Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 16, 1914, p. 4

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vt ill ft not 1 off wrogl ftkuul iwuedan i hot lod utere- ol tkii fiej hw li with 0 atone tha wma sunday papal exour- fib for teeeday f 4 will bo vy ih abythaassp iuku ob 601 the- oonmltua jundoo for taeeday j half holiday tut i the opportunity of that the beerdrinking tin new cemetery flo tbo ouuaptoa bail heed j tbo beef 1 brought in milk tbab it la eonkaomd toolbotlho end thai mtuo i have bow drunk there drinking u bed enough bub taking uw aceoo of it tnt ulon 1 addad thu u a t action by tk oetamury a theeatborltu of tbo town i trank hallway have decided of their pilley of putting awgaa before fcpoed and rati of lamtatotlotui bu um i to eey toad ooamotaj j ot tfcelr train id cuaed aro urged in too teanlfealo to hn nlee of the eonpny tbay tod frta opeedlog the train to ltupvume if foroonmatur- tlwmgono a utile babied um eleo iwoaeated to watob eed dalaoto they ootioa to peejog on yejghi um hoeaaw ibboteoa wr bnebaad bad ooami from vieu tide duosbtar mr r halo btiaetend eoddeajy expired from l lira ibbouoa bad um dy h her aaaal health i ooa oo tnoa- bav h 1l wlutiakeod albaae ctanh and to bofluo for mr 4 taking d trip to lb i hem krtoh ynp v rubuv in thle eed liaekod tatlrriagtaw 1 tajelete to dlaooe m wmc affect the a vitally id owr laoibandayowtt uouwdayaofav allfeofthe iin the codeld ll aflalm thli idaye of um h umi day war li propnota a ji of hi wed the dby fcr too to god ad u eachers resigned for high er sauries fa moaracod imp year and km imwihi board by tand- rmumuum tim hoard of hduoallon rnbton m0nd4 en i tig tlio lot of tlio bvoruj llodrd of kdiicu ion tliemlatterdayii in not u lwpy oo kentlio nnirftgnmonb of leaolxiru atwl koe tig uto ktafftlp loilmrtnntrulrmeitu mwl mimlwnt u roooiiitlileroil at tlw tmwdnif of tlto lloanl tl uhl woeu iti juita viiuh tlw now touclwrf lad oogiod tha mamlorw of tla llnard aofigrtultd tlwmmlvam unit llt tuff oompbto nnd knuly for um tv oinsnlntf nfuw vacatloo httrdly awoek luul wimmki mdrrt um rol m of two lunltmwl o hd bctt monilwrh of uw huff but year orw rocetvjfl uolli u4 lo ro et6ill at inorthuod murlo naj tohbvl mnt lot tem of hooepunoa to tlw lloanl in foot whop umi uovnl rool on uoiubiy ovenln hmy wert bood wllli uw uhontaly unwwir tlwj contmujttoktlonu uooumultjl liioo tlio prevtoiut wootliuf two wmilm 0i f u iur of aoevtnoa fur anotkor yoivr uiki a mmxmmi ooo f rom utoumvlmolter ttwur- lug ber rojtfntloo tjmwo rkiauitionit for mgner n-urt- uudnff tm your for whlolt onuuttimnt b iwwn aoootfril aro not mro ooourwm ukaooft tltwt trutloo iloardm in varlouu ijmonj llirouflhout um rovloos an conudorlntf tbv puufaauon of ht toackv who rnko thu vmotloa aa tint bonui whuo of otctlo may babul lottora warn roail from uu m inula llntmu acmpung kmijrirt tor a yar a uacltor of uta ftnuaoos roota at uta ulary of fflh and frotd u1m lit wllt m uxar of ut tblrd ook room for tbo aama period at tho atldry of 5i- aoooituuooa wera tyjvd from kjua mary a uuok atwl ulu ltoa monlvn a loulmra of tb mnlor iwltoary hd bnt book rooua at ularloa of woo oooli tt rwnauotia of uimuw taylor and movtrri wemaomtod anduw aaotoury wamlaatraetadtoadvttruaa for taaobera to 1 tba vaoaneua tbo oommlttoa on pltuwoo iuroaatod tbalr ftlnbtb rort attd roootaioeodod pay tnent of tba following aobounbi i it ix cwt vrold kuulnar iout j m lldoyaa akataloauori fana 400 a uodmart uualury work laoo uajurlnunkoo toaoban i u4 lloba imnuttg co av uaobera 1 24 tlia rapdrfc wan adooud lbs doada for tbo addluon to tbe aobool brottodji porokuad frool w if blowy k boo llmlud mn prodooad and tba uuo raporud to ba latufactory tba paymant