uj uuik w ilfhifbalowit i tfubari j ala walau w1kjhm trf mixrliai mi mai on atin li lylf ii v tl wtldu trfllioumwii mm i a clou id alary iouuiikwi unvotfcfti mmiu at tlroailvlow tvlvwruli malta t nil i i i ii hatur 1 aumut imii ifv alio oolmu uiinliur oi ir willi abdmkoi u a jiouin um ill on wl iriuy a ua u4l ii 111 null yiar in ulujalliaa prllay autf fill anura a ttw blqi wii ut u l tub uj ywn looailn lidajh liaeww at ulo wrlatit avaiiue tonnln an iluif ay anaumuql 2a a drawn v ii fhir tfitra ii uaatu jj i1j rnta ilrlmfloat til linmt or liar ilaunbud mr ala hall kilo hlra aoloilouhuuriul july utli i llmtltktli uaal widow of tlieum ffilje ctoii jficc tyttss great engagements are now imminent loftl kitchener message to every soldier fear god honor your king abstain from liquor nndt lout- intf be courteous to all women 1 1oo0o british have landed on french soil nnciimiiiilill ill il 11 um oiluc llrilihli litinp um iiiiiihiiik iiiiuiii ll alllmujtli unut hiii i u lliii it llkluiu miuw1 iilwinf tin llilllxli u rm 111m u i ihi m iiiiirliur umi irl lint niiwmmf tin uihi uhl ul hiilikiitf in imw 1mit onuiiud addid tbu iiiririimliiii iliiihlniii for ll rriml of i lent ml hlr luliii r r ilia uuli i it nm li thuhh1uv auuuhtja idii hdltomali notu0 kdmi kmmxmu trlliiifti l tlm ut rlotlam of ilrltub journals id mucfvaiinu hid woviiiot of ijrilliil troops until tltuy were fcdfcty landed iiilvaiico iimiiinjutiuiiv ttefai joe tlte buy tlrouii out clmurlii of cortajjpiln deeply fntarawtfnir nowu niubt bight fter to tlvo unulouwr babkrl the valuo of tlio iwcreoy tlmt lifts been taajntajued u now iteiiifr rcidixed titu wiiiiam c vas houk ox troil uedt of tlte c i h on boliur rhuo1 uliat ha uumigut of tlie war iiuul the fullnuliip faletivent i do ivol inmtfjiu aj harm eau com to caiuuln aiul tha longer it omitliiimm the littr it ulll lut far iiia hooiihioii niul tlio uiiiuhi hlalc our crofu of wliadt cutt uim oaaro yralnu will clulu utma tltat will timra tlian roooup 0natla for an twtuj 4u nmj imuio to hul o ikolialf of the llritljt knuiln lw am anbbtbu to tlia iaoiia of tk unua ruud oi tueuluy irldent wil- umuyii i venture my follow oountry- u4u to fapoak a talemu wont of warning nffint utit iloiit moat mlitle riv1 hwtntuj lirodcli of neutrality wmch iiuykrlnqlntf out of portiuiihlili or of pan kuuduly ukiiitf hutea hi unitnl ellauu mltallm tmutiml in faxt ob well ah umlrtfl tlurlur tliad duy tliat ara to try mon umu we wufct 1 imimrttal lit tlioujjlit as wll bji hi action t wufct iut curlt uuwi our mntlmenta un wellao uwnvry un- i atldct uiat mifllit bo ooiialrued an a irefdr tam lo- oa try to tlm btruggja uefora i unouw i 1m visk of uio evenu taking jjam in eurofm whloli will ootiatituto an enoah of pmttaut unpromjatiuil imiwrtaium in lilalory w aiiml uroogly to all caiuuliaii bijjrtaa loati aiwl all wlio iold mcuritloa or luwhttumiilm of any uiiul to inut um irmiit altiulioti with caltitiwm anil con- ftdica our flratiluty at any ooat ia to aid in jrfait rritalns nuhlenaiioo utwl ufooa awl our nont duty not am int portauit la to lihp tlm liualnaaa of tlm ilaultiloti uovinji an nortiially an kwaiiiio oatudaiii uatural atome a aa yet barely touched from any uwnorary lull in onr pcflflt frotu wlimuvar cauao we ouo uweforaj roovr ouraalvea roor quickly utatt tlltl um uotlmrlaiul aftor liar world atruaxla of a oeutury ago if our peopla are of um uua haart ami induiuy and wo in oottuut umy aro couras in um tlfllit for tits sttupirs la not tuors ueooaaary than boura in um bu of utsinduaury aaj ooumaros of um country vinanolal mb uihurram of ullltla has iuul a suuutit oalllno publlo attantion to tha bot uuit hsr la ureut naoealty at twammt for atrlotly usrdlna all ators of arme suuunluoti and oumr uunltlona of war and that uiarafore dim recognition fchould lis glvan to um fot that no one ahould approach tuoh plaosa without prtdlaloa ol