Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1914, p. 4

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wedding presents rotfcra knives spoon porka fancy silverware rlow cut- ola fanoy china wedding rings mahllkaote lkcknskb 1bbudd geo iiystds real estate varan fur auto lu unlton peel uul wulllnuitiu too lanu lor aalo hvery slaw ut you want a lanu write ate for catuloane ok y4 wish to kcll or exchmhme wrlta uic w uuvi evnry facility fr rutiuurtlkiu buhlum to your eonptitti katurnctlitti tomm- 1 ton4ur4h4illfttl j willoiitilllxy ivoru hellluu suerlnllal tltiorjieowu ffifa rt0tt jfm ijtuiss thuhhdav hutrmljrlt 10 1uu brief locamtems order your fall yjr printing today cheer upl warmer weather uoootltiir again there i bo coal adkortaft 111 aelou thbtfall wluburg horticultural bocletys an uual kshlbltlon will u held lotley tbe wjthr on labor day ws not vary pleasant it waa cold ami cloudy all ur adam cook gardener kit lite yumm khuu a sim sample of celery umj ouwrday agualrjt wluuatar wuuuutumdoii tuesday to uctdays in gaol and to ivoeive uolaskea uy goods bud la canada or in great farital tad thus employ canadian and btup wkfawo the new baouoaof the county toad uablbtre u about expiated u u a vaafc lproveraeot a sptm rally tly service will la held i the uwlu binday bobaot on uada i loth 1w t fcklarboiry crop u bjog gathered t jays that are hog fpiaiitltlaa cf lb fnit in this taction rjmiml0ls kh basing loade to replace the ooo6ta hour at wahba bridge ovu- tie orand luvr at cvpring tax botla4 kw ujtur 1 od by celiac tor turvy tor lbs first itastahnsot due hepsmeb tlt h4y for blm a man should u ludutrioua but it bau uta talwhuf low much aaur it la to follow a proowoa than a plow ttw u a large dottuiwl for acton veil jcalr prise list inhibitors frotu a wide ana are making out 11u for com petition vurs brook 8noklauor mill utreet ts giving up bar bom and will d jtlm of h b rooda by auction 3 vruuy jteraootl mua motaboa murray will bold be lallbillhdary opadlhjf jjoodaj utumber litb in tbe ptauuea adjoin luff tile keu bayblook wblu tbt war ufeta tbe imperial order td bauflbuta of tbe lnplre at luolpb will buy only roobt made in canada or in orat britain luv mr draper praeohed lalxw bay aamuuie on bunday uuutf tbe tasti bear ye one anotbara burdena both tttorjalittf and evenly tbe pearaon bultdltig on uluow 8tkee u being moved back about twenty flv feefc and will be remodelled cor a ret deoee for lira pearaon h a bwaekhaaier lia discontinued tb urooery end provision btialnea on main btraet and ulu uurruy milliner baa motirdd lbs premlaob tbe grooery and alioe bualnaaa for ttttrly conducted by tu late if w keu uedy oeorffetowti luia been purchased by ur t ik orotbere of toronta herald if you bava eoue raal yood poultry or an aabxtal to eouiaend admiration or held and atden troduou worthy of a prlut arrange to exhibit tbem at aotou fall fevir tbe old udlen wlm are innutee of tbe wei ifalton uouae of kef uge at umtapoon have been bahl at work uu paat week ten daye knitting wristlet and oomforure for tbe eoldlert varuare i knoourase your aoui and 4autbura to compete for prbce at aoton kail fair tber are urg and vailed opportunluea it will encouraga the young eo4e to eual in their reajtaotlve work tbeerop of bakol uuu on uouutnant mill and around suiry lake li worv 4enuful titan usual tble fall the boy of acton bave for over fifty mm been katharine these uut from tliem totalities at ti coaferenod of ivoviuohd and tounlclpal repreeoatatlvee il was decided to upend twoww on a cuoretj lake shorn roadvay betweou ifaunllton and toronto ualton fatniah and otbara on utle new ikhjhway will pay frottuft tax ta aid iu 1u eoostruouon news op local import pwal oounty contbacei smjooo at a apotlal selon of ll oounly qtiuit