tltje jwtim sttt tytt voijumis xi no uvafv bulactlullbn vma lit aolvant acton ontatmo thuiispay mottnlno attcwst 27 mill ihtbmnpitam brteajog tvt attn singtilfl ooriks tnnmts clcntfc uvunv till 11ud vvuotlmimo ay vim im hrauar atrou cirr vmuis os huwu hivtiowoii dollar br ysr uimhil1ioi wbm uw tibia lornfbluullibv llv uu uj jtlulm all ijliiljuoii iiisoihmirf bjtmbinl tlmuaulowlilli avfcry auuerlit- uiuiumld in tiauol4 on 111 sildiaaa lll atnumriuha lurus itsmuut tiivalla- wou la tutuia tr houinni i una or timi tamrtleu au 0 omu na uu lor aaali iub- tl iavtloa con u am 4utly sdvtlu i kwuu millwl- i ttiolr luuui nilua vhiivhwimu atmruaatiaeui wltbftul imia dltaalleaa vjalmtlull faaltjil aj ebdttf4 meoni- advaftuvutnls will l ehauml eao tub waautt 11 fc0 ababa ofuor thou lbm tmuulhmd til u mmul tutm fu mlj lo s1 tattutf ssi all eotu soluauj kabulitly m uoouw taustnttis bitrtbrp aatdlclx e pi 103 gray u d c u ucgill li ho kbuaaaaaf lu vmeb uumoa wkmmiji hunri umduut ikmoouriisai uto towwfeli hind atlodoet savage co ktnbllihtl iu4u jcwtllcr guelpif the old nj reliable watchmaker and jewellers savage co guelph oat a douglas lakh u d rhytlfun kad hurgaoh ktottua ol dolt of 1 sad 8 ontario aauaiasu au1 oallfoaula rtnhtutfiuaalu iuumrly of 11014 it uuj 6f tka vbusan attd mw yin v6a lalimu lmllib llixpitoiat lt ullnusi ailubl la- lowim uiihiluiu jolda hau rmbmod tloapfialri i4w 11 0 kl mm tfiroel u4 illta fciiiliid kluu u ib4i vnsiiiliitr- ib uuluj x uulf urn wmlilujiiiu u bulael bttiriau uf ll h4rri utout i td4l v lj lilll hut aium uwuontaftw tf o msllola ckuaimllir w vaiui cum uoto ol cllr01w4ll1 jotiteiocts llluk mil himc oombttluilau uki wtjn naiyu lr- uon tuuhp id on uotnujr wjttmjy 4 vkldy diiy wblvfffmhiytiumisvo a j lixottlnmon dbj1l hell dd c l 1 0 votah 1 bau ho w ohm uiuivm ouuw uhi uid itrdwuk luuli uatml oailhurt vaawwi uuwiuunv tt utte miul4ti u ii dmrl l uxscm1aauuo oh irahaiu munan boqkillhdlblt lumul liuhi o il klttdb usdu fa tmut w4 l m ajmraob liokhnnn ii p uookr lmnww ev uuuuuii lioitkuw wll0alm ho wluifem t almd iwwj r- auovioutlkh r um cauuuhiui wtlllofltau uajlotj ttui ua paffadm tmd u eliy ol imiph urdw4 btf iuim u u lloou p a or llmdou uulhmmt iu vmmi lu uomimuau ilh ib itou wiiwm iurtinjwuunw nit ia iuaah naumf u1mih tw umju 014 ullju vmim fuus taw atofl will mul ituuajuu uiuttxii w laittl iu abumj u4 tiulalty kajuuvdhiaxoaluih book u1hdbh boomtt4ouirnujiii alti wohk miouiyly exkcutida tbo old and reliable granite and marble dealers v qlfsltlwinjuouutatambbdlljfclotmi work willdirtiitooti ml d um mlu 6w ouuouam 10 t muu w bw ule wl hbviltuf d tim bnly mmb4uloluibdotdlbtou hosmbonr mim iwiu uam nxwly wm van kltw mavaltdfrdllbuuiliitiltf ul uuv eualmutl lt vsoilakmubriuamwbkraibrhftw is finrt u ault ih ottlar ta ollt w uv ttw iu4 ud b4 itmm or hmmiu in um dnnllikmh ft uim- thu huy ufm ommm la talay no kmil jj uoi uuay oytooif- bammby modlhji out lflttuvhi wwull wfoi ull in1 m wmtaoy iiimiiaauit oaiy tuid dry hamnron sons k ujfalltil wlwloh kit auhmll wonderland moving picture show wi imvo rtcotilly timilu it ttmnft in our prkrummti atifl ltr itibtr tvu iiro uliowhtif rive keels every mutnlay viiwiity 1rltlay nml unlunlay ovoiiluu istillro clmiic of fllmnulllll fif tlhm lvuilllllikr waters bros ouclph headquarters ron o a c amd school supplies matuhe stooy botanical etomoloaical dhaw1no paimtino 4i wyndftam street kttml3so cement work k cooper wuiauriu art la open for contract nf all klmli fnr crinoiit walliu llrliluea culvri floor cittorus and cement uloctfl cerasntou liaod at t to lurrel onlru eltlior by niall or at resi dence will rcoiv prompt atlwntlaii right down to date latest and beit oh stovet and uvtnt lawn mdwtrt farm and gardtn toolt paints and varnlihes fr ukm uj 61 c o speight harjwara kj fiamftr ju1klu br kctow guelph business college qvblph ontakio vall tkhh bkoinh viv pw 1 ww orrnen u n ihimiitui n btrfbtlaul kludlw tulltl iittwllf ou huajtwm i oiir lam utd niif ajitii la iualllultsahit kfimllmlnmdttttmllltlllool la llu mi uhivvmiiv 6um htudknti ihrhiara tut tli aolu kiiyauiaiia u iliw ltiutvdull twarllus ttia w ul lr4ath ullll0d aud iivihoouj ly ivmutuui or ovvry iuiijmi malcolm maccormickb a- prln ourlcecream if in doubt think or bonds hardware store wo haw uhat jou want evcrj- day every dollar ever customer