lis mamuthn 0iimkt4om aki umt till i i mis l lljj bald sm iii wlil june of by ob totut jtv iauiiltibcr liu amr mofcllof nhvibh cwimvti on i lit iur uv imlli ly itav u j trelmvtil mfbjtil luv l lil uh u vamfnuy only mr sud lira j u yxnifr tlii 1 1 hi titim ulfvmmymiliiciiiiiiuiaauy vt vluy jamtiilultubaatl itwllton an ilk iv mfmoiium itbitoma lu ul l i lovlrnf tuauary of iii tuxi wuodud juim ait ww a ftotf ihslbsr kitielhmiuhr a ultbkll iuod wtiau aba iiam i ih day btus nlatitai alia atlltrxad tli wait loreur but i in vlm i too ht booia ml bv liar irumii4nt ami v aullv bt tott jfrt ris t11uiihiajunu ii ull i wdltoftlal notes tin llkiiiurof tha uutomoliho jmftru hon lnonur far tho jouroiwlluir itoouni lur 1013 huowu llio nm1iortf mitomohiuu owned liy nutldantfl nflkio itroinco uu 7h 0 w or aooocmrtodaliot or one out of every qj fwuij in tho iroilucoi 3 111 ure ownol tit ruril part and i dlngc 1000 itelnfl uto property ol fanner kou that tu alurla oil atrllio has tfovej lo ite ft on would bo juhlillol in looking for sreawalmniiiu- of tho hm tlwtliirttlu u64tni cuuiiu which ha tma alauia tlnul for tlm luut eur 1u- port that tha fcloclt of nuiiierouu dafcloi knaet oowuous luu lwau maikeuul in urg4 quantltum uuw tliat tlio public lu ua tr to ft la oa die now flood tliluu us itwi to bt lu on reoiint raid lat 0iututttlwi it 1 to lw llopod llow ever that ell luvoaton will iw umtrd with bautioa and tlikt liucnlor will ivot ua boon fonpii tho 1 itter kjnii f tlmjkut nliw to0ttlli4 iitliaw tlio oitktoiit tlalitiieui o woiy will not lu mi unlioaldiy tiling at lis pciit tiuhoent oh it uill caum mora uliiute liivfctliatioii of ofgihiik- unul buoatm vuutitxtui in katudlay mu i in v v v vihlat of llurllnulmi tliu iii- rata of 4ltrt ita h t1 ron cuiuliilito for tlio obbjirti ltliii for tlio lcutktiir ifo wiu itoru ornl i nuijjlit up ivuir hurlintou abj lut lotitf immii oim of llw toajlirf hri of tltd oouuty ho urwl mr a w vwkt uio tli uru to tavo u tlm work ol aoaulkllutf tl iiullun kanwru laatilute ur vuior t prominent nu a fclook rauer owl fruit funner u laoilnik butnurof the iiurlintoii vrult irouciu afaweutloii uiwt a euiufcuiit ttiwiioraiwu inmh yor a iiumuor of yeuru tnwlor uw tltmt etwl fcuoonllnjf lilhtrultitoraiuenti uwu mtduer of tlio haluui iloanl nf lfeviue csawidlulanero provlnff lilmulf an aouot aiul llmi oilmluutrdtor ifo liaa alol 0oniuttl iila ordanlutloii ami in maklutf thoiouih karouul caavd ilia atitiaherii in sanguine that iio will reiloom tla ooubty ttn3 toronto woru in it lotwlliiy otlltur uloti bfoiuliiy ukul i mr rouell luu u vlut to be uroud of tlio fltte ileiiioiibtratloa l6volil la mjuwey hall and he hs tlila k0dtioi to diva hi oi ooufulctico tliat if lla ontario votera wpod to lib opruul u uiey du to tha itoua puhlwlle of lodriaea yeara ago ha will lie returned to th loguuturo at the uul of a uotkling uajorlly tta bltuattoii la a more critical one lot the government uuin their aup- poheta geturally ooooehe ttio pfrowui of lodgpwttdent electoral opinion haa lirought axout th feellug that govomtueiiu okul or the ulvatttaga of the governed and that ho heuesta are rooulrd aoolal hloraa urnrttly neadad auil irteanure doited in other enlightened conitnunltlcu