Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1914, p. 2

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votkttvlk em al m johbh ofaureli aotoe m lulnrruv i may tiuv fathfar tnymw tlw inrt luu kn uulii hurt al-4tto- umd tyovi uo4 wn el t fflbe juton jfro xt tiiuwmav juke 4 1014 mditohlal notm liflurr fcurvoylii artlea hav been tent out frota ottawa ima wuuonly tbe deirt touitol thelnutrtoho ay out new hwn wlieend laotaeeuauu in uu luwibem arl of alberta aiwl futlivtcliti wuii u n tim tba county couboll wea-levta- lnxiiottuiuii fur uie bieiiiutnthce of tbe rtntdn aliasaajyooublructtetl on the rood ftxubi uiittcm many exeeueiit rotuu bare been ttallt utroujikoufc un tjjutly bii- lea tlmy ni klujwing the wev end tear of tieavy tralha it u very viul to iba iter luaitenoe of ua iroub ibat theee jaom be vomjy repaired ly efficient road makera ami wllli the proper road making wuitju ry hrfccf ax lut will hettjwibbeukec in the noniltution of cofwlmate who hav uu lteen in paulo ik already lun am fifteen of lbml new candidate bw4t of wham u4 well kitown lit bmulelpel eervlo ittuiajiruoamdlaliriau ahm howinatlonii fall of proraue are those of ur it h uouhuu in hortb jwlb llr i l ueuw of vart aritmr ur j w ueleod of ettatnioat ur a j vara of hddui victoria ur w v w vlur of heltod ead ur uur of ktmlrwi eua of theeo tei lav wore that a looal repaiuilod aud of otbere tin hui btata- sent buy eood le uaula tllota canadas gbtatesy mathne disaster hwjifii of iniutoom dowrriwiui bdyiu wamiuwwuoikvoojuuawbm out front tba port of qtieled oa tbuh- afuraood with all it bultly m1u j a tmt 06ma llbrf wmt u8 lalnmd of vrlabj of tba gudun iatltto urvloa lauwl for llvrpool olaoarrledu fourtom buadrtd mmraoaa itidddlntf wauy ima aod wobmti of duuuuod on toui kldaeof tle atutiua aa the hug mp utt bw dotb aikl heatud dtu tka rlvr uw lawl of tu halvatiod amy hd qoartnt in ttjrtdto kuyd iod la wltk vod till w ut aftaln tte two buodwl dlaue to tba araty omgnw wbtb u laid in i avary tea yaaw oa laard atood around tba labd alrlluat ut of oolor lu tba aoaaa at two ouk uaub uomlaf tba eoujwam of iraland lay at tba louobi of tba st lawraow ratatdad lu a tlam fotf by a bwvlly bulaa oollur aa aba uy to naarpatbar ycltkt awaltlag day and tba ma of alltbattryaatoaipauy tbataallad out as eousdaatly imt lluu ovu four hundrad aurvlva alwoat a ibouaand bodlaa udtw aatoubad a tba 111 eatj ablp or vara found auld tba addlaa of tba bt tawrattaa the elreubttunoe of tbla paaiaat dla aatar in cunadaa tuaritlnta aaa wata dtataallo in tba antttua aa tba smjnaa ttaa down tba tlvar tba fog t i tad altar tba took tba nulla aboard off tllaumubl captain kandail wboae anl voyagala oootuaad it waa dauud that babauar oouraa would be to lie to till tnoraltig tba aatlvlly followltiff tba tab lug aboard of tba tnalu lajng at au aud tba pepaattftatt and tba bulk of tbe raw wwm a tbelr batibs out of tba fo htaabung nutdly toward quabad oanw tba deadly udau ooluar btorudt mw1aw ikip aogagad in oarrylng eoal fiou nova bootla to uprivar paru6baatraob tba ewuimm auldtbloa wttb aaob ibroa tbat ibeplateewara wppad off for oouridarabu dutaao balow tba watatuna at toot aba bagan to bu and aa tba water poured in aba careened over so far bat tba lautubiag of tba boat became a watte of tbeulauee dlmdulty in fourteen minute frosi tba utaa tba eomuion oeurved tba fewpwaa want down eerryiujf with her tbe handreda of pejuetigere who bad not been able to