Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 13, 1914, p. 4

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ffibc atan jfrcc ras timithiiav aim i iii 1 1 mil for title baku aw oriltrnn theres u patlom lllllo vminm hoio iwikm and n ullli iwn 111 l night u u hllom ho i ii uko tlio ulifutti it mi tuln tho ooflw 4 ut for molly niul tlm lntb il hi i ou know you iimv llll llm nollllimiiuiiat luomh i am in lor luuhihllloo huid unit too for ut but 1 vn tiiruod my eout and 1 ii cant ii tnniporanoo valo for moll mill tho lmh don t joii kuou tlmb onoobr tlio grooer wllo llm thing u wit nil sotts of things llirftlmhi the piokla wmr and honey nueot mill girdoii nana in season ha mndu thhiga uliaro bin patron dwells ami atruiigo it utwmia to mnij lio doesnt eat the goods im mtlla to iald honeu penny h imu hlu uhidou filial with fruit thatcanio from illfttuiit rcglnuu from oountrleu whoro tbo unrttwg tonlu aud jaguars roam in kglouu llm treaunroa of homo far off nllmo no ronl utoio could beat them and still i uouhir all the lime jiut why do doesnt oat them tt itli tlalau from arabytlio bleat and ijgu from asia minor tho miiilhig qtoom does hot let to pleauo tfio weotem dlnor import vl thlnga upon iiih shelf apoglielti clieeuo and noodle i if i mr lis i would mself oonsumo tlie whole eabndle tin moor reache south arid north mid eat ami uout h ruliu for till the eatablea of wortli tlie oantalaupea aud paaxlie i tlio now potato and tlio peas tlio oondlmenta und muoob the ci liiena eggs ami rwoltxor cheese which oft iiro toul iftute id hate tomllsuoli templing- thing i if ivatroim cams id greet thorn nnd aa theyre not for tale hyjliur for i intend to eat them i wait mjituts ldv1 and lovftgrtf no man erar marrloe wltlioub his friends asking each otlier what in tlio world heoould imvo seen in her in womanu love tliere oocurw very frequently aetnlii of cruelty aud hatrod r all loan want to lw in lovo always or atony rate to luive someone in lovo with them i miuib oonfeu to my uliama tliat hoina hungry on ideenlui night i davouted tlut ioqjk trouuroil imamoni of a lott iovoh vrtddltitf oalto i would oouomi nurrloil men to aoo un iiuu aa loitlola of thlr wlva heforo ldttoh the mornlno helono to tli butohr and ginmo grooor tbirt at uw men and woman at s5 who cah meet uioaa they loved at 20 with out wotwurlnp whab they aaw in them lb in mi well for men that women am beoerally content to ewtlolu their clothes bat uy frletwl t wu no aooner eiiffag aj than hla betiethed began to utftt im provemettla in hu anatomy two or three tmth whleb ahd ootulderod unalghtly liad a ha uitruted a mola removed by diem leal prooem the promlnenob of hlu eara ttotr4td hy a atrap worn at night hlu mef al to feahmlt hla uou to surglaj treat mut brought about a rupturo of the en gmtfemtrit mm aiawhtv wtu a ikhowman luued an announcement ktaunjr come and we uie ffreat aaweil sah 1 a uaroed gnthman read it ami informed the tjewmaa that he had mails a tauuke in the word aawsd that it ought to be twonl yerm belterooma in au iu fr yiolf i the hadmuakwi la only tuppehoe botha taaroed gaumta pahl hla tuppence weab in aud waa fchowu ft largs cod flj uiwed in half vr aint tlte f tut booi ktuui wot baa uldd to uafh me ow to apu i bub i fell yer ive ad a good cddloa uoa aa im runuln thu ahow jlat to aliow people i ave grlnued the ahowmau thelaaroed gvutumaa ljt ueply indlg taatwlth the world in gcral and uie hhdwidjui la partloular castoria vat vwfaw kjkl chiuad fa vmm for ov so ym id sr2 ilgrtatortt fjivel put4ueilbej whwi we have uothlajf sl that we can do for the good of fauuklwl and are ua poof that we have nothing ba that we bin girt yeeaaalwaya and evrywbd glio hirtrij kindly tympitfiy in anothara iotarot kindly jtwlgtaadt of ua 401 hoaot uly