Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1914, p. 3

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wedding presents ftoftra knlvdb spoons forwa knnoy 3tlvrwar fhoh cutolaia tamoy china wedding kun03 makuiiaolb uokmmko tasuud geo rynds aotom ontario real estate wmxm for uule in ualton fact auf wullluutuu ivo huw for ealc ovrry u it you want fkrttt writ kai for atnlorae or you wlali tu hll or vkduuuto write tun w buvi vry i utility for truimurllug bualtk to your pmtuito waturartluii otra- ttobdtm itouclttl j i willuikjiimy varinholliuu kpnclnllet juuntetowu 1 i i i thuhhbay- iikitkuukh 1014 brief local items order your vail 4ir lurtittluif loiuy cheer up 1 wrnwr wulw fsoomlnir again tlum u no coal sltortago in aototi uurau hlllaburg horticultural bocittys air uual inhibition will lid lteld today thar weather oil labor may was not very jileeaanl it wm cold and cloudy ml day mr adetn cook gardener lilt tlte vmmm taua a bin sample of oohny uie other day a ittelph wife heater wo sentenced ou tuesday to ted days iti geal and to receive udlath day good mad in canada or in greet iuiitia and thu ntploy canadian and kmuj woillbmhi tt new section of uo county mad cut mtjauiireet bi about completed it u a viet llapcovetuent aj speoul rally day sarvloe will bo uu il the uuutklu bundey bohoal on bundok uth inst tm touatbarry crop u being gautered ti oay thereat- luge quantities of the fruit id thl motion leparatlao an being made to replace ut concrete hoar at webb bridge over the grand river at osprlnge ten notice on being biaued by oollea tor llervey far lb unit instalment due bpt2dth ut ready for him a man should bs induurtous but it boat tha mischief bow much easier it u to follow a proooteion than a plow there 1 as urge demand for acton vu voir prlro list exhibitor from a wide ih at uokitig out ikte for eom- ftltw ur urok bwaokbabwr mill htrwt imtfvlugup bur botna and will diow of br bmuabald rooda by auotlott 3 friday ofwiuud uu xrldhbm uurray will hold u fauulllliury opilnff moiulo eukutulr ulb la tb prsuilua adjoining tb ken- kmgrluoiik wblu tbe war iau tliiuplal ordr of ttouabum of tha enpl at fluelpli will buy oaly tocla mula in canada or in oroat uhuio kav mr vtnat iuaobal labor day fca on buuday usiog tlw uxti boar y ooa oaotbara burdana both tuotioif and evoalojr tli iaortoh building on willow fuxb u being uoil back about twanty fiv faat oud will to nuodalbd for a nil- lhum for ur laaraau ii a bwaokbaaiar koa dlaoontinuod ui oory and wouio buluaa on main btt and ml murruy uilllnar baa uoumd tba luemlmia tb irrooary and blioa bualnooa for- mwy oottdootod by tba lat ii w ku- uady gaorutowu las bon uirchamd by mr 1 ii crotbar of toronto karakj if you bav oouu ral uood poultry or ua aalmal to ooduaud admiration or tiald x4 pirdd troducu worthy of a l wtotufa to axblmt tbetn at aoton vau wr tba old ladua wbo aw intuataa of th vwtfalton ifoum of ilaf aqp at brautpton bava baau baird at wotk uio paat waak or tan day kultun wtuluu and oowforun forumbolduia wruora i enooura0 your toa and daugbura to oouipau for xuat at acton ball yalr tltaro ar urg and varud of0ortunlum it will euoaurajpt tbe young imopla to sol lu tbalr reawotlv0 work tbaemit of baul ttuu on uonuuuuit willi and around valry lake 1 uom ipbtaufut uiau uaual tku rail it boy of afetoo bava for ovr fifty vaw baan ratbarid tbaad uuta from ud loeautlaa at oouforanm of ttravluelal and kdubkldal raikraaootauvoa it wua dacldad to uudd a000w on a couorela lake bboro roadway botwaou htttttlton and toronto ualton farmara and otbora on tbla uw ugbway will pay froataft uk to aid in itaeonatruouon news op local import tal county coatvtbutauvagboa at a apotlal aokon of ivxil county ooun- oil it wan dsolded to ralw