Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1914, p. 3

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fcj jsutimx yvte fltcs thuithhay 1ulv iii hill tomoniiowa bianobi n htrc m i of iroiililo iionxui my tlie it u idaoli nrnl dwip und wide hitter uw hour lit fiiltmt luitli whm i cm iu twollltjjf tliln rat x bailie and ulng unil niyi iii hope awl tnit itlway i ill boar the um row tlml coitus loinor hut 111 borrow ihhw to day totooirowii hrlditti lu uruay thlujr i i daralial onn it now i mm ma tlte t ntlwri wwuy mid uwlnifi am it arehc iihji und iwiw o heart you muut liojw ulwuy yo tnuw bliif and ttit and wy 1lt hear uw borrowtliat omox to wa- row but xilirarrow itmxi today i f- thb1 bim of woruimo too watt helavetlon wlillo working lb nvdmblfuo uveaod tuura often iineded thnn rtbikutum after workftig bay ttut hurwlay bchool tlma thero t u tmimimir4 of wly or of mind and bjilrlt tljit doe- not luilp lite mattor 1q heml bnt binder it a jouny whwnerwbohad but recently learned urn art w making hi way through th pool with much ahort artother nwlwhw who had been obeervlng him and willi kind latereat bald in poaalttg you are working too hard lionet try to flgbttokymiraelffcttt the water wilt do that i rebut alt your mufaolo for a mo ment altar each btroka reeling lutfd on u water without fear th learner heeded the word dl thu ok- pwienoed awjnaiar ami found to hu bur- pda that ha could clrcl the tool tit quick wtimittj without exhaustion ty letting the wat la him up and using all hla fora id tha work of going forward anderju upobalbl to do all our work in uieconecloiiiiha that tha arm of him wbo hold the ea u tha hollow of hi hand ua haaflatf ua u lat ua kahuc tha tam kpidfa and taat in faith ort if led uv- latfavacyaoanp w dirootly laid tha taak at haod bat hludahntf it by a km o aocaa other ubtwui wilsons poison hit swat that ftv itob hvmm jjkmbortitharuaapalwio- lorooara khrahmd duiui 1mto ttttou an ajaualug hxidwt oocuid at uaacti villa oat moeotly uurintf the uovwtxmr- oandtaia our whan tha ktftl traia htl- jwd umm for hbort uto tvo ihtb of ooababcht kftwt by ii v whltuo- usrailaupdbumlaotofthatjratul trenhatllortfiuj witijiyt owdl up tha attaat th mwtlortta haanl tltai tha tiala had atoppad than uud takdo a niji for tli thay fallad to twjul th dutibkulabadvialloraud rtulil both lilia kad mr wuttaabatoir into dltcb tha dak took it ood batoradly battbvnnmamtllfdortlt to fcrtdloata but uabraya got cum will draw thtat out ohildrexi ovy for fufchers qa9toria twu ooooamih vailuk apart fnh tha uuliutloo of ita laroal for ooftt ovar do dlatlat aud aeparau imthnda bavabaad found for tha uuiuatlott of um ooooabut with tu fll oovwluf and iu ptodiwu tha tntet iwiiortiuit eoaftatm food every yaat alkjufc ight thoukaod taiulou uuu u tiultlvaiad of utht nuatt tuy bo par ooou w ooawuiwad in uia kafck and juwwbor aa food 00 par tent aw k airfonaod into oil forum in tu wun kaajosw and only about so mr eent dod their way to tha kutopui und awwioan h oooout oil of ttoutaa hi um1 on k iwltawl aoala for tha mannfaotura of uat bouat warftarlwa aoap tmjulhw and laid and auo m nti utooiluuit aud u luth- eant tliaoolroyflbwaheathwhhiliouval opmtliahjud tjtall w tha bub u ujd fivr fcttpa oorj awl oallta humid ufwatairal an irlahuau duaoovarod h itart of uto woodwork of a chlmuy ou tiro ifu num d apaultv to hla taaur umounood the axualhitf lulollljpmoa a lug kauja of watav waa ou tira why didnt you put oak tha ftror u ld i oat aon- wty ytni ubt ponf th wtr wpt it ch ita