umsaaulssonbusixl ttwae asa bave bsaa inatructsd to uu svery tuu uae to injure any nnoo4tt person who buy through laadvmteooe dlkragard um rsguuliotta hut at um aama una in order to avoid all riaka um miuio ahould mm- hr uiat suuuary aouon tniftht ha ukn wbrodra ar dlaolmyed and fdulltlaa tdlfiht ooeur in addluoti to umaaalraaily w- eordad um llinutor caua utteotlon to um attdnibta that have already bun mails to daatroy or injure wirelew atatlona at ott ahltur or sautt st ufatte and um ordiuuwmt atoras at tioudoti pabuauknv aaaw1dl on tu61ay in spatial aswloti to provbls for oulgsnoua eauaad by um war kaver before in um uatoty of the ixomlnlou haveourraphmiit stives faced so grave a situation h la taksti ior itratitavl uiat umre will hs uo patty poliuea in this sealoo rir robert bordea will pfolauy follow tlm lead of artauw asqulth awl select the very heat bistt irrespseuve of politic to 111 the uany important positions oreatsd hy uio snt its measures to lis submit- ted by ths ooveranisnt have all bean laid before tlm liberal leadtr and both partka tll ooopeite in passing all uaoussry leglautloii without delay tha spproprla tlon for war purposes will pvobntdyheluv 000000 although it may hs decided to assks it a high as ym000000 disttvwatty unsaslnass or unnsceau ary trouble on um part of umss not familiar wiui flttsholal maltsrs awl with uio stmntb of our canadian banking ayiitoni urn ulnutsr of vlnaiwe liaa asusd a timely statsuenl its ouulnsu um efieouve hcji wbleb tlm ooverumetit iu taking to snaure au abuodanb supply of ourrenoy during um war aud authorlvee wymentu in lisnk uotss instead of in itotululoit tiotou or gold that is to say um fumllur gll 10 and vdoulu and uwsa of holier ilonwn- instiorts issued by our caiuuliaii cliartsred bauibs bave now exactly um iwtue value an old railways espress oowiisiiles tner ohsnts everybody liioanada will continue ut receive and tasks luytnsitts in bank ueus our ckuuullsn lunks are in aplsu- dld posluou to meet any dstttstida which may be toads upon uittn au tlislr restrves us asoepuonslly stroug xhm hovwird uxcitkd a minister spending a liolklay in um south of ireland wsu out walking simi feel- ingvery thirsty called for a drink of milk ifm farasv wife if v him a large imwl of fesilk to drink aud as hs was drinking it h number of pigs gathered aliout hlu sml iiirn- to be very excited lfie minister liiaaiktd oa this to the fanners wifa and she answered flare lb is no wonder they steaaolied wfceasts their own little howl yoare drinsdua out of a card we iha undendgimd herely ugres to all sv package of ave autmurd sice tta buss of silver tip sltent matches for issanty penu quality ruarantsed nalsoojtoo hill ninlniiiimhl tullii iluikltlmi f tliiiitllhl finm it bi kuiuialu lioliiiiiil llml htm rilwulm in oiiihiuiilinir tlm fivinh will inmiiouminimui iii lldliiiuiil nnue iuih i imiii hmiuli thill tlit iv n li mi nlliiiiui in hhiwliur uud llmt llio li niiinix lire iilni4iil on ihn ilifuihltti tlm unit ml i lh mmintulii jwimmw livu lillri it wiruhylt iiihuihiiii in lili ihcuruiini into iitrnutii lorrlowj bill i bo iiul llnliliiiy luiujct in tmiui in liiiinktliiuoniinnrniiii ilulr hiiohiiu oiiihhi uvilloiiu it iuthllmiitctl lliut ulmul n inilllnii ntou iiitiiiitijjix io tmli klli a into i1ihmiicii uiiju the lurtiiuiiu bn vwuiuitttl hiiurbiirg and lt n iniinlhrof tfuta ik nouthkus itlmlllm in iiortlicrn lbljrliun tlm tlcniutn kuiiu cmi mm lui luiinl m llriihu u hiii imiiuiih hulo ut ii fllhwl in i mi x iclnltj of antwurii it iu uifxjo imumo ttml tlui alllw lunn nut ikn tutoii bj mijvww mid tjtut llio fiilo of hnikmlx will in iluirniinwl by ilium uud not y t1iplonniuiu tlili nuiulloii of hrliilu umilil fmio mhiw ntorul ootmi ii llcrlln tint it4triitciilo iiiimihjiiiio to tlm iiiwitliru biu mi loull uko fnl woikiiwi h tluitlcruiuloru timtiimcb iwiwrliiitc tlmmfiini noiil not 1m niriiititil