nuka tbalr way unandil tba onlelal uatetaaat of tfm jiu tsielnolullway aanuliitu tlie iul of tlm uvlnaabd the loathe been tlven out and la beuevad to ba fairly aoeurata it la aa folfewai iloat itefl saved 4m total lihs vaamusera lost ttu crawlwt iw laaansra uval 4i2 orawaavad ftsl of the brt oua iieeenftar aljibtaavvu tblrtyotw wan twenty alu wowan ad no hlldiau wara laat and twautyou ueti elfthl wouan and ona eblld were ifcvad of tba aaoand cautt jpaaaeasara l fiftytwo beau alaty tbiae women and tan tbudfit wara loat and oftaaa uan five wowan and on tblld wara aavad of tba v fetaaratfa pmaaukant 843 wen woman and children wara loat and 148 wen four woman ud uo ebudran vara aavad tbla hatataant a eoiuldarad to ba eow plata by tba railroad and la ld ou tba iwtirtii of ita aganta aent fmdk biw ovar laft of tba pueeagere lot belong ad to toronto with be bowa oruwijad in and twtatad ahwtnd at tut amta anftla to pott and h kpljf at abowlngou tba itort alda but h foot or ao abova tbewalar llaa in wnu evldanoa of tba tragedy in wblob aba had fltfurd the norwegun oolller htoratadt unpad into tba harbor at montreal aaily bunday afternoon a few mlnutw later warrant of arrao token out by tba ouudun vkdtfa hallway oulmlj owtuuagaa waa nallad to bar ualu taaat byordavof w blmpaon walker k c ragutnur of tb quebao admiralty court winr ut tlto mloti for ttfulr liueluem ir titunltliutl ugluiorwmvnlwtmmly eveitliig au a court of llevulon t lier twmil4 hgalift tba tuaommtnetit reoctitly ttuuln uemlmnt imreunt i iteeve hyndu and gnuioltuirt it m uouotudd a t llrowu win oootwr aixl w u uutlth tba aikpeala were not uutneroun vive dogaworeatrlovenofrthelutomlng lo tlie titot tlutt they lad itven deeuroyed tlui hnt aptal leard wait umt of tluwoaa odtuh nptkeallttif hgnltutt lia auioutneiit whluh had beau raleed to u blooo aor lfarvy when aekedlf lut tboutht tlte auemtobut tl juiu htated thatbtltoukbtlt waa ur ollrlen wu umhi eallwl utoh to praau bta lumd of lite oami which lu trooeded to do in a lory lively tiumiwr ida ooftuotloti wau that owluifti4luiluaiwiultlekrfte4lonumitmrowrty wkh laiutclatlatf inueail of mlveikclotf in value heveral tolnta umi aruuuxittta were preeealed to etilietaiitlata bu amwal l took a rue out of the councillor wbo tried lo bbow hltu that the reoent rl in jwewuneut waa to the benefit of the tauumpellty and oouwquenlly to each individual eeylag vea youre like all the rat of tba poliuetanv trylug to pmauaila tte averythluwt bi for uy own ftoj m the okmnoll juud the ualter and deolded to eoodmt the aamenauut anil ut it fro to tba iojpe eourt if aa dred ur obrud with a very bikutlo illuatrauon than wheeled out of the court ttoooi tba aeoond apul waa utat of heard more k oo mllng aftalaat tbalr hpua- tnent wueb bad lieeu raued from im6oo toll00a mr a a beerlnior fct d for the eeupitty and auud that thjr property bad uwa relwl w wbloh ba eomldered too uuoh in proportion to other rauea tlta reeva tnada it plain that tba aeeeeeor waa not luatruoted to raua any apattlfio par eettl but to uaka anaqulubla teatof all proparuea itaalaoaut- ad that tba stt0m tax for a deeed or bad lean really luftfal owing to tba fact that tba fluod eaeetexaeab bad axplred yaara ago and thai tbla waa a legal a tambt uo one omm attaek urieardaorw aald that if tba property wr on tbe buukat uwy would not ge ilft060 for it owing to tba hot that t would ba ueful for no other faotory purpoeee he thought the property