Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 6, 1914, p. 2

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muserlil tteamiyn fcoaday july will t houettvurrmweiat ih- lubtm rnnaema 0mmoiini whintalay jtily ttoiti by ur tloboee of aetofl td mia llj- lvra mellbewa uitahi nf mr km mka thoa wavitbewa of ctntrlcehtutlpti great britain at war with germany canada officially notified that britain ia at war general scheme of defence for this dominion la called into operation mmdr wit of llolwl aiut bt qttan xtz tyvt thuuhoay auduhto 1014 vttt oakaihas mauaxihk of autut eaten mimomi to tho- who lb good fiction titer hi- in hii ten altort lorlo- tnoatof them h ctmudftm titer ami one of then in prtrtloutar tbw calgitr venua u worth th prloa of tlte nutgaliu alone tito llrood of tin witoh quonii aerie u continued tut ull h mmtu mmiwuyb ailrettturt of aulynr all barout tlwj tint daju of itnt mm tlin army uortil plaguo will liavw prucilcetll coded aoflonlltifjf to tateuumt nuut but woelt l lite deputy talultor of agrl oultor itajted on ropofta froii dint riot repieaeuulheb of tlu depart iluml tlwud oftiuh aluta tltut ntrbjl 1 worm la neterlug lite pupal atat tun i that ivefor kaany day uothit aa a caterpillar will hat a onamd tukfloxkhnulw i now taking a ttep farther in tlta nutter of tit cowatruetlon of rood road mr lunudeii of th high- wya uomtnlwioti of ontario ltaa beau ilrlv lag- through lulton lit lut week innpeo- ting highway ha included lit tint county kude iyatetti but whleh uu be important fflrlirf of that atteni tit govern koto t proptnar on application front eountlm to uajt th in tli luprotetnetit of tuoh road tbi will he agranltl um to many who rlda at point who dlttane frota a county road all audi will hlroogly favor tt oooairaotlon of improve road uadlh4 to the wain roade aanatik forth harttt of wurn quutdavll ftaiu cro dw ilmmr ltd hoatavl aluttaili hi eootnul etua it ooqwa ua4 rul won sna wlllelt u bait aitaurlil ui stnlting vron tlu to utam kwfborii rnmd u4 tru trovltai u ntwlvwl otnaof lkw fvortbu hui favtmual hie rettermd oodoawlmit btjalori bwvc mwu to b ult thai wbet tnp will uot b fc46 lha an avr- lfon kmwxlt odtcaloai tt wt wuu toluy wt auu to fthtmuij u trtde odd ywav blktmltd b bu to hxitm itil out- j lwuudo i 6aoituuuy and ua tripld urowtll bf ulked famrcdlttg will lavg tllg tod a ood fouiuuuoft fw tb tiae yur tiiottbjtntf llraiuuwkts vunlhiilitamb ifuiu hcmooui rop4ti uk srt of 8uaar uul it u quilt tatutad taat uwsljrlttfdl autoiu fckoum w 66tttidrldtc tlw dmaiuooal rivlua otd to uhalf fcllldmu do our ftuldrea hwiih dddaiim t tb huta anwrt utu tiuau uod id part and au it 6flpuwry tbat all eudta la til mwloe aumwl bchool wimm tlkty bakjaai el obool a and until ibey takicb fodtieaa yun ia lb rt iw tkat to go tattbr tia thm lubllo botkol aad mur tb hlgb ekboolt u euuly uot dbu tbat all wbo caui do to kboald mcuv ftt lout tbe luftb bokool ooaia it tay be tbt taaay of ua wins ava olur avr waat baryowl it tvblu bobaol and httlapa bad ooly part f u euiiioalatait yvt bav douo ikunauy wu in ut wokajy wmll if tbat wn fcwjua1 fv ua it twjbt to ba aoijti far omt dklurtatt unu lluy laaod ihit ut tie kk at tio psjpofctuia ahd faoo it la a butiavaf tut wauum hie ml piiipoa tl ma ajnonitod u t tue tka yiitb i ttmuy to