3 lines we lead in news op local import wail p aipkr3- wind6w shades curtain pole3- our mw stock 1 now in and randy for your inapaotlon okvbl tim a call manniaokb hob ma ite issuid geo i1ynds ontario real estate varan for nnl lu uultou kel ad wellington loo forma lor vale very iiuci if you wakti a ibum write tan for catalogue or if you wlib lu uell or vxvltauke wrf t to- w huvo every larlllty far traunftlutr buslncau to your coaanlttte uttiururtlou cortr atoudcnrc hollritd rariuhnlllutf wprlnlut j tfjoorgetown ffib tton jfrce ws tiiui1siuv uaa ii 1011 brief local items ttlu u bppla i iooln tilllo am you ready fur tho sanl tary inspector call tlte pretiy white and red trllllums are how lit bloom in tho woods clean up and wlnt up la a popular slogan with goahead towns now acton will itokl u ludf holiday oicry tuesday alumoou and evening itegln ulng june 2ml two purses ittu last wwl wora recover od within two hoursaftsradiertfuement luul appeared lu the ffuw ittaaa thla years total aawtant for oak tlle ufl78 iso an increase of xlwq tlta population figure u 2 ml harold wiles new loo cream parlor is quite an attractive spot tim decoretloua and fnmlahlnge ar qullo tlty ilka tim town itall raff la floating at lialf uaat in honor of mr joint williams and fa recognition of hi piddle mrvlcm work ou ute new electric railmoil uiui resumed laiit wook bet end teams ami wen are employed in and near town ifr k r logleaiul lila corte of tur vejore itavo itean in town during tin ueek in connection with the how rallwn actltl jleo tlta lawn mower a in commhvdon again what hi more attriotlvo ubout tlto homes surroundings titan a noli i rimmed uwnt mew a j macklnnon joint gun erou joint i mooro awn i victor colo roan attended lite lllieial convention at ulltoo but vrulay the oath amiual mooting of the cuna tltuttsreaa aauclutlou will ito held at tlto royal mukoka hotel muukoka lakes on tha 2otb awl fifth juno haase beep your aye upon ute address lalal o your i uust pnuai it will blutw what lbs ftukacrlptkhi aaplrmi you will want to rauew it of oouroa i iiromptly v ttit no ooplaa tuay ba uliwsd soma ulaoroant during tha lut woak dallbarauly atrlppod tlia luirb off a toautl ful allppary lta tr j in falrvlaw oohdeury tka paaalty for auch an nitr4fa i liavy oo lartay u altar bo purpatniior juj luiou pr4ldad at tlia rular aluloa of tu aoukb dlvulon court lu4 tlakfjay tba mly oaaa vaa oray v wtmay la wbtob li lufaadaat rfaail to ty ida wlfa a doolor a ij1l jiwljruunt for ur aux ifodouau uailoarruruu of bptyau taj parkwul inta itl rvoat tonolo lw pjnpaty ort tha wct auu ol iud btt alv tta araod twah tullay ur uouoaau will w- tbo to aetoo bbohly tfk atutuuu of tlta uva o i in tlntolotf on wt luwd vy bavsro ducjjlna of uta aa avluooad ly ua fcaiyituota tta hvtu oonvara wbau uiua ajl otkar 1ua ara aultuituj to a aw frmataluatlou aiul olua o4tlvo ikvua 10 ull nt tl tunb oi com bwirfmu cikuutloii thay iij print j 1 eowa cf tuair tlutllun lluiuonulna kaj on uuulkarwl ias 477 tflatoit ijak i t iltj una oil uclruaciiuaraboieral dawa w llila ttia fclgiuituro i ii ivlluly tt ajjouraod cajo of tloorjca forltaa al am cfcarjf with ataallug aorno oloth laa front a jaw podur from acton uaa ydmd itfon ldkw bjioala ltla ual tttttnday wbd afur liaarlng aoua addl tlodal kvluctaa wltlolt waa in favor of tba ttoddaod duujiaiwd tko caba ciiauplou yawnflanmiho atovwuuuv ttut tua town planning tnovauwht lu ckuaadii taa cuioo to alay and will