iiiiiiaiat buaht ba radued a i dollara or ao and tbe by taduea be bualaeae tax wblob la laal ou m per eeouge of property value and thereby aeeot an available total upon dumueelon of tbataalurhy tbaooundla couproatle waa aseeted and tba aamwtnant was lower ed 1600 taaklng it mim all thiea ibeu appeared aaueoad th laat appeal waa that of the toronto fiuburbaa railway and tbalr appeal wai on wadneeday tnotalng oo the fruit faree of vrad bell k bona burtlngton hoy bell and four indiana took rwlng under an open abed taking borwm with them a lu of uxmoing blllad kehxw huh an- v ladle agad iv yaara and bona tba atbev foat man and two boraea ware aian- voad bat moovarad tba abed waa not uaya m council hears assessment appeals borne intereetlng faela were brought out among wblob waa tba feet that tba aeeeav meat waa t ebort of tba jujgee raooui i makes perfect bread provincial elections june 29 kviwlaimuea mui let mdey to momluatlomei ota jun bstd wr4 uleetlonei june sou alter n iloley if iuterul uouku tlu uu noiiiioanientuof a lrovinuui no no nil ulna man uu nwla frliluy ufrnrmtoii li hir juim wliltuey it wiu niiuorlly umlur elootl eatly in tho uwli tdut u ttutiiuiiil frotu tlie 1mihlerihhtkl bxnlly txi inuuor icuyl in vlaw of ilio utaivc uollvity lit pollluiat ulrchsd nil ovir tlui lrovliic the meiartlon of cauiprilgti hunttuiu awl election forutu tiiul mnm iiuirtlciiuirly tlio tiinutidlutif giving to tlie cmimirvnllvo iiveuvltoru hdlortt tlta lirtwfoiiullmi of ilio huum tlmt tlto loovimout wouhl go mnumluiuily to tlie country fulbtwlu u um announoetitent t a irocumatlon lien boon iauueiiiuuu ing the leguleture kowliihtloiia for u w leguleuiro will telto j4co4itiei2iwl of dune ami aloctlona mi ilio xh tlie goventbmrit having rooolted luforuimtlon that the voter lielh will be ready the uu oertalitty wblelt luu thihiyed net ion in ihl maltbr ureautved awl write will lie uaucd ir a day or two in ucoordaium with tlwt proouuallori the thlrteeutli lcuuuture of outurio hmm tat for only three tcfaiioua it wee eleeud on deoeuber ii ltill and by utalullon of tltne it wouul not expire until daoeuilwr 11 lftlfl about eighteen inonlhe m the wlutrllutlon or uurtll redutrlbutlon of aeata in the ivovinoe la mora or leu an eitoum for ftoltig to the oountry it le gaiurally fait however uiat tlie preltlge of the preaanoe of blr jaidea whitney aa leader luhlapreeimtrefitoratktn to health will be world much to tlie government during an election campaign osphihoh kuryllilng ft limiuing mi ixaiitldil it now mtmh uaothxl uln tuiiw mi lrrltluy tiluliiiii1pioiwtuuu lit 10 fir it lmiuliful hwl iuilliothtffuttrillliirm ur vtiy uu oil tint fruit trt iliu ymi it u in our ailvniiugo to inks tlitun in llino uiul ilol roy um inuiiy at ikmiiiiid miw imy ban imhiii m hikmwi uh iniji tr horn far uiiiilliir tir wedding tmllu uio hngiiig in lliw khu muiilly mr uiil mr 4 mnliilyrn if culuuri tiro ponding hihiio tlmu willi urn mciutytvti i nttlior mr k urrlo blllomatfcw la ccr tnluly ono of llm nimt ii-itirc- atile ailment wlilch flcvh le beir in coated tongue blttrr tata in ibp woulh tuuius illlllllfm tbfm comblno toinake ufa a burden tim rau u tllwinlcrtd ivcrtbe euro dr more a indian kom imie luy go atralant to tlie root of tho trouble put tba liver right clean m tbe atotn- och and bowela clear thd totikue and takanwuy theblllrr tattio from tln mouth at the tint elgn of bllloue uebetahe dr morses indian root pills canadian pacific