wedding presents hooare tttotvaa spoons porka fancy tltlvarwar blok cutqiaaa fanoy chlna wedding r1nos mamhiiaoib uaomummm iwukd geo hynds real estate vmnnator sale in hallon peel aad wellington loo rknu tor wale every kite 1 yon want a term write w for catalogue or yil wlsb to mil or excajuuce write we wo have every facility for trunearun baalaeaa to yonr complete hatufactlou tderres- oadenre uolfrlterl j willoittiuby ftlrmhtmtihveclaiui tleorjmavwn fflljc ttuu 3fm rtt thullmy auouht 13 10u brief local itcms and now ibay talk of froat lu tb west monday h showers mn welcome though they wm4 tsihsi light itev j c vviuod a a botae fro londod to ba prtntaltlaphjiilo j km huntley bohoob hi utpmiur am at worlt bd ur v v jjitiah b tfdbm ort ctutob bbvot 1 mil have tba frmroe up- ytflt jtfalphabtttltttwiml twataaaai odu lo austria v urauny e aii forti-m- uoio bnrkuya xum hssi dodtutej tba ulwuct at the ehurob and buaday hohool iwvlos ust henday vad yuuteumgtrtm llerllngivd rahts u tb ltwllt euwl ctvj0 fe icootxi tha epworia lmm had hit sejdyku opsd air tsrvloa en ur wluutu brawn uwtl 61 usld strtst oh ifofldsy avselag 0t your list of exhibits ubw way fw ammvivtoltuued wsialey and thursday uul end strd ssptecabsr whstlsuptol03 bw tfu wslt abd 6u 450- hod has ulm anotw uuptbjub6w slllaghfckaltloj u tba dirsoto bf aetoa vmu lfjr u bmutlng una list of sosolals tb bpsfl lsl prist will be wow then tawully siusjs- john dryibkl waji finj vi 0 for bslntf drunk la uluon last v k by uiymu ufevailwmumwlwuftftfciilur tm sagst and bour im soaring naatbere of bow houort la tawtt lv uwi btiylajt wp bapurt 6l umj and outctr iwuku tt w 0 uocttaua b a ma tt w x uoouuluu uautxw of u batrog omrt bu bua apfwjbuil to pteluaa id la tk ob rtoty at oiu tba drlmrt of touo oam u u of vlclt apitcut vairy uimji ilk fiujujjf id of tba apl to miawfc ttrotalii tboauaell uv w4i 140 ur aulkotiy butbdwii lu bod bv- intf bbikjclokttblb6ttvir6twiuowakkl rlvr bbwu buy uunud and otbrwlm uprotikl it u iww viy attmuv ba two youbjr hud wko unj a borw aud litf from iv j vafu ad tk bdna by 0nlhvintf and ba w4r tbmaucvd wltb tkomabum uv mtlll tba oai by paylaff 0m a uuw trout uh omm bautb a watwlla bade my tb aamtaar hu bwti vty bot aud dry t tay rmaa of aay oodmkjtmno alooo kida fu oa uk lltb autut ilia wop aw oaawmetly oofc vry good i6wmjibwihu to a a loeo- wouotomliiijobb and will eutmui down town m ifooday u tra a cahadua nortbutt atigltm laoom- uum by ubft tnbduyr of the ivwoato sauutua tullway uut llmmoa of ubtuoa wjjbl him twlvwooimjd oolt whleb ba sot f rota tba boll d6u mribawd frost uawm feardmotv co abd tb uppad tba aoau at tootf ibi tua u an uatuually flaaeolabotbastoalmaad quality uim ulldrod tijy wbo wa ao aar- immy lujuij la uvatallwayamldflutaetba ytkuttawoteluglahirabtttiry waaablato mum boua fmta tb ottalpb oanaml iloa- tl but wmb hu a abld to walk a iiui wltb atauihhoa but tbaabdotaottb aaoldaat will wouib for uui tin atotfanrlut frparilwr mfhrinl w nt tba anaual plo tilo of tba umbodut bdbay elobo6l waa bald but vtuay attar hood in wattaa itak vba wiaibar waa duwfal and tba afuhtood wan vy bjcyably apuit by tba taaubara of lb kocd aad ibalr moodt bwlat baa vail atwl a rograuua of ftataui toidd plaadld auiuettmou wblu tb jo ulo ua aud tba appla aottunbla wm bob tba but ajoyabbn of tba day fatirta la tba variotw eouptuumji ptbw wm woa aa fallow 1 boy woo utvdar 12vlotor rfelukd oih hm ttudar 12011v0oopr boys ho ovw is edwlu lanov