st jvrtiw stn ft volume xl no u atrery aaacrmloe mu lu idtmm acton ontabio thtib80ay mottniwg jtjijy su 1014 aaeeeriptloa rce itjdq raranamm single corilcs thhee cents btlje 3utoit tftte mss utlihrukat atrtou owr eutflu in aduh a1a0 la tnuertb in the iniud uutm all aubaoilpuoee dwjiuuttj wbae tii ud to wbiebuiff bee ufl pal arrraartsrao iui- iiumimi umlm- bisk oh w wenperell ilea or brt ioaeruod en it ant- pa iih tof eeat uba ansa ihnum ueuuaea display taeerue eta wwm loebae mnuum id hu m iab eeb ibmruod eeilveoetreetj fatt viilln tauiuf 09 hali tw laeb aaeb inear- artlaemeau wfiboiil bpeeu aireeuoa tin lid lilt torbu ba energa motj- i luu aeeiekeolitleeneaumiietbe paid jw toll be abaaaact alb iidnm w ebabae of wm menuoaed ute ln mbm etto atresia rata jsimwmh eolwetea mental eiooajl nits filodcrp t 03 gray u b cm ucoill fc at w v oijteeow mri hwrrrw htwoju kmtrtitui bee adouclab laklf u kyefcud ad buranoa luaie e 04le yuji oeiarie tonizmm yeeeraliy ef afjekleaajtaa m llaivenliy of f vm qmlwi lutauwl jiaiei otma maenae tsj 7e- ten a wubjwt d elf oeteopelbld vbjaiclaa otmuu ofaaner lean hatl el oeu aelfiri tv a- t huu im iiwiibt ee ute llatiair aa an vlm 9 le p a itvwae er taj by eypruatai i vulbopeavtia baatea- 4 cajreeeeeti oaaaioaebmt uu ea eniaaj eealru j atl l dmim savage co katabllhad i04u jcweller cueipii the ou nod belume watchmakers and jewellers savage co giiclpb ont waters bros ouelph headquahtcrs ror o a c school supplies mature study botanical fctomolooioal ckawiho pa1mtino 41 wyndham street 1x000000 cement work i i i k cooper itpd iof eodlat bf u lioj tot cwmot wlk nmg culvmla ploon ouunrt nd cmot filocktf- cwtmat hand at si 6d m baffal ol4ftf altw fay mail jf at twal- ddoa will raoelv trotutt atuouod right down to date utcts4bc oa stotet tod otiii lira mower finn nd drdta toob palallidd vtmhbei lklmliujml sp9ight ncroh uness education i u ota oolu ottlav ut btaaat maddram i mcconnckb am prill icecream parlor i for the season jreshf fruits straw- ie pine apples gtape- ait oranges lemona ffeh vegetables every fresh groceries beat candich csur ice cream ih mude ifrui every morning irorn pure crjlam jfi 8tatham v son mighty array of first quality preserving kettles wirkvi alumlitum uuia jiliittu al 4 ft fl littl u5 ll i3u v o 4o auo blampl aranltav4mk matua paill jiu 40 4s us va no mim ominltawan katua so uo ra 3 io jactrrj i tt 1hlit in to demotiilreto wliot a com- jiultjouuwlmotitor w carry no iacotid unuld but flrata only m wear llvor lilaitioutl nnd vtuxl the bond hardware co fboa lol2tnyj ooblni del ay im c arino ror poo eves in expensive economy tit now tlm tlio llitia wbfau you flrttimalltcj that your vlnloa in unwrnlug faulty yoiilioullcotitito u for alftlit aid kxyhy bkoaivm vouktaaiur ttljht fitiuuwjfl vlll bblpbiitun will re lltrvatliaairald waterluk dou tht tlura llcblnv tuid ttlauy lodfiar oodauu a d savage optemethlst mfg optician hlabl at ilia iw offlca i al7a ou2m lt us vaarambj vou forf a mmlii ilua4 okottro tabf4 yi wui e4 w tmukmlad f4 bell art pianos poaja au iajlvlduallly aud at tractiwejucfis which cjuioot cp tbe attitioa of mtulclaa in many uructural polatii tha bul1l kiahj aou oj a dlatlnct durtund from older tuthodi the tuw lhluu aru atronjf ooluts wliakltl ihlrchaacira of iu1i wattoa ouaih that tataiiurw of aatiafactloti wblch oaaltloa tbm to uy wltb ptldd uy piano dll bold only fay c w kelly 133 upper wyndham sl ouclph ont offering a suggestion b wa thing but vultlatf ii ldb priullca u aji eatlaly diffataat pfopoaulofl w sottaat unat w do vow plustblaaj it ft faaoj kticaauad and bfm vr eaa lolly tiuully au plurnbtnsf suppuaj lunuwhakl by u am all auadam wakaa vrbll lb woik w do la auperiar la evafy particular katloiauaklvail stevenson malcolm co milinlillirahihh mwraibualu haah ouetrhohr j b chbbubrs wxiu aimdbh qqalata oualohoo aih