tho bond hardware co llon01 a tntwlu ouolii iloiinj delay in carino eoh poor eves in cxpiutave economy tlio now umu tlio time wliuii yo firat roallm tlmt your vulon i iwconoiift faulty you ahoultlcotti to us for lli aid doht okokivu vouvtatkla right kum will lilp nature will re- ilsv the atroln iho bluru llclllttv and waurltitf pou t delay toiiger cousult a d savage onrometftisr mfg optician rllftit at tlie pot ofllco pkm 0k uultri tllto oalilt i luuir tlio olour italnnt tlm iniulo and tint roar of tlio railing trimi and i fail tho uwlntr nf iiutiflliliitr men aikih iliteji clmp aicomi coino rtn ilioarrom of tlutv utlittm foruunl lliouult tlie ltoartmrlnix uhr mid lrml tit ilit t oloo of tny nillliiif country ih iiiui i iiiiv iol fiiruulto vnr my luiilllumkl iimmu till lutth ami imiihih uii utuiituu tar and tltonult uuru ulunn uiuy lirlnf mo imnu m rikul hou iilnii nml t ir f it trvli lion ulilo frou nn umit f1roata al llio fur himi mihhiu iltu fm t and lltmnili irrini tlimlli mrotx m eafr u ah i mir nudv nml irlnd to u fur mitifliind iuiih fur tlio mhim wti lent to tint kaut wobt hou 111 utui north and who ulu tlu liy wimki it inotharu cty iailtdltiyiermiui htutulforth tlwuhrtdwjof tliajkiutfcluiid olour nt lit for lltn itau ly iuimi ntul uoa ml wuu tluty for wnlllnutrin kuimui uinl mooro ik dotihlo dut fortiui for llwj iiiiimiwi down tlwi hard won crou ii tlmt ib nuulo for tlio vltitorya lirow aiul tlio lory of ituula ulloat aiul mjiore la oiio to niiiiaiiilwr now flien iiul uoiul llrltaliih th btronff right to pruiitfr woll in thofltihf aiul uiow llwt llm ho ulrt uuimi jh imcbtiil ly uu kmjjwv niluhu qmwiiia own ld jremilu bmtib the one who wuh paused by bell art pianos parlor open for the season fresh fruits straw- berriee pino applcu grape fruit ornnces lomonr frepli vecelnblfh cvtry day kresh groccrith best cantljlh our leu crnm i mndu frvth vvvr niorniii from pure rrin admliacjion omiluneffi ttkmpainlau- r l gregory prop 10m t 3tatham flp son fouuimi an individuality nud at tracllvoucu whicli cnmiot ekxuntlis uttentloa of u musician in many uructurul wiintu tlio hull fitandu olono at a tliatinct departure from older methods tim now jkilntu aro strong poluti w he rem pnrcliaborm of hell ilutioa obtain hint meauuro of mtlniuctlon whkli ennhlos them to nay with pride my piano is a bell bold only by c w kelly 133 upper wyndhm st ouelph ont 6 and 7 per cent interest paid secured by first mortgag es on toronto central prop erties am ounts from one to five thousand dol lars r m armstrong tf company l3ajlni si kit toraua 5vhwh ofiterine a u ggeston ub tlilnfft uit imltlne it into prattle u an entimly dlftoiut propohluon w uikl that w do your ptumblntf ith a kh tiugeitlun ami ouo w can fully qualify m pfumblnet supplies fumuheui by u ru nil tttaatlard makcti wlilla the work we ilit i huparlor in uvery liurtlculatt iiitlmnunrlvcii stevtnson malcolm co uwauai nu ouelpii ont 10 abujutatsv vjkar toronto can an hlhutky ll u1d hujyii n ah tlm cur wltlrlod uroinul tlio oonier with no wuriiliiy hlet of tho horn a nurof hiutittr wont up from iu occupant a man with btoomwl tlioumonj whoo lialr kloamiwl w til to under his alonclied lint luul turtwl to cross the street and tlten iumi leaped luekwiinla uxt iii time to tavo lilu life to tlie party in llio cur tho awkwnnl leap wtut amuslnb- ly iijtuuuo from uhlclt it nuj lw artriuw tltcr mhiro of humor wuu not quite nor mal momllo wartl luul hiuqhtd with the uthoru tliou lio turnwl kin inoloj luuk the old uuiii wnn clutclilny n utmp pot to support himulf an ff the nlioou of dlwwv- erinn hie ilaiijrer alontf with hla unaeeue tetiwl agility had lioon too much for him hl face wan reined a trille eo that the llylit of tlie street lamp fell upon it live frightened faoa of an unnerved old man melville silly nolny laiitfh died in hu throat ilu a fcliamo he nald u little thleltly aiul folt a sudtlon unruaxtniatte anger at lib lillarlous cotuiuiiinnn oltl inn too tlio uhito liulr about tho frighten ed faoa itad rwnlmled him of uii growl fattier and far aome reuoon tho tliougtit wan diuletlnflr at tliat moment he pulled oft hluliataud lifted hiu faoe to tlie null nf air in reality tlie night wen ry biiii but uta rapid motlan of the machlno nva tlia affeet of a utrontr wind in hie fuoa llie elr wu srateful for already