u 000 to pro vldaforlddlhouloraandota irxuotloii of tlioftttnllutboy loft thla u wiilalo tt ono mill on tli lummwmont lkbor daya pobuuc moudky abiitday woa obworbul wy uomimlly tut holiday an um latuta xovidod l iicmj lit town wua vury gnarally miunoitdotl uml holiday ttw wore uuen by inany nl oitr ltlatni iirlnolmlly to toronto kmrohmdnjr tthiuh rcmonnta mr j hi ifallu m v v llruwplon aiu dr rdua of tlm vtriiuiry ilmrt- niuut toronto worn hora on tuwlay wilooting ramounlii for tin llritikti mrmy from tlto boruaa itruuulit in they ihirohaaod flvo tfaa haw wtubama uomt tha jurelty iuw homo of tint family of tliduta jolm wllllanu oimih btraat mip oomiklctoil coxtraotor uwaokliamer haa ooniplotail itu work owl th wlutliif will ha fluljtod in a fow day it la a oomartahbj qiu atlraotlvo liotna ka dy hi ynronta wl- haltbn nawupani wro wall rounud on lvaa imy at tlto toronto kuliiltitlan kd iters white of ilia itafortaer bimi 1anton of thacltauioit milton t kdltor lunia of tle uaxut llutllnutod t kdlt6r vlatity vlf the llcord oakvtlld tul editor moor aild foramaii coutnaii of tlio puru rmua acton wro preaanu lmkvlua oburau atfe holwy laftt woek two cant of ikntdaa twujilwd leive wera 6jad oil church btraet all odia r car jubt arrlsl will ootndu this tona coatliitf from jolm to ualkli htroata th fttam rollar oomtnaiiead 0karatloa yeaurday uornlng and will bnnd uia rat of tlia weak in oonaoiblatlng tk atona tliuwlli iiuke a graatly ltnpruved road way btblaai iw tio voianiaaav thia ulster canada lllua hoeuty nui arturtl todaoaaooty of tlia aovlpturaa in tba lunula of avsry oanadlau aoldur leaving for hm frotil kadi book nontalna tl following ittaorlptton i 1rantad by ttta bfltlji and votvlgn and canadian illbla booutlea to tbe cauadun- aoldura in tlte war of 1014 lb strong and of goad oouroga anothw olrt fo aotom voliuiuw urn u lalng arwl mua ilkbmau lutve wnttoota aoton aoljtera at valoartur a number of aeatlyudlrten ifoumwivaa tba eight or tan ouitaritnwita of whlob ward fllud wllu a gonaroua auply of aaw ttijx awl dartilnu itaetlua uhbh thtaud yni buttons hhoa uoa tafely jna aba theae farm uuut uaeful gffta aud will undoubtadly ba pwwsiaud by tlia raelpl aula topul wwdtum tw aated ru rwj a iiwelal raatura of tlia aoton fall fair will ha an attiibif from tlia looal lancb of the liarimaiit of agrlculturo th hutlct itaiuaantatlve mr kara will ha la charge and will datuaaatratd dralnajw matluule aim poultry liouaa oonktruotlon milk tailing will alo lu a apaetal faature do not fail to attend ilia fair ami ueat your agricultural ra preventative of tlia couuty matauuy haltm tkrf the man preparing for an auction aale aobutlmea iiaallatea at the additional okpeoaa of two or three dolura for having lite entire llet of artlelee offered for aale inutted in the local paper the fact however of having the whole hat urn nuiaaratad in the borne paper making it poulhla for the reader to tit by ida own dreatdoand read the enumerated article item by item reudera title method of great value to the period holding the tale had com ah eoeutyw aouvlturt acton ud croaa aid boclaty kent itu llrat oonalgninent of comfort to our aoldler ikiya at valmrtler on tueaday ttie par cel oompriaad u2 knitted wool alaeplng helueta aopairaaocke and s3 palra woollen cuff the bullae will continue the work of knitting articles of oomfart for tbe fral- dlcn and tliey invite all the bullae of aoton uod lclnlty tokklthiin providing further ahleba for our man at the front aa the fall and winter weatbar approacbea the naeda of the men will increaad a com oa comnaou aajeatula arthur wfaltuw ongldear of the elootrla railway omatructlod ongla waa ohargwj by ofobti buele forauan of the trackuylng gang wltli oaaaulb in ttolioe