Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 3, 1914, p. 4

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tiiuiihuav hkptumiikit 1 101 1 quktbtlon amd annwath imitraliilnu lullnlliiwbi 1 ihiulml f rain ton imioli miii u ii wltlttir tbtiii i twill klilho iitilii tho ky ih hhitik tin trim i hut bo owl l utilmw tho mini art thou uoar tcmlur honrt baifhul of ulill i in borrow uuiwtit tliinyh u ill grow a flatter in riln lod ustcheu i mill i lion wilt hnvn thti umi when cloudu their ported work liuve done liailtninowllunn womrn rtiitutimtiikhr li hlmu mini moil tilti mora hlmh to lx mln cl hi llnlitiiliik than uuniun innru llmntun mini i wlnir hilled l it for omtj uomon hilt tlto lmuhui chronicle polntw nut that ilia lunitu omiijtatloii u uijiro likely in i it to lilm julo theormii ulieii llitninir i iihaut il 1in been olhoricd however tliat in a roup squall cjhiimumi of luilh mjkc i lyl itnln beouih lo prfci 1 1 m man iiuil uo nmj thoorlxii ut phmsurauu in uhetluir it la tlitj ooapurutlvo luluhl thtit ilooti ii or uiblo trotftotlon afforded h tlio uaiiinna dru cm- a dlnoiioo lumiuliiclluiuy letyioii tli uim tim act tlmt children uro neklom llilwl by lightning support lo a bertain extent tins 1ml of tluwe thoorlert thar is no inor effoctlio xonnlfuga cm th huurkst titan millers worm iowdari tty will not only cur the tlouiaolt ami howchi of worms liut will provo u very servloeablo lucdlclno far children in rxguut hu the inhuitlus u litem uudtuuliitaluiiiu it la u healthy oondltuui timio u nothing ih their cotuiwhaltlon that will in jura tha tnfet delliaia atontach whan dlrotlonu are followed sivl tltsy can lw given toehlldrnii la th full bju rutin that they will utterly destroy all worms when you suffer from your back vouk kidney must i mfttona many womn work day after day with on exeruciatlutf tula itt tha luck and really do not know that th kldnayi at th mured of tliu pain whu th back start to axhc you nuy lw iunj tlut umi kidney iu itot wofkitix propfly hul uw odly way poilu to titul u couibivbd ctlrd i to ukd unw by tt foxlock aud set rltl of dl us wbtl had bjn by utln tbat old find tw- uubly trij ruwdy boairs mibmcv wum ui john fowtr ivi buikw pbi writ i tatfcfd fnml bck- bcbtf frf tkmi ytart and i txud all ldodd bf taaltiat but ot bo fcllsf i wi m bad at tlaie x would uot ba abbj to walk a fruod t6u hw lo by your xvmu kodimv xh1u so i got ftvw bouci ad bdoral hd tbirce bon ucd k was ueahy wdt x uicd tbd btber two aud x csu uy your doaaa kculnty hu curd bw lfd it uot btt for tbm x would b uittttiat yet da kldiuy 1h1u ar 60 cuts pr boa oc 3 for 91 m at all tualtn or faialld dlrmt aa hfclpt of juke by tb t muburti co xjitilud toronto oat wbn ordrlttjc direct aoclf y xoaai mow hh uuiuv tv tiorifi wbat a flii building tlut u acroa th way dtatbu vea yeai but th owner kitlli it out of tka blood axliea mvl groann of liu feuowttmu i out of tlifi grief of crying oblldrrt am tlia woou of walllntf woitvui clottt ah a ruuimlldr of oourmd yayml cwim- oil imj t li a tuntlftt ttlrohv or ohaunomv dhhtw a fctory jfrtinfct litubolf in tolil by auerioar moot otlebraul aflardlniur aptakar chauooey llw at a ftutuva bouw ur ifepaw uttraotml tb attention of m mmll boy of lgtit aftr li luid laft tba boyu futltar nall to ida son that van cbauimdp ifcjiaw tli worlds tfrdtt atorybalur a day or two uur mr ifcpow lupmkl to bs at tba aaioa liouw oiul tlia ly tuuttliitf up to lilm uld i i know you raally my httu wan ual wlui am iv wby muiil tlia lad my jwr uys you are tba lgt liar ou earth i mudttllatbt diumuiho tolltn imittiri ur j von lliinut 1niftwirof 1liiilol any in tlui uuiwirhity nf iul hwjtur imid twiniruly i hurj driiiiliinl wjih ohm it mmlaijilc ilrlihtiir uml louitu mhho of llirm lo immoll ornlo ilriukliit ho wst a hoiio rolling wlilofi ih out nf bin uw4r in loi it not tlio drunk in i wliu dim in