Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1914, p. 3

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wedding presents rotfara ttnlvaa 3poqnw forha ttanoy bllvarwara rloh cutqlaaa fancy china wcddlnoninos mabniaam uoflhtia laaukd geo hynds omtario keal estate varna for aulo lu hal ton peal aad welllagtou loo farme tr wali ovary ik you waat at farat write eve far catalogae ar fyoa wtab ta uoll ar axcluuute wrilcwc w have every facility far traaimftlnje bnalnaia to yame- eaatalett suafjuiactlou carres fraadearfi koliylud j 1 wiilolftilluv vata tuntf hpecltrilaii ccorajcitawa ffibi jlctbtt 3fvmifb thuiwoay juntti 10u mtp local items utij for dune rota lb ttast holiday hotailtiuwt day ontario provincial auctlona uooday june fifth it will bo haying lima altnoat bafore we knot il actou imuii wane waakly half boll- day txjiaiauj yaaianlay tin uy kkowar balpad egautiott forward tery eatltiaotorly aixptonha uuluiag boot uany bw hou 6 lalag aroctad yajjay wa tu king a blhltday tba batik gbaarvad it aa holiday wuiud llytxl alitmuud tha june wat lug j tiki couuly ckmltuji cw vuaa- juy hauauii h toll fjoadd ha again baron popular 1 alo th vana teaatba- tot id v il smuh dnmyu ulllon ha biadadaalbht tut tb ll8t of hi creditor iwriagtbealacuusi uotbi liutuay vaajag th uyjlo btrvla wad boalhai utanaluaat ttsniujti vbu hydro- kleorio rail way awonld t4 rbabtptg abd u uklng uf id gat il ur bhaswan triiuuv of th ukm lrriand iwwy baa ud in iowa daring tk weak wouldnt it b daalrabl to have that paianritt railing aaoad oil tb wppa tele buot uutfaor tb fcapfjauaauiy nalltiutaa ftou4n en it of 46tk for a pot orho and ctonmi ho at oakvilw atid a uam parcel of ckawou btiw al door of rvvtt pmkaa oaioa oaoam cm bv bam y cvlllng ur w a w tuur the uuj clldati hwat ttuvuy iti aotoo ha atatd utttamroual moods during am eaulvam uaiuidy i alom rt la vfua with tjtudoubf il ooouauatukt tabool owlua to tkri tloaj proximity ol tk juudiuuoa roajrttrtww lot tka suttuua tklwiol of wahttllloa ooutwooa to ha iwld at buriinfctoa la duy hnv law dututbed u uorrid kftmktlautd wu uauisocul hy judo eulou ut vrituy to two wdui la jaul o- tu tuft for wbtcli us liiul un tioaiultud uaiifcua otiuwih on bumlty vultiik tmltt luv b ilowwtk will prl oo ty of u tut kmlal albftitltf liyuuitbdlr titrttlowllutf wjob of lla hmuhhi oa aotoo bowllajf hom ww tliioriak auwlthoioriiowiioatu4inuy aotou woo ity two polota b iff kviifer wacltod a unaoa to tubutaaamotitbastui litutbumliyavob- tag ba ikmabbd a uua fa i mrtaoh wbloh wan aomtjva uwl tltuly bpvallujc tuotoroyoliteu are omouluff too attuarouai ott ouv town itotit utely aa oaoata feopwtli buy lring tbftta to tin o0 of umm floa highlit tt property oo dowar avauus naxfe ta ur jompb lulya dvorumd tobafcou tokw iaoridjra ou uoddavi du uot raaolt tbatrmrv bid and nttuilua utuold tb frluiioau of bower avnua liavo bd tw roadway ollad from willow to wilbur tufatta and now tlta wuonu of obttrob fitraat nw ulltlitg of bvlnjf it olud bcatltlff fueilluoa tuva beon uueb utluakl m ralry tabs during tba wtuw weatbar a vary great lutprovauaot a anawlfaaj owing to tba alatuuta of tba atuatpa huttovad by ubwiii itaardiaora at oouloafalb xjut waak bo town oouooll daoraad tbat tba urga lat twa ou oouitnahlal fit wiufcoooudowa tbadoeraa wan urrud oat daring yauhlay tuomlima atono 1u wjttd uvalud tba two wbat do you tblak of u ohmwaklwh oohhkm tfcolwoek koolh in ben in urga uuitt- lara aobta trs being almost dauuded of bawtt wltb uiaiu uptaylag uema to ba tboouly iudy for tbu it and avory- oaa kbould apcay titeli ordbardu to gat rid of tba ueata abd it would ituprov tba s km joiib