Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1914, p. 3

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wedding- presents roevrv knives spoon korha kanoy 3ilvarwcrai niok cutoiaee fanoy china wedding nin03 mahhiagii0 lioatna-ce- lubd oeo hynds real estate vattva far wilt 111 uultoti ipcel and wrhlimtom luo forma lor ale vrky u r you want h faturtt wrlltt wc for rauulouue ok yu tvlxli u mill or uxrhuute write w we bttva vvery launlllty for irttukmctlnu buttluohu co your conl uatltrurtlou 4jorha laomdftiittiuollrlcnil j i wllilliiiiuv i urn rinlllutf rlpcrluhiit ilcometown fjlje jxiomdfra tytcs thursday hkitksillkil 21 iou mb brief local items he a great fair tbla will tte acton 1vi1 vow day brampton tav rata thla year la 2fl mill thanhiurlvlng luy monda 12th oc lobar latroalw the fair night concert to night tb kiltie iuimi wilt own tlis town today tt vkxh vuuut till the end nf ui year for 23c monday v uta flrat full day it didnt facl it show your colore uihj morning hang out your flag 3iv the old boya aud gtrle a cordial weloom home today tit uaual equlnoxlai galea foiled to malarlall on monday the list of prlr winner ut tin uulr wlu be given in next berna iv j it bleed of oajkvilla bu bmtt appoint a coroner for halloo mm data of thanksgiving baa lteen changed to monday october utli say i bealtootlerofyourtown dont knock but bootl uenn aittl knocker th public school mitlu will all b at tb jelr vied ticket from ilia teacher ouelph te to bav a hubatanlu reduo hon in hydro kleetilo rated at lb nd of tha year canadian maaona are being aaked to coatributdi rjeehforahotpitalfarwourul- edlwluhaoldur cordially great all th homecomer today they will feel pleaaed ami will think about it afterward tb ooeetrucuon of um haw toronto- lamiltow cement road through helton will b wmaieooad thhi fall tha data of ituillngton awl nelson voir baa been changed from oct 8th to oct hth thanksgiving day iwirt generally ha town a large mtwg of vail wheat in tbla bdollon bod have doubled their uaual araa turnip are coming u freely about ten taw have iwi shipped from acton tt phoa tbla wwk la 1 2d tr luubel ttd raly day torvloa la tba matbojut bonday bdbool wj laryvly attaudoj it waa m vwy inuwwung mrvloa bubday tba bouod day of tb uonou fclfbty u tb auda oi tba 36tb saptamb udt bad for tba lady of tba boo kfcuntt ftwkal nua will u bau lafei albmna cbunb uaxt uuoday ai 11 a fca- obj t p w tba uaual barvart da- ubmuona iv trquluut of 0bvuy wbo fttid c bia fkuwt ba bloej bbl dnijf ato wbkb waa atauud lbroaqiuhr of a motaryag4 at tba tawing of luupb rbytry bat wmk tb tell of ejmiikm cburcb to ju w u kay titbra tkmfcbatbata a iitwilnil tb vmkm pom bj m taubltlotfj tbraa appua ol tba aurfudw vakuty um tambd bl ut v v urtiri cbftob iswt wbub wwb 9 pouada 8 tnoa iv jompb tufw of uutod wu batuuly ibjuiwj at tka wod 1u lbodo u wi byujklok id tba hbdornt by a atalllod la tba bona aag btnjtbv tba aati wba waa bauood to t daya atj tm uj by uawrau wku mii aiio f wlfa btellajf rwjv- ad blada oa vrlday luelpb uaoury kaap ahmybody punllia al work bpaod for tw uaoaoaaury luvurloa kp bayu baoamaty tbhis od tbua balp tnala ivapaw lbagtdi totaiaaall tba laodaub kmalbla bast yar a apundu fciolaw of uuek ckpa kam bmd ih 1 vhb tvkaa jniwu in tba knlad of llbaaa barab aid aaw rvvrytdam joba btwu kunby km auob tti fouad w lata id tba aaafcana la raoawlar bar vuiat isuua auuurip- uo btt liodday ura itourt apiav wik av rmuikadi tblalatbafortutb ywir id auftowahti tbat w bav paid for tba osuu viucaa and wa alwaya may it tba plattu for vwir uljbt rfauradayi at wottowukkt ituluda aotu of tba bwi popubivtrioupiayaraufiliajoluiuuuuy mot wocb and