its news op local import jubsurta hmomioo to lln tlt xpuhr excursion to berlin will be bald next tuesday to vioto1 lrk excursionist who eupeot to oooinkiy he alban a hutulsy hobnol will go ly ti 1030 k m train ticket lnay iw luul nt tlto nxourattxi rntont the ll t it btauon lte tcellll bitrgetowa i uoutly aug prfcju are bow in j id knock small delivered id aght lift a tort ur t 1 uij nrch ktrost are being a ot money in punas hi brown bang pepe paper bag i brtvaum on una libert hallway v noil- hour uul l l iuy borwi t not yt all r laought to i idtnbonasn losc sun front minima tlotf rsmuifday quarterly oomrnunlon faervoea will bo held in uw mouicdu church hoithuoday at 10 h in tho love seuht will bo held in the ttcbool boom unit after um availing wmon uto users toon t of tlio yeord jfap per will w adipiitwered bov draper the pastor will preseh motomimtoi injured do on of oar local tnotorayoluut ran over tint it dag of htewart ijwby son of 11m projrltor of tin billion hotel the otw evening and injured it so bully hat it bad to be shot 11 impact swerved the lnchfne across mtllltret nd ugelnat an bloolrio light pole which wu indented i iplo- of bwjww ttkj motorcycle must have been ifolntf moh vovty feuajhel to ua aorw ur t aferbman lnmilmui jpeasonai andjravel notcs ittlng n four ucr hold of amber wheat to ftjoobil and rwraotutj item of intoroafc usy thla u tlw ni ml whoat to 1 out itroiind juelph tba crop u a tin ovou thaatrawbuimlliig 3j lo 4 foot high to p kimms tut tiuelph ha i owiog to twloooj i a bilrr wm tb a ci vory wftint 200 xtbudv t tubd fcv twr fint tb4 tauotl oh sfturtuy bdch wjojroj of sftau bu vaootabo ftolo la tt pl vr vram adlribpod lb v frfttn by uw for lb bauptiotl uotorlct ubj wo wvat on tb bebool xcdhjod from to utulliitfto ttwiftti ufti k wi 84ooj u ftkt4uglntf to ftfofc dlod uluitijt fw lb woatututid rtum ttottlmtbtfttm twill propwty 0a ulbuk aw iwrtcfburutoimdwix yttlt of ivht miton biv bmd ftlmtod buow oftb ttoytosfcloty of art vlouolt tlibtyutiw ratbtvutlpk f ctkiflju wt b kwtu rail oa btlaidajlfuroooa brv toooavlaoo moim lyy wolw it irvtugflnty ta iw to uo tottttkuhltlwftu f jxljrookuf bkllolldayurtowiiiirla lb fftram bftvo baooew fto to it tod do lot oowfl to town for itmmani ae praoiauopfry tnouoro bfttout boad ft diet xohlbltjotf tba of tbo flro jtmrtowot from drink ngvubrmorotfj wnltor um jr btawruown wbo 4wwttt lentuon for nprid- loltlfl 1ootoaiihoplullutw6k u y bmly hopftul lmu4o softok ootlojf if bi bout tobtorro mil adf rtajo5l maa oaiftfuu rhfcwiufufcooalootoroj um fa uomr to bo ftd by dolut t owiof to w ln4yhnt oc dftbw of wlor k ngabwy of 8 fi no mmfftwoja ww otaluod in tbd fc of vunitftrfiqfttrfttqaooumibutkojiut t a konk wder of uw llidtou oppomuoa tuty be etontor woro lotiir h uml oa bu fc w- mr uluoii ufant m wt omftplfcnw mdwiwll bftovn bow jkopk wub tb mat twmtb uw 0kiu om of fllo ouny uvelloat lom mwhtotlgboivoitina- vi mom ftdlto k1 publlbr tarblf nutprbo itb tmga tkhmoolodl t fjnelh o tnov very 0bqrfu oullnff wd iff srlwj of lb ftaoi oon yllli to mlo of butw mil to un4uw xtorantn u vu boyhood dmy la aotoi ul boywtolwvuadlgoo it tho cboroh buoet pftvw bbi0a4vvwlarlok btmou ftldo of kl ti ago iuioui lo ftotutboroftba mwr uulldltik omrritloiuniro now itrooaoilli f itlvaly wltli tlia ttmtbfi miatlon of um ttyfd urojrty mi cbuioli htbbet into u loalilooeo for mr vloir unimor at tbo llttlo iuhi0 um lwhtty of ur w w uo4rtltno ubusti ot iltuuoywf ly fir lut wlotor tw wdlu 1wv bti tutatl to tba fauniutlotu fttwl u lubru ul