wedding presents hotfra kruvaa spoons forftlm fnay 8llvrvar rloh cutqitmaa rnoy chin wedding rings geo hynds real estate wmrmtt for nolo in uautton peel mm wclllnntou ioo ikimu lor tutle every alae ii you wattt flwm write kne for catalogue or ii yon wlb co kfh ac vxcbjuuce writable we bv every facility for traiuuietltuc butlnew to yoar ealctc unturaciliyi cvirra tewflcme nollcltett j a wiltoikjubv yrihtlllott hveclmlut jtoritetown bt uttott tee m thuhbdav junk 4 in 4 brief local items keep down lit weoda tlw imy crop itrouilta uoll 11a nicking part uro frequent now the long autnmer ltolldayti iii two waeku cloth ujjllly eat hijbuy drink wator freely the day the lower ornntinalion uora com- inaaoed her yeetartlay tuomlng mr john cameron ja adding a neat veimod to lil new iioum on church stmt tii weather llilo ueeu line been treraely hot and humid tito temperature lu reached do degreee tt bullet wi extract from the liip ol uelvln boper hut wednesday enlng at fluelph huplul if u rnraujng favorably mr w if stewart in at tleorgetown oonduollng ute tower hcltool uuuiiultloiut there and mr it couttti of teoigolawii uofikslatltig hero a cyclone avvept tho district elowi to tit city of moodatock hutwlny inorulna two fatalltle und biucb daituga to op- rty were tit reault the ladle aid boclely of kuom church will bold tltelr annual uardeii rty at tit itotaa of mr charts david- aoa en july lb 7il the new bulldlnga at tbo tola loutbtr issbnerle are hearing auupletlou tby u vry eiteniilve and will le much wort ooatoolatit iu operation jtubanmbt for 14000 wu awatdod by ur juktlm mkiauoti to mm ueorga oarfield till for the electrocution of bar aaebaad la the collar oi tin hotel murray at oakvlll on april lath 1019 tha claim 1 divided eiiually botwmti um towu of ookvllla tud tb 1w1 tbipbottooawpauy wauwaol tbaeity oitotou- tba farbi balouftliv to rtui in tbo vilu of i wan tdailj by j a- wulotibby uaaam aruutoei aiul iioioh aro buuy tttadlnlf tbo road ofipoalto mr jan cwoabaua farm and uablos it roady for tboonubodtlooa ur t bbarwood uav6d tbo ooo rtub or to mr oumahana farm on hatutday tbby will eoubmom ortikbltiff fciooo tbaro tbldrtek mr irvtnldlti itmualtaw and butt lot a cw twudtb ou a tbort tlu hgo mr toon maar abo lou bb colt too tbera tkni u u bood uaoy oolta dylntf tbla aprlaf mr awl mn 1 t wiu h faulty jmlltou uithuuday uklomi but woj hafalay b tb louaa of mr ju k ijauer rlpijuflf up tb bostthiflpicturtfif a uua la kll probability ityar frow how a fine kw btiok tburtb ol uodarn awimt6muw attdoomm0dlouaiytftafodatlauwlllkilao kbaw rcfaurob tb tloaird u rolvititf tnueb omatwbvuaal it tba cuvw for fcubacrlpilottjl a qpotuurau fculd u tdrudy id tb batula of tb iwkut momrt ollurtd b-otlu- bav tb oobtraofe for tnuldng btori for patt of tb hk oooeomlotjf opuiu mr jan lonkaru uu buwart and ur kaff of o ac qoaipb hpatit huttday wllb fhuda in a ptuy wadding took tjao at tiui raaldcwo ttb uuv rvtu mr and jtfini abdamotioa wwlikamlay jub fcdj kt tbra oclock wbaii tbalr ftldt djuagbur brail jaim wai uuiud lu tnarruir to mr win oliurtwhi llat hm ol mr aud ura a j ouuhmmi at tb appoldtid tliiia tbs bridal ity ouuir- 4 tbi pallor to tint btralua of lb woddluir brcb pbyoj by mu luaa furwood w1 took tblr plam uiuur uu rcli of vrgtooiui ami oowah rav ltr lualr pf tb oivottumy tba