mbataaualcama vvtwjisalf maumrl hct0n lily ery amd bus likio luvltttf ptltclittmd tba uvty uwltiem utid goodwill el tba into of thtf lat ja wuuaat i rofpeeudily aollclt tbo tutftitt- ueo of tbo public comfortmbld irik will alwy he kttppllod at niuonable charge- or the pramul mv otrnn hull who baa had tha manago- jsint of tbo tatablea th pakywi will cuntlouo id cbarfte lie will alwaya bo found courteoua and obliglok bus halbt autmaim aj ambrose mccaisn most i acton out iv vou kmbw kjoultimw tluit ytur buy wltb of i1 no ultblnunly trml and liaairt un tftia hliould ftiiut- yotnlr r roont lirlaltl aim ataln liu whji iti oimj wild tilulit wbuluodld youilolbtiii lin lliei- luiitot uluttwotibl you ilit t if j on limiu tluil your ulrl tvltli ullliuii imlr wllb wiumimu wuy uiul u fiiou ui fulr hy ft u ii itriiilt ut ui1 wura mmii to follow imi utijaal of mufl6loill- luit woulil you drt tluin i totliaf initio i wbut wuubl you do if joii kiiou lliut jour wfti tlitniyi uoury qru hliould douo lice mrltif in bit lor ttmru iiajiuumj iter lny of ttular cti h mt lutvti to dftalli by liiuo- biiare lut mouid you do um lirotltor wluo t what would you do hut yau do boow llutt totnoliodyij lioy mukit lift in ilrunkoii htiiiwur and inum ill i koanetmuly u ylrl jt v rooir iti toimler yeiru hoouibodyki wife inubt uji lit uwru wlmt will you do llieii lwotbr bilno t wbut will you do v alk colniu in tlknowlleiiuuto jtud yami0 juabing d01unk ud immii but uwoutb lu tba bbltoiaeouumblll but iu that tin b bad won iba ftatitatd aod ooohdattofj of itaf kttuuem w1m bad boot twmld aw labl tatbeir battl to pleami uocltm bad faeert ojrasd iui balpar in thct uttjaetl but iter farltfbt fam tuua illy a- poatdrtou wjou wod fix- bof u but0 iii ua upper ball a fcpecul aiutulutt to bar wu- uu iwlne wall btub ltakkur iii wotk ibau alt bad ailpmiud to be it uah iter i snt uu1 t gololf out to bervlo ajad abe i bad not tbooirbt to sod m had u bftle or so buuiy tjoyal4e lujta in tba iuw ufa bba vu learning to lav tla qb to wbooi ab waa fatat beryxau ibdlapertalltu cocl miiueutly wltatt aba cn into tba iooii oaaiaoblttf ubdftmud iter ulaumid with kwolur eyoa mud llubd f it cauaed br rsal dlatrtfa wbvuvor u uta uuttar lira lry boa ijta oruj iwiwmcjy la auyooa alolfl un llrayiaou antlltiil tlt001lt itaf llpd wra ulba imudy no iloirlue tlr l no tma akik 1 1 aup- poaa i ulu vsry foollall to fapl hm i tlo but i lobtu aluabla brooolt ona ibax i prlaed veiry bljbly utvd i banttol balp foelmpt lad ly altout it hut wlml tubd ivtrioa eudledly ihd you juat tauuy it or wua it xatx away frvua tba houaa v no i do not uiluk i ulabild it i i uu hulta ktu tlmt 1 tout it ui tlia ureot i woto it tba ajtslooou of lira ltobertaoda rowpuou tiud do not temauber bavbijt ueu it ijimmu it wiu not fouod in tba vooota aftar ilia i waptloti and if any of tba fuoatii bud found it tbey would liv t- tuiued it to tea aa i bv fidvelrtued it am afraid 1 aball hovet am it ajplbl i ofterad a liberal rawaid and feel aum if auy otva bail found ton tba atreat tlmy would iuia returned it ob if only loould barlaaeould hnd uo onla to anpreaa iter ayfajpatby but jjru tlruyuhi uuat bava read tba apuklntf f4a for alia auilad and uld i lk itodna you ftfr very bind tourato inucb bubtberd u iwtblutf you can do to ljp ma in ibl itefora you tab oawi of tlui room i wub you would taka tbuuota oiatr to ii w waylitwl on tba aveoua i you know tba boum doot you tba uvgaa ikrowo una oa tba ootmr all tba way dowu tba ktreet and aokoa to tba avenua uorlnaa eye we lued to tbaaldawauca u bad bu lblre tuya aluoa tba troocb waa loet lot it tebjbt hava allppaj into aotna oivloa aba thougbt attd mlaaed being kkta up it wotlu bavu uadalbwlda varybappyto bava aeeu tba putttr of bold aad ofal qjieabalogupatuw frtd tbatlavecneul but ttothltf t4it tb dull ktayvf tba eeomdt mwetded bar aaakba and