roiovoil tt id r4ljooa will uo b t built bbartly ihm mfttkodut ltow holiday two ktov wf lhvpsr uve iiomttutedmyfor ft uooui ltoiuya wltb fruodit in um kortb wl ltv ur wuanwi tu knub mfutnd youbtf tfctor of cburcblll 111 oooutty tl imljjtjurlorf i in h1mm it u ft vwy wk401i1 iwabet bbd will utl ft owraud ujy duwngtbmitor kuno uri lwmjw uhi cluulw ftad wiuj wlu vuit ftt lrf flurtf bom fct hutmuiviiu for lb wootb tbo oooj ttoiji ubl wy f fcvrlvj bww froal k4tfy ftud bl iii 0tfuod tbo ftlwxi hju- wui iijiil an tuawly in oillwf uh bhilwi to tltd etoiiib krmiily nlul wlut lito blotur ftbj will tooed wlui htulujf tbtf maw hactloaft of ftuoou now ta ba uoj a owud lm rovaniont bi bow in tvsnmd oct uid htnct a tbs houtb tl tw bill uwtm qum wrtt uul tu vftluy a uh ix uooaftu u u baldtf fcut down tavvftl fvt fti ti- bin a vftjrviw avmxm wiu ftuo lm out down oautlbuuy tb tmrth u lulotf ulllud totil lit ut vftlloy ftbj th rtftdo will uitij bri vuy inuob kwluoad mmmm hjwd 11m4 u fcuh ftwftrmlutf a ooapbi of wmbft ftgo ur w u kftnoay oburcb htrobtfouod ft twajrnj of 6d it ua lit bid gftnbu it wft blvod fthd u uow oonajuy tmully ftotl id gmxhtiag booy fwf tba tally wldw wlijy of til ddttutil iwojuct lut viisy ur kuirt utuwi uald fiirtt fcmiarod n laward wblb blul fcllgbted od ft trt ftt bu kwdmtos fttul tbu tuovd to ft ta4l4i omkullluftuortoduulhtnpt if tbo old ktltffj a tro tbntt ftmmot hwftknw htm hot ptttloululy vftluftbu it ftftyo i a ftwrtd in itmy u wortb ft lama of by a wim in jutu u worlli kllvorftpooai but ft wfcmt a july u bot wortb bom- fly aboibta qmm m klmtn bd a dumtob lo tbd tully kpftpfttft from tliuijt uyi tt cfudun norilwro ftucrulo uim from toronto to ooolplt u koootillufr to kvlublo mjiokd llkrly to u rtinnlojf by ttu tm obuf uaor wllbla nod two uftuunu wr la tbo city ud from wbat tliy blutod it im ftppamot tbftt from now ou ytut ftotlvlly my bo xp6ud la tbo ooituiutitlim of tbo ubo to otmliji it id bwrood tut htoj tnilm ftrt uow bud tru floorgfotown ftod ftt tbo mtbl ru lb wok bl bow folatf kboftd it will not ba loaff ubforo gag ro wothnjj la tbl vlalnlty tbo rodbod u oiroftdy knuud itb tw and btool kopjduxon bod for toot of tbo duttunoo tbo lwrm wohool ifcminilnouowoi tbo following u uto omxiijoto im of uw fttiuienu wbu luiood tbo kjowr hobool okfttnlnftuotiii at tbo vftrioum ulgh baboobi of tbocoutttyi 11 of altou m j agnow a r urowa k u llou a if our j o cowfto 0 w uoukla w k iwho v ikftoye u llmjot r b ljur h u foti u e twtbotfttotut boa k u ford 11 u oowdy u li 1ui a lluuur u hunter a b uortltod u e hftiriftod k luhjoy e it uiitoo u w otoym u j kouklo i u kent e h loilb 1l ii llndmiy k u uyroooi k a- lyou m u ilwiy boo u e rtlaav uoflibbod 1 uftrwbou m utturo ii v nlckell a k obrua e m wud a l boott u ul sobaneldt l blttor l tuonoboom bonb a o balllva emrtftuoft j v tuoerj ou ibojftftoraooo ft ur aiutln bwtokbunw of erfa wwowiitf wutbb lmulatowttoitoofbbi borwo wit with ft poaalkr bub vry oohoao ftoowont- ho wok drlvltiu into um fttsm ftfc tbo uopor brldifo oa if id bttoofc foe o lood of wfttor for o mm building wbea tbo bobja otontoil upoo tom of 29 kodouiag wbioh fuw ut ftbd oftabt blti uotlar tbo loft mod flank tbo weight of itb wftjrnjoo golojf down kbo lullmlorowljlbohtlcb into tbo body uuui it rouiod uii blp botto ll wax wltb diaiciwy tbj 4ooo wfth rotnowad tbo multnolttaft tkkon to ur wk- huu oa edjotllolt lano nd bi thero itolng ueata wltb lotnu bopo of rooovory mr hwftollultawtrfmty4 ito boo drlvoa for yoftro on til kind of roftdft uuotttdi