for bla uluali and fallurwi blaoare puwaure fimr hla buoocwob thima am jwiy in our powtr if we are twt too abf wgnjwd to hftatow uteol ukl thij more than aaythldif he aupply the tltye with t fcuany atuuwpharu whou a pwalmut tahm unto hluuolf a bur half bu wotit feare may be reallud woouu are alwaya rady to bue aud taahe up but the uwiauy make up before thyhu- and many a ttufl wiooo- hi tlua to tlia aoe that he got buay and anawerod m 1 w of huown prayera jjy ooverldg up their traowa aoms men gt bradls for walilng iu the atrajfrbt aud narrow path oodaaloaally a man loaea hla job bacaum he doat know atumgh or elae beoaum he koont too uttob any taiau who can hold a fuaay baby for u hoar without aaylaff naughty word u in the hbm ouh with job a plaaaanb mejwna for ohlldren la uothar clravw worm ektarmlnatoir and there la luer for jrivloff woruw from the aytw oahmvihtt ww own hruhei two irljjimati weru romlno the ootri oe the voyag vt died lreparatlona ware wade for turu at aaa but the land weight oiutonurlk uad iu hikii caaau wwmloab and ohunlii of ooal were aub auuted bvarythhu flually ready for tlui hut rltae udl long and earttckuy 1u1 mlohaol look at hu frhmd vjbally ha idurtod out torrowfully i wu ftt i alwaya know ye were golh there but im hanged if x thought theyd make ye carry your own ooal children dry fob futchers castoria h oil vi no tub wind tlio lift of ptvrili lluu llm wtntlior u ono in u lilt li it m ttmu nt tlrut ulttluhlui tnihleni nclt utlat unnlit onally i stir pnaa hla utiodora t it mny tw doubted wliotliof ho u ronlly trmro uorourul in it than they were tho knetooroloulciil doivnrtiuont bonatod una tlmo buck tlint their foroctiila at woflthor lie piiblluliwl tu tho dnlly prvaai woro juatllltd by tltn rcaiilt in tu por cont of tlio ciiuoa neohlin u tint por ceiitnnft nt rorroct uuoaaori in u audi cloiitly txtniilml mat howovor would axnetly tipilil llm incornrt tlila ouoa not allow it wry imnr hiipurlority for arloiitlfli iniillimli tivoi pnru emijoo inru tt the niotooroloulcnl doptirlmont etijum tin nihiiiiuico im our iittcoa tiir of tourm did not of olulmmto mid nmirnlit rkordlu liihtrtinicintm llko his i 111 h im tuoroumpli tottotuur ulrh ti linilil ruoru from wonthor liilloin illun cm cl mmr nil nvr the biirfmi ot tlui uiiibv its mlntlvd uon biiinihv hiiowk nirhnii hint thuno l kih h fin lor hi tlio problem which itta nt in xi nt yiiiiihxi1d jo catlmnto j iiim u iih iniiru ox tra ordinary be- cniih tin iikkii i ii method of fqrocnat- iiil un utntliin ilirfeni oiitlraly ttara tlnt prnctlnnl by tho atlcloiiui with tliom it umi nil u iily n quostloii of 0 mo und mjnuim or whnt la the attmiu ttifnir of he npiininiiici or dlauppenrnueo of certain utnru whun iiiwni imahandmnii adw the plplndi4j ho know it wi time for him to lipalii hlu liarvnat nnd when tbey act forty dttya inter hla plowing tbla tnluht utlll imj ii oood onouah rule for count he nenr tlio otiuntor where tbe provnlotico of trndn wlndu which blow unlnlorrtiittodl in tho dlroctlod la which the nun nppeare to tmvol and whuro tint monaooiia wblcb la tbe conntrlo vnut or bno blow for klx kiootliu tho otlii r way holp to keep tbe wuiithur if nut tonutiint yet rogaur in other liitltutto hotvover tbra u no audi help untl ho who would pre dict the vrunilicr uiuit tborofor coo- flno hlmuulf to lliullnc out what wlndi arv blowing in otlior porta of tin world nnd wtioti tbey aro llkaly t4 reach bint ah to thlu modern aclonco ulit s penda mainly on tlio otworvnttona road by unlloy who dliuorod in tbo aov aiilooiitli contiir diirlno n voyurte in tlu trojilcx imif tho hon an unrmwi thi air nt tlm oijuiiior flint tho inuitod etr rialng nfttr us miitilitir illapiraod itaell fouiml tho iotv mid wiih ronlucud by h riihli of mid n ir from tlio