ll ffctlvly tobuwvow ilia ub woik will b lo tb touorrowa aot uhtymurdaya ho tia t4y wo utut aoualdt umajf wltt u aeblra of ytr- day aad otwii douly wiluri of bmuy if be woau look at tba ooodluotta of to- worn frana uto rbrbt polat of view lb utt aod its toattttuout uaet kapup wlib tl tiaiea tba taabtalhery tbab hit ttudfaiber uad la wot fcooj moub f of lxbs t tba fahd u would be a fcahk tatomw if ba tfrled to t 1l in tufti ba uust adopt uuututd tnaoblaury aud totibda if ha tnftbejn lla eanot akxd to igno tbau tbla ptlttolpu u atvlloabu to all voeauoaa tj ufa tfcobual imraou will uva it into m fchi in plaaalatf for tieli dilumd yooag tmpla will tuav of itiufotaouuaa their lib wotfc a good adttoatloo la a klal valtt beoettfco ic uy broad aad deep tk foawutloa for lib attdtfv an impttuji toiaaltfu obmiafcv una ttoaxsiy aixah bv uk iaatjaf wy of baiid uawku kmdy vile of rahati allau lot 1 ieowcl uttev eho on vuajay uoraltiy a hityy honw baa bo beft of a lovlajt mb sad uuber un allan waa 111 for afcdfct moath and wan buklug fabr pw- krtw towtud m0ovtry whan ha took turn for ut worao and auddealy pawad away fiha wan tfca daosbtor of ifr tmhaa icwbedy and was bora on let 11 fihh ilrw rrln in laftx on novouur sttk init h hvmed to liar aottow ida bnahand and tkiy took up their taeliuhri ou ut tamt wbora ha dld tfcra hudrn kobart n kdward ami araaaaatvlva uml allauwaa ma lalar- tad heubor of tit uetkotlut ohunb uldau b funual will bo bald thla ajwttom at two olok when bar putor bay t it oukka iu oflklata tu wrial will ta puea atlfwirvlew oataoury ohhwajomaj oohheleu canadian parliament summoned to meet on 1 8th august flmll4otiiouo negotiation wblcli were lioorly hoped 0lil brliijf alwut vhwlltloti nf ptmuxi livtweeti uw poncn of ktiropa or bt uui oontlna tlwi lioulltleu to aiihtru uml 8rvu whet the tlrt outlirouk ooqurrotl luu nbaoluul failed wr ban imwii ilocurotl ami tha wljo of kuropa liioliullnif our own llrltlli vmbln la imohiul it ulll irwvltal4y im llie kroatbt unr llm orbl luw vr imowii in tlm urrlllo ktruuula the wliola worm will imi aheolml alrmily tlwro u uomiaii und auutru ciliwt ruria huwu vninoe ualalum aiwl iraot urltain italy mul yurbo mui yl j4tlit oltimum mul auttl aiul hollfiml lll likely join dm tk k tlulr ulllou in boaklutf to imfagtuml tli4iulttmlaimm of tins low court tri atfulnt tlttrnuni uiaiitm lati italj huil itowenr ko far oirved an ulmlmlue rwulriiltt j lomtmiiy lutm tattle er pbvlauii atempu to mtt upon oilier tuition tlio ro htonblbllily for ibu wliolewil4 tniffbut uit to br mmrtioi wild iowtlm of buy wtundlnit traatlod tiki mooe of th world boa heott liroktm utul tlm boutuu of liolllab let lonlc military iloartlun in tjenrtany u undoubtedly tl ileouuo fuotor in matcltiff iwevlublo llwtimttt wurfiorrorof tlio world tbo iktor of nil lomliiii lu tlu inouniiitloti ttrnt exponent of tltat ivuwlan itoilcy of military autocracy wabjutiv lal aboertofwbltad ttia wnkmvlem hvuitf ulnfduawlatfborartow betty ploltlatf la aimot ovar for thla yajr lb batrle wh not an plentiful aa ta other yaaia a mtuabr from lt atte tho qaaherly eervlota at bdan ullbt oti hun day iff and mr j dwpr cbattau ar vwftbtg at tr h dnwpftta unt clwert and elm muiaaaar book wood vuud frlanda tow lutt wak uba llaowb crowaoo kpettt the week ad id