wood nod kwtjl ikdi bow undp bntnovorbod ftto ftotliofc of lay korlouo uouro to n boto befo htbftd tokon n twptoodun ooo twotfiwttjtiiuiyt fctono id twuncb towtt ftblb but ttjlit oooldoot will nurforo t nl iiil tbo nmouojr of ujo epwotui toftgno oafortdoy ovoulnjr most fotoresun ifttto of tbo proossdlatf of tbo roowt ilubunor sobool ftt buhjngtod jaivoa ly tho otadoatft who bwiilund from acton tbo bmownnm wno la rwo of uw boruo balut and ur luwtufc ton of tbo yoaaf pooplo nftd ftttoadodl pooh gave a ftnooipot 1 vory lourokunff roport of tho otlatioa lidy ebumao tho ooromno nod tbo fmwlo proobodlttiat gootmlhri ftbo tho tlort period tbo dllghual boar of bttetnoarw nod fbe gonoral rowtlu tbo fteboolft nmlotny tbue who bofttd im report wr loprowfd with tbo valaa ta tbo younf pooplo of tbo mnoj odnmitlun kiki roowfttjonilfcrdod wftjj tnaob of liupfrftuoa nod um ouqi tw4o booomtly oottfot to aaw- iwlom of doty nod oaotfaad for oftmrww mr ifoflortiuiii otlnwim tba yield of btitlit will lx ftbout id i itnlieu to tlto orc iuol4t maraury buinptr oropfti tbla bmuwa vlultoru to tbo fruit ami vrulj jptr tlonu nf twtnujitor mmtutewm lutva locu uumuivhim tlia pqt wek tito wondorful fchowlnu of obarrbw ourrftntu ftnd ni itorrlm ban cullod fottli wondw and ftilmli ntjon tito yield of i is cberry troo i wnormotlh koqm tk lutvo ylouod hovon bfcbkata of tplomlbl fruit oom of k tlwoiienlihi tbo data lor tw boa of enguod ov curelon to nugbrd vail htut toon oluitioil to htuhu jod aujput t u olmnaa hi boon uwu fco km to join tb berlin oontlunt it being found tltat ulvftnt40 would utu ba ftoeuiwl tlta oxaumloti train will lmvo axton tt teu mlnaite to mtveti ft ut tb far for tit round trip i ix for ftdult h 1 m for oblldren tlokvu tnoy m becurod froin 1 t it fcgent ttiwl biflbabonofooinmuto ouiik idowiud tfa hoam howltm vtnir luoltji rlnlu btnio lo acton tltur ibiy ftftornooit t iibty k rlmily bxtn um bowurk a vory jmumnfc iliy twmrl wan oiljayod uiwl um fltul hoar tjmwetj luelpb t b is tiuaa up follow 1 it tf l um ftooioi ouoluh abtoti lfauluiii bklp jt1 loubl litip 3ant bklp 1 1 uoinloji ijdp kbllwklp m mokftbbbklp knndywblp huunlnklp fi0adrd tkdlors i ofttorrh uwt cninr omlatt is m ujr knlb ta m r u ihnumbu tmm rapostumooiluoooiu ud roo dctotttlwmoia 1u pr bh bold b gj mp0ll- 35 u oom to tomttta moopltftji wmvmi bwkttu ur wuium tbink iuld boiu uouliud wltb ft btbediia in um fcu it csiiw boom from qdltm fttmo tln0ftioluitlll uoiurbl rnluf fol lowwj uvfttauiit ft bonm hod bo raturnod tohkdutufluuftvouorforw it htoiy 4 hon mmild in h piovlno of qimbe ftarly in um tooolb if wu uko 111 ftgnalu ftt hull lvt wsk ftnd returned bom udwidtf intmuwly 0 i vj ik wvot to twoulo uoajijul for trmuutmt aiwl fttmiiw iuw lo b ibtlkrovlu juu aojmla uehftud autoa iwwball bwun drove to tb lun ulunuy ftiumooat to iky bclkiob bum wltb um imuoflut town aiwl for tb fceooaul tlhm tbu hwhi wint dowu to tujftt with n bor of n4 iiohiju um fjkve tbt um ouui wm jiuyln o crek importftl btry ui buy pot up ft ktuf burn uifbt ftbd um boon wu ok uimi btitbuabuun ran 1 bjb u rougbout um kttu tb ftubdlntf of um uni now 1 u f ol iowa t wait lot abton a j tuorgetowd 4 j ouowlllubu 4 u ltoekwood 0 0 wo adwwift4mr in mmw rri dum vat lit it li boeii tbo oafctfau to borf up ill kind of poator j ertu bwou ftta id tb pewt oifio whloh w contrary to rgnuuoo bnt tboy word not ftnfonmd kow tb libuutv gonontl km bont out notlo to um poutburu to tb aat that tb uw wuat b feulotly ob- orvd ftbd only uotlos portalnlujf to post otto wall