botwatar w fraa itart trwht aid larvns prnlraliti mil joka hewmo ojol o write- i tl it my duty tojjt know ol u iret bec6t your mllburo heart ml kent filb lld for nw i brthor four yni with ltrtlrooblo ad nervous prmtsauon x waj wow uut i eoohuot v utlr without ittuu down m tb topbetew i awld kto my room i couldnt low w on ny kdtidb for it would mem aa thourh my heart would top ithouibt my tjiiui bad eome x waa docuaruf fill to x sot two bona kutkea oae box x becwi l ftcr x had token a down ataln witb- dent bcuwt attd ocattn win x 1 to ftwq your i hem puls afonlxjxsva had salt rheum on her hands so bad she could not work bwdoefc blood bhur curat her m 11 jlll jlox 104 nawboro ont wwtei borne tlma heo x watt troubled with bait ttheum oti my liand- ami it waa o itad i could not tl my wok i uleil mveral tncdlclnea but thoy all failed t licit me oive day it friend told ma to try hunlocl illawl littler to i fot a htttle and ltcforc 1 liail taken it my hand- were letter i am not afraid tn tfecaumiettd ii tlu to any- ihidjfr thcna la onlyona way t net rid of all llinwi obitokloui tkln dlnea htich nu lkxema bait ulieum lialla ilmnui ttt and that 1- y lvlntf lb uhkml n ukkoukii ckanvliitf ly tha um of llur dock lllood uuuri yhu sttiiiiik remedy hai been ort th tnurltet fhr cloca on ut forty ycara and you will fiitd that it will do alt wd claim ue that our mmn appear on tha bottle laltel und wrapper tha t mllbum co tlmltia yoroittd out tfllw dkilbjfbd aavmttimmam tfvero i an uivolant llrltlhli aiiacdota klill in parfll iaod htabdlng hltiu glvd a dehultun of a luly thu mnuni ut tha mluiau of a liouio on rtunilii from ait aftarnoona iltokktii taaa tttfarnujal by hr houaehiatd t uuly wan itara to fca you uuai ahkail tha mint i how do you know it wan a lulyr bald th itouaantaldi uociaui bha wan covered with joofly and uwill of lierry boumtliln awful mow a now votkor wlw ooinod to caiimlt uually od luajiiaw reotilud thd aneodta tha other day in ulllntf of a cknadlan daflnttlou of a fmilleaiati whloh ha ttolvi homa year ago 16 waa at a tuno in ottawa ha etld lh year hafutwi u lloer wr ooaofwy partaerawam s bain of a bile who had vlralaab anslomanu bha ran upou olm uluilotiout bad blta vtjood hnd itturrvl oplnloua am tolhd uulf htwetl ifeuluttuln and all other tnan wall wont you pleam tall u4 6mouy what la a gmlunah f t finally ailed 4 hutjllitforktaoiiieit ifarayea ran arouud ut tuont until they teud upon lord ava tha hht bou of thenuariiuhioflhioerlu a henuamatl bakl uy luktner la a bum who know lord ava wll enough u aak him for a milch ohildron ory for rietcmers oastori a ivuliloa in lrlratlow unlike any other uouuih raguhuor iwtaelwa veff- tapla 1411 km tha kwult of lotttf btudy of veetahhi eootnouiwla oakuuted to atlwul ata tha btomacbla fumtlona and tnalnuln them at tha nomul ootvdltloit yeara of uaa hava twoveh uulr fauluaui character and obuhllbhod utalr vkoollenb kepuutlott and thin reputation thay hava maintained for y earn and will ooutlnua to rnajaulu for tltoaa pllu mubt alwaya kund at ha luuul of tha lut of bunthunl tmarationa unloei a wan itau moral at kaat ona falluta he uj unalila to appractate tudoaa a jfood hook la an akoolunt btlnd touta ttiremrjtherplaflendahwd4a pluw- era baauly la naturi tetniorary rtft to ue falrmk itaveuitu ubwobt only to tlie ry buull individual aunt lliaa fomier tnlatroui wua talklnif to har ona momlnff wimu suddenly fcha dleoovetod u hula ploluuibtuuy klandltii bhyly behind hla tatlwa bklru la thu your iltua hoy aunt liu y bheabbad