lutva to la nxdtottvd wltli 1 1 tlta future la douion ttrainj ly tlto fiwt tliat it hi already yif tka ultaiitloti of aaitral of tur ihimloiul lfllutuw tha yar 101 j uv eomptatuiuha town plamilujf acta uuuwl lu ww brunkwlab ami uav uootu aiul uaa yw aluru lad tha way for uta woro lrovluca outurlo aiao luui au tat opttlloau to eltlaa ultlt a population oj 4000 abd upwarda a now draftad um dill itfovbua for tha rwurliijf and edrvjrlatf out of town plabhlhff project ly a looal hoatd la each oily or town auldaoe to tta approval of a oanlral town pan uldtf hoard fof lha wlmlo provliww wijlrtta will 4hjy oblafly to uiul likely to lauaadfarbulldlflgpuriuaai itut uuiy in eacialu felyflumhanoaa looluda any alraady btallt bpoa land uaauluu for lulldlwff hvovjaloo la buula im ootopaaiiauoo oi ptivata otnurt if ikjuriooaly aswitad aiul for tha looal authority boovhnjf hull of tha utiauiiad lutratiwuib if unwrly valuaa u loctaaaed vjudar auob on aot the rtrowtli of wry town will ba imgiilatatl m that mmtta way ba of wlauiita width uwd in ooomu with uta twoaral lilan of tbo towii heating oouttatloti will not ba pewihtl j atttfojottt opau apaoaa will to rater 1 for partus aduaraa aud other municipal pur aoaaai aud iteattb amaidty and convon laoea will la trlvan duo ootialdanitlon in all uw building oraaii attd ho far aa iallda laoooooa xave it queoir how a hfuuillntf u to book up with aw ethettwluii tha kaofoyou talk to a man altoufc hint au tha mar jaulllgbt ba think you m ipteiuvwoa buy h irwm mr well ttrort hui puratml fru llut oxtkiutora f tha lat of tlte lto wur hioiu tha utjtltutrfarmlnnnhaitat4a ho will nu it for ihuttinliitf atoob all iim iiilllvulnd land on tho farm a how tirded down mvmrv clood ciumu will fako hlu itool ynl tut dimii tidy uiul uinlluryaa tlw front lawn ekaiiiliia hlu dml hi c1h mm oellitr hum ruuilji wlloh lu uiwijjmly hatilkli jtha by l oomo n nwirrtlwn of ota hrlqhtan up ci d and inofturd hlu ntluhbor to join idm mimd mallliur xjquov to bmtirod autert tluw nf tlto hrlnlttoii hmoii uot4il handwlnli uaa hivmi 910 to feelllntr liquor to tlto oraw of u urt oar tha ooiiipliilnt wau nuuta i y uiuor atmleraon of tlto cotnptmy tlto law makaa it a orl in i on i orfontm tn ula n unlforuwl rail road or atraot car bmploym a drink wltetltar ho in ou duty or not movwmh hm nwk oaa sjorjron crowaon ittu wan drllllitb for oil oawral uok n tittu wbt of tlto c 1 it motion mtortlay at a dctth of looofost u very itoavy iwof ami was atrucb mr crawwii will drill allllla dwpor afur which it nothing mora lu ittirucb ho will i p tlta well uiui ut tlta qam prt4urft cluitnplon mllionw haw oanual omo tha hall tlapltono co opnl lla now caiitral oriea yaatarilay moralnif in premltaa next door aatt of tlta huntor rtutllo it in charga of an avpart mr ilutym who aaya he will par tit ktlu to keep it up to tha mark and uptodata and to uatufy all aulutchura lfa itaa a btnflof kix oieratora champion uiiiwim oaaw a0oj katmd tlia oonvlatloti in tlto poolroom oaw luu iwen aptealil ly defendant tlto milton boclal cfuli tla under tha crlntltud cdda ami notion liava itaen aarvail on tha re niumdenta pnlloa uagutrata hloa ami cltuf cotibtaldo chapnian tlta ainul will to heard at tlta hlttlnpi of tlta flrtt tllvulou court on july 10th champion u wt6iluttuluo itmuimm tlta 1tbworth ua hava imujl to ttobl what tu btyla1 an 11 social in tlta methodut kcltaol room next icueaday evanlng following tha ft ida it will ooatmven oenta