are hpa for enplloatlan in ontario it doea uot uatur which iartyglrea reltaf to long aa relief im given no govemuent li utotawi on tha htrongth of what t luu flotml itckn only rely on the strength of hfct lb la golnjf to da thla it la whloh glvea the opttokluon an equal rbanoe in bvery elaouon ad oppotilttan if it tn eonvlnoe tha people maydftbagreatllilnga u any goveniuenu sir jam whitney baa prouued to oootlttuo hie rireaanb oueua air howell prowlwa to ahoiwi the hay aad laaututo tan reforui tha poaluve aetor in ur rowauii ilatfom ilt with inauy iveonle outweigh uie aentlia hoooraue and progralve iat- a good deal la ulug aabl in uie puuio tweet ra town planitldg willi a low to tlio uurlieaulyor convenience vf the eltlou ud town now growing upw if ti town liutuiuui ooutululoit wero to vluit acton it la very prohahlo tliat a rocoininemlatloii uoou uiidaih opreuervefjohhlolilllfrtmii luabuolion ly undermining for jrraiol eohauy one of the lilghut if not tho very blftbt apot in halton it afford a kjuitdu vauuige ground from which to vle the tutdaeape nor at thiu tlmoof year oee only doeu the lieauty of our troo hul towtt apviar to advantage hut tharu hi aplendul vlhu extending in tlte djrttuooa of erin itookwood cuiuphell vllld oeorgelowa awl polnta nearer or farther xtuuoiverydlmcuuefaoaaaaand wall twpaya m vltlt hy lovera of uaturoa beauty if acton ever la u aybteui of wauir mttkbueof fhe prorumlllonii la tliat tho ecorage will have to lie aomewliere up there tux if reaervolr wouhl ho uuolliorof the reaaooa or curlnh n olovatlonu attd no town iaumimb oouimlmlon would lea v acton without pointing out uie need or toon in yea very noon to come amid the turdetim and carm of 1 to tldu bet weather aa you go along tlm kirect if yod would like to amlle tale alooh at your uueaaayou walk la refloated in home of tha plawglaaa window ofexia mivvmm rok imdubthv tlte at of twr reailera la nailed to tlttt advertuetneut of tlui hu ftwrenco hlhrev duok yon cow patty ltd oluirlotui towni x k ifchuwl a graat aionuut of aaooay ha beau uuule lit the fox imtalneaa inp b hhuul and uie outlook la brighter tfetnever v oompaay la well yeoot and ngaj aa tefereooe tho canadhui benk of ffpoaaiaefne cbarktttocowu p e iluml board 01 tducatlon tr0u0lls a copulation t p titer of sim- vrold denuikml atnar4ra- mntf ninth and amotiittn rtooas kunwiaifbd iii 1 1 in iwrfurmuium of tlnlr dutltm ii kmliir town llio lhuml of ijluoatfon flwlu km if iiifctmilly i oiifiotitoil with how dlltloiilllomuiid itio nooewilly for largo ex imindihirow nf jhimio monies two yearn k thn growing kiiiihitioii of miltool uga rwulrti1 tlio ixulliliif of uil wdilltlonul room unil tlm uninloyiiioiitof un uilditiuiuil tcuclmr liut jtur mi uddltion tci tho btliool building mu loniaiidod hy the iiiicallnii itopartincnt htill tlio prlumry luoiiiu uurotroudwl atid with a iew to iliuiiiik tho infcjuro tho plan in vogue in varloubodior towtiu vum adojuml uiul llw ngollnimfor twglnncru una raluyl to kin jtiiru t iho nwhjling on monduy oven injf n ilnimilalloii ronslutlng of tif 1u1i uiiiiiiiiui hlilhimld hud mouru uin itciil and itftl l mfohioruon uuffml t4hi ii o iliwrd lnnijulnwl that llelr clilhlreu udo uetii nluiot bu