Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1914, p. 2

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matiuixd tir ffill ttnit 3fm tyttw tduuhoav htltkmllkit 10 1111 hdltorlat notktf tiik 0 baa enoreod lb uw agaliiiit helling liquor ott ateahi boat in tlte novlnce mid thelwira of tbe vaeuihaa ixwn elod m lirtluraclloiv i taken wills reference ia liquor which i tow hupplml ill violation if tin uw all lining oar u large uoolloirof th travailing puhllo will appreclule it trtk bhitihii vronoli urn lluulan oov trapmlii leave klgned i triplicate a pro tocol mutuatiyagrbigrtt0 entertain any propoaal for ieeoe mmmii during the praaaut war when ui tarrri of peace txp to t dlaolmmod no on of tb kill will dauuiul condltlona of iao without tlv previou agreement of each of tb other allle iv tootf kvrl year to daihoatral tbat the w actually a jiortag of bleat animal in north america and ittoayuk a teeny famm to pfo that ttu iwiu not bocfloed lo thl country but la world wld inteutgant uoek talaltur fitdw graaurabd turaropporturiltiea today than any otbaravetiu of human endeavor in etbar word its time to at buay and raia uor atock waiiue waaytowiibetwlcmtlifoofttuhit tb ivkmlbton feallllg tll4 p of kard timta through the closing dewn or oaktailing of thai ataff of eiapltfyaae of teaufactorua actoti ia hlugularly fottu hat up to lbs preheat tb faetorua er hiooleg fh lira and with full force of atiipliiy ho far a thl town ucoooern bv no ututnila d cithutu and prauajly no vafiaut heuaea w at all ibattbful that prevailing ootvililioiia kt fco tm afad in canada hlotptti couthiue auadlly ogahi strength th faxt tliat hwm atdmimii oooeriia in bvparilujf ib aoro4ml ttiu viuj routh abi4rte4 bj otlsr butr oouutrui jumu uo4 a puntulda toonjuluu buttufutuhra at slwallk th wsit wibh tit uopcla m to m gnpst u1 of uuntiilayuwt tlur log ll dotting wluu t u bo bmur ray o utovlug aa lurlotutu tlau to bmp ckiudiah iwiiuuim ia omhitlau ttk eu ooly l la by fouving tb tl- bawl f uh hluio for qpjulmff butl ipkxlj tusj iry luiuliig up a food oouimo tios wiui otltsr eouaulod wltohi lnul foly eb frtwi tkoa wlom oaibura him ho lbo urgy duatroynl ttrougli tu 6tjvttw of tbs war acton wlnsthechamwonship kttna oama with olaawulluna brulunt wlndup vialvronwmdrjlnatom ltbaouib lollawilj 14 ouivtll tltftmtali tlw mwmui of fnw ittvnmtl actati immimiu imin buuut h ixrlllluiit wlmlup in batunlay yaum wiui rmiiwiiiutnh ly ilatnullnu jt uattt lit u flint liotly otitiuttil hihi lnleitlntf unm with iiwmuf h ihtrluif tlm tjrim in omijo tf ifamm i to iimwt corliit oontlnfrottctcm ii iwl itoon iwioehmdr in pin ortln iljijr not nf loon i origin him tlmwilty inut tint jwljla uildm4l imtan tll htotei not w with hiitiiriuj a riimtt lkwvr tim imui icwn1 to u nifltt nroumml urn tiulrkulnoj millnisuhtrtdf thfl ktoutoa through nut tint niillm ooiit a noui littrmt wbji htuckod to ht- urda a tiaiim uahmnolt bh h win for tte uflii wonlil lutj raiittml in utliroe cottmf- wltln for kuimstiuy litwti tim two tarthlkhnd lliat bid immimii irivul ovotipi town llocltwtxkl luul miurnd m tmw ourllur iii tin rmjxu imt finding hn6lf uiuima to cowi wild tlw tiia of uwltrr hwim nf lite had leii ttllowlng tk pit tu uo ly tufmult tutunuy m piiui wu apachilly