wbart aba aralu aatered tba rootu of bar talitroae it waa with a faoa full of dlaappolutoieol mr irayaon bad ult tba wow and lvhoa bagat uabaanleally to put it to rifihta ii tba pnclaa way aba bad beeu utujrbt and blch wtl itaati on of tb uauy uakuea that waoa bw aatln to bar uuttvea hot tbla utorrjlntf uorioa did not put ttttob boart into tba wotb her tbouftbta wart wltb tb btlailntf aooob wnatawaaibjtuaitllatuouatlt aha woudatadt had it beau plokad up by aotoeooa who bad not yet aaam tb ailvettuetnent or waa it kttll lyluy lu aotna tmlutf tbtway apoo ubnotload by tba paaber byt how proud and ftbid aba uot- lna wouubavobootitobatbaooatobaim tha highly priwd jewel to bw biuuaaa it wan ouo of eft jrayaoua hulaa that twice aaob week her drlo ubla aboold ba tboroujjbly duatad and t6atimnjod mod dorltw ud liaeti in tba habit of uklijf aaob aktlola otfaod wmolnj uta atnlwold trod aoatf that aha tnlgbt belter reumivo tbaduat tbui btotnlng bowayer every tblujf looked bo eloau aim in aitob ftood otder thai tba rlrl bealtated i i had tbant all off only lakt nweeplmf uvy aoilljoatuaa thaduater around tbo adgea and ioava tbo thlitfla where tbay mr lira utayeon wont know tha dlflemuoa untltorlmiwaatwtiiulta iy in mind ah aha awttcbad tba feather duetar ovarond hbova tha altvor wnd jp4d tojlot auo1oa ut waa pot tbo wy ber tnuuean would waul tba work dotta abu knew nod her toorowanta haoalna aloaw aim alowav until tbay ocaaod altoftathart and laylne tbo doatar aalda tba fflh took up a toft ototh and luunff aacb artlola oarefully wiped it aa aha know lb ought to 1 dona than bar until tbo dreaming ufaitabooid be ready to wootva than again k thaiahartkoebadlweauklaama ivkrlne talbed tlte icarf uiul uu jwi did m a ihtla cry euoapetl her for there jut under tlio odtro of u mtulloit uy urn tnlwil j urooli a tnomentuolrl blood fclarinif ut um jowel buiiioely ittjutvin ber eyeut tlte howl khahiul caught it up and wbh flyltitf down tlte bull to tlte ilttla hiooilntf lootrt i niw know ber inlhtreau ulwayu ooflu4ed at dili hour blo yunj ono quick mp uiul luttely wultotl for irinlwldn to voter riinvo found it urf utuywui vour itrttortb t it lutd itoon puiiltml umler wluu or tbo ullo maif oil 1 am filntl mi lruymtna fuoo uhumii tniybt uu tha iltrlu ho am i ubul dorlnin tlxi uild tlutu wi blm titok tba liroooli und now tba rewurd lu youri oh no mid llorlita ulokly i fwubl ttt take any reward t it ut really iiilna you aea tlt broooh waiutt really but only mlauld you would liuvo found it your aelf in tint urn orayfion it woukl ita luaereut if i luu fiuiwl it ut tin mroet wltera otlterf trtlultbave picked it up but in your own roomito i couldnt like tale any reward hut i ralflht itot hitio found it for botna tlirta if you had not been thorough in your work tbl morning i inldbt liava ittul heveral biora unklouti dayu ami wall there are uura wayu than ona to abw appreobiuou hohrta i feel that i bava found two jamih inmcul of ona thuntorn log and if anyimo inul imii ikhn faoa ah aha went liaok o iter work tbay would lave uld unit blto too liad found buw tbau one wl rita itad found what it meant to ba the rulelr of ber own aplrlt a umilava1dwjkiliarjh honia biontba ago tbeta oatna to ahieiloa a young korean w6oiahb eouipauy with a returning tnlmlotiary und bbi wlfal hluj eugigoil to a young korean who iuki previously oomo to u1a oounlry and tlmy were to ha tuarrud on her htiivml iter naua wag queel and ijao wau w dovotbd obrlatlan her mrnla wlaely iaoc4lhirj lu tba inlaiaioaajryh oat uutll iter inarrnigo took plaoa trua to bin ptowla tlta young nuui uwt tha khlp and tha engaged wlr itad n long talk that day then mu quaal bttuued bcr tnbwlouary puor by aeylug blto waa not going to marry tba young nuui at leattt not yet now in korea among tba chtlatlana tha breaking of an eogagetoeut a a very aerloua auuer