homeseekers excursions manitoba alberta saskatchewan futh yittaiuy until otuur juk uuj wlriaitd awj beturrt edraoatori wad return 4uuhj ww t-i- aaj kli a u x i vi kutiife umu iwe watt vto-uuhiltvpl- mytoelo on motion of r u uedoneld aaoondad byw ii- beiltb tba court of revision waa adjourned and tba council met to uanaaot ragahw bnuneaa tbe mlnutea of uat meeting were read by tba clerk and ooafirmad tba viaanea committee prawwted and reooumeuded that tba following tbelr loth report of the year ha paid t ottrtkex aocovw jaa robaftaea labor t s oao dlua uhw k00 rofua wordea ubor 2w w of wtihu teaming ttjo jan byntea auiipllea 41s n vljoora freight and cartage eu tm1 euecraio atitilf k v ueora freight and cartage 9 d2s wj bitoma teaming bo hydro fower oommurloa anp- plua imm can tba kleotrto aupfdlea m47 117140 tba mattar of a oivlo holiday waa dueaaead and on motion of oeuueulere uaboaald and brown tba vueve waa reooidwindfcl to proebum uoaday auguet ardaeolviauouday omaerlfarvaytben brodgbtaomainauara dealing with feee for tba town ball before the oonnoll and in tba diaeuaalon wblob anaaed tba tuava atated that ba waa in favor of n iir rev won of both town hallaiii i v tariff owing to the grow log eor i lauanoa courtlt r llr wn preoanted a reqiuut from ur jolm vlrtlirook for elaotrlo cur rent ut tba fl4i fionda and fcteted that ur irhretbrook waa willing to bear lha large aapeuea aalaltad tba matter waa let atand uhtll further uagotutlona could ba affcotad with ur vtrthrook adjourumeul took puoa at 10 p m foolish saving a penny saved is not alway a penny earn ed sometimes it io two pennies lost the merchant who spends nothing on advertis ing loses much more than he rjaves the money spent for plate glasv windows is not looked on as lost nor is the money spent on better interior lighting anything that increases lavor that adds to sales that multiplicu customers is very pro perly regarded as a good investment advertising is a good investment just as plate glass windows are advertising pells moie goods to more persons than the shop windows do a word to the public do you vviettt having a merchant addrvu bla theeiag to you la the form of an adveitlaement in our coluuna on tba eotfwary la uot your impulae to reepond to hu friendly pshop where you oreunvtted to shop the s oi e church parade abuiual ctaai ewamdwhw tttw vaaw heutttea ofcwawh m am v vim txlmct mmuainm woodariam tod bona of kaguud bald their aaniul ohuroh parada bat ban day vealdg about thlrtaaa brethren were pratent froas luelpb tba malor portion of whom eawe ou tba 8t4 p u train owing to tbla faot tba proaeealoa was formed la tba o t k yarda and f r4m tbauo prooaadad totbbaptieaobnrab lor aervle at 1 p u tba parade t af about forty uoubeire of woodateeutalga appleuant- d by tba laalpb bretkmtu tba brethren ware arranged in tbeeentre of tba ohuroh wblob bad beau htaatvad for tbalr tte tbey preaentad nvatbarunkiua apabbula owing to tba feet that aaoh member wore an emhlacdatkf red roaa in addition to hie badge tevbroft howarihthepator ad tba annual aertnon frooj 1 wter it t 17 1 honor all wad love tba brotbarbood fear tlod honor the king tbadlaooureawaii ably and eloquently praaeutad from tbla vary approplaia taxl immediately fouowlug tba lutbllo tnaat lag tba bretharn adionraed to tba vewtry with bro j p boarrow prddeut in tba abalr tba meeting proceeded to wov the uatml vote of tluuakato tba paaior efauruh board and oholr batal paat