Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1914, p. 2

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joumitiwai umuwwhi ittliiir1aylayll touratilalti ii kjilhli11 bum luun kil iii i i i iuu wllow i mill ywh yar wk f nwaai it loll uiimal llmiui won uivulttf uy lltli jjlut vwiiiaom in 111 lay 171i1 t 1171i1 yi miliar 1 uiy will uttciitiii uttil luiiw i ii ivi hmri u l mwllflal kkiiiiiiiw il vruiltn r uynuiit wiliurtallillloiimfl lluroti on vvmy may ih wilmr l- vi p if a it m- uliimt aim ill 1uv j c willmoli ooliliotilu liu nun yaar oclie daa jfim ras tiiuiihhay may 1111 w i w fisher the liberal candidate ttia unanlmouctulaof rpnii- nuv4dnnui hw in milton uditomakj not i lo not lmn for oiiy rrut recovery ililtll ilia vail whoii if mo havo u good crop and nil tho nltfou kiint tliftt uny thoro vt 111 bo rwenv or lt a wholo ttotuo utul rational wmuo lated hit thoinnn hhaughiuafy oil iiim arrival from i tin weal ltt wonk at ln naino time ho wuunf tlio opinion lint imihla imuljioiul oou illtldiift ucro umiid guitaiplly that tin oihvkhtio f hultoti ito form awtoclulloii hold id milton lakt vtuok wan u ituecou j4 mi iwli unwind god fact uiuinlmlty vttut una or tho htrong polnltf lltcre uehtr no diaumttant oloo to any irooondurc which might reasonably 1m ok pectod owing in tho udvnnccd lurogramino udflited ly llio iwrty in id era from point of n million it uau a record i roulor every polling auluhvuion miijr repreaoitled which tlmwb miwl cmjialtcnuy that liberalum in fur from n dead tpinntlty throughout tho coiihlituimcy im tli trary tjiouiiijr hlguu of a vitality cupaltl of aoooniplldiiii vlrtury uhandltun lino uii opportunity of living up to all tlia het traditions of the uut umlor llta loader tliipofuicliauiaii u mr n v itowtll w f w kiuilt tl iinuiiinunwjy chowu candidal of halwtt itcforni aiwocl allori in a man in all aj biitlnll to wjuvwiiit tliurnittltiioucy a n funiwr lio uonlil blrxnutlipii i ito rcrofiiilutlini of hut ofatlon ulilcli lu tuly mvar mvtimeit a- in man i feet frotu tlut uz luamuir in uliklt tln uto tkdlul iii ur ijilwr tlto uluiralu liaio a inaii tj mqii jiuitulottjiliuiwulit uwl niiuontlly ntttuni wl hi iwiiio or yearn laa lwn ona of tlm forcuuht a a uwillu caiulkutfl ih lirty fujlorutlun of ilia itouell iro riiyla klioua lilm to ba 111 tlu vail al nacui ami cnnomlo bioeuwml ivrtlo ultrly imnilmunrtliyuaaliubltuiulolnbtut- life tit im rroii tins hulit to fallow tlm dletatou of ma nwn cincloivce in all duturs lu mlfllit twi cll in ilaal wltlt if tlwtr uoro uioro mn of llw unia moral oatdlna mul lmiuuiulht iwlruwmt in wljlo lifo it ufml1 toml a urout leal towanl ilia umclrnrit imi of tlto many ilia amlotlnj tlio luwly politic uidv h a waof iikrmon is laid to hkw vy i m v hud ttutwy alua- lud vuuva1 hvl lmmt tnuhtdwv tli fuiuiral uirviooa of llio lato iuv ii a uac4icraon coimiiiciw at reaklenco aiulclialnuracliurcli uut tlniruluy wr very improwlvo ami largely attamloil uta ctiurcli wm tuned to its full capaoity aiwl taany wow iinahlo to iialn admtailon tlie ftortil trllnilm ucra very profuaa jiowlntf tlio onlvonuil lm with which tm lmafkml wna ropnlel ona of tlta iiollconlilo fentnroa waa tlio largo nnnihor of mena ortcanixationb who rtnowmtwl flowers a luinntlfiil pillow uau mint ly ttwi oonyro giit ion of knox church hero a nliort uorloo uaa itch nt tlio liouho oomluclml hy ltoa fanlon nioor htroet canuron itdorqatnun t dlah of kauutgu itl wiiwmi of acton i nml itadtlx of itaabwooil all thouo wcro oolloao tnattut ol iimi ilomosod dhcl4iiif ir illalr who xvau a very tlnr frloml of tlve