tilmlulan anil tivftn cant to gat out and aiory tevanthperaoii will ha odmlttad fraa an intaraatlng awl nur tainlng uogramnui la heliigamuigod tlta nuiiu u 111 ha unlqua fiul mystic truady hajr holiday tlta tnoaday half itollday ulouad ukt nuhiar for tha mould of july and august provod on mtuactoiry to tlta merchant and 1 ufditmui in town uwt they liaxadnebud toaktawl thatltaa to juno an well thlu year vorty of our iukjnaa itouua have agwed cnttinumcliig junasml to iliwo tltelr rpcth liualnawi ploa dvery tuowlay aftamoon aiul availing for tltaae uiraa monttta lt hvybody halt now that tlto ittraala ltaa ltaan luiml 1h averyltody halp to kwi thatu pra4at altla hnw t dy falling to dropeavslopau pafker wrapper caiuly lga lunana uiluu awloranga itaala ou tha tut or pat a oent many arc uiaoghuaw in tldti raganl awl au a raault tha etraata ara utuwl hon t u a guilty ona la utla treapoot lata all ho tidy t vmt oaunajhy u hm an a lvuory itullatln in being lul i y tha popartuaat of agrtadtara to tha enct tltat all appla and otltar fruit traaa oa wall aa ahada trea uhmiiii ita rprayad thla fiprlaa with ivria gmu tlta auurl oan tit cularilur la ftuttlug in la ttppaafanoa in uimsually hira uumlra in tha gfkiuttwb of yiwb haadaa ouufiy nrantlll prluca edward atulkorthuai bar- land fcwioo aeuak ai huhlharti a fdtattarvtl knoecrip the othar lag broken and a uaeratad back wra aiuoug tlta injariort tuntalaaj hy wm pyka toronto pruay evtlmf whsubaattampt od to itoard tlta a y tt train from toronto ita it mbl throtiftb hurllagton junotloa ifdmaj thrown vlouutly to tha ground picked up uncouclouii thuwl oa tha train aud uko to hautllton wboro tha polloa aiultuunca waa waiting to oonvvy tke injured man tn tlta luwpjtal sow oood wh tovim hoclcraoitjl oalflji luiia xhmu ahuiulant in tlto neigh lorhnad cf town far a ontiplo olvceka tlto recently raiutruolmlbrldg of ilia toronto hulurlun railway oftira a itukl cntlilig oipartunl3 awviplwl ly many youth il luhenuen from which to drop a una that tluy may qt into oout munkntloii with tha pawing 6haa vuinoroua long urlngw ara oaatluaocujy itelag brought in lihlaail uua uolatt tljiennan ovoit utilluu lug load atorlaa aroahm in circulation of burritlnfr ealohaa in tlto aurmu tiding trout hlroama wo will itopa tluwa in not of tlto notarloua flui jam arlaty a vmafux maw uoaaaj tho flow rjy uaoowler ua mr wh llilid jin manager nf tlta marahaat hank was tlto rollantof a puna and unaddrtw from tlta uuiinltora of knos ctturch montliv nluhu mr cltmutlin halu miveml ofikfcw in tlta churcli and uuwlay rktiftol luilng u ruling ukler orgunlbt citolr leader cludruuiu of board of manager and trouurer au wall ii huparluuiulaut of tha fhnuuy bchool all of which ho hiia flllod to tltoaulirouitlkfttatlao of tho oongroguthii a largo numur of tlta ltaiultaru of tho chunk auetuldad at ida royldotieo on miwday ulitht uiul an nminoad tliat nil writing bla lutamtad tonutloii thay wlthwl to evuui their gmtitndo for thaunooaulug alforta ha bad luil forth on baltalf of tu church awl hunduy hotl mr chlbohu jikpootw to tukplilavacailanultoui thu end of may mr chlidiolm avhlaiitly tuakoa bluaelf uuiful in flora uay oa ho did u aotou tbo tate mm robat hnbl in tha daath of mm itoht- nohla of normal that vicinity luat on of ita ohiat ami moat highly oateamad rewldontu ivmuikmi win llto widow of i ho lata kohl noh who itnulmmmbeil bar about nu jenru ago li i ww iu himi lur laid huulwud tuttlad in nnrtid