Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 24, 1914, p. 4

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she uctan tte rfi tiluittflav hklthlwku i 1du two vimwa or tir tim l a waiting iilil in tint mbt in tlto wol it orimwul flam a leiijilt ht tint uvarrluri foau ahokuy ilia fimnril mar tint oirimiitv a tlu hllntf of o eeoahueetly f w rraw tlm walude lo eona alul death kanelng lo life little victor coipln thh hhoorthlwahl at the tiir of tit u ur of iititlotui wihhi the earth had twii ulutkeii kith thunder for montlta and tlm una na longer iuk for fear ita auullglit would lw turned lo darkium on tlm then of blood a lonely hgum tottering aliova tti pyifmlea w1k uj wrought the murder uf peoiile lood forth in fcideudid isolation he wu tu leader of h nation of fmo man liy them tjhoeett ti rilldd their foulot irojtea ttud b lied not dluvpolnliul them mow whan tha lwew of kurojwt liiul fought until each aoldler of their arullea orled aloud for ae laid lonely leader uite adas quiet rentletxuut who knew how hluntly to imw hie own grief atretohed fortli lib blind to hrjit eld to that ert of huuaulty that lied attempted to destroy blvlllutlori and to mm thy turned with a blgli that u born of ftkluuutloti reelwtig uit h had known their uuuk and ratted uem they accepted hi pro- poael for thd eett of thdr ttarreu ed tisrohad throat in bratefal for cool water and then look i tig upoa tt hor ror they hiul drought into helotf they ohom thla lonely leader to b head of a great oouttell of nations wbloh reeolvad that war bhould h put behind all bun for ar it wl beoaba that lonely uww bed baed adaiaeat agalaat wu for bu own oottbtry that thd peopled called him to thu bw leedenhlp the pvat bmndl bebteb j wmtr fcbd at the top of the brat tf of twotjatauaailod which u idd ed td all the earth theai wotde war written i there- thelj be no toort wat lefc ti thanhood that all the batlooe how wui that thu ut eo ad let ue thanh ood that tha united butewhu lad be into the waye ttl leeo throogb the utletry utd lalletta olthilamldthwhlthoua fflu w jlf tiiat ojutoelat w do mo it it u awme daagaroue td tudy ooed faaeciiue throoh bugnlfyldtf gleie coaoalt u waa beolaee it feivee oe4 file date ejiod whloh to hm ooe eua alaa the yodth who hi iwreoaded that he hi taaaarhahu mpeotj a u plaoa lb ljeawheaaiaflt in a httntue ijll- mud c ltd eo ham a aital icaee their tkacgarated u- of their tnra 1 iitni- iluauuerf wert fcuhed terat4 by the feouah adauratlod of u afcctlonald fnlly ttlitdd thd boy who tnmt the uoe be wal hv w bitf ha heard at lalervab bow vary haaurkaud ld u how ah ouverer thah hu bchoal taaud aj tiajnaetea j very like td aooatt thd etetement u trod abd it u a hard uow wled h fawld att into thd world ta flj hlaaaoi wrpuaed ut tmt id the laair by thod wheal hd had alwdd regarded aj hid lojarldtd kenelbu yotiaf bea will lot uaet tod mmmj to what mothem aad alurt abd tdejpwothartthlah of their oapuuy od thd faod of it attoh tjntdd u worth vary utile if yom want td know what jrod aid wovih thd wey to and out t to ooaapard joar aohlevwnaeold with thfied f othat yodna bleat of ya afd thd ftoeoet yo rid ywnalf of that huataam botldd of jroaf i ah at it aaparloruy thd better for yodaad yoatworh aartatamom hbauut thd fewer wtu want eaij fchd boas faedeof hair cerd and let h ci rim mumom ah b little uy 1 uow i wind v could rli iud otim u it ymile 1 iwluli iimt oiuild uiutort i vo iweu 1iliilikheviillilh an i jo a mwinli of llouliiif oomlutf to me alien i yet mro furlmmu hmmimih o your hu4 iwiul mru mlm4o did iti ivi ootnoy to you tut he done imojiomi to me liefo he hutrrlwl you r mr- wlmildl need u tllilnt