court but thuhalay evening ii i moore j p waa on the benoh whan the lufamutloo waauu wbluokar plead od guilty but alleged be had head inter- ferwd with in hie work by tbe fotwman and banoe the owault he waa tinad 9100 and ooata tim ooatraetor dlaohargod whlt- taker for hu aaaault dtt uuak naubataai u uilatlay a unkpie family rauulon took plaoe at palermo on monday on the oooaautn of the mkt birthday of iv book kvhwtao ueltcu countya grand old wan end oldttt phyalohth dr dock who haa practloed a year baa filled many publlo oaioea and waj forty year oouudllor und iteeve in the towruhlp of trafalgar despite hi four aoote year and the fact that alx yaara ago he wae atrlckan with paralyala the old doetor la of keen intellect and alert for war newt lb aorved a an army urgeon at u time of tbe american war ilefotmar fctomdgtiam tiink niimewiiiiixr the rorelguera who lodg lu tbe eaalon houae next the baput cliuroh on mill btraet had a regular jamboree on saturday bight aud kept it up until two or three oclock sutuuy tnojruiug there appeared to be liquor galore thar wan tinging daiklog uuiutoulutf and flghung the dleorder woe ituob that rtelgnbotw wm awakened for uulr paamful aluuhaire and utere raarf ul uu to the outcome of the nolay brawl it hi not tuubh to the orodit of u eertalit kugllab apeaklag oluun wbo ouplea n hiltllo poaltlon in town the gift of the people that he wae preeent with theae drunlten forelgntra anil a party to tholr denuwalulng debuuoh allan mua4 hurraudea niedinig an order in council itae been pawed rofuiriikg all cltiteiim of fleruuuty or auatrloyllungory now in canada to our- render within ten day oil dream ammu nition or explotlvea in their poaaeaalon to u juitlceof tlie peaoe or an officer of the n w ivtlitw the authorltlee om alao givett the rifiw of aearcb lo oaa any peraon ikclng kuapeeted the ordjer la nudeuniler tlte war meaauroa act juat waed by lierllutumit and rer to tbe poeaeealoti by any nllen nneniy of flreamta kuuu- nltloi dynamite gunpowder or any other daiigavouiieiiuoalve a penalty of wot or imprlummeut la provided for failure to omafay summary prooeedlog aro author by iwugguu 7flo the criminal nod the oou take hauaramuy pillii for oonatlpa- 1 of pmvlnjr that beta not an ali4n oemy l personal and travel notes oelal and pwvwmw kam ot intatmt to wrm pmm llaadana olhamrd duuihci turn wiuk mr ofoo kennedy of toronto waa itotno tine wok mr j if llrowu wau in toronto movarnl lay thlu wok mlaa margaret ifrown vlulod toronto friondh thlri wk mim ifattla cook vulted m at loaretowii tlilii week mim margaret kennedy of oeorjpitowii wum boi tor itltor day miu ureu of bt mary in tlm new teacher at jlauivookburn ml llnxol und lottie mauon vlnited toronto frlemla thin week mlxi mae moon returned from her vlilt at fort william unt week mlaa irena bnyder la vultlng irtemla in hamilton and btoney creek miu kdith itunateller of tlalt vimted reuthea hare dating tlte wek uuw franble mullhi haa taken a nium- tlon aa teacher at downianville mlaa barah iarrymau itaa len vultlng frumla in niagara f alia uuweefc mr emf mrw jfohn culun or ouclpli npeul lalor day wltli aoton frlnnda mm ctuirlea ilaluty jtfrtt mtreral dayi during um week with friendajn toronto mra w a htwrt and ml hu1u bwnt hoveral lay with frtanda in toron aooo bouaunuar x have bean for a number of year trying ta gab a filed cake or doughnut that would not aoak up the hot fat tbey word cooked in and tit ubt i have it take three tsgga one eup augar one pjnt of new milk incaulug whole milk aalb ualauaf and flour enough to iermlt out epooo to fctaad upright in ths wuuim add two teaapoouf ula goad baking powder heat until wtty light make uto dealred aliapea and dro in tlto liot lard to cook thee tloughnutw