rogloni fiirffii r from tho mm flllx u hlcll oxplnlim tbo plu nonnjliob of thido uiimim wiih rtnllv thu foil lulu hon uf hindi rn on konilouy ultjiouub it wiih n hi i ltd for ii n l ley homo fifty your tuli r to miliit out tlmt thunba t tho ro tot luii or ihu wirth on lie urn axla iwth lilnda of wludx atrn noma whnt from tlnlr niiiiruit obji4tlvi footer lmu lint uf rotntlou wm dlacovorod u hlch diclii n unit in ror tilln totltudoii thy wind will nuirly ill wnya follow tlm miiii h uiotlmi 1 a will pat from n through v 10 mid from b is to h cnmpu linn tlio circle by tiaaalng from h n tliruuult tbu waat but will ir vhlciui iiioq thti rororau wny kliully thoro cornea in whnt u known aa thu inw or una itnllot which is that iu ihu northern liaml pbore if ouo atanda nltli oimn bucu to tba wind tho lino of lower proasiiru u always on onoa lort hand tbl onabloa ua to undoratand what b meant by tbe cyclonic and autl- cycloido dtaturuanceu which uro au fradently mantlonod in tho official foraeoata aa approachlug ua etmoral ly amu the atlantic if wltblp any particular npot tba ptaaadru lower than it u otiuido it the wind blows round it iu tlta con bury direction tu tba baud of a wafceb and la eallod cyclonic fraoi tho ktrtlur babavlor of tbo wot indhin burrlane named cyclona thlu u becauae the loir oat prcuanro to any ee afandlng with bht bock to tbo wind b always o van left band if bow var th prvaaure within the aroa in qtmaudu b btaher tbau outalde it the wind blow round it cloekwue hud b ealld anticyclonic 0u drcnmatanc agaluat tnodaru tnaiboda uf forecastlug thu heather rortwctly outwaljha all thoae in thai favor thu wluda that can ba ob- fearvwj are all thoao blowing clo to tb varth surfucv what la tba f fact or tlia currouta provnllliit at fl a fow mlun ubovu it ultarv ua a la torn rouatunlly duchnv tlurw uru uvd huta ii ml pocket iu hut attnoa- pjwiwt until there la hioro lotoftua ttoil on hi la nwtworotoay will not bet an uiact sfhiac- detroit krwe vtvmi uriiarsiiu wanted i ho to ii in r iimlhi iii t i kh to ih iw h i phtmti of uhul tl uuu to im uhtu tlui it up unwise t in unrli lilt ikiiilk ullhlliiiliiimrii uiilo lil uliti uit ihiulnir im- p mil ikml joil ktiovi ulmt iii u ml to im aii tiny tinnl hi tbo uulici yia i litou u tlm llttlo iflrl i ut i dim i hmm bow to ilrtw if i i umil tolui miriliul h magic hi making powders slept 32 years wlahed he hajnt ouh tin bored youth tuitud to hu lmrimr with a yawn mvim u hint klranga looklnir uaa orir iluri wliuutarimj t uw ao wbcbr bo dniwlwl tin hint ivofaaaor j-nun- aha nplhil ulrlla tlw fauoiu ukpati o4 ilixiulu i ondon twlauivlnh rnllli uiiirt iwcm arttr throutb witrliu linl inaat aptlnu iimfuuar hli ui itu dlvltw mw wlthju th uul l iviudhx had severe sfomacli trouble and sick headache cjd not ett anjitiflg wilkoul agottltt paid uy health la better now thou it baa been for year and i owe it to sjtu- burus lauauver inlb writ wu uose poyu coiiiiauiiht out i wu for teveral years troubud with fvxm itomach trouble and sick bcadacbe could not cat anything without egouu- ing pain my tick beadafhea were tuort violent and i could not reat ulght or day i ikcatua emaciated and thor oushly tlupoitdcut and no medicine uomed to help itio until i took mil burns laiallvcr villi iu five inohthi i wai entirely cured mubura takallver fllla ore without a doubt one of tlm i cl reinedlee on the market today for oil the troulilea arlalug from tba wrong action of tlio liver you can procuia 11 cm from any uvucttlstor general etore if theyhnvent them lit stock lend dlnct to tlm t mllbiini co liillcd toronto out price- stt ceittn per vkl or a vial fo inn huhkmbkh dlemkfvlra ohly to havo a memory for hauefita not for oheiiwu bane are tlio tuo plvolholi which frletulhlilp nvay ifcl nlrong