nil it was decided to raise 914 000 to tro vide tor iw soldiers and the protection of thu fsmlllw tliey lett this u mulvalent to ond mill on urn asseamnent lboe daya ifopuu moltday monday was obuorved very uwruly as a holiday us the statute provided llukl iicui in touti was vory tronerslly uiiuwnleil and holiday ttljw woiu token by insny of our cltuouu prinolpolly to toronto kurahlnar betuah runounts mr j ii fallu m 1 v hrumptoh and dr xwdue of the veterinary lejmrt- iiitmt toronto were bore on tuesday solbctlntf remounlu for tbe drltlsli army vmta umi hores brouuht intlmy punohastml flvo thai waw whllame home tint iretty new home of tbe family of tlte late john wlklauui on mill rtreet is alwut computet on tractor hwackbamer ims ooit4ettd biswork and tlio uitntltlir will 1w iiuijmi in a few iuy it is a oomfortable uiwl attractive home nms ky a tbfonto vaj hal ton newsmiwra woro well rowsented on vjw day at tlia toronto kmblbltloft lllors while of like lleforwer and ianlon of tbo cintiiijri milton i kdltor harris of tbe lautte uurllnutoai lull tor ktauty cf the llecordoakvllie and editor uoom and voreman coumait of tbe vuhk ivksft acton were presoau ira provider ohureh htaafe headway luat woek two ears of dtibjaii crushed iloe were sjkread on church dtreot otlter car just arrived will oontpleu this fttone 00411011 front joint to ouelph rtreets tlie slatd rollor ooxtuenoed operations yutru ty buhulajt awl will spend the rest of lltt week in oikiaojidatlnk the atone tli i j wu nuke a ipety luproved road way oooo d i have been for h number of yeam trylu to bt b fild cake o doughnut that would hot aoak up tbe boe cab they were cooked in and at last i have il taka tbree tat ou cup sugar on4nb of ww milk toeeultig wbob tnllb kali boiaieff and hour eooufrh to permit tlu apooa to stand upright in tbe mlatur add two teaapootifabi good baklu beat until very light make luto deauwd abapeu and dtoji lu uo itot lard to oook tbese douhuutw will not absorb u partloltt of tbe fat and will not uwluce a tluker it ban been claimed thai if the bole in a doughnut were surrounded with uothlntf there would bo lew ilyhpepauv in tbe world but it la not q with th recipe try it a u y there is tnohs catarrh in this aeouou of the ooaotry than all tbe other duotues put together and until tbe last few year it waampposedto bebunirabu foranreat taany yeare dootori trooouneed it a looal disease and pnecrlhed local remedies and by constantly falling to euro with looal treatment pnwoonoed it inottrabbi bolenoe has proven oatarrb to be a oonatl tuuooal disease and therefore requiree a oonsutauoa tnattiteut ifalle tatarrli core manufactured by f j clieney oa toledo ohio is the only conetlluuottal evra on uw tawrket it is taken internally it aete dlreotly on tb idoetl and mnooua sarfaeea of tbe syeum they otfor one hnodred dollars for atoy oaae it falls to cure beo4 foi elrcutan and testluooala addrawet f j ouenev tt co toledo ofata sold by druggists 7 lake hsu family atbusf fam tkt vejuni tu uptw caiimla bible uocuty has arraagwl to puo a copy of tbe acrlptumi in tbe bands of every canadian soldier uavlug for iba ftwt kaob book contains the followlag nriptlodt traanud by tbe urltlji aud foreign and canadian lllbu hudutuis lo the canadian soldura in the warcf 101 i lie tttodg and of good courage- abeum olf fw aeiod volaauava urwlt ulagaad uu uubnwn have snt to lite actou soklure at valoartur a nuubwrofnktlyumlailnifouiwlvaa the eight or ten eouuulhiwla of wblob were hiu1 with a genaroiu uhly of saw injx aud lurtilntf newllea linen thread ytm bullofm shoe lu safty pins st tbd forui mot uful glfta ami will undoubtedly u appreciated by tbe reclpl sots bpeelal kwature roe juod vmxl inalr a ipial rature of the acton fall fair will be an eihlbli from tlie