Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1914, p. 2

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7v jsikmln aoli mr stitur tli msiuayji- ii aiurn kiimi ictli may l if l ffihc rtou jfm jrss tllluhdw ua m 1111 fcdltonvalj tjotatc tut coutiiayiviu uf llm county imvo tailed niiitomoier mid it la tho oonsmiuiw roiliilotilohtlrl tolh- a iv nlxmillio ikreseikt iiiamlu r it i illlmlnluftllt o tllmi time to malfo u aluiiijro mo tlie doctor will ugaiil curry tlwlr muuilurd oitkville star tilo oflhwtkltllhi iwiiontoii will ito held liiullton an vhduj ulioti lit candidate will irolw1ily hofllioaoii oovtcunukhr statistic idiow hut im migration to imuu totalled 3jixiw slnee iso of iturltiif tlm past 17 yetirw during 1lifl tlio ureutlt luta jteeii increased tottdlly from iwoofl in 100ad to 402432 in id12 in the laid llimrtclal jearu i0a7o retardod limn turn lion und a fallliur uitay is lively to oodu f tlila j oar at eaut acoordllitf to eatlmntea at tlm iminlnratlon ifcraututoiil tub itiakffiu of canada uliloli iroiud by aonio six million tollara during- llm juut local year id inlniilitj2 tlm new hunt year wlili anotliur tumme tlw total revenue for anrll ua 90818010 an cotti- pared wlth12mm of april last year tliedearcam in 02300457 or nearly i0pr milt titd prliwljul falling off is at oourso in custom returnawliiolidrcreebed uy aotao tuo million roflwtlinj a oorroa pood luff i wt riot ion of importu- illbojwriitlon of tlio fidae advflhlslntr iiiii intrwiiimtl liy hon c j itolicrty was illuttrrtled in tliu iioomi hy tlto min ister a statement tlmt tlto merchant wlio odvertlaw lilu gooda n all wool wltcti they are not will lx liable to u fino of 200 or six inontlm in jail treatise tliat lu a misrepresentation of fact but his neigh bor wlto uaya hla irooda ero tltoltoot in town will not im liable iiociiuaa that i merely a matter of ojijiilon 1uhu am hi uiyiuttioje for mutnn iroveniincnt tiuiullnjfa liavo ikjoii reocucd from ottawa liy mr htewart postmaster they are for a poatouloo only und tliouali it promihm in l a fine one it alono will not aatlafy tlm jwmijjo of milton wlio want a ouatotna liotiw ortaln looiuiir oltlunu muliriook aatna tluioagolo ex pit in to tlui tjoftmiaanl why tlioy hlmnll liavo it it id to im prftilinol tltat tlwiy iul w awl tltat tlialr oltoits imvo fallod what la tlm explanation cliamplon morris saxi 1 burnld out bigdemonstftationonmonuav again tha anm tf ovotlmuii hmv re uldxl tx oltf rornkitlna foe u l popular oohouklt at nloiitj tllucanaiilav tktdl oouuisutnseu iii tlormauy refera to tlto uoii of cinaillaii wheat in tlutt country om follow i iii wltaat during 1013 canada improved luir position liy a0000 tana ovor 1012 ami by no una tlian 2100000 tona over 1011 although it wu rrwly odted uulytr tliat canada houu not bo mt to laalntaln ltr inipoh uith normal oropn in ruula it i obvious that tltftae anticipations have bfioit fauluwi in tlw event tlm foot imiiijt that tlto tleimian milling truda la now oo iuiwii wul with th valuo of cantllan luird wliaat for tltelr pnrpma that thay may ltnntwl to buy liftaly uiulr any olrcitmalkaowj nd with tlaruanya rwurmntii lultrwul btuki growing ftvdiy year it i bellovej that pukhjfrm of canadian wlteat will ooatinue on a rojpraalve aoala hlu bmuthit hiouuifei lrinc4alncanilar of took lrotlwr of juwo alary will boeowa fjovemar janeraj of canada lu oetaher ho woh born in keubjiito tvuoa forty jean ao and has bad a djujuuuiod military oaresr iiu wife wa her lloyal lllfihaaa tha iuclte of albany uraikldaubur of queen vuajhu aed fehels one of th krettlent ueuhm of um brltith royal faaillj if th lmtto of veek provea to be c4 s ucvtoor cud6fj on he vaa