ajjajbdlfl 4 xajeaa on oaaar julyvtb to mr kttdunf uaa ktlim 10 liodwln a wl tuhlo a mohuih gilford baaiaavkxmxo lull ury oa wiu4ay july 1mb lot ln v k homarvllto htki laluybury nntlmrwtay july uomkavlllkin mil 1mb lni ua inalanllr kllll a ilia liou ol ba u arii klan mli liti uarray hou of a fcrra jo orth mmxi u yaura and u mr kfed mbftwai carl tumjulauikltooharl yiihiwuy i aid aw i ol ttaojo- bene jlcttm 3ittt ris novice singles tournament acton fail fairs prize ust acton vail avalr will ha held ou tueaday a vorj intareuing tournament uniting and uedncaalay ptmlier 2ndumd l tnamurs of aoloii ibmllng cluli w aovarul tnontli um director havd lil wwoludil ou tueday evening vour tnaklnirnrraiiganioiituaittl llta fair of 1114 member iwrtlol- tnl tttwl hud the armv worms ravages thuuh1a juia m luk hdrxohlail hotmi it hah iikx ottlluuied thutthnprovlnor ol albert hut wir produced npiuwclraato- ly 18000movwli oriuifx poultry nnd tellk vrcin tit in milk tulry iroduef to uio vnlu of tactically nju00km wie produced tdltt in hut muitlier evldeno of th iratat4unt fact hint tlu ixovloow ura getting on u much iurc footing tliitl iterelafor tint urndua introduction of mined fanning wilt moan much to th future ol that great country lutaxou counuvldeiiuy lut a ha intefwt la tit moral of ut ruing gur uoa tb twlnlaayai ourcounoll 1 avideeuy actuated by u urottgkav th hay aenuiaent lt ktrlng thy taeed av by lew making it practically impoalhle to conduct u pool romi a u hualtmma irt tow and lut ueek tly 6ttacuxl a ly lw providing h liooiumt nf sim for um m of bjgamue it u ittejlowt ui lunitf nay oombijlt u1km tit cljpittau it luu iwml tlotibal km a uty kllur in tlto btrottipit utjlwr uuit 60uu bd 1viiumi haiu4l il zlw will b h umt oiimiom uo iloulrf tut hitcy tb utbtd of ui council will tat with bmmfaj hlmwl will 1m hi i to i i rnorrt nttrnotlvo tlinn ukt yaof hwcl4l utttillui im ltitijf ulin to tlui irlte lut uiwb witli u vlbw to liuvltiy it uodttrit n ull romm0tu tltfl iuu of tit rlouu ouuimii liuvtf ixmiii umlor rnvuimi tlm mtitt nut 1 1 lli by ivuirta wlu imvo luul wltlo umjhiheno in ftilfulra ami tlwr trlut luta cltaitiui wlilch will lw hvtxouthl ly eililhllnrv iwva itoott tiuula in tint itocuflauwl cmttlfl daaihhi ua wall u in blmwp urul luitillo by wlilolin vltlar tohg la ulvoit tim climmi o ulllwt wwrl un io ltiiwm ml hotrm lf ulo rmtllr tthltlt utlolotl wbloli bavjit incluiloj in tlwi ula of lbti mnulfair falrnforu nciemtloo of umri ltd ttow vlltrtltlhtotl ittul tlktt llatm will tmw fitolwut tlui ihwc fdji of bulloluuwjlwitrk awl mm tb htui lui will lwf mtihuhi at hit arly lulu wlttt lauuiiltilf tnriilutmh bltoulit ktiaum a coy uw funlllalita tliomwilvoti wltb ilii tiutimirouu iuuaou o flunw tuh lfcoutwahyklllttl tboaiabm uod of ob4 btltxlrad of tteam b iwmaqr uriuld atkl tu uoili httlw ui um aoaoal bomtuuttlcjiou of tba omml xorjf of w lfioa of ouuho at nuom ydu lut waok tu wortliyof tbla ifthamtul onua it wa alaa flultitf uult um w of tb laan of the omi unary of toxica iwlwwd tb two uatitxia awu b at mrtbral itwdoir city ilka ttuct valu thua oablln uk ftw a of tl unluxl buua to lartldjiau muotly wt tby tiki with tuthtiautd tb mo biabmuort bjfthu wautoitarirlffi fay war fr evr ooam oaoutuury ol