tlnwobo ullly alao a uuae taaj waraar bpoial for vruay ulght tla eaaa atfaluat badl uavuaoa of brtd townablp tbuftad wltb raavltttf aiouo propaaiy waa raauuad ut tba nourt booaa aalpfa on ttunday before ofud rayaa a ooavlouon waa rourad and oaitrldaoa waa flnad w llr cawbcd oburldtf of tb vowiiablp of tnitjar baa porbaaed m looaomfaret mob tb waat 1ilf of lot nutabor four in kwitumtlna townablp ooutity of llalton boat edward may of tvafalgar vowoablp tlmu wan mado by j a wuioudtby tiaotxaiawn a botal kaapar lu lwyton bolalad a curnuu tug raosnuy and wbati mutauatrat ad wltb rafoaed to tak it down but at ucbada onion jack to tbo ull of i- ttla hi tb orownfntf naull a wild crowd gatbetad and tore down tba natf and ttuoataoad to alau daeaouvtt tba botal news of local import a olrllvw bhouldm- dlnlooatwl blttlolvy imtuy llowar avenua fell ofttlm fonoa on fumuy about two onloak und duiooated bet bboubler ft waa promitly attondixltoatml alio lu about aa uauab jtawlah mow yak 0jlbreitloa xmmi moiulny tuwulay nd wwlnewuy our jowult fellow oltluna mdllwlraiiltunl ilnwailnil of tba lvy of atonomoikt am now yer mont of ilia jow from town atletulod mrvloea in toronto tio aervloa ikelrtjf bold bero aa boa lioert ounlonwry for noma yiutra drunk oh tha titrt on ratuhuy evening tlto mofod wua lylnjr drunk on llowar aanua wliom podoktrlatut wera btutnlillnif over dim uonntalilo hiirvay urrbtd liltn biki bo romalnwl lu tbecellh until monday tnom inu wlmti bo came itefafcp u i moore j 1 for trial ho jjwultml guilty und uou flnd moo and oohla a llont aunvd toy aoto tfiero luu immii muob talk tlia paut week nliout tli promal to hrttanlm a itoma uuattl for acton moat of tlto lmklnm men in town are prepared to eulub dpi a o t ileartlinore of tltejtoyal oi dieru oner to ault in tba inattar and ulvo neoeuary liitlrnotluuw und lutiuer ibukl uml oilier veurauu will auo cmly uld in wor k of enlutraent w drill coutuoutt oanjr hantovd tbo onnatruotion puiu wblob for itoiiui time lutd lkon quartered in tltelroara on aldliitf ut willow htroet but balurday nuurulnif truck cuiii and tbelr care were removed to near lulen mill near there aavoral of ik men are eifltrl in idaolnn a aiding in a pit from whlcti lultut for tha road la to be obtalued the reknaln der are doiutf be fmmou trldk- ao4t0wbuoyaammiulldbytv4wtt on monday evening aa tba id year old m of mr detiuta traoy of lunwilllanui waa prooeodlng to bin wotk at tba paper will by way of u abort out through a wood bo waa ooooatad by h trawp ha flrat axked youny traoy if lt bail any money and on being told be luul nooa knocked tbo lad down and took ida lunoli tim boy waa found intenslu- in the wood by hla fatliar aonia tim later herald ulovai omiawtaa cora ronnt a an inaugural faaturo of tha oominfr aoaaona ootlvltlee tla kinge ortlerllea lllblacbua but uontuy evening bald a corn ronat on llie farm of mr klohard it row n about forty of tlm young people of the orgauutationa invited participated in the enjoyabla event varloua gauua wer idayad both before and after a very liberal aupply ol com aud fruit a aairvtbw napbw in taa wnw iuv it m uotavlah a a h b aon of itev dr w h- motavuli ot toronto and nephew of a uotavtab marohant tailor aoton oiler apofmlim a year in pottgraduate atutly in lermany retunud to kngland a fow daya befora tha war broke out while 1 wam waiting for an ojportunlty to aail for calnula tba call for recruits waa uaued aud 1m reaponded to it uowrotabomai law now trooptr mo tavub ko w bijuadrort c 2nd king udwarda horaa knott ofaiiab junior tibud at a wall auaadad uoallng of knok churob junior guild hut week the follow lag officers war eloeted i hon pre ur ix m haudarm