tltwoawxl at chalmart church tlio brlco wnu ewwluotd ly itov mr tlfffffl of iwl- tlala moilorator of toronto lvaahyury nulalalhy itoiu mckay of ullloti i iv wuluoo of nioor 8t 11 ley of wst oonfrtiimonai chnroli iitil mokerrolltif wt toronto tft oentra of llio ohuroli woa rcrvwl for wlnutaro nliont 9w of wliotn of all daiyouilnatlonb uora pmwnt doavallaoo npoho of lilu inarvllonil rpialulmajvl power in doallnp with larni mad capoolally wltlt tho man wlia wan tlowu iuv ur llley conftraatloiiult in n vy brief mfflnmoo aail thoro aro a00- 660 ioplo in toronto t item la not otio i will itilna aomiioli itflv j cwiiaon whon intiirvlowoil hy tlta 1beb iulw tmul tlmt ilia intontjly nf fmlliiqt uni ttayoml iliisnrlptlnii noor uoforo hail ho uwm unytliftbomml it not only wan tlilm conflnwl ta yonnr peoplo ami tuwinu of mr if aoptarson u ajjo fmt umotitf oltler poojila to whoui ho luiil en- iauiwi hlmuolf ilia pull lieartrw cooblluil of nix men uhomn from ftla own ehlerhlilp thut loiif rovurotl mul iojjmkiioj pjulor will to vnry uroatly uiiumi ly llio local knaxchurclioontfkgritloii with wltoai ito wiui ml lo44t owutolwtaml the following frloiula lioru ultomll llui fuitoruli itov si u wlluui i a mauirh jolin kuimoy tdni it komioily churlua dvwoji mr uml uiu a f mutin uru antliony utoplwmwwi aiimiv ihtllo hlopli dilmii ami maftnrot wiijk mr eiwl mru john htulkor mr iuxl mr william thonimn anil all itumca mitora baxillnapad the lluiiw iiislittito hum limit atwi lumtlntfatmrh it khortill when tulta u diimlir wora pwwjnt a ry tntriiotlvo piper wan ljlicn ity mru win uhortlll on ufa front olllviront htuiulpolnlw mm d j fllnclulr jfuvo u iapar on folli the llena follnwod hy a pai6r from mru i ckuiplioll on fattening tlto clilotenu un llaruu ravo a ilanuuiatratlon mi btati otlllnu mluolhif hoiiio very tlno ol i a tiumltcr from imra attomlwl tho fuiwr- ulofthouta llftrliort koimly ut uorgo- town but wnitli ufil j c thoniuon haw rolimiwl to hop luimufttr nwnulliiff miiuo tlnui with bar tlanghtar mrw tijin mnkmhoriii tjiwlpli vouh kfunviho qitt tiol la loud mliy haubr miywhra net quits mo lfood troihtwilr- vtlmx imkw itrloou aro righl if you jaqulro tuiytlihuj in th prlnllntf lino froot vuluntf oattl ui h muiphlot bt ualiuvayourohhir luimumllniil foluuhi tlliuywl nt llio hltr ijlminil oonvotiilou itohl in tlia loun hut mlllmi hiu frlilnj for tho mri mlootlii hio lllliitf tit tlio hiinlinr wt iv i no la i ehxitlim firut thil llw ijitcnl wrl havn in ur n w item ill tho fllwinil loailur mhoni tlwj okoonluo worn furl mm in lit aeonrluu to tiililroiia 1 1 in oonvoiitloii u tnan of groat uhlllty uml olofiiionoo oa it platform fpal- cr i n mini of hljh moral nltliiiitnlj ut tlnjf raiimw f r- tho moral mtolal mwl oootouilit uplift of tho nuinaca of tho provlnoo ami nluwoulli h nun ulnotro in what lie mhooaloa euooiully thut in mr w f w fmior of llurllnuton an on- cellmil oholco liuu uwn iiuiila for a oumll- into- mr flutrr la n fanmsr front nolumi lounnhlp thn tjia of wan of whom mora nro homioii in tho honaai n uuicof plat form iitilllly ti man wall kiwn ihronuli out tho tm tiro county ami urontfly ami irmly bohlml tlc4louill policy enpodlully tho lidiilihliiof tlio iwrrooiuu thti convent ion ua oun of tho br0ot uml tnobt ntprommtatjvfl ever hem in hilton kvery wiml in lli oonitty wait roiroaonlul lvrllculorly liotlcuhla waa thofucttlmt a lartfo liuiiiltr of faruvnrtt worn preumt uvon nt thlu huay motllnif time tluooiiiiiiotlloua town hall waa mm many atamlinu around tho ualla all cuw axxiuofcmlona wora rpreiit- oil t tlio old itcaivtoj