a aouur in south afrtfia he will oqael the rword of the dtik of ooouriught which u ooa of tlte vwy bt in the history of the dominion vtiit bltl uialdnff tipping and thauhlnjf of tips indictable offcnwm liua iaad the reuate cotuulttm of tlie wlml iraeuoali without oppoltlan tluiull wiwintrojao el hotoe titue ffo by hotuitor dvu m uatrti unator ami at fiit excited uuoli rldlflule rhn twuanli a wuuapad iloouuj fortlia putelnfr of the bill eprtatf up with the reault that the bill bail now been pushed throiujli t committee whlh wmaithat it will pa the betute aiul ha taut to the imwjw ooaiuilttoe for ootuiur- tuooe tha bill make it an nfunto poijui- al4ily a nueof 6100 tolvor tako a tip ami iiukoa the cmploytir equally ffuilty tuk work ov am inootndiaklv a fuu iiilinili ixtfom tuo on hcunluy iiiiniiliijf tin iltv iwill iuijr mt iu thunder mu uhiriii cuimjiiu unw in u inommit tltal u tloive tltu u ou iiiii uonuita i who near t ha ofliitw of tho tnwu intuutljpitloii mum irovoil i luil ilia rouultoaiithtorehntl d inittif mrrli uuxn jnwl tlw mirnur of mill und willow fltroeto- liiiiivou ulookuh4oi urn thu tiro htnrtatl in tlto tuuithurly imnui of tlm bulldlniir und bunuxl iry tnudly althoiiuli it wau iry few mlnuteu before ihtiflivuojrlnewiim tlnowint two ftioiuild mtiwmii llm hiiinom luul yulnojl onnutdor nbltf intiduuy mul htul itrnitud i ito roof mul front of tlio mtittlmuu tiuluiiiff tunom tlw mroot und ooonpjwl by nouou tloin- and food htoixiuu ground lloor aiwl ikuidiiieut uml tlw gddfollawu ifull on tho aepoiul llmif tlyliiit eiilwlwi i a ill tod hie rooof mrs oimiitloa aiul mr moarthnrwtwil donon andaliui jhomrnf ifaory awrey uml william mw mr k votlhu tool iioum wm aloo liodiy hooroliel it wau not nuiny minute untlltho viro ilrlipide which wan ttfciuted by the oliolrtlcul eojilimi froin itrjntorfl tannery aiula ilii0of bom from their 1200 gnllon uimp bad tlte fire undor control all tlio reur liuildrnipi of tlio huxe pro perty weredeatrotul lie near of th main lhilldlrtfl burned off awl tlie mli bailly rnttihl a ult age vorixi romood tlio oontente of the atore und dwelling with mora or leu damatro tho law to mr uxe will be liay at ieutlo00 on tlie itulhllug ami 500 on content the imlhitiif wttalnanr- mi for 01000 imt tliere wue no lunnranoe on the nontenln of either ntoro or iweliln tho lou to tlto malthewn bulhlino fllwut wjwon ulilch tliero in an fnurauee orsi2oa on the flour and ieed btore llu low on stock lu ostlmaloil at 6006 insured far 01000 tho oddfellowm lodge autalited a iom uf m5 on which tliere u a iiey of 500 tlielr furniture ami eermtii are in a aad state of d lunula t ion owing to water and burned dehrtx the now mt othoe and cuktoma ifoum ucrouh tlie street from tlto ruxe liuikllhg otcaped remarkably well theheatoraok 1 lialf n doxen of tlie large wlmlowu on that side but otherwloe tlie liulltllng austaliiml no injury the origin of tlteflrelaelaarlylnoendlary mr raxe hlaniee foreigner who luul been working for him but who iteortuoe of miuonnduot wjh dlamlued awl tlie vrtuy iiefare baxe took from him the hotue lie wan uilng for tlie oollectlan of junk it u alleged tliat this men made threate tltat lie would not eien with save before lie left the town ur- raxe went to toronto holiday night and did not get back uutil i ft so next morning the home referred to woe burned in tlie arc on monday hla man wau arrested upon an information iwom out by morrle uexe on a charge of theft during the trial iteforo ii 1 moore j i ou tuelay evening defemhint went into the bqx awl after giving avidenou in hu own behalf toothing an the charge of theft ho sehl be did not know anything about the cause of the fire but volunteered