hia temjjci mere throhhinj ami ituonhl he u orwi to luorvow tlilleupje oiw of the oeiou younjj tnen oniwdul into iltabee car hml accepted a portion in the wetul a tlocidetl utlvaiioe in uulury tlmt evening tlie boya had taet foru xupiier ut wolft wolfla suppers luul it reputation the nuni himself waa oaurteout uiul numo alwajh retuly to mate ullowjueee ror tlie iilftti spirit a of ounff fen tie mo it whu hrolto wliutowa or uirow ilocaiilertiut ana uiiothara heuil hy way of tt join the wiiuioma uiul decanter were eliartietl up lit tlto hill ulth a roner- auh profit hut wolff tsmialnoii urwive aiul smiling- there were uumu who cuitnetl to nee helihul hie fimoatliiumm ami tleferenoe koineaujmeetioiih of the buaittof jirey an if iiih lutuia luul un eupftoul ippropriateno hut nuoli ieo4o were for tho imutt part father and tiwulteru uiul ierwn of hke uii- tloubtetl prejudice melville wanl harinp hu haul to tlie ooel ulfilit air w tryiiifl 14 forget the om mini clinging tutlie lamp jwwt- he wasnt hurt and yet that woiut the fault uf tlie tlrhor no to hpeuk a vague impwauilwi cnuiied melvlllvtt mlntl that a fellow wlio had iiobii jiuhaklnif of onaof woiith little nuppura ttu unfit to run u our through orondod cltv uraetu iicklly it wuu late and ledoitrtau were few ife ought to have iwen hmno uiiyway lie told iiiiumh awl found relief in the uilftlug- of tlu blattie oh men wltli white lmirluul nobublnesmoji lie street at two ooloelt in uw mottling anotlier ear turned the corner and oaine up haalila illateti inaehliiu itueev cried llllcuplo lilluriouwly from lliu front oeau a very little liquor went to ulhinpleti heatl uiul time night lie hail drunk lieavily lluco t echoed tw buck seat like one uuiti and lite moohine leajied forward a iwliceauiu ut tlie corner tipua on hi lieel tut too late soma of utem o1umll lie rldlii in tlta uuiiiiiimiuw before dgj break the ijloo milt mul luutlly luul tlie worl loft hln hm when oven la proved hie propheny correct tlio flying car gultled by a driver who hid lieeti drinblnff for hour mkltltled flnuluvl througli tint iron railing of the hridjfo m if it luul lieen paper urul jungel tlie embankment for tut liuitunt tho pollceimm htood wlarluu like a itiun din- truiiuht then imj kui to the neureut tele pliuiio tu itive tho ulunn melville wu trying luirtl ui wate up he hud a itad tlium a dream of danger and tain aiul ha wanted tu open hu oee to llm llftlit of llm luornliie unj foteltlterto imimtlnu lerrom with ttemeihloua eltirt he lifted hi- llu hut i lie dream did it vanish he wan in itetl und tlio light nf the merit htu aattwutilun in hu room hut tho uiu moisllll there ife tried to raise mh right m but useful incuib iv- fuuod to nlioy onlom with his loft he felt hi iieud anil found it luindtgrnl hon loot w cutne from tlie rour of the room and pul oool tlngom on iiih pulae it wum a womstt in u nurse continue for a moment he wuu inclined to raasnl lr au iart of the iirain thun hor steatly nyee inot hlu und he uau oouvlnood of her reuliiy whittu tin tuuttor ho nuked the mi hiul nob 1mmii u nurse in tho limine when hit loft homo in tlie early menlnir ho wnmlflrod anxiously if anything- were wrong with hid molhur i wnulilrit talk the nuru said ami wild that nhn lme him botitelhlug in a utoon hv uunllnwiwl it vfoni lu hod lime to ouihiln to her that thorn uau some muakb tlm i he wiut not tlek motnorj wau groping its way to an okpiaimlloit of tlio mystery jueerly enough it wan the old man b the jamphmt who oama ilrt to his itilnd iheu ho renumustntxrod it all ah ha drew a long gulping sliwl tiering breath au it cumo back to him that leap into tlio dark tliose seconds of lildeouh roalliatioii ami eviactaiiey the ituruet iiaiul wuutiii ida wrist again hut tlm draught ulio luul fiveii him wuu alreaily blunting- tlie keeuiun of hu nwiollaetlon hesllppodauny into soiril ohllvloo with a sigh of relief when lie came to himself again ida mother was 1otiilo him looking pale and wan aiul induiiuimy odr ha waa aide to etrtlu his roognltloii he felt stronjter his luraln won mora alert lly right inna broken isnt it tuotlier uut my books all right i can kick 8h smiled end pud ida hatwl the doctor beya ou blmukl lie up in a week uroa iver rejjy a week in boil melville uuufe u ry fooe how dll the other heye eoove outt lieakketl ills