Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 10, 1914, p. 5

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ffibe retail tzt rcss tiiukhdav hkitkmiiklt 10 1111 yotiiutnouthlttllopyhuwonlu at ut wo bltom wsrlnril von tlmt flu 111 tha paunut down wn iiomii ilia liunili voti wnnt publish your heuit unl lot it jmnl linto pour vou tlisl lwl lud for vvor on our lotijrik wo m old in uur und if in uullo wn uhi yottnjr also u tlwi mplrlfc tlmt axomuird uanu in our imwooi evn iu luiretofoie no r lltaua tlmwu unbraced tlinfco tiorvcu uutrung wv do not w llli ciiuih iinina tunic a wnnlnti w r tint on uiioh mty tortm willi luutvaii t but lit eurth imnrluir w txui crlly wy i our timmlu nta pur i for iwiiw for limine wolukta btrlvoil ahl not by mirth nhull i in imi mwii tyr- riven who lit tlie flro uwiiwl tlmt llnmov lo iluy ivhhuii walton am aid it mkuotlv ahdwheu you uera uhmtul mi jour hoaaybukmi tridld you vlnlillto ialuiw nf iwo at tii haipie imliod tho ulrl friend of lb iwlild jutt home from abroad oliys wan tha reply wo tiwl our fir quarrel there thu movrimtmhicatlna uah pirttfllrl i ilk a tnan with a past a bum with past always iitlonwtltiit bo640ll ttiafi true i hub i dont think it neatly m littaraatliitf au man vltltaftlur third olrl tueiuan wlto inter uu 1 th bun with a present und lite more axpsaslv tli prmtit tl mora inursfct i ub la it turn hutrrttaokitt iiubav uasur of th lfout married to a suf- fraftatt what happening about ll ditto- mary lcald thar aint jtolntf to he mm dr ifaat what no dinner uald no sir tha mlsux an come obm from jail sir on at up i in very think la tie oum 1 tta taoat obstinate corn und wuru full id twut ifollowoyii cora cure try it am uhlhywhbhd auuuiiloh tint mumptlullty of tins human mind lo mgsftuoti 1 n oonut whiim of tung a ohm wimm it wickedly tun fdnutdiui ut of trt klndaou of liut into puc of impaftlnanm l rviwhaih iwo wooia wr walking down tha btirt koouy vum they natlooil uuotlier watnuii jufc in frottb of thaw ttt udyn wolt u unhuttonwl in th bk mui oo to the othar i ullove rtlbk to her shout it- rti othr loowd over tin unoonuloua mhjot of eottumt i then tlia liiook iter bul xdotte believe that x would y any- tidotf la u tha uhl i douu if u th kind of wraon who would apueeiala jnxtr klndttoaa hlnt very neatly not fr dortt you a 1 liar aho an hortlhly few down at the heel i dont one aald th firtt woniau aiyor would ha glad of a wamlaff that he- wmufc u unhnttoaed it doauit uat- ur u ah dout tewd lo lx vry uloa pan6tl x au ftolnjr to oaii h sttafttlon idle and ad ah walked up loathe aumafr aaj teed har m th ahouue aa tha ii turned th wodld ha haaefeotor kt jet u aeolly w ah kaw bow lvidod b but did you know that youi hoe im tan down at th heel t melefrp duiho htololibonlv auoiii 1 mmo to ilolutii- your iumlh him killity ttia l ljuly hut t didnt order uny aafliit lliuout u h noxt door nolj ichi llrawn 1 ijidy why yuu u it for hr j auoiit not blio ordorwl ltfurti hnr bw ftallh whfl hava akalton bturekweijhav m enough to teaji theeathw tu u u awtiouwa wcekl a bum cant jwejr hbtrow tammey ukon ku ifraud teiher e euuou fr hooeoy ml salt rheum 01 flffl uidssoudshe eould i0t wohk uxb hi bit bu 1w nwtoroont write vbti tin hdlm treobled wife salt uimin od kny batkk aad u a m omd x eodld km k taty wv x oud avw1 tttedidac bat umy ail aeiled ttt up tax on kw frutd tow m to toy buidock filoodbutcte o x tot at bottlk nd uf m i ted taked u kay fcuudj wrt better x auu not nfrmdj to tnmimcaa j03 hjj ar- taw u ooly on wny t fcet rhl bf nil t onoalooa akhl rtrfw oob u wrw bjt