of tba punbamprioav2iiowaaautborud twuwa wera rooalvad from b cordlow ttttd alax utjtmi for whitowakblct tbo walla and oatllujfa of tlta tjgbt rooou of tbo fcobool two ooata tho work to ba ootoplot- ad by tba htb august tba taodar of a gordlfter 2200 balug tba low oat wan aoosptiki tbo orury wu inurootod to ordar tba naooaauy tupply of oal for tba yoar tba wattar of faoetug tba bow proparty waa dlaoaaaad tbs hoard tbon atlourod twafth in halton county ona ot ihm la4 qthhm oa wimbj feahadh ahb uunmho abdhkauaui monday uat vary propltloa day for tba oalabrallom of uxifluwlooa twuib tba daaip waatbar did not bowavafi daoraaaa id toy apmt u wpdor of tba oranjpmoea wboo rortdaavoaa for tu ooonty wari mluoo tba ooualy town naw tba ltrgoat yajujhotf of iba bratiii itflttfbuiory tto-ido- tbo lodoa of tba oodttl tba fouowlag wra rettnmaatad i ltandaa htraatavllla uooo uula hlora uottoa villa ualadoi eat hand hill bauycfoy clwo nad uataluon no tol tba olarioal apaakarawara u a i braovtawtoatodtbanjnriaauab illo totb mtnohilaod bombara of tba mr jaflaru la bjoaty tbraa yaara my ago and wa um oldaat otaacamab praanat ouwf apeaaara ww i iv if a moooll mayor and broa- dtxon laadaa ituoaaty maatarof waolwortbi m c smltk barilagion and oon ullbnar oaklla of uu apaikavaairpnaaad approv al of tbo oppoftltlon of onagaaam to tba eoufo lowanaab on tba aobool tiaaauoi ia uw uabltob alaotuul and m tba bopa itat tt itnal ngaroa wonkl aboar that um oraaga vou bad paa tbat ootomtaaaat oat of powor akkoogb kov a gmoa toronto waa uabarrad f rom apawklag la tba twalfui oijjtyalalrauostta toroolo baoauaa ba appaarad on tb uiary 1wi platform id aapjalrt of tba abolitui of tba bar orajgmmaoutalda of toronto did not caal uto aana way towarda un no aoodar kkltba nawa got abroad tbat mr iraoa waa droppad front tba lb of apaakara u torpoto and wimu bob ba allowod u appaav od tba ttrtgraouaa for flva yaara tban ba waa utvlud to ba oo of tba apaakara at tbd tswutb ol july oakbratloo athuioo mr braoa qnlauy 1rotaaud aiiimaatlim tbat ai b vm mraoooa nod grata tn toronto baooald bardly bopo to baaooeptabla in otbw part of tba avf vlnoa boi tba orabgatoao of ualton oookl not aoa it in tba ughi tba toauit waa tbab mr braoa aptwurad at mtltod and 4alf vorad tba apwb ka bad prepared for tba toronto boata 1 boally aooeptod aaktbo tofcbow tbt i bad no groneb tlaiaotlotioftbolfaatard ihatriot lodg ofsorootbaalmdbotoflaotooiay loyalty touw oranga ordwr and x will oontlaua to nvow toy bympathy and lataraai in tba iiatkoftoaordregardlaaaof wbat tbay bayo dona sba prooatdlog- of tl day woro vary lttfrotlng and tba orangoama aradallgbt ol wltb um a of 1014 youriumiuonuoauadtour nlalaon ut fliopraobora obaogo in dateaat aoton ott paga no flrat oolunuf happy motherhood ibcsutatttlkiiioml ulooofmo muttialtbnmniwths wtrand to bcauia hw uu arat lafiotta ssum tonte to personal andtravel notes oolal auidl ftwo itonan of intaroat ailvamnld d0b1no thib w1hk mip kmarom of uuiwiun vullml auoti irondaubt wook urm hout mnomtarmni hr u iiinlliiif a iiioiiui in toronto mr looruo llarlwr loft oil tuomlay on u trip to vanoouvor 11 v mtw uoorfra molloaii vuitoii frleiulu in toronto during tlia woak ululflchvarrti ami mutor krotl uro vkltlnif frloiwlii in toronto mra mol- voy uiul durlttor kaitno ltlt oil toronto frloiulu last wok iv m 1 ci of ahuoh blted blu pnronu lr during tbo wook lira win monabb kpont a fow dnyn wlui rrlomla in itorlln uiih wotk mr tltoaiaii lorrymuit of llnminlinin vlultod actott relkuvos bu week mlw luliia ivmutwjm arrlvoil botrui from caltiary uiih wook for tlto holiday mr u 1 croft of fttratfonl u vlxltli u ut ber niotbcrh bonta vurk aveiiyo uim mhjko chapman bpoiit a four day wltb lira