uim uhldfoif frlendihlw wbhh muato tho tteatnoah of noble bilndiu he not ubo tbo wlm ure moro hurt utwl ottondotl bj an unkliul uonl or ly u word meant in fun uud which eucaped aa jt were from acloutur unlock- ad for a moment hy the tonguti yoa inoro hurt titan thoy wore ideawi ami oomfort- oil by a thousand rauowed jiroofa of loving frlendahlptvtrarcih the summer complaint of infants is cholera infantum mnny chlldfrcn die from tthb trouble when thoy could be cured by the lice of dr fowlers ex tract or wild strawberry a remedy which will quickly offaet the vomltlujf ptirichik and the prafuto murrhcieii accomiianiug u cava of thu nature mrs george ileulcy iokrove out writes i can recommend ijr howler a detract of wlbltstrawbtrry for cholera iiifaiituiii my little 1 irl wai no sick did not think nhe could live no we could not hit her up for when we moved her her bowel would move i gave br dr powlera and th flnit doa helped iter and oua bottle cured iter i recom mended it to my rlilcr whos child wa nick aiut it cured her alto then again t havo told other irlcmu altout it and tliey have found that it la a grand medicine to have in the houte all the time there ore many preparation on the market today claiming to make the lame cures at dr 1owlers but these iionauie noreputation o called straw berry compound are nothing more or eta than rank imitation and are liable to be u detriment to your health when you aik for dr fowlers oe lure you get it do not accept any other as theae aubitltutes may be dan- erous see that our name b on the wrapper 1rlce 39 ceuta tht muhum co untiled toronto ont to mon who mvo innclivo uvea kk erclm in tlio open air la tlto lest toolo far ilia stomach and njatcm generally i but there are tliow who are compollod to follow aodentary occuiutoiui mid tlm inuotlvlty temla to rvtrlct tho iicolthy action of tho digestive organ mid alokiiomi follow u lir nutlao a yegdtahla 1llln ragubite tho htani noli ami liver uml rcntorti healthy notion it la wise to lmo a pnouet of tho pllla ui uuja on haiul mow omuttoor vmvoolkp the heroine uaa tho owner of a uoo ulinp in flbugow and tho hero noimlrod the liablt ofaeaiagherluimo carrying tho bag which ooutalned tlio dayu u ork takingo tbo bag waa generally heavy you must hodoln well remarked tlio item ory froquentlj oh ayo uuutd ho thoroplyofthulaily its aguld bit of i ill si i uw hut olio did not ikjuiiobo that luwldon tho moileruto drawinga the liag oontahicd tho oounter weight tho canny horo only d lit eovered tlie fact after uurriago conm can a much minorlng but hollo ways corn cure onera a apoody mure and uitlbfuotory relief ii kt would oo too an old couphi in jlugou uoro in a vory depromodatateowingtodulltriuia think ing tlmt their ton in america would help tlwiu ty wrote btatlng their troul u aiul toying if ha did not uiiul tlwm eunio inonoj tliey would liave to go tu tho pootliouufc ttiroo waeka poudd nd tlien camea letter from their oon uying hoar mltber and patjier jum uallanilborfartulchtan 111 oouu liaue an gug ui jo vour afbo tlooale aoo jlmiu suffered for fouh years fran heart traablo aii lervasi proslraties u johd uewaon cjudonli out wtltij- feel it my thity to ht you know of tba gtxat betwfit your oiubums iiart and kcrve llib jid lor m i auifered for four yara with hiart troubb aud nervous proatratloii i waa aa bad that i could not go upatairs without sitting down at the top before x could kto my room i couldnt akep boa on my left tide or it would setni ai thouab my heart would atop x thought my time had come x waa docwhia with the doctor but didnt ket any benefit x was auvued to take liilburns 1 f i art and nerve ih1u to x got two boxci and after x had uka ona box x bcnii to fl better and afur x had taken two i could go up and down