uhcujd uou- mololc otc nad ttut 1 wttvhwh blood uanrauk friranalrijt by th u of ur dock blood xtitten thk aonudii ucdy hiu botd od tha banfket foe tloe on to forty cmn hod you will ana tut it will do ntf we tuw if it bw that mir uamo nytnm on th bottle label mad wrabpejr th t mllth0 co untlud yofonlo oiit a aood uuam a vaebylachu ptoaoluu utowd at u ltaektbcby hmoiiotkln oahlit ou day wharb av gnnt tmfd wotatau laaiiad on tho dllatudteh fcete u 1 your hiuliaail tottuyl in quud tho tnaoher 0t huwtla any xveebylehuni wfound lioro v wal now that 1 ilont know ittraiiur but tha bid of auary klml of utilitwl tliab ay buahand vr killed in lacked upyunjlef od th back of tha atnokti houut you anliha aup thar an took omndy allad to tit mora for a job in nmnagwr after naklno hhn fjw qnaailoa feet blm to work itlddlntf him lift n kvy bk up on h utaml handy ttnggud vainly with tim jolt for few naonaattta than btopjd miul aald i jfat6ldytatatamttehlr ddl i not vaa rapllad th txuuuur vou aald it wan tatnaon why v jvaeh aid handy ntoji4otf lila hrow i wnnioat awondrl0f if yo thoottt i aaul castoria for infant and cnhdrea in lis for over 30 yearc alwava bamni ghjnatar at tilh dov lktjbnail kmployer ijwiu iwiro you youiitf ltli van wlul in i only niiujdhcd von yjr- duy ii i id i lwllovo you itavo boon anleop bluoo onioo hoy ttutu wlutb i thought yon wmiitotl lr horonyour ad ertkomeut wanted mi oflloo lioy not over fcltii inunt bleep on premlaaa i h ipnompmot tommy liuil ihmii uaylnu truant from uliool ami liiul njmnt n long luwutifu day fltliltijf on liu way hack lie tuat on of itlboungoroiiloai w aooofctod him with tlm usual quoat ion i catelmnytbiiik at tlilu tummy in nil ooitmlounnowi of iiilt quickly tainoiuisd i no aint heon imuin yet suffered everything for yearrealorcdto health by lydia eipinkhlun vcjf- etable compound canadian women ux continunlly writ intf ua auch latter ax th two following which arohoartfoltexpraaalonaof crau- ttulu tor riiatored health olanford station onl i hmo ta ken lydla k imnkhama vatiilio com jkound ami novor found any mndlcln to compare with it i hadulearaand fall- injf of womb ami doctor old mo no good i auffurtk dreadfully for yvim until i bcrn taking your roadie ine i so reoommimj it for tiervousnoaa and in- dictation mri hcnby cutttk glanford staucm ont cheatorvllla onl i heard your tnodlclnaa highly praued and a yar ffo 1 haan taking tham for falllnffof womb and ovarian trouble my uft aid pained m all tha tima and juat before my period which wor lrrgular and painful it would ho wor to alt down cauaad ma pain and aun bitf and i would b aa ftervou aoma- tlm that x could not bear to aa any onaorhaaranyortaepeak llttlajucki would float befor my y anil i vraa alwaya eonatlpated i cannot aay too much for lydla e irsnkhama vefftitahl compound am llveif xilla for that aw no medlelni lik them i hv uken them and 1 taoacatoeodthemtoallwontta youmuy publlb thu taumonihuii rtk- ihiol j afahnw cbeeurvllic oliurio uh uidmy ailawhc twum th bew baby htul ptoved iteelf th po eapor of exuaordlaayy luu howh- on day baby brother uttl johiioy sail la hi tuolhar i ua llltu brothar cama from heivd didnt 1 vioti daar aitwwoj tha wothar johnny waa ulit for a ulnuta aud thu h want on i i aay ma what 1 1 jolihuy f i dodt i4aua tli aasrja fo fclluftihtf hint out do you f whed a mother detect front th wrlth- luftj and fnttlhjf of a child that woraui ar tvou4lhtf it bh oan proour iu lieiter tetondy than ullbrh womi liwtlem wlilob ar quahuoi1 to totally bvpl worwa f wai tha wylfctn thsy tnay caua vomltlntf battkla