oac tom wawf kotf way oar uwbi b ulftbt wite frbodoma luly ll i frouot ua with tby ulabt ort ood our klna frjlt p k kuirotm wy that tha whwtciuj rtmi aa a whok u uot turulnff 6ab an wu u attujat6tl whim tlua nfto ododluooj in ituaaja ilh oolatallfavarabld aikj oiuku of damiaay and tha ublud kiasdom it u dduurul if th yuu will u p to th tavarta whlb tbm ard auttt bouatrw id whldi ib will b tmualduahly wal uao ib u quiu avluut aul itvdar jly fcjy admitud that u wui twad urifa ahlfmfiabtji of whaab frtan thu ooo- unmt uua yaar imhaaiiatta at jw nt umnloaat polttt tfl tha famur of thd can ajuu waat fcnaubiff a ifootl prloa for hi twdwbaat 8mtmiauthoritlaiihaaraii to aay uwb whtl tha tui ol bufcatfchowau will b about wcityflw jmt oadt of aa avaarajhy t knmrar will toalv bait tarloaat than ida ua aub tha orfoaryaaira aiadl that tha total valtta of tha evop will bj o uof than tha avr iiurasondkai hay baaut uuud ly tha ifcapartmeot of imuignuiod at ottawa duduihutf it ititaotloa baooafartb ttot only to warn all bub actioaltutal labor aud fl ajpalaai oomlitat to th uomltllud wtalao to raiaot thtta if they fau uotur ay of tha taaialotlm elaum of tha jm algimtlaa najalatlotul tha faob that a man wha mdim utidar thu eatattory haa a tmniaai of tmbpioybaattb will not kava hint fmaa msootloct aa foraady in mutth m out um daparttaatat tavaa tha vuw that if ha aacbaal aaaoh a koaluad b tfooiaoby taking job whtb tnjybt btharwiai hav baao atuad by otu of oauadaa own uaanapioyaj wouc whom avry tnuu and ooottpatlottla alraauly tuphktotid tha datautboadt la baeoatlnff k at tha aprjioatlouii for dafiortauoti whuib it u dally rbaajvlngfrob toutm wbaro tha unautiloyad km 4atttlful a 6od way lapx think thla vaguutlou ajacmtld lutvt baati ottforoad long ago ifatay ta cuitadlau workmouii tuod hiu baan takaa by foreign amlgranla gubylott tld ituttfiiukwnt ouittai apootaoia how in itrajuratloii for uilu yttarn lun natlwuil i miilliltkhi tomwiui will ouuhlnaln tlta bwiuty nf itu ookltti and oolukad itulifu atu llut numlwr of lu mopk any itlmlur njiaotuela evr uro- tluawl ki um abvutuan ooutltuxil rba ry uatna lubylvui la a bytumiytn lr luxury am lilhiwu aiul u atary of tha hiiijwrltltitf oct tha wall utat clum tla rtalajra at uk fafct of xullahauar and uw tha dourtiotuxi of t4 bloat baautlful city of fcttfuot tlum utui tltittlmlvm raadily la toauuitu ujotlod and apwtae ulur ntjwoduiitlou tlta buurul la all taady to tha hand of tl autluur aiul ahll whan it la uaimwl that a thouaand tubaa for tha king um ttouuu tha atata oftiowa uu anvoyfl of othac batlona tha ituakm tha warrior thu aaayrlan guardw tlia nubuiui tha ataba ilia kuv tlta oharlataora ta tc 4ra wug itajiorioj that tltay will bo aoonrata in avary datall you can tout uud otjnlit of tha riot of color tha buga will bold tha bttma italllug will tsonltt of a vlw of tha aaaluut elty 70t faob in kdgtli tha urpfet uagii in tha world hawutuawmvji uaaara bhwwood awl ollberuon moved tha oounty atoua oruuiar from kauuguwaya to aotod on monday mr flcttrga lordoti itockwood aildraiui ad tha tnlaalon clrcla of pbatmuar chureli on hutuuy avauluf ilav audura cattar ara away oa utalr holklaya to iona ifaad and other iolnu mr john uaiahall oouploil uta pulplm of naaiagaavoya