tba kenalty for it u auapenaldu froot cburob ueilierhlt i tojlltyourflaboau alntoal unheard of la kotoa irewer uya would ivo wrookod if nva auob ijjmjf la auarlca wltou btatura beoania m wrloua thf young tauut suint to tha mumlonary for ltelp ultder obllgatloilu to tlta glrla i kitenta toaeatbeaiinanlad tbe mlaklouary aougbt la lit oa wadutor botween tha aatrenged partleo uuh quae wan tba one to ha oonuertd ha vu loalh toanplaln iter teaaoaa for til lialng to hlarry uia young though fclto aniulnod to him fully enough i a day or two later when tlui youuguun wau tber agalurbeeklnti reoonollutloii ut tnlajonory want lo call th young wonuui when ba got to her roont tlta door was aur and ba hud bar praying ik korean ftha waa aayltig i o tlod italp mobba aalfcaloiiaryt to baa utat i am acting an i believe hi light you underatainl it nil and my oonabunoa la ckwr help uokm i aaa it aa i uo then tbe bilaatooary wan um mpallaut aoba laalated that aha kbould tall hltn and um wife tha wbola altuatloti tblaabadld lu eufaaubuatiy tboaa worda t tba day we utu i bad a long talk willi btyfiaaoa ha baa aavfrd u 1 a kit of fautoey and lu going to ma up a nloo ilttla botna h ha sioo wltb wblob ba waut to ituy jowelry ani tna clothe for ma lint that la not what i walit tatoat i want a good cbrlaluui buhlaad ha aaya ha in atlll m chrlautt i hut uokea ba la alway talking about waking tooy and wordly thing ha juat dont put god nrat kow i au no going to uattv him aa long aa ba doe that way and i dont hellava you ata going to uaia tna warry hltn either tha blfala aaya thu i tidaet obey uy huabattd and x bava toed up toy tolnd that tha man i am to obey uiul ba a chrltiam and n tma on why uoktet ba ttaut avau bataa au tba books of tba blhlal tit uleakmutry baj amaa douota aa to vhether ha oould uahka all tha bookw of tba tllhla jut than it waa vwulnly vefreeh lug to find n young wotnan who oould and wouh oeleohu her tioooa a eiioh a fafchloti tber a an adtaonlllori in tba aarlptuiaa whloh paaeca almoat uanouoad auong ua hut aha waa giving good bod to it i be ya not unaqiully yokad r what ata you going to do about itf aakad ut ulaabmtary i bava put htm oa probation for a year h uuat uka that m0 and go to tha luhla acbool hara nod learti hi ulbla and banuturchruthui will you warry him than t iaballwaltatodaaa titera hi no fautonjug a woman mind aapaoully when alta a augaged in a right ouaeauaa snmaalttoaaythattbbiyouug wan id oliodleauy atudylng in tba ulu hchoob and at butt aooountn waa making good progtaaa lbt ua bop ha will uaru hi leaeoa well and uaver forget it and that tbay way aoou b lutpplly tnarrtad awl 11 vo happily avorufuir thrugh pllgrinu in u ftmnga und attlelll than watmiuo ttia toplo turned to tbo rwng geueru- aloti and fottner tlovor judiaouharnioh of ohio waa reminded of u aiaaii iwrty hamad wtule one nlglit wiiu wnu trying trt makon toy loootnotlva ftlwubtta when bla uotbtr gunoed up from tba baby ah waa durofa ing for tlta night wllllo aidd lie junt run tiiktulr awl bring hw liabya night gown wont youv i dont wauttootauphtlltgly raakmwl od willie i havagottouake ulbl ualll ha vor hbatho willi l axpoetnlated tnotlmr if you nra not kind to your ultlaalater ah will mt on bat wlnge ono of thaaa tuya and tfy back uihoavenl if aba bw got wing waa the indiffer ent rejolner of willi tot her put thaaionnowandayapaulraforhar alght i what thai camuha oauoklt tlvalktllj ihxiiia ti e tuiinom liad iteeu u uomiil to mil dredou her itlrthday and who re vor hltn wnul during her utoy lit llm lake that i liwir tlta oatnera want with iter tbo otltor ulilultwl grown umki to ituvlng tbo llttlo ufuib hok hnthlrnly turned upon thoni uml uruu getting iniiatl6iit to boa tlta rouultiof jtllilixuerrotttt- arnl you over going t hitvu thiwo llltilll llevuioiajd wum ut u6ttlrtt that tnet mildred morning noon und