need caua no anvlety lieoaub it la but a uunlfettatlon of thalr thowuigt work kowortnn can lon alt whare thai ivtwddr ara uid children oxv roa rurchcra c a i a uakino it not vou iiiw hlto wuy oomplalnluk to llta dlarkt hiltur of tho cruelty of imr lmuaiul tuko my udvloi ho uald to bar mul tt4t biiu with uluduawi uiul you will it luupliitf oust of lira on blu heail that uont da wmh tlm wply i i hmo triad itolllii watur 1 two haonarrs i hpikimi jolhi lu bllll titkln life easy y hald tlm uoiiieh ti the trulu i ytw nitaweitml tli uoniith wlto um rarijluu it imnille of oioiiiuh john ban mly ynt two rureu in life one u tltat in hau to mwka up and ttet an i tho ntlier lu that he ban to lvn up eutln to blim the summer complaint of infants is cholera infantum many children dla from thb tvouhu when they could b cured by tlo us of wi rowlers ex- tiuct or wild strawberry a remedy which will quickly offrwt th vomiting pursliif and th pfofnu dlanboca aocompaulng a oaa of thla nature ur oeork ifenley itoxarove ont wtila 1 ean recommend dr vowlefg hutroct of wild rtrawberry forcholcfa infatttum my llttl yll wa ao ak i did tkot think bhcouhltivavtw could not lift her up lo when wo moved bar her bowel would move x tv bar dr fowler ttd the firat do helped her audi on bottla cured her x recom mended it to my alattr who child waa blck and it cured her aba then again x hy told other frlenda about it and they bav found that it 1 a brand raedwn to bav in tba hou all th uma then im many mparation ort th market today cufmlub to tnak th ham cuk a j powlcrv but the notuuimt notaptttatlotu ao called atraw berry compottadj ar hothlnm mom or le than rank imitation and at ttabl td b it detriment to your health vthed you aak for tit powler b aura you bt it do not accept any other a the anbttltuta may b dan- beroua 8m that our nam u on tha wrapper u kmo m earrtj th t uubum co llmlud toronto out ooukktalarv a hubimvm aawbn soma of uta graat imialnee oorporatlona or tliu country uu llttl handhooka for tha banailt of thalr aupioyom in which thalr raqulrnuiila lit r6ftnl to courtaay ar aat fortli and booh a faot a thla overthrow tha theory of aoma yountf man uutt good tnannar belontf to tha drawlh room on th contrary they ar dlbtliwtly a hublnow propoltlnti lianty of auooauful man would aoknowhiju wltltoub healtatlon tliat thalr yood man- nam war onaoftbal raaaets no aretolaaa itualnaatt houaa plana to pub up with bad mannar in it amployeaa xt can and all tha man it want who hava ttolb bralna and courtaay and you mutt not fauoy that your bupply of tha brtt will uak th all molheia can put away auvlaty ragar dins tltalr aunehn chlidnh whan thay have uother tlntva worm leutermlnator to qjv rllf it afteota ar aura and laat luflf quatartton willi looked aolama aud waa evidently thlnuna papa wu rbadlujr and uanully bhub in from th world papa bald willi what t it aonr fto thay baovhalabooa out of whale t yaa myaort a uootent mora of thoughb and than i if w wwra ta ootk would v b oorkarar no aaawar another bllgftt intarval papa ar boya that ahoot oraokara craokarjack 1 papa bull alleuu luoutaftad wu ua qneeb for ibfartaatloo in that dltaeuoa wlltla uraad to fau ua ua whaa women woa hoop did ladlan aiuaw wy warwhoop v papa urned with ampbael i wiuu it u tlta for you to gx to bed wiuu hurud bat turaaj at tha dour tad laooceutly baked la tbl houe od buepet beoaue v iep la iii suffehedfflrfourveahs fr heart troibleaid lervcks rrlralim urt joha hwx cmledoua oal wriuax fed tt my duty to ut you kttow of tha treat btnent votit alilbwu- ueart and ncrva