mother did uot reply that uure came up with iter air of quiet authority vou have talked enoufth for now all right ill go oh to sleep juu aa soon 01 i know liow tlie boya us tito alienee irrluuul hint he looked from rlie uurtea lttiuimiua fare to hla mothora what lie aaw there mode hi iteoh otoi lieatidflf why ttvother vou dont mean llutt any of tltem- oh mntlior hut ilie luul fletl ami the nurse waa willing- down tho tluulfl urn telllfighlm to gx to sleep whan you aro a little atrooger slio said wo will tell you all you want to know hut not now it wan tvtoilau lieforo im limached tlie subject again tlie doctor luul com in and his verdict wau favorable his matlter sat itesldo his lied still white ami worn he olialleunod iter half angrily mother how long is this going on i x want to know how tlie other boya are ly now rite put her hand on hla ami lie felt t trembling i will tell you ahetaid fllltesple uas going westrlets see on wednesday to take a new position i dont su p ioe he waa aide to go he will never fro my dearest hoy in tlie heartbreak of lier oee ho read her wish that she might hear in his stead tlie pain of tliat new oilhmple he whispered daxed and shut ida eyes old jock why it waa iaeradlhlel he remembered illlupiea faoe a lie laid tohl an amusing- story at supper that night all aglow with the joy of life he shut ida eyes lmt tlie tear forced their way under the cloud ibis kb waa mi tlie front uat he whisper ed at butt i suppose that it wau mote dangerous how did itlako ootne out of it anotlwr of those dreadful elleno hlako cite said lirealhleasly u wltlt jack botlt of themf aston uhment for tlie moment seemed to liuhl away ner tlie deeper aruotlanu it doeeab aeem poa- alu were any of the otltera much hurt v oh my poor boy cant you under- aumlr the teara raluetl down her faoe he lay weak ami silent lieyotwl weeping for tlie moment lieyoml deep feeling how many v lie asked at but lly own boy you were the only one saved there ore some hurts we do not real all at rutoe till afur lite first numlmeea liaa iaaed it waa hour later wlien mel ville woke from an uneaay olumher tliat the meaning of hla nudltera wardu seemed to lie itoroc in upon him for the first time ho cllnoliod hie hste and grouml hie teeth while tlie perspiration stood in dropj on hla imdy tliey were tlead dear old jack illleapjo uml huke who with ull ida fuulta waa tlio moat geoerout fedow sllve and charlie ami ned ami hqm and aveu little hill hdvur ma whiowd molhera only son out of tlie seven seliaolitutea chums lifidongfrlemla onlyvvo wua left and tliat one himself he luul lieen sparetl ami why t hie life luul beeu given luiek to lilu luit for what hirpoe ho looked over the i eare itehlttd ttlui wltli a sort of horror at their uaelaaa- itess tlielr aeliuitneae thelf aln for lie luul taken hut own way ugalnst tlio light he luul set aside hla houte touohiugm in faiorof lileasure ugalnsf whlalt hla coil science protested he uiouglit of that stiptw ut wcjftu and a little shiver went over itliu these hoy irlemlu nf his noisy profane hllarlouo their faoeh htuliel wltli liquor their toeguea tuore reoklemt aa tlie drink under- mlneil tluilir judfttuent how few of them would haxa elioaen sunh u wy of spending their loft night on earth what woe he to do with hu life ransom ed from destruction r he had h foellug hint it did not belong to hint tlmt tt luul lieen entrusted to hla keeping by uta real owner who stood waiting to ee what use ho mould make of it to gfl boeu tq hla utitliluklngi unworthy pleaaufea waa out uf tlie question that would deinouutrate huuuworthliyenf thl mercy prove him ku ingrate beyond all cotttputailon the least he could do with the life that luul been mvetl from destructloo waa to ronw cnttu it to him wlio htul given it not only onou hut twlco diaaktwamatlmroki wimat7 the liioioo ttuist bo itinde whoti this freiniitml night mitre imu smd caiiudn and all other nations must chooso imtwcen dlu uniiuineut und what wlmt u the one alternative to tlto disarming of the nations j in the lurid light no lgiuuiug to flush in our faoou whut choices nro ojieu 1 if tho nations do not sgroe und hind iiiouimiivmi in iiiteruutloiiulugnieiueut to roduoo tholr lifttionill nrmlnu to the dlmeniiioiii iiooiiilh uthqiinto for national poller mirvlco uml tlilr nuviojto tho liotllu