will not ubaotb u pahlole of the fat aud will not produce a sinker itbaa been claimed tluit if the hob in a doughnut were aurrounded with nothing there would be leu dypeiela in tike world but lb la uot no with thle recipe try it a i y there u more catarrh in thla aeotioti of the ooddtry thou all the other dieoeeaa mt together and until the lut few yeare it waa oappoaad to be uourabui for a groat teeny yntr doctor pronounced it a local dteaaae und preeeritied local remedied and by oooatanbly failing to ouro with looal treatment prouonnoed it incurable bclanoa hae proven oatarrb to be a oonatl- tnuonal dlaeaae and therafuro ronuinia a nooatltatloo treatment lfalla catarrh cum manufactured by v j cheney co toledo ohio ia tlteonlyoonatltutlmal onreon tlie market it la taken internally it acta directly on the hjood and tuuooue fcarfaoea of the ayaww they oqer one hundred dollar for any oaae it fail to cure head fat circular and teatlmouala addrami v j ohenkv tx tokalo ohio sold hon placed ajuiou th ipnjtu ctmrged mr jo r kaley and mater f red or hamilton spent the holiday at hla home here mim vara crlppa hujuat returned home after a wtwke vultlng among friend at aoton mlaa llaale coon haa tukwi a weltion ae lxd mllllna- with aire wjkom of dun- ganuon mlaakelllemulbolknilhaarvturnajliofne after hpeadlojr a mouth with iter ftuter idowmoaad mr kl maolonid a fw tuya with hla brother mr harry maedonald aaoond line cap and mra c h fumble of lluffalo spent aevaral day during ibe wwk vut- lug frlenda in tlie old home lur and um tlen w darker ami ui- murul of fjuiph werdguaalaof ur and lira a t rrowh ou monday mr joupli mulltolbinil and miu irn pent the holldaya with their uuter ura u x teayuor owen bound mra kornun bmlth and children of st thorn have immi vlbltlngforaoounle of weeks at mr krneet cripke mra itev j w itom und matter john of halifax formerly of luelph vlit oil at ur n v lindmya bit weak ura alex wylle master johnny and willie of illekeney oot are visiting this week at tlte home of llr harry mdon aid mr and ura i u christie and mr and ura datable and children of luslph were guesla at tlte luune of d henderson ix p an tueaday ur w ii btowart and uisa u bennett were in milton on raturday at tending n meeting of the executive of the taoliara institute mr john v mthrook mr and mrs wm flretbrook and daughter motored from toronto on tuesday afternoon and return ed yesterday morning mra ix d freeman and mrs sterling of rldgetown have been visiting their sister ura thou bamerville and oilier frlenda here this week ur fred mclaughlin returned to tbe city on monday after spendlrg a couple of weeks itolldaya one in detroit and tbe other at hi home here rev c d draper arrived home from his trip to the west on thursday uttemoonaod mr draper and the children reached itome from bteveuei 111 that vetting dr kenneth d ponton of vancouver jj c upeitt sunday in town with hi parubtt mr and ura wm penton he waa on hla way to valeartior to jold tlte luwpltal corp tliat will tjiortly leave for the soeoe of ud war milton reformer tfaa ratbat- sukj ho4ha m iit- ar awy ktwty vbaswi maitaj sixty yeae ago on the ath sepumber mr and ura ildaon awrey of vmrguv were married at ualllnafad for thirty- three yeare they lived on lot 8 con 2 towualilp of erin hut tweatyaevett yar ago but april tbey retired froai active farming to live lu bvrgu where they tiili realde od saturtlay with their ehlldrmi and grandchildren am great grandchildren uuuberlng seventy la all they aawmbled at mulberry hall the obi tmhrwifti to oalabrate their dumond wedding anniver sary lu such a nunnar aa the oooajdoti uelda the immediate kdatlvae there were alao poeut mr irvln mr awreye only slater who we the bridesmaid of sixty yeare