faturd ly iimi ktjlunt wottf of aototiu oiuck oung pulir hanitaiy kdiaondii on tka iuar cart im ima that buoooawfttl teotd u atrlka ouu wmu kitlowlntf hnt1 bit ttio outt ltur wmm broumrt work- d wall klio wiui y atdktf 6au him 0 hit tk uliing of iha um wu bxeaptiooally gdod lit uila iwmuill lodgtm not otily hav gaiima mvldd itiurwt for tha wkod but tl aeammtil iuying km iuo khowu uutt tit lacml loy4 of today ki kbk to ooim bucomuiuliy wiui tklr eaatm otjr fttt tbi hamtall fuid krid uium fulfil u ukt thulitidaa ol fork urm tta tabwt wrt n fotlawni aetod wll- lubu volktar lktabhuu ualmu kd uoiuu hikuauand huiut a1u ftntu nuiirww wft t wm hkky uueu6my ueklulav hynda tltulutaj uttd sntllll the tide of war has turned a german raid from buffalo kurralo oownfttuw clmxat uhlvaitf kfaulo bv um wajui to batty uja wax to a t6mf ul cooclaalou mar fiubcui iwajttoa la uwlt witb in a oaait lau of it loddoa sutitt tttm mob oluritlali espiul invauj abroad ml uw vaaapt tlnw t jatimid t tto laaa t4d twoy uouamtd tnlluw doui prtdtkcldg tut auiul ooma of thoumad tajutodav vim- mtnai tlom pt utuia bu baanl uurig abroad ovt of bar ausdal pnata find tmibj folly thoomj bill- iiobmi m yx dtirldg tho oonunuaiuu of tb war litvavdaamit abroad will ww oj tba wbol wvlngri of tba topu will ba kwalubla tor tb aondo of tb war tba baujona inaoa tuna taluu will bot u la baumj u buurbuy rdmd by thm tuaadi of bdrrwrt or by tb kwinuotl of ud ww ttw olvfa muajipiltim wu1 kay iw ooouty uipaaata uua atlaat uuotidg of tk county ccwacil tb hit3 fda lb tarlotu towiw umj town kblfat of lb- eauaty wm paamd as followii i twuuar s1imh5 eaqmlag 1071am h00ai1 187217 ao7zs0 3uib2b 1sib13 lttuat i74jv3 jfeacr bmhttgtm afetoa itutett tflorrtowu mum75 naatfuoawuva bwdlal mrvloaa aud prayrn wrt bald in that ottuicbou oa wdtabi evulug fur tlio kimnpw of th btltlab and tbjr allua id tbalr otfori to bilitg about nt vatwora at rdablng li ibejr fall hfedjog tltacousbtto tagmmj growtb tbltf yu nftandllbrbtalnm i tt twoamt taltta bavo luprovi dt wat4r kuwl km talalhg tb kptittfri lit ttaorg imutfaoait bjw tba oontract for erubidgwuajidtljlvewug itoit u fittafh kd frott ijatbyvii up four tutu ftm lupoou to abut moh a bumbtr ol u fartiutw ara taking- in tbo cttdun kailooal bbow at yoronto tuawjt lie oorg ulibl h wovad into mr tbo abioa boum at kuaujibull 0moruoof tu city daillm pwljubad a rutnor uat wak to tb ttuta that lbr m 70w lroun rvlat in dttttdo amil aupwlor to tba bui tallllu wboa cry wa ofi to cmivhu ktad who inlandod at tb b6ml avofalj opportunity to raid tbu oounlry captain cutua a uums of haoal formerly of aoum wa an mad taalur at tb vui tvkaa oao e utaday wbi inlarrogaiad oftttoorulng lb btaur ad artaad oorp kbd pwjpaacd raid lb cuptajn 6bameuid tbktoryaaabaoluu- ly fala and witbout any fbdndmioni what- vr why uld ba only lat waddaaday vanlng tbar w4 bald m biui m of tbtlmia antarlauiaof udfiilolnon of tb burjat hallti 1b tba tity addraaaw on tba war war fx udng uu- tata uwyara aad pbyridaa aad raaoln- tloo war pamad 1st uodaainutg tba kaiaar for oonuaaftclng tba war and tyu patbljtlug wltb tbflnaa paopl bhmua of tbo poaltiou in whlob tby at plaoaj and 2nd pudgliig lbanalva to mipput bo fdttd to aid oatbuisy wiut wav itf and eoabnliig tbalr