wedding presents rorfr tintvaa spoons forka rnoy suveurwarw kuok cutqlaea fancy cktno wedd1no sunos mjtliniaom uokmmk 1bmumd geo hynds real estate forme for ule in hnlteo eel mo wvlllniiton io rarau tor ale every alxe hr yoa want m flars write m for cmtalokwe or yew wuh to- sell or vxciuldjm write 4 we have ever y facility far trmnaaritliur boalne to year complete natlsfactlou corre- dvbdenre kollclied j a willotfcbbv varm melllujr hprelejut veentetewti t tuvllhvav juiw 30 1014 news op local import wondftuud movlmr vtekur himin friday nlflht the uet ohoet oanoe in tlireereehl a powerful indian lrabi wlui real indian aetor tjennlne moturon o the nn ohoat denoe brief local items cooler avenltiga civlo holiday nut uonday ifervaat u la lull owlnjr bow tb food old mlnour tlnm u waning the roepoota are good for a am com erop wefeotasobowenlell at intervale the twtweea batardoy will bo kttaoolpatloo uay firat ol atagnti wow far the harveoi applo reo a idecloa broduola thareday rain waa vary beneficial to tw flowing crop yoaaj a anm of knooey eall at kiowa urtta store dont forge to help jour mother to have uuw holiday glib half th kobool holiday a e bdbeol will reopaa 10 another baoath tfca board of doouoa of milton t4u e9ttta9 or mwu thl yw begin to mt your exhlblla far aetea vail fmlr rfnt 22nd and mfd- aeindcjtua bead wu bold ooe of thee popular bead oonoaaebebirdayeren oonpulot a tnede that th weekly half holiday u ttot well ttwrid la bar- ufigtoa two tnaa warn hoed end ooot in allan unt mk for behitf drank in local option uiniory ur t w beafadab georgetown laold tu boot and nbm biulnam to ur jlttmfonl ol toronto it dtt of baqatliijr jt11 wr bu lonntadtowailnnwiynnjtbnrmky hb ud oo- lwi v twuduoi boat tolling ton t obnlytakiltgmtbrbo uob bat tbu it- lw gouvdown bttl tb utranl pionlo of tba mnthnrllrf ioaybcboolulubulawoivl 1 cujhuty thmmooot jtbattgatt curf hooti ad 8nbuy oou will hlw aoton rlra firsnd ftb tba kvorlnoul rbvatttacoavwitloo nt bwuorui owb to oma ttouday wouu mit moadny 3rd of atajpurt tlw nowl tnaklny ult boudy wlq u wltbdrnwn cor tin int milton ooaneu pu muitlud yoang boa dbutarod moooanunu of iwonio 90010 far ttdluna tbo noooaiita of tl wtalllyohbli la ttarrjnuui blook hod w fc uwearatrof hul nd jobu trt w g la ipuoqo ufc wv throagbtb pmlntorpkul a vary impnatlvn baenowntal mrvkw vwlmulatlmuotlwdutitituuobon bu- iwaaj lilny tborlgfiilmndoffelbnrablp wi oa to can new tawoabw a 7 brawn dnffut but angorutfl vub tb twoobw cbmaloal owtfany for tbalrnvporlorum otsoods and bla fcuo win u now knows m tbn kvmalur btor bnr mr wtomoo of lb oborebtu owg canroa wtu prcb la tu autbodu obnrob ant buwuy anddariaf mw wmntb of bov ur btopova abwmom botb i of ivrtuntnwt adootor a tan fnatawntowblp of wlngbua twnda vwttmml by ton dnmifa of mr riw tan on wikdonmuy but tlobori 1orur onuid trunk inketnaii wn uirown from er laorftown klatlon mmi luul ll g broken lie wm romovotl to oultli hoilul helj attotanv rtloa of oood moadm tbs oontrttot ruut iweo ufc for um 000 ktroouon of tbt moatlon of um booj kuuin ytm on tbo itooaml line betwoau aototi antl ulltoa from tba ttlo kropahy uround tk koounulrt uml to hpyfeulo p tooy tha moxloua womiw tba atl reminder of n few woek u bo mkullod in tba cutting of uwt feoel nrop 1m a taumber of vutanb lotm in town tba btunlclmil tniteotor u mf ur tba toron to mabukbatt itallway kulltorltleu to mm uutt tbay comply wltli tlta uw oar iewlma aktauuunptom momra w floum hklp a j mao klnnoo a m hmllli umi w munu motoredf to mouutmption ott mandi t4 toko pui in u bowtlnj tournunent tltora tbla taoelc manrm w a mtoroyuml huiwry hirtlth jr ooomtanld tliwn uw otiuvatt obalv riauto rigfit motor oni cottvayod tho taelulern of kimk cturdi dkolr uv uul mr of c wiimmi nail