ago ur and ura it- read of hiua- burgb mr and mra n heed of hamil ton ur wm reed of cergtll and mr robt iteed of kvertou two of the above monara it reed of llluwburgh and il reed of kfvertou were alao preeadb at the hapfiy event thraeaoore yoare ago althotiab sixty year have blnoe rollad by the aged couple now elghtyelx and seventysix year of age are still enjoying ralrueuli reside their four sou aud four daugh ter mr and lira awrey have fourteen gidndaoua nlneleen grand daughtxirasereu greatgraudaona and six great grand- danghut the follqwlm ard the son and daugh ter i henry of acton i wm johu ou the old homestead laouard of krla and herbert n of otuwaj ura matthew loree and mra william hanky ofoiielph and ura wm lesue awl ura jeorgd leaue of bhuoh krauoea township kjafhiinuam 0u s0ldicrsget gooft pay wlut kkmtird and clouiea uiay tha kequlvaleai of oulto txkd manrlaaumtnh okbt monk th loiornnvent 1 tieatlng our cana dian sohllurh with oonkiiitindlhln goneroelty in um inatur tj pay many mnrrloil uioi who ituvo goiw to tlw fmnt may find that they rooolva liter utentmtlvem itml liava mom monny for tltelr famlllo than if tuy stayod at home or if llui world wax at mene cdiindiutih ut tlm front ura rooeiving iitailaynrg77laweck they bavn im exmiiim for clothing or for itoard und us even their tolutoco u uuppllotl free tltere in ii on tlte pay in addition tl family of tlto inarruvd ntaii will rooeiv vv00 a wook by w iloculon of tlte lovorumoiit and if thhi u not sufficient to car for tliolr nowla tlwro id tlto patriotic fund to look afur t1m many men will ultm rerelve tltelr saiar lea while tlterd are uway ttm tlovcrn- ituiiit howuwr rtteervea tlm tight to wlth luilil llui miiarulian altouanoe figuring tltttt the holdlera clollilug otvd boar1 ur worth h100 it wcob 11- soldlera job lu equal to 61270 in uionny ohsbwitomm oomhktmal btmliy runlot ut jaat tsaunblaw mtorw tollt nt bfautdfekm vlaltecw tlte farmers aro luy with tltelr fall seeding it u hoktl an extra urge acre age will lk sown tblo rail to meet tlie leiiunuls tltoni will lw next year mtmhroonui are very plentiful thle yaar some very nice one- wing galltered lu ihl lolnlty t ur john crewitoti ita a ooupu of hone hick wltli dlslamiter a family re union waa itcld at tlte borne of ur and ura jaa tlambleon the even ing of labor- day when their son daughter with tltelr famllu stumlilil to spend a social evening bxtlter at the old itome among the holiday visitor we nottoad the following i ur ahier orlpp with fhenda at camphll villa i ur jo crew son luelji at hi motltora i ur ii ii llrowu luslph at tlte ttaiwtlal to i mr ami mr cluut h lmltle iluflalo bimi ur and mr w j vunnorman and chlklren nualpli at urj t lamluee i mu- uagyla crvwaon at caitlellvluet ura cttaa lambert and chlhlron at hamilton and toronto if womoti ever break into the political game theyll either hate to loam to handle a hammer or hire sum cheap men to uall campaign ilea for tltaw cardinal ohuam of boloarnn ktady jcuotod to bummd thip kiue x cardinal luoon iwia crtlem or rolog- na italy wus hut thurajay euote1 wp in auooeealofl to tl late pine x h will muiim the name of renedlot xv carminal delia clilo- wn awititl to cardinal merry dol val keoretary of htate undur th luta pun hit hn la mi lullan ami archblslxtp of llologitu un la one of the most recent additions to the sacred college liaving beeri mada a cardinal by lwto pius ut the lamt coitaitory in may itti wax born ut pegll n tlte diocese of ijonch nov ul 1bm uiul waa oidalnoil u luriestdec 21 17b ntilte unrrahmiai tltere lu a good story told by fleorue mrmlngham th author an irish chef sea rotary was doing jila duty liy tlte west coaat of irebtnd in a small steamer ami wait extremely mmi sick at one