yo uu data tneorlpuon joodaokw what a funny nam aunlla or u child 1 11w in tha world did you happen to call blm that 1 ab blntply callt blm dat laoua ah htu mofa band wub geuin him filled what um voroot a bohool lnummlftr waa tetltiff a obwba wmiru of olmerv ulloti ha inaila autw that tli nl4iu wu llint ln iwd a im loottiitod ftiuiiluiii in lit liu wuktoout ikkiliof lie turnliitj ita hlood with lili toat utrown liwk mul iiim vhtdl4ayid ponlowt now ikkjn tell hie what i itavo for kotlen tln3t uhu a loni mum und than ltiutll oloo tiped up i itoaiuf blr you tarjfl to bay kkcuaa hu wlttni ymi wullitxl hi front of tins todcle children cry for fletchers o a s tt ori a homo iimii woulil dii yauuu if tltey odtnikillil lo work ftvru living i tht irtlllciilutn llku tivot irowl thirty lu in ivo hurry ulimit bhowlitjf iiji on mi ot uliut dui tin ol iiuu iuy when jou hkvia hlni for hla dwutihleia luuwl i ifo ukku mo if t luid unv iiiotuy f tuppiui you bltowad him your xmak book no i i waded uia quetloi i dont know what will haitfien afur i am nuirrud hut la luttt oluff to luake a touolt ot tm ufoa ul tremamkmrrooejk brctratd that bad kraal in to ton woman would not give op tr tt foond upbitwcu- knutu vaffav bla ttajqtnpuuian ftlmct pawh x urtd talintf lydu t wnkham vehahu cobtpoond i waa la dreadrouy tadooard auu of balth bfcd tr tenia troo blaa and wad ao iac- tremalyervwj aittx to bty wtmld hswi berj in bad aj it wan x bad baxdry atrecujtb at thnaal to- ba on my feet ajd what 1 4ht do wad try m wjt ifort x book bot ahwrp fct bladit had tf couraa fait vry bad kt tbo fenondna ax 1 bad m steady haciirtii let taltlna um bamoad bottle x bo- tlrt j tsnt ova bofcarb waat not ao bl 1 1 on ted lottc hd kny btt warw ttronirxf x 9oaunoed ihf ua tafttll it rsdi naw wonutu bt to knd bow x tart hardly vvajhui that x fcni ahla to do eomuehuxdo wbatwyeiikriowejiy womnrt in naod of a nod madldoa i 1 irmy pmloo lydht e mahboma v- otsma compound mra vauunc cur- cita n tuup bt nubnir ttmaea hat xteeat vculnaf wotne for forty yj bow lydht it wohhani voitflbla cotnpound hj twored tbeu rltli whnmlterhaawilhlmnh ola v i occcanta tot hut mormon demand fat it from cout to eodkt if yon are troubled with women wl rinkhama will pay you to do ko xydfare tbjt- tata udldn co xmt maat van una w raw j wrw i with buy allniaat pecnluv b why dont yod try lydu k ne- vaatabu cotnpottnjt xt mothers i rehehberi tn olntrotot ybupatonyoucniuaajciobrt iota the kyatem juit am stutly u food the child ub doot let j lnipureuimjbdnerajcjohntf i muttei aucb tut nutty f tha i dbetp ointment contain get 1 into your chllda blood i 2w buk u purely bejul no poit- ouotu coloriiiif 0a it nhrayg rambuk a buttamt or ihttfami an atyttneer wlto waa retwlrlutf a rail way una in hotith afrloa found n ooay farmhouite which he prooeedetl to occupy loupuy camai ulejrram wblth tead m followai 1 v bf waul houa tti ikneer wondered who wj t u might ho ou inquiry he ouud it referred to tha leuornl trajtta uanaor aurhjfat ba buirntutad if bo can uae bleroglypblow uo can bo ha wired imoli fl t u can o t if two dayahuer there oamau very litdltf- ttaut and hell important getuumeu it waa the seneraj trejio tuaua4rer inooldly polite touea ha halted tha engineer what be bteautby beodlm wtoh an naoleut bum- utt to hla uuporlor tho feofitueer bald innooeutly why it waantlbeoleul waaat luaolaat thf anorted thapjat man woatdayoumaan tltoo by uay- intfxcanov hr aluply an ahbrevutlou explained the ftttfllneer aweeuy i wired that the 0 t u the general