loeal ixanoh of lbs dsimrtuuut of agrkulturo tlie durict tieiweaenlallve mr uare will in charge etui will demonstrate dmlwuve method and poultry boue ooristruotlon milk teung will alo im a special feature do not fail to attend tin f and meet your agricultural lupresenlat ive of tlie county uuruuypeuwual tba man preparing for an auction sale sometimes healtaue nt tlte additional expense cf two or three dollars for hating the entire list of articles oaared for sale inserted in the local paper the fact however of hawing tbe whole list thus enumerated in thebome paper making it possible for the hauler to sit by his own fireside and read the enumerated srtlclae item by item rentier this method of great value to the person holding tbe sale bad ce6 aid tfoeutyv aatlwluesi acton tied cross aid society sent ita tlrst consignment cf oomforte to our soldier lieeae veloartier on tuesday the par cel comprised 23 knitted wool sleeping heltasu 0 ulrs socks and 93 pair woollen cuffs the ladles will continue the work cf knitting articles of comfort for the sol dlers ami they invite all the ladles of ac ton und vicinity to ski them in providing further article for cur men at the front an tbe fall and winter weatw approaches the need of the men will increase a cam of ceeuaaoel aaawwl arthur whluakat engineer cf tbe eloculo railway oonstructlort augirui was charged by john steele foreman of the traoklaylng gang wltlt assault in volloe court but thuhauy wealrtg ii v uoore j p was on the bench when tbe information was uld wfcjuaker plead ed guilty hut alleged be had iteeo inter fered with in his work by tbe foreman and hence the assault he was fined 91 m and eoata the ooutiabtor discharged whit taker for ble assault tw uoak eel uet islmhday a unique family reunion took place at wlertao on monday on tko occasion of tba ttttt birthday of dr book palermo halton countys grand old man and oldest phytloun tv lluak who has practiced 04 years has mi many publlo oaioes and was forty yeare councillor and itetv in tba township cf trafalgar deeplu hi four score yeara and the faot that sis yeare ago he waa stricken with paralysis tba old doctor u of keen inteltaot and alert for war news ha served aa an aray surgeon at tba time of the ataeriosu war luformer wolafaiael dvttttlt susd blddaty tbeforelgtterewho iodg in tbe bastou house bent the uaptiat church on miu tfltreet had a regular jambohe on saturday tolgtt and kept it up until two or three oclock buttday moruitig there appeared to be lkpmor ahv there waa aluglag dattclug fiuarrelllutf and fighting the disorder van such that neighbors were awakened for their peaceful ulumbeta and were fearful as to the outooin of the noisy lrawl it b uot much lo the bttdlt of u certain english speaking ejthteu who oo euplea a hiulo position in town the gift of tba luopla that be waa itreeeat with tlieae drunken forelgnera and a party to their demoralizing deuauch allaost hum umwaudas tmtam an order in council baa been pasted requiring all pltlsens of jeraauy or austrloylilungary now in canada to sur render within tan day all dnera arnwu ultloii oa atrploalvca in their possession to u just loo of tbe iieaoe or an ottcer of the n w felloe theauthoritleatuo also given tbe righft of search in oaaa of any person being staspected the ttrdar bmsdaumler th wwr measures act just tased by kariuuaont and refer to tba posaeeslon by any alien enemy of dream ammu nltlon djoamlte gunpowder or any other tungorooii sploalo a penalty of woo or imprhwutroeotls provided for fauaro to i comply summary prooeedlae araauthov bsed under the erimlnal ooda tba we- silki for ooiisupa of wovio4fthathliiotaaasioeaar ht placed apioa tbomrwui chatged personal andjtravel notes oeuil hod bevmobaa ltenta of interact to itreai sre lteadav