olioalt lut hatwlay mr jauaa wataoa nt tlookwoad ad drauckl tha bathol union hunday sohool lut hunday aftarnooti ilia ujdr wait tnueb apfwaolalail by all tha caubyvlli itaaa ball taau pbvyad tha jancuaa taam taat baturdayaiurnooa tha lattar won by fw him fuvaral of tha frtari ara cutting fau wbaabandryathuwaak tha wbaat oroi ladauagadby ruataad haaaun fly mr a j uiue loab a flna botaa but waak oma vary ltiumtlngutm tim iluara and tlialr kooriui ueco nu fol iowa t vtuut muhu itav h llrtwarth 10 u j jtruyiior 10 j c bfattlumiii ih itav c i dntimir i a l uahdutll 17 luv wilkliiwht 10 iuv j o wluon 17 11 klnif ii jim mogluro lfl a wilc h j wood ill a y allun 11 v h xronro id h u ljuhy 11 ukttnhit uorxit 1 o alatluww m 1u h unuarth ti ino mocltiw in hbv j c wiimiii ii j uoo1 irt c h moom u a u miudim luhyt uiihf rinath j v mauuwi ii al murjull 1 ino mocltiro is 1 wooil 1u jftio mouuro ia fc mattlmui ii thar wam an owltluif lltiuh tlwt 4yoru in tlta lltulj lulnu vory iiiorily nut to 1 tin slocluro winning by only two ioikuj tito uina wflro loiwtotl by w u loiotll u lir of troumiru aiul k j ifuwird a mlr of liowla a tournament for hoouli doulilwi will jiortly be arranged jtuuhavad mr and un kirk aud uula daughtar of loronto ara vlaluag at mr j uekatsb nwa mr d um j tbowah aud ii ui tuugbtara of orawaona cornara vlaiud at mr a meloattai oo sunday m b vaaatur who baa apautat buattb 1m brltkdi columbia and otbar rtolabi w ham roturaad bows mf t rudail and taotbar of oakvtll jdotoradupiomr j luro and mr 1 banaacva ou bttaday tba datioraiot ara now ut uork in tb raabjrtarhut qhurtb od aervlc la to bd bald in tha maumdlat obiib ottj babutb knorttifua until tb work la ftolahacl ttayiog oj barry pjoktag tba ordar of tha day mmm tvamlar bordettwtll tour tbn woat ilur lag suputuhidif and october bub will return fa una to waloomo lvlnoa alokamur of tack tba vim otbo iteuarttntmt ibidaroa that tba ktaroal ot ayatoni la tayliig it way- aoahd wa uw undarajgnad baraby agrea to all a gwokago of flva ataudard also so boxm of aflre tip allant matobaa for twanty oanta quality gturantaed kauooaoo vow rfflhtjho can not b dons any battar auywhero oot tt ao good gaoarally avk thum ptwaaatarlgbi tf yoq nqolro anything in tha printing una iron n vwung card to tnunpbhafc t oa bnvo yoarotdar vfhn nj of n family quarrel a lot oftrnutaaajkaoat bowa bravary whan aba baa p- ki ila yontlf bo nop of wild vtolautnjr law auaa ooo4ltauat bavioral unonlllvatad lot id town aro eovawd vrltb a tnotuuilng tutd uugal barvokt of noxloua wooda vor tha aaka ab laaat of aurrourullng iwoiwrtltm tha wmd fehould b out aiid burood forth with a mtwiuvtl ifwatioal john tbey bava aome fuuny lad lu ivodou vor a joko they tud ropa aoroaa the aida- walk whlob roaultad in n udy trlnjngovr lb with tutnagcw of tha end of liarngoroub off fracturad bonm in cb baud and a damaged rib not utuob fun altar alb that kind of joka daaervav imvaro iuuh- taunl aaauuantal kmuh of uttln lad on july 3j a vary ud aooldanb ooourrod ab tb bout of ur and um joa orion anion man wban twr litlla oabuihaa murray aged two yaaw and two mouthy wu run over by a boras ami inatantly klllod in tho yard near tha itouaa tha httla fallow wu u hh boy and daarly lovotl by overyona ha was