tlnalpb mbaaa clara maria and doria ar vultlnk in ttoelph mr uialeu cuwpuii hpnt um holiday witb ottelph iruod- ur ix orippa apaot tt weekend with friantla la bvattotu mr u browtv of tiio hoyal iunk nnalpb vpbot um bollday at bla bonw bat mi w wty eqoealuff vluted at mr h deaapara on bwcuy tlrit llrltbihiaoouroln tlhu conflict of tlio ttatlotui liaa lutfti tooat rajlul4i from tlta otitot hijhroowj flrat a wodutlou ftonferouoo liila was relll kltjf fleorpi blnufilf nuulo u verotuil appeal to tlie caar of uutiu in a final offort to avoid war 11 rplled thath wotild aooeikt the liroihouu bail not tlemwhj oontinuod her rdauuutloti aiul doolaretl wr on fo- tuy lrat hhulit iletiutuled of urnuny tlutt ut ruxtttallty of lulylum la reakot6l and t that oountry until midnight to reply furmauy uwutarlly rci6t6d tt propoal and at elen oclock urltali dealatvil war oo lenaany vollowltitf tba tteblaratiori of war klnf claaag wot ttlj paraoial meratro to tli fleet i i bav conoiuno thai tt urltuh fleet will revive tbo okl fjlorleii of tl navy 1 fciituir tbattt nvy will again bhleut imula in this boar of trul it will prov tit lulwrka of that kwdt tt klntf edjrwwhl a toe- tfi to all tit iwlib eoloole fltib hla vtrtoutloit of their bvkktaoeoua klamlraiuml tttavt they will fflvo tt fullet auptwwt to tt uotter tukj tbeyrcltatiw ih geaeitmla elfearjso and help rlea by tbetn in tt pt to it toother eauatiry i hhall b ktreujtteoed in th dictarir of tbo mat tepottaiblllty whlob renu upoo bit by tu boafident luef that in thu tlta of trial fay emplra will b unlud bint and reeolou ttnwutojf in flod rte bhr tlk waw y1 tube of tt war u in ooui tpiou rmiber obedt but tt avoota loidlotf up to tbta bveauat war that laa vr been way ba auumxatkiwl u followa i jubi 2fl autu crown vritw antl wtnome hot deed ort auatrlatt tanrltory by afuavlau july 24 auurl mrva a twuty four hour ultimatum on harvta fletman vor- 1jn otto auaouuoea fitould aaotber twer lotervieaa oeruaay will proapuy fulfill it duty a an ally july 2 huaela beftliui uobllliailon rervla rlvaa paitlal atwef to aulrla and atka for taor tltna auuha refuae mylug servian aawr la uhmlafeotory july 04 ithtaln ffftkta a oonfeiano of mediation july 2 tlarmaay rjectn tuadlatlon ooafeceeo proposal autha deblav war on bervla july fid lertaahy notlnaa rtuela to etop taobllliauofl aualrun bombanl alebttad july suu4uver fljputug betwoau au- uun atad bdrvlatui at lonlua betaendru and plaiu lertaaay pva tvaaoa and ruai c4 boura to wplaln kaoblllkatlon uritlak kvemur aitnounoea popooataent of irub erlau nd that twtuhw im unit ed in fao of poaaju ibuttr july 11 germany proultna uartial uw tueaia atittounou tnoblluauon of bar land and forte aiupwt 1 lenaany and rnala itreak otfaeftouailona italy aanouno- neutral ity oeraany serve ultlnutubi on lawnoa augnet fl flennaay daobuaa war on rub and ber troopa lavad territory of vranoi ftelma hwltftruad and itnaia vraobh vepuued cunaana ab ipetit croliu flemuui erauer borabarda libau in ruaia augaat skaier demanjj that belglnu allow hi artaua to eroa belgium but pro hue to arv beuiluuu ibjependanoa belgittnt appaabi lo britain to prouot bar britain obligate beilf to defend tu ablpplntf an1 ooakta of ifraaoa amjat tt german fuel augiut 4 germany naelaraa war on behriuka japan unnounom