wbaodpuotu to fatkli in bupport of tb uad croa work of tbalr fuljva bind it only poaajbl eiaua for tb rutaor capt gauu baya vu tba ttb that a owtalrf fruudly aoouty wjtli a bug bacabrablp of foralgdavm to la baffalo and in tbtlr parad tb waaabar wot dawfiy kword ad taunlaj woodati gua klulbir to tboa baj in tbalr laltuuod oartetodu ko kajd tba cuptaltt in laavlag i do uot go about tb city wltb toy ay abut aod i kutr that tb lf injuut a tbu put of tb btaua x itaat bav vasry frlaadly faallaga for uada qaanwnwai ml thranhlaau moth by thm kmatuakloa auid a6ttul aowawamamtai not only tba prontptltud of tb domlu iott oavambmnt in ralalng wrtny oorm to luaut iraat britain la tb war wlut ilar- uuy but tb reubkhm gifut from uw doourtlottkjidlwllcwtlovariiioaiiuf luiv viwldlydtaioaatrhtd tba loyalty ami da votiou of tlila country following m tba wwr tflltu of canada utad bar ivrvinoeii to tbtt ilouaur country i klobiialoa 1000000 lag of tfour i ontario 50000 bag of tfour qaebao 000000 pound of ob nora sooaa000000 too ol ooal p k i 100000 bo pouuea albrtw000 bu of mu ww bnwiok 100 dum of potatoaa uaoltouo6 bag of flour brltba columbia iimwooo out l bakatobwan1e ttm ww mtril ol tb naloon u tbo boy oblttfallv una ilkotuiu ii kkwnmov oo of gaorgatowfta oldaat bttd tuoat rapaetad chluna lo tb parou of lit if kdubwly paaaad wiy eo hatutday laat jjm kaouadya tnaldaa uata waa uargutvt jaa walkar and aua wm bom in ballynwna antriu ittlaa on april feb i wo rh eatna to cuiada wltb bar parantii in 1849 and uttlad ih jigtowa wbar aba ban raaldad emtlnuoualy until bartlaalu on oeuur mb laat b waa bianrutl co tleorg if kfeaiukjy who pw dnawhojl iwr llyaara ago ilea0d wa ii fo unix bmmtor ol tti matbodlat chufthi u tm cbiutiau wootah and ft kind ntvl loviug taouir a family of on ton and utm daugfatam twaaiij vutj jobu w uary a c llaggl u a mtd um x w adanui all of tiaorgmawu vwo almtara and two uotborw at um jouh hpatung vmuguard uaak ut jawew claav florgtowdl lr if i wallw of luajitb and isr ftlm walkar loiptqvu irb fdnaral took plao on uortday lo tlraitwoad camty lb arrlo llug ttmdttoud by ttv h u- itoadbona lb mji bsarara wr alv upbwh i ifetbart ctaav ivwy cwv ifurolj c1m itobtrt dauv hotaa claav atu jooru qa katald tbo lioneiiil mwltloii ut tlio mmi nf wur liaacluthil tuaiillunlunnuuoli inoiifti4r ali to tli ullltw during tbo nnt umik tim icriiiuii ruuli lo dtn imu ihhii offmillioly muipwl tim wliubi lino ol tlm tlnnnaii kihwiika bun honi urnkdinvl by tlio uwlhjlttlnf wild hiljtulld htuylitt mmorn of tlu hrufuli uiul kroncli troops ulillo tbo ituwtlun unities ixthi albl aoutru wltb trwmaiulotiu arcv am ar truimbliig rapidly ami aiirolj toward lurllu timi ltritlkliaml inlt imvn takdn tlio oftatulv agalllkt tint jnt1ttl4 id ttm oafct and nortbaiuit of lart aiul tliolo la groat jublbttiort tlr for tbo now of uk latent turn of military entn ima booonu goiir allylitomn among tlwv uvuiatlmi of tbo ouul tlio irwunl inoemeiit f im alliod rrnj ao far liuu iun ramarkably buoaawful and tba tlumiaiih bain boon in full ttrt to owpdumtr aoeounuof woiimbxl aobtum uborouoli ad ivrla tuttatlay afurtuioii itxlloaui tlmt tli raault of tb tlnm daya tlflbllng in tlio chjuupagtui oouatry luu iwoti mora favor ablator tb alllau tlian at tlnt