ueur hut rimli of ucjiicliikrticru 11tawduoor aro llm dioilarut drliiborw niul at lon iu uio wnluotloii caiitliiuoii immodornu drltiklnjr ulili lt coiibiiieioni dlnittf lufaiiilty mul orlmo ulllcniiliiiua aiiyfwm wko ia uot uware of thin iloo not buaw the hlbtory of tlio iwitllo uyudiiit drunken 116- tlio chief cuiup or iliiuklnir le tu teiulcnry to imitate tlio hrut uhuj of lmr dow not iiula any iwlur tlian hm lirl clyar men drink hoaum othan drink wimii oiwj lliey havo forufed tba habit ilkro it no huk of avtib for rerwaud tlrinku yrooi tho flnt tufcs to nunlty crliw difulr uulcldo tlmro aro a tlioubad itmja of uiltory only thom wlio tlnk to tha lokiatj laveluaro taken uooouiit of by fctiillfctlca wo mukt uot foruvt alo uiat all of thoa initerlea tutll tlio hbiifmtturf ol otliar how much fatdlty hapuiwka lit lul luvw many irr of lunomuit followe low i ouch daj ruiiklimr ln of wlilcli no intluuit ion i to 1 found in stalulica wliat bliall wd uy of tlia tuaa wbo thiitka tohlmulfi lfit mlllloiia nf my fllow iiiad sry yar uuguui in hotpltabi and bbyluuta t ut itillliotia ilunge tltamhlvwi atul llkeir famllli into ruin m o4itf u i el my yufiji of boar t it auorr il if u c v h hwest ami iiautalile mother raw worm kutrmlnstor la uoosjitabld to chll dirati uiul it do in work eurly aij promptly oibildren ory for fletchers c thero may o oilier corn curca but iiol lowayn com cum fctaiubi at tlia liead of tlia hat ao far aa rultn ara ooooerned whui it man in a tuual 1 town brlujpi boma lirida from tlm city all tin natlvo womou fliul fault with bar clothe kitarly avary man in true tolila firtt lovs himuir an optliniet in a man who layn up a littla bu lit 1 1 ne for a ruinydey hatno women uro aolf inudo hut mot of them era twaiailelad by dreumakera many a timid crlil courts ilaatli by wak- liilflove ton rloli okl oothjer wlu haa ona foot already in tlia grave new york city ban a wruuit maklitolub wltli so memliera aocordlm to kutlntlo a woman lovea utrongeat at tho age nf thirty thero aro 101100 more women tliau man in london turaoirmijmor i wlmtokirarayou dolntf mm murjiy you hhould noioruutu hhv iinror nulla t will iniikfi him u p llit ihiuored uld mini i or to tin- huly of hid hoiibo all mire f will mmiii muke tliat nil rlrht iald mm murliy i will out hlu ion twiu uimi mid mnko hiiroof him u away nloar with ty tho urchbluhnj hud pituiohtml u una iter mon on married ufa uml itu imtlou two olu irkh women uorti iwiunl oonilnir nut of thn clmroli comniontlnj on tho ltd- drmw iim ii flno winiion bin mmiruiioo would hftfiftor uhlnu uw utid the ono 10 tlia nihor it i iiuiami wuh llwi iilok mjy uml f uuh i kunw imllltlo about the mat- lr ii a bo tliuiu muboular uhuiiuuiiium hii1u1uhi hen oua ii a kuffirr from iuuciiliir rbvumallitm ho cannot do bettor tlian n lio iarjinii rilhlul with lr tltonw kohwrlti olb tluira in no nit unit u npeodlly ijniwa lie ifoot in uubdiiiuif imliij im tlw rubbing ha bruk uml ooullnua until mm ik mcunnl tlmro la mora vlrtiiro in u boltla of it imn cmf ha fully mtlnuiteil tberji may 1m mtlbliitf hom timlcr tw mqjjjtit thero uro u lot of freb iieoulo if a womans wnw of humor la nlliiiff ili ih eiit to ut funny t tlie wronff tlmu two women saved from operations by lydu elknttiiunt veg ublo compound ttxdf ownstoriea hervtoldl children ory for fletchers ca willi fecd oommd4gu tho uaobr wan teujna tlio children a laog rtlfiblymballuhed story about hania clauaaud willie jonas bejpiiiblallnfltwltli kilrtb whloh dually uot reyond hta oon- trub willla t what did i whlpyou foryoattr- day aakod tholeacliermveroly iwiylnl promjitly unnwroil willlo huwahthdiv know sunday bebool xeaoher onoa upon u tloia iber were two rich matt ono of rhoot ttuula blii fortuna by bonetlnduatry while tbe oilier roado hla by rami kow wblbk of tbeaa wen would you prefer to ur tommy utter u wotueutv itojltutiwo- which