ivaa aua uulaaae vioacwa bart mo at fwratary jaaii wluod trauurar marrarat wluoo ihauut marifuarita bymon programnu conutta harold mowat lwoy ault alio jobuatoiu myrtla cur- rldga harold guad and ollva mowat oamd vahlcik tin tibu ofajuiawai a oaw dtua table want into anaot tbla week ovmf tba drand trunk railway train w atbound formerly dua 820 a w will run daily aiwapt hundayi due at aotoaat 712 anivlog at totonto hu train sw aaatbeuud formerly du 000 a u due at aoton dally at h55 a u ar- rivlag at toronto at i00s a u having bocuwetion wltb detroit cbloago and point waai tbla wui now b tbd baaday biorelug train tltld m waatbouud now due at 116 a w tuity will tun through to loodod cattylatf detroit obd cblaa0 fcbwplng rara acton soldier bovs at val- cartier war vla4u4 by ui buka ot oon- ktwuahfe whin ha wm in camp tlmmt wmmh ttun lollowlng tetter from kergt colea waa rooelved by tlw vhm 1huui lut tlutrwday t f comimiiy th lutt ut flrlgade vnlcarllor bept lntb vuuu iltkad anton t tim llalton men now in camp hero bnvo luul u gootl many change alnoa hut we wrote mora than tho tuiotmtary quota of ntlloont onllhtiwi tbowt of un wlko wero hergoanto und cor- porulu have iteeu roduood to lower runhw tbo company luta nlao leeii rumovoil from out ihtttaboti 12id uwgade to 4th halt hon lutllrlgade with tin exception of lte a largo wo lutvaimuwed tlta final inedloal ejfumund tlm hioat of ua imve reoolvoil two luocubv tlona hguilibt tyidiodl over wo havejteurd from aolon that uoina of ir man lmv been alek with favor wo hnio nil felt tlw eflttcta of tho humiliation but otherwlho tbero baa lieon un itlckiteui ambugat ua i vut large lia iwou expecting onlera to leave f or homo o ory ibty y ura imping tlut ho will not get litem and tltat lie will i oroaa wltli ua to kurojie i on monday september utli we bad tli phwiuro of mooting h it h tm ikike of oonnaugbt tits anton man wot ing treea for roa1 buihllng when ilia ivike road up and inquired of pts wllla where we were from acton hlr said wilu than turning to lto cotaa ita noticed tint south african ribbon ami auked wliat regiment imi luul served with titan with a cheery good luck tnen he rode on we liave reoalvod tba box of umurolotli- ing olo whioh tits buliea aent ua and thai all feel tlto tenant of tltem later on rome of tha man ued their sleeping capa aa aoon aa they received them an i uent mornlnnj roportod iwat tilghta ttleep yet ourabooling a good und each day tlta hoore oarda altow tltat we uta improving wo are how firing 20 round each day t s rouiula with peep eight lowllh liattla iight aiul 0 rounda radd everyone a wouderlnar bow much longer we have to atay lwr we are anvloua to move on aiwl hope tlia order wlllaoorioouto when tlta acton ltoya get over there wiutelm will he wleer i vell openaiuwn altopln lleillii and then well hoek tlta kulr w coia personal and travel notes boolatl mtul rmwoaml ktema of lutarvait oilbeambbd dufllno thatwmk vlaltlng at lie ktat xjthoh arhivattt hohh pi large tha only mamher of tlta acton contingent wbo went to vuloartlar not permitted to rcmtun wltli tlta reglueut arrlvad home on frlday in bla exabina- tlona tla army medical examiner found tltat ita larga bad varlooaa elru and refoaed to allow him to mj i to kuropa wltb tba cwnadlan aoldianl ittia intrepid da fender of tba umpire aplalaed that tba ailment bad never cuad him any ineon- venlanos and during tba routh african war ba bail nurobad over 000 tnilaa uut tba order waa flaal and ba waa oltllged to return homo murb to tlta regret of hluaalf and bla oomratbw mue ktlel uohuiam la homo item mlh atmla corrlfm vultod in toronto during llie week mlua nelllo hymla of toronto