trama bubar can fl v if trt tl bouba 11iuwiji- lbtludt castoria lnuroroyr30y rarsarravjuwa uut momob e jhh odpulu of local vim llrlffuda to uajoun llreuan hare i bay old cimp dont put the kro out too quickly the nmyorb coating alouff awl hell be awfully tum ikolntld if ita out before be yet beite london oplulou uiilomi wornui lu expelled from ute ayet tern no ohlhl can ba itaalthy mother umvtiai worm khtortnliuiter u th e metll- olna mttant to dcatroy and many retua of luourht tuiu cub to hapeeta miorolmnflu icoinivekiray old iiuu tten torrid day u uvery uuebhalnawoimiitaj aliaworrlea ihjllava worth fool who keep their moutlm utub may paa for wbe men mwtsmimtclmjsaztm mo booms illtw my dear udd um youug buixand did you upeak to the lullknutu about tliettt holuf no utwun on tha utllkt vea i x told blm avul it tbu huwolug and ba expliluod it batlafaotorlly i think it quite u credit to him too wbattlldhueayt he bald hu itlwaya filled the jutf ao i utt that4here war no room on the top for bream t wmbrathbi ajuttow oamr m ottttimo atvain a iltue liny hail been punuted by itu luotlier onu day and that night ttb bed- time be prayed thha i bleau imp and staler lucy and brother frank and uncle svd and aunt llary and make to a food boy amen looklntfup into hh molhera faoe heealdi i auppoaq you uouoed that you werent in it the mlnuwa wife waa biruuy vgfte one afternoon in uandlui the family clothe when naljrhhor ojed for friend ly chat after a few uoaneata of newa and roaalp the caller reaiarked ua ahe iwgan tolnapeotn hukct elf mwellaimjoua bnttonei i vouaeom to be natuytuy well aupiiletl with bauona of all kind a why there a- 1 one like wy iiumuimi immi on hla laat wlatava anlh iieedealdtlmbnlnl wife with 1 a alight rtnilei wcjl all tlieee button i futd n thaoietrlbetlon hem nd e4nnaldt7 fflftb i odfdt aalwcll nuto aome oa rve slambeb and libel makes perfect bread dahaottm ram the mimut attnuihad ukenhb wife fore trip on motor hue tltare waa a anmab and number of people injured home tlma eiterwnrde he met a friend who eeld hello aid yon get any owasea oob of that motor anoldaat yon were in i oh yea lie aald i i got hunagca i ot jci0o for myaelf and w foe thr nlaaun the mu-u- m tla frhmd waa w i u land v oh yee be aald 8be waa injured x had tho preeeooe off mind to hit kr a lur j bofore we were reeo kiviho within vooh imoomtb not to live within your income lu lo 1 illutoihmt homeyounirtiten profe uielr ineullty to do thin wlten tuy ai barnliii more tktt uut waui of ixmkim of famlllou wware lirlimlntf up no vol 1 ohlhlrou on uw tlutn ue rlrtnamed wuu enrnur bpeiula on blmbelf tim younfl man in tptebljoi wlu prolyl ly tulotul bliubelf by buylntf bui boolul wj1 uonrmpilrea blm lo live in wry dlflerent way from tbu ltardviorknf ftlwir tf a family he mioit dtwui hatter l on twlurfare live in n 44bahter ertilrotl- nuinu tlilti u all a toltk ko onea toulal oaition inquire duhoihwty ami jo noyvlultyauctiiinotiiay fornd whloli wmrteort ehse mukt he foracd in iay for puu jou ort tluj level of a bwlndur the trouble wltk many a jouittf vomau vtatre earner la that ler btantlanl itroludob bftk btooklnba ami bilk llolnea to her gown while her oarolnba buwoe only for ille and camltrio aud many a youatf nuut on a waall bl ary wlnbea evening clultea ampenjve beaia at evnlntf nuajnmeou and blmllar lumurua ha la wllllntf tn pay for aa tony ol them a he can and he leave the lti- of of hu boanllntf hotn hla tailor orbotae friend from tahom ha borrowil lo tneet thd belanee what attoh