and ewlul4liieil ii flour iltl u libit luiu grown in lui llto uinirltjiing luanuhwiory tlmra ut liter iwoatnl tluto knur nlilmrcn aurvlwi to inouhi the loan of it demoted mollter t itnlil nohl toronto col alv knhlo hurvnli mm ilo fang and mim aniila ut loma the funeral ttervloe but tutm day mhhkonilnelml ly itov ur foruukon hutor nf nnrvnl rtjhytrlan titurh ur mat kay of milton a forntor luiulaf tho floral thbttuu weio auineroua a unujao fmlutenf ilt wrvlit wtui tha inwrhtg ttf tha hotter to tlm cltiiroh and theiton to tlta oenuly hy ami lywm nf tha hour mill mothers day 0dseuved with fitting services tfe ouutabaa luwlv atundtd at uta bpaalavl barvlom klaaotaat h 1 motlterl ctfclatio mmiwi m iwiiumi utunit onr iteartu tlmt hey imnt ioua to thndi era wo forget u i t our llrt lovo tiu luirt of religion hihngiywnu motlteru day oltterved in tlto vahoutt cliurchau lu town on hunduy titer wera doucm in profimlon in itonor of mother and nearly eteryltody uoro whlto llowera emblematlo of loo to mntlter or iter mr6oiotia memory in tlta metltodlat lreahytorlau nnd haitutt cliurch tltaro waro apodal aervlcaii and nennonh at tlto h torn lug mrvlco in llt metho- ilut cliurch rov a 1 lmor preach od a twmt impramlvo mrmon from tlta tout iionlr thy motlter tlta prul earvloo wau led hy a olilblreit u choir of fifty votcoe from tlta tunlorawl internuxluto fpwrth fjottgiim tha anlhemu were tla motlteru ly tlt clinmrene ifoaau nali jit which urtnter vrank clark uug tlta aolo part with uplenlld ftfootr awl oomo with hinging in llta even lug tlto pato gae three five minute addrue on our mother uolhere inhuenco and metnorleu of motlter tlto citolr wan enlargoil to llfty diili olo tlta antltcnu were flewloutthy fjght ami hymn to lite homeland a mule quartette waa uung by maura murray mcdonald v v xlouro uiul j i moore i u win my mother tfong hy mlett katlo morrlu i a hulleu ipurtetti a ono whom mu motlter comfarteth ity mhteea hurt smith loule uiul haul maaon ami joeuu haviour pilot ma mixed octatte tha aervlcoa of the day were iory inurohtliig and iwprotdvi aa a titling reprouantatha of motherhood tlta life hlu portrait of tha lata mm thomaa moore sr repoaad among tlte towers hite wau one of tite flrt momltaru of tho church organ uuxl in 16h0 aevanty ycara ago a growlaon n grawldaugnler awl a greatgntwluon of title minted mother ang in tlteeholr at thlu motlteru day horvloa on bunday evening ret h howarth immaelteil a itaelal aermon and in a vary interesting dltoourw ium tlte lilgbat toa allda trlltuta to motltethood tlta citolr ng jjitropruito mmjo nwl tlto aonloe throubltout wau of a character calculated to eroato a greater lovo for laotlter awl to hallow iter inauuirj in know cliurch rev mr hiluon od diwtad tjafjarauu lit tlto morning and tha young ieoplo at night hlu dbeouraaa ware eloiiitant and timely awl lutened to wltltkenlnurmt ly tlte urge oongrega uonu ajamltled tltero wau apaclal mutlo by tho choir at both tervloea in lha morning uta beautiful anlltam i will lilt up mine eyoa unto thu hm wau pandered aud mr h umdguht tlte citolr latuur hug with eplandld enact a ealo eutltled a boug of home at the avaalag uer vice there wau a quartuta by uaaara t moclura ii wlldgunt l m ifvwlanon awl jaa timllli tho citolr uaug the radiant mora haa uaed away awl muu uay wlldguul aaag anohorad u wjo which all appreciated the urvioeu here during thedii were full of inurvut itoue awl toolbar balng tlte oeutral thought ulbcl4a