imru wlui bin inouwutiwlntraniliik8iilciiruunajiwiiji bla grandmlrutm mr and um jamtva hahdariob matu btraal mra ifandor- ua and tb ilaar littl cliup raturood bntoa toardad o vabrtuury hmlat atlllnd ait utjuattokl laumoodyulgbtainan up to tba praawutb baa oot boau aaurtalnd waj klllad ab bnrungtoo juiwuon on tha 0 t r ib la fctatod that ba wan lut wan alivo about 11 so wban ba apok to aotaa tnao at um tooaalug tbar tutd orad thun a drink frotn bnttla tb body waa found lying batwaan um traoka ahortly ajtar 1 oolotiv by tba ouglnaar of a fralgbt train who waa oiling bla angina and bttttauoil ovar tb body tha aooldant bappanad a abort dlauuo aaat of tba orand trunk atauou uoay um watav tank ma waa a enguabttuut about thirty hv yomof ag tfc waniluwnud tba cotmi ftibla inlmltobl wobbly lattar to tb oloba ihatar maarumr gavo ovauaaiotu to uu tan i4m of 4illoaophyi whan it rallied tha otbar day y round tnyaalf in a petition wber it wati hard to tall whether i febould rajolo or grubtu the oor waa badly in ttoed of riu hub tb hay didnt ttobdltabalt wbanevorlumughtof um bay i ttfgan to gruuu nlioub tb wob woather but when i thought of tb oom it taj too happy to know that it waj gating jt what ib nodd knowing that thla mlxad frana of knlml waa vary unpbllow phloal i aat downwblbi tb rain waa in progwand thought ib ool tba nuwlt bnihrm of um wiaaa maraw to ui atwawa fri- 1 1 wtutfa wrttadmy tho following all too flatter lag roforaiio ca to um attainment of um vmuu luym fohmji uruiy are highly apwekldt the acton yuyk lutaui iuh ronijfitd itafortlciuiihir kor thirty alic yoarw um paper liau liean in um hand of iu luraent adltorand proprietor ur u v uoora on of thbt printer atwl journallatii in canada orlllla iwket tit laoq4own ifarajd ami anton ymm ilutuhava juil pahaad another tnllobton in their jauruauatlo ouar timmi two uitara ara biodela of what journal ouht to ld ami ara a credit to tba towna in whkh they era publlahed not only for um mannar in whkh uty ara conducted luib for ui indnanoa they mart in their rapea tueherea ijong ufa to um vniii vumu and herald milton llefonner tha acton kvk wku baa anured uiutn u fortuui yar and la a bright and vigor ou aa aver under the dlreotteti of mr h 1 uoor it baa tnalutalned a faretnft plioa among ontario weeklleu mi mooro ilevote praetlcally hie whole tlma to um paper and provide um iteopla of acton amd vlolnlty with a flrttohuw weakly jour ha la popular atnong hie oonfrrea and bdena year ago waa ivoaldenb of um canadian waa aaaoouulon heron to um oonunued auooet of um yuu vuihul ooliingwood bulletin ou loilnion day th aoton fukkpuuut of which our twteeined friend mr ii 1 moor ie editor and proprietor oeubmtod ita fortieth birthday the yuuu vuxm a in a ohue by taelf luutnueh a it lu print ed on a uub better rpiallty of paper than tbe ordinary uewtjuper the fwowiwotk la pood giving th paper iwet clean an j wholeeoi appeawiioe tba adertlalng u dean eluff and tbe whole paper tbougli etlll ratalnlng um old faehloned atyl of uakavupv ii n poeluva credit to ita owner th trua um good um beautiful ara wall axetupllfied in anton popular nawipepor bownunvilla btatoiaaa mbtthoimi iron bdxtbbhinatioh tito nnny arm of whloh llttln lutu ihmiii konn for bavoraljemr a