oilkammd duulhri thd wmbk mr jou keuimxly of toronto waa lioine thin week mr ii if ltrowit w4 in toronto several duym tills week miss margurot drown visited totcnto f rlomls tills week lfattle cook vultod friends at jeorgtowii this wtiek alias margarab ksnnody of lleorgetown was home for lalxtr day miui uren of ht marys is tlte new teaolier at ilatinoukhurn xiissum haul ami little msuon vultod toronlo frioifts this week mlas mas mooru retuntod from liar visit at fort wllluti lat week mlaijfrene hnydr is visiting irieiuls in hamilton snd uunusy creek miss kulltli uunsteller or llslt vuited reuiueitliareduring tlte week miss frenkle mulll has uken a hltua tlon as teacher at llowtnanvllle miss urah iwrytnan has been visiting friends in nugara fslls tltiswek mr ami mm john cullen of luslpli spent labor hay wltlt acton friends mra cliarlee luluy ijwnt sateral days during the week with frhnuis in toronto uril w a htewart and mlw mull 4nt several days with friends in toroo mr jos it kaley and master fred of hamilton spent tlie holiday at his home hart mlse vara crlppahujuat returned hotne after a weeks visiting among friomld at aoton mw tusrie coon has taken a usition as heed mllllm with mrs walkom of doh gannon mu ksliu mulholund las returned home after fcpirtdln a iaonlli with liar suur u owen booed mr ll uacdotiald cfloomluldsunt a few ilaya with his brother mr harry uaclloaald soml hue capt and ura c h ilamble of hufiklo ipctt savnd days during the week vult lug huuds in tlte old home and mr 41o w lurkeraml uus mutul of juelpli wdhigutsof mr aiul mra a t drown on monday mr joseph mulbollaml aud mua irene spout the boudaya with their sister mrs m x tsaynor owen bound airs norman smith and cfaluwu cf ht thomas have leen visiting for a couple ofwksatllr fmeet crippe mta luv j w itoa ami master john of halifax formtly of tlulji visit stur n f uudsay a last week mm alex wyluf master johnny and willie of ulakeaey out are visiting this wk at tlte home cf mr harry macdon aid mr ami ura i- ix christie ami mr and mrs i iamble and children of ulph were guests at tlte liome cf 1 hendataon m p on tuesday mr w ii fltowart and miss m z llennett were in milton en saturday at tending a meeting of the 1veoutlve cf tlte tackr institute mr john flrtlaok mr ami mrs wm flrstbrook and daughters motored from toronto on tuesday alternoon and return d yesterday tuoraltig mrs ix ii proenuit ami mrs sterling of nidgetown have been visiting their sister mra ttww bomervillo ami otlter friends here this week mr fred mclaughlin returned to tbe city oo monday afer spamllrg a couple of weeks liollday one in detroit ami the other at ble homo here ylev c ix draper arrived home from his trip to too west ou thursday afternoon and mra draper and tin children reached items from sievens lib uiat evening dr kenneth ix pautntt of vancouver 11 0 spent sunday in town with bis patunti mr and mrs wm pantcrt he was on his way to valeartlar to jala tbe hospital oorju that will shortly leave for the scene of the war milton tleformer omlmbhathb tmhth uiahohd wmublmo tbo vatbev aud hotbas of mm sset- w awrey ulkty vosufd ataeelad 8lty years ago on the sth september mr and mra lkleoa awrey cf fargna were married at uelllnafad for thirty three yrara they lived on lot 22 oon 2 towtuhlp of kria but twenty seven years ago last april they retired from active farming to live lu fergus wbero they still reelda on batunuy with their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren numbering aienty in all they assembled at mulberry hall the old homestead to celebrate their diamond wedding ahulver- aery in such a manner aa tba cocajaon besides the immediate relatives there ware also peeeot aire irvln mr awraye ouby sister who waa the bridesmaid of slaty yeare ago ur and