalac peo- uwm htukt bud duiable caui tie poluhed oak lajajabadu21 6l cj wdavktymvu eutaiumlrfajapuac b4v atlmmrijiljom ih motoh jiuuo u oaul by jrs svwcoini geo patterson live aroeic mshttm cyom am cuttle sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally krone vau hell wce ue gloves tub mmmmomu taaohcr how many oeamma have v j umall boy throo ystbrdn tlutt nil 1 well you ma name utotu hmall doy lhueull fo6tlall amlwiow u1l mipofctatmih illatraalooltta bridget wltora im our talephouer bridget sir donau hint over mum aakln for the uia av ft ami i tint it over botlhadthedlvlleowatjuauittln it off the wall mum ohildren ory for rurchers castoria i had salt rheum could scarcely do work weubtodo oood nttlag- bat kuow how to make gloved that wilt pans wlthlwuipw uu most critl- 1 ejumltutlou u xtgtaia quality ol eklus pliability oud stretlgtu ictiitu of ntltch- laft oml all round perfectloa you cau prove yourself by naklng for storeyu nt your dtoleru fhat tliey will outwear your tuoat uuguljae expectations is our firm belief iiutfst ou storcytt at nil htoks w h storay son limited acton ontario vaum timbb to thimk 1iihhu fill- 11 uiimricnt j on wild uuml r lily in tlu inn of llfn i vmir ihudou imliij lui uvtryhlopyoulkkti ttll- jiti tlmt m ilmuliiy ulrfli 1iiiimi fir 11 111 urn nt m inok 11 1 mn tit it world from whit it j mi iiftini lo wpumie jour luwrt though j nil itrxi tlrwl if itu otrm wtotl with itu j tyu nlliinil4mlwtliltattuiintuliiiu nn miuylit rlcliorf mid cjmiiftrtliiit fomid nnl tmullo mid innldly 1 mi hniiuhl ii nuu iind iuvikiom but ftimd only wdi mid h ilf rlt km vou konulit rmno ami trtiiiiu tul i mid only liimilllutlnii mid iiiharwll i mimouuhttliiiltwpteiiii uiul applaumi imt round imly onvy null nlmiler all lm world inn doctlvod you in ull tlmt it iroiiiluoil hiiu you lieurkon inilm uoiiiikm ifroplnu ufttr ua iiiiimioii hii tihlu id iilrtww nu imvo umitlul llfn u 1 ltd r 1 ii illto nml jul yni llnr t itadnum llivutuld i iu tnriiiml uu imi u lonit llitjnimilldliik in uu dthiim o pitiful lorn your fikw totjimjmidj lull find tlio miuo ulikl ull lli world 1 11 imt llml imt ho aloiin ujto goikpu roil tl o uurbl flioiitun hytin vviiiulij a ktuhl ml mjklol v- cul in lillu cmiijioundiul if eiitlraly null bluncoa kitnuu to liao a rovivltymf aiul oulutnry onoct uon tlto ijjreuio ortpnitm liuvo tlirougli ouhi of nu utlniiiwl uo miivent n iwwllloii tlmt thay rank nu uuihihoi intullclim his niliiir hlmiihl r4tinmiilnsriia hlinda in their coniptul tloti thoy oau bo nwlmllutfd by tlio weakaot ntouuuli uiul am oehulii to liao a liaaltliful ami arroealda vlbct on tlw eluyliji dliitlvfl organa 11 kit h and tiihhh thttttilnl fliir la tha only one wharv tuo rlnclial narvo balonrj to two dutluct tnmliai hie tlmmb lu auppiud wltli lo prliwljia iwntti from tlta radical nrv mt are alw tlm fanflnttar tlw mtddla nuotr uiul tlta thumli aide of tlui rlnjf fliigiir ulilla ilia ulnar nerve fumuiiaa the little finger ami the auw ohleof thsrlhflngort the paint of entrmlty of which a ral union takoa 4ace iiaruw u ancient reason for pkclnff tlie uoddlnp rihtf on thla flur a lmaluiy lioruu cat4 nine timet it weight in food inuyaart a healthy uip uu tluuu ahtronotuaru uow aaurt tlmt tlwra in another punaury uydtem bayoiul neptuno which la u10 wou duunt of all iunotu in our ayataui ttt tnadf04 of wlroleu tahramu wmt in inim with fho kilowatt iowar uuwd tia aiwlfl uouriulna from 14000 to 30 000 ft ii ohildren ory rott futcuers castoria tliare la a uctry of a tiuurharud wooun who adalnjf within tlio 000000 ilia btrugkte that tha butterfly um uuklnp to free luolf tllouoli to lialp by liroaklujj