i ifn wuu w hklutltiod oli hotne fib da 1nk he dkl ut i nevati irmuleil ukm u nonfemlon tlterllnif conn weejrriaad oudvtaoth and taaaty 90 wadud uaoomtlon day ad flkaud to- eau thd tidy elf latent tapon het 8oway ball a baahlordbduoa for my telf to aaakd bauoovat loaaat t k fotu e hi a bagid had heed aneeted od thi bbargd of beetle aej wauy aueaitf ud wifa after heawd thd bhergd asaleet thd rhaaata thd jaeuos umed to thd tlretwu bd hid if told taall ward yoat heebahd attd had gived ym ftuauoa woalj yod oall id thd ouodv thd wottkul addredaad a vavluhld adwdd id kud and jiejl tilief tamed tamlllad eoabfartihrtd toward the jad xik iedjtav if bd wei taeb huahln an he treatd tad uk u did b wild ah woeuat bill us plloertahi ho aafaj ahd tell dd mnowrtahef w hgnard and ooat a mhoirti vokt olki aam aent unldab delated that thd wad wall met thd mntary knark utoab thd tlald of bar birth we hhrotided tit knywterv whether eha w utuinalu blalbied or uet therd oodld hd uo doubt that eh bad uved to mood old ilgav imd omd day u bslcht youutf ndnaaler wall borioelved thd udd of intenlewlntf her on tha wilidot of lobtfllfd shot talftvl annt lib hah any body kin grow to u okl ihy wltiy uo uuhldat but bow qttahod th report all yon got to do e to watth out nod daot ut ooatttfttaoblld run over y a itilp moot a mdod oapa th atory with another of thd ptttdeat soot or ratlter of tbo prudent bdotd wife they wrd at mad together h thd utdral wdlmwand had jnat loft the d loner tabid tbetd wam autnoieut roll to prodaad intdntal uneaalnasd attd thd hu band wae weh to bd waiting pmgtdee to thd aku of th veeasj i when hid wife inter vented ftwaewbar jfooa idtd nald yodvd jnat bad your dinner and itd paid for itwailnotloat vmm twotobi- hartv i dba wherj a udy patldrtt llvlajr far away mm town bad to telephone for her phy- eueb ah apologlmd lor aaklntt hint to dotttapaakoflt eald the dootoc i bappea to hv ajuther patient in that vtomty and no oan kill two urda with dm nthndttl or thm avwakhh dr lymam auu tho atadbugw aau iaaiitldaagv tea la new vorbt tbay oatt woman the weaker attic vet i hwkboamimtluuood woejtan to betid mar will durloa hie ufa and break it aftdr huddetlx in sterling lives a girl wbo suffer a many gw- do tell how sho f iim girl of 23 1 taoad to taint away very txonth and we vrf weak i wad aleo botharad a lot with feiwdweektiee i kwadotnuuldboolc wledom for wo- raen and i aaw bow otbdra bad been helped by tydla e piakhamg vegeta- bl contpottnd and wudt it bad knadd md foal ilk a he fclrt and x ant bow ralhrvod of alt theee uooblaa i hope all young arfrld will hwt relief ad x hmva i rirver 7tbettruimyllfauuasatina lakxuu- box iltl starling ooul ifaaaeq n yi bav taken ly- dht e ahnkbamd vegatabld compoond and 1 ugbly recommend it if anjond wanu to whu tdfeul wilt gladly tell her about tny taaa x wad certainty ll u bad bondltloct ad toy blood wed all torn icgtowaur xhadblnipledbrl myfafd and at bad eolaa and forflrd year x had been tnmblad with nororeaeloct thd soctord called it anenila and eihaoa- tloriaad aald x wad all ha down bat lydla fet mnkbantd vegwubld com poond broagbt bid oat all rigt ailed ltvsll kf taxa bcnf u nfa ny yoatacrlvia itwttal tw aavioeb oirh who axd troobld with palnftil ttj imgular beaiodd baghathay headacha thmggjnadwij eeneatlob falntlkia nplbtolr bnmedluly kaalt kaatoantlon- to beahh by tak rntf l- w t tiahmand vewaanbu cowp uuaairj youm mwtato rry tf uulaewj hoda raallaaa thd valud of ltd reptftelioa if ood each had a opportualty to taakd a tatgd adni f tnooey by balling aa lavotod of lafartor ipwda or aulno id a rjn loaabld deal tootlvad of pelldy aa weu ad aouvaa of honor woold