mad tlwi uuwtt mhlfednauit a good dead la navw oat i bo who aowa bouriaay reapa headfelili and ha who plaabx kbulatuu gather love lhall il fiia knni har iirt far tbraa years wm m silt i urn hr wmm day ttttr day on read or bcara of many bttxidvrt dcatki tbrouah fctart fauuiv atul many peopla uro kept in tt atato of morbid fear of tleatli become weak won and wlurable uud ara utt abl to attend to either tbebr aocbd or bnakteaa duties turonih tbii unnatural mctlon ol the btart to all aucb mufferers mubuma heart lid ncrro ihlla will give prompt and pamanent relltf hra norraau xi ituu ship harbor nj3 writ- ior threojwttra i biv been troubled with a pilt around biy heart x took tnedtclne frdm my doctor until x found it woa of no use it only aeenned to bdp mo while x woa taking it x jcot aa baa at but that it wah not ale for mo to bo jet alone no having heard of blubumv heart nnd nerva pill i took five boxea of them and x can eaykbey helped m to much that i feel ilk myself nfnln jifudura heart and vscrva luu are 6a cent pc box or 3 boxcn for si hi pot eale at all drtignlat and reitrral ttol or will bo niallcil direct on rwrlpl of prioo by tho t mhbuni co limited lwoata ont had a bad attack of diarrhoea and vomiting had th doctor elovan tbtu u mri wealey kmuale boblin out writeir it li with great phmiura that 1 cat recommend dr vowurn xutraet nf wild strawberry when our little hoy wai three year old be hod the wont attack of diarrhoea ami vomiting 1 ever taw wo called in our doctor and lio earns elavfiii tlnui from tuesday iaomla until baturday lught but itlll no change wc enpected each moment to be the last of hli luflcrlng as the doctor bald he could do nothing more mr filngle was coliu up town on satur day night and woj advised to try your great and woudeiful medicine ha got a bottla and about 0 oclock the first doea wan given and was kept up aa turected and when the doctor came on sunday be aold what a wonderful change why your little hoy u going to get better then x told him what we had been giving him and ha told keep right cm be u doing well 1 often think u x look at my boy growtag ta be wan what great thank x owe to dr fowurrf icxtroct of wild btraw berry dr powler hoi been ou tbe market for clooe oa to seventy years and has been known from one end of canada to the other as m certain cum for oil bowel complaint when you oak for dr powlttv bo mnw you get it as any suutluite u liable to be dangerous to your health the genuine preparation hi matuifee lured bytha tv mltbura co limited toronto out price so cents rulmonton albrta can i think it u no hier than right for m to thank you for what your kind odvuc and lydla lhnkhmvtfubl4cont pound hv dona for tna whan x wrou to vodiom urn ago i was a vry sick woman suffarintf from fnial trwubua i had organic inrtanv- msuon ooj could not stand or walk any tlhtlano at last x wa eonflnd to my bd and th doctor aid i would hva to fco through an opnuon but thu i vdfuaedtodo afrundailvuadlydlae hnkhama vegsubu compound and how afur ualngr thr4 bottis of it 1 feel ilka a nw woman x most heartily heammnd your madlclna to all woman who suffer with fmola boulios i hava alo ukd lyjl k mrtkhami tlwr 1ilu and think thay or flrta i will havr ba without tba medlelna in the hou xlra tlunlc emslky 003 col- ttmbu avnua edmonton alberta th other cdin xuatrlea nb juat after wy mar- haw my uf t sldv began to pain ma and the pain got so sovr at tliaa that x suffrmjtadrlblywlthlt i vhdtwlthr doctors and each on wantad to operate on mo but i would not consent to oh op- arntlorl x heard of th toad lydla e finkhama vegwubla compound was doing for others and i used teveral bot tles of it with the wult that i havent bn bothered with my side ilnce then i am in good health and i hav two little ftlrla ureil uculprjestrlceneb sooth ramgonwai a 990wt in tome parta of beat land degs areallow