crinv ttuuty friombt will la korry to uant tbat aba la ui vary poor news w local import htaltoa itmmmvlmumlmi to o ltormmbortltooiauralon 6f tlm htoi prmta inuutuu to uulli uotlel vn o f xl on jiitkibdand 0 t il itttli tlwlunkl rateti afor umeuldeamopoaur annual uoetlng in 1rinoaah tbmthl ullton oo jnna sib at u ik w tfcat wallam mon rtootmnlaaf w 0 ttevarolt of fluolph t ownu to day the vlotblng atorti forttly oooujol by clbo j waluoo wltlt ait uplodau atook of taena and youiyf knonu olotblng tind cuniwilub ur uaveroll i xrienoad olotblng miui abd come to aouki bearing atroog raootomotmuljoiui ttaoaaiatowow ttmw otorkt auwl tmaa at tba tnoating of uoorgotown olunlolml council but weak after oouakuring apji natloika for tba poalkon randaml vacant bytluidimtlaortkauto u w ktmnody uhj following anttolnttoawilio wairo touiilo i clark iv llaaui at tba aaury of 2a0 par yean trbtmmt jobn w kennedy at tlm aauiy of 20a notmomaa af hm lbuad kaualac tim famd htort hlwl bk4 wnliww wlilob war ao eeriouhly daroagad by ira a ooupla tj waaka ago md being tapidly raitalrail a oota4otly new roof baa bean pleoed on um jnd btora and operation aa im iwogram oil wlndowa and jiuida rttalrfilg tba ona and of tba hax roof luut laeu irapuoed aad tba ptaotiaa gaoar- alty ara being put la hrt4lai oondlllon a briok frott will be put id ur and lira ii ciwwwmj ulltoa apaut tiouday wltb friaada bart ur aad ura it fjaavlua audcblldran ioalpfa apaut tba wfek and at u alax crippa hit a j murray aoutu wni huttday alur wa murray ur if if brown of tba royal bauk 1 lualpb labolldaylagai bit parantu botao laara ura a molntoab aitd itlut tc crippu apaot tba weekend wltbfrlandjiuoutilttb aawaaa or otataaaatai p cuiafa a tnatoary will aualy daatroy tba aanaa of aaaah and oomplately doraaga tba wbnle ayatan wbati atleiing it utroagb tba raaooaa aurcioat bueb artkdaa abouu bavar la uaed axoept on kraa6riptioaa frou raautaud pbyaloutia aa tba ilamaga they wal do u ten fold f u rood you nan toe- atbla dariva frotn thaw mull catarrh garaj maiialvctarad by v j cbaaay a co volado ol ountaioa no mercury and i taken lutaraally aotlog dlraotly uhjo tba blood and raoooua aurtaoea of tba ayatan in buy 114 ifalla catarrh cure 1m aura you gat loo genuine it la taken internally and nude n toledo ohio by v j cbanay a co teatlaaoalau free hold by all druggutav w i aaua vaaly hlb for take a leak lu tba corporation dam at tba pownt boa tot baa lonm tba water hi tba pood to an uauuully low point for tbla aaaidd of tba yar hepalr tjtould be inade at onoa ouifwua tla adpfjy of waur to on gtavltauon bulna to tba r uaka in tba oanua of tba town will ba aavstad tba decaying vgtbl tutu od tba bordwa of tba pflod u all a uaauoa to tba pallia baellb laainjma gwm av cotna aw a tba luviutloa aiundd by aawadoob liury botuy ta atund tur auuttul gardaa pariy to ba bald at laalwa iklj nut tjy juna otb tba prograuua will be provided by jabwa wax tba butd cooiadutt of toarwlo tba lauria boy tba javaalla abtafulnara of htautow and tba uatbndut hoanuy 0vu a adjnaaaawlllbuoudjiwar ad ly wall kbowd pabuo taaaca aaaaaaa arin4a4a aallavay otaaaat tlta toronto haburlavk railway coed luy ba oo plated tba laylag of iba tl to uaadowvala tba ooaauuoliimi our taobad tut point 0d hatardy bat boaw tba will ba tatjalfad to tmotpuu tbel brugad batwaad uaadowvald anj oualljl bt it la tbat tba caw will ba rwunlog ovaa tba hd bafora tba fall urajatplod cwtaarvatot tba ooolreotora qocbbaauoail uylag blaal bard 6d tuafc aaj tbat looka kkaa unji i tfc maaaiaaa ckawab want tohaauy luv u v llrapar wlu ba attandlag ooulaatau at bt ckuuriaad rmt fldbday tba aervlos id