stairs with out resting so x took tigt boaca and x am enjoying good health agahi x ootulder it a oodactid to have your puu id tha house afilburns hurt and ktfva uhlh u ao cents per bojc or 8 baxas far ttjsa at all deaw or moiled direct on tttapt ofprleelytbet uuburd co umltt toroiita ont imaginary troublo ruuao uoro worry than real once if it wasnt for die uiiathflrlotsof leoplo woulil huvo no ovouro fai tulklng and many a harui has boen liully raced became monoy talked to tbs jockey vrotn tlie fruit dator wo gt our hima and from tlie wet goodu dealer ua get our jamhuua its an eaay nutter to fill teeth all you have to do fa klok a aavage dog anil then wait a lllthj wilsons fly pad v poison j dont 8wt that fly and leave the dlaeaao grms to bo scattered through your boots usewiuon8 ml md8 and kill both tbo fibs andjreruia sold by nu dfuggkt puui gmcem all over cnala poetry truly great malthaw arnold rule by which ik may b teatad lliora en n tut no uioro mmful bolp tot ilaconrlng wluit tmhitry htlongm to tba dim of tlm truly oxiollont mid can theiofnro do ua ruout ihhi tltnii to hnvo nlnnya in nuoa mind llnow uud uxpros ahum of thi grcnt iiinutru nnd to npply them ua ii tonclihtoim to other poetry of loiiruo nrt- not in niiiilro thut othor ltrr to rtuomhlo ilioiu it may hu vori ihwuliullur hut ii liovo tiny tnct v ulitill tind lhoii lion wo h irt iihidihi thorn u ii in our inlmla no in cn i ii lik- toitcliutftiif ror luttliuu tho pnttt nt u or nbtfuiiim or hluh poetic 0 1 fn tit j nnd iiiho tho lirn or litis iinillty iu nil othur imu to wlikh we tuny plum bimhhi tliun uhort ptia- wnmti or on hluglo iiiuhi v iii worvo our turn olltii hiiltklttl lulfu or uluibuapi nm if lino or two of honry l n uxpomtiiiiitluii ilth uluop wilt itiou upon the liudi nnd uihy mall ll up thit alilp boy a nyan and rook lila limlna in rrnilla nt the riiflalmi urlnua auruv and tnbu iih woll tlumlot djlng rav quoit to uomtlu if thou rtdit aver holil me in tliy haart abiant itiao from fallclly uuliiu ami in itila iiarali world ttmvv thy hraatb in pain to tail my story inuo of ullloii thut iflllmilc paa sago durban it an yt atinna abovolhain all llio nrclinnual but hla foot ni aeara or thunilar liatl intranohad and care hat on tile faded ehaek add two such lino na anil couraca naiar to nl nilt or yield an 1 what la alaa not in na vareoma and hnlsb willi tlio nqululto cloaa to tho lous uf rroaorplno tbo luus which coat caraa all lliat pan touik liar tlirouifti uie world ihoao fow llnwi ir wo iibvo tart aud i an uau tliam aroiuougli oven of tberd- uohoa tu kuop clmr mid aound our juiluiiiunlm nuoiit iionlry m navo ua rroui riillntiotm iatliiuilt a of it to con- litct tin to mil intliuili mnltbuw rniild thu mtutly if 1ialry un suffered ten years from femnie ilk rcalowj to hcallli by lyjiat e- pinutttrng vegeulid compoutul rollovlllo n acanadaidoetord fnr ton yonra for female troubles and dl i not jot well i road in the paper nl ojt lydla c pfnkhama vcgotahto compound an idtcldod totry it iwrlto now to tell you tliat i am curod you enn imhliah wiy letter as atoatimonlal mm fluvttimh dadwk roltovllle nova scotia canada v another- wotunu kovrt auburn n y i sufforw from tarvouancea for ton years and had such organic pains thateomatimee i would 1i in iuh four daj 9 at a time could not eat or sleep and did not want anyono to talk to nio or bother me at all sometimes i w oul i mjltor for aovon hours at a tima difti u ut doctor did the beat uioy could for me until four months ajro i began riving lydla e pfnkhama vegetabh conmmnd a trial and now i am in good iiloiiii mr wllxuuli glunol plcauont qtreot auburn new york fho above are only two of the thou sand of grateful lattare which ara eon- suntly being rvcelvod by tha pinkhim mcjicino cortipany of