pgaaiaa apolta in appro- tw terete to tk mtiona a baantlfaj h of roetaweapraee bytbelodgetotuoharch a huoemua b a oandlate who u llydiojbiamkio bamforeaei waa atk am tlbtaa4 lete tuboeeaplayarappolluoe deetroyed tba gajpoja of hw fclaa la oaaaa matthews photo mwslrett acloa hmmmhmhhhhhmmblmmlmmmhhmmhmm 5 the empire typewriter 2 visible writing perfect alignment lightning m bmbperaent endurance speed a iiwl hy iii c 1 k c n k unu il uonliwl unhiwu uint koyl bnk norlliirii crown bank mloht niractatlm lid hii t- huila co tc uleltl cadiulll thtwrow av llit ciut be pilil luly od alhit raabw u ml v mwlu u to oliuutlhuvw wiluams manopactuhing company ltd luwli1wlo wiirivlalml oup hxxxx0000000xxkxxxooooooocoooc seasonable goods attn bbirtlbrnunls iollowini clmwly tlia clinngun in wcitlior conditionli our utock uiiowh a lilcrciit appcjrancu cncli week ltcepiii nlwiyn to the front tllouc ooda which the wunthcr injufiti mout in demand we have complete ufocku now in tlio lollowini line jlodlev knitted cotton vchtit and drawers ladioscottnn lmle mil silk hone ldles whito waitith low neck and nhort nfceven ladies liht weight corictii childrens underwear hosiery nazareth vvaiotn print drebteo while dresses infants jjonneti silk muclm and ntraw vesu socki and light weight hatn mens cotton underwear invisible suspenders outing shirts straw hats cool socks low collars during june july and august we close every tuesday at 1230 henderson co mill st acton oat btxxttocxxxxxxxxx jo cool comfortable clothing tot men for outings 1 and general summer wear twopiece suits straw and panama uali blawrt surtt etc id blf atsortmeitlt at utile prlcci mkmyou cannot choc better urn than tlie pnuot or m better nlgco ihiih here tu tutk yourtummer purchusra of drau xcauorta we r lturliik 1 tba dew digu in bmuwut aud uilit add have a good ajaormnt ot ruaonabl holry add underwear ttraw mil panawa data w have loo together with all tba oilier locldantali that a mad dead to be cortectly and comfortably draawl at tedtlod partlculatly idvlted lo the eauptlonalh atylleh twowlce hummer suit or men and yoanir waa vtay arolowlltaltomd add the fabric ar of that laosodable and fashlod tbla character that the aulta court com parlion with product ot tbe blbbnrlcl uilor fheroa no naaoo why you alioulda t be cool and comfortable thl aumnteiadd look it with luch a selection of hot weather toggery to choeae from aa we have aatemblod thla aaason wo place suit at while duck trousela auto dollar lanamahat oulldg bhltla idvlalble huspedder backs id cotton idle and silk ualu lmtoium lkallo m to hjhi in to enm m isto m to is ilaodel trouiers mazer coath club colors auto suite straw hala wasbtlm uudrwaar auparsle ganuadt conibidatlodaparsult collar iluea each iuftw siw add s ud4aa lto ten lto mm sri add ismto lllfor sola agadts for society urand clotbos bathldfjuulta 8c odd ttic sol egauu for aolb cantury bradd clolhea d e macdonald bros uiu cot wyttdhau ftad irhejoiuu 8let guelph out wedding in vita t10nb and announohmvnt0 tiihacue u r mat a fiutip ef wtaia ibvliaokme aum a eiwt j dauaplm ut edlee or mat to yonr vadmee a4atoduvrl house tor saijk on ro tur ou wirxow htrt utrmi be teynl and uroltwta lie efc tf mmmiiaik4iadaaannnnniaibiaia pringles sale has commenced 20 per cent off everything except kodoka goods kept as lonr as you wish and de posit made the whole stock must be sold so bar gains are awaiting you g d pringle jeweller wyndbimst cuctpb