tba evading will ba conduct ed by tba epwortb laagua ur john l uoora ooe of tlie looal imauibara of tlt cburob praa tba ua of the aar- vloa lu tba uornlag tin pulpit will ba oooaplad by kav ur wtuaaou tin young penaobar who baa baea tba paator of uta ooagragat tonal cbureb cfaureblll witb bueb feooaptaaa aluoa laat aprlng baaaauaaaadualoaua bdiadauaaa bav bead intbelr glory no tba lawna tba paat week or ao ttte agri cultural oouagae give radpaa for their enlinotloa wblob are retbar dlfioult for tba avaraga dueeu to oanry out tba raoat oaaotlva raeana for odrtaillng their revigaa la to aow lawn graaa aeed gaaaroua- ly over tba tawu early aaab apring tbla not only dlnalnlabea tba d but gauarally tblckana tba turf of tba uwa tba aeaaoh for tba daudelioa la about uier tbey will oauaa lluie mora troabla tbb eunttder jtuaa haatlaw aa woaauuaw laatltuta tba juaatneauag of tba woouaa in- eutute will u held lit tba vubllo park hatutday afteruoon june eth at iio otolook ura o t coo tba diatrlot rvaabuut will ooadaet tba uaeuag ura nawaon of purkhill ana of tba beat akaakaraaedtout by tba department will glvoaus addreea tha outof ugbt thbga ofufa tbataeetlagwlllbalatbaforta of apla ulo aad tbeueadwd are auaatd to bring provbiona and tbraa fudlt and ihraa eupa if weatber provaa uacavorabla tbla meeting will be bald in tba council chamber kverybody welooma aaaaall maatlag a meeting of tboaa lutereatad lu baaa- bail wu held but week and tba following ooelala vera alaouj i honorary evoaldeot if h holmea rvealdent jno cbuka vloarvealdentw a fitoray uanager v a uaoleau cupuioj h cbuka bactraajl b eduoada arralugaadiata ar uow being nuda to form a leagua looladlag oud wllliama riaorgetowd aotoo and hookwood tboaa preaeut at but uaatlog ware aa followa i u badltb u obrian it swaek bamar 8 woau j clark ai barv c a lalabuaur p wiiuamm krla brown it bmelta a hiueabmud and 8 vduonds aubarajdotutloa u looked for from tba rauifl coma out and taoouraga tba boy- cou melvin sowsbt in the hip wat che wltka caaajaaalloal atajair- law taa yaaaoiaw umu uauday turn hukouar mot- locataib oo tdiidty af taraoott ualvlu soper and erneet barr of if aadatam a ooa two boon oorapanlooa ware oat uaylag tbeuaelvaa on tba aral toeeday baubouday of tin aaaon oa tba ibora of ralry taka tba young fellowa bad aaob a iaaau ij ttallbra riaa aad war bring at object oa tba laka about four oclock tbay bad jaet drad uajetbar at aa object aad warn la tba act of recharging tbelr mapootlva gtuta uelvlu beiugaiaoaortwolii advkumtoof bu oout pamlon in aoau unaeocuntabla wauaar kcmlaa rlua waa aocldeatally discharged aiul tba bullet lodged la ualvbta right uu ur lake waa immediately aotltled and 1w nikon of oaorgatowa being in town wltb bla eeae liny hurried to tba apot ami brought tba unfortunata vloum of tba accident to bla fatbera boma oi cburtdi utraat tu doetord lpud rot- tba lullet but wara uneuobeatfa id looatng it tba wound eppeera to b only naab wourwl but tba looatloti el tba bullai la ufflllog tba patient waa ukao to oaalpb hoapiul yeatarday that tba xraya atay tbera in uaad to lo it vor aalo or ajnhaaga tor hal too far 012 aorae in uaaltohe 1 mlja from fetation andaioaoraa in beakaiobawoa tmlla frootateiioa alat njilaakpan and both on main u4 cl if r apply to p h ikmoon tjomoto or w b clameata uutoo tragic accident at george town uotel alaannu voreumlnhaiva wnv rraatpluunor tttlav wo4an avail chlldxeu rlvm bjmiouaily injur hd all au lln haag trooblot waa pawing lu ualn ktraet oorner at noon on tlmrwlay but aonui tlilrty woman und ublldreii wlto imii taken advantage of the hotel beunatl verandah in order to too