now ravaging tin crop in aontn vmitlou of ontario very mr loualy ho far it moat berlouu doirtmlulloii ba o immiiiiii llmutttuil ivolooiiutl tuotlona of welllituton aiul materlao urn aluo hitactoi with thin pt both euut uimi wobt of our own county it will ixi v ii far all tho fnrineruof halton to ita on tho ulort for ita mpimaraiioa hro uu i im rtnulj to combat it muooeufully if it ooraou uilu w tj on account of tho crojui in um dlutrloui narnei bolnu biully uttuokod ly tbl mimt u hpeolal bulletin itau immii lwtued from um giuiitiiuiifom of conbervatlon wlilolt iflveu tb f illowliitf ilwarlitloit nf lha tinny worm aiul tnouiodu ovorcomlng itu lurouilw tlumriny monn 1 about on uml nn half iiioimm louu wlion full urown nnd im alwpod wui bbick yllowand ytmiti of u llngy hivihruno uml much rounubllng tb otitwartii when detected nil fctliru uioull unentered on kodplug tlm wornui nut of croty not yet uttaokad a deep furrow mvorul furrowu urb liettdr ilub ml uround um tloltla with tlu vcitlcul or ntoep old of the furrow next to the crop to b rotooted berveu an u barrier to pre vent the march of um worm aa they will not be aud to crawl up um atrabjbb aid of um furrow hoiam or pit hliouu im dug in tl bottom of tit furrow every ten or twelve feel to catuh tha worm oa uny crawl along looking for a jao to got out thuy can tlien io ilreatroyod viltb a until atlck or by burning at raw over uhjw- lly uiorouqluy hpraylng or duatlng u anuill btrlpof uu oroj in udvanoa of tltu woruia wiui lvriu green uiul liberally di trlbutlug kokoiual bran uilnetl ut um rata of fifty ikwivu bran uivd on pound iwim ffrooti wlui oiiousli tnolaaaea aiul uuur to awooun tt laryo numbera may bo daatroy ed a fleh3 to pokoiuxl tiiuu not im wa turd until rlu itaa uiorougbly watlied il u liatevor la tlotm mutt b doiw iuiokly ami ntoikc for a blngle day delay may of ton moan umi ruin of a valuable crop flyers frasgots hookwood th following an um auooeuftil oandl- datea at th entrance ijxamlnaiiao beh ab rook wood i wo 1 erauoaa mia m mllroy teaaher it argo a baumna n dyer arwl m jaokaoii no 2 kratdou ulaallounnlo teaeher ii uolton a tolton no 9 krawoea ulu vraura teacher j ooker m flrbva i moquean m scott j weir no fj bauoaa ml blalr taulolmr v mania a ivtty no 7 uransaic mu jaaet mitchell teeobar v ucathum a hortop no b eramom w if kocli teaeher w blaob a ivtteraob h patievaon k shuiua m hoablng no 0 erainoaa w j ifojgoa uaebar koray no 10 erabuaa ulw ella staputon taaobar a kvaua y uvelelgb c haw llton o hodgkjiuoa no fl naaaagawaya uu jub chal wew taachar u moajpin v mllu list of local pall fairs avtuomtlmo amrr or aohiouivrumib tha following looal fair and tb uuai ara in tba llatai luued by uia ontario 1 pariwaiit of agrieultur i af hepttttw alierfoyl llutlliigto krlut saeltoa qau tad valley ooelpli vutttutott dotoliorll ootobei8 oot 1 81 j october irt oetolmrl9 october 1 2 october 12 ktlslh bapt 1810 hop 1110 october ft7 october 1 s hept 171 h avbifor wucka nmr awrnj vbltb- out h ialr of rtpala on tba big rlak alrmatt iuu keep their narvata coutlnually ou dvo and lor thl rvmon tho majority of well- known flyara bnvo o owbal errattfl umnardniouta ixoaul antly all ta an tler of curioum fade nod ballafa ulst at tba aerodrome