utalwarta wro thera hut lrlli nnii yjtkerala wora tltem tlta fa rover- iiul irofmiional mnn wra all roprentr1 mhortly oftr two oclock lha odnvantlom wau thrown opn for iwwul nation with iluputch an even lialf iiauii nomlnationa were biaila ami llta followlnf tttdii wan imfora tlta oonvautloo i v v w vi jtr iiorlliikton i ii i himn toronto i k if ctavur iliirunutoni f ii dnioon toronto mui of ur h haaon 11 1uulo tjcltaol int6ctmi w i lrfory oahvllla i h c cov oakvilla ud of tlta lata banatwr con i ami taa it ijiwiaay kllmlil tha iiomloma wara oaltoil to tlta plat torut ami tuvfrl mhlw full of optl iiiimu ami urutlliuj with flftht all othara ultmlruw tltclr mihws in favor of mr futor whom t visa jpnarally coaooihul waa to ito tlta candidal much iiiuhhi wau oliow n in tlta olmirvation of ur cliav- cr that thrro waa muo ultarlor vaawm in lha itooil of llto provincial flooratary wlion ivo iloprivod hiartuxl wouuii of tlta tuunlol pal franrhlu ur u 1 jrtfory waa cliocrod to tlio ooho upon hla tranohont anttiiiiiveutnf public expemlltura eapaolal- lv with rofaranoa ta tho llovaimbunt houaa mr w f u fijir way tltou oailod upon aa tlio nouilnoa of tho oonvantlon illaruino waa tlio elurnil for m verlultl atorm ol cliwriiiff iiivl cnthuauuttio tlataon- titration ha tall that in uooapung ut nomination ita roalliol tlta honor ami rwjumalullty involved- ha uryd that tlio campalffii waa in tlta luuula of tha men prouont and for litem to abouitur uv ra bponsllullty imirfoct tka orfranlulloti and noiiciumi them itrooflly to work for tha elaotloa of their candidal ha heluved uiat ueltlier hla noma or tha nam of tha liberal party fhould it oouplad with failure enlliualaatloally ha aupported tha rowel lolioy ami repadutod thoarrotuuhu oatametit uiat tha uberola atood on a on plank platform ho bowaver olaltnadtha right to um hla indepomlaat judgraeat regard lug any ineaaura otitolda of tiila ha then proded with a ulllnfl orltlolam of tho administration of tli dopartmant of agrlculturo ami vrovoked much amuu- ment hy hla huraoroua rrrno to tha king of iluckultoat farmer tha hon jamea duff mlnutar of afrrloulturo wliila mr futar wai conoludlno hla mdtlroasmr k v howell arrived from woodatook uml entered tha hall tli largo aasoniudg oltaomd ami opphmdfld vhjoraubly and it was lorn llttla tlnvo bo for mr flultir conhl romumo mr itowelt wan introduced hy mr il cunningham of nerval ivealdent of tlio ataoobttlon tho oonvhtlou then llatoned wllh rapt attention intantpcnfiil with onthuhiaatlo mlormlloa to ilia liberal leader enunciate tha liberal policy and forcefully erltlcliwd lha proceeding el tli ugbiutlva 6abilon jtut closed ha hdld that fie oonjudeted the lupart- hienu of education and agvicullura to ita tit two moat important yt thaaa wora tba onoa raoelvliiq- tli toareat adulnldratlott oven ooumrvatlvea belntf calld upon to apaloghc for tltem he then outlined aouio of tit inglautlon of lajt liaaulon clwraiitorliinff mmus bm good nml nonio ua very had uudar tha gootl ha included hullal railway lull wonkuwam oamponaatlai mil tltuhlll lo forbid oarpor allana front mnklnu contributions to camjialgn fundii ol uny ikwiuoal lurty thlu waa uyoul movo mwl vtoald w et ioiifl way tocuamw tho body iolltlo imt tlta vnaaltlea woro not wiinuolotitly uiorc umlof tli caption of luul bialulott bs 6rtauuuiltud utarudileaagarryitiaadarlhif of ooiuttiuuinotaa tiila ito tleaortbod tu in of luoay and dlagolutlon ilruod wua cited aa an ouunda for many year tit houmlarlea of the ilraoo rldhivt luul boeit tho uuui uml ilruuo luul returned two consorvutlvft