uto urado uro proclpltalwl to tlm paveinout imiow wimii the alruotura gave way unlar tlm weight it waa currying tbera we no warning end not evon tboae at hand roauced wlial wait luipenlng until it wu all ovar utul tin itrulawl atul wuilutlad worn lying in it heap on tin bard kivetiuiut willing luinda imnmktly aiwltod tliu wounded and dootorauml nuraeu werotwiit for imwedlauly niul arrived in minarkumy abort uma thorn moat aerlotialy injnrml were i ueggta uuoat id year obi of lltiwll- luitu faoo lady out ami arm itrobou ura bage of lotuloti ont atul riatigb- tor of ur and um jolii waller town ifaoa badly out antl oxtarihlva ikwiy trulto now in oualpl hotpilid ura htuokart of cliarlomton loft irg lroken in oompound fracture above tin ankle haul qoott 13 yaara old of f jmelwuui right arm broken ihmiald uckey ualllnafad back lnurl tin he mrioiuly hurt duporfted aftor tba ao6tdtt and unlr hauii ere not learned axaepllng ura mucat wtto n malnad at tin hotal to tar fur inr dauult r ura uuoat waa badly uiaketi up tba varandab la front of tba hotel was puked wilb wotdon and children watching tba olnsda praoaaeloti luua along tin atreat tba atruotura wa uot old antl waa eontld aradaubla but ode of lb poalo lupport lug tba varandab at one end auddaiily bueklod at a joint and tin floor above abutted downward under its unsupported wabjbt and bung forward at a lect angld all iba people on that tart of tba verandah loat thair ftuutold and tlu hlida off tin edj laodlag od tba concrete pavttiunt balow savaral including a baby ono yar old eaodpad witbout a acraub thar waa oodalderabla eaoitantadt afler tin ouuapaa wt itolblng avvroaohlng a pealo tba clreua linweduuly uoppd andi at ettll to tha ahow waa tooxrutf randar akt tin leorge town dootora war aumuoitad nod otbera camafrocd aetod awl brampton uo that tba injured raoalvad prompt attention tba latoat raporta from tboaa who were injured indloaia that all are progtjig eavordbly loorfatown harakl krohkrrah muatialw a pratty waddiug waa holemnlaed in hi joaapba cbukb oo saturday idomlng uaymtb atuoolook wlin alfred wed arlok vord for three year a reaidant of acton waa united in marriage to ulu uaod klaanor piiiar lata of new haven buex kdftund kav pallnr traynor aakj tba nuptial hum and preformed tin eeremody in tin pcetioe of a urge coo gragatioa in tin abaanoo of her urenla tin brida antared tba church ou tin arm of ur alfred rvaderiok vord 3r father of tin groom to tba etralua of uendebaolm wedding uaroh played by ulu irene uulboiloud orgaalat of tin church tin brida wore a gown of white cakmera with eagllab trimming and a tulle veil taught with orauga maaaoma bba oarrud a boquet of whit roaea and uliea of tba valley and were an ametbyetand gold roaary tin gilt of tba groom uar brideamiilda were uluu vlorenoa cord auvterof tbagrooiaamlulsii etlvel benton tbey wetaaiwrclurmlngly attlradlawbltavohadraaaiba carried fcheave of pink roaea aud wore gokl and pearl broocbaa tba gift of tha groom tba groom waa attended by mr if walker after tba regletratloi the wedding party motored to tba bouw of tba groom parents where aeubetanltel wedding tuwakfabt waa aarved tba toaat to tba itride propoaed by kav ratbertvaynor waa responded to vary appropriately by the groom tits popularity of tba young oouple waa fully by tba many congratulatory bieaaagaauod numaroua vuluubla vrmnti received promluattt among which waa a fine mantle clock from bl joaapba choir aud ocugragatloai ur and ura rord will realde oa church btroet acton and have tba beat wlabaa of tba community mhnohawraj avahic or oamaoa personal and travel notes boa tail atrtd feraooatl itatnal