ed to go to tho kirk with their uaetara one hunday mornlnp two doa began to flftht durlojr the mnuou th tttluuur waa a iiportanuui and loied nothing batter than to watch a uood fight but uot in church when tlio jaffa interrupted him he got out of the pulpit and etood u tlia centra alala watclilntf litem ha than aaid i i came bare o preach a sermon not to watob a dajf fight hut if tho two doge ur ftolnjf to fight ill hats a quid on that black yln oastoria vac laftata ud cuurai n una for over so ywuw old raotmtbr hubiiaro old motltnr hubbard die want to th cupboard to ftet lier poor dog a lione bub when die tot there tlia nupwrj was bar und so the ioor dotf rot none than old mother llulilunl fclte aat down ami uub beret ami roantntl thu mtunulous trufct i theyre surely inhuman to rob a ioor wonutl of van tho hones eid tlia erukts ill write to ota uiierh and sliow up their capers sud pwno that wo neetl u reform i ill tdii tlioin oomplerely ami do it up neattv uhllo ium indignant mvl warm tho old uomutiu neighbor who htuek to tlielr hlor luul phftily of- fruit in i heir flat they promjitly made paymwit for htmnelnund raiment tlielr imiw wows were rolling lu fat hut old mother llullrd lha jdleal iumi rubbed aluurtriujutmeetlrtba anl blob and ao alio was hollow with nolhlnff to swallow while mnnllihi ul- ilames tfo rloh lira wm dsmm are hek inff the jolmnleeaka making they work umoli stiive till it imimh with ladylike arder tltoy stock up tlia larder and so they can laugh at tbe trtiata walt ua80n vcw famlllee whaliavadomestloskeleton in their eloeet have senu enough to keep them there thla u a autpltiloun wothl a man cant always borrow money upon hla grand fathera reutalloii for honauty if women over break into tlia political game theyll either havo to iera to handle a luinmer or hire soma cheap wen to uall campaign ilea for utem why wr at the high aim that over shoot the mark cultivate the haut of listening young man it will ooma in handy if you ever acquire u wife lilt troolahokbtou on day two farm uboreru were discuss- lutf the wlueite of the preaant geueratlou hald una i we la wiser than our father was ami tliey wera wiaertluui uiajr fathers was the second one utter pamlorliiff awhile uivd gaidng ut his oompaulmi tuplioil welt tlarffu wiat u fula thy grand fsytnur must a leon 1 wm b0iheied with bilioisiess mb sou sioiimi for 20 years sour stomach and bulousnes in caused by a alugguh xiver for when it is not working properly it holds bock the bile which is so ctsentul to promote th movement ol the bowels and the bile gets into the blood instead of possum through the usual channel thm causing many stomach and bowel troubles mr chatles ivlut 3m rkhmotkl street london oat writ i feel it my duty to writs you a few lines hi regard to your ultbums lmiouvm puis x have been bothered with llulouincss and soar stomach for twenty years until a year ago x started to us lixauverpilhv and x have not bees itothcred since i wuh to let it be known to all those who surfer a x did mulmras laxnuver pitts or stt rcnti per vial or tt vuls lot si 00 vot ale at all dealers or mailed direct receipt of prico by tbe t ullbnm co limited tonmto ottt acton fall fair 1914 i wednes thursday sept 23 24 s b open to the world laroc revised prize list splendid list or specials s m s 48th highlanders band toronto s trials of speed m lutiack b a reduced kircn on the ruikwiys m u grand concert second night a scad lu secretary for prii uil 6 geo havill president oeo hvnds 5 secjreas g b special prizes deal testn homa in harneu tny cttu lit sliver cup value jdioo by jjulwsrrni toronto andorthu4htturf value itwlbvijcrf cauweii acton ntand ib1i road hore sny ags best and ibll road horw sny sgs twice around track horwi coeapellria in other race sr excluded by s ii mc- gibbon georgetown cseh jb licit huh supping lirw jn1i ucglbbon milton