that it will nupporii britain if war aateuda to far kaat getcnauy adtnlu uu of war axliau between bemalf and vrano eatglattd tleoumd war on ietmauy con- of bar lafual to rwpmt tt uoutral ity of belftiuu wtrmtua it britiah lfoua of oonuaon on 1tta- day voted vuafitafibole nuersaoey pur- poa and paaad mvual bill in five tnlnuu without a dlettottait voloa tb llomlnloh ivrilauant ht bun called forth ibth but in ordar to mako tt oeemeary approprulloiii ooverinf tt eoftt of mndloj- a cknadlan army duuion to th front tabulation a neaeaaary auo ikifor tt dlvlalou oah b aettt out of th eountry it la empooud that canada will eendtomuaatoald gnat britain but wuob depend upon tbo poaalblllty of guuula bolnir called upon to dafetul bor bar own territory agaltut auktrlati and oarnuui auaoka f rott tb aaa it la bav llavad bar tbat th nut few day will and pmouoliy tho whol of th militia under tn in th at and waat of canada ha return of ur wilfrid kautrtar to tta oapltal monday from bu inunuar horn at arthaufckavlua qua u an indloatlon lbas in th fao of tt profcant eriala all party una ara wlpd out hlr wilfrid will uod bu eounel to tt bovovuiaottt and wpport ttjw to tb utuaat of bla auuty in ttdr pnrpaa of aldlntf britalit to th limit of tb dominion powar wob cknada ba rallied to tbo batf and tb ttotlro popabuon taaod united in tia opinion ui40rt britain btuat tight ifhuukolntftokmatber uftra obli- uon and reta t world wld iepntatlon for integrity 4u ba iway paa bd tb miajatar of tlnaaoa announoen that tbo uovmat ba autbotbod th obartarad bank of oaada to oak pay neeta lo imik ootaa loauad of in gold or uotalnlotty not uul fattbar oooul an- nouuoaman in tbat bahalf sir ilomkl maaa vkpiaaldrit of tb cana mortbant tuuway wbo u an icom oolooel of hafcpa ilwaa baj nfaji- d totaholaitcofuit4aportioawixk in tb bfeivtof ciumiuii fftfcou uolujr to tu aid of great llrluln count lid imp hiwi tlut countoui loft toronto on lloiulay to ull for fntuon to ofter bla uervuo in tlta utlutlon oorm mm w w naardmoro uocotrtjwitl tltnt u fr um ivtarlioro kjlmmmouam wutttm huktoatjru ronriey uoaehowaay wl browned teaurduel anurty lib iraooe lulaptibu of kluyui u vuluiiff at lb bomo of hr unci ur g e polklntdtom lira wht uouowell of toronto upbrkllutf ftrv daya with itar imotltar mr if aupolcuvaa ule coohrana mnara jawow robert uafjllan and madsr ikuuu of toronto wercvl holituy uuoia at ut totri ur t 1 iven ula ollv and ur wtt uarjtall vult at their pareobi ur and mm kkltard uarjall ur anj ura wu flowjj aiul uaatr ilodgbi motored to uluball on haturday tetutnluff on monday ur j meredith fcnd tuuptur of toron to vulted at tt itom of hi albeit ueredllb tb tad tiding of tleaui by drownlntf of wmubt nkkll of kainu on hutulay cauied orrow id feverml immow iter to wbonl deoeaead we ftloajy retltej ltlntf agrttkbiott of tt lata jatnea nlokall altd nphew of uemra jarno and wllluun kwlon and mua if nawtou tb bereaved family wbo war fomtr ijmehoaa reaidentv lutv tlta blnoer aympauiy of their many frlembi tt garden party held on tho grouwlti of utaehoue iveblryterian cbumli motutty vetting wu a dekud wcooa tlta loul talent wa aulateil by ulaa uarlorl iaikebom of toronto and ur carl adaua georgetown ur and ur gaorg allan ami ulsa hupbenaon of toronto and a targ nuin liar of frleotli