ling wash stops that klf un hour not iti tn 1 econd i of tut mild wmhi- tlt 1 d d pin ua litre for ttcnomn i yourlhiriiuigulln kd and yon have nlwo into urotoctuui from nil jl trnubinu i dont fall to try tltlt tu for any kind of nulii irmdi i will clvo you lniw aoto ightning rod efficiency tim pament uutfcnl liftlituinir protect d inuuranco coumauy pcf michigan ullmuamcilmpllam iinureu tt1 todded lulmlufr jiud that only mttor the cnmnanyb inutuxtoru have cut fully nrolned tlio roddlittf unit approved of it 1iirlnn laooiaitr iiiclu alva in btialnjnu which for tbo four totalled s7so75 rlak lhl company puid only 933 00 fniyfumiitt to buifdliirni by hah till uk in threaunu11 clulnnc imama tndeocuin roddlnif whlch were overlooked by the compjjiy lnlictor ptroui mutual plr inuriico company which al doi yib inuirc both rodded and 1 four year ixh ihl pnld lightning damnjru wlilcli 1008 times an of till iiuw tha ilhtima to ptiall claim onlyand qo nr 1 delicti k i foddrd occurrcjon unrodded rklfa j rat the lam oil the jjsl7 73 kb troloctml compaay would 1 r kytjat aitho lou on tu name idlutfn tlilii when iho urrifljce uumk mount to ixo the datnatt 10 un vodded oaeaaniouuufcieiion 00 or in other words rodi have fcvedeilo7utof ati tmpeued toofn6l indlcaltbfr hi eftkl oyf9atrcaiy or jowoutof yiooa at wldle tvu rjuljla lw 1m unlvertm llghtnlnr bojt on it been damaged by llyfainln obulmj writ u for a catalogue universal utfhtnlng rod co u urn kj uk lj4j hmimiw oni piujksil a lccmerete hog houses maa feeding floors c you to raise bigger hogs ai ptk without heavier feeding ft pppvj feeding floor permta the an- ruuls to cuait up all the feed without watte p etfraltulbmthe poealbllity- of your haj contractik i dte4- to you they 1 biffaer pronto i wncretdarfltihuuyeiiitycuinl mti temperature and give plcntytf bhlcbtcnd to buer the quality jxlll ttot tuit or rot never recdo wilr jwllldutwttr ny otlir mitcibt for tm jfrlt for iku ikciuilfully uuutniad f if k ca fajrmtr bi do with concrcta it ilinwa lw llotf llouuif fcfldlng floor bhj imuty mt hm firmer nttdi 1 pimut inf araskllwi ummu 1 caiuja cumi coupaby lladuj bx00000000000 extra special values close buying in quantities enables us to offer this week some genuine bargains in several lines o seasonable goods itn bbrtlrmmt maitllugk licknsks ihhubd in iu s1m ault4 ttw day ai m v mooue iudmm noticb to crkditoitb in um lutter of th tot of jfahm wuubm tot dt um vula of aaton inum oovnty of haltoa lllvrynuua d jljicg colters jant received about 5 dozen comprising about 20 different styles white and cream lacc and tomo colored uu effecte suitable or both flirlfl and worn en h wear regular value from oc to 65c special value at 29c see the display ol thoso collars in our window this week mwubmuddtllmhkvlu nulom i amu f1bll joint wiuum atol mlam bmd to tfulflbfli lb mtas i ummmi tb bum muu4 umhbiilmif nurd oilyothbilmsiawhtolattywtllni l mwlo bd lh um u r 01 toot ba lubu fa tha mm wnj mt mr px ihmtmat to oy mmw r b of ij not y tn ucimbiupmfi lading parasols and umbrellas fast black bilk mixturo top and splendid assortment of handfoy special value at 100 ladles summer hosiery lisle top with sillc foot black white and tan special value 25c pr while lace pillow shams stand covers and dresser covers pretty serviceable and easily washed sold in complete set at ioo or bingly any one piece or 25c henderson co mill st acton oat i a big money saving event will take place at this store in the near future ivffi34i v ftlatthews ph0t acton vm ff writer 5 nt lightning jj kspoed 5 i liy tha cv u i iubv nt llaatreat j lnk koyl biuk rtasisffi tolo mttjit w pid m luu to 1v ibvwr m jpany ltd i now every department in this store will be affected by this event there will be wonderful bargains in mens womens and childrens readytowear apparel also in dry goods and housefamishings watch fob the opening announcement d e macdonald bros uta w corwyriakmnjlejomu5tmtu guelfh oni leaimuuisrvlw whuhuhatmanemaunnhjiiiii pringlcs sale