and uita librul ilul at the butt okctloii ii uotmultud lbs unpar- doiiubla uii ur mliiriiliu uirm lllieruu llunoo tho uttloii of tlta llovunilaout iii trorryuuutderiiijf mul lilvhu miuii totleptlta two uufltuli of tltalr acuta punjuwiiiy of uuuhltkimt truotuf wood- hind for riiforeoiutluu tuiriioaoa won ulao criticised in oounootloii w ith tlio forytiuwi i tuulo ho lucidly nuplulmil vtliy it waa nnnnanry for tha tlovariintont tulai in audi a imrry to altaolva mr ftiryumoii for hla lufrtutlou uf llto law llio wmulul ektuudltura 4 tuulo uioney watt imbmllted to a mvn examlna tlun ihirluu tho uaalou juot clooad tha llovoniinoiitupiutlulioiit 12lm0u0o wore than tit iuvohuo in muny wuya luul tltay trlod to tuoet tlia ohpentlitura moh a culling- off ocltoolgianu taslngof oorpora- tmio and ewollntf heavier tclu froot eatata uf tleoeawd torauuii if thu method uf llmmtliiff la mti ulumkod lu uw near futurt direct luxation waa uwllotad tioitohunt and unbiutaablo waa hi tlominolutioii of mi uanloti wvpamllturo of ovir sioaoooo on lovurituteut houmi wo do not vtunt id uuuljub u mlutla court in thla tlemoorauo country auclt aa uxlat in luouoroltlaltloiitalna ha attowed j how thla expeimlunra waa ttot for tuiy fnatltuuoa of publd valu but to foater plutocriuiy abloorady abd ovarytklutf frtualoal to docruy with all wiolt prpjeou tru lblaoj uuat olwoya bw at war with prkoo ralotm to won baatuly in oooottl and tho eaiemiluro of t9o0u for very prlmmmtr nt tha oiwlpli farm wtui hot uveraly crluulmtd whlla inxpeotluu tu premlaa at iuili w aakwl tlta warden tlta calm of rnott of tlta inmatea cotnliio lo lit farm and waa told in- ao per ontit wera there itooauaa of tlta ubo of btronjf drink if anyona oaii bhow hu u lar- room that tnakch wuca itapiilur hmneu awanlr tiltd llfo in u oominimlty nvoro itlaiuint und htuitda lolujlp u hoy huvo n ultr ohanox with ull thn ulilllly uml ttinulli i ituvn ill dofeml it hut if mi tha other bund it aliindh for tlm degrading uf lutyw tlia lumormluing nf itmtvea und oanuuunltlm i will not rol whlln clod rlvaahiefctrongth till every tuuh im-lllu- lion fu wlmtd out of enlktenoe an elo pient appeal auch oa utla waa not without ifa effect and lit htrtfa oouventlou nltearml aitdmtttawldwlth u vigor ami mrnoitttthm ilul dlaphtyed hearty eodoraatlott went on to altow that ijiieralu luul not raided tho luuie it bud boon iter for yearu in lite ohurcltea ami varlouaorkunlut tlonaaml now had itoau lakoil up hy a political tarty again it said referring lo tlta lurlwni farm expenditure id ratber apnitd imfom lo kcp u loy from falling than jjflrttto litjp him ria when dnwir lwtuitly ujwn oortcliuuon of tlta 1rov cui loader olojjuirit apjmuil ihrmclutera were propood for howell ami ffdier hmi wera glvvtiln m mot voolferoua touniver mr j ii twock tt hooreury fuul ailo fcpumild arrangementa ami ha entire itroooilink woro carried through wltltout o illicit no pupils under six years ytm hmolutlau to b lettlvu with- ttu hrkwu to atay otd um to bs to all ftohtcomm akbtlmo tmo at adwou amd obtaj kt tit hoard of kduoallon tuet in regular aeaion on monday evening mwltera prcaeoti n forba it boolt juo it kaiinedy jno keunay in titaaboauo of tit chairman john ft keuuedy wau appointed cbalreuui uro um tha com mill cat finance i rege ad tltelrfiftli rutmut ami tba following bill wera aulboruad to ita ild i toronto bchool hupfdy vo- appor atua v 7i60 xv i htorey hon oool 10b3 jamaa hyman auppll 4 00 uto report of lha inapector of fultllo holtoola waj wuutd in tltu reference waa uuda to tha improvement effected during tba pat year