iiiiiijkhhwi tbay uy tbotlamlan bwm in kilbwl m vnoctkouh kiul tluit a groat nuinbor nf prlaonara war lakau ono kmiifib ohor aumatoii lb prisoner ut s0oao tb cbampaga dmrkt loolml iurtaof tb dapattcnant of mania artlwinou auli tad ifauu marua lvrla want wild wltli joy afur jn oalliaal lu lienwmi uwud bin ofttalal bulutln at si8 oclotk tli jnaial iloobtrwl dial tb ianaau attack bad kkat lla wolgbt ami tbat in tb waat baar 1arlm tb ooiund uhtiab vmub lin lad complatalyorutdpl d up tb cwrtaan right taking tbouaanda of pruonar it i tprtd tlut 2w000 ituaklaii t roopu bva baao latwlad lu luiguint iul ahaotiv wrwb by tbeoa upm tb uft hank of tba lamian lin u lookad for vary kliortly an ffatlv romltiug bill u baing pol d fa loudon and auawhat in bluk wwl rd wltb utaa wonla utwur croud union jabka i wavagoi to bat lamuuiy u oaaa bar arirogatit brutality u a tnaoao lo ejvluzauoo bocaua ah lirraka traatiaa baoaum tb uutdat uonohlbataiita ba- bau- ab doktroya baauuful eltiaj bcau- ab how tain in the opo a imauia fch flra o tb aaorod lud cio utdiui bar avowad obj bi to onikh ibltaln 11m ol england twnoibar lou vain i tb fight iumosay ta tyranny do you wiahtokbartbfatl ualgluut if not anlut now htatlatw jiut publuliul low tliflt jar- nun fcblp to a valu ol about j23000060 ltbr bav baea capturaj or aunk by tli bwtub whlu llrltlab klilpa taload i fej000600 u lxkl up in ccstaan porta tb oatvuui od tuaaday raqueatad au arwlatio front tb tllla tb reply waa i wau giv you twaaty four boura to gt ot ol vrnoa aatoaivl will ba blum wdttdaly tuidl thuvdy ksd aud uut mptmbo tb following looal fair and tb luea aro in lb hat wuud by tb ontario i- partwnt of agrloultur i aeton sapt 23 j4 abrfoyb uotobar 0 baruugtoa ootobarl urin got islt bwaltoa ootourlh call ootobarlj oanrtown bail ftaoot 1 jntaavaiuy octowlu onalpb bapclkls ltauuton bpt ib 10 london fw 1110 milton ooiourn7 oakvlll ootobrlu oroguu haptl7ih rockwood ootobtw 1 3 btmauvlll baotu tvtronto aug2ilhplj waurdown ootourtl woodbrug ootlsu tho jtalaie ih hulk alitor vitktf khkiti i ikoar hlr i tlo iinnounoainant in lufct wotiku pdkirof an imita from aavn to vlibt cahu it ipiiirt uit milk u nut ikkivimi with nrj ifiyiiil uulufiidtlimi of nirwi itny inmniinixiinuit of thu u uro imvnr miry warmly uiicoiuimi uy ull but in tbla liiulunoti it mmitiiubiiiilly nuimhmltb mm it uoinihiiftti bout rilih wlib i ih uuiiully touuiilorihl it ir t liuitor in tbo biomuimi uf juiuhuxi uihi ouiiwjiiiiitly iiilbiinvuliiiilliii iiilli iflbnrui ih on iimomit of tliti war u uro hihui iiicroumi in fiml riouu lot our milk limit i m tit fully tub op tlio bunion of ktitljlt bih iul lo llibi hor tb pnooiil dllllnultv by wldlug tic iiuiiaoimkary bur ilou rbxuu tliluu iutv lutvo to imi blgliar iwoaiimi of mutralty but oor woil will fool liko uaylng lot tlia only rulw in milk it all tbo rtouni ummiiiio vouiu nwpwil fully hatmkiiut tia anion tioil uvb him lun trinmv oil amok ifo juut ujoorfiilvou wy you wot uovtir engugihl wforo ft be ti ho ijfpw lutbutt f tbmigbt all uoinan iitwuyu btul tbfo or four tjiiungiitriohtii rtlm ullolwjy well i itrmum hliull ton vou ww tbla la tlto 1nt cbano i tiavo luul cultivate tlio lubit of lutttulhg oung man it will ooino in luiuly if you aver awjulrdtt wif fall