eoenpal thd rapudlatloctofaaoh a ohaod tbalr rapalauod u worth car d to thee that th ml involved id ady boob uanaauod every vaantf otatt ahould giiard hid per- ional tapatauou oataf duy to bd epok adjofu vbtawd bat unaonipaioaa to allaw thd loitwwailm to fcat abroad that yoi wm not baaltatd to atfaid a point for thdiuud of ijoeeea u fatal to all ugh aalbulw kaxt to your ebaratr y raputallod la yodr knoat valdabld pa l gee it thbj hrvat or mawavwautv vew peopld atd tlmaaaawjttodlapedad with thd beoeeatty of toll monjf aaoab to keep d weaklog aad working- hard woed thd atern tdaat u withdrawal that id why thd inhabitant- of uopjoal lriea wberd a wall built ahalter id bbt uiooemry b proteot theta froal thd oold and whatd vaalkanttaadttotnalaulo hid growd wild beoeadthdhladoleofbiaatadbalaga and tbat l why thd wnj of wealthy father with wvery advantage ftt their aua aauoni dletiagxdah thmajva la any fofastjacuaaaettl tnwtaauwedarw thatymcuinot wall do without thd hr of adoawjty that if it wrt reoiovad your ecblvet woeld beomd uaa oar bba wonu retrogradd inatead of gniaibung- beoaaad wmat id writ latgw frrr 4ar aouvltlei thank clod for il vodnmdll alawaod of your wuv ralaliooa tnaled th heart grow condar idoaawayabadhautuukda bill eol otor it la hard to ge away fr6ok an honeat rnau thd bobleet work of ooj ualewi ud dobsne baloojr to your parly they hay it uked two to tuak a quarrel but ottd tnaddlalotnd tpwjp hid often dond itftlond thd kweateat baat la not alwaya la th urgent ant a pt pedlgrad bwyeonuln uttu virtu wheti a mother detdold from thd wrllh log end freuinfrf a thlld that woraia ar tronuino il kba eaa protturd ho batur raamdy utauuiiuraworttllvwdara waloh ard kudra to totally an pal worauifrota the hyatttu they buy oauee voinlllnjr but thla bead oaumt uo aakicty beauad it u ut a taualfeatatlott of their thorough work no womu can lonjr aaut whara them iowdam aro umd a drop of lult u blak but it aarvea to aullgbleu nuuiy many a tuaii wlto kiiowa wliat a hght uoka th txwrago to da il kiiparlauoa lu a teaoliar who uaaoud ahoutd bd uartwd iwoa for ull ooo who predlobi thunder ooruw lant moawairliyahgliuilntftiauuutor a ifealn la a taah who doea tliltmu that uy luopu hay it la itapojaabu to do kaap your aooret from your friend and your attetnlen will never get out to it atthoglorlouufdaatof knowladg aotno pdopu never gat any farther than th aoup why aulbrfrotn wma whan they out ba palnlaaaly rooted out by ualnjt hohdwey corttcttra u vjul wait uuu johnny bad been uattghty all day atuat tooap tha tdjanv ba auppod ba amall alater whoa father eaua homo fmaa tbeolad tha wother told hint of hk aona mladaeda thd nxt tlnw yon tdaad your autaa yoa go to bed without yonrdln nor tbo father aau atontly the alddu ami l aliened for a low 4oiant thou all of a awddan u tamed to hu fatur tbeaast tiaw i want to ut aater 11 walt until aftar dinner be romertod tmattmn aalhutaul vha rnlnutoa after tlmo aeemito a great liuny lnii people alnwmttho mine tiling tua fle rnlliutem liefore m tint ftuit of the utatteru ttiuttltut dinurnuoe of leu mliiuttia mj makeormui tliefutiireofnyouiitf inau or woman if ol are rvgiibirl ut th oltloe wlwm you ur eni4oyil llto inlnuttta iifnr you are rmulred to imi tlieiti jim urn nmtnl iiji inn it rputittioti for i uu tunlllj uml ra juuiiti if iiiil wuun llvn liiluittja late your uhmwiultoi will lieulu to omiiieot jiml ilia nppotltaiuwlitltn with our name now lb taken very tittle effort to mur ootiie tho hum cup of tlmt ten lit in it u tlltlii of ly tail mluutemetirllartakm lio ruat uuorlnoo if you can uot to tlm odloaat ihe htlitutva tnt elglit or lafct nine au tlm rtuh0 may