front gualph plo nicked at tt bom of mr it doughty on monday heuhuuaawalvlt haunlota aiatolafw meidatei of m m ha mkj lija wit a tit peopla of fl h no 7 ar prepuinjr a ulos llttl ttaat in th form of a plo nlo whloblatobooa aiuy 12tb in a gvova on mr t j bell farm they hope to mak lb a tort of reunion of old itoya and glrl dorintf tb afternoon that will b baa bait danelaff gam and raoa plenty of good thing to ut of eourao and a real jolly tin i utlolpated mr j p barbara obo ha itean a iudettt at albert couego beluvtlla for uverj yar bad tb honor lit bla juna examination to win lb ranau aobolarlilp and will b given fre tuition for on yar in university work ura oopaund and children of gualph aia vuiunff in th belgbborbaod ur wu vraak and family of aoton peat bunday ab tbalr tarnt bar ur and ura moor vultad among tbalr friend bar over the holiday mia t morton and children of aoton ar holidaying out at tb cottage mamat hulvb vbh oahmtisj who mtottm afwieill cam wtu mm b iba wood if vary pereou atriouy obesrved tb fouowlatf blbjul rule tt breat annual oa by forest flraw would b radnoed to a mlnluunti i b aur your watch 1 out itefot you throw it away fl knock out your pip aahea or throw your elgar or tjgareu atump wtr ttar i notblntf to fkttob fir s llont build oaup fir any larger than u abaalutaly totary kvr leave tveafora tort urn without putung it out with wtr or earib 4 dont bulk u eamp fir agaluat a ua or a lo build a uau on wbar you oan aorapa away ut ueedu leave or grau from alt aid of it 8 dont build boonrea tba wln1 may tta ab any um and mart a nr wbloh you cannot control a if you dlaoovar a fir put lb out if poitlbl f if you naitt inforn ut oaareat vott ranger or vit wardan a qulokly a you poeaibly can maftommrtty and imvumtioh a wotbor with bar mvn ohlklraa atart ad away on a jouraay after etitehnflf tb tmf tbabrgastoblm wa uld out flat on tbttmaty and tba ronuvlnliuz alkt then ab upon him in a row whan lb conductor cam around tooolleetutofar uttnoutr tjounud bar motuty bandod itovor unlud and aid hlr tb oldaat lu undar alx children cry for fletchers castoria lrobauytwoulrdofawomantroubl oom bttoauao ab rcaaotui with bar heart inetead of br bead if you would got a uu on your potuiur ity a a pnblid epeakkr fo blra a hall and ebarg fib out adnualoo it a djkoult for aom womati to rat tbair bata on lo um uwolnff a it 1 for oiablagttbm on tb uab tnont aasxiwavad him kliaabeui brownu loaeat uljjrit of kyewmnan koatltute miwm kllxautb llrownloe tiveb wltbavery viltifitl iimlditt the ouur day by whluli kltaliutt the hlabt of olio aye hit utiu vfiuwvlnir a blanket off a now wimiii tb animal truok iter with ll horn liijuring uwtijo ami tlmtrovliitf tbti ugbt mr uitd mrti itoltert lionuott of acton nxmt tba woobiwl with ur hiki mru i m bennett tito memliem of urn wotnnii iiiblltuto itelil tltotr july inoetlnu nb tba lienio of mm 11 hbortlll pilto n iiutiibjlhiiiiu proueut interotitliik utmrobmirf woru guen bj mfh r hliortlll on tito unj to n mimu bonrt niwl l mr jolm ullltir habuu tltfilr valuo fu tit met uml hom to lreiwi liutrtihtentuluplootlonu were given by muw aggl hliortlll und n reoltatlan by ului fun nlo llotoml tliu auguft trietlinf will be bold ut tho homo of mri tta ltohl baying if yowubout ovor uiul tint hum of tit blmler