jcvnrw old hd hieu milt frin tlm boliool ami dmrtamlwi tliat mi iiililltlmitd room lie nqupud ami an ilui teatherongairhl mi that all clitldien over iws jvurn imy lie urxniivodall lr iltill italdi tin wihnol u ho vt limit u horitiigo uiul bliould if uvill mutaln hi it lailm iluty nf tlm llounl lo provlilo uu uihllllouul tciulur u tlmt every mlituiycr inuj m iui lilu elilhlrcn t mluml wlinn tloy ure live jeam of ago if they deulro llo ioulitel tlio rfuor of the hoard to tukv the action now in froe rchiung to admit iuidu umler ix jearu of ugd lfo dl i not w mi to 1m urutrarj hut felt that imi had a right to wnd iiih imy to mi1001 118 ho in now jx na of ago mr u iteld conleiuleil tliut uoootnuio- lutlon utouui im itovii1mi for ull chlldidii of wjiool iigv my loy will not h ti yearn for a inontli uud a half yet imt i fdlttty tore uun he vau fcoat hotoa an chlra teacher khould tto wigj conrvelllor mcdonald kald hu vuwu coliukul with uumi ol tho irevlouh njk ck my illtlo uirl 1 think liau wuiuntab otlioruof her og ami tliough iibaily bin ami urge for liar age uie uiu bout iwuii i tlioufcu tliut it un ralur arutrrj to boiuhier iwmim liorjhtty ix aiuiouu to liavetlie itoaril ho at coonoinical in uiolr oifttiulilur uu uilud hut ell eitlwna uioukl lulvuui jirlvlhigoof wmlliig tliclr cliimien to bchool at flvn ira m imuii liaiikriancoflf flvo jar luw givn nvo anlleuuf thodlfilaultlauof limn in itulllo ti r it uah uiiggobtwl uut iliu demiutumi cliutil ite u luitition anwhiff tlio rate uera iwaylu tlm iloani to engage an aitihuonal tcmlir to tliu tunclllor molkmahl ragribd tliat llilu wouhl lie hanlly fair to tlto dwj t itlou au im vtuu bnll uwmtwthutinanynite ruyoru wouhl opjioo it tho hoard kimvi tlmir duty and they hhoutd do it mr mclliemon gri with wluil tho ouiom luul uiil hu hoy wau narly ux uud toil lti bout imuva and uiey felt very boraoverlt lie won in favor of uta eu ikloyment of another teacher chairman jolnibtone awl the metuura of tlte hoard explained tltelr poaitlon the primary room now has alktj pu pile enroll ed and ovory of than la over uik your of ago tho action taken in limiting iho age virlicu iwgliiuoni wont to lo admitted to mx yoaru waa ooiibuleut with blutlur aouott litieu by baurdi in ioorgtown miltou llurlingtan fialt and outer ivuova in foot ullton and hurling to a liaoe tlte age for admualon at oeren yaara they were biuioua to do the very utiooet for the benefit of tlte children of tlia town but liail alnved at eoouoimle admluutratlon of ao ualtera the uutwr ol tha equipment of an additional room atul engagetneitt of another taaolicr wouhl iw glvou careful consideration tlie iloawl could awure tlio depuutlon if tlto rutviuyera dualra it tho ndilltlonal accommodatlou will im irovhled mlu howie uiwlereil iter realgnatlon aa ataloant teacher in the continuation he la highly recommended by luupeoter ui1u waa engaged to 111 tha ooaney at tlie aame oaury ua miu howie via floo00 ulba vetla melliorbon wau re engaged at tlte baury of ltuw00 tho bmreury won inatrueied to odvrr- tlse far fwo teaohem hohling kottnal school urtlacatea to hu tho vaoauolm cauted ly the retirement of mhaea llley ami wutean at tha aalarltw of 50a00 eaeli mian nellie wllluma