and winter 191415 sick haaditchfis m4 tut uutnl by nytllti vrtntf in thludl butbycofialuuoriblllou um antj liullgctlod ilfitlifli lowlcr or ublu may but chiut cur thetxt dt uonmt induit hoot pill tlu cur alct bewp cb lit lb muijbl way by itttovb ih auulipatloa m ticit ttomate whlfb clud lhnl d mora iwjuh hoot phi in tnty wv ubw ttv iron ny lurinful dnuj uf h1 tut wted yod ud l bebilacba aiailag talc dr morns indian root pllla store nobles flour and feed for bran shorts mixed chop oat chop gluten meal molasuine robert noble ltd wulowst aotoaoal the new liamplcn for aoth century suits and overcoats are now on exhibition and comprise all the ncwcit slijulincii in the beat fabrics for mens wear special values in the staple worsteds blues blacks greys we have priced these suitinisvery close to ivc an extra impetus to this line and get it thoroughly introduced among our customers remember these are not readymade clothes but are tailored to your special measure by the best tailors in canada in the largest and cleanest tailor shop in canada workmanship and pit guaranteed hrst class get the aoth century style in your new fall suit it cost no more looks and feels a lot better henderson co mill si acton ont kfalumavad vltachyirhbidd alt iaaujjdimmlto tb prhytfutt cburch whloh ha baaa mplrd uud luearaud wa itvopaa d on tb jkhb augoat wbon ut putar kov k waddall aomraamd a vary urge audlono botb morultig and evalng tb obolr reudoroj joalint wwdo mr ituty olbbooa of aatou altd in lb ovwtlng collaotlona for tbo day umououd to ovar 0000 mr vrank and llltl daugbur who hav bwi vujtlng frlauda bar for tbw imut taontli iiv0 mturtuul to br itotna ih itetrolt mw cwrti hludalr mpant huiulay wiui biir frlaiul ulwulabahaltiuoii ut ckur mtuw v ifardlag and c koamal apant tb wakod wltb cbarlaaton andcataraot frlonda araaara v ftlaouir and will rowol vlaltad oa frund on snnday tb aobool bar ropaod on 8pt lat wltb ulamltilwjltbwpouattblwook bobool and mia wwkull at blw moan uln un wm hlndwiortt wbo baa faosa qtllta lib i improving ur and mr t iulu of tondon ar vwung balllaafad irlaoda mwstrtet mahhews photo acltw oeokoktown chrhc0 8 whohine hsphrr shop t j speight aul lor uclihua u c tires lor ford cars at sliutt tubes lor tm tires lor all cars all sizes at it per cent and is per cent off list prices our 0oelyun wldla pl cnablci us to weld any metals or any purpose with tint utmost ol satisfaction the new fall hats 5 the new fall hats are here latest down to date see my special h j leads them all r e nelson wtrtmihaun tm oublth out how to win battles more victories are won by seige tactics than by assaults apply this to business and see what it means it means that continuous and steady advertising is more result- ful than campaigns that come and go come and go with long intervals in be tween for an advertiser with goods to sell to suspend his selling effort now is to make oonditious worse for himself and is no sign of that cour age that is supposed to pos sess every canadian heart in these war times win and hold your position in business by steadfastness in attach grand trunk 5 ualtuatj par lo london oat maaa yuv vtom axlflgatou heufw and station u eat tbtof in canada j alftodotroitaud port huron if ich a muni uul