borottifb aitu mm ovr 12 ja uadaay boyv uultitfiirdm if uoovt x lotttott ouiv tbirob httgod w etbelodlwiab and clat ebbitfa maadu kaoa vlotorloouuaa aad bar ba brown blaoalt kaoeuahia moftat lbv roat kaoa bartla bmlut boy potato ilaoa 43oix jltfaow rrltaary aids haoa rrlntff oojm iuoftwuu bloah gaps c baatoa dmavmnmi cam mot m oiihald by looal appljcatlooa aa tbay oaaoot roaob tba dlaaasod pottlaa of tba aa tb l oolyomwsytoottjpdsifnsattd tbatla by ooostitouotaal taamdlaa usafaaasnit an ipbamad ooudltlott of tba lag of tba basuebbui tuba wbsn ml tuw i inflaibodyou bava a kmnbtlaffaoaod or lavarfeot uahoar awl wbmutriwtliy oloaat daafaass la tba matu aad uauaa uksladanawtioo au u tabati out aad tbla taba raatarad to ita uonaal ooodwtw baariatf ww bdaattoyd otsvsri nlnsoaaaaotttof un at oaussd byoatamv wblob im botblag- bataflltdum ad ooadjuoa of tba nuootta aorfaosa wawilleua qnm hattdiad douara for any oam of iwnaw oaaaed by oaunb catt7bvrod byhau oaurrfa ooia baaot tat olraowa ftaa ajclienbvootoado0 unly vubfor news of local import three foreigners in a row personal and travel notes air- to- hmmtasooa at a- umm aln ur i irendarmiti u f tnwln h flylnif trlj to wlnttllmft but wlt 11u vull au khortttimkl by um call of lt1ltmiit fot bctvb f utujay knd im rotumml oti ttmwliy fumoon lr uoktf u- llttl tlnu acooraikanudblm itoma ui viimljktf oct to tb tvttv mr oimiim clark of tnrotilo wua iton on bunday to uy noolttn to bl mmlm him otltar frloiuu ivurafor tu invltif willi liuteulrtwint tito qumiih own to roiiu cor uxi imt of war tfiu retfluiont xiotltolmv0yaiitnbiy for vmlourtlnr qu utwl unm to kimuml or italalum two uu1 laddlss injuvod on uorulay afutnoao two little ulx yr oldji uiimw wwi of lmuarl tyler mtwl imiaii mmi of llori lliwoii jr wen ridn 011 on of tits otrthtractloti wajprn of uw mw olmtria roul wlian tby wem both joiimi off it tylr 11 iwil lft una fmotiinxl and tba xutla jrcn okiip wait mlitfully litjural in tba uou crtmtlty to rouuoal mmom a ipaolal uiroa rl dratnatla uetuw lllutrunjr iliwua cruelty to itk ljlticl lfrtw will im bliown at wotuiriaml movltitf lldturo bluiw mi vrlday qvonlntf it u a jmwrut drahut of ttfatumm ami owor untitled 1 ola tnkoft and l tit trajactoiitory of u wiunan uoa a ituuutt tniltor bobs of imarutad feuanlw t1niho4unjjiituiml xcuriati to mug ara valu will u uld on- hatunbiy mi augtut tb xouhtuw train will lmv alton at an wlnuuii to wvi a ka tin far for tba rourul trip u fi3 for adulta ad vla for cblklrn tlokals way ba imourwd from 0 t it fcjpmt aitj tnmlrrt of tba couulttad tauioa nwm wiat nu aboat 19 uuumuim wt la uanttual tourtiaiwit 0 tlut lrovltkoul vltahna aiywcutloa t koafohb wv w tbara wa uwbtnjoum fatltwltttf ftitot4l oiul taau oarrud otf prtiolty all tba booor wintilns 2ht0 la tba tott rwo tbay won fin atwl 100 1 uaok and laibbir ruo llrjoi laddr uuatf oootwt t3 1 tag of war lia cltawploit qood woadw aartiow oosapls4al tty inuamioa of u inxxl rimdt h3attil t lb o y it tracks on 14 ill tiut tb aatlra luitb of ouotf htmwt to qii huwt aud out to tba llwtlta of tlta oopora tlod at tblrd hiw w6udtbuj tlfj wmk itu a tfiuctdij road lwl tbroogbout arwl li bbjbly jtovaa of ly uob wbo liava drlvaa ov it wbut tba umia bttt smtlod frou qomn fttirwt to ftlrvuv avwitta aad tba bottb ami to tlauitd xblm will bava ipucklll uihwau4 ovu- buoadamlod komdd lu bill dlreotlons taja host ta anhxd oucapulatii bava u bwula tbt bo aij la um can full grown tun uaka tba pnmio of utwlrlhtf