uvuiung in uut old itomu mlai minnie llenitelt vlalted friend in vergua on batunlay mm jolm 0 nelaon vultod relative at olturcbvlllo btvt week mr jf a hroltli niul italte of creamoro urn vuiung aolon frloitda mru alox heoord hua returneil after a aomewhttt nulended vlult in iulplt mr frank molntoeh of orlllla la spending tha week in tha old itoma mia lwrl jlloore of luelth vliuil with rolatlvea in town during tlte week lolloo magiatrata imoa luu iteen 111 title week auflctrlng from acuta indlgeetlon j cliainploo mr will bradthaw fcnt tlta weak end with hi frluml mr jack v iratbrook at uta trout ivtotl mulhollaiul baa returned borne from oueti bound mi xydor and babe aooompanled iter itev atwl mr tvtimr mid chlklren urn ut blaveuavllta uttetullng tho wodiltng of mru draper alkter mlaa winnie orlndell of vort wlllum waa lit town tbla week vlaltlng at tha home of mr donald moivmakl mr arthur a 11 kennay baa returned bina for a oouple of weeka irom a aummar on tha lake prior to returning to dental collego toronto mr h i moore lalb on tueaday mom ing for ottawa to atteitd tlta quadrennial aaaalon of tlto oeneral uonfarenoa of tba metltodiat church mi ctuulaa k jeuiier of winnipeg wlto baa been upending uveral weka wltb her tnotlter ami otltar frleoil itera baa re i turned to tlta weet mr j a prfee and two daughter ml iolene and luta uim mr if price of hamilton wero guuta of mr ami mr j k wllluruaon but weak tlta friend of mr j d mofllldtoti will i ita pleaaad to bum that ita la recovering from hla recent auto oosldent ami able to tabs a ride out occasionally milton reformer mr warren drown who baa beau with uta hamilton bridge conuruottcn company tha pt year returned tltla weak jmlor to leaving to attend hcltool practical bclanoe toronto next weak mr and mr jolm vjrathrook and family apeutbunday at tbo trout lvnd ami remained over n ocupb of day helping with tlto work of laying out tho groundi around tltelr bummer nuiigalow in oouraa of erection mr and mr jam a wataon of leorgatown announce tlta engagement of thejr daughter dertha kwlyu to mi robert m millar of vancouver eon of mra robert millar lualph tlta rlaga will uko place thl uvcutb mr ami mr william loiatman arthur btraet anuouiwd the engagement of their daughter helen elizabeth to mr jatned mooalg kiln and their daughur kvm jean to mr lawhtioe wulauiiawitt urlgbt tlta double w6mlhg will uka daoa early in october mr and mr t it vliut of toronto uimmeouailb vnnajuai aotom 1m while batunlaya itaaeuli metoh u tween ijmltotie and ac ton waa hot poaaoaketl of thauhrllllnir element oooalon oil by a clean aoore btlll it waa not void of it interesting featuroa a couple of tbo umeliouum ltoya it inlkinghorne aim w milllero trovod tltenuelve quite capable of wlehling tlta tak ami atped to tba plate ami con iteotod buooeaafully for itoma run tha bitting of tba local team waa by n mean alugganlly aa evidenced by tba auooeaaftd aoore piled up tlte hitting of tlta acton team wax eapeolally featured by in long drive of archie allan one of tlta main factor of tlta larua aoore w tbt evident disheartening of tbo umelioum team oauaed by tlta acorlng of aeven run by acton in the tint inning they failed to rally aurloiently to over take uta advancing aeore in tlta aevenut inlng however a very manifest apurt reulted in tf run itelng adiled to utalr credit tba final acora etood 121 h in acton m favor tlta penumincl of tlt opioing uwrhf waa a lollowh i aotou b ifdmondfi 1 fcouter v lflhlonbrand a yialtmau doyd claikd avhlta m umllh v willlainu a allan yjmoliouaa it pojkbighome ik mo dowell k wltaler v oaltourn ii koott w mllliera j llklngborru it moolll h lolklncbornc umpire