ho yitu nan tat tlmrd at f a biluutoa iwforr uml y on hlioulil do it ft in a pltytoprejudloa your futura all for ten mliiutea children dry ror fletchers castorja what thh pamwoh couldnt do it ull lutimoil on a journey frou 1u ijow ta abenleett a well uiiomii lienavnl ent hcota htlnlater atoprwil into a thin okuq carriage nttho former elly uiuf took ma mat oppoiilto a worklutf bum alo roouli lvertty alba two got into oou vernation anil the uorklny huh eonfldad in tha olermman tlutb lm liad ikrai lyler on tlid railway for tetan year a oti oil 1 uughed tlta wuovelant old geoueuwn i nan beat that hollow beau a ooupur for twenty yeara thd wocknian ayod hint a tnonteitt wltli tarn dlaapfiroval than ayo aya twid bet hut i ban unooupu and yd oanrt f what un haatit after tha ootdatuy had good mr mam wid to her bukbaad what on earth did you tbaau jfhu by telling th iteulag hat uy humor waa poiuvd bat not tmnauvdy i kttaaat aald 11 r uaukl dla6ruy tnorlng toward the door thl you eould htaka a joke but couldnt take ood children oiry ror fletchers tub waiav kaaaw ond day toaamy baartl hie father my ood could judgd paopu liy their hair and th whed tommy aa fliat allowad to ed hl uw baby brother be carefully awwlo ad thd ttw arrlvald head and found it l thee he w4w lb yoano uh had uo h tarnlng to hla wothar bd aald dad a lean twd again thi la au old thoueht she would lose her little girl fret swtort attack f tilanf urf wat illrat 104 pwbuafulu avaaud torontil oat writcd bd unow dau of january aivl 1014 thdt lluouru catxjmlud tnroaidoat deat bua taat aumtna x nad giavd hfiauty for by utueftiri who waa jdit one year old lu july but ghajtadcoii- aunt and icvtrt attacks af auntrnar c0oit4aint and it aaaoicd to limt ou br ao lodl tuapitd thd blauy tcuddicd 1 tried uy belahlurd told bu hhd hd brown to weak they thousht x would looed bar ond night whud buralog bar aa old friend of tnln hauanhd to coot to ted fane and allm tawn bef hbout buy baby e uiujcrula ulutad bhd aakad u to try dr potrur katract of wild straw bury x ntt a uttld tm to our drtirf atoru and- bought m bottu and alur having glwu thd baby boo doea x botknd a rcnwiaabtd tbiuitd and altar gbrhuj hr three of f our doaed hhd wall wall ateht and baii to walk wbub abd had b6t bead ubld to da patea to bar tttatlc gbd u uow a una haalthy child end i bwd bar llfd to that kindly advw m u old frund x would adwud all mother to fclvn or powurv a tnaf wnt pucd id their uddldaa cbaat vour truly sgd uu- wit ilimat whan you aak for dr vowurd tin tnurt of wild strawberry a that you tat it xv ita ba ft vmu xjuaxatf wat naum- brfvlorlry vaums steal acay a flbadtrnrtav thd brka el th oruinj 1 sftcteta and it aattttfactnfd twdy by th t wuwu coh uotuaa toronto oat xu caa of amoraouny it u aotnetltom advuibu torwward thabtau who helped you toatnergd nearly all ohildrda aw aubjott to womu and uany ar boru with thent- bpar thou hnerftur by ualug uotbet orva worm ekurnllaator th beat retaady of th kind that can b had huh alubl slttou to thd ourloua uttu ylrl a dlagutl bar aldar auur and her girl frietuu had quickly cloud th door of th hafak pallor beford ah eould wadgd bar auall etlf la 8ha waited untaalb for a uttu vblu than ah knoked no reapouad bh knocked again euuu uo atufltlou hr ourloalty eould bd eoutrollad no longer ividor oh oalud in htaobato tonaa d ah knocked oaod ugalu taiut tn i itd i are your bowels ever constipated xi you willi ta ba wall you must ke bowtuoptrt anybrcgularltyoftbd bowcu u always daturotul and ahould bo attended to at once forlf th bowtb caata to work property all tha othr onatubocotno dcrorucj vubttraa laia-uw- pitta work ut howchi gently