fct tba waters ada cud uibliitf itioorpormtlon lowl wltb out batblntf ulta abd a plun vt f paoja on bowr avsdua tfeu u a vtala- tlw oi looal by uws aiul tba criinitul ooda buibjftjf is dajntua but it uut it dooa undr proj- cooditioaa tba ooufctabua will waka an nwpl of any fartlir la fnrtioa of tba law w aloytaiaoatuula w ammj luv tl w barkar oualpb wbo aooota- paaidbyurabarl u apaodlnir bolidayfl in tb wast wrltaa lb editor frooi luatf albaru and aays 1 wa ara bawlug tba grant iibbsjuua of two or tbrs days baa tba taoaatalas ih woadatfub ycaurday u wara at tiaka loulas waot to tbalaka in tb clouds and bllubsd talba topof ullla baalllve w also wnt out to tba guoiar it was a groat rfay wbb you wara all liara wltb us atrab maaday tssaaal rtsvala dslijtblfully cool wutbr sooowjiaiilsd by brijbt buusblaa ukuu uual ooddltlons for tba pla nlo of knox buuday bobool on tnasday aftarooon modougaira girovo oh tba aaooad una uada au idoal plaoo and tb trip out by butor cam was only ona of tba uutaarotui anjoyaua faaturaa of tba aftamoau tb gauss ware kanly oott taatad tba awing brought wuob plaaiiure aad tba sumptuous taa for wbloh all bad a baaa appatlta wu of suparlor plo ulo qaalluaa tbabuobipanywarwtuinri ad boot by tb autotaoblta by aundown all daligbtad wltbtbaaftamootia pbasuroa ttuwo ra sal q waaaiw p o i on batutday foiaaooa dl tba liuls fotuaaimld dahjrbuv of ur and lira otobn evsolooa chunb hlroat waa playing attbaovmtiaartbapowarbouaa wbi ab fall or waa febovsj ovarlnto tba pood bear tba fldwa tba watar bar u four bv faatdaapattd lbs lltlla gtrlta would bava drowaad bad not halp baaa naar oaorga riloblaj jr waa huag tba good roads watar tank at tb skatlag holt valva aud baariagtbaerlaaof tbacblldrao rttabad to tbcaosd if saw tba pradloauuiot of tba liulaooa wbo waa going down for tba tblrd tba and wadad into tba pood and mtoaad bar wban ukan from tba watar aba waa uaoouaolm and it hqulrad uaariy aa boar to tvaaaaltat bar fib is now as wallaa avar bowavar tlt parant aw felooaraly tbatikful to ur lutobla for hu salt hauinolng wrvloes in rescuing tba liulaottb atuidar kuaaball haub on bsturday aftarnoon rival taaua of oaorgatown and aetna otto again faced outw in tb bajtsball ahtu a gara of latarsst u always natidwtd on audi oooaslo and batttrdays avant waa not an ajioapuou wllb a boot altarnatluo first out taawand tban tb otbar uadihg- tbaw war tavaral psriods of intarua axoltanuut at oua uaga in tba gam a duput aroaa ovar a by ball wblob wsh ajlagod not caugbt and a dlaoaaslon of a itngtby and vary foroafut rtatara aosnad abd botfly andad n a flsllo anoouhtar wbjehwaabappllyittatiilad tbapllobar for itotb toata uad vary oraditalda par- fonaana lfaaoa pltoblnp rw oaorg town allowed is blu andstruok out 0 uu wblbllloksv ibo acton pltobar allow ed but v hit and htruok out alavau man tb final soom stood in favor of aoton osli mas wrttlota ajsanday on batutday uta josapb couttuui oalebratsd bsrelgbuatb uribday wltb bar faulty at tbair oosy resldano on willow btreat tfcu blgblj ateaud old udy wbo la on of tbsfswrjotogauariaun wabuie in town u a uativ born oauadlau ami omsawm daughter to bias tba boru of bar parent naar alvlttston in katnlttoii oouuty wbaa utat pah of umtr caiuula waa vary suusaly aattlad her buabaad tba bit josapb ooiauah died bora six year ago llaalsn would bavo baatt algbty tblsjoar all lb ttwmurtoltbolr family nrwlvsv vis 1 joba ft aoton 1 wjllbuu at heapslari bits in winnipeg urs