Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 17, 1914, p. 4

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she 2vrt0rt 3fm tefi iwhenbuyingyeastl 1insiston hauimgf this package tiiukhoay hkftkmukh 17 101 wthbina xiika wkv i nan ahow papw lli wy i know out to tlm inocidowm mid tip thnlilll otw tim iuiiu whore tlio iuuipu wow off to tlm toodluttd ua fur null htlll i oould bltow mim lln way if tn caro to no v utliitf them w ith mo id find tlui hii oli i could iitdood down throurjli tint ktlih wlmira tlo wiulrrelu i4uy 0r tlm paiitiiro where cuttle food while llm bi l koapu holiday i under tli oool ti tho hhady tru into the horoeu id tlto urdu and lux bub wlutiivroil fctwii nil the wondartatid and we wro mudy nt lutt in jo i should lx uud to tu to luiixirt lianlt for im ufmid that 1 ijiuiildiii know nearly m toll hflnir all iih llu luat what tlm mifofat wbj liomti would lw v fniiik with ott hull haltlmo thtt buniauhhy vitt til icmimbs otciiij oiwol her mu11 bo nilililliin at atwn luitclioon in uhool ono iluy tin teeeltar called tlto culprit lo tlio deb you know thii togttn trnh thai you niuut mil cut durliijt wwin limiru now u uiihil intent joti uuml btuiul iwro intrant of tlm claw mid cut aerj lilt of it the email lny did uu lie wiui bid u our- lou prii overuproadluu hht fuco the tcaoher nilsuideritood tluit yrlu until tlm uut ucrap hud dliuppcired when front lb cuw u kftuill video wailed fi tearful aooantu i lie teacher that aunt mm lunch he waubatln i it wan mine stii the liver op by the use of milhuvs lixaliver pills if tha liva i luv glow or toarto it u accessary to stimulate it by the in of a rrie that will clean away all the waala and poiumioui trutur from the yatcttt and prevent n well tu cure constipation fcuck headaebe uulout- b jutttdw bour btomacfa uvcr compulnt had alt hkktari urblojr froni a dimrdcsd wndlttoii ol tha btomach uubunia laullvo xhua am a tedtu tot au tha ttoublei aad b bcd uaed for cloae td to twenty ytin by tnaay peopla for mkna coutpuinu urtycorma dtictlw wauford oat tntt k wa uouhud with bay rtcomwh for twatyfiv ytaia i doctoral wtb doctor di canada ad ukucuc but kot uo tvlkf then wa a friend hi ilkhlaa who advlatd ua to by tr ullbuma lmlw 1iiu aadldldao x uow f d ilka a bew tnati and x caat iue thtm enough to wy fellow tncd uilbuzaa laxauvtr ihua ara 25 aanuiwrvlmloravlalarorvtoo tfay im for aala at all dcalcra w mud direct 3d tvotlpt of twrlca by the t uubora co limluj toronto ortl oamioilioal amd pbouifetnoh to u editor i ttooun cktholloii iwvfl rcally hald it eottvaatlou at kuani vullu for ui pur- pai bt dlmbtikklutt how liot to uuka milud wahat 8jpdtut tha liquor tnuhe tlit u aaoat anoouragluff ua in tw ait our tkthollo trathkn hae not uo aauctlva iu tu eppoaitioa to tha liquor t6io ra ill prouaunta thay wlult tlit thataaakea and ara dattdlud touglblilndiioloi6r tttt caii to tha ttomvmttioa rd as fol ldw t tha lib of tha liquor info is in 4t balanoa and it bhoowu tha buny tklltolloa who of oppohad to ilia uloon to font mnultmui of tli4lr own or to abliata thalr ttatt with the axutlttif orpuiuatiaarf iuaiimi to ihs overthrow of tha liquor mdna wbifh la crectlujf iu bivl and aot lonnlhlaranipahiwharacatholia uuiaacoua alrauly tha buiny jga in tha uafiutoubbtuiaau whkh rurt what pot piua xcuod tha unlhb uourua tha ludl evil bowing as limnll fchaiud iluoiu tha fltklul oouui tmtmi a tajghty hindranea to tha iywh lalwttul hnd teait nroi of tha ajaarloeh iaoola iu uiral and of our 