night ono lij bha anuwaretl bllu1y 1 11 b tve tlnjiil toroorrow night gltlm j fcont them down to tlte- photogruplter when auutla wont iwwtlie ohujr bt uml im to get tlitui io tilotvow wlten ruuuimi uml i go to towii to do bmn bbopillng h 0u ii ooroo uatr luthootuto after iuiper til altow them to you ll wah u tiurry group tliat gallierwl tit oliowlngaiottingat lltu lleiilmhi oottaga oteilooklhg tlta lake i whh call wait bora to night otia of tlta gfrta bald regretfully und tta otltopi eobood tlta wiji it alway brmmi to inaks bucb dlnetaitod wun cell u away waa ona dottiinmt and anotlter followad ivomptly m doakiit itt itii ilk u clouil oomlng over tba auu two girl bitting together on a wicker oouolt at one altl of tlta rooej uada their oomueuta ort thaabeertt call in au under- too that wan not heard in tlta general chatter i wonder wltat tnakm everyona aocrey about call wamn one of tltem bakl ibltea ntoe of eourea and i ilka lnr itut ahea nothing wonderful hhea notaiteolal ly pretty nor ao rettatkahly ouwer and bbea nt rich br com pinion pot jh haabt a uotor boat of a oat or anything of ihetfcort a look of diiaatla factloil eloutlad itet owu lreuy fttoo oh if lldredu brought tlta pkturea bit added habtlty and umi group gautared oloaor about the reading huap oti u round 04ltr bla a ripija of btugblar greeted tit 6rt plotura tlteree lot of hubull utltura ill thai mtldiedaald itahowed group of ijovj about twelvo old running away froui n ilttla fellow of five who tagged dlaoooao- j lately alter them wllli hi toy aallboel olultiied under on arm ismt ileujy 1 lfa baa had a good many i aucb einerlenoam i gumiuughod berijya ulater tlraoo who wau ona of tha circle it turned out all right thhi perllouur time forlkaraa tlta iul and uiured atarted another plotuta round tbo elrcla a laoaura that was grested by a pwbed mur war and ruaillag tiiih plctur ahowed cenjy with hla dumppolnunent quit for gotten tailing hla tiny boat on tba aurfaoa of a ilttla blteltared hay whlunglrl wllbn pleatant faoa knelt on a rook and draw it hack to bind when it threatened to ball too far onlla of courta bocnebotly bald a tho plotiir tujed from baud to band half a ihusa group picturea followed in which tba girla wara intare lo picking out their own liken amim then there waa anothar rlppla of ubghtar thata tha tibia you glrbi war oaught wltah you didnt know it donjy a alatar bald bheklug iter flnger at tba two gttla who ut on tba wteker oouoh you naver poeed for that plotura lu a buutoar houka at tha very edga of tba water a girl plain of faoaandof drou aat looking otfaaroail tha lake wbll a fow feet away two girl with flog on tltalr llpa were tiptoeing lit in an l lent ahtlofrt away without being aeeti or heard wadklnt know than how interobtlug lllw mocodhell waa 01v8 of tlta gllbl oil tha eoucb uld lu u weak ekplanatlou of tlta plotura her thaeka hoablng a tap unk you retnettiher who heled ua to find out dont your mildred aakad aa aha drew another plotura from tbeuiiopand imuaed it to bar rluht band nelghltor ko- lavly aoented aurprlaed atdlaooverldg again tha pleaiabtfaoed gill who bad appeared brat ih tha plotur wltb beujy thu tlua ah wa pulling a boat out from abor with atrong praatued bttoki and bar only paamau waa th girl who ih th praoed lngaetar bad aat alona in tb aufauaet houie looking out wutfuuv over tba uka tb dttilneet waagooa from hawfaoa which wam ihihud up wltb a walla of deaiaht ah tlolnatlod them wr mora group pioturea then another 6hatrlatld one of cell- out- alda a ilttla eouag hy lb ahora aa a whlteludradooupiaand th third lu tbo group waa ota plaeettt caoed girt tb tnomlttg paper toaaed aahor from th ilttla auatner vaalablbg in tha dlatana wu spread aoroaa bar kuee and aba was wading tha uawn aloud to th old people who found tt not ad aajiy aa it one had ben to follow tb line of type