lynn uasa which fthuw clearly what great thing i ytlla c pitikhama vaguhld com- iwiutiil dooa tor thai who suffer from womnne ills if yea wiat ep rial ovlc whie to i i i a p wukbou jlejifue ca frouu dmllilvyhhafaaa our ifttrrwlll be opeuril raid aud aiihuctvd by a wa in un aud hrild in htrtct edttttiftiia kliauitl from authma mauy who rviul thawi wonla knou tlte torrlldo drain upon hfuiltli oiul urength which tuuooa in tlto train if munothlo troulduo many do not roulixo hawovor lhat thoro la ono true roiiirty which will surely stop thu drain lr i u kallflffgh aotliiita hetosdy u a wondorful cluxik to thin onortutlng all mont- it baa a oountlowi rooord of relief to itu credit it la bold uiott ocryuhera uhhw hlaa hualnkaw tlwjhouwi wlfo luul oocanlou to call in tbe help of a now roar paliuher hoou undortand your huiliie thor ougltty l all i auk uuuhuii u tliat yon fcliall in quire far yourself at uy but nltuatlou on tlw floor of tha large dniwlngroom alone live peruana broko tlielr ilinlui during tlio winter and a huly alipwm down uw brand eulrcaw it wua i wlu itollahod tlie mar and thu ttolru hwedlab uomaii in traneo atron iouhwiii- nr ititll foh hlkfti thera uro ntirj tnma on rooord f people riimlnltik in u vhopllr trance foraovoral yonra thost fancos imlag often eauaod from injurlns tu the hoed but nj on hu hid o long a aloap as a wouiau riatnod carol inn altlaon who uvea in mm htlo lalnnd of okuu off tho rnaul of bwndan tha sloopor o ok o was born in 16s1 alio was a porfaotly normal child and for tho first f urteeii ynars or hor llfn waa btrong and hoalthy hlu ilil not go to work till juat before hor 14th birthday one day alio eamo homr complaining of toot lute lio and went to hod hoon afterwards ir oil into a deep trance which inated from i87r 111 ii 1007 a period of 33 yearn wbllo in ths rlato ahn um not iiaem to aoo or li ar nor did si aim v any traco of foollni foi though hor urms worn prlckfd with pins noodlas nnil otlior hburp initrumon ho was lipl onco olwnrvod in wince only onco or twlco did n 1 soom lo wnko from hor lothnrgy on onn occnslo 1 in reaponsa to a cry from hor mother shrt movnil hor lips ua if to try and upoak whnn bar mother dloil caro lino inurt havo huon ronaclous of tho faot for wlln hurst in tears though l horo was no other change in im- hiutlon two oars id tor when liar jothoi waa dromnild alio abo had a it of woopjtth lor thirty years cd more- hor only nourla ment conalsted of two cupfuls of milk a day after tho toath or hor brother aha waa jft to tbe caro of bousokeept and then gradual ilrns of awacnlng intelligence began to fawn one aha was loft alone for uovoral hours with food mar hor anil the food was see 1 to have gradually disappeared thoro as no doubt that her trance had boon broken a fow months later aha regained conaclo mens asking for iter mother tho did not recognlae her brothers at nil for she only re membered tl em 11- tiny boys orad- ualy she regained poaaoaaon of 1 ir facultlns until at the ago of 48 aim bad completely recovered from he trance being t perfect health and well and hearty in every way bho only remember her early life but nothing tbat happened during her long illness thrt dignity of the ifauntnar hy hammer and hand all arts do gland was the ancient motto of mechanics guilds or associations in tbo hammer lies the wealth of a nation its marry clink points out the abode of industry and labor hy it aro alike forged tbe glittering sword of contention and the d y plowshare or agriculture the pon derous nnglnox that almost shake th world and the tiny noodle which unties allko tbo costly silks and satlna of a quoon and tbo rough bomoapun of the laborer not a bouro is built not a ship floatu not a carriage rolls not a wheel spins not an englmi thunders