tba bullom of tka owiuini of tba oarr to bdrllngtoii hmoit on tum day wbora ua anjojaua plo tilo wij ikobb tba outing wan in ail rotoet dallglitfub personal and travel notes boalnl and r lumn of later to itran riw nato a lb am no durino tiiiawaiak for eoma una ula4 tuobal ktana luui bean mrlouy 111 on uontuy kba waa ukan to uia jeaaml uoepltaj ouelpli for no operation tba okuutlott wan bot auocaaafal and kba u in huolomwlltlo uucb aympatby u felt bora for uua btoiia wbo baa knout bar ufa in acton tba bona of knguod alcouralon to niag ara palu will ba bald on saturday 22od augttft tba axourkjon tln will laavo aotoa kt tan mlnuua to kevea n in tbo fara for tba round trip u 3 xx for ululta awl olso fr oblklraa ttokau uuy bo kaourad from 1 t r agent and mombeni of tba ootnmluaa i david swibar ufa tatmbira of 9aad proapntad rwiooa a onuagv wklob t yanrani yongn rod into tu voogwand obarua r fall term in tbla baptlat cuu1- 1 la baalnaai or fan odaavora to babuabldl ortbttu r our oltioan jraggadrond w all donbtlaw y madinff all fabe nawn wbao ua r fatw hmt on polky la to i to tba goaalp tba apraadlag of i uhnt ooy war oorrowa in tbolr jabtoa au ranw raubralnd it f utteday oa july lot tb vu 1 inon nndor tba oontrol nf um iproprlotor vu p uoora x p fm fourty4yu ubaao weakly r arjni oa tba oun of progrona dourbwwblp and in taoab roapaota d for it ofinfiwraa in ratal joarnaiw wui nee tba hmt wtabas of m of btnoda nawapapar ewe nod latbbopatbatb may ba aparad to oolabnio tba jnblkw l wmmm fannlafaxpraa mowttthtft owar om flaodrad dotura reward rooai at fjatnrrli tbat oamot b 00 w7sq oo tolado a like andarabnadbare known f j m for tb unv isyoun and bollevo ily boaotabk la all bnabwaa end fbin bl to oarry ih twile njrhli flni wauato kmuvg habtik wkolaante pregwfawa tokdo q iirfnjtitar dm mw nandajmfawowui euuloera of tba ntairlouutlon exomlmi- tloii popera in tba education apartment bav flabbad tbalr ubora it will ba a nutter of bently two wek bowavar bafora raulta ara ajtnoouoej an n groat amount of work ronulna for tba olarka of tba department in totalling and arranging mark fbl moatut tbat tba rmulta will ba kitnounoed about tbo fttb or lotb ef auguet hi aloaaw at tf khnoraloai tba delightful waouter on tuoaday morning o tba pbwuuira of hi albana babday school for tbalr excursion and plo ola to berlin tbabobool wontan maom and tba day waa vary anjoyaljy apattt a famlura eomtmadlbl wan tba praak of many of u uaa of tbo congregation vuo wont wlib tbo kobool to io all a tbalr power to gtw tbayouagtara a bappy outing mo aabway a movwatb una tba railway board baa ronllad to tbo nppllokilon of tba oouttty of haltoa nod townablp of eequoalug for ha ordor dl raouagtb 0 t tt co to provldo and eonatroot a aolublo aubwy whoro feald railway crooom tba bovaotb kino betneon co e and b in kald townablp of evioajog at or noar lot 20 con g that tb ordar oahnot reakmiauy ba ueued undw axlotlng eoodltlona alow j cl wuoonw uauday juv j a wluo d a uavat ott ut- urday en a nwmtba vomuou 1u wu tak london hi boadquartara and will praaeb in ht jam praltarun uburob aararal babday a vorlou pdnu will ba vutnd from kiondon tb pulpit of knov obttrob wtlt beooouph1 tba nottt two hun daya by luv u v oreo u a of alllatoa who bt apendlng bla bolldaya with ll paraaubaira ontba lytb auauat vur jt j browd b- a tlbmmtburg will prmcb bkwtutig and avolng aaw oim waaatr awjvvnd ur bart blaouir barn frtmer wbona bomabljeatouuidaof ilomtfetowu bad narrow wjoapw from daalb on uaoday of but weak and u a bavoroly injamd man ho wsa working ttt an iron roof on tbo bow umtrf jobuuoclara tot h laoond lino waat ka waa working up and down 00 ooa fcun from n udder fattened try- ropo tba faaunlugr gnvn way aud tba uddar aljppad down ovor tbo