id au haaiu when uta oaagragatlon of acton daptut oiurcli undartakm to provld uny wulo enurtalnmant for tha dlltlcatloo of the puhlla itu highclaw character u aaaurvd this wau etealuly true of uts oanoeh glvau in tlta town hall lut ttiurwlay at en lug a feature of eupaclal lularwt wau the fool that uta tun uolluo ul rata neuoti iuaiji awl mr krnetl a war ran toronto ltd for tltelr progatiltora ataauud fnrwar rawl lonlu of actoo mr warrvu hail already won hljh eoam lre htr hla aplawllil idnglng on mtentl fonnar uuoaloaa hfasttaaranoaat lb concert on thla ooodalon howevar gate wider wope for hu gifted ability awl atuluwent u a iolohtt hu duiuberu turied in utelr character bufchlaaxoelumt volos with lla tdandld range awl wll modulatad toaea thowwltoulvantage lu eery uumlwr he rewwwl among ida hau mlactlonu wro the wee hit land awl mavournaeu ur warren una equally at haom wlui either tke hootch or the irijt awl hlu full smooth om awl tarfact lnterwvtalona won for liiut until ntnl atdaum hlu ucrcd nuuiliere ucre ahto uutfctarly hl motlter wau hlu aooonipanixt and lltere wau a vcrymnulhitl uympathy iwtweoii them kelkoti mado iter deltut liefore an actwiuudloncoawl it wuu vary happy one and itighly agramlje tn tlte awlleaco many in uta auduooa thought of tlta aaott tonee of bar uothar thirty yaa ago the daughur hao tahaph had aupetrloir oil autagwi awl ahlla it u hjf iwwt and utllful ahltt lit luuig aha will never income a krwalar favorite o the tlauorai uuui wa iter mother in iter girlhood day lu tlte old home town mlua neluon baa it ipttotful awl phhialutr lurounae a rich full voloe of wide compam awl aplewlld comuuuwl of iter nolm her uumhora were all good hut tlto buhitsaia coital fwth tha innktoolfarauuaphium muanauau will ita cordially welaomad book ogalu tn iter molhera borne mlaa chrlaty klllott tlta elooutlonlbt ou uilu bar 6rt vult olao created vory favoralje huhoaalona the raiillty u ur aelmtloua awl bar con aummaia ability lu interphlaljoti of them proved iter to he aa urilat of natural ability awl high attainment the varying chatactor imporumiatod wro uiowjiiirty well pwwnted liar- kldllty lu duuet portrayal woe koellut on won ilomon btratad partlouurly in new knguwl awl uaruuu akotchea uim ullott hue o uyle nil bar own awl w notie the leau uppreouuoil by the audlonco itocuuw of thla her cloalng iiumlar in wblob kite aooomianlad mr uortan aa lie aang nearar my uoil to thee with uta gmoeful idgua awl reterent geotttrea of the j tauto uugiwffo wau wot albctlva au lha i hruataaeregenerouii in their nwimwim to j hearty nootm which followed eaoh uumhtir kwreorouiuctttfortouumii lattcotv vranb j clteney make oath uwt he lu wuilor lukner of thu firm of v j clumey a co doing budjueaa in uta city of toledo guuhty uwrhtute ufoivuld and unit mtld linn will iuy tlte mint of ukk humhhkh ioidvaich for earh awl every com of catarrh that naiinot bo u ired by the una nf sworn to more me awl buhaotlhed in my ahenoe thluotli day uf ikeoawlar a hs a w imsabcw 1 notary iudu hall a cktarth cum lu taken internally amlfctotaillreouyoii tholhtnil awl uiurauu aorta of tho ayatoui fawl for tutdlmnii tj oiiknfa co t dodo l i hold by all iiggul 1m i take hall m family 1411- fo ooiullni lion john williams passes awav ron vamktm ouiar hdaaierrnath tlto nemnipilukly putted lit tlto cominiill ity mi tuowlay morning tliat mr joint wlllluhtn itad pauml uway during llto lilghl mr wiiiiumuhullmmnl uu immtla of oiielpli