not a pre as apeak not a huglt podls not a spado dclvon nor a banner floats without having endured tbe hlowa of tbo hammer tha hammer toadies ua that nreat onde and largo raulta can he accomplished only by good hard vljcoroua blows that if we would attain uiofulhess and ronrh tlio full porrocllon of what wo are capnhlo of oncoming- wo must not uli rink om tbo hardships buffetlngs and hard knocks of life but early loam to cultivate tho power of patient endurance fiit ivrformd i m glad to era you home an early said tho lody of tho house now you rememhor i told you to w sun and stop in and inquire how poor mrs uro wo was getting along how is sho why really my dear i alia ho you dldu t atop to at i never saw such an absent mind ad you wronit me i did stop and inquire llut for the life or m cant ro mom tin what they said about hor im r org t ful as you nay and oh never mind about that dar ling what do i care about what they said juat ao you utoppad and asked tbata all that makes any dif ference mosquitq bitesjiffi ntihlb ttoui th rtlairfiw i uukihk utd itching like zank i bulb doo4 ut tha children ot i lyouiruir wkrlmcf apdlyt izuuliik hjid im bltopiwm f yv1buk look ih tu book op okhesiu ttiere had been a hoaiy downfall of rain 1 of omirw llw ralluay dbitriot good mmiugeruhhoii tliouurputlnpilioqiiloklj hu telegmpliwl hiouu diflewnit mkiiiuiui of mm hint u followe 1 boiul full ptirtluulary of tlie ftoatl now lliere taa an agent on a particular wotloii of tlie una wlwre no hooding bad taken plaoe unl after twlco ruulliig over tlio mewagri hiim ureul was mliii greatly puiudod uiereat vinalh deciding tliat it wum u joke he wired book as follows 1 look in the hook of oeueeb rhyslognouy phyalogaomy tho art or octane of telling a mans character from tba cut of bu face a very old tha flret ayatamatle treaties on tb sub- jeet u that attributed to arbtotle tba first printed works on tha sub ject cam out in 1470 slue which time in uutde rbb books on physiog nomy have appusivd aa to tha com parative merits of physiognomy aud phrenology it b perhaps not too mueh to aay that as a ksy to charac ter tbe former bsats tba latter all hollow art twfetklad they were la a picture galury the man waa from out of town ahd ralhr laelluad to be critical the girl wu from tba city and filled with civic pride thay nausad id front of a striking picture ah thats an old master ax el aimed tba man uayba it b defsndad tba girt but you can aaa for youraalf that the frtua b perfectly naw onethaaa leak here said the ofilea hoy i think tba boas ought to gimme a bit extra tbb weak but x guaaa ha wont what fort aarad th book- kaepar ysjr overtime x wui draamla about ma work all ua olgbt l6a don mali clnloaa oarllc ettlaaa ahalota aud laaka have long baaa cultivated hi almost all cauatrlefl aud thalr orlgla b vary uncflhala that ef tha scalliob b batter known it grow spontane ously la bibatu had salt rheum on her hands so bad she gould not work toftfe llcamj wit oatasj h mra 0 dtlj box 104 kawboauu oat writestioma uma ago x was troubled with salt rheutn on my banda aud it was ao t i could not do my work x tried sevttal medicines but they all failed to help me one day friend told ma to try burdock mood blttcrt to i got a bottle aud before x had taken it my hauds were better i am not afraid to recommend dub to any body there b only one way to get rid of all those obnoxious akin dueaseq auch as xccxema salt rheum boua pimples etc and that b by giving tha blood a thorough rtrantlng by the use of bur dock blood bitten this aterllflg remedy hu been on tha market for ejuwe on to forty years and you will find that it will do all we chum for it se that our name appears on tba bottle label and wrapper the t uubctrn co xjmusj toronto ont castoria tbe kind vcu