ut and drojipad naarly fifty coot with ur blotbur oliugln to u if bad bla ut oat and ult aim browhandd aia aoton baasbau tooat bad bollday sat urday an far an a oobadaud uoguo gun wa ooooocoed uoworor opportunity wan ukoa toartmugoforaicaoiawltb tbabaoa ball tana of tba o t kt 0a0o ktalf of toronto tba loanl wall aooowtpaolod by kovwhj qntbuolu whlutb naalvoaiilt waii oawer la doou ahon winding 10 tba gam woa lataraaiag tbrongbtimt tu aoton boiury wlckoa and uotagno wa a krgo faotor in favor of tb km toam tbat djwt uybdt ugbtly ou tbo twonto boya wo hukmoad by tbalr aoag fraely twadarod ar w down baarted ob oomasaor ibwaaratbarnnataualog aolooldauoi at tba mooting of tb bvortb laaguo od llondoy aanjaif wboo inunadltuly nftar wbdjngtb vator tuv a u urnpar ato tonrnay hod plaoaaba time during bu nvmtb boudoy u tba north waat tb tuaaldl bflloor nnnoanbad tbo olaalag ayntai havoomtaga hay boy to aay tw i in oonmg nkw ilea your anfaty eabeitywiuivuurlfa tbarva dasgar wbaravr you tio bat u yoa ww taaptad in wodknaa hamooarag my boy toaay nol u u parkapa only fair to nay that the tqia of tba avanlag won courag nod b frabamr of tb progwmnm bd tbmlgbt of oooring tba above gmtltuou adrla to tb bolorod paltor obuaaoa am vwualtom od mowday july dotb tbara waa bald la tb otto of hbarltf haodrod b brfunplson 4 jaktmaeuagof tbaoblldren au8obkforllauoiiwand uaboriu tba objoot of the mooting wo to orgnou bo that utay might ragawhy omploy ur a w uoaton of btmptoa na agont nnd inapaotor for tho thro eoutttiaa a cfcudran m abatter waa 1m duetuaad to bo aataultbadaaoawoantralpolat it wa praouoally agiwod that tbu abodld bo doaa and altar cooouluag with tbalr napaotiro oaaaly saowuea tbo dalagat will wmot ajgaka it uaptasibar bt orango k u uahoa bod already boon ceiptad bjr tbanaltoo boelaty no itaagodt and will ba gbtd o have raportad to him at broaiptob any ow of dagkwtod ohlu- iraa tba aombov of oom already heodlad by wnlaoofoftboaod of hla work in iktaoiauajr ur wilt knar of ifeuoh u vmtlng aoton frletulv mr cimui u tvltbago uf llerlln a in town but wook mr h erla iarvln of toronto wall homo on butulay mua kama uahteraon wam vlultlng in toronto but week ur llart uotmeii toronto wau in towtt batunlay kftantoon uua mary maomwnton la ultlng with robitlvea at froelton mr itrank holmoi left on wodneulay oven lug for tlto weel maator ourenoo wttlteraofowmrgetown u ltolldaylng in town mlau uelati vvarrom bau rtturnod from liolldoylng in toronto mr tltomah killing iuh boon vory poor ly tlto pakt woak or tui mr arch motnvult of toronu in towri over uutwoek oml mr john kill- of barllii uitl wltli frloikdu in town younlay mrrf jno rowu la vltllllig at kolluml laiidlujt wltbrabtttveutheru ulkuea marguorlta uwl klio utowart uhrt itolbbiyliigwiuifrlandafnwinfllutiit mr d a wllknighby of tloorgatowti vlkltod frlaiula in town ou woduotday mr uiul um t workman of brampton vuitod aoton frlomla during tli woab uraml ura wluum cook ami uutor wllllo vbltad frmla in lunlpb thin week mr w a btowart mimi ulw huu vuitod frlenda lit laorgetown oer hun day mlu lsttera of vergtui uut bean tba guaat of un 1 u lfanueraon uia paab woek mr and mr auio maoon nf alton vultod at tlm homo of ur wu mabou tbla mk mra tutblngbabi of toronto woa iiera tbla week vleltlng bar fcleur mm allan mann mr b v caldwell ami daugblera ara hpendlngafew wooka in tl obi home at barrio ura nlnun llndaay hr ba been uto ruoit tba paat weak of ber oti mr k it llodeay ura w monau miu oblldren am kpandltig a ooupb of weeke with ttltutu at craamore mlmiuaouoaroleftyeaterdayon a trip to wt william to ktod a mouth with frletbbi tbara ulw mildred matthew of toronto itolldaylng at hut bomo of ber growl- parent here ur and mra if 1 moore uro upending a few day