Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1914, p. 3

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wedding presents rotfvra khva spooni porki fonoy sllvirwer hiok cutoim femoy china wedding ftlnos maklrvaafeg tllokmuttm ksauhd geo hynds beaii estate vwrmsfor attic lu hnltou peel mid wellldbtou loo tmtmm tar ttal vry ulxe if you want a wmrmt write knc for wtalojiil or yott wish to well or vxchuffe wrlt tu we buve every i telllty far trakiiuirtlutf bailnenn to yonr empte watlsfkctlot cotrre- tmmtletirc ttoilcltetl- j i willovcubv rarmhclllua hthttlnllst ueorttetewu ffibfe tnit gut bwfis thuufluav heltkulikij 1uu brief local items it september tit flrt fall monui midund uk hu lu 28 mill anton vll wlr thu bumutql and 21th 11 golden rod li lifting in nodding plume fla mh for toronto valr ha tou uoeej uafc out your lut of exblut for aotou pall vlr ltenty of moutur uow it he rained nearly every ilmy for a week lit welcome mualo of th school uu hang out on tuuy taorniag it a dreamy tort of languor lb tb mall of th breea thee day 11m brick u ulntf laid dmri for tu bw woodarund tuauw m mill btreet 14 orchard full of apples y ioaldnt w eujoy the uiy autumn day it bank ar bow charging two per jttt dleoodnt ou all american taooey ottd cheque 1 tax ret of huttlavlll u is mllu ebj nice flmttolntf til required to tft along of that th oouoly council trntut to loge- imd hisb kobool u ttwd87 and to osk- hecreury hynd lab bed a buy wui aukllng- otit prlx hat and poaur for acton klltr fell voir th tuu of cuonretowu vail bir but been ebengad to wednesday sept suth end thursday october lit ifuveu rnouul for th brlluh imy rtl purchased at ulllou uat weak iwpa ranged frou ilfio to il7di xtt a ear loiul of vitfouluii and fruit to lhj twlduni at valoartur on uocutay wia faiaollily bioatlatf of tha womaaa iiutltuu tui afuraooa at s oclock la ti ooaou cbualr all udus wilatwa 1w ar u fcood uatiy iwuimui wwi tpjntf to md oti aobm of lb bouuvarji aad vaoaat lou lu town tboy utouu b but fuv 8 ifowairth mturtud doriatf lb wwk frota bit boluuyt aiul will otxhty tit iwlplt of tb tuntlt cbuoh uamt hun- ly hi vujm party at kua4r cburob maiijjawya lut tlmruy evhlti uu a brtat miiosmmm lb woalpta wr ovr fcmm both tb boyn and tit tqulrrela will it abl to aeouv aknpl aupjjlm ol btmbuuta tbu bit tbe trm a beavlly luimi with ttuta vrta friu4at uattlfiutiona on tb fetmau tba days it i- not ditfiottu for biau tb wort for liquor to buy uat liquor lu tohit tfr jobn v huvatf baa organuwd tb aeton boy cbm club aad la fclvlujf tb boy iport tuition lu tbl atount and news of local import rmtriotlo wutut at tb tnmtln of udualn tb town ball on monday afternoon few pmtbimen wer itremnt and it wwi decldod i organ- ik h ivtrlotlo hoolaty mr li hnlr w m waapimtlittd ireldent ahd mr jobn r konoedy hourytrtwur or uont ab ivthit mmhtnm lut up your trout rod 11 hmmui k1m1 orf monday a fow angbin bavo inmn out hlno irmutnmy in tgnorano of tit how taguiauon but ljtnmmm of taw la no ttxunuatloa for it violation tb com oiom fco for trout ibtlilntf la now from stinuar srut to may flrat ufchuxlhaliiud on tuwuy uflernoon wlill ojwrauinf ti rolling tuaobln at tb wotkv of urn acton tannlnu cumtuuiy hldny uarnea bad tb mlafortunto ret bla lalt imwl taufflit in tb machinery ibrourli tba bllpjklntf bf a tiara 1 1 tildo tb utumb awl imt flur war gainfully uperatti bhohl opm oa vtmauwtttfl ttioatarioavarnmnt bav wad an okn ixtaaoii for jmotln pltaaiant uiin rail tu on tin will b two day mob wml vumdayn irnd vrldaya uetwaatt ootolwr ij and 14th two bird aoli day u tit limit for mob t and no btn tbauutii ar to b abot unlar futivalty of 0 flu ataom wui uv h- vuld tbu nvr wan a tin in tit butory of uil country tbat tit tkilato crop jjav nuob tctmt iirodla aa