you dont itavo to look very cioao ui gueaa wlut tb girl 1 wan the uomtnant that greeted thin itaotnra when tha plalura lutd bean around tha elrula and had au returned to her ulklred aohedoutthaooaaln which 011 flgured ao chamoteruuoally and uld thaia aid hy aid in tba center of tba table banding over ah atudlod thetn for a tnotnaut wltb eblttltijr ya i dont bellavo any of uu bava over atojiped to auk why were ao fond of cellu aha aald at lafct but if w did i think wa oould find the unuwar in thaad five pic turaa a oavjle v nmomulttv rlkyklug of bblklreu ajt a hkiiai function u weltknown author told of calling on aii aoiultttno aorna tltria blrtoa and finding the uttl daughter of tb houaa playing with u gingerbread oat tluituaxery uloataityouliatollniro aid tha caller aro you goltigto out iti no air uttwerod mta youugalcr uoeotlonately atniklng tha vat with bur ilttla hand it u too pretty to eat throb or four day uter tlta autltor happened at tha itoueo again and hu thought reverted to tl0 ginger i troml oat i dont ae your oat tjudya lui ro- nurked aa tha ohikl oama into tb latrbw empty handed what be baoomo of it t ita gona annottnoed oudy with a regretful algh it got ao rilrty that i juftbedtoawtlt twaimtv yautfetaj jtao hotmlvomut irveewoftriur- day july betb iw mettuw liohttlntoro k co bava re plunk oil 11 a king wldgn over tha tiivlnu ut tlte bolo leutbor laundry the tniocowful riuduutou from aclon hobimd nt tl enlmuco ovuiuinutlonu ure sottlo ctthluin hurlin mitttiiu mlnnlo llolmoti illl mi riiiilutou arthur moore kjlw t mooru itny mcliitotli yilluin hwaokliuincr olllouru aiitnu laimlgt lool i t j rloltanl uurxulli k 0 lm wll llninht v j h itumuluu iwillll wordeu i i in hoc if 1 moore i trua it n darvln i war juu molin i con tftui xlurijiiill itoji to 4raud tulge win wllllm- itaopui uore m tluutkful for rula on krklay c enlng tlmt tit half ttourti utower did not deter rrvany front attending ilia kiutil church ilea aid aoclal at mr lfugd maun n tltaovtjnt won quite obtuful we puuui loiay uy roqucat tlta roll of tit llohert ultla pupjlii wlto atloiided tit launlou of tlta 2fl3 titer registered only 41 ara how raauenu of acton rllnoaroturnlng to tltelr hotnea tlta out aidd itojillu hoein to roalliut even nvore fully titan when iirueut whfct u uukpia and rnomorahla galherlng it waa mr tom kenned of jvrry rlound wrlu ltow ilia appointed ltd wu at not being all to at uml ai t luul tba ballot ttoie of tha roooiit election to collect from 44 townahlp laefore july 17th on tha re union uy ba waii fifty mile front a telegraph onto tlta uuulolpil council ha fixed tba lata at ta tailll many will be ploaeed at tba eoonomlcal figure irotoihert wouldaompt a ooupu of tnllu mora in onur to amur hnoriiwry pdhllo lnlrovtneuu mt itav t v howell who been ill hluoa reitiovid to acton iti alowly teoov arlug mm oolturu of wlunlpeg grand tuughtor of liuum keixurd of lulj fatna waa tli guot of mr ft a taoord mr chan a ualthewa of tit rufctwn kodak co of icocltouer lu vultlug wltli bu utlvrtr lulbiater matlltawa muwtltotiiimui of lullluafd orgablat of the lrtliywuli church baa auooeeied well with ttar enatnfititloiw at tba toronto ouuervatory of mublo liicludlng plana vocal and theory it t wa believe ber ulautlou to tch mr awl mra urlggu kkkllu left hut wook on u itollday drive through tha oounlry v idling frund mr nkkllu who hag not lati welt for aome time waa taken aerloukly iii at llolton and returned boot on uatunlay h la not recoverlug an yet ikiuw pfimk ink4amlaao jal a4tb to ut abc aim wm ibh a daacbur luviuaat iui ulna at wt veteeu en baftdat atna jul i mr aj mm u iltuvea a eeu moohink kroh mlb on day ono of blu teaw cabta to connie uaek tlte big lumltall uauager ami tald i cuntila i tu a nick taa if 1 dont uka bomathlng to bruoe u up ill ha in bed toauorraw you fuouiiyou want to tako u