66yfannlnuiullll mriiouur tlrhw0 tha undrjuuad luriiej- ud by tha urgaut apkwl of tha third hory cbdtwiu of luhinuu to ull cnihouoi aardgd lu tha ula of idoohouo hraja toqult tha ibuttfarouu hufcjnai lvltad all cutholiah who favor tha ratnoval tha amlaoa to uaot la couforouoa augua lib 1914 iu nlf valu it hhaull oa vtttnantbfciad thul in tlta ira- vjtkw 6f quuo thota ara 06m muukipll tin nndar rtohlutioji uud only 2sd under upanu judging the futura y tlta wx tlka dvwnfkll of thiu dtiuulful buitliwui u rat hand if arootl m ii 51 c r h mai a weak heart ui bad shaky nerves for yurs mani lurt ti ttn nib cvw us h kwrt turner maria jomfh iawritojf hava bd mk heart and bad abaky ucrvca for ytara and hava triad ajmou avarytblox but uoib- uk did tna any aood till i waa advlacd to tv uubuma ifcurt and kcrva pilu x wma aurpriaed to and bow oaa box mtaad tne ao x triad two mora and ant aow cotuplakly cured you may uia aay letter ma an aid to othcra mfitiiog freatt heart or nerve troublta muburaa ifcart and kent ww ara m apecina f or all run dowtt tutu and vt atata troubled with their heart or nerval bauburua heart and nerve pllla ara bo caata per boa or 3 hoitei for il2jj at all dealera or nulled direct oh receipt of jprlca by tha t milium co limited toronto oul thftra ia no yultw luwi to lutiirfeta with tha klllbtf of tlma a loaaa uuigua turn tie miino torrfhlo hurd unku lit llfom akelu xta w much alor to tulk of univornlmi than it ia to tnuulfuut inuriwy soma omndldatmi oujiit to tubo tlio roht r for their liitfrowlnfr iuiiuom v von know vary u that tha xniimmyii ibr otharu wouldnt fcatufy you ko oaa oau achiava yood work wlto 1oh mo uka htwida in it iord clinton children ory for fletchers ca8toria oya iilp dciw substitutes u1iv huoar mam riaum uur fuik ijion lliu itfilka forco in iihi urfut nilvuiicti r irlgi if stnuf during uiil tuawimiliu on auqtuit kl tlio irloa of mu tiiuur uuu lt2it ccnla um rallntxl kold nt i llouutu tlintiu utw wur do oiariil utwon uuuii und tlermnii hj auubcttli thoiirlini of iuu uiiuar rowt to i 2d ccnls mid relliwwl uilvuiicwl lo 4 1w cculu hi aitiiit ithli tlio uloo iif wu uuu r ouiiu uud rvlliuxl uait ll couu lly aujfuut cttli ruu mild ut nn2 otnitu uud roniunl at ii mioeutw in otlwi uordu th nrlooofrum iuyar lutti almost douhhal ami refined wuhfuiwrooiit liltlierln luowaoku homo ol tlilu advance wub uaturnlly dua to lutrruitlmi of oouuii uliliiliiu i uamo of it iiodoulit wan imuwhi by dowlro of luikhxu to tabo udvuiiluuu of future iouililo or on ioot4ld6nuiiu t umho of it auiiiit luuad uion tlraat ilrlulitu iifl nf ilrwlu4f tuftrar rani mhivo ntlior uautce tluin tlutt of iuiclildf unlier tlennany in thlu eon- uootlon it may ita worth nouafif tliat all tha oountrui now at mar 0ptjrat vrluin in producer of ikaot tujfar flirnyniy austria and iiumu especially to th following labia bliowm tlia production of lt ur in tha oouutrua at war tit total production of lkt fcujjur in kurop and tha total woductiou of ull kliulu of miar 111 tlio world 101213 toiifi auatria iluumirv iwioom luitfiuui j74o0o vranoa utlool tlmtnany 2tuwum hilau ivattfion hrvu u06 tatauiionunuum tlmilfim allrurom 7wmi00 alllwt hawooo can ottifiooo ha 17300o it will hulyr uat tl uh oonunatttal oouutrli imalii kiiropo in 1013 13 produoftd bt pur oont of all tin hoot iugr of kuropia total utuur production hi par cant of all tlto boat kufpir of u workl and 3fl per oanu oi all tlio uugr in tha world thu yaara yuld of t uuar wan ekiot fl to ha uitfvr limn for