wilbfrunde at oroluttd beach lake blmooa ur w iv speight aud ubw amy of toronto ore tending a week or bo with aoton frleitda um null uobonald and uuoa ifcuol and jeoa bvnbeet hpendlng a eouplo of week at braoebrldgo uro if it burling mod babe of cfcloa- ga are vlaltlutr at tho home of bar father thorn btatham eaq and ur dabm oobmuui returned to uanltoba oa uonday after bpendlng three week wttfa friend- iter urdnd ur j b mcinlyraof calgary are vleltlng at tbo bom of ur hugh uaobougoll vroderlok street um walter bwanto and bar daughter mra beaula of luelpli tpent tuewday wllb bar mater ur romabaw vael bt ltev a 1 draper ult on tueaday for hi trip throngb tbo north wiel ur draper and the ohlurau went to btevati vi1w un eduan bmlth of lort arthur was bora a few day tbla week vujuag ber mother ur albut maun who boa been vary hi uu beealo vimu left but week for a triptokeattu waab on hr rwtum b will atop of at vancouver b c and poinuldtboweat ur john uauurehy who a enjoying the vaoauod at hi father bom wu onaoaeef ul in hla third yar baamuatlon t toronto uulverolty tba father tuwl wuktliar of ur j a uaadowa obkvluo ur and uro j b ueadowa toronto ooubraud their gokud weddug on uonday uloemjeatt and uargane wlukl who bav beau bnjoylng a oouplo of wekh bouday with friend at uousvliu or now vljung uv awl ura vikily at tbortibul a letter from ur tbo 1uu fednuxi- ton formetly of abtou boya tbalr uttla dattgbur ud baa been in the hoplul for tba pat uontb with bouut tamr but i now reoovbriog tb bayerabineulr party ratumed but weekaftiaa verybooyue6uuiig tbay caught a number of doe wwlottge um hotb at bolwagwtn odd crow luka uoater vaul bayer naught tba bitwt baa bibded a four poondor ut bnor cktnpbou bv a of tb civil berrloa ottawa fcpeat a day or two thu wm4t bt th bom of uf bl binder- u v bu mother who ba bead making prolodgwd vuib with uro boo- deroori retarded to tb capital with um yeatercuy ur j h rlynu of wauanburg odl arrived but week to vult at th bom of bar parodt ur odd ura t btatham cburcb btreet ur flytiu give a very luureetlog deeoripuoo of the nmklog mlnat rut w wnuadbdrg tbl opridg and early aummer one of ut moat akoiuag uttle batwaau the btrlum add tb mlutu wo fought within a few yard of bar repairs to township roads tfcepeed keeda aeuatuoe thau ore buoy day among the mad maker now ab work lu town the alone oruaber add boreeuor wa located but week ou the ooroer of tb brownleea farm at tb third lid kt u eating up tbo atone drawn by alx tmdia and three teoms or engaged id oonveylng tbo onuhedatooo to tbo otreet under ootwtrnouon tb work oonitnenued on mill btreet at tba eaafc aide of tba 0 tt track add u being ooa tinned up young btreet to queen and aiongqueen to tho third un a oploddu roadway u being built of good width add batlafaotory depth of broken atone new met are employed and experienced apreader orneber and omrator of the team rouar are edgaged on the work ad dvaraga of about ninety yard of erufcbod atone u being apread and rolbtd dolly when the work la the ab aud u oont- pleted opareiiooawlll be oomutaooed on ualo htreat at the ooath end codaty road ceeueiojiaoer wimw wa bare on uonday inapeeuog the work to progreea he d mneh aauafaddou with the qnalltyoftheworfc nmt mharrina oh rrtn avtkvmr kmumlnk couiioll mot nhumit t bd jouritnieiit tlia 1 leave in uw olialr titom iter all meent moyed by t coxa kooondod liy j ij ktaiwluh llmt in reikiik ut a mtllloit of tlta bolmrt uohu co yjmlled ami twenty other rxteimyara of tlia vlluga of korval to kupplv uil vllugo with eleotrlo xwor and light ileboived timt council of um corporation of tlia townehip of kaquefclng outer intoa oonlraot wlllitlte hydro kbw trla lower cwniuon to hupply hydro kleotrla iowr to tlutt itortlnu of tlia