w h rlnyder uat woek martin ciavoi ol hrantfovd luui imwii imiillng uto weob wlui friend item mr archibald caibll of flueli m loon vlulung aoton fhatula ibla wook mr ami mia lo dilla aro apiulliig aooujtlaof woakaln joltiiuoun k v mrw duvolm of st muryh vmtod uru wm cook vretlarlok huw but woak mlu aiinla hkankmand mm kaliloii of lattaijob man aro vwubg frloodu ltro mrm itobt mollmrwhi jr awl children vlajtej for a woek wilb uramtton rleikda mra jolm wlllumw and mahurllavid vutltod frlaitdh in orangavllla laab wook miu william cook and master wlllla ultod frlowla in llonwllllarna taat woek mra a k nlcklln baa boon kpandlng umi woek with liar iiur mm it- dryden tjuolph mr atuljurd ifarwood of hamilton aro mr- molaotl mu malnprlaa who in on uwi toublng ataff of uracahrldga acboobs la botoa far vacation mr loorga lloaull waa oallod to london on baturday through tbo aartoua lllneaa of hututar ktav iv o 1 morohllo ofkauon baa boon apulnud uodaralor of hamilton irobbytery mr and mra tlaorga lumahy of fndod apont a fw daya wltb mr jutwt cwppriuuly mlaa bella btapbenaon u fepaoding a oonpla of weoki wlui frlaodu in ilurllngton and haulltoti mr moloub and 111- ifanry of ingla- wood vlalted mra makvoy and aoton frleoda on bunday mr w m cooper uaaurnonlod and mim ualbt ooowr vlaltod fruudii in lorgatown but woak mr amluraenmwtjrlipaaudlldaand wlllmood vuiul mra crlpita tuter in iswt monlooll but week mra ldward oopplng and mr aaron mlnobln of toronto aro guaata at tba bomo of mr a t brown mr and mra vw1 denny mra john denny and mla danny aoloyad a motor trip to harllagtoa but week mean john and juw colawan apant aoouriaofdaydlblaweak in vultlngfrlaoda at tba boma of their boybood at btrabana mr and mra jnt- dtlla uv bean anloylnga few daya atbacandaga beauu ful aumuor roaort bear olotanvluo n v judgaand mra kujou tbalr wm jack and iv and mra v stuart loft for tba brltbb kale od onoday rww mucbav vultlng mrw ifarwooda fauter mr k mieata elbl couman and heaal maiod waoi to utiruagtod od amdy and apent tba oloalag day of tbo aaatmar aobool wltb tbo dalagatlod mr j w bewa aftor a long and aorloua uhmm u abb tn fcalk down to um atora oeoukwauy wa aro glad to atat muton hafonacr mhd qaaaoa v bmltb tobd h- boed attaadlmt um toroato cooaanatary of miiald all yotf waa aavoaaalal and paaaad barasandoauooa wltb ibonora mra voong and bar two aocm of brook lyd maw york wltb he alatat ura thanpaay of latoraaoa maaa ar vuuug umlr uaow mr kanndb uolaad lit mm kuvebatk tbiuiau who baa bead falling rapldv lately wt to fa jl ttmaiayuiapaada um mltb bar bod tbarc bba waa aoooajpaalad by bar grandaod ooaooulor a t browu mr v t warred waa id toronto oa monday to amy goodbyo to hla brotbar iv caiaarao warran who wlib mra wanod left yaatarday od h trip to tbo old ooanuy iv warren wui aitaad tba worua madl oalooagraa tondob h will abw apaod ontb in um dibargh and london boapltala dalunavad mr il hhorllll farm uumrlntonclont f um wltut for km ivaf nt itcllovllln luut hoooti vultliik at tha t id horna ho iktht week mr fuu croo oftl a lllth lino tut t with pitlnful aroltlvut on monday he wuu lutvlng n honxj bhotl in tlut 1 laukunillh hhop liro untl whttu tho bliih wuh itolng driven n wuh hollluif tlto imlnuil u itf tlio horao jorkod hit foot uway uud u point of a protrutlliig itorm itall tore u uoei ifahh uiirtmt tlto din m crm u loft hand aim many hhih of tltought turn out lo iw iaal drummers snack outing i bowling tournament viday july u open alt concert nxday july mil 0pm in the faik bat of tnlenl baud in rttatldauce fireworks grand dlaplay following concart 000ddd00 the great expansion sale which is now at lis height offers big savings in seasonable and depend able vacating apparel