luld look d dbarnldtf la u tfowu of hilb ombroldatad you bridal veil aiul oraiiifo 14oboaui bb earrud abowr bouquat of uldal kaoaawl uly ol tb valby llttu mu klk wluoo of atulpb eaufcla of tb uua wad wry pmuy fowr ftlrl draawd id fcllk toabroldortj volla afur oobmudauoui tbi4u to tb uubtutt el aboot binly twtired to tb dlalu rootu wbr mmpuumu woddidk too wa taw- du tb gnrttna but to tb brua waa h poarl umblao to tba dower ftbl aa awttbtat riiltf and to tbe orpuiut banmo btoodb tb brld wtui tb inmlpl fbmtny uaaful bd oouly pimtm tb brldva mtreultitf ault wan of alio ub tla4b aed wblu bat will taueld flawom and butibrily bow tbo lutppy ooupl if6 ttti tlwlr bobttyioooti to norwood attd point l amid hbowara of ro wul baat wultaa cki tbalr rotuni uuy will roabbloe h of cmn vw oauwfe news op local import tti jum featnlnauoml lvlitolmil mtcwmkt in hwlilliiy at tba nxninlnatlottd hi mllttm tlilu woab mul mr caiitui ihmui miuir of ottofifotowii high fkliool n pmwwllatf iter mtmm ay hum aoltl a 4no welt1 will imi ivoh by tlw impllu nf ml fturetu hi iray muu ua buulttd by mim llehlo kmiui iimtto lit kttok cliurob uobool iukmh ikoktmomuy uvuiilujf islb liwl mi hlfl ooloob hai tb havmnant ortulak alktut 100 faet of tbo avmnt at tlio martin und cdtnorott tropurtlm on cliurob htrmt ban bh llld tb tfnuu will u mtboil alxhil rtlneutn inobou ul lite lowonb ihllllt ttllh will ifloully ithlmtov tlm juivemont uim will bap it from imiiiii overflowed ilurintf hwltif fretbota vown mall imbrortmmita timj clwlrman of tlut town hall poui- mittoo u iii earn tbo patltiiilo of oltlfitiu if bo will tblx oar teotitft iitoro uiloqnato mulltiff uhoidltlodbllrhi joo hutttlntf on till utalrwsymniulivcttraa now iitaa ctir tain to ropbioo tba nil ott wbab bou wot wrvloo far rpiartar ofu onntury mv dr aktulv 6 rnah wlilloat confaroiioo ut bt cutlmrltwai uo mr ltrapcr ntraiigod villi ttv lr antlkf of mirtlnutl a fanner immltiocd lutblar to proacb ilia aihilvrfaary mrmonu of tbo motbodutcburcb on sunday lfltli ootolxir iv atttllty in jutt liomo from an cutowlml viult wllb friend in england ut la enjoylntf xolliqly rood imaltb twmam 0m twmnottxwtui aoton fiio urltfado liatt umniid for wua dkunluloki luy ditionilhitiaii as hpoolal auraolion tluty bava boourotl tti 4titu ht llaml for tu day wbloh in uwilf will bo a try drawlntr fnttura tlro will u two baa ball malobe aud a loiijt kfct of atblulo e enu tbaro will alu bo u oalitbuui jan iwoomhumi at d90 a ta jaeeb otouaubi a4uttud at bla trial on ilia oluirflm of buallntf lrawt and copper from tbo unnery of mouiru uoardiiioro a co ut mutou butt friday jacob oldulti wan aotiuitied ho took witruwioh to provo ito bod purobau od b itnuuaid cojijwr frotn ouidooou wboallotfodlt eiteti to tbaui b tl nwnorw warrauta wor litauwl yokurday for thotorumw who aro aald to bo iih4i- catotl in tins inttr couumuauaat mabool irleula tttofctmletitmol tbo continuation boluwl itobl aio ulo in mr wm ltrownu uroe liht friday aveiilntf koarly ovoryuuiioiit wau probent and a vary anuyal4 time uua btonl a uitoolal intorobt attiteltu to tbo faut tbut tlilu wau uwtilly tbo but ahmul- atlon of tb entire htwunt itody au raany of ibani will ipraduato aiul lilu howl will aerva lwir conuoi1 ion wlui tlto toaolilntf atalf mr w if htowart wum ab prfant and wndorod tnuoli aid in uablur