uppllotl for a ii tlonon ilia ataff the aulli riot of uto commltloo on iiiuuce pojiaed the following oooounu i jtmea warren nurvylng lot sis 00 jiiinea bymou nupiillea 402 ie j haomwl 7a if 1 moore pottage exwem etc a 17 823 h4 caiotakor coleman reported tho rope on tliellagblaflfoutof owler it won doolded tnremovo tho blaff from tlio tower uiul oroot it at noma tuiltahlo point on tlio nolinol groundo hie itoanl tlton udjouruwl watoaaaddonaadddai roekwood chopping mills all chopping will be done npeedily and well 011 plates or atoneu tlour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris v co limited 10okwood ont uaaanoodaanddtjn xjx it jcixti x bus lino the uadertlgsad reapmirully kolkli the palroaac of tba pab- ikr and lnioma tbcm that wu sqtuplmd ud btjuah filjfjt can aiwaya tw aecurcd at ifiu klabhr a cootlottawe bua meet all trauubetweaa ill5a ra and 8 jh p to careful nlteotloa tlveo to every order the waste ol com marcul traveller biuy mat wiluam5 uveiv acioo oat uakxlmaralu mr and mru j h haycit hiivugoitoiii 11 trip t3 tho wet mrw t hinnli of nvul mtx matullundlr utn hlllunfuotmlutook wehi tlm guitblu of mr uiul mr itu koukel on huudu wt lender out uyniuilliy to mr uud mr- juinoh v tjlinpliell lu h of uu ir nu immtlm ohl uoi who uun luriwl on nun ddj mr ami mr- 1- tlnmhluof acton viblt- b1 lhillluufuit frlendw huuilay mr uud mtv a mufxiau of atlon wera tlie guubtu of hth lino frlenduon hun da mr ikiuiild mokuy of tho uth hue who viu hart hy tho fulling of tho vuratula ut uiehennett hotibo fjoorgvtowu two weoku ago lu btlll confliiml to hu bed mr taiivcu lllnnlo uho wuu iujuruil ut tlio uumi time lu ohle to go urouml with tho aid of a ohkwbo fe juito u iiihiilck aro wit ring fruul inlilw mr juiiitm uuumt tr hoekwnoil vuit od uie humlny hclmol hero on humluy uml gavo uu okoellant kjldru mtti m crovrboii im nmloi tho dnotoru c no biillvring fiutn un ulluek of itrnncliltlu hur many friendu hojio fur u jkhnly rorov ru juiium it urlun uud lluiuiiior itockuood vlultul mru ikmiiicrwml oilier friendu hero nun day labt woek ur liroil crouuin wnt the week cml with frlenda in tlueljji mru potter w ouuiolii uiu mlu uuihert acton vibltiwl ut mr um fjiiiiherta iat uetik 1 or bale or exchange u r huluut fartnu u1j ocrvb in manitoba i in llo from ttatmn ami sjo acreu in kaukatchowau 3 mlhi from butlon uiu uiil- apart ami both 01 main una k h aily to v h ili4cott toronto or w h chuneiitn ullton homeseekers excursion to points on the inmihka- miiifi northern ontario railway hailoybury and north in northern ontario lrotu ull polnlu in onlurlotntd tjtiohco on tho grand i nmk und c i uallwaya except wont of chalk klver and north of parry koundon thec p r tlchota at hpeclally reduced ratem good going june loth and valid for return until juno aoth see your nearett rall way agent forfull purtlculant tiruppty to opatevmo rty norlh uay ont canadian pacific homeseekers excursions seasonable goods manitoba alberta saskatchewan ki tiw uahl ku itib uchuva xvinaipd ut4 ttatura 3koo bdnioutod anj ttatum 4duoo tua iwtat kwj mtlmmivwthj wkk j tm rrt to um m h okaitmb k w tnl kutam liu twe auw m ckd lurf clilr tlib4 akefwilu wuvui geo patterson livk tofck bhalicm aotom ow1 cattle