t to itoheurd in nllillrotlnnu mm j ft mellon actoo niiit it week wiui bor pttnonlu mr and mrn 1 klolner muj cam vuiuitttv lu lulling frlcnlu ut fltratfonl mr and mrt- ifiirry hwliidkbuim of toronto vlwlleil llto lontwtti paientul liomtt bora qiv humlaj mlku huuia llliiultaui of lorgtiu uuu tbaguoat of mr mid mru liwlo llouiitt unt week mro jerrj hlllk lu vlultlnu milton ftldtwu mru fltoplicti itoml ih bp iwuiu tt conphiof woelb with mrw llrtb ut torn cotta ohlldren ory for fletchers c uevaejt help hlaeuralomat kittw to wtnklmrautia it and u ttagmiwltrurltnaluiiy rklom will run harvest ifnlp avcurklona via chicago ami ikiiuui on augut ii awl ik froti all fciatlonti in ontario klnptoii uml renfrew ami uat at low rate of tligo to winnltg pluti lutlf unt iter tnllo frotn wlnnlpetf to deatlnatlon virt eiicurtloti on auguu ii applies to all polnu in uaultolkt heofuul ekcurioil ort auguitt ifltoeertalu polnta in fuakotoltawan atul albaru awl all point in uanllolta lie turnlngltajf cent pr mil to winnipeg pitta 9irm from wlnnlrwff to du nation in lunlorn cakaju thatoub via cbtoago la an attiaotlva ona many itrg cltum and town 1uliiif iaueil au routa whkili braaba tt loono tony of th joumay tito grand trunk kaelfto ltailwy ui tits itorteat aiul iiulck- eat rout italweeh winnipeg hakataoii awl itilniaitton and travoroa wvino of tlta boat firming- country in man i tola and tlto mot rapidly daoloplti bsotlonof wot4rn canada vull partlcularu at all grund trunk ticket onloaa or wrlto c k horning dutrictlsiefceiitier agent union htutloit toronto out tlatan uttaa many different kind of iwlt but ha oau oatcli ull tb loafer wiui u iwro itook ur monei ikmdlaka icoot pllla ajanta newaod untried remedy our grandfather uaed tbent half a otntury ago befor confedttauotu tby wcnou tal in nearly vry drug 1 ttor in th canada of that tbouaind of hotna forcouatlpatioa indigetlod bulouincaafkbaumatlani tadkidiuyanduvtrtroubua to day tbay ar jutt a ctfectlv juet aa rtlabht ttver and notblng batter lu yat been devued to n curcr cotttmot ill new telephone directory a new issue ol our offi cial telephones directory is now being prepared and the copy will close within the next few days orders for now connec tions changes of name or address should be re ported to ua at once the bell telephone company op canada keep yoiir feet off your mind with tread easy it wonderful how thin aoothjnk antleeptie foot powder prevent uempimtion ntopti the china tind burning makes light nlioe fit easier and keeps your feet off your mind by making- thorn comfort able get a bin 25 cent box ol tread ay todayat out opposite tlu pot ottit u1ixst acton scarce goods the demand for waoli good in crepe and scarauckor has been great er than the supply hence n ihnrtie in thcto lines wo were fortunate in securing a largo shipment of thcuc materials last wctik and will pass ihem on to you at quick moving prices hot i a beautiful ronehud pattern on white ground fine sheer cloth and a bargain at the price 3 colorings blue pink and mauve special per yard iftc lot ii a good firm seersucker in stripe pattern just the right cloth for houuo dromes childrens dresses and rotrfperu requires no ironing 3 colors blue and white black and white pink and white special per yd lite lot ii plain white crepo cloth