heueral hot hid u r moiho tlmu nifl ring from an idtmeut known ti ito ulliiiuitjl inuurahle but rvoelvlng much tcllef uirongh tie twporlor facllltlou nuule itotmluu hy hopltnl treatment indood luul riiturned tn hlu family for wtme tthu much improvod hut finally wetil back ami run ml nod until hlu dtwlh john wllllamu wau itorne in nauaua weya ultout 07 yearu uuo tlta uon of john td mary anne wllllamu a peculiar interokt ultuclteu to ilia fjut uwt an okl achoolnuuilcr of ida tlnte ur robert 1 hlianku or wheatuwl uau whei itere in hojitemlior 1011 hunt ail up ijl foruier pupil uwl nknt u little whilo with him ha lived for winitfjoarn in rrht vlluigo wltuncehe itnnovtwl to actwi altout iha7 taking over the livery uluhle hiihlnami nwl property where bo imu remaluthl thow xi crltttyearw aualhorman ite wn uell known all over tldu rctltii huklug many trlui out into the kiirroundfig oounlr ulihtravcllorxof varlouu occupations he alo hb liveryman for many year auulnted llto lata jottopli a htelght tin well known vifurtaker in removing tho remain of many peruonu in ida u urge rodluu from acton to iltelr uiit rtwting dooa many oevere trlw wore mmle lu thlu cawcity fit inchnitant wcatheraud luul rooilu lla wuu otto of tlio ut1 oulloru to ttoo hlu old nuocl ale ere ito pauwd nwav in itlfti he itaualmoiomoyod thu ituillu tn uwl from acton lwt oftlouaml atatlon during mokt of hlu rekldonoo hum ua well uu doing a general wut ngor bukltuwu hlu ulurdy oneigotlo quulitlimt markeil him out for m bile urloa awl lie heoame a menilter uf aotan council in tho1 uwl llooveln i0oi hokllug both poutirtiui for ut oral yeara lnirtlouhirly au chairman of street awl wwlbu wore blualtllltua wued lutoitarvlco at tlte utma time ite kept n keueye on llto flnancul toillioii of the community itoth locally awl from u county hund point for tuojeareliehidd a touluwi on the reboot hoard awl sought to secure for uta thing gew rut ion tlto udvnutagcu nou ut talualth au a pmitort oancr ito ut n itlgh examijo to cltlwjtm gntrally in tlte neat aiwl tan j amiugoutaulu surrounding hlu homo lu addition to hlu hmjneui ito look great inurt in choice poultry and in ute urrengemeota for such ttowod ba tidy and laeutodloal waaagemenl there lu ejio now in oouno of erection oa a part id hlu lot a floe new brick houuo ur wllllama wau twice married lliu tint oompanlon lu life wau mlau kauterlne mophull of krln who dleil in a few yuus twenty three ywtru ato ba uuurud uua raclioal weaver of wurton who has predeoaued him aevon yearu next ntonth with her death ita wad left with a family oftvtogiru awl three luiyu all of them in tender yturu for whoe welfaro ite waa ttnderly aallolloua willi tuarvellouu do votion tn her borrowing ftuher hhi iht daughter uluu liuun iwuatuwui to tlte ufttlni of tha itoma awl ban been ute ullaht and atay of iter fauter while aaord ingtlte aeovwl daughter ulaa nellio uta onportunltytotrepare itantelf for lha work of teacher lu vhkh uha iu at prcent an gaged at w la hon the fanner itome of her motlter the itoju are younger lut trot the tduau has attended to hlu ulhar u bualuee during hla long lllnetu and tlte two utile utla ualvlii and hughie wlto are in ackoof are tiecully lu tlta uympathy ol utf community in their orphanage ur wllllamu took a keen inlereat lo uto uua of tho conerxative urty owl mr ix ileodermtn u v bail no warmer admirer awl devoted worker uian mr ullluma ur luudaimhiramehoiuafram ottawa a week or two ago to