tba ovont enoyauo hikodju4 fulfil laa ouuuuy owlntf to tbo fact ibat biafc sunday wan coufarodo sunday tba abunoa of ut pabtor itov c 0 draxir waa noouitnt- ad frout tlia mauuuliht hiipit tba upplloj iwovldad were liowavor well cbomu iu uio uioruloj mr litteraon a metbodut fetudaat from toronto oooupud tb pulpit awl la tba evealntf lit mrvloe la obarsa of tba kpvorui loajpio wo oon- dueled by maeun a t drown and j l moore tba utter twkftlutf tit oddrew of tlia avealnif hotb of tbaw youug nun oarrled out tbelr partu la a very eredltabla tb annual meetjotf of tba ladle aid of tba metbodut churob wu bald but week tb oitloora fur tu yar wor ebwted a followi t rwldcatmw n p moorv vie pre ura n v uclum bacratary mra jnn rrown vwtlatf ccm-ur- if p moora mr tiao boper ivraouaitfd com ulu loutak8italgbl mm albert hlewuri mtk ii vrankuu tba aclivltum of tit ladlae abl during tbo year bav weant tnucb lu tba ooufort of tb parmouajf aiul tba baautfylri of tlia cltumb tit ujioa taltad flaa 1 1 lit tbalr financial aootta of tba yar m of m maaajhaaaal mr jaa a cououui of llauloto man writing to bla i jrotber bcra but a viit aaya i i turowaakurjirli toua by tba auuc ptikaa of ilr if a mncpltairhoum doalb i toek tb papot ovr to tba ptar of kaon cburob bar and be was ffwlly eurprued wban lo toirouto lau aahiter at tba baat abmbiuy mao waa tba but toa b maka to on uavlog ut tba unloa butloa ho cau luto tba triu wltb two inm trot tba wa und lotroduoad tlaia kaylntf tbat ba bad cota dowu to find tbaiu uood coupauy to truvl wltk h bbaw ur uaopbarwui evnr unoo cnta kaon oolloa and knew of blm tjji to aoton eto woamatw kaalutu atuadu mmlum jmur waatbor ooodltloiutbut wta uoal tbo annual auuinar uavtitf of acton ibmitcb of tit woautia itutltuta uau lujd but balunuy lu thiaib tttero uaa a tarn atu aiul tb akobait nogrouu wu eubyd l ull uw coo of uutelmhie tba imutjot lrejumt uawkvhut ajid gava wt add taldojfai ur autdaot woouaa iiutlutea wat aud ivaaanl uim thill wltb bar subject in a vary luoul aud lulwejia fuablon uti uouodoj ootatnandauod waa j van mra w uuwad of lvtablll for bar augnuloant addrat on ualkendl molbarbood mm dawwui la lb cloveftiiuant iitti latlwamnduaaauaadd all tba waajnrf- in tbla ulcl liar addraaa uutlad with balful imiifguona mra ii 1 moore and mb cbra k moora alia aldod lu tb prajfttthttt wltb miprnrula raad inffa upon oooobudou of lb kwjlwuihw tuaab waa aarvad to m and an toyabiu umlal bour waa spent plo nuliilflut tba ground awmommry wju aiinb daatroy lbaapoa of enetl and oom daraage lb wbol ayatam wbaa aoiaruur it tbroogb tba awooa aaifaoaa boob artlolaa abouu oavar b uad aaoapt on ptaacrlpuooa f mat rapatau pbyatolaaa aa tbe dauajpi tliay wfll do u ban fold in tba rood you on poa- atua datlra from tbom imla catafrb oara nwnafaotared by v x cbeoay co toledo o o no waretuy and la an lounally aetloff directly upon tba id and mocou maruoaa of the ayatam lo baylna hau catarrh cam ba aura you net tb annlne it la talon lournalty iodaaalltouobwbyfcjoway ox yiagida taat ifauvrislylllla for eonatipa llalton hrmvtueea idaouraloa to oj0 hatnember tloexcnnloii of tlm lfum ptiriiten iiutltut ui ou1jt utxlol faun o v u on julm lflu nn1 1 t it idtb tledncel rateu voruuiaubbwmniikmurij ukolal train lonvoaloonfolowtioia utim- iioumi auo acton 013 koobwood osi annual meeting