and naturally aad will ow watat caaat of coomlpatkal mr a cunwnina uatxhemter out writea- i bav bm troubled with conatipauou for bver flv ycara and 1 feci ft nay duty to let you ituow that ywr uuburad lauuvxxwr fill havw i tan lalthftthy aay that they havo aavad has rrmaj a lami taftnf ull magic head them no muum powder i toe froej a urga doctor bill hubunib xjama-lrvri- mtta woaukf fuk rratedy for all tuacaae or dhv onkta of tho liver or bowda prke xsecttu per vial or 0 vub lor 100 nt all dcakra or auto direct m needpt oforfce by tb t aajibuni oov utaltatl toronto oat a ohrkp account thalctttlieroftlio ciihm in i old lilu puplll lo wrlut it i rlef hoiouiil of n crjokot uiauli one boy but tlirouyli tlm wirltwl iwiliiliiif ij wmpt in tliouulit wlillotlioollioiuworb ml kurd uuil uout in thoir untnluej after wiltoot tlm teuclier npnmolihl tlm dndk nf tlio irtmiunf lllgivoyuii luo mlnuttm to urlto tliut lomiriaoii liu kuiii i if it lu not ilmio ly tlmt tlmo i falmll iiiiiihu you tito loy ooiioentrutod liimttlriitlon iwn tlm tlietiie at unit with oniforncmj lie mimtowl u lino on tlm uiihic uiid li milod it to tlm niuijr it roud i hmih ho play was always troubled with boils and pimples cttl- mttt qttt rm of ltta 111 ht im bultdock blood mttcm all blood or skin dimaui am ceueed by bad blood and to get it pure and keep it puru you tatiit rcmova every traca of thd iupuro and morbid butter from tha ayatent by a blood cleansing tnedlclnd uch a burdock xllood ulttera ur a p hop- klpllui sdtk wrltm l wad alwayabotberedwltb ttolu and could not gat rid of them mud alto had all klndj of pitnplcfl ou my face front early lu th spring till utd ul thd palt ond of my fficuaa told mo about your knedldne and that i had to get aooto thing to buily my blood i got two bottled of your burdock blood tuttcn and lu a abort urn v wai cured and i bavd never btrti troubud with bolls or pimpled alncd burdock blood nitterdutiuuiufaoturrd only by tha t mllltum co limited toronto out ahthnut vlotltab tha bun or woman aubjeot ta afctlim la indeed a victim- what tan bd nurd tarrlfylnif tluut u aud denly bd elaed wltli paronyenut of choklutf wfatolt aeew to fairly threaten tin enuunod of ufa llaelf vrom auelt a condition ilr j x kallogga aathm remedy ha iwtuight many looompuuly relord health and liappliierf it la known aud pviied in avary aectiott of thu liroad uod castor i a la use ror over 30 years exparienoa id a ubool it u elo trying attlioea it la uodlagreoa toba poor imi tit la of tan laeouvanlaht a few loucliei of lutura uuootli numy a wrinkled akin rnovidh ttorm wood arr urvai 1mltor vuku 1mowi jw hlritliit hon 1m k ihill miiluler tf tlm oiittirlu jkiihiiiiil f ajtrliinllimi h iry it it x i ma tint wory llilnj uliauld lit llotiii to niiooiirhua uu in crauimxl prudttclloit of fooiktun tiurlnu tlm uoinlni ymr i ukn llilu oppttrliiiilly uf fallinif lo tlm iiltentloii of tlm furii nrw of hulloii ooiinly tlm oliungoil voinllilouu i roufilit ulmiitt by tlio yrcl mur dow in imimreuu tlvtat llriluln au you into v lu loii ilont u win nuulilu bouivou for u oou uldoruhlo imircuiitago f lu f fooil uuilyiiuil tliono otilhliln wiukxw incliiilrt home of tli belllueruiil nutlouu tlio wltlidrawal of r many inlllluili of men from iroiiictloii munt ruult in u ilacroximi and oonuuniitly ireat llrltulti will iiiiturallv jftok to bur oiarmmh itoiiiliiloii toinnkn upiiiiy dolkl onoy tlio hiiom of totnuiulfd uiooliaiiiwilu of whloli will im olilefly luterforod wltli uro wluuit uml moiir meat oliooimi itutler poultry uml jrt ifalton cnuiity ulioul i do itu mtt in nujiplyiu tliee immmik uml i think ovory fumwr wltlilu llio county will reuilily