sheep lumbu and logs write phone or call peruonully biroic vox oilt art ur aproitssinciciiiin 1 opinion of good lodl m lvf tt j ctattk who lives on an v 1vx irnprpved road in lauderdale i county mississippi makes the follow- infj convincing statement h i live four milea from the city anil two mil h from tha ichoot thia his been the worst h winter i hvd ever teto but there haint been a tinglfl day that my children tuvwt walked to school aritl not tingle day have they come home with wet feet and to think they walked down the middle of the road not one of them hae been tick with a cold even while heretofore my doctor bill have been more than my road tax talk to me about paying tave to build road i am willing to piytaxeaontnyparkof fcoi bound my bird dog my chicken my boru and if neceuary my wife and children if they will ua it in extending road likethl alt overthe country- i would rather have my houae and ten acre of land on thu road like it i now than have my whole farm on the old road like it waj before improvement t a coueitotet road is the most satisfactory and economical road that can be built it requires practically no expenditure for upkeep and enable road taxea to be ihwiuj in more good road instead of being jam in filling mud hole and rut it i permanent ufe clean and passable tho year round for comohfe idforoutloti about concrete koiuv tlmply send a pen card to canada crtrttmt cort parry ljmifj matthews photo mill street r acton uunmui i j lhuj j uu jjja the empire typewriter j m b m at visible writing ijwfcct alignment tlghtnlngf escapement endurance speed utn moj1 emim a uud hy tlio c 1 r c n llok of uodimii uetxibunu tlnb uoyl tunk wonherd crown bank mlttht wfeeknlttf ltd ull tfli- phooa co to uada lu ctuul ttlrlbr iuiva asv ibat mua be paid 4 uuly on otbw ittftkfilb 1 ei vm titummio rn 0l im km1m i vr wiluahs hanupactubinq company ltd following closely the changes in weather conditions our utoclc uhows a diflorcnt uppcaranco each week keeping always to the front those goods which the weather makes most in demand we have complete stocks now in the lollowing lines ladies knitted cotton vests and droworo ladies cotton lisle and silk hose ladies white waists low neck and short sleeves ladies light weight comets childrens undirwear hosier nazareth waists print dresses white dresses infants bonnets silk muslin and straw vests socks and light weight hats mens cotton underwear invisible suspenders outing shirts straw hats cool socks low collars during june july and august we cloie every tuesday at 1230 henderson co mill si acion out toqxcqoxci 1 3 cool comfortable clothing tot men for outings and general summer wear tuomecesorf straw and pinion hits bhueri suru etc id m auortmenu at utile matt tg mbn you oumotcboouslmuirum than tuprmut or a better pucmun here to tualio youreummor tg pukhiuereaf dree mxeuorlfal wo are featuring ell the uew ueelgae in ueckwar end ttfalrtn and fsz have e good mearutuatot ttuoueble boaiery end uuderweir ttraw add pmuuua bete we have too w3 toeuier with all tbe otber lueldentale tbat a nan ueede to be conecuy and comfortably drafted at rs tbuo la particularly invited u tbe exceptionally etyllin twopelce eumuer eulu for men and