tlia year nwntlon- ed willi furopo ui urmail oniip wltli ulllions of man withdrawn fromairrioultura uud with tha hut uuar relhi tlia wu of actual battla tlio pronpaolu of liaat ugar pniduotlon aiul irioa arc to way the iaait proldauotl c goaiheillh it laimtibu riihmihflakayaetil of the kiieeyi whh tha kkhuya uiln to aet uo and fail to filter tha blood through thad thcra pauaa iuto tha ytim udc acid and other virulent pouous which will catua eotud of tha uvarcit and tnoit tuadly dueasaa known to ntankntd od tha ftntt evidence of tha approach of kidney trouhla doana aodncy piua ihould b uud and eetioui traubte avoided ur iwl drou xulh wd writes- am aeudlntf you thu teatl numtial tcluua you what a wonderful cure doana kudnay ihil uada for a my kldaaya wra ao bad x waa balnl far about two uonthfl x inwd aavcral idnda of pula but nona of thenj hecirtad to ba doldjf ua any good at hut x waa advlud to try u boa of doana kidney puu wha i had taken tha flit boa x found relief and theu x got aaather and by tha tun x bad uknt it x waa completely cured doane kidney xhlla ara 60 cent per ho or 8 for t m at au dealera or eaaflad direct on receipt of pile by tha t ullburd co limited toronto out whctt orderlntc direct aoeelfy doina a uoiuun luuail much uui for a uuin wlioui ilia cant taaoli to ha jealoua on lo trouuad with coma uud waita lio will flwl iii hollowuyu com jure an uidicutloii that will outlroly roluns uufr- irttf children ory ror rletchers oastori a iikatid iv ali uueonas whoa maiu twain waa hvhuj iti hart- fonl coiniootlout wliara dr ltoaim now hijiopof alluuy uuu raotor of un kpj4- copjl clmroh it want to iwar one of tlio olfryiiuitn iwul mnnona afur it wau over murk upproaobad the doctor am udd pnlltely i i lunocnjooilioiir wruhjii tlilw inorn liijf i uoioouhhi it uu i would un okl frluiuh i liuvo u hook ut home in tny library tluit ooatiilini every ward of it wlii tluit cant ha ur clemena ra pliad tha raotor all tlm hjimo it u mi uld twulu walt i oertululy hmilil ii lo to nee tluit honk rninthl tlm ruuir with dignity all rltfltl mplloil murk i yui tjudl imvo it utul llu mint hiornliiif doctor duttii rooolvod wltli murk twain unai- ijltne uu u dictionary vt hkamzv kictlbld ut modtolhn wimt belp you nny tli doctor tokl lilu putlonl wlmt joti tiood in u nonipldto olimiuo nf llvjujr tlut uway timimit tjnut ooiiulry plitixi for a tiwmth io u ikmi rly tmt nioro rouht itecf drink dantyof fowl rloli milk um mnokn jut fnid nlur u ly a mouth lulor tlto putlont uu1bol into tliadontorw olllco ho limikod lllio u ivuw hunt uud tha iloouir tokl him ut tu doctor yourmuloi cor tu inly did tlio liuulitn i unit to bod tuirly kiki dkl ull tlm dtlior lliluuu j imi told um hut uy doctor tlmt oiinnigur ii day idmou klllotl mo ul llrtt itu mi john hturtliur in to huiuko ut in j llinu u llfo a prluro ntiiht ho jnl mid jimhi u uoll u millaul ii u mifot to i inn r and tnui cuuumii tlmn tulu lmnlioii st you iniiul wlirrj unrr uvur tliulliiugu on uinl liolp yen tin udilt nvor tlio otlieru mrs haben was made well by lydu fc jinkbaona vtitf table compound axnd want other suffering women to know i murfraaboro tinn i fiav vantad to writ to you for a ions uma to tall you what your wooowfoi reroadua havai don for tna i wan a aoffarac from faknala waakntaa and duplaeamanfc and x would hivw aocb tird womont 1 hhna alck baadv ache and dlaay epall xoctara did kn eyo fcood ao x triad tha lydu e pink- hani ttamadiaa vtabla compoond and banatjva wab x abtnowwlland