will b nuowftd id um lobby of um how iou omo notion of laeotlajf of tuty kind for obahubl rolljrlou or tocul purtw- or ajvorua- kneou of vftriod kind uttat not im allow d la tbo poiomo tuul um poatniauor t wrnd to oarry out um instruction oou tjnd in tb ejrouur our litlnou will o thobueho nooordlagly nml aiivo tbo postouisur uy troubu hm ooistmy ou attaxd ur a k ntoklid j 1 wbo bu boon tcabjtry foravrj wi wrili tbo ulk l oil oil oji vttopld from oil lu ur bora mod if ft period i to jujtfo from boobiwa wport nd uuj oklaloua of 1 most all tho peopu you inost thim bi a vftat oil ulj to b tuvoioped a gtmb uuuty wolbiftroftbottbtobustftrtodl anum bsf bttvo adroady lau oowbleaood it uka itobut tlnto to sink m well j000 foot or awolloosuotnwtosjkxomk if prcupectow buiko a atrlko it moaiu good tnoooy but if a dry bob i kiruok tho money goo tb crop in houtbera albert ore uot very promising thl year but id tbo north wbora tbara u taortnin- d umuug um proipmt ftr mora enoour- ftgdig twtt dvowbiootsi at oomnrttto nla man nod ly ara nportod to bavo boon drownod in oautio on sunday nojl of thu number oakvlllo oootributed two at booa charioa irinbiu a youoa man of 86 went bathlag uotwomi tbo puro aftor hbiflrat pluhgd bo novor oabut npv tbo body roeovorod aboruy ftftor but it wa luposklblo to roooltitt him in um aftornooaj 1m amour woutfromlaka- auu kvrk altoub coo yard from aboro in acaooowlthkisudu u wbon a gust jof wbdelodumoftno0 wn albut 4 youbg aurvoyor awafcd ou to bin ruf but wbon about klxty foot from shot y ovotv oomo nod drowned tb body wan mcpod lu a fw ulbutot and though fottr dootor workod ovor him foran boor and a- half tholr effort wor unavailing mms t o- o a onoaoal mnotomort atthoragalwrnosung of aetoo lodge kouu4tao obtowiaybvonlbgjaly uth uto lodge wa bonored by tho oaoul vultofbro aitworthy ix dt 0 u of oredlt diatrlot who ouno for the purpose of installing ofoe fof the bbsojng term it wa nutd la um proosedlag by bra wfbon uulll and koul of botmp too tb odotr installed ara a follow i jr ktlrami0 uoore noble oraodrobt floou vfoturaadr oolo itoo see a l marshall ltln sec a 1 ountoo lwwvr ft u uolknttau wftitloorjo agnew coodootor w j doubl otiuueooafdn uokftbu lomdtf ouardjrs bobue ub ntj wjohauoartbur u b n o fc uolmes r b v 1 l wordou l bl v f j a caldwoll r 8- h ft bunohaid h a ah rftrwood 0bapuum uebonakl olmambrt durino vhiwmk mimi llflasi iiumimimi im i omo fr in tor onto for itolldiyu mlwt cbeyne of detroit wu vmuitf frleutb itero ut weok mlwi mclaughlin of kow ifumiml ra in vlkitlng aouhi frlotuld mlka melon ornlay of toronto lu u uuost at mr william brown u uu uinni x beuneu utt ukl wo j it to petul h tnoulb in toronto lira h mujihftpd u vleiung friends at niagara vail nnd boolmter master john moorvgor of luelji bolldaylug at lila grand suier ur w lb iimmiiii of norwich wait a wuloame visitor to actoo on f rldsy urw clatn h huribuoton of new toil brook i um guest of mr a k nloktlii miit jffno tovoll uf tttronto vulted her frtoiml mua xumu usssle uiin wk mlw iomit ami ma tor tank keunody mr itolkuylng in tlw country boar ullton uisa hulbi moyjivikb froui tun low ut vlnlllng lr uncle ur akvh motiviji mut1hi lib ghdta of euultht mane vulung fuv1- in acto i ami vicinity mimi wlut jobualwin u imtlldsying f r a few ueeku at wujuuko lliuuh loorglaii lly mr jhtiia itaiiujutw of botrolt baa lioti ajteiulliitt um week wltb acton frurnl lit a if ilrowii awl mltu albsru r turned from thslr trip to winnipeg on vrkuj ur uml urn torranoe bsahlioara jr 7 hjuiull