ura it heed of hills burgh mr and ura n head of llamll tea ur wm itead cf curglll and ur llobt llaed of fverioti two of the above ueaara it heed cf hlluhurgh and h itaed cf kvertou were abo pesjofc at the happy event uireescoro years ago although sixty yoste have since rolled by the aged couple now eighty six and seventy tin years of age are still enjoying ulr health betides their four sous aud four daugh tare mr and bfre awrey have fourteen grandsona nineteen grabdiaughberaseven grealgraoiliottn and silt great grand daugh tera tba fouowlttjr ura the sous aud daugh tarsi henry of atton i wo john cotho old homestead i laooard cf erin and herbert n of otuw ura matthew larea ami ura william hanley of flnelph aud ura wtu leslie ami ura fieorgu lsalle of bhucb kramosa township our soldicrsjgct good pav with hoard and cloth uiay srt th kqulvideni of mi 070 weest thid mauhihou at uk oht mohh tlta llovernnteut is lisntlng our cans dlutt sobllurs with ooitimumtll la generosity in tlie msttsrof uty many murrlod 11 1 who imvo gone to tlto fntiit liiay tin 1 hull limy ruoolve more ihtnnsolvet nml have taoro monny for their families than if limy k4yodat hotrte or if the world wuu ut ttaoe cdiiiulluiiu ut tlio front nre receiving i hm uy ur g7 70s ucfll thny itavo no xmiitao for clothing or for itnard un 1 us eteit their tobacco u supplied free there is no lira in on tlta pay in addition tlio fahilly nt tha married mail will receive 100- a week by m decision of the llflvoniinioiit and if tln unot sufficient to care for tholr needs there u the patriot 1 0 fund to look after llieill many men will ulso rwlva their sslar lea wlille there are uway tbo llorcril mnt however reserve the right to with hold thu separation allouuiioo klgurltig that the soldiers clothing and board are worth evt00 u week his souliers job is ccual to 81270 in nioosy ohhufaonu gohhua irwkitlly ruhiou at jsus tiaknbl lioraasi klek et dletenapev vlaitosw tlie runners oro i usy with tltelr fall seeding tt is hoped an extra birgo acre sge will w sown this fall to meet tlie ilemsmlu tltere will ho next year uuahroonui are very 4euthul this year t soma very tiloe ones itelng gathered in uiu vicinity mt john crewson itss a oauple of horses sick wltlidinumier a family re union was hold at tlte home of ur and mrs jas ilsmbleon tbe lug of labor ixiy when their son and ilaufihuru wltli utslr families assembled to speiul a metal evening together at tbe old home among the holiday visitors we noticed the following 1 mr aier crippe with friemls at campbell v ills 1 ur joa crew toil lluolph at his motliorai mr h h ilrowu luelji at tlie parental luvma t ur uml mrs ciiaa s ilamble liuttdo ami ur ami mrs w j vunnormun ami children o at mr j lambles 1 muw maggie crewscn at camtbllvllk mra cltaa lnmltert and children at hamilton ami toronto if women ever brosk into the tolltloal game they ii either have to loam to handle a hammer or hire some cheap men to tutil campaign ilea for theta pope buhbtdicrrxv cardinal ohlaa ot boloant italy klaotod to 0ueod pope plum x cuhllnnl juoona diu chlesa of bolog tm italy wus lut tliursday elected pope lu suooesslon to tlie late plus y he will assume tl e name nf itenedlot xv cnnuiibi imu chlfwa was assistant to dhllnal merry dol val rtaryif bute under th6 lata ikinlltr ho u an italian atul srchltlsliop if hologim ha is one of tlte moat recent additions to tlte sacred college liavlng been made a cardinal by popallunut the lost consistory in may he wau bom ut pcgll in tlte diooomi nf w nov 21 fuu uml was ordaincil u lurhuldofl jl 1u78 kuithuultammiai there la a good story told by lorue ittrmlnghsm the author an irlfth clief seoretary was doing his duty by lie west roast of ireland in a small stostner ami was extremely seuajck one port 1 10 tnst