iiuokh lor luauuco via well- known eoajllah tiyr who rocently emulated ipecouda feat of flying up ilda down ikt th ulr invariably m tjeaala in hda tnonoplau with a pair- oil lmmaeujat apata decorttlag bin boot temdeatty ba weird tbaa boot a eoauotu aa uuoota for ou tb tmidv dlaat of day hick with bla ltwrlt- abla unit trainp tbrouib tba ubrn la tb waka of tha teeojuik puah- lug hla uubouoi out to tb aurtlag polut orabauawblta but a aomawhat klmtlar fad ha make all bin big flight wejurlug a pair or check riding braaoha u hi big fiylug nuecr aa w earrud out wbllat wearing braaebea of tbl bua m a thu karbad dar ing hla grt loudoa to mauobeabw flight la tb rtoa agalnat ftainab mad it vas la m nlr of tibnok brohe that b flevw to victory wheu ba eotad tha ooiottuettnatt allying otip tat kaglaud a ahort time back thli crar tot eboek ridlng- braaebeat bu affoctad other aixmevu too and on of tba beat known of the who fly lu thla garb la slalo- vuelc tba innrtivtan flyar who not long baek flew croaa th aloe in hauriot ttoaottlaua on tha othur and vral alrm- 1 mfuaa to go aloft unlet aocemnab- lad by sou shabby wile of early fly ing day tba fact that ueautnont th lamoun vreaeb flyer hi vary p- tlcujay abou tha eap ha wear whan making long dlgbta haa already ba eouueied upon tha rata col cody wu patfaapo tba lauati auharatluotia of all alnnav but avail ba dlaitked going aloft trftb- out a 3iabby old tearing whl which bad accompanied him right brougb hla flying earaar thla etrauiko itaerinf dariot wu flxad ott tha vary flrat taacbln cody got ob ib ground en kt flgttra4 every ttuutfalna ba built from that eaalon and vlth it ha ataarad to atua- eeaa tho biplau wie won bins tba tventyittva thoaa d dollar prlaa in th tnaitayy tri but year oao of the tnuit hftndaobja wraatha at ui fuberrd wma a perfect modal of thla atraugalookbut fettering wheal boflt up by eholoa ifowa atrtfcvrta fada bowvr geac any tab tfba farm of aorae paenihur m- blm which acta aa a btaacot dnrltat thtlr illghta vodtrinaa tba preach flyer baa a- flved to hi arpaady aetng ntonoplanaal a little portrait of tha rauooa paint ing of the moti uaa with a ua ehlna than decorated ba reoanuy flaw at a pad of naa huhdred and aig t tnlleat an ino r naval airmen ilka eanrytng a uova tootb aloft aa a uaoota psaatlt eolnod by thu lata uaut parka who hiwht carried ueh a uaiaaot dating hlai flfcgbuf an law man earn out of no many mubape uuaeathad aa h anothay latere in fad of urira ml i tea oakvill oraugevlll ttoekwood october btraouvllla beplsl augctfbapia waterdown october t woodbrldg oct 13 u waaarealbuvtlonof uw faot thai a farmer with oont and bay ahould think of tb beoanb to bla oorofleld with dbaetened joy and of um lojaiy to bl bay with tempered aorrov thu require a nloe towtta adjoatineafe utat fgrntabm eaoollanb intel leetnal exandaa thu oont bay oonun gency b aomet that la usually over looked by the lead nenolland paper farmatw who epeod utalr eatoolng figuring oat tha profit they will wit when thsy go bach to the land tt will bod that there another tblngavarmlng baakta aordid i main un a n v m deacon toronto cwatwajowal cqalmmwm tbe crop are boktng aplendld in thu dlatrlet kvll wheat cutting ha oom wenced oklldreua pahlea arc in order around