tg ft month at uliineoagablwu in tlsorguu luy ur and ur to alt of um nettu lwrah mad a liruf vmt wltb auton frlonda ukt waek ulu ifelen ulwau nurse chicago arrived homo utt week to tpend a ooupla ofllanthi fjfcui ur and uiv ifarry ulgly aiul hb ufc yoterdity to alt tur eld luuno in laboafchlr igunil uus ulnuu nebioii who fcuj wvorul wsoka in luelph retuml luwno but week oottiklsmbly iupovd in boaltlt ut loall lubijuiw and ulw roott of west toronto vute1 at ur hugh uc cuuhsou a 9nl line over humuy uim4 ytllx of iiuilpli raturued how ysuenuy alter fcjwitidliijr two u villi hr flam ml irtrid jfoltiulooe a ut h uulr atwl ulsa uargarat ol j rand olb kotui llakntu ato vlsltlug during tho wok at ur wu johnston musoi uargaimt and minnie joady of of vott wllluu wre iolidxyliig at ut luun of mr uaovharsoii bouer avnu ur and ura e if near of imreit uloh aiul ur vokoa of wlndaor vlilu1 at um homa of ur v k- searprln but wask ura cdpplug ju1 ura uluohluj torou to returimd to um city but week after a pleaunt lslt ftt the liomo of ur o ii brown tba t eimrabu ctiriatophar owaokhaumr who ban been declining for aaveral motitba i uow ry low and will probably not live many hour ur thorn workman who baa iteen in um hospital at luelpli for a ooupl of montlul for treatment returned homo butt week much improved in health ura t j luoaj of rami uasur alven and ikougua have ratumed after after npandlng two week at um boom of her unolo mr t p uartlti ohurolt street ufa allan uann who lis been ul for aaveial woeka its not improved in boalui and boa given up iter homoou lohn street hba will reside wlut bar children for the prupont mr and mr d c henderson rosoliod vutork b c hut week and after vlaluug frlijnda atf tbo ooaat started on um return iotanay numaroua point of interest will bo vultedomrout ixmlorundmr j h hamilton of erin ailnounoii uto engagement of utelr daughter nora margaret to ur cfaaile w ilohli lb a of toronto the marriage lo take plaoo in august ut and ur wu hayer mr 1u uin tulr and ulu binolair and ur abd ur creak kayor awl ohlblrea ntotored to boboaygeoa hut week to spenda few day oemplng and fishing there j ur cjuul a a uatthewa kf toronto bud acton friend a ulef vulft hut week if and ur john ti uoore toronto left on saturday for a canoeing and ushtng ouuug on lko tlniagaml norman il white son of r whit of tb milton reformer ut oj vanoouver branab of um bank of llamlltooi baa been tranafeitod to st wlulam onb of wldofa branoli b ba been appointed manager limbiiouolk mlnli m hiuotair of uuolpli a former toaol nr of i liitulut im m lino vulted nt th lionintfxir t i ito im iutwak mr i 1 iolkinuhtruoh lolliuylng in tlawohlli tfouunkntind ur und mr 1 alhiu uiw ulu hi j otiwiii of ton nto mittornd lli lo tl a 1 1 m of mr u lknnglity hwtuook wbero tlm himtnt n day or tw a uim wlnnlfrod fvonv huu iub4o uuuk uiniuatlotim forsooond ouhk tonohorh oertl tloute at hamilton kormsl hoi ool mr john muolll who unfirtunuuly took oxallo aeld crystal in ml take for a i1om of anlt ioat wednesday la alowly reoovdring from um effects h wa able to go up to acton ymtorday women uro mjldom of a warlike iiuture yet tliev am oftu called to an u an 1 many u intn who won in t liellovo uiwleroulb iwver faood u luiruiimlur in hlu iko why weak uh6s tbo tourof btbnrcnlapb claiming iroriy raka after afck- da catarrh browjuua faodaw throatap all ocft um weakening in that invitee coemmwoa to gttord svinat oowoonptloa thotl- uidaof pcopl tamscouabaitilakn after osmoatxaiiiaelurkimedilpooruh- tnbtatnlrala