tbu aaammt not only for targ 1j tub lut for a urn yield an wall ileu ar of un fenortsouu blu a uf crop and rittwlntr mor bulky avry day tb iriod at iuly tob blrbartban uauat oujji liroiry personal and travel notes ifatuy volay of toroato aaatobd a twm front un boruy at odhvill but wk if waa caugbt ami wutfiuood to tbro montb la jalb lu tb lbiptjat cbuwb but suudty mr if i uoom pruebad a aemwui oa tb wajr in tba avaalo mr j 1 souyow duvrtd au inlpraailv boapol dlaoottr tb uauual mstjntf of flualplt ihatrbt library lafeutut of wbkh tb puula ubrarld of ifaltott ar utubr will b bail in wautloo oo ktobr lat and 21 tb iwr ootu lldok ootdpaay lav tb tiontraot to aupfdy 8000mo brick to b tiaod lu tb oouatruotlou of tb nw uppr cunad couec at norrallurtu jobu oroaby ol flulji fortutty ol uahlm dud ou monday lu bu botb yar h wj atbar of tb ut uv arthur if ctajbft tuul uotur of tb lu uv dr tbooiucrteby tb u tboaiaa tuotor oar man tbat mu into tb buggy driven by tb mimu aioudod at ilrottu baa l6o a fm by muiat bblddv ttta toau6rtt- d coaakbuabl into oakvlll star komuu if sutlxbb von of mr aud ut t j hpalftbe of town ha joloadtbo tuotor eyol twpatib tiarkura of tb lihb york ktausw aud will bo to tturop he b now at vakwhjar uaotbtowo iforakt tb luu two tuoulb bv paaaid quloaly to tuoat of ua but to uou uor ulokly tbau to tb hoaool boy aud girl wboa boudaym oudod oa mouduy mot of thua bowvr uro fud to b lu hoboo fin vouu rwhtlmo out uat b doo auy lttr twywber obquluao good gauarahy ifuatt bhucm prion ar rlsht if you requlr anytblue lu tb printing line from a vlaltlug card to npjuuphlat ut ua kavuyouronur tbr u kuor catarrh lu tbl asotloil of tb oonntry tbau all tb otbsr puttogttbar aud until tb uat fvm it wl auupotlm to b taourabu vor aroat tuaoy yh dootor iwonounofrd it u local dueaa and pnmoriud looal romadbw uwl by ooaataitt y falllnif to now wkb looal troaotuont iro nottooadft luottrau boioboo baw provon tmtarrb to ba oonadtutloual aum aud tjbrfot require a oonvututiottal twal- taiit if oil oturrb car tuauufiuttuirod by v jt cbanoy oa toudo oluo u tb only eouatltuuoual aunt ou tlwi market ifeutaktut internally it aot llrotly on tb uood and tnuoou wirfaom of uio ay torn tboy nqar ou bundrd dollar for any a it falu to our baud forolroularu anei toatnwmff addrar f j ohknky tt ob tolado01la hold by ifrutrgi ae tvjw ualln twully hiu for oooautu au aavlvtcuj yhw crftiaawl to muurmorru kruwby llootb booor of balutf tb ant pupil ou baud at tb taboo 6 tuaaday buwuln if waa fcundlmrwltbbuoulfltat tb door ol hi dvpartumutjdnlor primary at that a fw tailnula bfr a oclock uaaur uorrui u avuuotly uylnjf tb fodndatloforauooaaa- ful clluiailp in tb uiid at bu fatbar adofitiod a lof tt4ba tiiorhfm tbt lb road through aotoft uadlug front point aaat and wu u omukurad a good on u iduod by tb uuuwrtxi tuotor ear puabu tbrough dally frou point alnioatftvwytlaybarruulbroufib bar from both tbfcuuru and tbawaauru tb onurlo motor lafu ba puaardad tb rour mrfully into and tbrodgh lb town built m waaud k a4m vt vaui purobaalntf omoat for military bona will b lu aotou on tu- day nt to boraai for military trlm itldlntf rioraa artillery bwm aud diuuftbt boraa ar raqulrad color i bay brown tbaatuuta aud koaua i no gray uor wblua auriarbufcboaad offcood oouforauuou fr from uemlaba aud brokod to bam a and aaddl ttm uuj wilt ru4 tb uonay ooluoted by tb wonuu of aj for a boaplul tblp will b uad for a aupputomtury kaval ifoaplul at iwa- moutb knjruud tbi ebaag of puu t lu aooordaao with a raquaat frou tb brltldt admiralty it will b ealud tb ca nail ian wotnan uooplul alraady ovt l7s40o ba bua aubwuribad aoton tmutributlou will tbarafor go to tb boapllal in kugbuul dw 0aaahm uwm volauta it camarou a warren aud mr war- ran of tnronto or lu loudoti