nf uu intontutliiu ul millcngof the ueau uhut dtlier courso jowiit arfl caiuullunu tyndy oicn njjw turuxk those questions am wo willing to tttko that further look ashy the unmeasured sacrifice of imr poje at home and oi the llehl und hy tho solemn dttdhlous of her parliament caiiaila curiia tlm right to oiieak will ciu ula from this day onto tliotloy of reckon- ingumongtlte ilatloiib hutu iter speech to tlio volceuof iestonuy or to the oloes of u morrow otto thing nlone is certain i tho stntuu uo cannot lie resumed things cannot lie ttguln an tliey were before mot only will tlm map of eurcjie lui re drawn nnd rooolorud lmt the interuatloiuit rlutlonn ami attitudeiof ell nations will bo chaug mi international ism lit tlio futute must lie one thing or tlieothori either liarbarisin or civlllaatlan i eitlier militarism uml war or disarmament ami paaco i either every nation everywhere must arm to the tealh or no nation anywhere must lie ullowed to arm for wen either the new wartd idea of raoaon and intermit loiud faith must lie posited to tlie limit of disarmament or tlie ou workl idea of luruu force ami inter national distrust must lie aooeei hy all countries i eitlier we must all blaiul with chrlh or all atuml with caesar tills wlood tortl tjood devil will not do any longer or ever again canada certainly cannot go on talking i artnauiuita tolwrself aud oanstructiiiu on artuauienbi against hor rulghtiors in our relatione wlthtlte unlttul statea wo muse be wholly civilised or wholly savage our international lake must he croudod with uarshlut ami our boundary line studded willi fottllkatlotia or our frontier must be wide open svs it la our atlantic ami ivcl- fla oaasta must lie innooetit of dofowoa an tliey have been or equlmatt uiul van oouterand halifax ami sydney must lie made impregnable with forts and great fleets must ride grim aiul menacing where now are only tho rainbow and he niobe cauaduiuu must adopt tlie european idea for canada and outrank kurope as u war nation or canada must do iter full duty to impose tlie canadian idea mi europe ami to projoot it over tbo world war with tlennaitj oti the partially for- flad flehlu of ilelgium uiul auuce lorraine la hall for france today f but it waa much worse than the fear of that hell which far forty yearn held the french ieoile subject to lkiudage forts tliat are not improg halje at all paints ami annatneitte that are not invulnerable against all assaults will lie for canada or uuyotlier nation in the new day after worldwar nothing but tlie constant fear of helk ami canada must make iter oliolee and must begin to make it now armaments for caiuula against all nations or the dioarmamentof all nations against canada for sevora jours the tllobe has arguod foru canadian cruiser fleet in tlie north atlantic ami in tlio nortlimacluc because those arguments were unnvalling tlie re liavj been alarm aiul real danger on belli coasts ami yet there i romething nolo worthy something not quite discreditable in the fact that canada wus caught wholly uttpieparod for war that even the niobe waa diunantled on tlie atlantic that tlio fuelllc luul only half neglected vjmuinialt for iter defence aiul that tlie mainland of british columbia with tlie city of van couver wau alttolutely unprotected until long range guita were nudietl acroaa tho continent from ivtawawa camp aftor wur against ilrltulii itotl been declared it woe risk uhlclt canada ought not to imvo run iluta un evidence of the teaocful ideal ami purposea of thlu country it la uiuui- weralde in a world where nations aro seen to lust for power and sluiot to kill thbtwitneaa to good faith ami good will may eount far more to cauada in tlie oomlng commll of tlie nation if tlutit iaiur- lera canadian beets of armored cruueru ami nordetia naval aid auperhread noughta had luih beau achieved caiuula may have been alow to protoob lierself but it waa lieoauae ahe trusted iter neighbor mul kept her own lieart pure oleaaetl ire tlie pure in heart for when oifiere ore blind and mlwi tlielr way tliey siiall wo tlie truth uiul tlielr judgment shall lie just rut one such eupcrlenoo ih enough canada must utaml for the disarming of every nation ami for tlio intematloiuilicliig of all tlefeueoa or catuulu must arm and in atandlnjf for disarmament no otlser uatlon can