in lvinoeaa ttteatre milton on june ulb at j p bi itch priom rev lakida tama lo androw inform tb ciuihijjmi tliat ba lull aobl by publlfl aiiotlon tb boulb balf of lot vj oou h i a trufalkur nour oakvllla for fcaooo ou mr orni1y of lwkdabr waa tl ixiyer tlila uut will litterobt tb trafalgar court of revuion ami tlto county couuohh iuallauoti committee mew flood ttaactat to ba buut haovohyndaluu utla exuiuue 4diim for ootutmotlan of nood rouda tltlu umnmr ho ia ttrransliitf to liava a new atotta oruiji or ikuoed at tit north end of main titroet tblu btraet will bo ootti4etd to tint limit of tba corporation it lu auo liopod tlutt suoen tjtroot will bo initbadantlied to tlto tlrd llivbtliumaun vounat man wattt baf abollahadl attlio ooiutiitlon of tbo young mtnt hood aaaoclatloit in tho new varkdale oon alltuenay in toronto monday blgbt 11 j monro lb a one of tbe uleotora of t rlil in jf nomliutod ax an aladlfch tit liar cuiulltbtto for tlie legulatlit he retlrotlln favor of mr win mothvikii wlio on tuemlay eenng wou endiuiul b tlto liborat oon0atioii tmalliuib ha tb oil vev a oarload of machinery ooiiittiiig of toiler drllbi cabteu derrloku liuu arrived in 1iiillimjh towiiuilp to bo uuoil in drilllnir for oil on mr ahik neubuucra farui if tit venture meet with auoooui titer uro other farmu aimlurly bltuated upon which walla will b aiink tltewi famm u every ovldenoe of oil und expert wbo have looked over ut ground ate ter hopeful of tba rentura daa otaek a hilton mr morgan crewoon writea tba fakl 1uksalltattba wtllha reoently drilled at miltonlniilvlngbuiatateatof ibolbu to tba upure inch tit gun ialteingplkwlto uta four realdetimu of tlto maiulteru of the company wr crewaoti la oonlulent that with a feu more well b eoubl moure hufholcut to aupply tlta wltola town with gnu he itan nou a contract for drilling otto or two uelbt noar hoibur for oil or ipm haatlltau oaiifam tlta annual boulon of hamilton confer eitoo at tit cetharlueq wua comploted ymteiduy coinitarltlvely few cluing in the blatloiilug of tulnutorw were nwulo u thlu taction itev w v tlaetm of noa hootla goea to korfolk street tluelpli aiul itut j u flupaulob goea to hamilton itev hr moartbur bioutionad uiniagatu- on ttta lube and itov j melviu bmltb goea to krlu luv w ii bndtb 11 a- lu tbo new tttlulater at oahvllb owmla aud autaar oownatlotf a mraln and bbaaf compatlttou ojtan to tlta world u an atblad feature of tbla yeava imia lhtj of uit cunadbui national km- blbltlon wblcli u now iteing dutributad tba mrliaa lu tbla competition are 1w and medal each for spring wheat vail wheat barley oau ailnt com dent ooro bean and peaa all exblblu utut ba tbe product of lli crop of 10is or 1014 and utut ba wot through tlta minuter of agriculture counnlauoncr or becretary of tho vrovlueo or blata or offloor lu cltarga of an agricultural ltepartiuaut tba aihlblt uuill oooeut of two luabela of grain in suck aeeoutpauud by one fahaaf of tba unti grata bbtavaa ar not requlrd for eater tea of beana and paa ooadwatatloa by jtlthfttt hnwhilfct if u lonublp llultop itowling of haul too vbdtad aoton ou monday and at 10 oclock adwlnutorad ooufimutlon to a elau of taeutoda lu fit joeiu cburb ttta itav v water doyle a j luotorof tba church of our lady mualpb and luv father motloey of ul ivtrtoka cburoh hamilton