ilia miha and la t ting tho billion wlngad cra tureloofio 1 hut tha but truly thus roloaaod wan to woak to lift luel too uwhivalop- cul to care for ittolf and dul hafore la iwacuia eya it mudad ilia battle nlnnliik ougkl to be hard 1 tha people wlioia haginnhiga ana waile easy for tltatu aro tha handloappl otun attalnuuut aohlavemaut fulfillment cutiot lie made oasy and bgliinln4pp bluuild iiot bo fktienoa datanuluatlaii thorough new ootne hard tothoa wlu have mer knowu hard haglmiluga ttui wight opll who laarna ma utzuta without hpaoul cftirt uaually rvcwltea a poorer imparatloii fur life than y othar boy in tu olua it la not only tlw vlrtuea auantlal to sucoai uiat are to be a isolated with hard beiu lu family aaotion oouruhae ut when thore la uaj of fauilly sot to pt thaw eambuk mrs a salc oi i canalojcton manor sailc iwrttei my brother guf- i feted aevenly from ecsemi i the aorei wed very extcti i live and bumed tke coib jlatohufltah zamquktoolt i out all tha fir and qulckly ittavdhlmeaie wlthlrtthrte i weeks of commendog with izatubuic treatment every i lord had bett cured ttu u hut eaa ol tha nuoy i utiire we are omuanily recaulak 1 tram people who fcavn tweved the 1 haauog pwtn of zahfuuk for i tciuaa plltf sorefl burm cut i aad all skla boublae ikcre ii i naiklritf uke thle woddarful balm 1 no ftktd dluite abouu be eo i aurd incurable until zuavbuk i kajbcka tried alt drttau 30aptbmt ujkwyiiini bkln diicuea an invariably due is bad or impoverished blood bad while uot ujuouy atteudetl with fatal htulti are uevertttdeaa wry diatfteauix to the average person among be moat brcveunt ore i salt hutu ucttua tetter auafa bolla ksmplea and itching bkh bntpuotu burdock blood bltttrt drlvee out all the humor from the blood and make it pure and rich mu hllwood ncsbltt apivy oat wrltea i bad sett ttbettm o bad i could kcotcaly do ruv work i took two treatment of doetore wedidne but they did trw no good a friend told me faa wire had bad bait bbcum and that ntpdock blood blttere had cured br so i pt n bottle and before i had it all taken my band was belter burdock blood bluer u manufac a t actons electric chopping mill chopptagfurolling done daily satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale acton old hoiiibnu i late old mothera mother with white liulr and bliully eyoa uiul lipu groui anfdy moot ultli muruiuriml bloutlugh over bleep- inu iwlwrf them la aometlilng in tltelr quiotumootlttitbieukh tlui calm of bult- lutli uftriuionui a knowladgd in tlmlr doep iitiffillarliia eyaa tlmt far outreaoluui all phlloaoplu tjmo with ourreaaliur touch nlwut tjifw ugj tlio ulver throiulfullfy4wlof njpi whllo all tlio ochoeh of forfrotlen wjfltfs hooiii jolnod to hiu u uuoutiun to llielr kpuoolb old umuurl am uioyimba ultli blow tlmod btt p their rami lliy tinmlri clluy uvutly to youtlia btrenutli hweet uotliem aa tlioy pm one uah ugaln ow garden wulka oil rosoe and old fovea chatuu b itoaa tho woman wlw mnrrleii forinotwy eurnw u lot more than bho win castoria sojf lufiuita and chlurejl ttukwyoihirtahtmboish castoria tho iclnd vc ilmo ahvnj uohalit nnd tvlikli iiak boon la nuts tor over ho ctvti ituu liorna ilio ulutiuturti of nnd imu itfoiikiindoinidoic lilt jvor- trv3fia allow no 011a tidtouci 5011 lii thlh all ooimtoriollh iniltiitlniiuttuddiihtiiuumui but klkperlmmitu that trlllo i ltli nnd eiidiuiircf tlio iiottltli of infuuta nnd children per iniico nyuiiiht llxpcrlitieut what is castoria cafctorla in n liiirtnlnuh sultutltutoi fur cahtnr oh faro norlc lrpi mid dimtliliitf hi nip it lu imciuuuil it coiitulim lioubor opium alurphlno noe othor jjurcollo kilbuunira itu