the information tltat while driving fame with notlur jew ish resident some time ago th other man said lie too had bad dealing with euxe and alleged that fiaxe lad gotten tha better of him hat ha continued i got even with him by playing ufek hjad veil said haxe j aw plug up in court that man huruad me out before and uth man buruad uo out now the mailer of the inoendlary orlgla of the art la beltujf la veeugoud by tha a ttonwyileaerole deport metit at the requt of uouuty attorney lick ami wahud llymu thaspundkl work l both the ore engine and tha uwjpule sh receiving favoialb ootutoeat oa all oum to aubdua euob rogloff fire in a frame bululiuj wh it originated u oertaally a oieditaue oeoooi pllohmadt all hmuiw u 111 iciul to aotou uukt mon duy for the grand dumotittrntlou pmviiid by thu inomlkirrfof iiunlouciinp kuuu of kihttlantl thero will ihi tlm big dulltliuiupuii udo ut 10 oulook i footlirtll nuitoh nt itii lil wrudo jjiwiw ut m inn no ami iiwoii rf uthletlo oiiu- merohuiil lit i twtu fmm one oclock tilt dark 1 in tho monlug h jthntdld hootoli i oert will he glien in llm town tall for whluli llm following ttujierlor tnhint liau been moourodi kddlo ijgott ooiuio to miilnt jonrgd kuil hooltluh toium- to ronto t mibu ilirbum houtor hohtlut to roittoi hlrx w v wliltnoy ijuuist to rontoi mim annlu hohm bootlluti ixinoor toronto llkim mul dnnoerh wlto uro irlo wlnimru duriuir tho hiy ill ulsa luko urt ttteconnnlttoe ahkoiuuml to carry out llt irfg dayn aienta la l alex tuylor cjdef vt it konney heoretary treasur er i juu kow managrrtif tltmuw i if a hwaiklianwir heoretaty of committee all railways will suo single far retnrii tlcketa to acton next uotwuy ohiwo o the una warm ueutlier la helping tho fall wheat tltat woo frost bitten in the apriug under farorabla condltlonm it will le a trood crop yet tho farmer aro busy getting tlio ground rady for their root orow mlm laura lumbert onterlalued nhout luenty of her little friends nt a birthday party inst ueturday ufternoon mr it a damper oapriugc vuitwl at the parental home lost week ur ami mr henry moore jueith vulled tlie ultera n tot her mr a mo fhtosli uit week liaflbltouvh mi tml mu vv ii hloiiy uid mi hugh miuilutwtill uf tomiiiui urn suinl ingu fa daymullh mr- ii i xlimr iliirold koxuitd cull iolklng- borne of loroolo uon liofthi uief hun di mr t 1 heua uttemleil lh utiuunl meeting of tlto woiimiih vomlgn mmnu uoy kooluly of llio iwlterlnu clnnib whioh wnuheld lu toronto labt until wo ivgtet to ho ir tlmt mim u nuwlou who in still in harnld la not gaining strength uu rapklly ua was iiommi hir lie fjiuiuty of jimiji waa bom on monday mr joiuitluni fatno hr u guvat of mr william vatnu wlto uux injured ihroiigli the buggy in which imi wau ruling itulng ujet iadoiii nicely wo uro 4iwd to hear mr joint ifondermtu liua sturtod bulhl oiwratloth on the llfth lino a heavy drill for drilling mi urtosluii well on hla pltctl uumeil tlnough liero thle woek mra haralt burekman uml villa hwognun of toronto liuin mtrohaueil from j h itenuyhls umierty on cliuriih htreot mr jamea nixon of asligrovehae tur- chaeed tha beautiful larlck residence on main street belonging to mr l kennedy in georgetown bale wo made by x a wllloufihhy georgetown canadian paci fic homeseekerst excursions manitoba albehta saskatchewan uadt tsv ualll octhhtt tlih uutaro wuwipetfattdhmurrt bkoo kcdammitoti and return 4joo vsaa iwb aekl sil tewu ai ibrtm tmm vwm4imte baa mutuae ml wt surfam lualt two laeelu mav0caiimi6jaif to mjn aueaam maajluoai w ktoweu irut- rrgllsh spoakliig pooploa lune not yot quite reooltad tlto sundanl laid dowu ii tlto uto 1rosldont chjioland of vlowing u ndtllo ottlao ok a