aooompaauj tbe ulkop titougb ailvanclag in year bubop itowllng j in hn baaltb and ba eituvlaad grat cure in quaktloolog and tntiruotlog tb oblldrau dtavlllug epscui ly on thaduuaaof tba child in tba boaa oa rvnoa for tba lujy tuuaa of jmum and thagratajveutaga of total autlu euoa ilia lordjilp gave tb pldga to all lha candida toe fur ooaflraialiou and iuhd a tpoolil kbr in tbelr prya ur aid mra john buaa aoud au apoiuoni for tboa ooosriaad tiraaafnh titft hhr lrne6k liurary boouty uu tulr annual gardu patty tuwuvy avaalag at leallea bcbool weather roaditioaa could aoaroy bava baa batter for uiob an eaat and a large auiabor took advantage of the opportunity aswed for an evealoga euurulrttaeut tba gnmiada wwe teat fully dsooratad a rsfrabuaat loath waa auo iwvum1 and liberally palroulaj tb prograuma waa inurwtlog eauttalu lug and lu all retpeota aulubu far aufih an oooaelon tb aver popular r vav oomun and luparaator ju tor outo waa preaant ami aduiliabfariuutalii ad bla rjmiuuoti aa a df produc er tb liurlo hoya of lloulltoti wfe all rooclvej in tbojr apbuulldly roadatad uootoh uuotloaa tla acton melbodu hunday bohool oroboara waa pwaut and raudareil axoalleut lualruinan- tal tnualo uol craig v h 1 of luora ttpoka for aoia tlma on the ilavalopiuaut of our doiululoa no alum magl baking uhmhoumu a h taatw m f kftorta to eatabllab a lawihall luaguu between aoton caorgetowti itolkwoad and clouwllllauw bava beau aucoeaiul and tba dint pobadula gauiea wdh puyud hut huturday actou taaiu 4ayel ut tlto lieu anil utuld tlm uaual han und oarotnony the fltu bal wau pltcbetl in tlta bboond unlnga anion aoorad oaa run aud a aoor of lfaju taaluuinad mull the aavaatb tatting widen indeed trol tba lucky aavaatba wlteu aoton aoorpd four mora tuna a few rtiuu were aewed in tba remaining tablaga reaoltlng in a final aoor of tfl ta aoton favor tie local team hi allowing a marked tajvlveweut and fa much auaagtheuad try tb advent ol ihavhl volatar in tb eatobalu ox acton linn up were an follow i j chuk c uldmat mao suillfa v a maelian h luwonda u vour u thmu arok albttt pwlluanui uaiterkntr aoton unowla awl volatar tjlen wu btotbah tlte aeora in tbe rtoobwood georgetoil game ulttu georgetown few i lulhhkt bomool hkport hii iv aiinlofliiifa jn ivrura mudoiutm llim jnbu- uoti joint ntkliim hi ill- ah in itydueaaltollo watkltix ju illcarolliio llyder itoiuild m ikiiull illlo mafvalhorii 11 klmotjo1mttniltoiiid moljiolmrn amald mflkniam wiluiutrwaibiiik ju ii jean modougull hu i itnjohnitmi jotbio kdor hohulo mulloiitibl aiitfuu molutobcni crawt a llootor modonald jonlon joliitaton mario luiita cutapltell miller cuiuu a harold hwaokluiinur murlon ilrown nt m it a uxtiivu toaihcr mr cliarluu holtbiaou of auroru bow purcluueil tbo hundred acre furm itelong lug to xfr uobort wuitlew being lot numhor eight in tho fouiuhip of irlii kale wau inado b j a willoughhy floorgctouit out had on nf our uurvugottcu lieen in mother kvaa tuce uhat a fool tjto would bne mudo of tbut uiiako dr morses indlnn root pllln owe their alngiilur eltcciivencia la curing rbeumutum lumlugn and sciatica to their power of atlniulatlitg and atrengthcrilngthokiilncya they enabl theao oreana to lliorauglily filter from the blood tbo uric acid the product of wait nutter which get into tba jolnle and miiwlce and cauaea theae