to llii lu- turoorilniiilii uil lulirhtrtileyjmrlhiimrliuito ifo auuw will ilirnl it i if i it nuiy lie counted imioiiu tlio wierltlrej u lilrb tint lb ijtlunw uh fivo1 iiiiilinjf in nnlur lo ncliiato tholr main objective oukat iianik ans momknt tliounnicuof tlm muiiuo inn mh into coiilllrt ut un iniiiioiit tlm llnmian alhnitcofamm imwi muriiiclnwl cvliloiitl awniting ihonrrhn of the nuin foroee uud tl0 completion nf pinna furi mntrul ahanco aooonlliig to tb luigiuit miuutor of war tliirfowm lmo tifoctuully blockod tlm pivoting saoveaoothwurtl undertaken by thto corfm of tlm 1eriuaii nniij ut lieg6 hliarp tiling la upureutly oliig on be- tuoen advuncoil liodlea of troojw and fallowing tlm 4ucky defeuco of uge now shumnitl isolated may boon coma uio wilgo of ksmur tmk noutii ska voucfji deriultofjkijjiiting in tlia north ken mimoiiiicea tha urltluli ohjclul uuroau iiirred tuouluy between tlio llntkh uitrolllng wuadrona and flotilbu slid oonnaii cruiwrs whloh uoro rooon nolle ring no husoa are reported or clalnied a certain livelliieu la apparent in uie aoutlieru area of um north fle whls um 1rsui ilureau tlm movemonta of tboiiiuiln hohtlle loolu are alill sbroudwl in tuyter all that u denilol known la that tieniioiij power to hanuui ijilpping ho lwii mlucod to u in i ii i mum uhi kltchbnkifh emiolttation lord kitoluxtcr sent a poruoiu meuuige to every aoldler telling lliom to fear hod honor tlmlr king and country to roinewlwr tliey oro lighting on tlm uil of a frioilly nation to abtaln from liquor uud looting bo couteous to all to women more court eoun tfinanny in emphatically ronilked tlut wluin it flghta it will bt on u full atomuch tlm king oliuinant thout b moaaago of grouting boforo uioy loft houthainp tbo army unio1 an fruoh wll nuinhora 110000 am la the flnobt eurokj over saw tim czaira ordrhb to tub hussiak aumv kowh from ht iviterahurgb to um offect that an order from tlm our to blu army ilesliiig with tbo drink evil luul junt boon iiwueil la iublishoil ivuukooneaa it in bo ruthleauty lainiodoiit oflloera are forbidden to drink in camp on niaiioeuvrca or while on any duty wjui tlielr man all olauaea of drunkenncwi are to he dealt with in tlm severoat manner oonimaiwliiigolicora uroordored to uiacoursge um much ua w ilble um drinkiuar of aloohol awl bleillcul oftloen are to deliver lecture- ieroillally on um harmful effootsof alooliot actons fine contribution to the hospital ship ouv af ttstto larllea oomtnltte sutd thslk isslrdm t tha 1umew hdus4d 4easo after mrs c b smlui explained to our citluna the purpose of the daughters of um empire to rale 100000 in canada to furnlah m lloepital bliip for um wounded of the flriuali foroaa uisra was no difficulty in inducing uie udlos of um town to un dertake um work of securing a generous contribution ss aotona iuota to utta worthy object tlm call of tlm motherland to canada lias been noldy responded to during um past two or uire week tim call lor aid and support ootues not only to um men of our country who are willing to sscrlnoa their lives their time and their money in the uefenoa of um kmplre luit lb alsooomea to women to thetaotberu wives dstigliterti aiul slaura of utose who go forth to fight the battles of britain aiul to defend our own shores frees um invader the work of oanvsaslug for funde w placed in um hands of acton woman institute the only general organisation of women in town they called in other bulls to their oaailatahoa and um work wan tuotb kuooeasfully carried out they were very materially aided by um men in um omcee at the tatineriae aiul by miss belle btsphsnaon ab um canada wove worko airs o s smith made a ooovass of tin country adjaosut to acton going as far as tjushouae arwl oaprlngo and tha sum thus secured aoasulersbly augmented tlm gener al fund liars the final reports were made on tussday evening srul showed the fol lowing ba aggregate