young men tney s aire 10 well tailored and lba fabric are ol that eeaaoheble and fathlontbto character that the uului court com- paruaa with producu of the blhtjcl uilor there uo reatou why you abouldnt be cool and comfortable fs tbleauunter andlooklt with eucb a ulectlon of luit weather toffasary to choete from na wo have aeienibuul tbla aeaioa f twopteoebuluat oin ilenol trouure sm to fem whlb deck trouer ul niaurcoata clubcolore a4mand4ha g autodtuiera lwto h auto bulla 4and4mi panamehate imtto h4 utraw llata to icbs 9 waehtlee iltto m invblcie buinendera j underwear toparale garment sttandtm t3 bocka in cotton ilila and allk llo mb couiblnatlouepereult llo 1h fs uelte tito ta collara linen each is 11 for us tj bathing uulu sc and tsc bole agenu ror boclety uraud clolhe sole agent for ootlf century drand clothea j d e macdonald bros iw cor wyadhmaaadmacdtmuu street ouelph ont ffltdfctifcfjirbtjifarjifcrjadsbtatj iqj miiaihtiiinaaaaannnnteihaihmai pringlcs sale has commenced 20 i pereentoff evaryuitnif except kadakb goods kept as long as you wish and de posit made the whole stock must be sold so bar gains are awaiting you gd pringle jeweller j wyndtumsi gudpb waiiiwmmaaaaddqubaiiaiatatiia bank of hamilton oanltal aullmruad ntxtryo cwlui paidup siocmuooo tfumltw h 1 business tttalninq many men have fallen abort f huuueu huccwa bmausa aatney jjrtwr lu eitpailaiice they iiealotod to cultivate hablta ot cen omy i every young man ahould kttep t bavhirfi account becaiute personal econmalca train the mind to use caplul wisely in uuslueas hurt now oeoboetown branch i w n uakay m4r flclv aubfrtiecutrtili maitlluokjjioknsba iuluuimiivitt lilti 1 ii r i lid lut day at mmbiku ii ovriiinii ii i uooltu ulukm wi3ming ikvitallons and arjnounokmunta rlluarlnu thum 1 nmu knalim pmuhv ol wtrlllllu lltvlletiluna untl a b it oa nana a tn vsstftxsa aatoo unlailo 110ubk for 8alk on to hit own sua rewmw ow wilr ow ilirm i elwil lb hwn kail ul mnimitalliuli ooiih iumt liy kr a 1 llws- it vwmaahsll at y of 111 a ti iiouki vrvnim mabllsui ti notice to cbb1ht0hs it tha hialtar or th bartavt of jojiat wlllattiui llata or uia vulatit of jtutoi trt tils county klaltob li vary rim n tla nok l in 1 rly bivhii i lirauaoi- to wulau i uoru- v llua uiaple ul ibat ajl gfajunra aniliwia luvlntt cuini htow laa mlutlaaijol vwiiiiiiiti wlianudm oa altoutllta llih ilav ot kv lull rnrula pa oibiortlia tt tuv l july bm u awlby iwkat imtwii or ullvr ro a j uuiutoa uouellarvocjoin uwsou t 1 w w htmatt khulara 1 1 lli uat will a led tlatbt ii of llialr claim alsutubiit nl llirlr a in alslt of ilia miobu si bal4 i au i luilliar tat lotleo that tlte- bnaiv ut hiantlttua 1 ilala ilia said hhhulara kill nf t4 lo uilitttuto thw aaaul ut uta digsad wiii us ii a imiiim aullllml lliti bsvloat la- hh oulv la itnelilitjii nl lava uf ile mid it ai ii o t nut im llabu fi r il u il bkeuja or soy bait lliarnf to wiiv i fcrfcon or imkiuius of bmi uliiii uotloj aliall not liv lnm itmlnd by uvuui st ilia tluis ol suoli dlacll utlon a j mafuiimun rollnlinrliir john lanaa slul u uanuay ksauw ddlad ilia ut dsy ol judr ibll fortunes in foxes fortune ii ivu imcii mailo in tlio i lllucli iux iikiu try in prince i ward iulinl