itroiyr and tan do all my own work i owe it all to lydu e ahnkhama v talda conipoond and wut ow auflw- lnf wotnan to know aboatll ifra ii vi kfabfeif fill a spring bl mar- freoeboro twin thla famoua rwcnedy tha tnadldaal inttrwianta 6f vhlefa n dahvwl frnd tiatlva root and barb ba for nrly forty yoara brovwd to b a tnott vajaa tlo tonl4 and invlgorato of tha fvtnau ornanlant womad vwrywbr hmt wiluriff uaunttov to tha wroodarful vh tue o lydia e plnkbnua vtuue conipound why iltma hope ko womad naffarlntf frocd any forni of famala tronblaa ahouu lo bona un til aha ha gjvad lyui e piakhania wjfatabu compoond a fair trlal if yaa waat eaoda a4rlowhtato iyal k makhtlvmwta ca- om- uyauad ywwr- latter wul baopaj rw aai awmnf by a wonua a4 kll u bcriet twamuie a prima drtiktlotf for woundurin noma fuolnrlo4 und wwkjiopi cirliollo uold iu kopl for nwi in rwutaruing wnuuduuiulnutm uhtulnol iy um workmen fur holler lo keop iui hand u noltla of dr tltomai kclootflo oil il in jiihi u utck hi uotlmi mid dooh ikt koar the nklii or hum thu luutr tlwrto ih no ojimjc til tlm m itu lilthafpihlltloa to tp ahidh iu human thini uotilly uoan your itrotbcr uiun hi 111 ittntlor hutar wooutn i tho they huty uutitf a keunlli wraiif to dai ufcjdau hmnaii wlio nuda tlto heart tin if ulntta dooldadly eon try ui ii know each chord ita varlouu tone j each priaaf iu vartonn biaa than at tha lialanae let i mute w never can adjnat 1 1 what dona w partly uay oomthit but know not whetv rmiated dread of asthma make oouulhvs ihouu- aaihi fatlaeraua nlglit after nlylit hi utlaokfi return end even wha iwiol twiplt laulvoji tlio uliul iu fttlll in tortimiit front omitlnual anticipation vt j ix kellogizii aclhbd llecnejy chaiufwi all uiu iuluf comaa uiul at onoa while future attacks ar warovl off uavlngui afuiotad one in u ilal of paaoa aiul imppjnea lie onoa lia llav4l ha could never enjoy iuanianulve awl eold aleuwl everywhera duly i ho who ara utrong siuwijli lo luodul puhlio opinion dare lipiora it- mr harruon frew in it in mora untlhla lo y wrlouu aluot- tton lo tha health of tits lution titan to una rule britannia tha hlhop of htepnay man and uotueu today ore ao huuy k6p- ioft the tolf froui tlia door tlut thay late uo tlue to ut in tlte antfja rev t llillllpa o astoria for inlafites ad duwt n u for 0yff 30yurt way bear liknelu of klmm kkak louder titan word over tha tela phone tear of joy ami uilnaea flow fro tha uina tank uubi6tliaoauof tliua ilmr era eroel- uut to clean lulrrom firat rub um nilr- rorh wltli a damp olotb iheu pollh wltli the jiepor lvotaot tho child from tho ravaea of woruu by ualiitf mother jrac vvorta kxtenuluator it ia av4aitulard reioedy uod eam of uu liave aaimootl uu reputa- little boy was not expected to lite tfitik8hsiakwithlmrrka thy wo u mum rnwi i ttoaw 10 sot dr fowl ems btract el wild ttrawbkmmv whlth cimd him un vtta bthoph kteuuiil 8uk of w1i4 stmwuny wheu tuy utue boy wuuotemiertbjtou wowltiuly nllm from doctor when lie llkli low took tkk villi dunfaou ha 1 ami would jtp nchy j dy ud t nllht would bt lo twin md would turn vulmnmiyllwiaruhlidnutm tkli went on dy uud uuhtuiiulbabuuto ktifc sx fcot wilbout way ood bect t timcin x bcmtt in lv hlui a laracir dom ud oou fcg btw to kt itlm it wu liuloool tfana day tuy boy was out buy limdwi7wlllj toll itnud reumdy ha bun on tlia cjuaduu watkat fir marty hytak and b wltbout douhv uubutt koml nuudy ror au bowl cousuiis you adfor dr powkrv km 1 wuiiik 1a fcat cau b jtrar 3 cjood v ssocnta so