pohllo trnt hut u ero at loast more advanced tluii our iwedooeuore of a few goiuirulloou back tha london chronlclo inforuw na tlut the wife of a one umo drltui cikjnot ulnutor having ttood godmother to a friend infant son ovpre4uil rogret tltat be husband had nothing of iwportiinco lft ut hla disposal at the titue but tliat if they liked he would put iter godoti on the ptuulou hit ua a superannuated rererul poouiaii the offer whj ucoejttvil ami tlto roolpiedt diow hu few poumla hulfyuarly until hie death at the uge of blghty weekly oun nobthwest cftop condi hons jllula if autv itmfaauta in the me harat mt owma vita tem ohoi7 aul bolu wlimlpoif may in lolhiwlntf la n taimmarj of comlltlotia fioin 1s5 alntu lu tlu west rejuirtod by the vroo lroa4 1 the condition of tho ground at mwullug wat almost unuoraally good thereportalmllcstatlint uiero ii iltlhi if any inoream in tho ocreugo if tbore la any iuoreoia it will not uxcotd tlto r owl the repovta imllcatn that the lucreue lo aoreage in oata and barley will hirg but tjber in a matwul ilocreoa in the oreajpj of flav froiq s3 to possibly 40 pt cent the beneral oomlltloa of the rop fa very hausfaotory though it in rotltef later thati oould be desired roport imltoato tlut tlta rop of 1013 faaa lieen idnsoet oouijetely sold out the- bohlnffa in the farmer hand being exceptionally light weat leieuraad tjuelpli may la mayor cutw accept ed uooiiuatlouioiilght oa an adapulent candidate on the kowell platfomi for booth welliugtou the city hall wu fairly wl tilui wlten luv x u eiu liaulok ealld the ueetlntf to oaxur the mtln ofteootl with iryer by tlev hen mltoltoll mr alex hibun ami ur thoa pou fold uro the fltvt speak era fol loued by mayor outor mr eltfjutrlck uado a loliited uud direct attack on the uoteruiuaiit and ita threellfthii oieua iosteail of their helping local option ho mid ue have boen carry luff looal option lu s4te of litem tlta proioml oiiutratlnjr irgla latiun he cotuldorojl wan a joke major uortor wu git en a good ropoption ho waa in favor of itoiaeua jatrwvi he hub moio tlmu ever oonvjtioed that tlw thuo had ooiuo for tlw jwophi uf ontario to move lu tha matter of luihlle owiierjhlp the building of the ifydraeleettio railway would bo tho host way to fight the railway interesto mayor carter reoulwd great akphium wluui ite louobed on the buikliiig of tlto lull lion dollar reahknoa lu torouuf for the uoulhuutmioiarnor itwaa sod dliug tut ontario h syslwu that tint lieophj of hrltaln wera fighting to throw off uuhi mayor tarttir uuuouuolng tint aiooplaiioo of thu nomination tlui lueetluk liuinodlabily bogun tho work of orgauixa- tlan grand trunks victoria holiday fares wat tall huuehm in ffrthfctt usa4 a vs ahbuv mud t kmtale taud k huisoac mlab malnua blaafc hoek hlmgnufis vajla autd uameoutuai wdrn v binoltc rami i vauk andomk- goad going i tiiiku oood tfoltig and returnlitg may jhl wih 15th t way astb rturo limitmay aoth mlblntuni para as ceou tjckat now oa aal at grand trunk helot the merchants bank op canada 11w w yjchript u rightly described as eco- j iiomical manamorit a shrewd busineas man ia vpoken of as thrifty be- causa he saves perhaps only a dollar at a lime perhaps more but the real secret ol bis success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oanralmitiuihwioii uamamvn ruuiu muumu acton branchi p a maclean manager a9wvwv4evqvwvovavacvv0v c ttm we have a paint and varnish for every purpose inside and outside ws are xeliielva agcnta for tlio cotourntcd bw1 bherwlnwllllamji 1alnt rreparctl a paint that lu iijuui nil over tho world ami hint obtained it rnomimw unlo oa account of ita quality it la tlm kind of pulnt that you fehouhluao on