oflntan olaaahibu dunimot tmafl walatlc ur aimi mi wlllum wluumu vmtoi frleiul in ouelph on hiimlay mr aiwl ura k y moore anil tfooolyn of toronto wera at uoorooroft nvor hun day mr a k nicklln leavcu itent wotk n a trip to calgary urm a j iurviuof rjintottton allxria vlultd acton rribudu tlila uoek mr 11 n thuru of ingeruill lilld hlu mothor utul olhar frleudit 1wi laut week mr alex ii brown and uimh aluertu leave ucut tiuxwlay for winnipeg to vlult mr 1 knrr llrowti uud fumlly tlicre mluw klitutflhutlloworth of huuclivlllo uiul ituoo ur iuilthto uurltr wcro gi0jtu with mim may ijnduay ut mr n limluiya o or smuluy mra una uavll ilrlot bocrcury of ifaltoti woutaiia luttituoi lu hiutndlng tlui wcflu ntloiiiliiig initltiita htmtlng throuuht tlm ooiinty lotnmeticliig mtumi on molay miiu idtnrd ituhy luft au tufifadny for her lui i m ut cochrane allkirta ml lluhy haa for twelvn joaruhojii n rldnt of acton rtlto leavou nuiny warm frlenda inro wlio regret omooedlnulv hor removal at the canada tmovo work bho wan a general fuvorlto bohkl obhainvatiohal ithauooino to our kuawlwlgo thal ihlu tmilumii luul wock guvo gravo onoiice or croatod grluvanoo in thn miggeulonre tho cleaning up of the uld oemetery an to making a chlhlrenu vltgrouivd tin writer would bo very wrry to wound any owiw fanlliigu reganlhig tin remaiuu of daiiarted loved cui aivd to all wlto may feel thuj wo tomlcr regret a careful reading of tin paragraidi will bhow that about tin wort aald waa that it might not in ucrtlogo to thua uaa tba ground till j wan uiotid on tin present oottdltlon atul uuo whut hail ln ilono ekovliere tbla utilltarluti ugo lu not otor given to radikact for tmntluvent may be not coough w in aoton we ivat e three orfour former luwatm of divliio worship lined fur dwollingu or lhiuoe purjiofaea hacrcl and very tender raoolloctlonaourulnly mubt cluster around llnre atwl irobably it i not with out a uug tlul many luvo rogrdod tlmwa traniiformatlatib uuryiug grounda ivavo been known to in levelled and iihed for otlnr purpose in aonie puoea tha groat- eat teaclnr tin wotkl cverknewoouuwillwl that undue oaring for the mortal remains of lovoil and lott wax not tlta blglveitt oonoem and ao in view of tlm fact that tin tropsrty in rptattlon lu already plooe for puy and occasional atulatiam aa well aa a plaoe of revenuo as a lrry uub gruveacrno gravea the hint waa thrown out that it might in wall to into it heautt ful and make it a plaoa uf inneilt to tin ruing gencrritlonandellmluato tin ruthloaa acrambliug in berry tljae nolvody haw any roaaod to oajioct tliat tin autltnrituut ore gulug to rukli to follow tin iiuggcatlon it is not likely oven to in taken in in uirlouu cons id oration but once moro observer fool tliat tin old oeimtery tin dopoaltory of tin remains of tin mau who took tlnir pbio in earlier life of tin community la entitled at tin handu of tba uraaanl cltiumjilp to a much moro reauotful ami illgullled treatment titan it at proaeut reoolvea a while many may mm no ivowl for it tlvere ui certainly aometbliigmajebtla in tlte roll of uurruy uolkmakla hall one 1 oa it reverberated over tlm district adjiioent ta tin park while umpiring tin game after all it giveaiuitoun added dignity to tha splendid form of uport he uraper in hi leaaouu from tba hail flold in hi buiubiy night uertnon la uald to liavoapoken wltli a kitowledga of what be waa talking ultout uud to itavn done it very ebaotlvely too it hi quite in una wltli orilwdov method o praaclilng touke the oooupatlon of mana dally uvea aa a budlurnjdpraaeiitltig the divine kingdom in the world fjfeay- tha annual atatemeat which will ap