m follow i tkr imiwoventeiit in acoottimodatlaii b very creditable tltu aokool kin proved ita value lo tlta eouwnnlty and in auch oaiaii uuuiy vuplhi attending lit jmhluj acbool of tba town and tba rural aoltoola of tba trading oouwunity will be atltuulatod to attend acbool anger no that ihey may have tba ulvautaga of tba high school training oaered ilia ability of tlta teacher won pointed out in complimentary term tlta work of tba caretaker u particularly good hold tba report the decretory waa inalructed lo have jauea warren mrvoyor walkerton make tit survey of tba addition to the toltool ground recently aeoured from w ii btarey jk bu at onoa principal stewart waa preaeut and in formed tba board that ita bail jutt found upon enquiry that tin beginner bad been inadvertently admitted after saiur by tba primary teacher a violation of ut resolu tion paaaed by tba hoard una year ami ra- fflrmed in april ha requeued laatruo- tioait a to tba eouraa to be hiraued lu tba tha hoard decided that iruuuuuch a m number of beginner applylngforadmlsalon at eaaler who ware umler als year of ag and who wera refused admlaalon that tba ilv referred to muot 10 declined oooomiuo- ibvtlon with a view to treating all bomea and puplkt alike tlio reaolutlon waa in all falrneuha enforced it every cow tbe principal waa oo loforroed the huajnem having been eotajileled the secretory aaked perrnualon aa n matter of prlvllega to refer to a pewoual matter tlta following queetlon and anawer it hold luul lh6rd in tba legal column of tba mall and empire on saturday istlt april i j k acton que the aeerelary treoaurei of the public school board waa engaged at taury of ww per annum la january idik in tha all of tha uw year bla ooury waa raioed to llfj ia it lawful to pay blm that tawyt 13 tba truueea required oeeurtty front tb treoa- urer and they took out a uiolea policy and paid for it out of tb ecbool money wu it lawful to do ao v ana iuilnkthattfl25bnoatli w- oeatlve and that tba aecretarytreuurer akouhl he pakl that wltboat woy conten tion i um aamimlnp bowaver thai proper ityuwa or reeolutloi were paa4 ly tba boarib ii of eouraa tb eeere- tirytreaaurer abeuu bv paid for tba kurantee policy hlmulf it ahould not tiave liean uld out of tlta aobool money but it u a amall matter and thera ought not to its uny ooutentloii about it ho deelred to know if any uomher of tba board had written tbuqaerry if it waa written by any meulter of tha hoard ba wanted it uiulerateod that ku realgnauaa a reeretary of iba board waa tuw before theui utvd uuat be hooepted feribwllb mefcwth forbea kennedy hud scott aald they know uotlilng of tha hutbnrablp of tbn queulaii referred to uud wera uura no tuemluirof tba board waa itullty of aucli it breach tf coafldeiioo after htfuutur to ttooupt tlta aecretaryii rejgmitioa uht bojv tetiiber trukte joliu kuiuuy theu uroua and tuld t there are only two j kv lu acton i aui oua aud lha other geutletwui of tbaaa nltlolibaii too tuuou una towrita miob totter i did uoi writ oulbarlu to be wiltten nor did i kuow ouyutltujf whatever about the wrillujf of tba qutiou utpearing it waa a oouteuttiu ulok to umj my initial uud it va a oouteuiptlbla tiur ulto wiulail i wty pujuvely f knew ttotbing about ii no uuui of any oeuunou aena oould okk mob qtuaioua tb mat- tar wait thoroughly rogular and ugol and wau paaaed by vroter resolution tba heureury tlecurod bin utujualuled coeionoo of lbs btuteueitu of tba tuata- bera outalda goaalp bod olatcjulely no beot upon him la tko faubful peaforbtanoe of hw datlut nit the servant of tbe board ho