young pofde bd la to lewolatlwilaa their bumurd had put houeety before taejtlotf bhow it hid been bald with a feood deal of tth thet lo tave a bhlllliio w week oat of onee in- bodva yir- contept vthlle to bpeod u ehlllios bore then co earn eaaa fcnla- ary and ihe latter alo meana djuhon ty iwivm aulma llefure il the boke or vapour from w x 1l kalk aaihma ueowdy ive eethm wo tauikoe u llacar it twadjoete the oaliae our uperleoo with the relief felwlao taeaody bbowe bow aotual and poeltlvw la the buooar it le it u the reealt of long bludy tad ehparl- uefat aid wa bot aahmllud to the ptud until it maker knew uwouu do hi wvefc w ufa without bo ij like a bod wlthiot a roof uwt pifje um witlleg to do their doty aa tltey ene it van an ehtet may not be aue to draw w mmtrlnioaul prtao ita a fortunate iblutf hw boaae men that they were bevw married castoria itw uutm cfciuru la um for over so yeere 4 wuv urn ooom ba tr he wae u youutf lawyer who had jut fctahed iweotuue in n enull iowa andbumr hla blgn outblde hie ofaoe door it read t a dwindle- a bttemjer who calleil to eotwult blm aaw the blgo and aald i uy goodoeut man look at that algnt dont you aee bow it twulat put in your name alexander amhrobe or whatever itu oh yea i know ball lite lawyer ie blgbodly but i dont exactly ilka to do it why nott tujtedthaohent itloolm mighty bad an it la what u your hnt adaw the summer complain of infants is cholera inrahtum mtwry chlitlrm dto frarn ftfa aw cured hfthh9t l rowuae dc- ttfact of wilb atnuwmmiv a kuedy wfakfa wltt onlcuy nffevt tha vomhlnx pnrilftf mad ihe profuae djuurtbocfll acoebpnnlng n twan of tada nns ira oeorge ueulcy klousoint ont writta i can nocmneadxr vaerlcte katract of wild btrnwbtrry for cbtuarm inrantum uy utile tw waa aoalch i did not think aha eouljuv u we eou u ttbt lift her up f of when we waved btr ber boweb wotddtnove x tnve ber dr vowlete mua the flret doee helped htr and one bottle tttred her x tocou- mended it to my awrf whmw child wej akk and it cured bt alio then ageh x hava told other rrfenda about u and they have found that it la inaa mealdno to have in the botua nfl the time there tuw many prepumliona rw uat nurltet today ylalmlng to make tha tejno cttfte w xr fowfcr but tbcen wbenuxkl nopotuoti ao cahvd etniw- otrty w rvr4hlig uore c how than rank imltatkwi wid arc babla to ba at detriment to your health whm yon ufc for xr powltrv ba aura you get it do not nobtpt nny other u tbeaa actbathutea may bo daii bea that nr uune a on the wrapper pra sscenta the t milbum co urnited twottto ont uuaaoa mo ahtooav borne hum uro no uuumi unit yuu lutvti to bliow them the door when tltey are look- logrlsbttitlt h douut follow that botttuksi a man continually bukex thoughtlew remarka be la remarkably thougbth a thick akin hi not beautiful lut it hi of ten comfortable there are an many different klnde of women u there are women nobody la going out of hla way to carry barrel of futtary to you juab from love of you or beoabm be la needing cnilbe be member that von may be hob without being hap py but you cant be happy without being rloli oeorge wabhlngtoa waa tempted to go flahlng itut he alwaya ronmtnberwd that he bad h repntallon to peeaerva dont luten to the voloa of troable for trouble e at to ba a liar anyhow 8eak well of yoar ffrienda their psailoa will do all thu knocajnu aary why ult that a kg man alwey tnlteaj m hie ihonmr ivcrknea ihe filler t vu inihlufa it i if yoil aek a latrr what kind of illaputo ajlvae rlae to tha larcetft num ber of coatee