engbuul tb dootor u a major lu tb lltb ild atubuluio cnrji of toronto and ba oiuutrd faraotlvoaarvloa ifvpou to uav knglawl itbortly for tb at of war mr warren will remalulu kaglatul until tb dootor return croat tbaooatluettt dr warhfi i an acton boy and brotbar of mr jatau l warren wra otuaaa to asiy hi tm uoutraotor porbw tab tb medal for baluo tb flrat raupayer lu town to pay tbunof 1014 hacjud upon ooiud- tor hairvay ou rldy and paid botb inetal uvaut lu fuil kot many of our eltbieu aroao ready to rander unto cuaar tb tblng that ar cweara in tb eompatl tlou for flrat plaoa bouv4r our veuerabl foliowhken mr joeopb uedor u uaual- ly tb tint to pay bub b wa a few hour behind thl tius tb haw itiat hmvid atuobad to on of lb larg maple at tb bead of education tan tb good old urltbjt bagbubgfu vlaw ol tb boat of aotoo bappy boy and glru a bay trootiedup totboaeatof learning ou ouu- lug dv through tb tfttuklou of tlm aud thai action of tb elttueat tb rop on tb tall ttaff fall from iu puluy lu tb early aprutg but it tight anywber ought to luprea our yottllt with what it aland for id tb way of liberty aud joatlo aud purtiouurly juat now ma jtalniekiluuomiruirjin mr a k mlokll who apmtjuua july aaugtucuigary returned bom oa monday if ba gnat faith lu tb fuur of tbj oil bt tber aud report about fifty well under iuvioptnut number of auatrlout oil aiipmrt ar ooerating aud oooaldembl foreign oapltal i belutf in- tb poor erop in boutberu albert aud soutbah baavatobawau render general bualuaea very alow lu tb wt and proapeot point to m bard winter for many tb war uoiteinaui i equally lntaialu calgary and other weburu dtu an lu ontario auv mrv urader warn hutcuy itov a u uumptr paator of tb metbo- ulie cburooi will returtt from the ueafc to day or ttvhorrow after idx week voa ueu ii wll reatttu bu pulpit mlnutw tlou uost buucuy nuhutf p v buuday mr kuurwott tb putor of cburoblll flmjrwyttlani oburoli liau oooupud tk puiplt nn aud avoulugr with inuelt aatiafaetloti ioutauongregatloii hi aermotui bav bu able and forotfal tojpoftitloiui dtllvered in u tloj4ug- wauuer audi with au oaruet whloh btanlueud uto jto aplrlt of a gtl pnaeuer mr lttereon luuv tb quallboatiotui for a fcuo eeeful earaer a a btlnutor aiora mad ttoh au ttoetety a nuiulterof udleof aoton tuat in tb oounolt chamber ou monday afuraoon to orgajtiaoa tlod crom aid boolaty ut j l warrett wa eiotoj ivealdeat mr j ii mekourl keoroury aud mr joo j chmkiman treaauhtr the udu aiw huhlug wooueu auepiitff itelmeba wrbajet tok for tli contingent from aotou tb wait tneetlnpr will it iwld in tb council chamber tut wed uowday otb luet at i oetook all tb ladle of atot at qofdlally luvjaod to help mult boapltal attppli and ootnfort for tbo aoldlor wnlajbttl article row to b left t tb bout of u re warren tut or foftudy stb ipat mr and mr n v moorevlalttxlfrloml in krln uil week mr jolih 1i mihira djkitit moiulay willi fruml in toronut mr cltealer walluon u born from uoiitrel for holidays mr jam hliari toronto vultotl aototi f rierwlu laat weok ik v j il forater of btratford ipaiit hutwlay wltli frlerwl iter mia k1u lntw ef owen hound i vlult- inp iter nuter mr n y moor mladdrao murray of llookwood vllt il aotou frlemu during tba week mr if hniwii i aimtuling u ooiijtl of week wllti routlve in toronto ml jennlo hrnltli him iteoti utowllnu a week or ao wllli frland in toronto mia lottie k kpelgbt luui iteen teiul ititf tle week with friend in toronto mia alll lulng of toronto vuileil friend in tit old home during tit week mr george hoper i iipoiwmti a week or bo wltli friend lu hal ill i ton uudtoroii to maa wlnnlfred wataoil of creettiore wa tba gueat f mr a t llrown thii waall mr and mr ilgar ituratou aiul ulw flf luelph vialtei acton frleiulo uat week miw clteyne pf