ociavtfclwt waptatnba imasubbtmotau hlwuvalott return limit bepteubor a lit o4 hpamiufpt autoifflaioh uouud trip ticket to point in ifanu tobtt baakatobawan and alberta via cblcago bt paul or duiutbotiaaltuich tueaday until october alh inclualvo ut lowfarea ketum limit two month pull particular and ticket from age til v s holmes agent turn no 13 maltulaoejfjcicnsks ii i iuoour r farms jwantki wll u1sii fiu hd muliukf 11 aula wi vmiiwuiaaaiillonorfhiuiiii willi ba wlin tanilllair wllli rii ixomviw la ml itlol joiiuvikiiuuaco wantku oy vounu man of helton county bt liloativkh ilropj na or afir uwo- l tut ull tlmaaulfaa tnual fellow hmmi i rhlu 11i for iha tly baf i- i ill 114 uui llt- 6t bla llttrliflatfmi r n0tick tllteilt0h8 in thm aaeua eflbai kasuta of chhav tophus waabha tatw or u townahlp of a in uj county of waltoa ataubaa da anrl r4u- i avlua allna 41m1 it- t4- w ii kal4 f liuot4ir tjtlbniiy tobtf ai m h uii ii j lew imt bt jaly lia a tuh1 mi nr tot iba a4 4a a o wi tit nail i f pi bntu m ajivaf u t uaamlimoa of ft vlijux a aio koilalla r afiiltr majiauim ika admlairmifii a ii a bui 61 ii taj4 aamaamd ibasr abriaiia uuttaimu w mmhw aj aartpiaal ww filll ttiauo f iboiv wat wmawl a tbalr aaarpuala aa4 u ttlr r tbar hwilfa uttayjiimb- atilorttwiii itou iut altar ab laaf bmum4 hi ik xa ihmtmtihwmtwtm hi bm4wd i dlattiuu lb mhu tr th t iii amas tlm tw aalilt ihkrala balaaf v ec will tut l tlat14 iwvl i ti tu uuu ula aiu fckj a ilm 4 tfa- hhily tt 7fcr ho raaajatky attmlatanama tvrfofsov riaarr laaaa ui u- ilea la u htw kaaia ixliaatraalua i a lplwvln0 tfbmwo canaoa autumn millinery opening ml flohumo hummav will bold hir pill ullllaty opuililf in br new quarter on uaiu stfeat tb kenniiv iitoku rwanlly kcupulby swockuamcr qrocy on uobrlay mu sbsbouur willi a full lin of the ulut rtyu in millinery for ladle ulda and cliibl- rou cordial invitation to alb fall millinery opening mluet hawthorne add morion invlla ui ladle of acton and vicinity to tbelr kail millinery opening on sathbdav settembeb ictm at tbalr bowrooin orj if 111 6tret ueat to if yrnu jewellery btor all tb uteat creation in pall and winter atyle will be abowa wondicrland moving picture show by trying to beep abreast of lbs tlmoa and in touch with curreut uveal we bavi secured a lotuplet ut f war slidus which will be nuowa every wmdmumdav htohv we also endeavor to select the beat of films that all patron may be thorough ly aatlsfled h t gregory prop acton fall fair painting ueralmnta manufacture and dual ues meu vou will want attractive printing to keep jour builues prominently be fore the public for circu lation at our pall pair fn order to glvo m an opportunity to do you good work kindly leave your order to day or as early aa possible hct0n jjx v jlvx x and bus likie having piircliowid thu uvary lluhmtiiutii uiul goodwill of tb eatatu of lb lai jala willliau i respectfully aiillclt tlio patron og of tli public comfortable rig wilt nlwuya be kiippued at reutonublo charges por thu jreent ut a4tmt hall who ha hml the manage- raent of the ktubuui the paatyear will continue in charge he will alwaya lie found tourteou and obllglug hum mhkt0 adltttjuna ambrose mccann must actfjrivoat 3

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