painful dlacaaca over hau a century of conuant um has proved concliijviy ibat ur moraea indian koot puia atrtnttlien weak kidney and i cure ivheumutlam personal and travel notes ailmambd bunima twtmwmtbu mr u 1 cltrlitttc jiilij mm in town on tuaaday mr arlof ihiia waa borne from toronto over hunday mru win cameron uf toronto wuh in town but uoeb mr a 11 kicllli u on tuetdtiy for a trip to calgary mr will pulna of chlofgo la uitlugat mc w a htoreya miui llertie hmlui wau wltli libr hlhtcr in toronto over bunday mrw w ii cumey of wlngltum wua in town o or huttday mim margarvt lleuttett won homo from toronto during tlte week mra j weldel of toiua la a guout tit tlie itonva of mr a tl clarrldgo mracura k hmultertiton of nnatoii- brook vhjlted frbulu iteia tbla woeb ltr oroy wouoallod uparkltlll cm mon day tlirough lllneaa of a relative tltero mr v- a j mattltewa made a itrief vbilt to mhtuvea iter tueulay evening mru dewkon of wrkhlll waa tlta guwt of mm floo llavlll during her may in aoton mlkb uuby chirk aiul lie friend mi kerr of toronto wcra in town far tho vteek ond mru wm maboii und miut llaxcl uro upending u woelt with mru vrttnb mcintosh et orlllla mimi mao uiuluty uom bomo fixuu mac hoiuihl iiutltuleoter hundaj hur frleiul mum cooper ym with her mr linton kenney who lout been attending albert college lletloville tlto mut eur returnod home but friday mra a h urouu uiul miwi ilroui loft on tueub for wliiulteg wliera they will apand aorao time with mr j it llroaiiuml famll mr k h itkyj utteimled tho funeral of tlte bit mr hihoithariu at clilugnaooiu- on monday mtut kiia molliervoti uocouiatniod l bor frieudn mlueu kelio und molhto tor onto wero at mm holt mcllterwin a fora week eitd lult mr ami mra j h huiitlt uuuouuco tbo eugbgonveut of tltelr daughter kiu ibulyu to mr william m maodonabl of illliul llhor tlto tnairuffe to tuko pbioo tlto utter port of juno mr hteplwiii c toluian of tba oll of toronto boa ptiroltajmxl tlto farnt itolnug lug to mm couley in tlto towtuhlp of ikuiuealng bal waa wad by j a wil loughby no more high prices wcd made-to- order sells 1500 fit guaranteed the new clothing store mens suits sb to l8e in tweeds bluee wor steds and blacks boys suits see my special at 3ff mens hats in every new style lup to buys you tlie best waterproof coats up to vi uaranteed mens ties a nice clean lot to cliooce from worth more money 15 do to go at jc for mens silk sox tc mens work bojc j stic men- fine sf 135 shirts 8o the arrow shirt 150 for is working shirts worth up to 75c for see menb balbriggan un derwear tic up to yiee combination sets lor aiaa straws i have the newest to ha had in straw hats price aljsa for odd pants working shirts and calls i cant be beat the many filanda of mlaa kealoti ate glad to aaa bar home again and to know that aha i gradually iwprovlug in health mr aud mra bbaw of hani are tlsyt- tu their daughter mra 1 colkhig- botua mra w tirelg ol tlraulfoid who baa sm vlaltlugharparautaur and mra tl 1 iveua ratumad itonvs hut weak we are aorry to bear that ura fttaoo ta not tnaklug tauoli progreaa toward reoov ery and may bv to return to thahoopilnl for further treatment two oolta belonging to mr il doughty ware builly injurail but week by running luto a barbed wire fonou uwl beooialug eutaughjd in ota wlro the annual iraabytarlan