lfe troll vuileil mm walur of 1ark ave for u few day laat week mia ariel bhapund of llurllngtmi ita been tb gueat of mlwi margaret urowu l week mr t t moor vultad iter wwi mr 1 m moor editor herald leoruetown uatwk mr and mr j abater matthew ami jameaapent aeveral day utla week with toronto friend mr and mr tred htnlland miu annie olouelph apt hunday wltli mr rain thaw 1w1 htreet mr arthur c rmltli wlto ita iteen very hi at her cottage in iaorgun bay u alowly reooveriutf mr t t martin went uu w cbeltaitluiii to ae iter lrotlter wlto u very llwlllt tytttold rvw judge elliott wife awl aan milton who ul u on a trip to lb obi country r turned home uat week mr ivtar hotb j cuaruvou mlohl gau ajtaut a fow day uat web with hi eoualu mr j1i ilanny iv and mr il v lano and maaur cawdll of hault 8u marl vlalll mr aud mr n v moor thl week mr leorg moffat returned jo mlnnea poll minn on tueaiuy urtum hu btudu in tbbuu unkeraity tltat mr joaeja aluu of huelpli ba returned to be- boms after apendlug a eoupu of weekii at mr w u e blajr mr arohu aud willi walker of toron to bav returned lumuaafter upending their holiday at tb bom of mr t i martin mr bauuol wonuo ol gaorgetowh and mr aud mr john h worden ol kergua apent a few days in ut old horn utu wwk mr aud mr w dowdy and dougua and m1h cur e moor motored to cluolpb ou thursday and apent a day or an with friend titer lira cur e humberaton newton- brook who has juat returned from a to- jouro at ooean city n v vlaltatl friend lu aoton tbu week mr and mr d m heodereon of aotou and their two lotu swnt kuiuuy with mr and mr a a arnutroug verguti newavltaoerd mr jam llrown apeut a few day tbl weak with aotou friend mr and mr brown left ou tueaday on their return to their bom at loa angeua cul mr emeat il worden of luelpb uft ou saturday for fort wluiaut where bahas beoured m potltlou on the teaohlng wuff ol tb colwrut inatltut tber mia cur bpalgltt tleorgetown who recently graduated a trnurw from tb uetbodut ifoaplul lu mow york vlalted aotou friend oa tuawiay mia bpelght will aborily return to new york mr and mia ix a haodereon and haeter elmer and mr and mr jam ifeuderton motored to toronto ou friday they bad a pleaaanb day i lied alu hour in tb eity and reached boov at ulna oclock liar and mr richard ilobbi bowdati avenue toronto announce tb hgagemeut of their daughter luura ma tomr torvlllohoulhoott exetar the inarrlag will take puoa the mlddu of aotonai bhilbibn vi vm h aoo vatoh oum motvm at valoahtihu aanv hi isittluav u amltf drul uul oab work tk mldlut a uot to tba vkmh isutl from bergt cole dated at valaaruer oamp august ssud reached u uat thuratlay ifaaayai the aotou ueu ot halton rio left georgetown on aug sou and arrived at valoartier on ttlut leelltj rather unoont- foruu owing to tb ateady dowufall of ju a aoou a we reatsbed tb eatup tb orgauliatlort of tb oompauy began be ing overatroogib iso man w were r duoad to ooupany urenfttb by 44 tneu being- aeut to other oompaule whloli were under alreoftth w ar raow known aa a company fttb lulullou land ijrlgad tbuh bu- u mad up a follow i lultou vulua wth regt blab boo itagt oovoruor oeuaral body o aatd 41rd ragt 9 odtupaut teth llegt and queen owukilu we are tikaly to b her u uoutb at uaat there i uureat deal of bard work ahead of iu before wa beoom tnutted eldlr we all realltt that ue ar nob at niagara caw p tba aetou wen ar all enjoying sped health aud are lu vpleodid spirit wo are about tlvtt mile frotu vuloiihier aeveuleeu froui quebeo ktrwrotb luru ooei hnaua owlnffto uto ineumeut wenthar tua day evening tit young people of the metbodut church were unald to hold their octal roaat lu mr wra brown grove a aobeduled but through ilia klimlueawof mr xv a rtorey hi auto- tuoblu gamge win agalu pluoetl ut tli