for men women and children cottio hi imilny or baturday and aharo in thoao tavlnga in every deparlntotit tnayaro to bo found mn i 5aw dollajtd on at naw suit wo have cut the prlco on every oolorod tweed and woratod null 111 ittock klvlng you your choloa of a aplendld auortmont of hlgb trade well made perfect sttlag modou at thefollowingmoneyaavlngprlcaa blaeairaniroanlta including aoui caalury and society braaov frooi 34 t4 ilagular 00 aalta hegular 9jo 00 aulta are howgak tiro now wicbo hogular 9il 00 regular jaa go and afjo aulta aro now t1 bulla are now fl bqo- ltegalar t 00 aulta are qowfl vj a sklrt bojrajinn ih doceu mena neolhree alilrta a oollocllon of odd llnea from our own regular incltiiled nremhlrtamatleby wllliama oroeue and home duett poabody tookaa oto high grade atoob tbay are out from extra fine uallly material ami comatn plain color laundered nock bantla and uttatehed our a other are flnubed with aoft double attached cura and aoft datacbable f material and coma in plain color alas beat atrlpo effect soma have collar theres not a hjilrt in the entire collection worth lea than si g many were ermnally priced at a hlgb oa i 00 your choice whllo they laat osc blue 14 to lc main vloer yoit cau bow buy n atyllaldv trimmed iiutdmer hat at a big aavlng kntliw of trimmed hat color clearing at theu reducod urlr llobt worth up ot 00fortalm madam inclutllng hlacu and color clearing at uieaa sio no for9d ducetlprlcea mntawortb up to jy ooforwbv hatawortb to georgetown ohtamio base ball game vtuvday duly ttoth 103011 m llumilion travellem calithumplan procession atatttadaiy 1 v ad ilk for moat comical turnout 9io for beat decorated uutotuobhe gamed awuuxlay duly fcbafa a p tn all kluda of conteabv priteagelora band la atteudauce iff bffl bitrrjr rwtf ft indonothlrd oood goin g thui lay p ra hthlay and baturda 1are hura day p ra hthlay and baturday keturd limit mooday admission ooemert adult jjc children ijc rtoajdaduiu children 10c ph and sal jvly24 25 sh heir are ion of uvainnunv bauglnd lhat aura to b favnd in th kmmdyieyvmmr dwpartman women ned mie whlto wash hkirte of indian head and repp plain tailored atytaa efj roijttlar uptorso hbl price dtfc cf pretty talfotod xtyleatn wotnella white wtudi uklrla of linen and indian headflnubedwub pleal at aide h nnd cut tx little wide than hittpy ottho preaont ktylo model regtiur a aale prloe eaa4 s women a while lawn walata loco and embroidered trimmed abed 34 to 41 regular tap to 19 cent kale an price 400 i d e macdonald bros g cor wyodham nd maedontl sll ouelph obi act8dddibsb6oovbdoorsbd8bdaid new surroundlays but old re liable business kenney bros the oldest shoe store in town ilavojust improved their atore which la bow fcaodamlked and up to dale the ktock oomprue all the lateat atyua of the beat maker in boots shoes 8lippehsand pamcy footwear a call will convince ouatorrtera that our price ore lower than thoao of city dealer our forty yaara bualneas record for honest dealing fctaad behind our goodu kenney bros main st aolon the merchants op canada bank thrift i rightly deaenbed as eco- nomical manarerusiit a nhrewd basineaa man is spoken of as thrifty b- eauso ho avs pothapn only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his suceesd lies in the principle of saving one dollar mill start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par ttjlmralsjtfdu- aauvai uix uo usmvimo ittfjkmudocl acton branch f a maclean manager lonyjeweuovxminnicaoeo butetiaimeaa- mllrl wfcicl tithu bdr to cortwl todgnbatcf tuba irfutt oath mwlinm tt couatoukiulhudm 1 um las diiordmd uvwth wm dr uonaa indua boot fuwtw n bmkfat to th kooc of tm bwabb bm twuvar debt ckaf umi moov cli sad itowdm eur tw