flio biniliioas a jutf i ktarllnit tlio bt awrcuco klfvor i ioit company limited olfara for i salo n limited ntimlmir of hares i wrlto to da for nrosnoctub and full i information i 81 lawraasa silwsr blatb vaa ca i llaallad i clinrloltutowu i i i win mnruu btcy treauurar i grand trunk ws homeseekers excursions hound trip tlclotnto points in manila un auwjtla ami haslmtcliowuii via chi enfljo bt paul dulutli or sarnta and northern nuvlrntlnu company on salo each 1 noadny until oct 37 liicluslvo at low fare throiiah pullmun tourist lletnlnk cam to winnipeg on olwwo dates sav ins toronto 11 p m nochangdof cars nittunm liuir two month tho grand trimlc pnclrtc lu the nuort- oet and qulckct1 nmto uotuoou wind i lcct saslcataun mid edmonton with s eel loot ttiraijflt horvko o uotrtna trains mv runnlriu into cly north ruitorvitinu and particulars at all grand trunk ticket ofllce or wrlto c i iiounihg district patsatim agent toronto ont sale by tender llvory duahioafl and ttoaj xauu in tho villaotf op aotoh vouuiawiii hn rmbltat by ilia uaaaimutiaj iitnaiiiiiriliiliimliati til tay ol jouiij nrlliaiurnliaauol tli ilxsry himiusm rl tka ila jf11 ullllamk nf ilia jlilaaiaf asu iliutlujtil liois llataitl t ua ju uj i lala aniiudlbil tiltilowliu itilu- bslj uldwrllliuliuuu inicnllio purrliera may linpttt it ay for ivn isil ly lo john buw ctv hsutu b icbuhafv or a j lt the merchants op canada bank metermtr seeeea la cweea thrift is rightly described as eco- nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken or as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol hia success lies in the principle ol saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par iamrairalduri7aewo auiaaavat ono aaacuao acton branch f a maclean manager thoroughbred stallion charlie gilbert 360r a 3 b 39997 llnrottnunllf k oloulaiolot tic al tmiiifl unary 1 p i lumnuy tsruit to loburr ultiu xmpi waduaijay ioatrliic al4u nuw wodlda iikcohkt lrjifli lull litmllitr of iliatua llllraui l4 s nuw unrldtt rooil si livulavl lu uu igeev eh alar ljli llo u si ur sr u 1 ill i roll bit woll 1m tsooyil tut hulluluil mflla 1 a iu i o ran mllii ami iis y srdaaichtox iii udwiia in i iiiluuta am vj oiodi7 tha fwiunr tmi waa 110 tiad jolhilyby laa ill usrlan uml his hwlrf finr4m ilan mall luriaii mini hln uho oiitrluoltmii wan tejliniur ol ilia latuduli ibrliy lu llmj su i la now owmut liy ibaum lisiiimu bi dlinoii la scbiiawloditml lba bml um luswol 1 in ui tiiaudaisl oiail tavltlujf staluaia michael 0 rattan nanlatanei unil urifollatl no o w at loaa a t ma ho ba volxllc ulllifca liy iiiiy wilku tty licit vlths r ut lunwust jury iui a t ii vol 11 bv aril lilt a mil ly 11 wlisju by a1uw wjia- llnaha uiiiim lay jaa wllkaa bu full bvolliivi t volume- ft riptltb- u ui lualiu aiainl si w lusliatiu uiu follow titf mc ii 5 itniulililllfull lie uulll si 1 t umm ta isai uulll ai liijf riuaiitttpf iitiuio tnw mmalnriti 411 hay tiimiat aouui far u fr1nuy hlillowh itufila aluav uk iiiiim in hiela liniil istowattaa iiianitu r a3ay alilaiti tfuitiyr l aitm si iiu tl vlra tl lu tladutut wliait lttulm itbsq alsealilnlhttl iimiki tttitu i siim dluoajtui m trial lultitti inslluu iml 1 itvtotulbla tibalb lvlii m i uainvowaav