ted caoea in llrllatn apart from ordinary clalma for dehta lit would brobebly any libel and alhhder do you know preclaely what la tl illfference between theae two thlnirar nty raw people wri to have n rwally clear idea libel and blander hava many tblnaa in common both rataw the dnfama- tlon or character and both are apt to ixi very ox penal ve luiurlea but whli alander can only be by word of itioutb libel mutt be written or printed drawn or painted or in aome almllar faahlon more permanently ro- corded a utatue mlsht be libel wo liavwaeen mmo that xindoubted- jy wern but there are many important illn ttnettorie hetwpeu tbtt two ttllnga tfuppoao yout- bolchbor hna been flanderlnar you in tha way that heltthbarahav am toil und you urn rtettlnfc the colrt ahouldur from your iwat rrlenda you want to brlnv notion nttairtbt te alandrer what raw you prove y vou muil prove apo- rlml damuain a bltfiidr tab i e that you have autforod wonie pecun iary loae which you ran demnnatrato to lurlge and jury yrewuently thla la a vary dlfneilt matter bui ua with nearly every rule under the aim thla oh baa aome farreaehlntt eaeop- llone they fall into four well-dbfln- nd claaaea flubpoae browna tonkue haa been runnlna too feat about your bucl- haw yeu are a kroeer aud he bey- that owe of whit you aell au auaar fomn brf the beuh or you are a builder und ha yoee about telling people that yor are buyln motor- rare out of ihe pro at you make y puttlnar abnddy material into jerry- built bouaee tbu concern your rharaeur in connection with your hualneae and an you d not prove bfwelal datnavj hut if rown merely told peonle hat you rolled home drunk hbout tkra ulahla a week und were iwaya quarrelling with your unfrrtuuate wife thla would not atfaet your capacity either aa tt builder cr n roer aud brown would be quite eare unlee you could prove aporlal dimax bf wu aorl it will ally he aew that it i often very doubtful enactly what attend a man in ble bualnee eabaclty asaln if anyone impute immoral ity tn av woman tbbre la no need for her to prove apeclal dam a fan act of put lama at bapreealy provide to- thla and aubder to tha effect that peraoo auger from certain dla- eaee or haa been aullty of a hia- inal btfench arw alwaye km the lawyer put it actionable without froof of bpeclal damae now libel in tbu wepett u quite dlgarent you uevr ceed provo bp- elal dam lo lbel action aud of eourw you hava another remedy you au proeent th offender vol blander yon eaunol that la to ey for ordinary aader en a private per- on troeculloa le poaalbu however for mduloua or blaapbemoaa elan rlere then ther are dlfferencea be tween libel and alauder from defen dant point of vuw if yon are auad for datnserw for libel or blander it t a complete anawer to ahow that what you aald waa trie nut if you are proemuud for libel yon will not tucoeed in your defence unlee you alao abow that yon publlebad the buument without malice and la tha public intereat bo you might ko to prleon for writing tha truth but not for apea it appxo ha with wblpited crem una av plot plate wltb good paat ualng a very dp plate building tha cruet high around tha edit cut up autflclent kroen apple to oil it hea lag a httlo la the centra mi one- half cupful ausar onofourth tea- apoobtul arated uutmag ouiahtb eaapobbful aalt one taaapooaful le mon julco d a little gratad lemon rind tad aprinkl thla over tha apple dot with butter arraug a few atrip of paltry lattloo faahlon over the pie and bake forty to fotlyfwe minute in a moderate oven serve