nice sheer weave and good wearing quality special per yd 18c lot iv fancy flowered crepe chiffon extra nice quality and dainty pattern special per yard wc these are scevrce goods they will not last long act quickly henderson co mill st acton out moooogxcoc avvashinlonfdtmpr oaib yemeni mr frank terrack addkebsino the good roads convention at tacoim washington gave the following enthusiastic testimony in favor of good roads iam a cabbag grower i haul my produce to the uuerkraut factory at south sattle before the road over which i travel was- huilr i had to set up at 4 oclock in the momina to trait on mv oumey the limit of the load could haul with s team of 1800 pound hortea uaa 2500 pound and after viiltlng the factory i would arrive hick at my home late in the evening but look at the difference now that a permanent hard surface ha been laid down i itart on my trip about 8 oclock and need only a team ueighing 1400 pounds to haul a load of 5000 pound of cabbage which u double my previous capacity and belt of all i find on my return to the home early in the afternoon that have finiihed the days work ulthout the horiei having turned a hair cone road me road cconotny they prevent your road taxes being spent in patching- up road that never will be mood road they ae tit cheapen kind of road at th and of ten filtwn or twenty year tecum they prtetltally eliminate the ent of upkrtp they entbl you to haul bigger loida with leu rffoit and um wear and tear on bom- ami vehuki they inereiie und value better condition gcntntlly and tlecreu the coit of living writ for free good roaut llutaiut and tana bow good road will btuafit you curts auaab dtp a ha ml cjurja cement coituuuylliniitetl 868 mu balkf moalrej many thousand farm laborer wanted ooimo mirwett j hetorm thip emt ji200 to winnikq i 31800 fwlm winnifcfl odino dates hllcatv bmi mux i atiua ul tswmfiat the merchants bank op canada ibuuuudllu jim bmmchu im cuu4d thrift is rirhtly described as eco- nomical management a shrewd bobineuo man is spoken of as thrifty be cause ho saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but tho real secret ol his success lieu in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par catirat txiour anxmnu mtaanva ruhm amu undivided cnorm 7m04m acton branch p a maclean manager general blacksmithfn en carriage repairing j r campbell lll of oolalor hu r nnenad ih0 bepbtliau 1 u n- itmuks canrliia woodwork toa rwpalrlag opened ibe siettbi ulockualth bbop aud u ready for ell blade ofbuluniluiltlaud betlefuctlon barmntewl mild st adod canadian national exhibition peace year anurlmecfmteh uoumdlbtuw acre ol uauulecttiflm luhlblte by ih viwuicm ikhlbllafcydoialalaeiconituaeal tnhlblle by wm ladlw i crenajleif geardat band draoona muelcal hide autofolo uakaei clttut and illapodswkta noun sliowe id sinai hour hoy kcotiu kteelew ranadae uldamt a simw babylon retct oriental spectacle ever prcatitil e cotftltmht ialiitlnilafrotti ttiglmud scotbiud united utntee and canada educational kxhlblts good in free of maklea athletic sports aerollydroplan imbibbi grand water caralral i crcolowt famoaa fand score of atbr band doxeu band concerts belly chaaaptdke and bbannoci dlggeat midway vasce var fireworks htematioiul peace tattoo 1 band 4w musician autf 29 1914 sept 14 