bcotiannimocldataroo i lift a cartndlaw tooutr bpo tho current tssne of ooward um popular young people pmr toronto host u aerie of very attraouvo view of aoenary at rockwood under uw caption a cana- dum beauty bpou ifautooa luustrauon of tba big hook tb hdl on um river speed and a paliaad 100 feeb high ara shown hoaowttst a veeersm hadtcwlau about 100 reuuve and friend of john ramsey gathered at eden ulll and oekv brated h ttotb hutbday at fat bom utera uto other day vancouver montreal abtoti and many other point were mpra mbtod llx ramsey wa reeve of nas- aagawoya for a unmber of year and u an ou warden of um ooualy mesullattand ut butuudy weeilng uf uatou lra insuhmo oompany bora sfll the uvei if y tie he of mlftaras uu4itr nib utheltvnulaxv 6lowortoaralt uoaceaaaiy to stimulate it by tba um of a tncdldno that will ckam iny all tho waata and pouoooua matter from the ayateni and prcvesl aa wtu aa euro rf 6ick luadacba biuoua- n jatmdlcoi sour btoomdu liver compulqt and 11 alcknca atiamg from a disordered condition of uto stomach liver and bovrda mubuma laaauvcr pub ara a podfio for ell utcso troubles and bavo becri uved for doe on to twenty ytam ly nunypcopk for tbcoa coopldlnta mr tnonna uunlins wtarfonl oct write i wa troubled with my atonudi for twcntyavo ycara 1 doctored with doctor in canada and ulcbljan but got np relief then was a friend in michigan who adviacd no to try your muhurna laxalrncr pill and i did ro i now feel liken new man and 1 eant praue them onough to my cuowmoi milhuraa lawitirer pilla on 36 mntspcrrulor0vu4fors51jqo thty ira for atu ot all dealcraor putlkd direct an ivotlptlof wte by olio t mobttm i tobntooa t co i f wil50ns fly pad v poison i itveiy ten cent packet will kill more flics tlmn j8 00 worth ofnnytfciyflykllltr tufnu mlirflnitm wuca mi ml imimtimictorft iiyiyqyqgpayqsfbsyqjppq i bargains hundreds of them at macdonalds big h store queph thu gtoat expansion sale that wo arc now conducting lias filled tho stora with hundreds of birpjains in dependable and seasonable merchandiser including wash goods staples mil- llncry drosses waists wlutowcar also girls wear and mcns and tioys clothing and furnishings vou can save many dollars if you act slow t j come pridav or saturday i d e macdonald bros lloduj cor wyndhara bui msedontl street guelph oat m a new surrauddlnft but old re liable btitlneu yy wc want now a good salesman ior every town and tlutnct where wa or uot represented prulta are bringing high price aud nurserj atocb u id demand make bio uonpvnowbytuk log an agency beat time for can vasal tig during the summer itiotillia vtmm ecrulprnnt kxolualvs tanrhory txpnino not nmcmnwtryf mitfhaat cokamlaualonn paitcf wril for full particulars stone kind wellington ronthlu nuraarto toronto ont j kenney bros the oldest shoe store to town havejuut improved tlielr utore which la now modernlsod and up to dale tho stock comprloea all tho latest atylfea of the beat maker in boots shoes slippers aki fancy footwear a call will convince customer that our price are lower than those of city dealer our forty year business record for honest dealing aland behind our good kermey bros kttnnwya blook main st aotoin wayne county michigan where nearly ono hundred miles of concrete roads have been built in the past six years during which time nearly every method of road construction has been tasted now comes out flatfooted and adopts concrete as tho road standard tho story is best told in the following para graph which has been taken from the latest