lam a bu enjoyed tb eontu of tba lueuberj of tba ujhl that tba board thought nothing uutuutal or illegal in y iutf tbti premium on otebecrotarytrojuhir ur bond tltey bold b wteu wltwj it lu fctejaul tlutt ibu municipal courell bu ulwayri old tba premium ou tba botula of tba ojerk und tveoauror and tb ooltaotor of tauaaud bleotrld light reveaueo ax do oil other oorpoaauooit this u home dye hut anyonej dyola l cmaifinckmfhid4imi nv 1 vigorol ft ihiimu up a rimdown uyuteni creatcu p new teauo nf htv privoa out uverythlng hint cnitv illucnuo purlfleu mid clqnmuiu yniir vvliola waclilttery khoiimnllim itldnjynnd liver trouble 1 removed von uro nluda ovor umtlri von will cut 4hd feci bolter now ut ilia timu to lake n tonic jtmt you try it bold at llrewnv rnoble madfolds vellow intermedials yellow leviathan lrftng jed giant white sugar beet tonltnnl cream jumbo qlnot flugnr nud coloaaal whit turrllps canadian oem derby purple top new century wealbury invlcts mam moth greytttoiir h1 com sweot corn uu ilutter utan garden i j l jwwrrbm khhucbh icrandtrunr horacuekcrs excuraloaii round tlp tlokatai to relutai la of ai- toba albertat and bnkmtoriwbin via ohloauro 0b ftmul o dulutb ou aau aateb tuiaday until oetebai s7tb la- iujvitlow wit rtireutli pulimad tour at bimom to uluulprgbu abo dauo uala- voreato ii d tu habaoa ef aara ktbtuhh llatlttwo month the grand trunk pacific railway ta tb ahorleit and quickest route bet we u winnlpog flrukatoon and ledmontou with aicellent througli aervlceioregina trajna now running into calgary tereate no mere headaches for me irhuumbayoow atperunc lyou uoa ciuuubef- ulni tabuta tbay cura head- atbbyrmoy- ng the con tain woman aureat cuij l wrooun moot comuori aumonbi trytbeni a bottu unigxlauotvdtkaleraobytiull fiiwkltla afillriatc k3aiajuisrvjfcjr wadnadddaddft pringlcs sale has commenced 20 percent off everything except kodaks gondii kept ns lou an you wish and de posit mado tho whole stock f must ho hold no hir jnino arc aivniiiiiyou g d prlngle jewell wyndbamst quetpb the use of good paint arpund the town or country home is a great economy the cost of paint to protect your buildings against the ravages of the weather is small compared with tho expense of repairs soon n ssary on unpointed houses barns or other buildings for your bulldlnjw two blmrwltiwllllnmii pnlut preparcl 8wp swpulnmlu of pnro loud puru nine pure lltuuicd oil nml tho tioooaanry coloring plumcntc uml driera tlinoo nro put logotlior in correct projvorlloiio aeoordlng to ateatod balentlfin formula proven bent by forty year nuperlrmoa and are mixed nml ground hy fepeclal machlivcry tho rwtult la a smooth for aproathiik paint oven in color and ttlvtrig a painted flnluh nf rfr l durability whlali protect your buuduigm for tha longh poaalbla time for luikitlca niitomohllea porch furniture boat a cmurii nna othnr iiurfucon rubtt tu mivorouaag bw huputy luiiil tlvt it loiirliit uliir mid luokn itcut ror iihlnilu mofjumil ttldiiijym u hw crctwota shlngla stnin whlrh prnttctii and ikjiiiitlfii i thcio iiurfaceu for bulldliii of niitrli irtur fdiclo work nhopa etc iihu hw cnioimto pulnt n uutlfaotory paint at an c cnnumtrul prlro for iiucli v ti for wiikotn iiitiu imjilcmcnth rdcn tool 6f uae hw woirnn pulnt it knojm tli nood from checking and cracking and tho motal lutxu ou rtuitiiig james symon hardware paint acton ladies house dresses and misses and child re ns wash dresses ur new department on the second y floor now c a fries a complete stock in these two lines and it is our intention to keep fully abreast of the season with