hunday bdtool laoulalato ba bald atj high lvrk unto bouae june uoth haoataoawitva tb muttlclpal ofark waa ituuitctett to notify uta rupt of o pr that if the hallway crotalng on tba highway of this townablp ware not put in proper condition by tba 20th ol june au upiteel woum ba made to tba uotulalou board ol hallway cotottatulorter slylgrfl mactifo llaukltom sulfa i0 lo 430 w ca devereu acton roymrly occupied by ojwaluoa all oooj ta uiftsl sstufuluy d d d in hospitals standard skin cure mauy a man baa lei a good job get away fnuhuubaeeuehoharlordthe dalualon that no other man waa anuri enough to fll biakdm x how ntaliy houpital tudlouta tfulter- lug the frightful tcli tlto raw auoroh lug pain ttrahln duaae havaboouaootb ecvto aleap by n aootlilng fluid waabatl in by tho ouraeu iiauda that fluid u the fawouu d d d pra- acrlptloa for ncaeioa tka supaatrvfalnjaf nurw of una of oar pramlnanl catholic luatltutlooa aanin of nurae and inttltiita ou appllca ilon wrltaa regarding a patient tba dlaeaa had eaten her eyebrow away her bone and llpahad become duflgured blaca tbouveorp jj 13 bar eyebroaa are growluo bar uoae aud face bava auutned tbelr natural ahoraaalon how mauy ackattlaaufferer are paying ibulr doctoia for regular iraatmaut and are being treated wltb tbla aame aooth log beallog fluid or oao- t rlohaitxlaon frankly wilui o d la uupatlor lo uuylhlug 1 lutvouviir fomud hoft and aootliliig yet h powerful agent to do the work p 1 l proacrlpllua tnuat be applied according to direction given in the pamphlet around very bottle follow tbean dlractlotw nud and it caitatuly takua away the itch at once the rnoaaant the liquid bt ap plied tbe akin la aootbed talmadao thoroughly rafreahed delightfully cool ed all drugglata ol atandtag have the fauoue apeclhe an wall aa the efochmt d d d bklnsoap hut we are no confident of the merit or thta praact iptlon that we will refund the purchase prion ol tbe flrat lull alaa bottle if it fall to reach your caae you aloneare to judge e jhaaaaradratclelaetna d d d soap keeps your shin healthy provincial elections 1914 fellowelectors of the county of halloa ab a candidate for the leg islative assembly of ontario i solicit your vote and support in the pending election should 1 be honored xvith your confidence the interests of the province and of all of my constituents shall at all times receive my best atten tion polling dav june hth lu yours faithfully w f w fisher what are chiropractic adjust ments good for aniwer they restore to normal health any abnormal dueaied condition in the human body sprin milli mluu itautiiohhhft kfohtok corilllll- y invito the ladle of attou ami vicinity to thlrmlhinory room opbm hvomv dav amd vhhiho all th latiifit liovltlm la uprluff milll- nry will b iowh ulsus hsolhonu tf morion miixststtt actom wonderland moving picture show oar films are changed every night we show belotmre a few of the manv disease we adjust for appendicitis heart and kidney trou- bladder and bowel trou- d bles headaches curvatures lung aud liver troubles diseases of tho eyes and nervousness ears epilepsy feminine diseases fevers ball stones skin and stomach trouble paralysis weakness in any part of the body tuberculosis 75 per cent of operations are unnecessary since tho dis covery ol chirdpractic delayarc dangerous the