huautinrinnuuh lujiijji ji bank f hamilton catbltaj autborwed njmapm cakhutl fsddup hjwmmkt bukju tjukvxw the uem behind abanliinkltiatuutloii ketaatrenrlb aawucb ttom the wen who direct lu affaire aa from ilia actual capital invaatetl uouay ilepoaltetl in the uaiiv of himlllot u fcunnled by men well imowu for bunlflee tttaocrlty niitlatumen meti who value curlty wore than hlph proflta to thlanellcy u due a hurnlua whlcb la ctue tiuarter laryr miau iu catvltallha raault af ovtr 40 yeara conaervatlvfl mflhutfement georgetown branch w n hakay ueur the merchants op canada bank thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business malt is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but tho real secret ol his success lies in the principle of savinir one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oawrairaidupaonmmo biimviiummem acton branch f a maclean manager maimugeji0kn8im yhhijui in tlfu him 4iluat tbe m 1 mthjz p vuqovv1 u tnb rttiueeviim lks vm ahrabib voo vw e kinaalbme vn altanj okeotavo olfrel due vm will at leatl m tetauutlm ib otrftuoue uttlia4 mmtlt col sum iji 00 km eurflut caule notice to creditors ittutaamuewaaika uui af pewa x oticm lai ll srlr1wt u uimuu v i iim v ua4a ulm h taw u tajium kjtdt-oj- kvavlu r oii iae a mi hhmw mwlmmlluil4f ti vu kwj t m4 ly bat intm w eif toi hi jltrf vlllau 4 w uu p il udulfuiuuidwm e7v uu h ti u will ewttm uiblliyiiklj at wuf l ii i m lee u tbvl 1 ftiie kl fc iwtmiaam notice tocre01tor idtimkuum eflke ux mi jwkat uhhawaa uu a uw wumm wf jlwtaw la taw cemaaly we net ixvwmm jeaijsjet mvlal tjlllssirl kaajrislm ue boa h w atlw wi j m jtsi filw uu aetue tut akw had 14 e 1uju lw lae ul kmu w uw wrf oaf t h1 kmrtam w imiil el wbcane aotuf ui huw i t jtl4liaioat aiuuo few jaia aay widumas husvaart baawkur oeujuieutilayef juwiw re4 spring millinery i ulataa luwruoamasi uoayoh cordial ly invito the ladles of acloo and vicinity to their ullliuery ftooma ormu sivuiv uv aud uvwiiiia all the utast novalllaa la spring ullli uery will bs ehowu mltsm wkwuioifis if llottou ulllstelttt actom the ctyruscule sulllon king brunstane ii8i7 woyal pruc will utl iu dou1hiou howl blau aaiaa kvty wkdnesday artehnoom aeiaula ualll las uejree sal ttli al iiwu we wuta oammluaau s kahuaiaul a hie haattadllau the aulllou mrelluael hianier jiij uuvjlltl beard et oalevle aire ktue ibel lite uatua deulthtea aat tmleaee el die cl litel mi ikiat bptauaaa i- witltabaaurwei jattki uaiatrr muuit i0jmudeei aa aittew bvmijl ulllue al itam eai ibiu beta aamuled la aeteietaee w el the bkwclaee ol oelarla ebrowlaeeei luwwba lueiury bus likie tba uadahltitav wiaaellula aolicll tbe palr04ie al be jjttb- llo and laiaraw theid thai wu ktiibja4 waa btyliah blila- caff aiweya lie aectired at leu atabla a coutothabla bua ueeii all iralaa baiwaan 8 13 a ra and q ih p in caieftt alualloa ilvaa u every ortur tlia waaia u cota merclal travejlera lolly mel wiluams uvv acton out homeseekers excursion to points on the t ruiatoka- mn not them ontario hnilway hailcybury and north in northern ontario irom all polttu lu otitailaaud quebec on the grautl trunk uu4 c 1 hallwiya except went of chalk river and borth af parry souutluu the c i a tlokata at kpaelauy reduced rata food fcalria june loth add valid for ratttm tidtll june aolb sea your ueareat rail way agttat tor full wtr iicuum or ptly a j parr avatftnoriy north day odt

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