the new est and best goods that can be bought we have priced these lines very close in order to fully acquaint our customers with this new de partment and the woman who has not time lor seuinr will find satisfaction in uur showing special 100 each ladies house dress of good fast color print in blue and white and black and white stripe as shown in cut sizes 34 to 42 childrens colored wash dresses from one year size upwards starting at c each misses sixes from sjtfc up alio inlinth and childrens white dresses at various prices henderson c co mill st acton out ix0xjk3tt3ooowoooew 00d0od0tlq0ttql ptctgitic 1 i new wash dkbsses 1 for women misses and children atttmuufiarjodm a larga and otyluli ajuortment la uow on display lu tlta uaodvto wear department uecund floor if you want good aervlceable atidatyluh waab drokueu for youruelf or child run llion you will iurely buy them hero women and muoeawhlt and colored waali dreutea prloeant from u cltluireuu white and colored wauh droilaeii 3 to i year priced at from c to awdtf our sprint end summer hoilery stocks have been attenibled lo nil the needs of wonted and chudrea satlgfaclorlly vuuaro sura lo find what you want her wuhave aiuonibled oiilythu nvoat desirable iunlitlii at prlcca rvureaeutluff tba brteit value rrlef mention u mada itolow of mme of our hue all of which rapruaant gnat qualllle and valuea 1 wonibnu glrla and hoy due black caalimere nttd cotton stock i na i 1 to 10 per pair tftlc to 30c women h hiocklnu nf evtra quality lmn itt pliilti muck ojko while per pair av ihc ant twc women hllk htocklug la black wlillo and all the now khudoa per pair imk to ixfx children oottoa btockluga in wotk wlilto and uky palo bluo ami pink per pair v0c the secret of la perfect fitting gown tg a gown however beautiful ltitikr will not look well on n woman who uuot itroporly cotwlwl vour j5 ailtulratlon of anollior woman figure la no mora tliatt tlio admiration of liar corner bias cotftuatb have all 8 the poliitri that tuako for coraetmiculknce sluudortiuha ftracc of lino faslilminblo cut ulohtlclly comfort unit durability they nira the beat fitting the moitatyllah mid must comimtuhlu coraclu mudi atitl tho ranp of uk wodela u equally complete for both oljiidor and ful flgtirvu pruuu range from to ltfo second jk floor we are tela ageuta for guelpli cr d e macdonald bros s- cor wyndhnm iulmtdonil streets ouelph on difedeotlaidebtsbtfibdebea llrlu jvbbrtlioritunlu haiflll vlk ucknsiw hh mmi llui iii ill li iv j imiuiii mill j l mmivi notick albiatllkiitmiiliiirifi vull llio vuh ltmla fill 1 1 boo 1 11 ur by lliulliut ijiiaiewlwav il john kik4tiiiiuou iiouskjro uwv it fill utfnt oratilml lv tlio monla jv main iliroollhifatiilnii in juno tkxla al rildh tilt ii at k wanted hiut tilaw tiullru on flu olv al uy ii ii mllll a t o m1iitui1 walllimlin hi w tiritiln on i uakiioitthankt lit uiilimlmib1 ilfklri o kiru uialr x jiaaritrk llnxibt ami aiirmilallan for the hmhbuiidf ktllllllllliy sllowlt hthl ualit llrnuluuhl 1 lathi if iii mil l dfllr ilauhliuraulvuur dlara bth aml ill tiflriau v luuuu tun iiuiijv 111 vab haiiffi of ptinxittunh 1mii1 iirbiil wim lo an irlvaul ranqa aiil 1 ltntir in unn i nanalllou i llfuiurlinumliui fu mil ur athly any aii irivauiv i ii01jsio fok haijk oh to lht m wll 10 w hlioat hdtmii tlia town ball and maialiaiiii llniu owill an i fomr- jv ociiilcil by ur a t hoi ivuwiom juu ui tkni ma otmlile al plw if i uoouw or ull a l luilii- vrirw kutliiaui if indian kuxnkit ducks erjqlis pb avkiuiorturottlmrui ll uju i j ikiutir oulavblltntirat it hi karar litlelilua