ciumuihof aotoiiaud vicinity acton womans febstituto acton lodge i o o v no 204 woodsmen lodge h o k ilesrtifnwm jk co sivd um em- ployseaof botli tanneries lroosoda of woiwlerlsnd iscturo fihow lwefh per r l flrogory t2414a 1000 1000 too 30h7j1 moo mamjiaawtva lfasveae hsu isssstoaat su totteuaea ohuveb usuhioh at h ho 7 tha annual harvest liome uervicea of kbdnezer church will lie held next ftuiwlay concluding with a manatee garden party on thursday evening twth nut itev u j wilaon u a uiltoti will preach on sunday at 11 a m aud 7 so p m tlm choir will render apodal music tlreat iweparauons ore being made for tlmgsrden party the roys city lund cluelplt will play and jimmy fs loorl onall and others will entertain the reunion of pupils teacher and friends of el 8 uo 7 last wednesday waa a magniuoeat euooess about coo person sssemliled including gueta front toronto ilsmllton ouelih acton uono uiiu csmpbsllvilleand oilier point uev dr bulr was waater of oermoulau among the apeakem were rev dr jjotavlali toronto reevo caindmlt kasssgawaya and councillor job ull of whom were former aoholara veellng referenoea were wade to um friendships of former dsya sit um aplendtd iiisuotioes of tta school- during um afternoon there were two baseball matohes races for the scholars and a programme of muslo given by the acton quartette ami alias lauretta uray uus dae and otheru in tlm evening um platform aiul grounda were illuminated with lauterou und merry ilanclng was thr festure tim getters exirekaloii was tluit the oocsulon was onoif vary biioolal enjoyment and cordial thunlu were moved to tlm committee which inaugurated and carried out so auooesafully th proceeillnga sleaars win dredge v v hayera ami t kennedy were the committee um lmtat ohkatophar swaafchtna bo ilod in duly in mi iwhb ir iho1 ull bin lifn oti the fsrm lot ji- nm 1 lirijih ing no whloh ho unu i mm und wim tnufwl imroliill couintary on tlm vornor of thu uinio farm ofllutloms oornhrib xfddlnf twu to ninst hr thu weektm vultor llurvsait llem kurvlosm tbo hum of tlm bncy tlirtili i njt muchlne in i man i on nil xldow wottding liella will ring out rlnht mor rllj hem tb la week when uu arinn hwuiii rarrieu off ono of our fairoat ilmmliurw miha kvfllyn moftuuhlili nnwigiiutyu vinlto1 ut mr m civwmmih on honda mn c ijiiubort vbtllo1 friendu in if ami tlon lrn1 week iisj mugglo deullia hdi riituriio1 liome uftor awiimlnga fow woeu ut ilurlingtoii ifarvoat hotivo faervlcea will to liehl in tlm church hero hundu augimt itnl iveaching urvloou will couveno morning ami evening at 11 a m nu1 7 so i i following tin sunday aervinea a ganlen uirt will lw hold on tlm grouiula of mr lliiniulda adjoining tbo church tuctday oiling i5th cliiof itema on tho hc gramme ooiinut of ringing and rocltatiofia y tlm llsmol hlfctem of if mull ton aoian by mrs chirk and mro hummer ao hi kiwjiwimir qiiartotto adilroeuou will lio doliverod by local clergymen children ory ror fletchers castoria llavy ok local vall vjiiuh aotott will b hid oh wadusahlay uud tuuraklaiy sodflald s4th utnutalbk tim following local fain ami tlio dates uro lit tlio lists iuauod by tlio onurio lb part me nt of agriculture i acton heiit 23 24 ilurlington october h oot is 10 freelton october 11 tlalt october 1 2 loorgetown lirand valloy ootolnir 1 2 octolwr 1 2 tluolph her- i 10 hamilton kept 11 id kopl u iu october 117 milton oakvillo ootobor 1 2 orsngevillo hpt- 17- ih rockwoad octolior 1 2 boot as augihttepli watsrdown october tl ntllkiy wronijv if tbsyaniyotjauviadabger wbed through weakaeas or ulaetst tw udnsye fail to filter the bupurities f rorti the blood trouble cooies at el uackaehe rbsumatuun 8dstic gravel dlsbetescauslooessjsd um deadly ij rights dlaesie are sons u irut nuilts of neglected kidneys dr morses indian root ihlis coatsk st tuoat effective dlurrtkj wudi strengthens and stimulate tb kldncyi ao that tbey