village of korval defcsrlhod lit u map at taohed to kald petition carried moved by auic joe beoatuled hy j 1 htiutdikli that harry fllhhonu l paid for 30 load of gravel wd hu for pbuik to fix bridge 60 oenu t total i 0 cdrrletl moved by wtn cleavo bmonded by alex joe that floorgo f tliomiiboii 1m partite auitv of sid for equalisation nf union hohool heetlonu 7 20 m and a ut vi porleollon wild ntnoudu to lie 111 out of tho lavy for aoliool vuriiomw of kuld ueo tlotm reoiwutlvely carried moved by t coo ooonded by j f htutulut tliattle jreahurer iw uthorid o pay uie lollowln kunuti 41 m manulf lxtw for workdomjim liu unl jahimoiiiaaojor 1ih yonhj uravel uup tilled ivtordlhltenu 1 m 70st frank chlabolm for grading on tli town llnti 2a naworaweya laying u like aum carried moved by alex joe keconded by win cleave tlutt the treaaurer pay william uokay tie mhi of 0710 for 71 yardi gravel aloo 90 for 4 daya work at il r0 per day t it h henderaon for coloring cooper lurkle and rtalrlng name eo oeorge wriggteawortli 2 advanced to bonabl oatntttell for cutting bruab on town line jjih elo jir for long dleunoe plione carried moved by alex joe ueoatided by wm cleave that the treasurer pay john uo- corquodau tlio auto of kmjo far ituttlng on i0 yarda obty ou no id klderodil at 00 oenu per yard abwi 1211 yard gravel on barne hkuroad at tt cent ier yard 12064 1 auo gravel kuhdled ihib ualoolin turner s daj a operating grader ocrrud moved by aux jo beoonded by win cleave that the treaaurer pay phillip j korly for tongue for grader vi i co murray for so yard gravel nun4letl for rood 3f j a treoy aearohiufr title in iteglatry ofhoe 29 cent ink w cent 1 creelman bro for qa yard gravel uup piled harold bingham for roatl 2ih 1foatiul for blok chlklren fl ftr main tenance of jok and reginald hidden of ueurdmor creeoent i jatne rirowl for fixing culvert on town line tt kamuiga- weya to pay lutlf carried oouuoll adjourned to meet 00 auguet ivth the army worm in halt0n onwaoniioonnna lamb kluad by doera m w orlppa rina maw barn ralaad vlalaom oruwwmk tbo farmer of tliluvloliilty are uitxloualy on the lookout for un upimhiranon of tho arm worm ur jux fluiiihlo luul u una tturlng ulnb lilted by dilgh nun ulyht but wwiu awut forty helghlutrm of mr cripptt molut iiih home on momlny hrternoou to itulatln mulng hlu h110 how lumt the lidlou aid tuoauj ut tlio homo nf mr k kliilniry on wodnowlay after qulla u numlter from here attended tlia fnnerel of the into christopher hwaek- hummer on kmulay miwikelllomadouitall kvorlon vullod frlomlu item thla week mr wilbort unw and mr t ung- tortl knatohliull vktuxl nt mr jo unmliwn on huiubty mr a j murray aoton hunt huuduy ul mr w a murray i bargains i hundreds of them at macdonalds store ouelph thhaieyrwulluhdatholnir10ij wo ar not ao biuob dlttoraut from peojde in oilier countu after alb people almoat came to the oanolualatt that halton county waa too proaparou a tuoe for the army worm to btop off but w were in a hurry at owning to ooaclualoua at the lvaltugedeiitonatrauoh conduct ed by the county district representative but imday ur john braduy of hornby had a few wortni id a bottle at the con elualon of tb demodatratlod mr hm weut around to mr bradleya but found tbat although it waa the trtay worm it work wo bonnnel to low petture fur ther down tba road ur jaa robartaou won located fa had a said of data wblob wa very badly auaeked it wu a bug field of about ten oore and at duk 04e could hear the worm like the movement of water oa the baton eating and moving on tbovtraw vaopu dk wbar tby oanu from bub it u aaally bdiwered when one moth will uy from fioo to v00 egg tbee egg wr laid about two week ago id the long gtmm id low puoe and a boon hateli- d move in aruiy faabloe to