drluk 1 i tuked bint ii acknowledged it all right i go altaiul i toll hlnu do au you think beat llut if it waa ua id die before i took a drink he looked at tne aaw i wau in dead aarneai and tald i no drink for tna con ula hay it wasnt in tied tlta next ilayi it was in tlta ram i i wit hint in to ltelp btart our tooting machine haktola becoud at a orltltml tnoniant of tb guns which no alow thinking blowaetlttg man could have dot agalnitt archer and ita hrouglit in tbaflratvunof tha rally that cinched tha world title all without hu drink 1 wltii regard to tha ipls team one of theta aihl t not a matt oo tb ituudred ihouuud dollar inneld aa it u ipullrly caued had ever known tha taste of liquor and that a team of nine urttrlag tnon could lie put in ih field not on of whom had aver taken a drink i tuu oomalom law it i our own ooenmon uw which ttohefl un unit axoehlv or unequal taxation la tyntniy and that tale eoouoatui teglautlon la in the end a deadly foa to labor and to thu uplift of tba worklugtnati which all good ducatta now ao earneauy ueelra lu m country where tha auftrage la unlvrel tlte tnaletul and tnoral uplift of tha voter u att imperative ueoaaelty for no eute can biag emlure the atrl of ah unlnatrueted and itupovarlahed political taajorlty ko a ef thht oouutry u either wus or great if itahan not iii fear and reapmt of tba cmantnou uw in hla liart rihow ua a tleuagogua and i aruui eaa a f oa of the cetntnuu uw that there are new eoonoinlo wronge to ita tuljuted in thhi ai in every other und uu thinking tnandeulaa uuttheaa wrotta at not tha produce of ll ooutuot uw but have ooma about through new agetielaa and indefiaiiea ef tba ootnuon uw surrogata it l fowur of new k ark a waahimomhomwr a woman whowa cotton ctotliea never mwni to fade uuh iikiuoni to tall how blto did it lu the tint plao ulta aakl i au imihlouur that nil inj onlored ulolhou iwvu tluj coloring felt with auger of hud o eutlt ittfora washing but my pattkuhtv trtok im aihllng u ilttla eolorlug nutter audi aa ih umki f vr candle to the rinklng water duat a drop or two will nuke tha itiaterlau conio out bright and freh look lug another wotnaii uaeu a drop or two tif oitlton dyou in tha rlnalng water wltb equally good tinoot o ttxlm mothaul oar mimav kotrttttlmea in the huali of tit ennkg hour when tlte bhadowm oreep from the waat i think of tins twilight aottg you wag anil tit boy you lulled to rent tlte wm utile hoy wltb th tooaled iteed that longloog ago waa thine i wonder if aoraetluiem you long for that and now haluu rjotna to hiunu batauf orowit ktalwarl in body atwl atroag alvl yimiil hardly know llutt 1m we the led whom you lulled with your dumber boug tito j ttaru ttavo uttered tlte form and tba lire hub ida heart la uitchanged by time o little mother o ualuru llrown wtum woaid aaimtiaioi ingermoll a tpeocb at thaeouunreualoe atindlanpolia bept jl 11tj8 i th peat rlae liefom ua ilk a dreaja again we br in tba great atreggu el national ufa we itaar tb aounda si pre paration lb toualo of bolateeeo diaaa tltebllrer voloea of berola uigua waa uaoumrmli of amembugea and bear tbe ap peal of orator i we be ut tha pal clka of woman and tba tjoahed faoaa el rnen t aud in thoaa eaeemlilago w ae au utadaad whoailuat w have covered with bower wa hwe bight of theea ta amet wa are with them when they eadu la tbe great army of freedom weeee thee part with thoea tbey bv boot am walking for th ktat time id quiet woody plaoeat with raaldena twy adore w hear tha whlaparlng and th feweet vow of aiereal love aa they part f orevr otlem ava beodlrtg over otedle klialng be thai are aauep tkmn are receiving tb ua ingid of old mod bom are parting wkl raotheru wlto bob th and proa the t to their itoah agald and aftalo and aay nothing klaeu and uara tear aad kuaea divine tnlagllagof agony and love f and aoote are talking