da tbelt wostt tbojouchly and welt try dr mortcti xtftdlaxt root pillm r tutn li i 1 i batik hamilton 4h02o a committee composed of tbo following ladles mrs neo ifsvlll irsldent womans nsututo mra w d hmith tresaureri mm c rmlth mro if p moore him mr joseph kolrnes audited the collectors liooku on tuesday evening amlfouwlum total amount oollected au sltovo f 400 30 a ilmfb wsu uocurod for thu amount and forwuhled to the trensurer of the ladies committee ut toronto kverysulwurlptlon wan mid ami um total amount was fo-ward- ed not even tbo price of postage aianiji ha ingdaducted forospehaea the heva dmatf 1 wsiatatut a oorreafioiuleiit to the milton clism joji oalhi tlm utteuuoti of um uuuiorlues of uiat town to a tbuigsrous and ooiutaiib nulsdnoe umt of um small wagons hi which lioys kneel on one knee while tliey iopel uiem on the sidewalk with one foot tlui itoya seem to think umy lisve the rlfthb of way they take lb anyway ami iedes trlsna have to step aside for uifety the practice has been nomidslned of in tlm champion more than onoe it aeem- strange uiat it has nob lasen atopped long ago if umre ia no bylaw to atop uda nuisance the sooner one is pasted and put into operation um better ihytoal giant with a dwarfed oul soemii sadly out of place in this old world flood luck is um wllllsg handmaid of up right anergeuo character md ooiaatdeiillous owwirvanoe of duty tim nun msy never set on tha stars and stripes but a new star is hatched out every now and tbeo she who titrows down bar jroeae because of tha ttlpptng will gel few feathers cabltol auuios4sd oapltsd vaiuula buhiua1 savino etumojooo arjoaooo 7saojooo 1 raving mouey does not indicate a miserly or mingy character but rather one with self- respect and forealght the best way la to open a savings account here it is the safe way as wall un uasy and convenient tlio luonuy lit alwayu nvnllidilo foruu eihurgenty oeoroetown branch j wm uksy geo patterson livk tstock dealkk acton oni caltlc sheep lambs and hoa write phone or call personally klroke v0u bklil see me manytbokiftanti farm laborers wwriti r0ih0 tbifwht i return trip eot 1200 to winnireh si80o frou winnikr ocmmo datks ail ayulaa alw stifcnibi mmtmafcaajkafrw a isa irsartoaaisl ivsa an la wmsi tmaw hwsaii ttttimcxayisixr ltlisaar atfsaasasallljfcamsmmtirh u lie ww lxs for the hot weather season little tliingk of ireat innportancc to thosu who wiiili to keep cool and comfortable during tlicw trying dnyu all upcciil linen and wttrn valucii namfelh walslt for children can lie uued iii warin weather au iwjtli vest and waist all sixoii 2 to i a ycara fic cach prlnceu hote fine lisle ribbed hoac faat colon black tanwhite all kizos 5i to o p chlfdrens jerseys with uhort and long hiccvui navy or white 22 to 32 ato each slldbllqe hose for ladie the beut wearing thin utocking on the market white tan black sfzcu bj to 10 he pair knitted cottori drawert umbrella utylc open and cloned come in both black and white 2sc pair paraiol special a further shipment of our very special parabol worth 50c more sltrca balbrifran shlrti and drawer lor men an extra good line at the price per garment 25c boyt shirt walsh pood handy otyles with collar attached neat patterns good washers at gc and fisc eich ifbdor tnnt ncw la arriving uhipmenta coming now nearly every day vve are gathering together a splendid range of fall merchandise and can take care of any early orders henderson co mill si acioit oat will canada catty het burden i raat britain and europe where productive industry has been paralyzed have mouths to feed bodies to olothe constructive opera tions to carry through and a thous and and one wants and needs to be satisfiedand great britain and europe look to canada in confid ence for much of the needed sup- pliee it were folly for canadian manu facturer and merchants to be down hearted during these terrible times in europe a