ami conversed with friendly vrlmt- i have bean lie som lut tls jwcr of tlte cliurcli in unllmitwl hi tie wmt offlrcuml couldut you arniiiga that wn slioukl not lie quite sink to wiorrcw t hir said ttio prjont tlie tower of tlie church extettds to hhjh water msib be yoml tliatlts hulebriumnla i vour puint1ho can not be done any better auywluire ot quite so good generally fuku punas prices are right if you require anything in the printing line from a visiting rani to apatrtphtsi let us have yourordcr important and timely war notice no more headaches for me tua can be yotur axperuocalffyoa use chamber iains tabult they cura head- acbeabyrraiov- ing tba causa uot by soothering tha aymp toma womans aurett cure iat wooisnm tkoet common allmanta try them 15c a bottle draggute and dealer or by taalh chamberlains tadlets new surroundlngi but old se llable umlaut kenney bros the oldest shoe store la town we have secured the agency tcf the celebrated reqalshoe aud have stocked alt sitae for gentleman fine lines of nil kinds of ladles show hapalrlug promptly made aud rubber heels put ou while you wait kentiey bros knmtya bloak main st afclon ukmiiouelm ftav ha osummws la fctiai potou avaiu luaat ttun ur ami mrs cmlz of haulltoa tor- mar llinehousa rasjuetlta were guests cf mr aac mrs ivans over hunday ura storey of toronto la visiting iter mother ura h lapoldevatt mr ferro of toronto spent the week ml with his friend ur its polking home ur and ura howling of jsaeehvllu are visiting ura bowliagv parents mr and ura usallll rev mr cameron who has been away for a months venation received a cordial welcome from ida ooagregailod last dab i children dry ros puncmeirs oasltoria muhuhdoadaaannoaduhhi prlngls bargains are truly genuine it u not a question of coht we huvo to rivu up the ntore at the end of the year and the goods muiit go tfktjbs ityou need a wed ding present now i to your chtvnce gd pringlc t jiii i wyadfeunst cudph euwuudcaaaiiaauaauiaa few families wholutvedomestlcfekeutone in tltelr closets have sense enough to keep thsntuierc ttils la a suoijcout workl a man cant always iwrrtiw mnuoy upon bis grand father s rtutatioii for honesty why sneer at the high aim tltat over- shoots the mark ate nts minnirasiwnm maakuf mabi0ic u though prices abroad and in many canadian importer liandu have mlvancod wa will not raise prlceunti fabrics nr nrllclea made abroad that w have now on hand such aa handkerchiefs linens woollen goods veiling umbrolderles neckwear hosiery umlurwear laces motions and trimmings flue cloves bilks eto uven though it com o a time that we nre at the last handkerchief lo tlio box or the lout place of fabric mi the shalveawe shall sell at the old prices tills is tlio way we conduct our btiriusm mm otic years end to the other giving the people every advantage possible the flood gates have been opened the new fall and winter merchandise is pouring in caue after case bale after halo of now pall and winter merchant iso from canadian and kuropentr manufacturorn havebeen arriving dully ut this big uiorc these hhlpmaritm include- the very latest ami most autbentlu rotjhlonu in womans ulcsei and children wear mens aud hoys clothing and ptinjlslilnga also j deimndable home purnlshlnga on account nf extensive altttrutljmb loour tow front 4 which wttnntlclpatatinm pltttlhr in the near future we cannot ihow you tliuaa now arrivals throurh tlio mwllurd ot tt show window hutw can and will be pleased to display for your insnecllon in our urge well llfchted roomy depnrlmenls nny bf the now good you nre directly interested in m the first floofr vou can new view some of tlio new silks drcie goods neckwear hoiltry underwear linens um brellas men a and doys clothing and furnishing on the second floor which la accessible by