longer you wait the longer it takes to get well consultation and analysisfree at office office hours see page onefirst column a m nielsen graduate of painter school fountain head of chiropractic davenport iowa u s a arimiaaiohuaw i ohiumkh umoomwutud r l gregory prop 0lzcfqr merchants bank of canada the financial statement mu fifllit wiilt nntrr eusetvia atasdiaat sotfc a-u- tba mot proflta of ttui yar altar pay- iidt of cuargaa rebatu oa dlwouut luutcal ou dapotdta aad making full provbuoaa far bad und doubtful dtibu hava aiaounud to t kraulum on naw btxtcb tb balance brought forward from 30th april ifllj wa 40101414 making a total of is imiiailiuk 9fbo63soa tbla baa beau dkbead ol u fallow dividend no 104 at tba xmxa af iopafanuuh s169n7s0 dividend no loj at the mtu of to ur anauni 100700 ulvidoudno loo at tbo tat of 10 pr annum 0w9si dlvuland mo 107 at tba rata of loxparanuuns 17j0oo00 t6ij74aj trtfif to lttfrv fund troui pro- tltaudlaaaafooant 4ooomum ivanaiarrad to uestarvattutul from pratn- lumoamwutock iaobsw contribution to oflkoia fasnlon kund soaom writud a uank ptnua account loevkdbo wrltun ort for depreciation in isadda and invnunu djwbo luuuoatariud forward mwit itoojjik rserv fund account so41917s traukferradfrotiilrotit lou account 400000 premium on new block i8oia luuucajoth april 1513- troukfenwlfrotii irotlte 1 jeu ral mouager 7000000 avrae ialdup capltiil during tbe yvar hewljoo ii montagu allan statement of liabilities and uaiuutihtd l t tie nwluldw capital atock paid in tfooowwou raatot ktcaarva vund 700000000 dwidauda daclarwl and unpaid 17608866 balanc of probu aa per profit and loan account kubmluad herewith 94 13467 aaaota at 30th april 1914 e14434u3 93 a ir ua vubiu nntaa ol thu llaak in clauutlou 8ss0t7m ou depoalui nut baarlug lulaiaat i33o93h depoatu bourlug intarattt lujudlng ln teraat accrued to date of ktutetuaul 4s w66soj6 ualancoa duo to other rhinka tt canada mb93333i bauaeea due to baabaaudbauklug cor- raapoudanu la th united kingdom and foreign countrlaa 197830731 11i1u payabl aocapuncaa under letter of credit j 7605060 llabltltlaa not included in the foregoing currant coin held t uoulnlott hotaa bald note of other bank cbequea on othai bauka luuucea dua by otter banka la canada balancaaduoby bauka and banking oor- raipoudanta alaewhera than incanada domlaloti and irovlncul govarataaat aacurltlaa not ejumadlng markat value canadian municipal aacurttlea and writ- uhtforelga and colonial publlo aa ourltlaa otbar than canadian hat aiioaadlngtnarkat valua railway and other bottua dabaaturaa aud atocka not ucaedlng market vulua ualluiana in canada on louw debeu- turoa and atocka call loana alaawhara tbau la canada sua s4ie sjaj 9lll4lt sffjimi7413s v34jm other cuimtit loon auh dlwouuu l gonimlit leu robot ol idteratt sgst3omtt4 other ourrettt loou out ducount be- vihihi than in canada k rebate et inurot ismmj lublllteaarctuleueniuder utleia of oredltu percent voo3oa rulluatentheruunbanlinreulaea at4 overdundebueatlmaudlembrovldedror 7411044 ilanlirmmlieauietineithanetlaiu auonnu it anywritten oft 3ioji4 denolt wlllt tba ulnleter tor tb pur- nueaeruieclrcuutuinpund 5haennl detmtlnthmntrjealdraeerv other aeaebi dot inelnjuvd in uut fore- solas b f hubdkn rjeneral manager s7mt sj3lhj4131 11 momaatr aian preildettt ati rti ea jj