toronto rnoble ijltjlifslt phmou1h twine gold medal and silver sbear at loweet price refriqe quick bread flours aiuuratatme maaaa drool without veaet without salt without uneadlutf without ilnw for lulnifj the flour le elraply mlved lak douub with cold water and rrttt itnme dlelely luto the oven thereaultia v auiaaraat ht hoar hv- tbmoua aaaao m tm wdiu j l wnrren flt jlbln uailriaakjiloicnses itihufcw in fuau offlini jullott iba day at muuh it evaitltul i v uoouu faaoaa k notice to ckkorroes in ut mauav ot ohartt ajymotia of tfaa vuta ot aotoa in xhm county oaf waltota m ottqh u beret latl tbat the altore baot- i be totaoe an ualantnedl le bae under h o obamem ui el allute aetate ad aeta f ibe atnanl bol of hi enxllen abiliiiimtillom will be itel j uaehinnee m ttaee la tlie vllun e aetna la ihecoaaiyef tlalloa 00 uoeday the mb ey tt aoittet imi at tat a altxik la be artelaoet ta told laepeeton tu tof ibe oraerln of ute mtatat aanirntlr 1 ale ujaaf eta4as wlui ut amiom or bla aoluit- mbaveuteaaleetaulaaacbkmes timlh u hereby klveal tba altar um deya bens ue el ihla toeetio the aaaeta will be tdleulbbae btoee tbe partlea entllu ibmelo beia f- ai pel toa tbe aulma f wblatt oetlae abajl ebea btnwu imh an ibe jteatanee will bee be itabte to any baveoa tw twnm e utom be aba i net baa b a h a bet lee ion a j uaxcvikwom vovbuffis list 1914 huatmiut u vulaae aaoioai in hm ooonty of mattem tbat ibamtraaemlt- r ueee 131 xtot0 iabanby ka utat ibatraj in la w mlae ibe pv een taklaahieveiibeoautvetawla a belaal kanbed by w kaetkhl te be ee amlbetua tame rvjfsahsgrim kw eahiued w vote ta ibe eal almmiatiejtry m lt iw lla ibea4 of uke lsu uaaeabiy aas u y qttpai j aua kb4 lbeaajijewaaamboauau toy easee ec a4aai aalmmay el aleieet imi at ea- am vbalagy aetfngea ail vetera to tela lao- aaedlele fcieeewnu to ay enem or oltuiu amoa toijeraluy t aaaeet a to a wohdirland moving picture skow w hav retau made a chaug in our tkotrenime aud hrmtter we av ebowluk nvr keels evrv uoudey wdndy v riday had batutday evening untlkv change of slnia aaeb of tbeee evenlnge oaiuaw aetbhleea r l gregory prop wawaatnow a good salesman pa nvry town and dbtttrict wbatew are not repreo tad prnlt arebwugluk blgb prloo and nutaary atock la in demand uake bio uonttynowbytelf lag- en ageticy ut tlm for can- vaaaldg- 1 uoatba dnrlntt th huntbiey vfm kaulptaml ewjduetv tamthotry atqprtetio ktbt hljsiavatcorj cornmleetone radd write for full particular stone and woluntfton roalhm nuerektriet toronto out new stirroundldf bttt old he ume btulncw kenney bros the oldest shoe store in town havejast itnproved tbehf store tahlcb u now htodaralkad and up to dale tb itock cotuprtae all the lataat styles of the beat tuskers tu boots sh0b8 suppbb9amd pawcy tootwbah k call will convlnob cuateoleni tbat our ntloee in lower thaa theee ol dty dealate our forty yeare bueloeai record tor houeet dealing etaade behind onr tooda kenney bros kamnay blooh main st aoton aaamaannaunnneouaaraam ptingies bargains i aretvuly i gonulno it is not a question oc cost we have to give up the store at the end of the year and the goods must go it you need a wed ding present now to your chance gd pringle jwllr b wyadlumst guelph b ewsmqubdadddadhajiajajtais

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