call canada either a weakling or a coward titeae daya of iieroism uiul oelfhacrlnoe und tlte luevllalde coming duya of iertuuuil grief ottj lutlotuil lou will give that jibe tho lie neltliercan we lie taunted with disloyalty to drltulnn foreign policy as ralubury am all tho groat statesmen luck to iluasell oviuuuulod itvundaaqulthud tjrey in thu later ilay of atreaahive so euntcetly argued it nor u disarmament is denial of nortli am erican liitenuttlotialuim i ib iu its affirma tion along four utousaml mltea of inter national lake ami luimulary llnea lb haw lieen done for well itlgh u humlred jenm by these two proud but unoqual nations it lathe truest american ulen for which when in tlielr edtausttott tlio war uutloiim uveeb in council canatla aiul tho unltod btawa will staiul togetluw mid upeak with one voice caiuula aa u aomlmuuit lu tills war the united htates um a twutrul taith an mikirerh will sptiak for north aliierlmn ami will not apeak in aliv toronto olalio at ahmad twhntv vkbarei aoo themiislaof tlio school boll wns houid ngiiin ou monday morning a giirdou party will imi hold at tho home of mr haldlo near osprlngc tliu ovcu lug knox cliurtli kunday hchonl plo lilcketl in wiirtlcii wurrtins giovu laul friday 1 lia kiilvntloii army hero having linen for minio tlnio in lliiiuiolid t nml to man day mrmlntr hot t if adums ofclmrcli bill whovtiufor uimo tlmo uoiuiiiufiloins of tho army in canada guvo i lecture uu icnonil llooth und tlm army wlum li umiuim1 foritld lo moot tlto indebtwlnoui uluo iiiiiouucmi that ou log to tho fuct that nlllcets liiuld nut bo socmed for a clod tli army wtuld huyo to lw iermaiiently with drawn mr if h wortleii hue sold hta fifty acre farm flit tho socouii lino ultovo acton 10 mr walhiro nusliy for 0w taking a part payment tho liomb at the cor nor of mill ami wellington htreeta nt present oc cuploil by mr imwiird nloklln the liookhtorii dvalartt wore busy boiwoi eight nml nliiomi monday morning uupply lug sclmlaru with school supplies up to tlio ringing of the last bell hasohall with tleorgetown on ha turd ay readied a double figure score of 14 acton ahead acton ilayoru f ryder t rytler 1 taylor w a htorey t kenuey a allan k b tat i tarn j kelly latwsort it luui been dechlwl to ofllouuy lay two comer stones of tlie new knox church one to rdpreaeut tlie congregation by mr arch camplioll senior elder aiul one by rev 1 i mckay moderatot- of tlte lencrul asuouibly representlitg tlie church at large tlie delegates from lueliji conference to tlto mfctliodltt oeneral cotiforonoe open- lug neitt woek in london are i minlatera james mcallister tarai w willinma i il mitchell w 9 ohftln i i torontn t w c henderson i 1 oueljih john kcott m a merlin t tleo nieliartl- sou mount forest i j w holme clin ton f ii nugent palmerston a cut- nlngliui ht muryt i j r howell m a acton i n r willoughhv i- 1 listowclih heller ii i tluelpltfl 11 cornish lu i imrt elgin i chris tophor ifttmlltoo mlnto ijiymeu j e carson listowoll i h l- rice ii a bt marys 1 mills lu 1 ouclph i l 11 voumnnu mount forest i j a carrick klnoanlinn i w t fawoett tara i r o lamliort hurriston t il aclieaou cotlor- toll t w i ferguson stratford i john rutherford ouon roumi i h w vogan walkertont i k w mojer iter i in t w 11 kerr linisuls i ii v moore acton note of lhonhoeo ministers and 7uy- men have olnoo etued away ed crewsons coruora cluirlea lamble had his shoulder fractured a couple of weeks ago playing footltull mr n forbes liaa tlie contract for building tne found a tlott for tho now knon church acton a lire hits iron raging in tlrahama swamp mr win miiboi was home rem btrat ford nterhuuda while j toeing a liorae recentl ho luul an acaldent which laid him tip for a week or so mr ilrlggh nlckllu took a decided turn for the liettor ami iu daily improving disk whtautiu aetnw on aaikisi tub jsuse j no of mr a v wrleiit asaa ii sjs and 4 meallie ccsjatbtn they say tlm ieoiio who are tmtrrletl got to look ullko vaa itut ith a tweet rarely get to think kllke a irmiwiwler serving in imlla uo dis liked the climate that he decidetl to make an etfert to ret sent iwvme with this olijeetln view he oomphrjned to tho doctor tliat his eyesight wuu wl i how canyon prove tjtat to niet mild tlte doctor at a loss fat lookett round the room liefore anawerlng wtail ilottor