tbobtaa kdrnutoti at kadaralsy usak and jawe at ifawlota uan ura colo- aaanbaabaaaa aotow for near ly twenty years and enjoy tba friendship of many of our eluxarw all of whom join in congratulation upon bar attainment to the rip old eg of eighty year yhy ms a two mmvlotsd drkwlnat drtrnkiuid bls- omufiv oruak jail batundav hiaiii oil hiitmdn ufltriiooti ulmut tf oolnok tlirmi fdrojiicr u ituuuinn lnllrtu iiud un auittrlaii ciiinti up mill htrwtit iuurrollnif iid oiontlnj n numt 11 11 mwmly huturbtinoo cblof ijiwboii urmblml tltetn iduiioil tlmm in tba dji1h mid laid infoniutluos ltfini ii 1 moara olmrultif tlusiii with itelng drunk mid riluordorly 011 llw publln blront- at oluit ontook lliay wo 10 irltxl tom katolnnaraby tlio huwlsn ploudnl uhtv la tbacliartrflaiid was diioil gftoonnil cwmtu or tliirty ilnyu in jul i at imrd btlxir kiillcli i runic tliu inlliwu wuu proven uullty of itolnjr 11 utrty to tlio dlhturluuioo sml was flnoil l0 ami ootla tlio chin did not wi tlio clmryo spilntt tlio aiibtriun wbo ujijutarl to lis only in oamuny witli tint otlwr two tin howoter wan atvonglv advlwul tin mailrito to keep out nf tlio oomjuny of men wlw ur guilty itt iliitiirbing the toaco wpoclally sw itelng u eltuun of auatrltt koomitryab prciaiit unukuiibllc toormt hrltslii it wa very likaly to jfvt into ttvmiuelf ynllty of any 11 tic lout or uiimlycoimluct tlut two ihaii wlo worn fined bail no futuls or allujpml tboy luul nrt imt tboudbt lliair friends whiiii rrtiuj iuillsttt to kivr tbslr flimw by motwlay momlntf tbey m4ra rtuniail to tba mils with tlie umlr ustullntr that ilia flues uurs to bo paid by morttuy otliarwiui tlta chief would oonvey unirt to tb county jail hotuatlina kstunlay tilght or curly run day irtomlujf ilia prlaonem uih tltabslpof ouubu frlwmbi lirok jul i sml escaped wu11 ctmuulda wttnl want 011 humbiy uoruliiif to uho lliani brealtfuo b found tls 611 doors striiihluwl sml tba oalls ttni4y it is auiipomd that soota of tlta otbar foreljpiet in town waul to their njuf dur lag tits nlflht oltlainail enlrsuos to tlia town lutll by foolug a aid window with s craw lur foroed tlto doom of both oalu chief laumki advuod tlut olios of tl various towns and cities in this vicinity early flu inlay tnarnlnfc of the woiis of tit fotsluil wimwts but ho wotil of thsal itsb yt bmi roivod it is iiuito uifliiifijl tlist its muiiu3lisl aulbaritus will lx umler the nclty of providing ttow bteel doors for tlta calls tbs old doom w ml on u quarior ou ury ago wltan tb town lull was huilu oit bavvral oooisioos ibwpsriila clmrscurs liavs w5soj in tlio mdiit uiiottuil fssllug of tit country our cltluia wwi ujukfi tits council for tlut pulillo mf4y that doors that will h suouiu it at ono ordarvd aiul liutalled hospital ship fmm canada tb ottlaaaa os jlatoa afad vlslnliy will ootrib4ita a uimmi tuo4a jtttomc oohmrrratal or ilauikaj av wo hat tito utuifliurs of tb dntlra of canada hsvs dealdad to iitovld tlta motbsr country wltb a hospital thlp ami aeton la loyally aiding with tlva fuud a bvootlng of ibo iviughuni of tlto kreplre v as lill in toronto last thurulsy to dlscaif ways and uieaim urs c h hmltli who is a member of tit i 1 o k- auendoil on frlduy alio interviewed a nrnnber of leading oitlurmurul all oiuvim ed uyrapsthy with tho inoveuiant on sunday tlta following amvounooineiit wus read it the ohuroliss 1 a meeting of all residents of ac ion ami viclalty will it held in tlto town hall on tuesday availing at