itavo always uou and vlilch boa been in tuo ftr over oo yearn haa borne the alrrnataro ot j anil but bon nintlo under iiu ter- pljj6tfrm boiml kiiiwrvlfllon alnco iu hrtaiicy l jm44 juiow 110 0110 to eleralt e you in tlils- all coiintrfelfii imltatlonu niul tfihtiirfmml kxperlmeniu tiinfc trifle xvlth ami emlntiiror tlio liemtlth of knfttuth and ohlluurenbxrerlene njralimfc aqxnorhuent what is castoria coutorln in i hammloiui anlmiltute ibr cnaiot oil xa- twfic iroikg and bootblurr tiriipu it h kmaaannt it contnlim kieltlier oitlurri morpliluo xior othor kareotle kiikutuiiocj itu ntco la lt rrtuutmtee ut dohtroyu worviia dmd nllayu avovrlalitaoiu it euroa ibnrrliaut and vlml oolfa it rolloyoa voetlilnn vroulilotf iroal couutlputloia mid rintuloucy it pjudmllatu tlio mmi verrjilnteu the fitorruicli and ibwolij rrlvlnn healthy uud natural aloepw h children xxanaoeuvo motlor vrlendi oenuone castoria always 1 boom tho signature of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years actons electric chopping mill the grand trunk railwa abskcnuum tiiainu nillnwll u i- iii hit ut ml ill i iimiii irtln hut r iu0 uut 0 1 0 msrr k 11 hlkia dl h1b hi no m as ho tin 11 ih iui 1 ai kml hi no it imperial counted check books the popular imperial counter check hooka manufactured by the appleford counter check hook co untiled ham llton may be ordered at the 1aki fkuls bamrlles and prices of all styles hhown on application 1rompt tollvery ttiora uve more imperials in uae in acton than any other check hook vtb aelon fr prtaa local agency rnoble purmovih 1winb gold modal am huver slitl at lowit iclccu repriqe quick bread ftoubs utvkisina uakea bread wl i nout vettat without halt without kneading without time for rising tbo flour is simply mixed into dough with cold water and put imme diately into the oven the result la tiiw aawaearraar and hobo- mu- thltkoua bhkad ih thu would j i wkrren krnrotth chopping est rolling done thuradtvya fridays cd stuirdaya satisfaction qoaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell actori matthews photo mill street ac w watat now a good sales for vry town and district are not repretented frulta arebilnglng high prlc- uunury atock is in demand n uahu bio uonuv now by tak ing an agency 1uu time for can voaalng is durlup tbe summer months lrvam kojjlwdswrtt exolualvei tawrttory emmaiakxtcai not laaoaasary hlthat comrnlaalorlia pum write for full particulars stone and wellington rofllhul nujtwrim torohyo omt uaanuavmaanaoc rockwood chopping mills all chopping will be done speedily and well on plates or stone- flour oatmeal bran shorts ij the best at lowest prices harris- co umitcj g ookwood ont itabotionncinaondii boots shoes rubbers n pots pans and dishes i pnhlne really him no equal in the htchen you should not trust to hot water and soap to remove grease and all traces of the last meal cookery it isnt safe use panshlne it makes noto dean and sweet tin lite silver paint like new pansh1ne i n ptira tirhlta pswdor with no dlucfmabu bbmu btu in ln 4 g atis asttwi ai ar moves au lines q footwear at ritht prices h i a all menfl rubbers nt g bargain prices nnhtihohhddrirjahadaanaaaddb w wtdliams mill street acton at 1 1juiy7r muiokknuiox jhlunulttjtcwjicilstrimsvkmlna well hade qood sitting that we know how to make gloves th it will pis1 wild lionors tile molt crlh- r ctil uxnuiitiatlon as rtgnnls quality of hkttui nlliilillliy niul ntrciirth neatness of stitch- iiib and nil roiiuil perfection you con prove your tclf y iiiulnij for slorej a nt your dealers flint tlitj ulll oittuear your most sausulue exptctntlntu in our firm licllcf itniijt 011 storeyd at all utorca w h storey son limited acton ontario ovkh u vutks- patents 1 1

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