tkat tho uai of tb x imbuta co t aopia o thm wrapoa acton fall fair 1914 i wediics thursday sept 23 24 1 open to the world s large revised prize list splendid list of specials a 48h highlanders barid toronto trials of speed nn llu tinck b reduced karen on the roilwayii l grand concert second night e snrj to secretary for kmitelul oeo navill president geo hnds scc7rca special prizes iiouu i bct team horace in haraeu any clan iu silver cup value saoo by j m warrcrt toronto andoniluhftijj value f4jmlbyok caldwell acton ji oo 3 best and fattett road horu any ae twice around track if oraaa coupatiruf in other race ara excluded by s ii uc- gibbon georgetown cah jo too 3 betkilchtepptnlioru ut jf ii mcgibhon milton caah v4ooi snd nlchohu rochea actori cath jlo0 6 bo 4 moat stylhii slnsla hon in hamea by a mccaiut acton lit tahltji mdcaahkio0 bo s- bt sliujla turnout owned by farmer pluhh riut value sjjdo by geo ktdwarda 500 6 llest threayearold oadaer hi ham tlyla irnl apeed coi tldwcd one round track one overcoat value exum by w c deverell acton uoo y boacolta jyeareandundei- irot 1y aflchael grettan by dr fohiii5tml archl by ora vllka by sable wllka by guy wilke by geo wllka lit dam by lorraine md dam by altendorf 3rd data by geo wllka at h dan by hunllnel 1 it prixa aervlca of bora 1415 value ltoxooi sod caah 3jw 3nl cah txoo by m p lurry uockwood 1 00 8 iui unmarried lady driver by yohtt frylritf milton tad 3 00 a deal pony under saddle by morn s acton ch 3 oo id best kucklrtm colt any claa by w j ttluhla cah 300 ii beat married lady driver by a t brown one room wall paper value s o0 13 novejly kace totumcai and hitch to a tig trot bora once around the track unhitch aaddla and to once aa you puaia around tha track 1 ut a b mclean cath icoj 2nd by joeeph hdrnej ciilt tloo s 00 13 beat lady rider one htdw aklrt cloth to he aiced and inada up by c vaaalun georawtown value 10 oa cattle ajd hhzet bcu fat steer or heifer 1 year and over by hani abattoir ox toronto cath real cow and calf any bread j by mendenon co acton cah bett coliwold ium 1 year open to county of hilton only t by d herkuraon m a ouh beat cattle dealt any axe breed or tea by e j haaaatd cash beat herd of ihia calve t iu prue by leslie av pearea caah t jw t sad prue by wallace lathy io0 31 beat bawdnorthcruspy appi- delivered when pkkedi by a t brown cih 33 beat batf snow apple donor to get apple 1 by xx ml ilender- aoucamh 33 beat barrel graealajci donor to feet apple 1 by c c speight i cake knife vajjie 34 beat barrel northern spy applaa i doxeutobe cxhlbltadtob picked and delivered one month later 1 by a o t beard- mora caah 35- beat barrel northern spy apple to ba delivered later donor to get aama 1 by win cooper pair pant value 3 printing co toronto luberrlr year viul beat collection fancy brad plgeona by w landihorough caah s300 3nd by c 47- 54 56 60 00 19 beat pen of 0 bacon hofi welaht not lea than 1 80 to uo lb 1 by nell patteraon and johttk ceaaady lit cash tbd fed caah40 36 beat 10 lb crock butter donor to gat butter t by j c hill caih 31 best ih crock butter donor to tec butter 1 good value too by wm johnstone u beat 10 lb butter in l pound print donor to receive butter 1 bygoliavilhcaili 35 bat i lb butter donor to get butter i by w william t palr ladiee booti value 34 best id lb butter in pound print donor to get butter 1 by tha groccrte limited co- cash 3j beat 10 ih crock butterdonor to get butter t by the simpson co guclph cash 36 beat s lb butter donor