piu did for ba x iutfered for fout year with heart trouhl and ncrvou proatratkui x waa m bad that x could uot kd upatalrt witboat sitlifl dowd at th ut bciotb x could eto uy room x couldnt alaao mot on uy left hid for it wotddtaaan a thotujbtuy heart would atop i thotubt my tha had 6ma x wj doctorfayt with th doctor but djdat kat any benefit xwaandvuadtotaamuudnrat ajtabdnirvalhllaaoiattwabom aad after x had taked on bo 1 batatt to foil batter and altar x bad takai two x could so up and dom tlr wtth- out kastlni ao x took auht bortr and x am citjoylttic good health i tottthhir it a oodenrto hav yotar pllla id th bouae u mubuma luaxt and ncrv pwa ar fioceau per boa or s bokeaforvioat alt dealer or mailed dlrtct ott roeajpt of prioftby th t mubum co tlmlt4 toronto qofu why auaar at tha high ultn that over- aboot th mark tb raw malarial of the aaloon la tit iwty it flakthad product la tha druukutd ohildron ory for rutchers oajtoria had severe stomach trouble and sick headache could not etl abytnloj wiuicjj agoouiof paid my hcalui la better uow than it hat butt for year and x owe it to axu burua taiauvtr xhlli wrltaa utaa jtos doyle comuuiht oat x waa for several year troubled with aevcr stomach troubla and alck dwhm couldbot cat anythlhjf without aaonl injrpala my alck headache wcra moat violent and x could not rest nliht or day i becama emaciated and thor oughly dcapondetit and no mh atented to beto w until x took mil- bum lavauver pills in flva tnoatha i was ctttlnly cured mubunaalavauverpulaara without a doubt ona of tba heat remedies ott the t market today for all tba troubles aruuu from the wrong action of the liver you can procure them from any dmgglit or beoaral store if they havent them in stock send direct to th t milltura co limited toronto ont price aaotnt per vial as 6 ykda for waa can wmttn ww uuarf a iwy was tailing lit father of a hunt in whkhlki uuw taking part whan bis eh- 04i ilto ipiurry ollmboil u lioa iiim fattier ohjaotoil tlmt iloifu fioukl not climb tioiw whoivuikui tlm buy blu eye brluhb and aaffar vilulnd lsub thawitllrral ran up tha traa w snd tit dog hadto what uvar part tho youthful imagination plaed in ta nartatlva it llldatiata a truth cou tluually lmuaad upon ua that uaoaaslty ooaveri unnv au lupoatlhllity into an aotual fact wo way kaai ou saying i cant u11 th urn coma that wa must of all our blessings ut u thank mod most heartily for tha nooaaalty that dualpataa our excuse and teaohe us that wo oati fitaaaaanablosplmthaknmt robtor- tr ami to he deiirivad of it u vital laaa whatavar may ha uta caua of it ludlgom- uonnorvoumdeianmeutortnautal worry uyaoiwraaof ittrmala vegatalo pill uy regulating tha uotlou of tha stomach ahsra th troubl ii they will raetor itohttid coudltfoo ami liealihful bleep will follow they aunt a aedatlve fore upon uta neriosand whet tltat i unrt thay bring rat man and women today ar w busy kejug the wolf from the door that they bat no unte to lab in the eoglaltev t phillip acton fall fair 1914 i wednes thursday sept 23 u open to the world s large revised prize list z s splendid list of specials 2 8 5 48th highlanders band toronto s b i rials of speed on thu track s b reduced kiirctfoti llic railways b g b g grand concert second night s g send to saicrcury for vtlte lui m oeo hav1ll president geo hvnds scc7rcas special frizes homes i bert team horses in harness any data 1st silver cup value imloo by j m warren toronto 3ndona plush kug valua itoxbyp caldwelh acton 14 co 3 best and fastest road bora any age twlca around track hones competing in other