you sea that nail in tho wall thing tliat they j va rejjird tlte doctor wall aakl fut il caut 1 talifal ov yllej old tim ib iroaolieim uf tlie ohl tme bail same ideasant oieriencsaa chiuf fmvctlanarlea ut wethlfitgs bomellmea tliey were un pleasant now ami tlten tlio unensmted thing hupjicuwl hut often the expected thing did not liappen the ueamiit ami llio uu4eusaut thlnge pert al nod mostly to tho matter of puying tlie preacher tfila varletlthon ou it doee now ocoording to tlto custom of tho aoololy in which tlie man tliat married waa reared one man would ihiou tlio fee in tlie cnvelosi with the license or give it to the pruaolter through hla best nun and tuy nothing another woukl baml it directly to tlio preaxbei after tlie ceremony i knew one btan to ittremely hapiy that lie paid the preacher twloe five dollare before the ceremony ami five doltarw afterwardo another ro- memliered tlte preoclier each anniversary of ida marriage ua long aa tlio preacher lived theee wero aiooptlonal gautleinaji au other would bashfully approach tlie preach eruudoayi ivron wliatiuyourcharga r huch men enpeot to get off by paying on little au possible now and then u man would say i lurson i uat much obliged i will see you soon or i will tee you uftor a while men nf that kind do not intern to isiy ut all tliat la my eupurt- onoa oocasioiuilly u nun insisted ou knowing in udvanoo wliat lie was expected to siy and lw prepared for it on cam into u new country ami married before the day of uurruigo arrived he uiked a f rioml to see tlte preacher und bud out hla chuige hla friend said t in thueoubtry the prcuohorn do not mako cbargea for their servlcea tttoy take wluit la obered uml are content rack in my country wild the man u preacher charged an acquaintance one iiuiuinhi dollaro i am not able to pay that much hi idea waa uut if tlie preacher selected woe too eteep in hla charge he would and a chaaimr one he iletirod to avoid cinbarraasnwnt a famous preaelter inourred great ex pense ami travelled a long distance to unite a rich couple ha hatl in miml an umptn tee after uic cloee of tlieceremony tho gentleman lutmled use preiiclier a pair of silk gloves saying t flease accept with my tluiuks he bade the oouplo farewell with a heavy heart ami though ta uunxpresathl iteachlug home ilia wife aa tiuuul tukod tlto amount of tlie fee he bunded hor tho glovca but aukl nothing hhe wuh wiser than he ami iiegait an hi muitlgatlon hh fouml a hundreddollar hill in each finger of tlte glovea tlmt waatinu lime when the unexpected thing happouod 1 dolin w llouwoll 1 i a blatetaiho ymir w ifn no limger slugit or plays the pltiun hnwauiaty him hasnt the time wnve two nhililmii wxtli well after nil ehlurert are u blfsilng l amd ii u tdald viallt on toiinysoii uuiit hettlu time uml it a ally lark imsn have coniashel mo nliout hnvn tiihusotl tlielr urmioh i i wmt my foroou put to rout hut though i liit nhiuu und full und dlo talk terms of l ano not i thny war niton my fortune nud their glint are shattering its wall my army phiys tho iouiinl- part uml rum- ijnrootl liy u thousand lulls tboy cult for tny surrender i replj tlivo quarter now nt i thoyvo xliot m lag to rlmtoitm but in i chin it lloata uliove tlm height ihtiir onsigi iliiill i mt crouti i men is whilo i can stand nml light i lllnjx dolliinoe ut thorn i i rv ciqiiliililo knt i e pa id loo tnhiiuuii rrokahiouuuuc itflu a dooyomel last i1emkdv dld ou ovor uotlco u liov nnd ufrl love i mean a ron boy and girl tbo boy say inilrtoou and tho girl nliont thirteen i am u count rj doctor ona of my pedant unu mm maxtor o widow with ona ohikl a iwj uhon i callwl to see her this little fallow ainu and a little neighbor fftle iumo wore usually play ing togbtber eitlier in tho house or outside tlie town in which wo lived wau really a very small village i consequently i luul many opportunities to observe tho children fnr the next few yean during which tliey were most of tlio time togetlier tlten when alan waa seventeen he went away to oollego i wished that eflle could go away to some educational lnstituloi too for i knew that while alan ami site woukl remain tlut same persons tliey would dineretttlate alan woukl lie tloveloputl pollsliod mentally and in luaiiuoru while eftio woukl remain the samo plain little country girl afur alan