viuit ur willuaui lu lueliji wlten with the change of tlovernmaot lu ontario uew lloaiue oauitnhuiauera wore aitoinuj mr wuiiauw uaa choaan for the holton hoard rarn very hiany yearu lie has attended il liocu a member of knov cliurch of wlloh huiuuyhur mlui lillian itaa itoeii fjrhoiwi time orguiibt he hou bean fnr fiiuriiuiii jearu chairman of lite hoard of muuujvru oi lliat lliuruh and luok a lieu lnuirctt in uto tumporul afluira tharonf tltu umytuthy of uto en tiro community in ctwtwl lo llta family in tblu tltelr luiur of nore beroavomont awl thus good a a nta cllbuiw of our utile tawoare llng gatltaiwl to the vulr vuw bllh the fuueral will take thtoa thla after noon froai ute family iwaldanoe qoyat keeiadatooun for lite flrttt itlgnanlan party uf uto hanson to lu hold in ihalloorgetuwn iirk on lune 3rd the king a llirtluuy under tluj auutlocu of ut flaorgowchurth oonrgstown our cltliu oro full of cinlncnt lawytru ut them a still mam ft ute re eminent olua di moriot imllan itoot iih are sat a aew ami untried tady our grodathra uaetl them luua ccatury o bfo coafoibirttloflj thay wenaoa iald ib uurly dfug cgcttcrjclflthecaniuiadthat day aotl we w tba wccnlcuw w tboumudj of botnea for cotiatlpauou indiat blllouiaemrbeunimtuu awtkidoey ami livat tvwbltf to day uty are lurt jutt aa ruabjbt aa aver aad uothhi bettw kaayatbeaa devised to ej ctf common ilia canadian pacific homeseekers excursions manitoba alberta saskatchewan kttli yuuy until ocubw illh uubfb wbuuvmkudbmiub uakjm bdittantoflikadkutiua 49jm ileturm luut two ateatlu personal and travel notes eial ana peawoaatltoma of la to kra rooudara olhanhb uuktlno tub whkek mru croft uwl mru mwmiic wore th pfutuof mlwim jlloltut mowlu r uwl mru ahx mckinnon of uurut vmtod acton frlewlu on hafurday mr joo l warren utteialoil tlto fuitorul of the into mrs robert vol if morvnl hut tnetulny mre jumou uooro luomiwling tlio uool with her uon mr c ii moore protrietr of lite star ihiwlou mr mtd mru john thlinonr awl mr awlrew illmour uf 1uulliuh were tlto gueatuof their hlxiur mm w frank 1ml wook ur awl mru joorgo rouiell uiul fumlly whaltave been living at kenllu mun ute uut scvuit iarw retiiriutd to acton but haturday tl uy nro i4ua4l t got lutok to ute obi liotnu mil ncy uattlo in acton uallihawad mr juu lllnuiu lutt mtununl luintu niter itendluguhiw moiitbu with hu duiighur near london mm j hhtluir viuitwl mru h mclury in ht- jouuvh hopllul in j telph nno day ubt week mr ivroy leullc of nona lulled mr iluke vunnutlor on sunday mr oeorge trimlde of frln gato un cxcoluut bonivon in tho mcthwllut clmrcli um kuwhtv mr jau i- omltell lout n valmluo hormi uut mowlaj morning ullll pnciliuo i uua mllchtl fcpeut the week end with llr awl mrs i hennat the farmera ore buay with tbalr bouling a few having uhuoat lluujtod ur f sltortlll ludlgslugoul the oolur luvparatory to building u rouldcnco tl lu r will llllaton nf lulunut aconm lauletl by his eluier uunohe visited uallinsfail frlenda ut wob tonhhbohooli tlio following lha reort of itm hohoif for april t cum hu iv aintlo hnyder 1am tn iv luura mclmwd i lolinuon oli n wutblnu uauiinu illiualtellu wnlkliiu alvli ryder cmmt tit mcaiollilu llydet fill uohiuihum vhiuuhl mcdougsli hiiuli llrowu hmich tiauu ronald molnhem wllntfir wutblnu eipjall elmore jt hnulon arnnll mulhmald jeanmohougall 1uuvliam jouda ryder roy voliu utou anguu mokaaltom ileaule jdooou did cuw a marie fjintx healor mc donsll equals campltell