eluht oclock to con shier plans for ralaliiff a patriotic fuiul to sselftt in tba very laudable object luaupur ated by ilia canadian ifeifghurs of tli empire of providing a hospital fllilp for tli wounded of uto llritlah foroaa not many of u cult go to the front 11 response to the cull to anna but we all may have a share lit providing for those who are wounded od tuesday evening a representative gathering of cltliwna aaaemlthxl in the town ball in tb absence of heave ifynds who had not roaolied home from a meoutitr of tba county council ii l ifoor j v wu appointed ehaiwan if us hell bteplienson acted un auretary after explaining the object of tba toasting tb ohalrtitan asked for auggefctlorih a to bast method for raulhg a utrotlo fund wltb promptitude bava j a wluon 11 a and a howahh ura 0 a btnlth ura oeorga icavlu ura ii i uoore ur w 11 btewah vfna cameron jno 8 coleman and ueeve ilynds addressed tlta meeting all favored tba suggested contribution it waa finally decided to appoint uw woman institute aa oentral oouulttee to eanvss for funds with power to add to their numbers and to proceed with ibo canvas at onoe tba aubaoriptioti llat liavo lieen openod and a vary creditable amount will be on band to be forwarded to the ceuual com mittee nt toronto by tomorrow ulght hhj opinion of the meeting wu that every oltiseu ahould havo an opportunity to eon trihuta owl that no mini would ba consider ed too small even to tlta childrens pennies limwhouiik hj stall toavala at lusuoay ra vultorsofthswau tba annual plonlo of un umebouaa ossebdll team was bald on bsturday at bunley ivrfc krin tba plonlcbera kit about nine oohiok u in and after a two bout drive artlvod at tlielr dutiuulion innimr won served tdinrtly alter sml ilia aftaniooo wa apent in itostlng singing od dauoink after tea dancing was tetuued for while then a delightful drive tiome by moonlight brought to u elose a tnost enjoyable day ur ami mr j uotliu of toronto or visiting at tlie iuroittal bom bere ulsua uarguurlto ami uary ivetw of toronto are holidaying wltb their grand parent ur and ura t 1 ivan ura cookbuiu tul family who it been ipeudliig u few weaka ut the home of ur ami mr it looghty buve returtvod to toronto uu itranees 1hlubute of kilsyth who ba lwen a gueat at tlta ivoma of ivor undo ur tb k iolktughotua returued borne on monday ur t 1 ivan u lemllng old home week u uruntfoid where 1m resided tor sversl yesrs in lilt youiir luya uus usry uolllll la vulting her hitter in tteeehvllle ohildren oty for fletchers castoria mr und mr nlmoum vlurd frlcmltt nt catlboro lsttt week mrs k v cihlwoll und children imvo retiirnml from llurrlo mn 1 uyder and nhlldrou returmxl ubt week from llairio xir thoimiu tuidilnulmiii of timmto xlriteil friends hdit tblx week mr arthur hniith of toronto vtnx nt valrview puoovui hnudiiy mlus ikr vnu huyusrd vinu iwino from toronto for hnllduym thin week mr ikinetin hhnrp of vim out vitlt ed friends heio during the week urii jameii livinghtnua nud olilldron of ireston ure nt mr ueo hojwrc iim aiu hotnervillu is hjmttdliijf tun ueelts with her brother in london mf toiiunl atklnuon waa liomo from hamilton foru few dajw this weok mu htellu moijihi imu iteen vlxltlng friends in tolnuto u oouplo jif weebu and mrs hldney iunim vultwl friend ut ivuitypool during the ueek xir ami xlrs w t hurt ipont few ilnys during tlta uoekultb krlufrloiids mm thos oowdy ami xiim kettljt of uueljtb vhim1 actiui frierulu yekarday miss