field that or uiwd imd you aver tea thorn tnamht lb ujubtlikea moving mx oa the ground and when walking over tbom yoa klip book avery aup oa aorount of th graaaed path of the enlaked vorm underfoot i ur uouruoo field they wee bot botued till they bod don great damage they do dot uiow th grain down ai many think bdb eat bu th tender triowth brf l a groat portion of ur rebahooa field abowanotbbigodlhdbtrawwbataver tbo grain u not bated but almply odb off aud let fall to th ground during the day lb m remold uudat bode blod of berth oordatoek or any other polooted puo if you move thee you unoover neon of wo ourud up in d vary comfortable faoblod all day haturday abont twenty five ban fought the peat at ur robertooo and ur babdanou where they were found r tb ivutrloe uoprortatauvc mr hard oe tb job all day front wily uornlag fu th bold already attacked ba advued bowing pouoeod brad add arodnd dfeated tread bod furrow plough ed venoe wot moved and fedo bottom burned uelng otraw to make it hot in tb trenobe bole wot dug and u tbee irrait nutdbare wet hilled by erudildg it u belle veil they had gotten control of th peal saturday night o0 row mwn lawoai a two wwek abort oour d atoek and heed judging at lldelpb wlujb given to the haltod boy who prod doe th boat beef from ou dropped on or after beptt 1 1614 tb calve will be judged a few week before uoelpli whiter voir 1010 and the wlddlag ateer of tb bounty gee to th fair where a big exhibit of winder from all ooudtkw of ontario will meet in competition prke too 430 40 e tm apf4ytothelaorkreproeuuuva if r hare bdrudgtou for partloubtr frue are abxi given boy for growing grain ww children grow chudrets grow by ttoiwuhntcut not owerloadcd owacb or lcl food bnt qoauuee uultaro readily cooverted into nfoaoatalulng blood too often thdr dlgcauve power cknnot procure tbrno goalitle fronj ordinary food which rcoulu bt wcakneoa dullncaa and olck if your chltdrra ore undeffahw uotur- ardgbi oatdt cold eaotly ore unguw bodiward pole or frail give thou 8cou w1i nwot it ohorpea the appetite build healthy fkafa firm moecute owlacdao brain bootfa la riowinff 1 for luftuwataobouceubeututi daxumavad mm rokutrt shortr kultovllla la vlbluua hara mtta trwatnoeae tri qualph uoapltal othav vlattoya haying ami berry picking um now tho ortter of tlio duy mr robert hhortill of itallovillo who tutu lioen in tho jiwljt hbupltnl iiiulnr gofngun otomuaii lu iultlng hlu mother here mr aiwl mr j hottell of hiluburg vuluwl lulllnafad friends but week mr w mocluro nml mr r cleavo of floorgotown vlnlted llalllnnfad frlendii on hnnday ur koll malond of toronto upent tlio woek oml with ft lend it here mr h hltelioook who iuh been vlultlng mr k ilenwlrl homo again if uoliody hail too muob tlien everylxwly would have enough liusy men are uauallt mi lutppy that they lutve no time to reallxo it alwayu aim hlglter tluiii tlie mark if uto mark la a dimple 11 iter ohlit people lire ui much alike in tbl world tliat by finding fault with otio jou bit a uiouaaml slck tteatdaaaea are not caueed by anything wrong id th bead but by constipation blllou bee and bullgeatlon headaxb powder or tablet buty deeded bet cannot cur them dr uoroea indian root rill do cute kick bead ache bt the asfloibu way by removing the eoaetlpatloe or akfe ktomace jhlcb caueed theot tt uoraea adbui root islla are purely vege table frea from any harmful drug aafe and our when you leal the headache coming bike dr movig indian root pills 2j tliu great expansion sale that wc aire now conducting has zj filled tho store with hundreds of bargains in dependable and j seasonable merchandise including wash goods staples mil- j hnory dresses waists whitowcar also girls wear and mens j and hoys clothing and furnishings h vou