to get butter 1 by icenuay bro acton pair ladles boot value beat 6 lb crock butter donor to gt butter 1 by t morton cah 38 beat lolba buturdonor to get butter 1 by dr coxeeh 30 beat 10 lb crock butter donor to get ume 1 pair whiffletrwa and neckyoke complete by n p mclam value 30 beat 30 lb bolter in print donor to get butter by w j pal- ulaori george town cash t uvueti to be ekhlhiled barrel beat barrel snow apple donor to gat urns 1 by t slathata sods 100 lb royal household flour value beat barrel king of tornpun apple i peck to be ekhlhiled barrel delivered 1st november by ii p moore cash best barrel northern spy apple donor to gat aaue 1 by a j macklnnon cash largest and tint collection of yw bv ln world bl riptlon to tha dall ilori to the dally world one 3 sa 460 so 460 jw j 00 460 360 00 60 yea 560 360 300 5 do ts oo 3 0 300 00 300 miscellaneous beat 3 lb honey in comb donor to get honey 1 by geo soper beit bag polatoea ionor to get potatoes by c c henderson cath beet baje potatoes donor togat potatoea 1 by n garden cash fancy bred pigeon not lea jm clin cmhsirx lea than i ut h steven 44 beat bag potatoea dotior lo get potatoea i d henderaon i aquare 3xxx u- c shingle value 45 beat pair xveticd chickens donor to get aamei by harold wile cash 46 beat pair dretted chlckent donor to get uma 1 one ut wagon double tree complete wi h devise by j n cpnell george town value t beat dreaaed gooae donor to get uma 1 lit by a sacha geonwlownc8sns360sodbyt slatham son lb royal household flour value ij5 48 beat pair dreaaed duck donor to get aama t by w gardiner baulnbfad caah 4cl meat two bag potatoea donor to get umb 1 by n p mclam team generalpurpoab horae shod all round value t beat dltpiay ot dreaaed chicken exhibition by an individual owner who baa not won an baton peine at any pair since oil a choice of the following t 1st hot water incubator catalogue tlo no yib4 single harness catalogue not page 1 no 81330 1 pendant and chain catalogue no twtga vet baton ca will alto pay tha highest market price for the prlia winning chicken if they an delivered to the 51 beat pie and layer cake by girls under 16 yean their mother to be member of the irtttltute 1 by women institute acton iu caih tfoo and cash yc 51 beat collection of plant not leaa than 6 varieties open to member of the wombne institute onlyi by women institute acton ut caah jr 00 md caah jc 51 beat collection of inaecu with special attention to butterflies moth beetle und imir open to atudenta of acton high- school only i by w h stewart let cath 1100 1 tod caah s7 ytc i 3rd caill soc ftett baby under r year i by geo hynde soctreat 11 caih tlooi sod caah si 00 w m beat pair bedroou bllpfmst wool i by bad hot tea co toronto lit s lb tea value sxoo i md 3 iba value vlao ird a iba value hoc dent white embroidery on linen open to member of inatltute only i by woman inatltute acton tat caah root ted largcrt and beat collection pancir work one jplilr of ladua boot to b uelocted front caulogwa i by kobb slmpaon co jod j 00 j m 1 s s7s 1 so j00 i 75 is joo 400 for infanta and chlfdron mothers know that genuine castoria always bears the signature of the grand trunk bailwa1 fabskmokin thaimb italuu nail lit acton 1 on iwo mut mo 11 ivilahi kolm u0m uoht llulabi nn ij ujwililn- uoii iwijini no ul fmim uoimo wbaty nom alsm mo si loaoau moai amp m mo hi aiopm mo kmb to- ko it 140 a m imperial counter check books metropolitan bank oatltal truld ut tmjboomiooxd utadliakl vwaw falmoittttj wund