we uu hatel benttla antcrtalood a number of her girl friend but rlday mator btantay rlnmnier rookwood petit laat week at ur w lantbv mlaeea anal jreea aad urao mlldl- tot loelpb vlalted ab mr vita ikmou uabweek mr jiudeld oewpball urfc brt i vbduog bla unci and aunt mr and mr jaa oamble mm john rjrewr and ohiklrau ar vuuog mend at bntuogton mr bd vorbea braoebrkbje vfaltad at tbe bom of u bbrlu law mr u crewwp lut week built on natural htabillty average tryer duuka the maehtnaav and li muob hfcppler in ona of tha tricky raelug bdonepjauah whlc ara completely dmmtidottf on tba akul of tha pilot for thdlr balanoa dr m0ttrmmm laaitau ivooi pills owa their ilnguur r in curing ktbeuiuauam luimbago and sciatica to ttueb powtr of etinwlatlag and atrengtbfcdlng tb kidney they enabla thee oruntu to thoroughly filter from tho blood tho urktacfcl tba product of waata matter whkb get into tba joint and uuaclea and cauaca the palatal duamaea over half century of conataht ua baa nrovedcenclialvely that drmoraea indian boiat puia atrengtben weak udneyaaod ej cure ichalanaagttajp canadian scarce goods the demand tor wash goods in crepe and seersucker has been great er than tho supply hence u shortage in these lines we were fortunate in securing a largo shipment of these materials last week and will pass them on to you at quick moving prices lot i a beautiful rosebud pattern on white ground fine sheer cloth and a bargain at the price 3 colorings blue pink and mauve special per yard ikc lom a good firm seersucker in stripe pattern junt tbe right cloth for house drosses childrens dresses and rompers requires no ironing 3 colors blue and white black and white pink and white special per yd ikc lot iii plain white cropo cloth nice sheer weave and good wearing quality special per yd 18c hot iv fancy flowereil crepe chiffon extra nico quality and dainty pattern special per yard 2sc these are scarce goods they will not last long act quickly henderson co mm st acton out xgxcoqocx lightnings heavy toll forty luauraucecompanlea in ontario reporting over a period of twelv year abow that 661 p cent ol all rural barn elalma nettled were duo to lightning prof day of the 0 a c uyai ljgtrvtnbitf rod 8ropurly tnatud mr arimoot wbaolut protao- ott out of every liooo of loan to uuroddod building by lightning ooo would ba raved if tboaa building wero proper ly khlddad send for our catalog tho universal lightning rod co uakaraaftaakedwltbtaakjaulat hoapaur out well say -m0wc- all slraw and pinanu ull at half price today at canadian national exhibition peace veak ankcrtlw uwtocfc sbm acr of munitiictuife buhlblu by lb proitam eihlbli bj ivualauui cnniiul eihlblubywmiidjua cremdltr caarja tund r e nelson hwduiii nwiiw mmuhrtlttl fj bank of hamilton cual huuuiual mftnanw ccumlrutp smdjuxt kartju tmofioo an luroktant alliance wbu a yuutf nun hilt idvem hu ulllauce ullb lliuuuul liiitllullon by owmlug a bvlb account b iboulil look uluuul lo ttui llm vh0 bu bull luub will alii bu advuiimmeut a nvowltltf uuk biuuc ivuure ail eni ulaymruuta yonuc ujui ba raavl mo priaclpla o moofmim muutil oeokoetown hkan0h mhituy rmnimu uuu1 hu aulpoio utndu clrctw mad lllfodfottta domd fibow id slnab moor boy seoul tttvlm coila ulamt dot shaw