cash 4- go ind hkhous forbes aclon cah ixoo mot styluh single hon in barno by a mccanit acton ut cahlod jnd cah gioo heat single turnout owned by farmer ptuh stutf value ijbo byceo lidwird beat threyesroid ltodrlcr bi hsrncas style and speed con sidered one round track one overcoat value joca by w c- deverclt actort uealcolts j yesrssrid ualerffot by ulchael grhiut by xv fohnlteel arch by ore wllks by sable wllka by guy vilks by gbo vvllks ht dimby lorraine tad tum by n in ujf uhi wiim i um ay ltrain jhu uun uy allendorf jtd dim by geo wllks 4llidm by beflllncll let prh service of hor 1qis vslue liaooi ted cash hjdo aj caah tixta by u 1 turry uockwood h heat unmrvied lady driver by john irving billion ch q ileal pony under saddle by morris s aclon caall la iwt sucking colt sny clou by w j ullchle cash ii beat married lady driver by a t brown on room will pper value ij novelty luce to hirnca and hitch to a rig trot horse one around the track uithltch tddl and go once as you tuses around the track i isf a u mcleat caah txa sad by joacph ifolniea csih ttco ij best lady uderi one ladies skirt cloth to ba selected and mad up by c vsnauan georgetown value i best fat steer or heifer ca toronto cash cattle ano shttstr year and over by harris abattoir m beat 10 lb crock butler donor to get bulter by j c hill cash 31 best lu crock butter donor to get bulter j goods value tm by wm johnttone tt best 10 lbs butter in i pound prints donor to receive butter by geo llsvlll csih sj best 5 lb butter donor to get butter j by w williams 1 pair ladles boots value 34 best 10 lbs bulter in pound prints donor to get butter by the groceries limited co cash 35 best 10 lb crock bulter donor to get butter 1 by the simpson co guelph csth 36 best s lb butter donor to get butter 1 by kenney bros acton pair ladles boots value beat 6 lb crock bulter donor to get butler 1 by t morton csth 48 best 10 lbs flutter donor to get butter t hy dr cose csih 39 best 10 lbs crock bulter donor to get samei pair whlfllelrees and neckyoke complete by n ftmclsra value ja best m lbs bulter in prints donor to get butter by w jf lat- terson george town cash apples 31 best barrel northern spy apples i doien lobe exhibited barrel delivered when picked 1 by a t brown cash jx best bag snow apples donor to get apple by d m hender son eosh 33 beat barrel greenings donor to get apples by c c speight 1 cake knife value 34 best barrel northern spy apple 1 dozen to be exhibited to be picked and delivered one month liter j by a o t heard- more csih j5 best barrel northern spy apples to be delivered liter donor to get utmei by wm cooper pair pants vslue 36 best barrel snow apples donor to get same 1 by t slalham sons loo lbs koyal household flour value 3 best barrel king of tompkins apples 1 pk to be eslitbited barrel delivered lit november j by ii p moore csih 38 best barrel northern spy apples donor4o get same by a j msxklruuhvcsih 30 largest and beit collection of vegolahlcsi by the world printing co toronto subscription to the dally world one year vslue miscellaneous best s ih honey in comb donor to gel honey 1 by geo soper cosh best bag potatoes donor to gel potatoes by c c henderson cash than 4 palrsi hi by w landaborough csslt m 00 and by c ii stevens 41 beat bos potaioct donor to get potsloeii by n garden cush 43 best collection fancy brad pigeons not less thai byw lar csihsino 44 bed bog potato donor lo get potatoes 1 d henderson i squarajxxxbc shingles vulun 45 best pair dressed chickens donor to get tarne 1 by llurold wiles casli 46 best pair dressed chicken donor to gel same 1 one ul wagon double trees complete wl h clevlie iy j n onetl georite- town value 47 best dressed goose donors to get same 1st by a sachs georgetown e4blio4nd by t suthim ev son lbs vtoyay household hour valua w7j 4b best pair dressed ducks donor tu gut samu 1 by vv ginllner