tn tba plate and with each portion which ahould ba nerved lo a deep dlh pa the following aauce one capful heavy eweet cream whipped atltdy aweetanad with ahaved mapla auuar ud havored with united tmtmcig btlr well baforo aorvlng thuttcao wwi vance pound wild tu tboforeet of vona- auela tba yakaulka a kind of tr aro readily turned hcccnilrt v u able aarvanla to tho indiana who rlnmretkato them their power of tilavit la llmlled aud they aaldow at louipt any dialatico lu tba air not only are they lntruatod with th cara of the bocka herd and poultry but they are left aa aote guardian nf thtf babie certain apeclea of th trib- found lb hraall farther to the aouth ar proloctad by law becauaa f their reeognued value aa anoko killer a card trick take au ordinary vtalllng card and bend it at tba anua to make it look ilkoallttlomtool nowpucoltou thi labia aud invito your friend to blow it over tbta may aoem eaay but they may try in vain to do it it can be beeetnpllahad however by blow ing aharply on the table itaeh at aomo dutaueo lu front of tho card atlrrlug a under it which u it bwndled rjolleclor iiiu fairly good apect- uau ill giro vou cbo for it curio dealer no air ive bold that for 100 aulnwu colloctoit- a buudrodl good heav en yout been awlndlod ha worth twko aa touch tendon f optorraauy biatltvj one auecaada au bracing tba othar teuown opnorttttt- lly had severe stomach trouble and sick headache ctttu not eht anjrjung wam awkanj pain my health 1 better now than it ba been for year and x we it to mu- bum lwltrw xhlhi write mut ftoeo doytc coonsuxht ont iwu for acvcrax year troubled with aevtio tlfttnitrh troublo and akk hrndflrhr could not cat anything without agoola- iag pain my elck iwrhvchc wen tnost violent and i could not rot ingbt or day t became e and thor oughly r and no nbditwi accrncd to help me untu x took mu buraa xjbaaxjvcr i in five month x waa entirely cured uubania jbuuvuvcr till uru without a doabt one of the best remedka on the market today for alt the trouble orbing from the wrong action of the uvcr voti can procure thctn from dntgairtoremefalatora ifthcyha atodc atnd direct to th parvus pr aajaib wwvw cas1 sino kind ten xxava always in use fbr over so yeara1 all ooonterfolta vmlbulotu fttxperlmeutu tbat iriflo vlil ywfwfg and obifclronv jblap what is c caat9ta la n twrinlceva aub- rorlxs trop aud etoothlng i contains ktolthec opium mori babeiohee xu offo is lt gnnj nnd ullays poyvrlabneas it colic xt mlloveal veotblnor t land kvlatuieiuty if aaalmlbi fitokutmh and txowolav glvlnf 1 xnci cblldivnn x 1 qknuinc casti i ebearb th i the kind you haye in use for over actons elc chopping chopping kl ro thursdays fridays satisfaction gt flour and feei b f caldwell geo patterson live stock beal acton oh 1 cattle sheep lamba and hog s write phone or cali personally stroke yeu sell skk mr stop thla 1 where you will find tho latent docking in auwetlaauiouteatthlriglnaotrmatb wo have a atyle a shape to fit all countonancea at a price to fit your purus lu getttlamchi eaiioclfllly you young men and let ua ahow how well wo can pleaui you the uew btraw hats und panamas aiw hero f your impaction r e nelson b ihfesbhnb tellor wsvdluu g taw wubiaoaae oaatlru wiij a i i matthews ph miu street ii you want a pai 8 v calf or budkstin sheep or j peciiy storeyo in no olhei value to prove it slip on i knit wiut ant lined tcbidij uiing for warmth and con sold at all stores every miu on storeys w hl storev acton

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