du- wwul ol 111 laagid and by tit uu of rugm audouahloua wa uuula very oomfott abloaud attraotlvti a tliort trogrumme w ttlveu following whloh nu abundant fcutpjy of corn anil fruit wa nerved tit ooru dupokod of tb oompauy apeut an hour or no lu aoolal nteroourn and gameu mr jam fauoraun tit paator pro tern waa preeeut uud gatve u btui addroa children dry ror fletchers castoria mh aeoea j wajiae fiud mtam a4 umilt mab jottwd uwedteak two of tit wont popuur young peopu of tlua vlolnity were joined in tltobondaol holy wedlock on tuaatuy aftarnoou when george j watuee uieroltant gualpfa aeoond ton ol hugh wuluce eaq kuan rtreet acton and dart loulaa dauglttar ol wlllutu lurber eoq georgetown were mad huabaud bjui wife iromptly at 4to oclock to thaatralnaof lohengrin wedding march played by mia ague heritor tit brluea titter tb bride leaning on tit arm of iter fatltar entered tba parlor tit bride was attended by herauur mlu mildred and the groom brotltor mr h cltoater wallace of mon treal wa gooomunan rev r v cameron b a pafttor of the briil ofhouted tba liridal gown wa of whit obarntotue aiul ohahtllly uoa wltli rhlneeton trim ming and veil of tuu and orange uoa aoma her travelling ooatum waa a tailored auit of buek irian terg with hat to match tb itridetmakr dreu wan of yellow dutoltea aatln with d rape of broohe margulaettoand pearu ikirlug tltetlgolng of tb regialer uu myrtle blmpeon of berlin tang o protnlae toe the grooma gilt to tit brld waa a gold wrlotue watch i to tb brideanuld a cameo ring and to ut punlab ami aaloub vanity bag numeroua valuabl preeeut war pre- aented to ut bridal pair fnclotjlng cheque foraulwtautul umount from ut fauter and ruother of the bride and tb groom broutar tb parlor and dialog room war prof ua ly decorated with bower ferna and palua after ft dainty wedding repeat with congratulatory speech and aooompany lug good wultea mr and mr wallao left by the 040 train ou u trip to nugara yalu aud cuveund upon utelr return thay will aettla in their new bom in gulb kuubar oi aum oj0setai will alleud 40 h1 tklaiaim hsutd delightful a have been tb band coo- eert of foruier year to oouutue thou andantmualo lover on lb pui at tn oanadlau national ekhlbltiou au even more keen enjoyment i aaeured thu year what ui faruou creator make hi bow afternoon and evening engagement tb tau of exhibition vuitor ban beau euvated to a high plane by the mattlnoeut army baud that have beau aeoured from brltavlu ttut apart from all oomparlaoua at uaat a new aeuutlon u promutd from uuiuukpuj iturwmiallty of liuuapii crea tor bluaou if i pronouueed the moat picturesque ol all conductor being of the dory voutiu temperament that ooutpau a nympathetla response frum ut ineu under bl baton hi oontrol u nothing short of magnetic and with over two soor must ouu of arab rank at hi command ut result i au inootuparalily fin pleoa of orcheatratlon hi enifagement will be weloohied a an usuurauoe of th tualtiteif enobol ut high euuidard in itaud uualo that luut iteen uttalnwl by the exhibition management and gien popuur endorae ment in ooh uuqualliled atents ititytvatlntte bfaauomkhamlom f- moll at mo v company botto batt under catu xvm allan aiitoup uu popr of the ule col win alun tlm muster roll of aoton company ko 7 ihh llaiullon of iuiuhi of which cajttaln aluu wa the oflloei comuutnillitg for ut year ewlitig sotb june itta7 wa found tlm otlter day by hi daughter mru c h hmlth the following lut of fifty live volunteer then unrolled in aotou will bo read with inuirtmt t heruu johuc aluu c b kmiui hiiimwl moore willum iuhman cordloiahl kennedy lter monahli roltert hlbbuld william wuldffl ltc tltomo cameron jfughgaitittruii joltn cihtjjiii j campion nell currla arch vurru tltitnuui elliott do ji elrhtbroob janve fouter