lira uronlt uraldtdl wtlsj autttcl u i liul uwu variutiraln wurr tlio w sljyott ononto onmafb -tu- iuu will ul wiimi im i i uo una i hiltunau lu oliialiildo in ul o tni an i ml spring millinery muiita liwtiiotja krtatiiv cordial- ly invite tli ladioa of acton and vicinity to tliolr millinery rao ma opibh kvkfnv oav and asvhmifho all the ulcut novelllca in spring milli nery will ik ahow n miiite hawlhortw v miohon uill8theet acton notick t0ciiedit0r8 inthaiiauei oriba tttata t ooiaid feiula uto of tlta towuatatt ef vat- ciuatalnjr in tb county ef uajtoai painmea daaaaid noticu uwiby rlvan puouaal i hulafa i uoofia v ulna tuapurf aa uiai mil frajlloraaxloilium tievlajf elaju aaalsu lb uilat mlltawtl uoaau uuu wttou4eme about tit hill 3v o wll hit mw tiwltl an or ufoia ilia u h jit ol jutta lot it tj ity po1 txapalj or ullvtr t a j uulfltto of lia vllljfi of allow hojuflw l- 1j aut4 illalr lb iloiluuuiar of tb mtml bt la au dmui tnlr utiluu aaj aaajda aiufmiia auj uu4liitlau utt fait uairuaalaia of ilblr clai l tatiblaul nf iktjr bamau a4 lit uaiuru at i ieuilll 1 aw bll l iwat aajlmiuarialioboitoj dial alur ouab usa tauuoa 1 rtiu um ull admlai trr will laajaj taduitlbula lltvoaail tu lb t i hi atuaa tba illra ulillk thtri batlurf t tuml oalv loiba ulalui ol ublalt uy uialllbt bava mlk b4 tlal iu tu ufaliin rwritau w t lilua bolua tball oi ba4 l ntljby blbialltiaimtaol ausli dtelillmiikm uaj lu ittii jay ol uav mil j uduiwvoy b ltuvlwutiu alrjbuly i a luilubtrl the clyjkui suwoa king brunstane ii8it boyl prjm will u 1 ii bouinioh motil 8uui aia ky wedneskf ay artcbnoon hdauulaj ukjll v p hl tliuuttxtj mum ftil tuod lutabu iii il ul vytmaik uiv iatwuu duiul tf tlulr ut4ro4 m1 m f il lu a tiua until imv imu aimm ulimilladd i ml or uut ill aooumta ut ulafteal lukof imuiiv vat tliuaili4utu au i tuijijrje u atuap fcij i v i twuf0 bt vruoiulr iuvitalvl cubaau at kualliudie ag isim invftd atuilloat yliaauillouurolluuullioa4jr oaiatl air- i bailuit llauftuiaiuirliuitaaujljumj ilia llltilhiuld utolltnu lug iuumuw til ii rii i itu uatlu htuj uaak a buoiur tiu owul fa mtl lllliu ol ttvri uud loaui lu luiuiiu ti4u sufuiuj j wlm- w ui elijitaf u ol tn j or iviuu uf oautu juuii ilataut u w waitat rujir ttmhtary auction saite will b tard raraawby monday 1st day of june m4 jttuta hour otohs ovtlook la tha taftovt dominion hotel in tha vllloif et aotoa by w iiuil aucyioneeu tharollowltitfppsfty liatkialy i altnnd hlnkulnr tli it ilrlnln parvol ur truct of land and promuin itiiaw lying iiiidbolna in llio ill nun i aolon in tlio couniyiif llultuii llliup comivoueil of part of tliu north wost lulf of lot nntulw e tuimiyhi in the tlilnl ctiiic uiloii of thu tiikviialilpnf kmiutwiug now within tliu liniilh of ths uaid vlllagu of aftott mntithiliir by uiltiifjiburwuwut otto third nf mi ntu inn ru or lrt4 and iitiiru itnttlciiliiily tirllcd in a dead tlunvni ninilo b mhl i lininu c jlnor o ittto uuhnm 1 in mp mi h nrlnir tlio date llio twenty tiixtli tl ty of january a o tfl7 and rtglhioml in it uk k for tho inwtihhipiif lihpuallig im no 1381 mi vv1ilili llnic u ttvuuil 11 twotorey niiigliciiit ihvdluiti ion tal nj n jr mvtm rooiuu in a tfninl ftulo nt repair tltllmwlvit per voui if tho pur rhuao inoiiuy to lu pild to itiu vumlora knllcltorut ifuioof unto und tliu lulaat within thirty ilnj a wltlmiit lutortui thapmikrly vvllllw wild kubjett lo 14 orvtd bid ior fintlmr ltrllciiiiii mul condition f nilo apply t a jilackinnon actom vunihiru solkltorv uatwlat actott ihlmillidnyofmay 1014

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