utrt ho tnet ami nonvoraed with frumlly uut i liavd board he aald tliat the power of tlte church is unlimited in th wet offlrebtrtd couhlnt you arrange that wa hltoukl not 1 ipilln so lok ujtatorow y hlr mid tlui itrlent tha power of tlte cluirch extend to high water mark d yortd that its rub hrjtannu important and timely war notice votjh ktclntimca can not b don any better anywhere ot quite so gootl generally pumic puksa price are right if you require anythutg in ut printing 11 n from a vultlng rartl to aiamphu4 ut us have yourorder thuunbeyodr fczperune 1 yod tue chambero lalne tabuts they cure bd- aaheal by rnior- btg tb eauae by emoahaxtng the aymp- wfoman tureat euw 16 womand woat common ellmanta trytbaoi uabotd drdggutai and dealera or by tnall chamberlains tablets new sunwiddldip but old be liable btiildeu kennev bros the oldtt shoe store in town we have secured the agency for the celebrated reqalshoe ami hav4 htoclud all tlu for gvulufaeii plus lines of all kinds of ladles shoes kepalrlbtf tuvujptly avu aud tubtar hmu put on bll you wait kertnoy bros kunybloah mbinst afcton hiliiiaoaanninna mrt m cttiwml 111 u kulbl klu lmt sunday mhmmmi llr anil ur cmttt ol llaulltou or iur kjinaboum raaldauu wm guaua of mr ano sir ivou ovt uutbuy i um btory o torottto 1 vlaltlntf lir inolliur jliml ii l10l4l4vmt my ymma ol toronto apotit tlto wook- lul wltli hi ruwl ur lua killing- itoma i ur uml sin uowluur ol ikaolii ilia i aro vltltluir um llowlliuym tiarolilkj ur awl lln slolllm itov ur ounaron who boi iioaii away i for a knoutlia vaoatlon rmwtvttl a oonllal wolootnn from bl oongvasatlon lait bb i utv children dry for fletchcrs i casjoria pringls bargains are truly genuine it in not a question of cott wo have to rivu up the ntore at the end of thu year and the poods must go it you need a wed ding present now ia your chance g d pringle jeweller vvyndtum st gudpb batatmayataluaaoaauuua mmhm few familiewltoliavedometlc skeleton in their closet have senui enough to keep them ther this i a buj4lou world a man cant alwayu borrow uuinoy upon bin grand father raiuiutiou for itonaaty why so- at the high aim utat over shoot the uuurk atents maauoif ftmaluox uofr4ysttsiatiiribakurtil though price abroad and in many canadian importer handu have ndvauced wb will not ralsa prlceuotl fabric or article made abroad that wt have now on hand such ox handkerchief t linens woollen g004u velllnira itmbroulefle neckwear lloalery underwear lnch hotlona and trlmmlnga fin clove silks etc rven thoiiglt it comet to a time that wo nrv at the lant handkerchief lu tha box or the lent plee of fabric nti the shelve we all all sell at iha old pwu tiiu is tlio way we conduct our btudnesa front one vearv end to the other giving tha iroople every advantage poaalbla v the flood gates have been opened the new pall an winter merchandise is pouring in caue nrler case itale after liala or new fall and winter merchandise from canadian and kuropeau manufacturer lieve botrn arriving daily at oils big stare these uhlpnient include tha vry latest and moat authentic fohlilohh in women ulixea and children wear men and hoys clothing and furnishing also dependable home pumlehlug oil accotini of extaunive alteration loottr storo front which wuttutlclpatacom- plellnc in the near future wecannot show yon lliuio nuur arrivals through tlw mtxllum of a altow window- hut wo can and will be pleased to dliplay for your lusnoctloh iu our larg well lighted roomy deportments niiy of the new goods ynti are directly intereueil in on the first floor vou can new vlw some ol the new silks dr good neckwear hosiery underwear linens im- hrellaa uena and boy clothing and purnlehlnga on the second f100r which la acceaalbl by on easy to climb stairway