ed uydar this bio storb is filled with new fall merchandise war prices here no till big atora la now aplendldly equlpd to herva you with your new pnll requirement ilia diapluya are complete 1raotloally all our puroliaalng waa done weaka ago tha foreign market were toured by mir own buyer lait juno and luly long before any proapoct of wurhadaeut up prllo hnd wo waited ft mirny merchant did there might have been ndlffennt atory to tell now tltla i noplace for war prloei yot latur on wlten our lrenttochreehalutel nnd we muat rwortler thing rnay ita dirfemut it nil iiuhiui1k on bow long tba war will hut and which way the tide of battle got uut guelph people can depend upon it that aolonguawearaaelllngwhat wehavaliihlock now there will ita no lucreaa in price in vlowof thl fnct you will profit by purchasing early the rich furs of a new season an exposition with large aaaortrnenta now in tba pur showroom we are n read in for the great kkpoaltlon or tbu pura of u new oaon the otock contut of magnincedt peralnn tapib and hudaon dual coat alao rurdined cloth coat with balda and mink tnmmlng there are alao rich handaomer eat and aeparaa pura oc lcmiine paralan lamb dlackjtud qaldea pox uabla iunvr kuulaa pitch leopard mink dear moleakitt civet cut black wolf pointed pox etc they have bean gathered from punier who put wllhg character into thejr pruduct and for that raaaou backed by our own utor idealu may ba banked upon to give utmost aatlafnctlod we invite you to vultthla great oupoaltlon repreaantlngnwrytblngln furatyleanmil lur qu it be n almple tauft or one f the inanrloua coat youll find aatlafactlon hare tha tur slock afa lulremeut and price llrnlh in natnetiallty and val wei invite you to vmtthlagit epoiuonrepivuntlagmrytblng in fur atyle ami lur quality whother almpw hiuff or otia af the laanrloua coat youll find twcton here tha tur blocks afa now nt mukl mum alrength broad enough to meet every requirement and price limitation aor fur carrying with it the cef uldtythatttladllltlajlaiiremmtatltoba bothlor r nuw uilmmimv mkw coats mbw uuitij nkw drb8bie9 bocoud plcor mbw waihts nicw urldbttflkirtb n1cw undkkwbak nkw couutttb nbw hosikrv nbw qbovhb n1cw nickweau n16w bwisat1er coatb whatever yaur need are lu tha hbove line thlablgatora la in n poauloo to fill them economically and utlafactorlly d e macdonald bros gublpb9 leading ahd larobst storb limited cor wyojhmm and uacdoacl slrccu guelph oat in large report that ue inemra oflbjuuoc tba ongagatnent of utelr tlaugb tha aetna contingent ware dallghted wi0tur belaey mary margaret to robert j r uborull a a a of ilellevillo oat vouh jratlntiho can not be done any better nuywltem to quite mo good generally pat tm patuut prioea aro right if you require nnythlng at durlotf tba atlrrlag uua wbild history 1 id tba aaablag tba thought upparmoat idcrry trud balaj odd properly ad u pairictlani pkurlotum to ear eoudtry to our own cemmdajty add tb taatltwtlona nf oi our own community the kawplad of raeuir and rddtlad ant roabug aa nearly bdraadl aa pawl bid tbla oitardood wd oad abow oar uyauy to eoaauaalty laatltdiidsw by giving our fair record aitertdaaoa and loabjb by glvlag tba eapaelty bouad abow tb- wd understate the vnlae of tbla blddoipatricuaaa atpareeul ldeldrwd hdjuv tit epwortb leagua bald their asttudl rally hut ttaajay evading a ualqua fadturd of tba avedlog waa tbd program tbd wbotd hrdgrddl oouatltutad nftadu ulttuu iwogratd auikplied by aob of tba four oflmwlttasa it wad also a oompej tied to aupply the beat prugvau and tba wluuer tba social and uterary commlt were duly preaanud wltb m birga water laelou by ud jodgea hpoa dancub6luf their uaclalod