races ar excluded by s ii mc- glbborl georgetown cash uxt cm j bert itlah stepping hor 1st jfll mcglbbon ullton cash tooi nd nlcholaa porbes acton cash hot 6 od 4 uort stylhh slngla horaa in harness by a mccann acton irt cartilp0j and caah bxdo j co g bert slagi turnout owned by fanner pituh ttug value xrio byga bdwards coo 6 bert thraaycarold roadater in hamea atyla and apeod con- jdarnd onco round track on overcoat value ijolm by w c deverelh atton 30 oa f bert cojta j yearsand under got by michael grsttan by dr john steel arch by or wilts by sabla wllka by guy wllkabygeo wilts irt darnby lorraine snd dam by aihindorf 3rd dam by go wilkathdamby sentinelj 1st prtset aervjc of bon loij valua iiaooi ted cash fcoo jnl csjji ixrw by u p barry rockwood ij 00 8 m untnaitled lady drlvcrby john irving milloo caah j oo o beet pony under saddle by morws save acton cash oo 10 jfert siichmg cwt any elaia by wjfstilchlircssh j oo 11 bcbt married lady driver by a t brown pne room wall paper value j oo 13 kovelty race to hamcaa and hitch to a rig trot horse once around th track unhitch saddle and go one as you please around lb track t irt a b mclean cash xjtxjj ted by joseph holmes cash fifed t oo 15 bert lady rider j one ladles skirt cloth to be selected and madet up by c vaaauan gaoigetown value 10 oo cattle amd sheep i bert fat steer or heifer i year and over by harris abattoir qv toronto cash il bert cow and calf any breed i by lleoderioncov actonca4b 16 bert cotawold ram i year open to county of ilalton only j by d mcaderaon m p cash it bcuttlebeastanyebro6doraakibytljhsasaicash ib beat herd of three calves 1st prtu by leslie pearen caah xjj tad pue by wallace labyxm 10 bert pen of 6 bacon hogs weight not leu than 180 to ud lbs i by neil patterson and johnlfenndy istjcaibsod bnd caabeio butter u bert 10 la crock butter dotior to ket butler i by jc iiiu cash 31 bert s lb crock butter donor to get butter goods value 1400 by wu jtohnrtone u best 10 lha butter in i bound prints donor to receive butter 1 by goo havlll cash 1j best j lha butttr dooor to get batter 1 by w wulunu i pair ladi boots value 34 bart 10 lbs butter n bound prints donor to feat butter f by the groficrie limited co cash jj llert 10 lb crock butter dooor to gat boluri by tha cuamaon co goelpfa cash 36 bart lbs tiui ter donor to get butter ly iccnoay broa acton pair udira boots value tj bert ttlbvcrotkbutterdonoc to gat butter 1 by t morton caah ml bert 10 lha butter donor to gtbuttri by dr com camh zt so bart id lbs ckock butter donor to get umei pair whlautraes u and beckyoke compute by n p mclau vmlu so brt m lb butter uprubl donor to gat butter 1 by wjf pat- terser georgetown cath apttes jl bert barrel northern spy apdha 1 thui to be ekhlbltoi barrel delivered when picked i by a t brown cash ji seat bag snow apple donor to gel applee j by d m hender son cash 1j bert barrel crwminga donor to get apples 1 by c c straight i cake knife value 54 bert barrel northern spy apples i dosed to be tshlblucltob picked and delivered one month later by a o t beard more cash bart barrel northern spy apples tawdeuvereduter donor to fcetaatnet by wo cooper pair pants value jo beat barrel snow apples donor to get same 1 by t statham fit sooa lootbs royal ilousehdld flout vsjue 17 b jt1 king of tort pklnsawdaa i pick to ba khiblld barral delivered irt novmnberi by h p moore cash 58 bert barrel northern spy apples donor to get same 1 by a- j macklnnon cash 5 largert and bert collection of vegetable t by the world printing co toronto subscription to the ehuly world