report of the board of county road com missioners of wayne county michigan with the completion of plymouth road we have abandoned every other form of con struction and have adopted concrete as our standard we feel that our experience of the past six years warrants us in arriving at this determination based on its general satisfactor- inm and lu uwuil eoit u camtunj with txher fomu of eouilnicuan in addition to the economy in huiltitgr the tjmiure in jnvlnj and eourins and the inckue in lind nluulon die concnte nudi ol wayne county havd been the mean of brinsina- tem of thouundi of dollat to this locality concrete nudi will benefit any locality tuvpottlotutely u ttuy have benefited wayne county michigan the full detailed information about concrete roadi will be sent to anyone interetted without cow or obligation addreu sstai ceaatatcsaipaanr linttti sob hetald lub moasmaj bank the merchants op canada jixhrift is rightly described as eco- j nomical nlttnageinent a shrewd buainets man is spoken of as thrifty be- causa he saves perhaps only a dollar ot n time ptrhops more bnt the real nccrtit ol bin success lies in the principle of paving one dollar will stau an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par tuhrjiifjudur tjjoaooo iivi rowotmdividdriiorr tjmejst acton branch f a maclean manager the price of success big business is not an accident it is a re sult it is the fruit of purpose energy per sistency and advertising yon know the story of rip van wiukie the man who went to sleep for 20 years jnd who when hu awoke expected to find the world the same as it was when he entered slumberland i here are men today very much like rip van winkle their point of view and their practices are those of a generation past they do not believe in advertising to succeed in these modern days one must be in accord with the spirit of today for a merchant this means that he must adver tise it he would prosper a word to the public where nro you nerved best and mott pleasingly 1 tho am- uwor la almost aura to bo where we aw invited and made welcome at tbo alioimi which prise our custom cnoasb to seek it and who oak for it every weak through tbo faoeal um of advertisement in the acton pkkts press shop where you are invited to shop it iilill phy you to come lo m seca this week mens goods a number of uin fancy shirt whit colored add striped ratfularyse totroo aellltig thuraday prlday and saturday for atfc utt soft collar at rtc each lion a braces regular age at hbjc utan ra silk tocka regular from i to sc a big lot to clear at sic pair uu raincoat regular from oo to looo for x4is uen bolt a blglot to clear at whuj uvarypurahaseorfmodgooda will receive a ulco set of gold fllednoraud collar button wo have a large stock of assorted article wlungthnraday friday and saturday at greauy rued prlos it wfll pay you a great teductlou in lutt waar tbu ww we have so ludlea white uddefsklrta with ombotdery and loco thmmlng to a irood linn orladlc jrie with a low price d st a coraeu at half prlo tbl woek only a number of other ladle good ut half price morris saxe wtnl smoar ttcto i m l geo patterson live stock biatla acton oni cattle sheep lambs and hogi write phone or call personally skok voo ortl attt ut metropolitan bank k umui mid up s uodlldl rmh kkhui head office 4 tobonto tar7uters business given careful attention loans made responsible farmers for business purposes salejti notes discounted or collected acton branches in this district guelpk cevmpbouvfl noryal y v b i tcrrt u r nkli