kstli xlorrlu of toronto lao lnwn fkimllng tte week with aoton friends mr und mm it v moore und jooulyu of toronto wera nii6u at xlrtorworoft tls iwk mr a i maokinnunlibs itoeii tending a week or so at his lw hoods it onto at cal rsloii itev rutlier trsynor lias returned from o plesiuiut vocstlaii ut uto old i tome st owen bound mrs crcwsoti ucbuuublin luui rttumed itetne after apenilluif a couple of uoels with frlsmls in toronto mhu itaolisl htone relumed from duel pit hosijtal oi haturday hi10 lu very weak tut miing quietly xfls hsltrs kelson 1 nttmlinif iwlijlayt st churehvjiu mitts iwothy waa tlown for a couple of days- mr and mn- robt uanpltersoti and ohllilren of toronto ltsvo boeu ilfcltlmf fricmla itero this web ur hector joltnston arrivtul hut vtoek from jolnialowu m v to makes prolonged visit at hr fathers botue mrs lunj king stul master lsutviww at hrookvill bjtotit several daya at tits homo el ur josapli hotuios uls ilorenoo holmes uho lias leoii ejisiulliiu flte post mouth or so vthli frunda in imroltnml uiteltsll bos returned ur sml ura t c heiulerou arrvul jtoirts f row tltelr trip to tlta wt on tucwlsy botli feeling much hcueilttod from thlr outlug ur illuon rmltb wlto luui ueu tpeiul lug a month with her tnotlter xlrs alun ilauu ruturnetl lo lirt arthur jeterdsy ur ami ura stimuul jofaiutoo of tor onto bav boon upending tlta pit wk vis itlng old frivdds iwca ami in outljji aud kriu ur william iuuk rwtunvail houva from toronto hospital last wook lis i much improved a a result of tba traatnvetit re oelved titer xir c l ilraliam of tlta american typo foundry detroit baa lieon visiting hu als ur u1m hells iraliaui thh week xir c h oniham vol hluflnt suioll of printers ink iu the full phuui ottice over thirty years sgo and ban over alnoa iteen ufcfio- cistodwilli tlto huslnosu llev ik hugh johnston of llaltlmare ud was so cltarrueil with hu vult lo tlto trout totul a couth of wooka sgo that be raturnol for miotlter week eml vlut but friday uo wan accompanied hy urn joltnulon und mrs william vinttrook lilu duughtsr mr rlrsthrook won ohto item ovur sunday steel laid toblue spwnos tba tdvouto subustmu railway halt laid tttvouab aoton and two atllest wt baltjurr yralm rollowiho the new eleolrio road througli aoton is now more than a dream with lite ueel uld tliraugb town uml two miles beyond and a locomotive and train of oars pasting back and fnrtli on uu una it took very much a if tlio long looked for rosd might uatertulixe in the near future about km men ami six or eight team are engaged ami tlio work is irogruing with well planned progress ur jack steele is foreman of tlto track laying wltb j ctlrnwlth as time keener the con struction train crew are conductor hen bendy bert warming ton brakoman x whlttaker ongtnaer and clifford white fireman the tracklaying lias iroved an lutereat lug operation for many sightseers sml uil was especially so on the tuesday hull- holiday a number of oltlaenu who bad walked outtotbeendof tlio steel that after noon were invited by conductor heady to trip back to town a thetruinwssoouiliig lu for u car of raits hemlock crossing planks were improvised for seat and the fallowing were the first luuuuugers from 001 1 kaquauslng througli tlie harvey and campltoll meadows over ut xslry lake bridge past the aipiatlo club house ami uirough town to xtrodariek street lu the yards of the aoton tunning company 1 ura a a speight und miss lkrilo speight mr and mr tlordou