your iuhum v la tuudn of fhiro niatcr- lala pure lend rnim xlae pure hnaood oil etc mixed nml prouiul by apaolol haohlnery in corroot aclontlfio proportlosia bw1 covora most looka iwat and wear loflftcflt for a painted finish on your floor uoe bw inoldo floor 1alnt roado to be walked oa vet your w iiih ma sw rinutnnc a dnrnhlo w all finish dried with n uoft volvotyjint offoct can ito waalud withuoupundwutcr ulmoliitclyuunltury iimtiiforycari tlicro a mi bw vnrnlnhfor every vnmiuh purww van bw kopul for nil kindu of vanilahlnk outnldo nnd insldn iiki b w mnrnnt n durable waterproof floor varuuli for hardwood floom wo hondln ncomptoto lino of bhorwlnwillinmiiproducu and no wo ran tuko core of your every paint or varnish riood aatltfactorljy james symon hardware paint acton warm weather se wearables seasonable goods for present use white waists cotton underwear silk gloves lisle gloves parasols cotton hose a complete range of the above lines in stock mens department balbriggan underwear light weight hats new neckwear invisible suspenders silk and cotton half hose new shirts we can fix you up with these lines for the holiday henderson co mill st acton out hmmmmmhhhmmmnmhmmhmkthhmmh m hi s the empire typewriter 5 m visible writing perfect alignment lightning q escapement endurance speed bf at m at m m at m m fi wiluahs at andpactoring company ltd nnr hoosi u a iiiimi y lh c l u c h u ilwili of uonltwil arebimu lbh uoyl hmib northern crown hank mlaht tllimimlai 111 nil rile- pbona co to u4j0 lu cattdj cbnfon duty on tfaf waken ii cuu vm htlutu o try muwiuliltai mhw h uli ujuili wtlljglw c07vte to mkcdonklds ouoilifhai lokblho knd utroasr bronil for if our holiday and summer apparel men women and children can be correctly attired nt small coat residents of acton and vicinity will find it worth while to visit guelpli this weekend and purchase their holiday and summer apparel at this big store there you will find largo and complete assortments of seasonable wearint apparel for men women and children every popular style every popular fabric is represent ed in the showing then too to every carment there is a pleasing price story we ive moat without charging most you secure the best nt modest cost when you buy here i monday may 30th balntf observed as victoria day b g stor will b olosad all day mil amirhrrinn is muiimwik inkvsim hhuillllil hh ii i uonm untu i notick ai vlall ut- i will lists suurlif ll tlim iii ini jfimn fin vlll its flsli etee mliwrn4sy vtuhttmoou iiousk to ijbt a ny hum tlio uliuaau ijaltl op thanks npjiw uulsmliiiril doua te a ili x itmru itibulis for his hjuy aitaulotia of vtaiailiy sndthmldolkliaaj in u lu lta of lie ssr luiby of istl tosab yhssa boeue lo tliakinlala llowd mftm us ub4w dmu lltsllnn wsiimaelstvilbillvmrvrall- lm csij aisa sun una it v uuwkix 0ardoftiiank8 iw f asstnwuoi slau mltn juu uaituawa oalm of thanks tllhubiaalftijr1 srautran of ih tlusly al4 4 ilurlhu ha tire ueolsv noolo bf the fire liiljsde stiil wllllneetitxsna h01ihi- for uaa on to lbt on vviixow hirsat liwaaii lis la a boll sttj utreliauu llaub owilj sua losma jy euiilul lif t a l llntr kcsienjae ut tarate raaausbla attll f or im a l mohh k uo malblltul tf indian runnett ducks umouthi pbncilbd his tree loelau avriih of ura whit m i a ii un nr oulaig id ijrl bua uwttn listsliiufi ura hkks vital u el bi wr lv also h v u i lj uwue rdna slraui tfi im dr asitltwr mlllotf xlauiuiois jscoliua strain av p uytiub la all nrlxusi aaj uu iskm lsi wbsrsvsr iltowu hiktv urn pttmvame you flier you will ui smumi ttuiiustieu aaj ssaliunea lu ftuolulutf utajoymeiii wtmsi w municipality of acton ooobt obfcvislow not l u is bsrstiy altaa iusi