euuroil college i saw no more of him except in vacation but i con tinued to see efho every now und again alio waj tlto same demure tittlo liody site luul aluayu been except wlien alan came home tlten she woukl brighten up hut uilabtrightoninglasteil but for a ear or two alan at each return showed himself different from wluit hu wuu tho time liefore there was u catistunt slioddliig of tlie funuera lioy a putting on of the educated genttouuiu vet he found fluo the same except in bodily development llorcpocch wue no mora artlfloinl iter nuiniiers no more studied ttiun uhmi ho had tlrwt lult her there uau the same innocliico in lier tlie aame fuitli or feeling tho same love itut how could tliosa count agninsl tho training meitiulli und the mote jiolmied manners of tho girls with whom alan was being thrown oiorj duj i judged tliat love liad never been sokou laitween them it liad only oxlstoil alan on returning to hla mothers farm always snt some time wltlt hla former swoetheirthut not aa ho had been used of doing there waa a certain constraint between tliem i noticed hand knew tlio cause eflle luul tfallen behind him my heart bled for iter but i could not blame alan indeed i fancied tlmt while lw did not mudyia tlte facta aa i did lie retmtted them i think lie would have liked to see eiuo id utldo a certain plain- neaa there was aliout hor uml puton some thing of liner teituro all tlie time alan was in collegea separ ation was going ou bet ween tlto two lovere not v ihllile to their i honda generally but very plain to me who hud learned tlie secret tliey did not know themselvna their child love then alan came item after being graduated and talked to me aliout studying the iirofoasiou cf medicine he decided to do so ami went away again not to return except once to bid farewell to hla mother wlio was dying ho could get ait or at least ho tltought heoould without eitlo but 4ic could not get on without itliu aflur ho left for lie medical school site seemed to mo to ho oa ob wlio luul suffered a grout grief then during suverulctiru uftor he hud graduat ed uiul waa iractuing his profauslon in o distant city site wmmod tome to lie gradu ally wasting awuy finally iter parviutu thought site sjunild lutvo treatment by u doctor i waa called in tu aoo hor i who could diagnose hor case on what i hod otdorvod years liefore 1 went through tlia usual formula partly from liahit partly because i did not con- alder it waa wise to till uta truui i felt lier pulse looked at iter tongue uien taking out my persorlption blank i wrote uu order for a mild tonic charging her to take it roguuuly three timea a day then i loft her wondering wluit 1 might really do for lier rw gradually sunk awuj till ut lost i mudo upuiy mind tliat if tho causa of iter malady could not bo removed alio would die i resolved on un oxvedlont to try to reinovo that causa i wrote ih maxtor tluit i luul a patleitb under my care whoso cose waa fiuudlugnu i waa aware that oa u couutry doctor x waa in statu qua while he having recently been graduated from cava of tlto heat medi cal schools in tlte country waa on u higher plane in tlte rtfofewlon than i would he run down to hut home long enough to give mo tlto bouohtof his diagnosis t he cumo immediately i tohl him tliat i would take liiin to sen my patient bub lirefcrrod tliat lio altould sou hor iilone make up hla tulod conoo the cause of the trouble ami the treatment uml rejiort to mo i took him to tlie homo of ida old sweetheart ho looked at ma in surprise but without wonl wont in to sio hor i drove away redlining tlmt i luul used my bint expedient to savonty pat louts life a few hoiira later lit maxtor cemo to my office i was itlouo aiul waiting for him hoc tor ho said feelingly yourpatloni lu aufferliig from nt gleet front one unworthy nf iter hut lie liaa repented i dont think it will lie tieoeaaary for jou to call on iter again a mouth later fftlo was welt uml two monthm later alio married mr maxtor i dont see that lie needs to imj asliamed of hor 8ha i now in his field ami ih a good illustration ufu wnmaua uptuesu in pick- lug up tho little rcllnenvotits of good aool- uty john turulee ivooognlxeil a4 llio leading speclllo for tlie destruction of worms mother tjruv worm kxteimlnator itita proved a bomt to suffering uhtldren oi cry whore it seldom