uchun rant e gurvln ulnuii halt jolyic hill will 11yd jamea hyde john la ul i num joltu laahy john mchjhuidoii win mulloy llounbl mann john imtigu lalar bayer caluellhurlock joltn elhaw ii k hte1 jamea g hi wart jftorao trggnmi lleniilatraoy willum tlturulh leallo wright cltaa wuvw jacob wordwt jaa well wood thou elliott hr j h hrawu aium wlnlow il hungund tltomoji jone m anderaon wu ivuryaian george e kainfahaw geo ranujtaw john couuon ebwu ed willum henry ortnarod john huuhuon th pay roll for ut annual drill of alx teen day at fifty twdla per day totallod 9140 a uumberof ut volunteer uamed slov wor in aervloe lu ut veuuu luid of ut year previous tneralaah betltel meuiodlat churah about uiree raita north of oakvilu on the trafalgar circuit wa the acene of the lay ing of three corner utonnu for the new elm mil uat friday thera warn nverthreo hundred pooijo at lite cere motile whloh were prcelded over by rev w b hmlth of oakvilu tit chairman of ute dutrlot lite atone were uld by ahl walur haruttd hmlth ol toronto mr joltn mcgregor of htreelavilu ami mr fauter htonn mothur of tit mayor nf oakvilu hjmache wore nuila by rev w b hmlth mr mcgregor mr hmlth muyor fnuierataite rev tltotna jelfrleu and rev j w beau the mator of tmular circuit a very urge ofterlng for the liulhllngfundof ut new church wa t trihuletl bihar trcwal were presented to tboee wimi oitk luted at lite aon uylng mr w if umlui reoelvo1 hu from mr john ford i itehalf of ut trustee boaid mtk fetlter- hana from mr e down on baltalf o the lndlw aid hoouty and mr ilogrgo from mr albert hall ohtb wad mlajalho a under wrote a fdtlowu to u dlatlti uul jieil acunlulo agrloulturut to wltotn ito fait under obligations for lutioduolng x aliety of aw i it respected hiri i want yaaterday to the swine ehow i fouiwl aeveral tl of your apeou tlhire wau a grout varlutyof boga aitd i una amonlidted at not aeeiitg you ur important and i timely war notice though price abroad and in many canadian importer linttdu have advanced we will not ralaa prlctmnn fnlirloti or article made abroad that wu imv now on hand such a handkerchief linen woollen good veiling embroideries neckwear iloaury umlurwear laces notions and trimming fine glove bilk etc even thougii it come to a time that we are at tha laat handkerchief in the bo or tho lat plc or fabric on tho hhelvtf we shall sell at the old prices this is the way we conduct our business from one years end to the other giving the poople ovory advantage poeslble the flood gates have been opened the new pall antf wlnicr merchandise is pouring in case after ca hale after hale of new kail and winter merchaudls from canadian and lturopeau manufactured have been nrrlvlnjdallv at thla bio utoro theae shipment include the very laloat and inoat uuses ar r luthentlu fiuihlons in womens i i and childrens wear men and boys clothing and purnuhlngm aluo busin cha j r livlnristono ha purchased and takbu poaaeaalouof ui bublueoi orrud on for tu year by at at taloat ailu dteet by carvfu psraoual attention we hop to aatlefy all our customer th parmer trod is particuurly solicited and to make this tallalactory w ar prepared to pay part cash fur butter and gg tiiead will be delivered to customer u lisretofor aim deimndable home fumiahlng on account vr eiitenaiv arerailons to our stow front which we anticipate coni- pletihc in the near future we talipot show you these new arrivals through tho medium of a how wlmvjw- but we can aud will be puimed to display for your impaction in our large well lighted roomy department any of the new goods you ar directly iuterttd in ok the ffcstjlouh you can new view some or the uw bilk dret goods neckwear hosiery underwear linen um brellas mens and boy clothing aud rurnlahlng on the second floor which