vollowlnff tbd prograu waa an abundant tupitly of bomaoiadd catody and fruit tba object of tbd rally waii to have aa toady member aa possible attend and u very gratifying raautt wad attained dlapltd the incunaiit wnautar the wminldu ataml tbd meibodlateodrragdtlon will obaarva uut aral aaulveraary eluod rtduodalling tba cburcb and tba slaty ninth aino orginlb tlod in aetcd ot buuday and monday lath and ibtb october itov iv antlltf of montr tbo paator ewarltua of the church bare will preach morning and evening on monday evening dr abuiff will deliver a popular lecture topic vet ting of my trip to england tthla your to ail tbo aarvlcae the public will itoeordl- ly weleotnad there will be no admldjcrl fee nor collection at the lecture it u it tended to give an opportunity to bin many friend bare to toeet the iv again and bear bla intereatlrur teatime of w vuit to the bornaland tba ebobr will reudim apbclal tnuaio at all the aarvloe avmovataft editor vhmh psutad t bin a uumbar of tba bouaewive of aotoau ktrongly proteallng against ute propoaotl ralae of milk from y to b c a qt in urgerr town where the rfealet pay loenae and are aubjeot to inapeouon tbo prloeofaillkla not italng radaed coohid i erlngtbo good orepaandgendralpreeparlty in lbe prbstlng line from a vielung carjl to hoe gbt unrumadmry a pampblat let ua bava your order tiikajt houaautvk the comfort eot by uta red croa boeiaty tba ear of fruit and vagttahlea aent to tba member of the flcvh regt waa alio uucb appre tba fiotb itagt men are acquitting utonuaiva with much credit last week during tba ravlw bofore tha duke of coo- naught aa tha 30th luanhad pokt be an quired who they ware aad wben informed aid they ata the finest ut nf ltd i have var ravuwod in cawula imvate larga apeak in high terms of major baluntyna tb omca7 in command of the 20tb regt tbd new kbaikl uhlfdrma and tan boe ware aarvdd to our bey but weak afad tbd nickname of grave dhjjrer whleb waa faataddd thdba wbad they appaaratl id tb old rioa black tunica which tbay word frcoi homo baa bead dropped throe pair of heavy voolun aocka and a ault of heavy tutdarelolblng were liens j ibem tbay will go to uid beat of war aa comfortably equipped aa any soldier eald be luti tenant fjodover anbl bargdabt har- wood have both wrluem llr j a mokenaia bacraury of tbd acton tud creed society axpraaaing tb great appre- eiatiod of uid uenibere of acted ecu tl agent for tb bkaplag beteaata wrlatletd tc which uta ladua ao kindly unt to them i tbay fedbd tbae taaoat oonlforublaabd fait i that tbay wonld b aved b6re hhrbly ap- 1 preclatad wbad they ware aodurlog tbd bardabliid of war on tbd ultuflaul of kurepa a droi oi luk i black but it aerve to eullghtad uduy many man wbo kucwa what hi right lack tb eouragd to do it tbare la tnore catarrh in ihl bectlcn of i tbd country than all tb other dlmih pat together and until lb uat few year it waa auppoeed to bd ittourable vor a great many year doctor pronounced it a local diadaad and preachbad icoal raoladlaa and by eonaunuy falllug to en with local treatment prouounoed it ineuraua houncd bia provan eatarrlt to ba a ocnall lutiodal diaadad dikl therefore require a uaatltutlon treatment halla uatarrh ire buumfaclured by v j cheney co toledo ohio la tbdnloonauuuonal cure on tbd market it i taen internally it acta directly on tb blood and uucaua aurfaoa of uid ayatam tbay oaw one bundrad dollar for any eed it fait to cure band fo eiroobird and teatlbumuda aiidremii v j oimnkv co toudnoblo bold by drilgglatdt 7od take hirvwlly h1i for oouedpa quit dosing your children rltb breag batk rtambalabtat4mdbre ting batdjdj bdajaend aadoon- ellpetloa aortbduttidtolb