one miscellaneous bert s lb honey in comb donor to get honey 1 by goo soper csbh bert bag potato donor to get potatoes by c c henderson cash bert bag potatoes donor to get potatoes 1 by n garden cash bert collection pancy bred pigeons not less than 4 pairs 1st by w latuhaoiough cash is oa and by c h stevens csshxloo bert bag potatoes donor to get potatoes xx hendaraon i gduarn jxxx b c shingles valua best pair t dressed chkkent donor to get same 1 by harold wueacash 40 bert pair dressed chickens donor to get same 1 one ut wagon double trees complete wl h devise by j n onell george 1 own valua 47 best dressed goose donors to get same 1st by a sachs georgetown caah fjoo and by t statham 8c son j lbs royal household flour value as 48 bert pair dressed ducks donor to get same i by w gardiner balllnafad cash 49- bert two bag potato donor to get tame 1 by n p mclam team general purpose horaea shod all round value so bert display 01 dressed chickens exhibition by an individual owner who has not won an baton prim at any pair since ion a choice or the following 1 1st hot water incubator catalog via no 718461 single jfameas utalogue 11a page a no 8ij0 1 pendant and chain catalogue 1 10 page loo no 50460 the t baton co will also pay the highest market price for the prise winning chickens if they are delivered to the arm ji best pie and layer cake by girls under if years their mothers to be member of the institute 1 by women institute acton ist cash 8100 and cash he s3 bert collection of plants not less than 6 varieties oped to members of the womens institute onlyi by women institute acton 1st cash sioo and cash sc 5j bert collection of inaecta wlui spoclal altention to butterflies rnotha beet la and bugs open to students of acton high school only by w h stewart 1st caah lioo 1 and cash c i 3rd cash soc s4 bert baby under i year 1 by geo hynda 8actvaa 1st cash bjtoo 1 and cath i 00 5s bert pair bedroom sllppam wool t by bed rose tea co toronto irt lb tea value fxoo and 3 lb value si so 1 jmy lha value hoc so best white embroidery on linen open to member of institute only 1 by wonuna institute acton 1st caah f ijoo 1 and cashysc 57 largest and bast collection fancy work one pair of ladles bootaoo jw selected from catalogue t by row simpson co i tto 00 sto 00 j so 4 l 400 seo sco 4w 5 00 sco sw y co sco 3 3 s 6 co s so so sco 300 300 3 as 300 300 350 s7s iso 3co 1 n 17 bbs 3 4co 7s castoria tho kind tea uavo alwayg bought mnd vrhlcfa hnb boon in use tot ovor so yearn ha borne tho nlffiintaro of and hn boon uuule kinder fat lr- honnl hiiporvlalon nlnco if iiifhttcy- allow no 0110 to docolvo you in thla all countorfolta imliatlonh mid ofmataoooi but baperlnunu tlmt trlfla with and ndnurr tlio health of infttuu btnd children kaperlenoo ngalrmt kxporlmnnt what is castoria osurtorla la n hkrmleaa aibtltuto fbr coator oil pnrew rorlo lropat nnd soothlntf dyrupa it in xlnaannt it contain neither opium morphine nor other narotvua nabetauoe jttn off intaranteo it deatroy worms and nllaya ivovjrlmhneaw it euro dlarrluua and wind colic it relieve toeuiinff vroublesv eiireu coiutlptlon sutd avlattilenoy it uaslnrtlate the atood retntlnieu tho btotnoch und howe rlvlntf healthy nud nntnral nleen tho ohltdrenat 1otiaoea o mother friend the grand trunk railwa fataknokll ihaihu ti ir mi unit i- lit i ul till 1 tttj irii-tli- alu i uk o imi htby 1 1 r ill sl lu fk hi n it liilulii k ji 1u 10 w ill si ii ii til ii s i vui i iii ji u ii 111 ijttft i ftlllll iii ih i1u ii i si ir h im ii ill j 1 11 i it mmk tn qbhuihe castoria 1 boors the