isucceaalble by on eaay to climb atalrwfty or a safe pr4s elevator one cati luaj t in women and children ready to wear onnini wear coraet bweatef coals and raincoat y or a sai express elevator one cati inspect th nv arrival in women and children ready to wear apparel audi a bulls coat drease bklrts waist white on the third floor which ilk the second floor con b ranched by au asyto climb atalrway or a dupuyed handsome uug aud carpets pretty curtain and curtain materiel arvlot clolhu warm blanket wallpaper and other furnishing for th home of those who dealr th best at the i jrod allowing of the well gladly show you loweat pooalbl price although many of our new purchases are not yet to hand w have uow lu stock i 1014 fall fashions to mak a vlalt to th store worth while come any day you pleas th new arrivals d e macdonald bros uius 1 car wywilibtb aiul macdoiuh strata guelph ont itftdifotibddifcdifedibdfcb bsqvesino aokicvl1ural socibvi 1914 stsibt mmh ssb the slilydjhlh anniul fall fair mmh mmm mmm to bb held at georgetown on wednesday and thursday sept 30th and oct 1st the prlim will be the ben ever offered by the society the splendid showing in horses last year will he maintained there will be a corresponding increase in interest for cattlemen every department is being well looked after the grounds will be in good condition every school child in the township will be given a iree ticket to the fair on the afternoon of october let adults admission 35 cents splendid list of special prizes grand concert there will be a grjnd concert at night in the town hall highclass talent will furnish the programme tickets 35c and 35c sldfle fares on ill railway both dayt mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm evir huffman j a- tracy the merchants bank op canada mmmmmmmmmmmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmm m m 3 the empire typewriter 5 m h visible writing perfect alignment lightning jj escapement endurance speed a tmad hy tba c i u c n r bank of mnblreal merchuuu llalib uoyl uanlc northern crown bank mlaht dlimtorlea ltd ilali ts- ihon co etc alula lu canada tharafore ww 15 that muat be paid oa tluty on othor makaa i coal vm alua i t oat aaj katalaa u v onlaa m m wiluams manofactubinc companv ltd m m ui atuu mi wh tthnwit wnrh wtrntaaal qtu m mmhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ntttktukid im st brim a r thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par ac on branch f a macleatt manager mrr owlugtoth present stringency caused by th war i wish to clear several line at lea than corf price means 5hos fc otf every dolur ltuii suumw ailc off evmy dollar on doaeri mens bulls regular 61000 for slukjm msstv shirts at sff au many other hue at reduced price alotef idldcurirjgatltt4 these drease rug lu value u high u s1000 ldfw sajtd chudiwa bjt at lc come aud se thaw woaderfstl bavgalas morris saxe mill rmaar canadian northern opening of direct passenger service mmnmam toronto ottawa quebec unlaa huttea ouinl o r ao ajutbaa cuu mla land valcartier m uitnry camp effective august 24th 1014 aud tuauuuurraadauv mutmrx buhuav w lw toronto ah tv wellavul ar kite emltfa pui ah ouwetxw atir test moon as bio uartrlo btwa4t ottawt utd oiielteo blty osiuy n iueuttukhtd cemub uud 0m peulot ctei btrrs ttunmitti s ottwrw ttlatidiird sloepln cur mid first class coauhe between oltnwn and ouehoo city tntubu dally harvlce extent btinday und oonveuletit wosk- und service bltueen toronto iort lope cobourg trenton khcton uellevlllo deaeroulo and varker for ticket uud all lufornutlon apply to nearest c n k agent geo patterson live stock dealtta aoton oni cattle sheep ltmbs and wiile phone or cull pernonully beroievdu bell see ue hos

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