great burden a great duty a great responsibility has been imposed on canadian manufac turers merchants bankers and work ers shall canada and canadians shirk this burden this duty this re sponsibility whats the answet grand trunk iviws homeseekelrs excursion rnuiid trip tickets to points in manitoba uaskatchewsn aud alberts via chicago ul paul duluth or barala and north era navigation company oh sale each tuesday until oct ay inclusive at low fitrea yfewiad ihiuesevti vouhm wasvplnir cm ut wvhnipka ott abettre daitavsv lburveaatoll4ttttta mosbnust ofdmlras kttlllm limit two months ttta orauid tatluk hauslhf wuar- il sthtwiavks isad emleksss rout bsv- wseui w tost llerth reservations and uartlcutars at all grand trtnik ticket offices or write c ii- horning district passenger agent toronto out holmes agent phona na 13 16 aocuuncsr vint ttromio ganau canadian northern opening of through passenger service uruwah toronto and ottawa uhioh wtatiou ouufttlkc nmiii wnuu tmotom effeouve august 18th 1014 and tiikhhavrkiidailv bkobrt humoav baatbeuud butlocuj wsttbuil uatbouud atalleas waslhsi uk kv vvufouto atv oobouvst ar vmtoa lv i hi eumj pu lv hsltowuto ak wiumuhm vu tlift sttojrtto f muilrlh w ib sa soort uhlhukhud gmubm kmd cam tkfrbw otm ou ttimhmlb tml for tickets and all information apply to tha nearest canadian horthern railway agent ilrln ablifrtisniuiiln maitltiah mchn8es it itiulnit tlio ilay al ii jlooitr iatlnw iiirnielrtii twin uon i ukmi i uhlliiit laergaujm caitll of thanks o ml ii i i if ihn aden nanijuattii el ia our tmhdul liauauareuaanii honiaytumnliitf j mnibiiv akn1s hall kumpan umf at at outrtaw r llook ol facm olvci tiia liuu eii a ilallullra ao lvvtnvly at tw li ivmviify watith ii sum irnfll lulall boa tjotm boob mini iilloula aaul to too cuauura ihiaatio hurrivco ul lilt hi wludaor out vftlltilts list iftu ssunlolitklty ot tha vlllatsta of anton in thai county off hailtoti notk k la liartliy ilvau llit i lava uijll- ll oraullvurvt loilit eiia hiaubal iii umiiuii i 111 a ooutlo voiaia vuf al lb liiliwl liy tal i kwillou to it to ta dallvcfvil ol ilia fui inada imifuait xt al klmlloua iitr utni ilballlr- tlauw at4nilly kbd at uunulual kciiloua a4 abai iiismm ual waanrbl jwufcj uia my oauo at a turn on tlta stl uay of auuual lull aas k- liialtmi itia lot iulllnii ab4 i lxkbr tail uh all louri lo taaa lol mblutai pttmtdititt ti liav aqf miurt tf u4iillatia tcrtlwiftaiiiiti4 tn law liud at aetoit tun 3i day j auaiiu a d 1611 a j uscuiuyok c3 uualcjtuiyof attvd business change j r livingstone ilasjiurchawtanj invvn poaaanatlott of tbs qrooaryalid kpowlasms buaiusut carried on for tcu srs vy sc h hick h11j vtoamaf lly carcdil jwrioml attaalliyi wa hops to latikfy ull our cuwlimun tlio fannin trade 1 particuurl solicited aui to inalo in utulsxtory ws anaiircpircfl topj jkirt cab for butw and mag uiead will listflivdrsd to cuktouiers is bertofon janadian paci pic iomeseekers xcuhsions ip if manitoba alberta jf saskatcilewan katk tbaouy until ortaw stii ladaahe wbufssj and ktetura ucoo edmocttois and ketura 43u0o amaal toalt auj slalluia wa4 kmus taia iwtnk craax aull4vs lam el tml fwariiaauie tmnm tvanatov uatura llwh two mhu ura ncaritins railor occ1n luui nxllan iafukr fkkn aniruiu uuyitvoia cvfly tohmta new suiyouadin but old he- liable business kenney bros the oldest shoe store lit town wo liuvo uiciircd tlio ngency for tlio celebrated reqal shoe and havu atocked all sites for reiitlonion fine linos of all kinds of ladles shoes roulrltta promptly niwlu add rnmr liiwl put on while you ualt kenney bros ksnnsya blooh mojnst acton hannnaannnniim pr ingles bargains are truly genuine free press printing excels it ia not a queution of cobt we have to ftive up i he more at tbo end of thuyenrnnd tlio koodn nitiut go it you need a wed ding present now is your chance g d pringle wllv wyndham st gudpb annannnnnaanuibbl