signature of always the kind ton have always bought in us for over 30 years l6e metropolitan bank catoitfcl hu ul eukmldooo war ud h od uildlvtd imuu wmuivtm head office tohonto pkrkers business given careful attention loans made to responsible farmeru for business purposes sale notes discounted or collected bnanciius in this diorsucr acston milton guelph norvnl catopbellville ixxxorcxxixn50r3rxwoot actons electric chopping miiil choppinjifsi rolling done thursdays fridays re saturdays satisfaction guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton ctoreyigloves im warmest kind for cold weather tougher hoiuehitle will never be found because the beat i used or storeys cloves and gauntlet and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and hrl firepioof the best working gloves on the bbss market hold at all tores insist on storeys imperial counter check books tho popular impurinl cninilfar check ilwjfcm miuiurritum il hy tha applrnrtl oinnlur clklh itmilt cm rlmltwil ilnm 1 may he nnurtil ut thu pv 1uiid sniiitih h inl in f nil it j lui fchnwn 1 itpplltiitijn ittiiii doliviry tlloru trttnri 1 iiicrluhi in uidi in acton hum imj nil ir llinh linuh u6t acton tree pitch local agency grand truhkrvrm reduced fares to tdltpnto tor canadian national exhibition vara and emu ihlrdauitukt 31st to sep tember 1 uli inclutivo from all stations in cutiiula cornwull ottawa and wrtt special llouml trip farca will b in effect on curtuln dntirn bpeclal trait for toronto will loavo actoh wttit uao ts w kpt 8 s 7 b d and loth all tickets valid for rwturn until tues day beptomber isth 1914 full parti culars from grand trunk tlcktjt h2ou h s holmes agent iphons no 13 nobles flour and feed store -for- bran shortu mixed chop oat chop gluten meal molassine robert noble ltd j u warrkh wahasw willow st aolon ont stonandaaannddcia rockwood i chopping mills all chopping will be p h done speedily and well g n on plates or stonet r n d s flour oatmeal g r bran shorts jj j the best at lowest jj rt prices n 2 hakri36vco linuuj 2 mookwood our 6 9 h mwuuhii nddanannnddddnwmmuiika boots shoes bubbebs mniindaauinjuutiui duqdad toronto value s beat pock yellow dsnvcr onions ilotior to recelvd acton pre prags k year s0 best ptxk red wtilhersfleld onions donor to receive acton vtta vrttm i year 6a dest 9 loaves littui and 1 doreti suns tlonor to receive same 1st tutuo ob lbs flour value i oo and prlre ah lbs flour valua h501 3rd prise 31 lbs flour value 75c by robert noble limited norval 61 rett bate potatoes donor to set same 1 by dr j m 1011 cash 6x beit double loaf ttinilo from family flour i by w h ilartop lat prlre too lbs family flour j 2nd prlxe 50 lb family flour 65 best 5 pounds butter in prints donor to receive butter 1 by sal ads tea co slbs 50c mack saluda tea tea to be pro cured from mr john r kennedy 64 best pair mens knitted mint donor to receive mitt a amodeo i m 00 hunch of bananas from j r kennedy au lines q footweear at ricfht prices h j all mens rubbers at g bargain prices n appaananaondaaddaaadnpno a w atitjijiams mill street acton patents 6s iso 50 of each donor to receive fruit 1 by john charles 6 lbs 50c black tea value best barrel northern spy annies donor to receive apples sample to be shown and barrel delivered later by r ilat ram cash oo 1 from mr john r kennedy best ladles combination mare or raiding o be rkklen and driven by lady owner i by jno m warren toronto 1st prise ijoo snd prtte sxoo nj dcasaaisj 00 j a ifsirqiiisi iiiiitsc awaelaassfllt

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