nuo lu lift biiiurtniuie it doutraym wornim and nl in m ivavorlmliiickfi lb ciira0 dhirrlmuu 1111 1 wind colic it rllovoi toothhior xronhl ciirk conutlputloii nnd riittnloue it rthhlmlliltui tho itvmi ririiliitca tho fttoiiutcli oud iovo1n itkiiiq licttlthynnd natural ideep rho clilldrtiuu ihuiocriv omallioru xvbnud obnudnb castoria always 1 soars tho filgnatuvo of i the grand trunk railway ijihsumaum tiiaims the m you have always bought in uee for over 30 yeaiu rsxnrwm trammel concrete h v t nr are the hiou economical ol ill poultry liouw they arc euily cleaned wnitiry anj have no cracks to harbor vermin tliry kp lour hem warm comfortaw anil ihmiiiiv which iiulucei them to lay more ega in colj ueatlicr buiuyour new poultry house of concrete feed your hem given food and jou will rind tint thu pra- cejure will incrotuo poultry profit the first coat of a concrete poultry home u the only cow for they are everlasting and never need repairs they ura proof againu ran mice and vermin fiend for this free book what ilie farmer can do with concrete it ihowi modern concrete poultry houses and tell how to build them and how to build every other farm buildinr- in 3 way that will mve money canada cdaitnl caapsity unit uyiujjwi metropolitan bank capital ksdd un ljnoojonoo hium vund sjiummkmx head office toronto prrlvters business given careful attention loans made to renpon- flble forimern for buuinexi purpokp sale notes discounted or collectid dkanciich ih tim acton milton diomtct campbellvillo guelph norval hmhhwmmhmhatmhmhmmmmhmhmatm m sthc m ilun tha 61gnmuicdr empire typewriter m jj visible writing perfect alignment lightning s s fiseapement endurance speed jj m m m m m m m or m m new uoikl empire ari iiuoj hy tlm c p u c n h llnnk nf mitnlrunl mureliiimu llailb hiiynl hank nurlliurii ciowii ujnk mlalit liructurlou 111 hell tulu itmtiii co ctt mailu in canada ttiorafnro vavii 3s mat niuut lie paid un tlilly tin itlir nlaklk ii cul vu nmkla i tit oi an kwiilr u veti 0ffla wiluams manufacturing company ltd u adlald at w toronto wovkbmonll qu l tloaoa m ftltp m iliop w am rn um m imperial coumteh check books tlio popular impurlal ctinulur check lloobti niaiiufiicitircd by the applefard counlur cliolk iloou co urn led ham ii ton nuiy ito unlurtd ut the vux 1hi mh humiik mid priu nil f lyteu uliowh on iipjilkiitiini primpt dollvicy llicru i rt iinru niprlnlii lu iim in ii acfon hi inly iliir clucti ilmth v6 acton fr prcaa loo at aokrov fjravfngs 10 aukwud bt vta tizmonto canada the berlin steam granite and maitla worts oaspan umatim smofhiartdh dtora and hulmara of qtaiuaa uaualotiurai monuminia marbare and lleadalon and all klndf ol aiitiotic climfterv wouk wm htmstreet agent acton or uiltoh 1 i 1 f jii k x 13us liwe tba undarilgriad tmtwetfiilly aollellu ilta pairona of the pub lie aud inform i ihatd ihat wall qulppd nnd btyluh nisfe cau atays ba seure at fiu tiabla a cotriforiahlr bus hiia all irslu iwsiwvn hiji m an b ym p m careful riirnilou glvu 10 every ordar tta wants of com trirclaltraiurlull mat john iaillmuts nhofnihyoh hualwalhaaadddaaaddoamalwkjaihm g rockwood i chopping mills 1 all chopping will be done gpcedily nnd well on plates or atonei flour oatmeal bran shorts i tiie best at lowest prices u harbistvco p koch wood on m mhuwumdnnaoadnqdodauhmiiiiub boots shoes rubbers naaaodannnnd iinnntiotnauutin jj au lines o footwear rj at right prices s all mens rubbers at bargain prices nnuaaaanudadanadddauunan au w wltiliams mill street acton atents prpmphy secured mabirtn habi0h inlhwlotslcni cliktrim slhtkt ovum m uw izzlsw

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