toiinw ud tuaway tkatstw tuu iw um atoutk mthacnt klsaolbaltau aaatak dr monos ibdliarootpliu seihmjs accident near ume- nouse rikttlactab 4inof l lui4fitaiatoja that aba kotbm jwaaa l a stell say t motlcb all straw and paasau lib at hair price today at r e nelson bumrabakis 1jao wlranhaw m wilwua ouhjm trr i abaaamaaaajaaaaajii hows business advertising backed np by the right spirit the right goods and the right service can rescue a sinking business and will make a prosperous business more masterful in its own community when john wanamaker the prince of merchants began business he resolved to force matters he was not content to wait to be found out he determin ed to be found out in short he ad vertised he threw on his business small as it was the light of publicity aud the public of philadelphia entered the shop oa which the light shoue in this community the public is entering those shops on which the light of advertis ing is falling a word to the public ba aura of tbla thoee who are aaug oar colamni week aitur week da dot bld yo poorer good rrk hare higher price bbow wblth are tllnmlaad by ltdvorualiig oourt with foil confidence yodr fer shop where you ore invited to shop m 1 4 vj 1 i l l aot 1 iipainllv goumd lvimobkhlobraaltflaoat atu fadebraubtf tbo twellui uobati oampuu and ida brother walter of krin ateitad front tiaorgetowtt uu in tbo evd ug to walk up tba u t b- track to tbne toae on tbo trip op walter appear to bav oathuutuwajadddbotmlmbini until be arrived at hla d hotoeuttte daring tba night robert waa atrook by an eogiooand waa found by tba tralowan of the 030 ipaaasdgar train going aaat oakt ings lying healde tba track badly injured tba train took bba to ueorge town and be waa oaoreyad to huelph by tboaio tialn and ukeo to the leoeral uoepltal aubotigb tba nofottanate man a badly battered op um pbyaido attending w baa good bopee of 0a tacovavy ha ana lalaad foor broken rlhe on the lef t atdo f hla back waa laadly motafmd between the tboektatv f ba baa wo oat od tba bead and la el aoflarleg from aareral tnvd pbell ilea oo a oot a um lwkanftal otmueloua and awp ttoltm dot know boar be eadm far tialat wuob waa u metropolitan bank oasltai ria up ujmwooooo iiairaji undlatdad avaflui utvsum head office toronto fkr7wvrs business given careful attention loans made to respon sible farmers for business pur poses sale notes discounted or collected i branches in this dibtrict acton milton gueiflh campbedlville norval are vour buildings insured aiucyulaaaaoaa tvcn- muiyfaaauraouasalnatlml what a jod ajas ta any auiv oor compavay asalaat loai ad your bultdlaasf jsls l o- taaa o t aal all fcant cbfaaa ulallayanbyacaiilamlaslaoataria had laam taaal vkpntj llpta will tlifctala atoda tba lo- baaa aaaa aoataaut bt ooa mf oaol tt what it waa irotloyullb0 aoanar ijyaariaa lavaauxauad atauutaiitttlavaa aoa watb at ilaaiaca daai u karauaa bolmlacaw utatakas- tw waau u aaaad u tbam boltllas wam vfopatly rauai t eaau wookt haaw oaaa laat laataad tot a haaaa oollua vadaadyodraalcabomraauyay tha loaaat tha cooi- paa jnateollacta croat yu aj uapap tha htaa thay gathar lofnaatad thay km you baataaa vo ual yoar natshhort h ttuauu your cocnpatvy l uaayott hvtokiaty uwiatayyaauyautai itwulpayyoukyooraalsabo tlwja talk it orat with hint aarl tall olal what waaay wawoauuiaatoaaodyotl oar cualaav and ww u ya writatia i theunlventjmuatnmirodco mtaataal tha amwmh l h ont- 4 nun bank of hamilton capital autth a uaclaaliwaaap whv a savings account eat to pat yoor uooay in batsb j wilmonnthaabacaaanraulllaaiiai j aac 1ltunaadllyavalbhlalileadiltlihd j halntoattlftaulanaa i j georgetown branch if wttttiju ai jk iuiss wi

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