miller ilartlon jolt uu ton ct im 1 marlon drown llirold vocblmmmtir nkuti a jaudink teacltet laxatives aocompllali their tmrpoe j with luiuclmum efflcieucy aud tultilmtitu dlacotufort i tucreamltib daaed arc not needed 3c a box at yottr k dnikglatii iw vcajcmir a get tke gard- eni cr the most innocent and the mott absorbing hobby of all gardening makes you well and keeps you well think or the mornings and evenings in the fresh spring air the outlay 19 trilling seeds with a pedigree cost very little more than ordin ary kinds inexpensive too 10 a kit of sheffield steel tools and they last practi cally forever write uu for a catalogue it is different to the usual and it is free carters tested seeds inc 133 kinat sumi kut toronto ont tie merchants op canada bank jl wmuiapa tocuja jnt thrift 18 rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business nan is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhips only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of uaving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par ctiralmiouiii7 mamivm hihbi m acton branch p a maclean manager r ammpbt0 f fjjt 4 pvph nvsmi2jkmmmmmmma hhg9e ft jl matthews photo mui street acloti lorn ujlm recuic tklraarai lfihxhuumriivpr a c yto dustbane keeping out of the ruts l he blood of a business which advertises re gularly runs faster than the blood of 1 busi ness which rarely or never opens its mouth men who get in ruts grow to like ruts there is a certain comfort and contentment in routino which word is very close to rutine advertising compels the advertiser to bestir himself and since he advertises to you since he wants your favor and custom you can he pretty sure that he is doing ins best to deserve your favor and custom a word to tub public tlvo your cukteni lo tuce who uillclt it who tell you llioy want it who tell you what they are doing lu your nteretii encourage thoae wlto carve you bett and tuol shop where you are invited to shop georgetown oarage and machine shop t j speight georgetown atitomobltei 1 motor cydes i blcydei i agency for the faniotni uilauakliauoiaacarafur alton george town mlltnnand vlclnftl all tlio lalett modalu the moat durable canadian car we weulllbe pleaucd tngivn ou a demonstration auv day 1rlctu lower tlinnov or befnru urlto mo for particulars prices k end catalogue h automobllo tlrmtubcu and acceuorieu supplied nt tlty prices exulijer motor cyeua the iojt4 mwlcl on ealilbl tlon this is the ure und rw llablo tiv cycle blcyeua lllcyclcs of nil tlio beat makes a firstclnsu bicycle for kkts uccond liatidblcyclefroniaa i upvvurd repairing equipment wo have u flrutehub equipment for all kinds of repairing ami our wide uxpttheuco with engines and raachlnery gives uasivdclal advantages in pultlug cant cycluit or nuy other uifiuiiuary id batlufuctory condition t j speiqht rututiiu mumutufitu swhbnho- it knocks the drudgery out op sweepday cleans carpets brightens floors order a tin today from your grocer or hturdware men doui ahk fur sweeping compound say dustbane e m buurrb of buieiatiturob m a h bank of hamilton oaaltal authorisad mjooojooo caaitab paid up njkkxpeo uubaluh tjsojqoo beadv money it u iilloil mill 1 1 luun tlmt ho ouiif ubu proiwrty but tu for thu lira hwl up ir you would to rujy 0 v b ppnrtnolty mfondy nirt ol your hvldg mbould to hld or liumudlt u such fuurtii am to aely daiwilted ut lit- tru in bunk o hmllton svlns count oeoboetown bh w n yjky iw h itrf