pear next week abowa tbat the uer- ebanaa bank of canada baa juat eoocluded j vary aatufaetory year with tut profit amounuagtolaib tbla e eulval ant to 1vw par cent on tba average paid- up capital wblcb in vuw of tbaaomewbat uaoariaja bualneaa oondltlona pravalllog during tba year uuat be regarded aa aauataotory compariaoaa witb pravlouu year are made tomewhat dlbcutt owing totbafau that in loiatbaflaeal year waa bbangad frotn kovembar fl to april ho and laat yeava report cowred a period of odly ova month cbmpariug tba figure of tba year wbleb luut juat oloaed wltb tboaa of april lgi uura bava uati ibcreaaee la capital- atook in tba twt aobouot a tba aavlug dapoaitj la be beak coin and baluoa call loan ajcad curreabloabe la ca a id tota tu uttw now uadt at m7ii w oomparad wltb wb7at0 ayear ago a fartbar amrmlaatlori of tba bank aule rnaot abowa tbat dividend requlramaau for tba year abaorbad mo4j bank- iraulaaii ooouttt sloo1mi daptaoiatioo in nvejt marda 911110 and oftloat peualoit fund 0mumwh tba capital ami raaarva are now aaca t7mft000 uallug tba uerciauu bank rattb botb la tba rdaitar of paldup capital roat ami total aaaaja aa oua of ou btrgoat fiuaiiclal inatluatloiia aataat wau oldatwrtniarwa la taaaaball aoaowpahled by a number of mttbuaua tla aupportara tba haaeball team of glen- wlllunu ouaa bltbw ratturday jtaracod to tvlay a kama wltb tba loou team no jarubig feature wcro tnamlfod uutll tba but innluga wban tho aooriug of a ooutie of runa by tba local hoy blade a rather teoaoaltuauodforaiurloil hut tba rally ouaa too lata tba lead uuob the tllon bad malotalned all along waa not aum eleatly dimloubed to affaota victory the final aoor waa 8 in favov of tba fllaa tba wbola acton team worked welt to- getbar ajaouuly pndaaworthy beta tba pitohiogolbawbdowoda vfaa kaaup of botb teen ware ua fouowa i aetoti t f wuuaaw b- soaua uao brdlut j curk v a uacxaan c laabwan a dunn at allan n tkaelu flkuf wlluanu i k orahaaa wajn x wain a badtb w maaajog a rtbanka r helps the sick tojet well a oaael rriaj t glh wu8 tba letlaa tulow la oaly oua of many that abow how glh wlxb araragardad by tboaa wbo bav uaad tbatd mm it my duty to tell you that oiufpill3araaaurcura for kidney trouble aud la grippe i auffarcd ao much wltb my kldneyi aud la orippa until i used gin wlu ami uow would not ba without tliaiu in tlia liouae i aliall alwaya kcouiiuctid uin 1iejlh to aniouo i know la auhcriug wltb thebr afuliteya muu kl buytuh vahcodvhm tt c gin p1luj are aold ou a poalllve nraotw uf woiwy refuaded if tbay to riva rallaf goe a bow 6 for la50 batuplafimlfyoawritanatlottal dntg and clictulcal co of cauatl yatlluthutlw idcd tonld for uli ihlutwole flobcut forjso3ay no more high prices w6e wcd clothing co hat a surprise for ihc men of adon and surrourninr counlry hlghgrado j clothing k and furnlablngs at prices that j suit tho f purchaser thursda v june 4th 1914 in tka stand formarly oooupladl by o j wallaoa in aoton jt opan one or tha moat uplodal mana and young marta clothing aund furnliklntf a sloraa mad toordar sulla a apaolalty a laughlair in prlooa for iha opanlng day thur3day pfllday and saturday jomc 4th 3u and 6lh i have luaolngeticy for the fatiioua scotland woollen mill made toorder clothing ikitt no morn or mo lea pit guaranteed or no moa oy line cnrf led hplu hody undo and made to order negligee altlrta worklugatilrta alroetpanta working panta ovsjrall in all line amucke waterproof coila hat cai tie collar iox arm liaiida garter collar and curt buttena tiudcrwour amleveryttihrg you require you will find itaro below i inetttlotfa few of tlte many bargains no old btooh to