babylon greaiett oritt bpectadw ever paentad od coatloant linn iroao uiuiui eicoiue united uratea and canada educiltloful exhibit good hi rrocata of hataklag athletic sporra atroiiydropbui mlahta grnd wa tar carolral cfcalowai famom band bvora ol other band dosatt band codocrta da 11 cbaaapeaka and bhatiaoial nigsaat midway avr leam var vlrerorka eaxotbaiaoaal pemai iii baud aaouu toron rnob st i ptloo oj 0 win ib untmdxiil nlh uuoojmhm oo atj ft if h homeseekers excursions manitoba alberta saskatcnewan ihd tmlv umui ocfebt snb ucohim wkvtoisaulbatara r aiuum omontoo and batura 4m0 batana uatlt tw maailuk toammbmmbmmmbmn the empire typewriter 2 m visible writing perfect augnmentllghtnlrig bsoapenjentendumuioe spaed a iil hy ibo c 1 it m h thsoc awl3 umbanh book koyj unk hlliyjv kohbro crown bnk lht olractorim til bali td w photla co etc s uado lu caoiu tberofora navo s that utut bo paid a tloly oa olbar makatj ii ooal vx nauviaa tnr oat aa kaumn a voa oolm l 5 williams manufacturing company ltd wadalamawwlmaua waaiamoolraal 0 mmmmmmalmm plymouth ri 0ou uodal ami gllvor utcat i quick- bread r acuruawak without veaat without halt without knoadlngl without uniff tho colour a ilraply dough with cold water and pi dlalely into tba oven i tha reault u i tuat 1wmjbttv amt aftotr tamouaj oiimtii w mhltkoaa woouenmulhelpi wanted a family or lo ma oavolm or i hooun harrta tx uml irockwcod fltin bbfrttafmirits aaleu oauile lrululnronlrrlvalrlnryjallmlk jiai6 ur ufa llui klll hi ila rlay ur blalit jnhrjtjlly- allnlan to maitltlagk i1icicn8k8 vhhubi in tulala olnoa dutln faa day at ii 1 uoottttlaaukm m raaliunoaj in notico ta itorry pickerh amv ptnou or mimm imjhpumud orotba ubinamiintl oa irurooji abah tkmv u joaaiarw a riawraaooi notie to jtcfiy pickers uv ttaruui or ftooa bairy feuklp o ouaautf will u wohoij aorain w m joukmrtijokkb luqimtlait julytuoif tv4 fjuj1t piiltiuh livt b i la w hlr lb- aatort v 1 i i wbkl l ua ii0uhe to ieabic niiw aiiiojuua raumm ea whllrw aurf k u ak la bratvu 4 v woobk a a ii0hk ajv itaugaln s- v wulaw bltl atliu un l4hji mlm mr j tovodlm ll k tliau illttmzcj ttf l 1 wiaiiu vu wa lata w w uraiauy luuuibwi notice to cukditof a u tnattec of wullau x tkacltyerauelpk taw orwalllaatou ntvriou lj bilr h lb1 lu aba a a baa wi4 an jiiunt ia bu au wmo ubmwlw oraltlbawkumaal lrfuaeiuiilullaadw a aidm at ndtw haiaium hir la um 01j pal urtlialmliaayujuu 114 7w3i eaina aiioai ibur tuluu willi ua ai aaae4aauucuur auilaatl lb4aiurtatuv a u tjm oia m ibia 1 ibaajiaoflu toai falat bimw aad a eaina ftl u duu kvoanllrt cailoaa ara btt u aoua auol tiaa4ad 4a l ikir tuui wuli ilia aawv- auuimuiir auj aatlaa la bv alios lha law will b auurlbot imj and lb aitliovi wuia hil any baaannr iiarmi nl fabta alklinaba i w waj1 uataduutulpb july uiu ux1 general blqauarnhhtntf kl carrlrio irepalrtntf j r campbell lau of ooiglor hiu raojmnixi the bupheoaoa llhtckamltb qliop and ready for all klnduolbucwmlthlngand carriage woodurork and repajhog hat infliction guaranteed maid st miuika hawriioijjaa mitoh ly invito the india of actot aad v tothelrmiihaery room orm kvatlav oav ama bvbaj all tho bttest loveltlea in spring i nery will b aho- wn miaaca hatvlhonui linx btkcct i crandtrunh dooatlctauqata toroi