wltb wkea and badeavorleg with bve won apekea la the old tone to drive from their heart a the awful fear w ae thee part w ae th wife elandlng id the dee with dm lutbe lu iter arm alaudlng in the baolbght bobbing at tlte turn in the road a lead wavea aba aiutwere by bouruolog ugh in her lovlag arm th thlld ha i gene and forvver wa ace them an tbay march proedly away under tha nannthig nag kenpln tint to the grand wild baoale ef war marching down the fclreet of tha pu elllea through tba town andwwte the prairie dowu to tb neld ef ghwy to do and to die i he eternal tight w go wltb them on and all w ate by their bid en tha gory field in u hoepiuu of pain on all tba wry amrcw- aa we ktaad guard with them in th wuj atorm and under th qalet atara waat with them lu ravine running wltb uood in tha furrow of old fulda we am with them between contending boat n able to move wild wltb thlrat tb war blowly away among th wllhered laeva w ae them laaroed by faaue aad tor wlthtthella in utu4riobarry forte ad h the whirlwind of th charge where ad beoom iron with nerve of aieel we are wltb them in ut pruat ef hatred and famlno i but human epaecl taat never tall what tbey eodure we are at home when lb new ooeae that they ate dead w ae tlamtmea u tha abadow of bar firet lerrew w am lb silvered uad of th old man bowed with lit uat grief th peat rlae before ua and w aa four inllllon governed by the uah we a tltem hound hand and foot w bear thai btroke of cruel whip we bee th 1 tracking woman through tangled a we ae liable aold from tb i mother cruelty unepeakahl i oatragai infinite your million bodle la million aouu in falter all th i relatloo of wife mother father and a trampled beneath tlta ltttl feet of aalgha awl thla wa done under our beaatlial banner of tha free tbapaet rlee before ua w bear teat rear and ahrult ot th buret i- tba broken fetter tali thee her died we look ituteed of elave w men and woman and children th waad of progreal toaobe th aladuaabaeek th auv pen th whippingpoet aarl w am home and fireeldeaeafihool haaaii and book and wber all waa want aad ttrha and cruelty and fear wa am th caoaa ef tha free thaaaheormamtuad they died for liberty they died cor ua they are at reet they auep lu tbe und tjuty aaad free under tha dag they ratmerwataialeaa under tba aolema puea the aad he th tearful wluoway and the amhaelag vine- they aleell beneath th ehedow bf ut cloud oarelea alike of auaauaa a ef etortu aaofa lu the wlndowlaa pauo of rawl earth may run red wltb other war they at at peace in to aakbt of baltla to the roar of conflict they found tha aerenlty of death i have on attu ment for aoldior living and dead i cheer for tha living tear for th dead wamhldmua talauhfonal aui dahombouh lu oive of our local achoou a teacher waa loaolilng luir acltolat about daageroua iteaata aitd after a time ah aaked them to name a fow animal that are rungeroua aad liavehorna after afewndnttlamofauanoe a uttlo toy put n htf hand1eaae teacher well towmy tl a- teacber a motor cr akl the uy mean of wlreleat talephon appar- atua invented by two vrenoh naval ornoc commander victor colin ami tittteftnt maurice jeanoe oonveimtloah have bri oarwed ou over u dutanoa ef ltm aaiw the word om with greater d it a aid tbau 1 rjoatomary evn ever a tehtphona oonuocted by wlr tba pakv voice being rueatly refirajrabmu tb inventor of tbd new apparatu iu6dadd in tranunlttlng apaecb by wlreiaaa 4 year ago there loatrumeat wam ltj led in tha vreueb uttuwhlp- vetit ad juatioe but tiiey oould not be depabded upon chiefly owing to th variable quality of the oaculatlou of tha hettalaa wav by experiment tin inventor naauy aeav oeeded in overcoming the rtllhoalty by mean of a attachment wmoti alter th wayea 1 x mm every time i am grandfathara awerd t waat to go to war wur rut every tint i notice qaadfathwf wooden tag 1 oool down