on easy to climb stairway or a safe express elevntor cue can inspect tha nuw arrivals in women a aud children a ready to wear apparel such as sulla coats drrssea skirts weill white wear corsets sweater coats and raincoats on the third floor which like the second floor con be reached by an vasy to climb stalrwsy or a safe express elevator are displayed handsome hugs aud carpets pretty curtains and curtain materials urvlceable linoleums aud oil cloths warm blankets wallpaper and other purulsblngs for tha home of those who desire the best at the lowest possible price although many of our new purchases are not yet to hand we have now la stock a good shewing of tha 1014 pall paihlona to make a visit to the store worth while come any day you please we 11 gladly show you the uew arrlvala d macdonald bros u 3 cor wyiulhmm nj maedontl slrwfa ouelph oat fricftdritsbtbdibtbdtd esqueslnia adkiculiural soqibl 1914 hmst mmm the slktyejhth annul fall fair mmm mmm to be hbld at gborgb70wn on wednesday and thursday sent 30th and oct 1st tbe prius lllbe tbe but ever ofteed by tbe society tlift splendid showing in horaen last year will be maintained there will be a corresponding increase in interest for cattlemen every department is being well looked after the grounds will be in good condition every school child in the township will be given a tree ticket to the fair nn the afternoon of october 1st adults admission 35 cents splendid list of special prises the merchants op canada bank uejmwissv h bnaatie la csaaea grand concert there will be a grand concert at night in the town hall highclars talent will furnish the programme tickets 35c and 35c shifts fares oa ill rtlhrayt bold dy mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm edw huffman j a tracy thrift is rightly described as eco- nomical managoment a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar nt a time perhaps more but the real tecrct ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch f a maclean manager mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhmm m m j the empire typewriter s b visible writing perfect ahjnt lfghttilng m bsaapcmont endupauoe spoed ah used by the c p r c n tt hsok of montreal merchants dauk iloyal hank northern crown bank might nirtrcterleo ltd hall tu- phoati co etc uada lu catuida tbereforo uvo asthat must ha paid aa duty ou other makes u casts yea naiuag to try m a eeulre u vawr lesulrali ottue m wiluah8 kandpactdbing company ltd canadian northern opening of direct passenger barries toronto ottawa quebec uedea muuoa oeeitsej w t jhasieal c fcl l let and valcartier military camp kffeotlve august 24th 1014 amd vuuulotukuilv ucairr uhu1v kkmiuoai iuiuos wubaa uu- wsssvaj 1s lv tesmhito aw lv m4lutlu am wt avlsahlsel as t t v vv tfi m am ottwisxv ksooal nwu bstwseu oilavsa aaui haus tjity imuy auudsfj slaeplug cars and pint claai coaihe betweed ottawa and quebec city doubla dally turvica axotot 8undyand coavnunt wek- and service between toronto pott hope cobourg tyantod pictod belurvllh dsaerouto and yarker par tickets tad all information apply to ueatwst c n u agdl geo patterson uvk stock blulm aotom oni cattle sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally ikvoklk yotj htxjl tt iii mhr owltigtolhtinunttraguoyau4mby tbs mr i wub to dear uvra mnm t i tlua emltrim mans sheas mo ob every foliar ladto ahoasssc oh vtrr dollar on loun uria hull nguur in ou or man shtrta at ae alia iruuiy other line m rilacj irlceu a lot otlaxtteudrasms clearing em tlieu dmuee ranee in vdue iu high he fio oe lkdlw and childrwna bella at le udle wiotar cou tmrih m 50 and mr all in go at simm come snd see these wonderful bargains mmmsuuummmmmmmhammmnmmml morris saxc 141ll avrnaer

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