can save many dollars ou act now p come frldav or saturday i d e macdonald bros uiu f cor wyadlutm and wlacdontl streets ouelph oat spring millinery miaix hawtiiohmh to moktoh cordial ly invito the uillea of acton and vicinity to their millinery room ovmh hvkrv bay amd uvalhiho all the uteit uovelllft in bprlng milli nery wilt iw alio wti muaca hn looiiut 4v morton uillbtet acton genertslblaokbmitrilriri do carrlejio repairing j ft campbell tlatw of georgetown qhau re opened the btetilieuuor qubukamltli bbop and iu ready tt for all kloilu of buokatttltltlug and lurrlage woodwork aud repalrlug batlafactlou guaranteed main st acton in the bathroom cm the bathtub wiuhbaaln uiioleunj woodwdtfc mbdim uvmtoriea and all metal fiulaft use fatuhlrte it is perfectly tohateeome has no dluareeabla kmell and leave nothing but abaolute dean- uneaa behind it a tvure white dean powde that doeailt acratch and positively will not harm the hand larje sifter 1g tootlu iuc atoll oroccm 3c3c ai hmhmhhhwmhhuhmmmhvmemmhem sthc empire typewriter vlidblo writing perfect ahgrjrflet clghtnlng escapement enduranoo spee d n model eulra a iul ly tin c i tt cnr iuuv nt uooloal urctijihu llftuk luvtu luok murtbrn crown him uletit rirtorlu ltd lull trf itoa c vie u4 lu cuotjl thrlr uv 13 that tituu tt tld a duty do ollur uk i catl vu nalu i tr oab wiluams dandfactoring compamv ltd t illln at w itonhlts wm4thataiitmal tuo the merchants bank op canada jflhrift i rightly dettcflbedag eco- jl nomical mnnagtimetit ashrowd hiibineuh roan is spoken of an thrifty be- cauue he savta perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more bu tho real tiecrct ol his success lies in thu principle of savinc one dollar will start an ac count with thla bank all lcuil cheques cashed at par oapiracraldur ntauilvb uhda nu uhdlvlddrrohto acton brancijl famaclean manager the cost of living advertising turns overstocks rapidly and therefore multiplies profits this means that prices in a shop which adver tises can be short rather than long ol this you may be sure prices in a shop which advertises are not more than in a shop which does notadvertise thechancea are that they are oftentimes lower this also is generally truo yon will find better goods better valuesandbetterservice in those shops which turn over their stocks rapidly this means as a general thing shops which advertise anotc a to merchants advert coat ye uothlnjf it u tald for by the profit oh lucreoaaaudea advertulaff i eny tt la al tuple aaylb in wrttlojf what jrod tayto thocnatomortln eottxthoo turn over atock quickly if yoajriild make more money shop where you are inv toshop it 3aill phv you to coino to m sbucas this weok mens goods a uumber of un ftifiy kulrto wblt colorad obd ktrlpw iuur je toslbd taluiijc tbruy v rkuy otoe uuirday um ubikirtealurfctajc each udkhnm iaur ue at le umflakllktockmculsrfnmik3 to c a us lit to cuaht lw tmlr t ju ub ualiieou nculr from w bo to stl6d lijr as4s- uibatabltvit k uvrypirchwilobairooda ul bio omi of ouludiicoiurbiatoda w gv- ura ttotk d omarbsd artku bulbtatbnnoay vtljy and uatdrdy t yroauy rwdoml twlowi tt wui py 0 c rdacttod la t i wj- ul w li w hv to lodw wblu ubdonklru lttt mbrouury luducotritbultiefljmtoaiua a kood ho btladlo owu wltli lowbiloi i a cotmu t hu brio tbu wwdc only a uumur ol ut prior morris saxe mill atnoar geo patterson uvi btocit bkaliu aotom oki cattle sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally btroik yoo rkix uk uk fjft metropolitan bank oailuuojojxwloo ii ukdlwidoa mottaol khh head ofmce tokonto phrmers business given careful attention loans made to responsible farmers for business purposes sale notes discounted or collected branch in this district acton milton guelph campbollvlhe norval