balllnafad cssh 49 best two bog potatoes dortor to get same 1 by n r mclam team general purpose horses shod ll rouiwh value 50 best display ot dressed chickens exhibition by an individual owner who has not won an kaion prise at any fulr siura 1011 a choice of the following 1 1st hot water incubator catalogue 110 no h46 1 single harness caltlogua 110 page a no bijw 1 petulant and chain catalogue 1 10 page 10a no 30306 the t eaton co will nlso pay the hlgliesl ntarkel prlro for the iwrlre winning chickens if i hey ureilellveretl to tlia 51 best pie and layer cake by girls under 16 years their mnthers to be members of the iriaillutei by womens inilitule acton tst cash 100 and cash ho s3 best collection of plants not less than 6 varieties open tu member of the womens institute onlyi by womens institute acton at cosh jioo and cash he 53 best collection of insects with special attention to bulletrles moths beetles and hues open lo students of acton high school only 1 by w h stewart 1st cash lloo 1 and caah 7sc i 3rd caah goc 5 best ijaby under i year 1 by geo hynas sactresa 1st cash soof 2nd cash si00 g best pair bedroom slippers wool j by red rosa tea co toronto 1st 5 th tea vslue w00 1 sod 3 lbs value fl30 1 3rd 3 lbs- value hoc 5 best while timbroidery on linen open to member of institute only j by womans institute acton ul caah ii001 and cash7sc 5 largest and best collect loo fancy work one pair uf ladles bootatoebwlectcdfnmcauloguarby robtsltnponcot 5 00 6 00 5 00 s00 30 oo is 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 00 soo 10 00 15 best cow and calf any breed by henderson co acton caah 16 beat couwold ram i year open to county of hal ton only 1 by a henderson m p caih 17 beat cat it beast sny age breed or 1 by e j hssasid cosh is bt herd of three calve f ut prise by leslie peoren cosh tsjoo and prise by wallace losby xx0 10 beat pen of 6 bacon hogs weight not lets than bo to 330 lbs j by nell patterson and john r kennedy 1st csahsoo and cashtoo u 00 3 so 400 soo 400 soo 500 400 300 soo soo 700 5 300 300 soo 6 00 j so soo soo 300 3 00 3 as 300 300 3 00 3 so sn a so 3 00 1 1 a as joo 400 castoria tor infanta and children mothers know that genuine castona always boars the signature of the grand trunk railway paaflbmokh tra1hs in use for over thirty years hvct copy bf wrappa- vuh ihvtu 16e metropolitan bank oapllal kstltl vt loo0a00 hsmrvs irunnl isja00o0o udlvldd fotlu la27l head office toronto fkf2vtrs business given enreful attention loans made to responsible farmers for business purposes notes discounted or collected sale branches in this disthict acton mtlton guelph campbeuville norval matthews photo mill street acton if you want a pair of glows or mitt in hotraelude calf or buckskin sheep or muleslcin be certain to pecify storcyu in no other way will you equal value to prove it ulip on a storvy mitt say the wool knit wrist and liud kind uhovvn below warranted genuine horshide waterproof and ftrepjroof juni tke thing for warmth and coitiloit sold at all storeu- every iitl iu tagged storya inaaat on storeya w r storev r son limited acton ouurio furimlis uhio h llutit ivil hlnw lxtuvu taioi4 oomu h kuwo acuut iicp pios 1 war su- ileal isil luii wuiluiwilfm ttimuu iltunu ut icccuo i acton l plokh 1 fm do ibjit 9 i luuu lbunl ami l ivmi iiiukikuuh to tcuc same ut pili ult llu thmt kiltie i1 iv am muo 4h uu- ttour vitnoyi so ml iirlu jt ll hour uiuo kolvti nohhj i i u norwl 1 h lum imu toiuttud diiiuii lit ul miuy tv lu j m twu cdti bi itoi1 luiblo i ami uimlo huuliinui fumr j by v l luuuuv ikt tuuo itrtlbk fuiuli ihmi i and prliw o lbs riumv fliiin lloul c pnuiulu ibiltit iu pilutw ituuu to uyiio lnuui 1 lw sb 11i1 iv 1 lo ih w buil siuu t4 1 04 lo lo ivi turiul fuuii mi joint k kimmxlv luiil vm mctlu kltltlod mul uouor to rvialva 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