iheflril msajtlkal ellbeoasntnf wanuiea tw ibe vllusa el vtou will be balj in ibe vowa uelt ea monday jumh 14 tou siateblu to -r- nialrlnt iislnsi lj awaaaiaail uol lor 191 all pvnnislualiuitjfcia f are raiiaatsj to ausud at tlie s v a j utcuimkov 0afc dij at acttui ibulsdi esyef uoy 101 1 r m n0tick t0chbdmh8 lntiiawause ifatatg nt rfuii1ij waih ut of usa ywmhl ee wa mi lottt that county of acadieai rtfrt deeeae noyicbialiwu- n i uoerad v ulna uatxw at lust all fajjtoiar aulsae aaalu4 lbs utsta of hie siu ueaautliir wleauoe- w about ui mill day or atmji lilt sue kwiatt ea or bsjare lbeut amu tun iu tiw wat tavpaij i4 ih vllngj t y ttvn pahuau to tualaiai ulna uatxw at r uaae aj mwkciai lal sue soe lell i a j msvlauon iw at the euaie j rsbalba ubu ssaiaut i ueaautlajr wleause y or atmji lilt sue k nit day ef jane isli t a r cujiw t a j msvlat i astoa uojuutwth aajymua and uauifjum wiia tali luuauie oi ibirstalolsiatsttwoi tj iul a- l ssj the uature el t svearltlae u asiyu by sj luidiurtskeumlm uul alur aeelt uat aluj data the saij adbuakiltalea- tall al la iiutrltisu the ass4a el uie inrflril aa tlia muf siilltuai tbante awalusj kajrvl eelv lo lbs ouiws of whlab uwy shaiitbssi have ualloa snj thai the sau sjcaaktmbw intoe ilblatertusauaa4aeauiy kami f ie auy waai s ysraeae u wbaae 1 uciua tllsll thft lists haaaj thmalnat by u lb llm of suli duutbause it lue i till day ef wav illi a j tjtsiahaam b ilellwrkfuoaau aifit uir king briinstane ii8iy rby1 prut will uuiu bqulnfdm motcl tuauaa aelea kvery wednesday artcknoon eaulaiag ualll v p ta y ten a fit ro luaare a tool ill 6a uaib ika lu oi immtaiy liua lantsj luiaija s tltairinarbmaiioaaiuaijademamsa- uire at nub el vwuapj retwuier cmhuutm of kstsvoilasuuit t vila wl j htaiulot ne sulljeu sbtallwaal board of uuurle oa- lifla list the uatam uaahhrou eni mu o the ulidaajau hi ail oa kiom mfuuuue re- sltri in the oauajlstt ataijllaee ae number jlflir ewusa by mll uiiiiml el kysua anj hi tuipur waf iim provtaea of oatarle jiiuu llataut h w wai mesiaaut ai hebe are some of trie friday and saturday bargains ufltivi haltjcoau guaranteed regular is and tn so cleurluff at hytf mm w aprlujj twjed aad worsted suits alio a few navy krro nulla all siwa rvfttihir i3 and tis h clearltijr at musla boy a tweed and wanted aults ooate with two pain of bloomer hiiloltom hlff lys aloee regular tip to ig clearlrw at 9tu9 two lablaeof womeuv alyllali trfntrtud millinery regular up to to clearing at ijhsso refftilar up to 08 oo uieuidlftav0- 4 euerly womd a uaeb atlltc and aatirj coali clearltib at hie reductloim d e macdonald bros cor wyndhaattt auitf uacdotull si reels llmilcd ouelfmot auction sale monday id day of jutte mi soil5tifis f taf thaif taa- domldlod hold ih the village or aetaaw by vv ilut l alctioneetr tltat rollowlnjr piouty uautajy i ah und tiliiriihtr tlmt cvrtalit iiarctil or mctoflfttidaud liromhuia ltuala ivlutr umlhulim lu tlievlllasuof actou lu llto county or llnllnii idlrtor composed of part of tlio north wot hajc o lnt nuidim 4 tweiitywululit in hie third cotieihion of tlio towtirliitt at uaquealuw d nw within tlio uml i of the ulafvnulikc of at ion coitlntiilrttf hy admeasuresuent one third of nn ncro more or te and inoro particularly dcvirlhed lu dd thurivir made hy ono iltomiu cuooro to uue william tlmnijiaou ikttrlntf th dofat the twantyulktli day of january a d 1h78 ami roistered lu ilook foe tlio township of kaquchliiif oa no njji on wlimt tliuru la uthleii n twoaatony roughtcaid dwolllnfi cotttaliiloq tiova ronnia in a uood ututo of teoalr tiikuhlvn wr cent of the uur- chnxe inoiioy lo ho uild lo thti vendor 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