hayward mr and ura ii v moore ur aiul ura henry awrey uuae lelue beott and usta wiug mrs h ttiylor ura it is ilregory mid ueasrs w bayers c wood ball wta uimon albert ulbbous wry ubwarui ktbalrad white jno chirk jr w loggle v imujfdntf und uajtem fleorg taylor ami leslie oregory no doubt tbht bit of local history will he re- baarsed by soma of thoso wbo onjnyeil thl drst trip over tha new road a generation lienoe mr dosepli lushy ramarked while viewing the operations on tuesday well kuvthetti laying tho mlkj for tli jmod trunk hallway flftyuk year ago and now 1 have uteri utle tha methodu of traoklaylug unlay ure far in advance of what they war hltyalk year ag youh fhintimo can not be tlono taiy better uuywliero not quite ao good generally vatm iuksh prices are right if you retpilre anything in uto printing line from a visiting card to a pamphlet let un have yourorder howiugetslkength after any slckueaa i pitrely 0 tnalter of nourishment whetue the atuck waa an ordinary cold or aevcra lllutmj lb veaketwd foroes cauuot repulse tlueaa norma unj thl is why a relapse la so often lata or why cltrcttucweakueaa often follows micktteaa restoring streugulloiattlloria of neople for forty year ha proven tb ki need for taking soottrt ttmitrslou after any skkneaa ttothlug uqunla it nothing oatipare with it it pure atedidnal uottrishment free front alcohol or opiates promptly create rich blood streugtbana tb nerve and luuga toavaat tubarcoloew omcwsoua oonmbnot thst amlsn ptty at tevartoii th islwotwa iiosufhsial itamohad uilatvlolnty tlta rain on hundsy ulijlit wuu cr weltiomo ulthouh liulro w iu neadtxl tho only talk now dnyu is wsr ui i a liumlmir fiwlm hem lit u lidcil tflie guldnii pnrty nt norton luht lunuluy nliflit mrs itohluboiiitud children of llmlliiif uui iturned home lstt ueek niter vlbulilf ut mr d gyowwinv xlrs 0 xfuvjtuthllii acton vluitml fiiondu hero lust ueok misses i and n amloron aoton vlxk txl friends liero mrs dames itumuluiw mitts vidu uml mutter xlorley of kriii were renewing uoquululjiuoou here lost week xlsster miliar is sikjitdliii a week with ourdd fricudu ur oeo i4111u liitentitovcral ihiys with friend nl west toronto tlto lilpf truck laying gang nnd ooniruo- tlon train of tlto toronto buburltau hallwsy crosael the town line itelow the oornnrs j mterday urewnwl at mtora on rrldny llert adnms lih years old was drowned xrldny evening in the jrsnd tiber about a mile from town ha in company with bis youuer brother were in bathing at tlie time w korr was husllly mumtnoorxl itat ufa was uhtlitct adams loaves it wlfosnif sn hifuiitdanjilrtcfklk wdeks ohl hu fathernnd kuertmhlo st t- lorn people oj acton your dollars will go a long way at mac- donald great expansion sale jf children ory for fletchers o a s t o r i a our entire stock oi high aummcr merchnndibe in involved in this great stock reducing movement wlint with nuking room tor the builders together with making room for now fall merchandise it is inevitable that our stock bo re duced to bring this about we have cut prices deeply offering you njcrctiandiso at big savings that is not only useful to you now but lor many weeks to come wc cannot tell you in this space of the hundreds of bargains that this sale offers but a visit to the store will reveal them unto you como fridoy or shi- day and purchase millinery womens misses and childrens ready-to- wear mens and boys clothing and furnishings drobs fabrics house furnishings etc at prices that