o tacit going i tbd ittotning jaotaaaubabhrreraalt iscai botuv j i iiii i peal dadaerd tar by tatnav aon of uid bod wiuuu bltortall of 11111 n- afad tb marriage will tab puedquieuy uid and of september new surttaddidt but old re- luwc btttldtit kenney bros the oldest shoe store la town we have secured tbd agency for tbd celebrated reqalshoe aud have blocked all siae for fcanuecded mno littefl of all uudfi of udlm fthoos vtapairidg promptly tude and rubbar heeht put oa wblto you wait konneybroa kanarj wook main st actort uhhuuwaidadaaatidaasaihaibiaig prlngles bargains are truly genuine it i not a question of cost we have to give up the store at the end of the year and the goods must go it you need a wed ding present now is your chance g d pringle wyudnamsi cttdph butwruanuboaupnciaaiwab i esquesino aqmcvllvral socib1y 1914 mmmmnmmmmmmummb the slyegblh audtul fall fair iss to be hhld at georgbjowm on wednesday and thursday sept 30th and oct 1st 14 the prize will be the but ever offered by the society the splendid showing in horstis last year will be maintained there will be a corresponding increase in interest for cattlemen every department is being well looked the grounds will be in good condition every school child in the township will be given a iree ticket to the fair on the afternoon of october 1st adults admission 35 cents splendid list of special prizes after gafd concert there will be a grand concert at night in the town hall highclass talent will furnish the programme tickets ajc and 35c stajk fin en all hjjhtayi both day edw huffman d a- tracy geo patterson iivk stock beau aotom oni cattle sheep lambs and hogs write phone or call personally aires yea mux mb ut the merchants bank of canada i wotmeae aacadlaaw thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of as thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ol his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par acton branch f a maclean manager mhr owlngtotnpreaedtatrlngedoycauaedby ibe war i wish to clear aevarai line at uad than coit price matna shooai ilc off every dollar lauildtai qhom ac off every dollar on tloaen lieu bulla regular 1000 for bwx matnat shirt at sc alao many other un at reduced price a lot of lavdi drea clearing at tht drw range lu valu aa high aa fio oo lxdlev auicf chiufywivd ttedtat at tk ladus winter coat worth w yt aud ovr all to go at hhltht come aud 9m these wonderful bargains morris saxe mill sritsar bank of hamilton oehdj autkodfded odtaudl pwmutf artuocwloocj the men behind abanklriglnstitutlcu getaatrengui ajuueb from tbd man who direct it affaird aa front th actual capita inveatnb uotiey rupoelted la tbd bank of haniutodu guarded by men well known for bmdnead rntegrity and acunien men who value ae- curlty hiard than high pronta tw thl poli cy la due a burplua wblch id ooa quartet arcer than ltd capital tbd reault of over o year conaorvatlvd waoagdmant okdatoktown bbangh wn ueluy iffiri halton county fair at milton tuesand wed oct 6th 7th bpqdnpdribddndhahaanaaandoanaapqnnaapapanap come and take in the show of the season racing and speeding on the new halfmile track will be the best ever-tn- there will be a grand display of horses cattle sheep and hogs permanent coopb have been placed in the poultry building for the poultry exhibit many special prizes are offered for butter dressed poultry and honey remember the judging classen by the far mers sons first class band in attendance special rates on theg t r and c p r write the secretary for prize lists dppapppqpqppppppppppppppnpppppppappppppppp j j wilson j h peacock president secretary

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