wjooooaoo head office toronto pkrjwrs business given careful attention loans made to responsible farmera for business purposes sale notes discounted or collected branches ih this disthict acton milton guelph norval campbellvllle ixoch3oooo00oooochrkx actons electric chopping mill chopping cq rolling done thursdaya krldeiys vl saturdays satisr action guaranteed flour and feed for sale b f caldwell acton warmeat kind for cold weather tougher liorathuje will neves be found bcau the best ia used or stoieya gloves and gauntleto and yet the akin because carefully tanned by the cbttoirie proceaa ia made pliable insuring wear resistance waterproof and qffiftj rircvproof the best working gloves on the ftsmesj market sold at all atores insist onstoreyo toronln value h best wck vollow danver oiilima donor to receive acton free lreia i year 59- ueit 1eck hwl wuthenfleld onliint donor to receive i acton free ireia i year 6a bail a laiavo breiul and 1 don hum donor ta receive tame l hi ivrire 08 lb lour vulm- sjuo i aiul lwlae 4h uu hour vuhievitoi jrtl nrliie 34 iu hour valuu 7cby itohcrt noble limited norval r 61 hen has rolutaea donor to ucl tump t by dr j m bell cath 63 beat double luvat mailo from iamlly flour j by w ii hovtop lit puy 100 llw family ilour 1 3tul prue 10 lb tamlly flour 63 beit j pntimu uutler in frltiht ilimor to receive butter 1 by set- atla tea co ibi oc mack saluda tea tea to be pro cured from mr john it kennedy 1 64 heat fair mens knitted mitts donor to receive mill a amodeo l s3 no bunch of banana from j r kennedy 6 het nuart lara chelrrlei rutpbeirie and strawberries l jar of each donor to receive fruit by john charles 6 lb joe black tea vuluu 66 heat barrel northern spy apivle donor to receive upple sample to be shown and barrel delivered later 1 by k llat- vmi rath stwi from mr jilin h kennedy ey ilett ladles uimblnatlon mare or fielding to be ridden and driven by lady owneri 1 by jno m warren toronto 1st prize 3 on mepffbe 300 soo 1 00 1 00 5 35 j 50 3 so asro 300 joo 500 tlio populur laipurlal coiintur chech lloohu iiii4iiiil by the apple ford coiinlur ciili u ii wjii oi llmltud ham lllon mny lw onltrnl at tha faav im uu butnpleii mid priri nf idl atyfc uhown on npplcutiun irnmpt delivery thurv ri jihito iitiiwrlnl in una la acton than any ullior cliech book x6 ac ton frcet praia local aokcnov nobles flour and feed store for bran shorts mixed chop oat chop gluten meal molanslne robert noble ltd j iu wamhim mmmm- willow 3t aolort onl grand trunk v rcjuccdtarea to load on oat asmunfwssu krajv from kin ant oh uatifrew and station vssi thsfdomn canada also dtralt and fort huron midi at rsm sum oottoj4 p4stsw iflalbvutst bpaoul wsaniow nyw tawpc tatary hwturu limit fwpurabsr alkt 104 souhtakikksiaay aucooataiiou round trip llcbau to point in waal toua haakatcbewan and albarta via chicago bt fautor dulutbortsalaaacb tuwciy until october ajth inclusive at low fare ttsturn limit two inanlh full particular and ticket from bjfenls 17 s holmes agent intone no 13 mnaodaananaaecsi rockwood j chopping mills ah chopping will be done speedily nnd well on plates or stonett i flour oatmeal bran shorts j the bent at lowest priced harris v co umled hookwooo omt iwuhflm oanaaautiuatinadhumsisib boots shoes bubbbbs piiniinaduunnuuutiuidaadua all lines q footwear 8 kt right prices all mens rubbers at r i bargain i prices annnnaqanctanadonddapddnd q w wltiliams mill strft acton

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