mean a snug little saving to you d e macdonald bros- u jfj cor wynjham tnd maedonel 3lrl ouelph ont geo patterson live stock orattn aoton oni cattle sheep limlis and hog write phone or call personally trout you silk are uc sbl tiibu we columbia shirts cufilurn cuffs e u b a simple turn and a clean cuff tho very s latest style in shirts 12 seetjiemat g r e neiisont uaeasuit tauos monsl kms4ua wvadaaat aitaat h ouhauru omt q the empire typewriter g m visible writing porfoot allgrjuout llghtubik esoapemeat euduranoo spood m m m m a a a a a a a a a a a a wiluams manufacturing company ud a a u atulald bt w voihto wkliautmj que a nw uod1 kamlr a iimii hy the c 1 k c n it nuok i mooinual uurcliunu uaub koyal uaub nortliorn crnwti dauk mlsht nintclorlca itil nl telo- lion co vie mails 11 canaditljerforo uavfl bs that muut iw paid an duty oil othr mkea ii cm yo nalhus to tiry 01 mm itm i yor omll t6e metropolitan bank cumul w uo uouoooj bimvibdlj18ftooo00 head orrice toronto fkrvutrs business given careful attention loans made to responsible farmers for business purposes sale notes discounted or collected branciihs in this district acton milton guelph campbellvllle norval 3o0x0oxxxxxkxooooooqxmia success in retailing an essential factor in achieving suc cess in a retail business is adver tising telling the buyers of your community what you have for them one doesnt need to be exceptionally clover or a genius to be a success but one must have an aim and pursue it resolutely and intelligently the businesses that are prospering and expanding arc those that purposefully ucck out new customers and place be fore both old and now customers the nows of their service in the form of newspaper advertising a note to the public who curve you beat buny or halfbuity men 1 tluny or imlf btnty nliopu whoro fa your custom moat do itlrul und appreciated iu it not at those shops which btrctlit out tho hand of wdcomu aud invitntlou in tho form of advert laments lu tho acton ftm prus shop where you arc invited to hop when the harvest days are over and trie crop is in the barn there is the greatest danger front loaa by lightning on account of static electricity lu tho crop vou can generate electricity by atroklng a cat on the back if you hold your flugcre cloie to a rapidly revolving belt blue ihraae shoot front your finger tip if you walk quickly over a carpal with a heavy uapp nud touch metal the utue thing liappeaa neittraliwjw are used on big uewapapur presses and hi woollen will on the madilut for brushing cloth in the piece in order to do away wllh tha electricity caused by friction this is static electrlchy thfa static electricity l generated when the wind blows through your grain it stored in the aheaf and tu tho mow ami i tho big element of danger from lightning 1ti1 1st why the i hio dansfej ivew la by hajhtblhjr what tha aot i haw tlmbumaktdafweay uljhtahistuodal dont delay tbt aaothai ye hod novv sancf for ouif cabaloifuaj w8 universal lifihtntn rod co uavira ef iu haj wiik tezkjolal hgplak- ortl a i bank f hamilton capital aulhowd sjmxkmo oabltal fauup 0oaooo bumlu 7mojdoo aoouwulayino aavrrai tho lack o catillul blamu iktwwn many u null onchllo calry ilib oot ot o rood bmlocw bvry younff man n aajary lion the niuutt of acouraulaielob capital weekly ajdlllon o null anuiuota lo u savlnpl aloount o un hank nl hamilton anon lilac lilm in nohlllou ot readlnm ror uutlncmi onnortunl- llea geoboktown branch i wn uk njjjjyf