bej found hare evany arilola and avary prioa la rfanulna 5 mens stills in all almdea of tweed and wontaxl nil ula 34 to 44 acid in regular way at f 1100 opun- ingprlco atttto ijoo auila for 1000 thle lino cotialita of blue brown and grey in tweed and woratod nothing to compare willi the nt 0isoo opening price 01ooo ill 00 sulla opening day lteoo bcotland woollen mllla uade toorder aull iiko btylo craft made- toorder bulla 0hloo up to 30e0 boys suits aclai sio openlugday mens hals i have every new hat that made in ulraw fait and hard hat space dont allow me to uxcrlbe tliem frlcea nre i tic up to tm mens waterproof coals in all eliea up to 46 theae coala are all imported and worth double tha prke i ak for opening day 1 handle a apodal line ot ttoyu snlta so to j ajrjh s 7 so conta for fe tfoo o00 t v utto ijoo doo ihoo guaranteed waterroot lnr the men who have troiiblo in getting good reliable working wear read tlilu hut overalls union made hegulari9j gloo 100 overall ho s htt bmocks to match worklnr shlrl a 75c tot to clear at ooc dlack aad wfalt strip caforihl utrlni and ulil black and blue odd paul price sieo up to mm mens fumlihlnr the neweit and wont up to tlato stock in america collar the arrow make aforuttc khlita negligee arrow blilrta the beat mada keg vis0 for 4hoo negligee bhlrta in every leading liattern with collar or with detachable collar uegulatrfi 3 for uc mens ncdiwejr 1 rc rpenlng price wtkc yjc tlea tho iieweat and beat allka fancy aatln aud ueg 75c for ttoc other llnea are hookon long tie and bow bait wing socks bocka 1anoy silk socka 7sc for voc joe for stfc 3bc for c o pair for ittc- a grand working tax ittc underwetr meua balbrlggan bhlrta and draweni1glw mans torlekuilt shirt and drawer boc mena combination suit cuff lluk rog soc for xac arm llamli 10c ijcaod sc come in nnd tfot acquttjatad im a tiood sort of fellow and llka company 0 j wallaces old stand w c deverell mill st acton ontario takm9ksk3ak9a big firg shl6 all dry goods in the store at 60c in the dollar fo 15 dh m saxe will clear out fche whole of hie stock of dry goods olothing linoleums oilcloths and carpets in the next 16 days at the above great reduction the following low prices will prove that he means business wonderland moving ptoturo show our films are changed every night we show admimlomiaotvmla i r l gregory prop ladies goods y r- ladies silk waitu xt 275 for siyo ladies print and crepe waists all bires 5 ladies house dresses is ladles shoes lif all kinds ribbons silk9 yds for gg all prints yard jooda at m pure blk silk eg 135 yd cor j ginghints and sateens at per yd 18 mens goods mens suits mada by w r john ston toronto regular 1350 for t9ti tweed suits regular 8 to 10 for cm working shirts all sizes reg 50c jm mens working shoes made by london shoe co retail at 375 iw pineshoes tan and black for e linoleuma 4 yds wide english for per yd vie linoleums a yds wide canadian 3sc oilcloths at 98c square carpets at etc on the lr union carpets per yd jc bhrghlns for kll silihio comb 7vv skxe will strbbtf wgton ji actons electric chopping mllilj mj chopping fqrollin done daily satisfactiom guaranteed flour and feed for sale mmmliihhsmolotmmlll i s i h ybi la where you will find tba lataat blocking id derby g u well u tha uteat thing in borrhats wa baa a atyla and a a ahape to at all countenance at a price to fit your jhtte btep m lu geatlenten especially you young maa aud let attow you b bow well we can plaaaa you g the new straw mats aad panamas are saw tor j your inapectlen b f caldwell acton r e nelson tklua ogsua orr g i

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