has commenced 20 pcrcentoff evorylhln excopl koctoks goods kept as long as you wish and de posit made the whole stock must be sold bo bar gains are awaiting you gdpringle jmlbr g wyfldhimst mok q prr bank ol hamilton cfitkltel ttw4md lunthm maojdod acouuulatfmo caipital the luk of cipiul bbuidj btweu ttuuy li mud and tbdcairrvlug out of nifood buslattmi idejl uvary youtitf uuut on uury han tb wit of cbrriuuuhrfclplul woohlv addition fa b aviaw xeooi jfubblltoti ttotw puoe bib wkkltlou of rdlrtt for biuutitaopportunl- ocoboetown bfeanch wnudby the uinv of hnwllux toott blta la t teg el tae merchants bank op canada jtchk1ft is rightly described as eco- x nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar 1 1 a time perhaps more but the real i cret ol his success lies in the principle i f saving one dollar will start an ac- i ount with this bank all local clieq t i ashed at par aarti mbmurturaamtoo jki fullif ui htw ttef 4iu mmb uolllm mu m sale by tender or- iilvttry bubibow and bmx vstto im thtt villaom of aotom iuuwm bt lb vlllapa of jutmi bmmfktm hoi bo tlm lb ml otad ibmswiul baiatf tlry ada joyxov r w k kunnmv aeloe jau bib lull ml tenders wanted tb uhdrtkl will b t aetna ou wmdmiialqav jfuwb ss4m tlw0lmll vl m to rcelve tndnl for tha following work i furalililnir hud deuvaitpa ktrua on and una from ndltray cralk mlu htroet to boundftiry and fntnl cvto etety hlu to wfcmltn bben abo frosd tkllway ciowlnfl ulll btt6tt to srvi llo auo tooder will bo volvud rt ui du for btvbihbj two coowawloux s ad 4 actou ftlderoan any furtbtir lafarnuulod caaomaiatc tontur moy b bul upon appllcaued to geo hymbb wanua artec j o wilwlh c tenders new ltly offlm fe mill i cmely on nad alter mfotlilay jfaim blbul itloei for m hmrtflu try office at umtoti for tha cotmty of lulton may ue med at thaofflou the uttdertlgnod or of th orcfaltocu uuem- gborip uolewortb odd ootdoa u west a colltvh bt yotonto j tender wfli b rootlvd for geawaj and upuatd tndm by tha anbiucu up till 19 ocloov uaot od uoody july 6tb tha iowt or any tender not neottur lly accepted ww vahvoh omutyoseaec mil ton june 13th 1914 homeseekers excursion to points on the temialoi- ming northern ontario railway tlaileybttry and north in northern ontario praia u iwluu lu onurioad qmu on um qnaa tmitk untc k kuu xcpt wmtotcholicrimrtuidhortil f tury 8ouutl un th c k r tkkuu at crwcliliy hdnota taim xjixms i boluk juua loth and mlla tot tnfantf f until juna loth yow ttwiwt tall- i way airant or lull iartlctd v a4f jcj pakst 0 p at kot i hoti luy oal acton branc 14 maclean mortgage sale monday th tuy of juy mil w hull auctionch allamlnlnjfular tbou oortala p or tracu of laud sad prwnlw elbutal lyluklii the towuublp d uueda tnl iheoountj of llnlbau an4 pnovhica oil ontario being coupomd of all tujidl bluknlartlifltcrtein portion ol tbt kastl hai of lot number twnlythr in ibel fourth lncalot of tb trtnublp nfl jtutgjti afakaald which tuui bena cutl off from mid lulf lot by tha grand trunk unllway of cattadit and hi botudl ed by alltwanca for road betwmtf foui ill mid fifth uoetostlotta rami trunk ktallway aa4 im mui twenty- lour in the hald foarth uos ion of ilia towaehip of wetaj uforeaaul contalnlmf one and ooi r acrca ua tha aama taora or law tocamllt that curtalo barool hi tho 1 townhbln of kinctnr contdoaed lurt of lliu went half cj lot numk twanty four in lht fifth ooaoauouu tha twill townablp tlcacribed a fol uotnnighclua at b booth w ccntur of uald wst um lot at 1 1 oluntid tbeucaunrth ratty five datr let mlnutett weit tblrtyaavoa faatl uokt planted theaoa oorth t- avgrve cau alatywk lent 1 alanted tbenca wutb fourty hnje lea mlnuttni eoit thirty aavea tiftri uoulheabtaifly limit or aald biuhau ueuth thirty elfiht desrow wfjat ulduoulhsuuterty limit ltyfffa7 tliuploca of baalublbk tij riiuftliujut dwullluff ooutaitnaa aefn room ami in an okcetlmjtt ttar tliaro u nlio erected ojj 1 uir the vlllajp of lltneteofao rayol1iuti nbtnea to bo paid uij tiratthtitluaorumll within thirty l