or a aafe expreaa levator one ta inspect the nuw arrival in woman and childrens ready to wear apparel such ox bulla coat ttrd skirt waliu white- wear corsets sweater coat aud raincoat on the third floor which like thajhecond floor con be reached by ah taayto climb stairway or a aafa bapread elevator are dunhtyvd handsome ruga and carpet pretty curtalne and curtain material serviceable linoleum and oil- cloiha warm dlaaku wailpaper and other purnlahlng for the bome of those wbo desire the beat at lb mb loweat poaalbu prloa although many of iqu pall paihlotli to make a vialt to tbe store worth while come any day you pl the new arrival uw purchaaeaare not yt to band we have now in slock a rood shewing of the w11 gladly show y d e macdonald bros luai 3 cor wyndkuakiadlaujoii slrclt ouclth oat esques1no aoriculiural sogibh 1914 simm simm mmm tbe shly fjrhlh annual fall fair mmm mmm mmm to bb hiild at georgetown on wednesday and thursday sept 30th and oct 1st the merchants bank op canada the prliis vlllbe the belt ever offered by the society the splendid showing in horsen last year will be maintained there will be a corresponding increase in interest tor cattlemen every department is being well looked after the grounds will be in rood condition every school child in the township will be given a iree ticket to the fair on the afternoon ofoctober let adults admission 35 cents splendid list of special prices grand joqcert there will be a grand concert at night in the town hall hiuhclafs talent will furnish the programme tickets 35c and 35c slurte fares on all hallway both days edw hoffman j a- tracy thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par oammlmidsir wilnotujm uuiaitvk runda amu umdlvlguidmoirtta- 1mb w- acton branch f a maclean manager m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m williams manufacturing company ltd m u atfalald i w twau wntohaibm qua m the empire typewriter visible writing perfect allgdwentllghtnuibf escapement endurance speed aa used by the c v r c n r bauk of montreal merchant rank royal rank northern crown bank might nireclorlc ltd uell tale- jibono co etc madalu canada therefor savnojthat rum be paid an duty on other make new moaul emplr u onala ye ndtalai oel aa eatalre u v ofltm a try ear canadian northern opening of direct pawjenger servloe aarrwuam toronto ottawa quebec c kaaaahatlcas uttleai butioa outml fx y rj latuos and valcartier military camp btfeetlve august 24th 1014 amd tmsuhhavmil dauv wmtmt ktumdjav eastbeaue tuatlea wastbda baitbeetta hnutvnr yavae lv totfodto a iv hdllewllld ak 8 ms 1 sitea xsrssseftt lvaddaimutfbr as rs mjai m m uomkfmwmlim abv ottavw kv hooh auririi betwieu ottawa auul tisliit city oetuy wuetawufatd ndetahaei sutd q ada6sqeihe4iim aveteutl otiawm btandard sleeping car and flrat chua coached between ottawa and quebec city double dally service except sunday and convenient week- und service between toronto fort hope cobourg trenton rictorj hellevlue deaerotito and yorker for ticket aud all information apply to nearest c n r agent geo patterson live stock bkalm aoton oni cattle sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally birou vou sua see me wmrt owltigto the proaent stringency caused by tha war i wish to clear evral hue at lea than coat ptlce memet shoeec off every dollar lttdlatei juto 3c off every ilolur one doieu uenv suite regular io oo for jfitjttt mtjnei shhrtat at svc also many other hum at reduced price alotof uualiukdaaueolmrldgattlttt themdreaae rnngo in value aa high aaiooo lacii and chlufyem b1u at lc iadle winter coat worth jo aud over all to go at ttjm come and see these wonderful bargains morris saxe mull btreer

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