rctunil nt thla umo wlmti tlm uomi la m an it it u iiuilhjf tow um dionuimul ucrcuuo in full wliewt thin full uuil it woull im u uroati awmt u the motlidrlamt uml tli farih6m if ftroalor uixaa word i rolmi up tlilu fall prjairutory for nin orojn- mint joar pasture ami hay crop in lialtou county amount to al0ou ucroa whloh is alwut rmo tblrtl of tlio area of land oloaroil a largd amount of thla oouhl uml miould bo lirokeii up to produoo uomo ef tlm tjo oroju uiimuitlal for liutnah life varronrti v ill lilielyliavo uttu tlimoulty in teourhik an adaiiuuto f upjjy of uim uud altoukl iw wlllltiif to raapoml to tlila call with entliuu lanni more wpoclally an t la undoubtedly tlta duty of uioao who do not go to tlm front to auoturthon tlidlutmla oftlmaa who da in every way poaallje ami uo way la more uractlcal llwit amuring um tupply of foudttuftv tlianklnayou ur editor for tlm uui of tlm auitk luraa i am ouna alnoarel h r hauic ikfct- rapretteuutlvo onu uopt of agrleultnrd llurllnstoti hpt lotli 1014 sallsre with niiili- lioi l lie heirl ni lervt triable lira jfohtt xcuniiou combermcrnv out wilua t cannot prald uilbumd heart aud nerve puu too much for yaara x atitfered with palpiutlou of thd heart and nervoua trouble to that t could uot llo down to alep i trid al moet all other medicine and got no reiki uutil x wu advlwd by a fiund who had beau benefited by your ptlll to try them x did to and after taking four box i found i waa almoat cured and x am going to continue- taking them for x never got anything to do ma ho mud good i would advu any on troubled with thar heart or nerve to do tha aama aa x am doing uuburu a xxeart aad kerva plua ar so cents a bar or 3 boaed ror iljbj at all dcalard or mailed direct ou receipt of price by th t uubura co limited toronto out mui slfttl matthews photo aclou canadian northern opfjulug of dlrdot passenger service barrwmkh toronto ottawa quebec uloo buulm duitlmi o v tuum o h h wllaa and valcartier military camp effective august 24th 1014 and xuuamatntmvaivii woir suhuav m kv vomeltd ak mkklncmon f tatissitj 4v ol huou m dtuwa am jsuatta ubawlnlautt jtat aav que av alddhrld batevwau ottawa aud quabao oily daily wddlhawllgtatad ooaahaai kind card puio omtm tuttavasau toout aud ottavwau standard ulooplnr cum anil prat clmui coauhtui belwoeu ottawa aud quebec city doublt llly hrvlco oxcant sunday aud convenient woek tuid kervlce botwuan toronln port llopo colmiurff trcrhou pictotl udllevhu xjeaarotitn mid yarker for llcbuls and all infortimtlou appty to ututireat c n u agtit actons electric ohofpingb mllil open every pay tlm fivonti rirmeru chopping mill in now open every day no ioiik waith r disappointmento choppirfi nnd rolling both hitiafactority done b f caldwell acton 0nt proprietor cast0ria bh uw wr r j iiiui uuruo mo muuaiui uid xintt bconknatloiindck ltw 0jxjry4v miiporvlaloa ralnco iu iftfl tho kind vcu itavo alwayat booglitw nnd whloh xuu bon in tuo for ovr so yoart iinj borne tlio nlffnaturo of and xintt boonknadotindck ltw ier- liloa alrico iu iiifuncy strkdocalvoyoitliitlilu all oountorfoltu iroltatlontt mid lut kcxprimonti tlmt trlllo with ami qtiniiror tlio lioalth of xnfluilw nnd clilldran xflxporlcnoo naluut kxprlnlont what is castoria caatorlit im n xmrmlniui aubattttito ibr cator oil laro icorlf dmim and bttotlilnn hynip j6 u llnaaaiit it tcohtalnm lioltlior opluni moiithlnci nov 0tlior nitrfotio hubaixuioo itu uffo im iu iptarantoe off doatroym worm nnd nlbtyh avovorlhlincaa it curea idiarrhoutt mil wind cullow it kllovia too tl ting- trxwiblok curou oonauimtlmi nnd ilfitulonoy it nuulnilliitch tlio vatxt rccnuta tlm fjtoitiuch nnd lkoroli uwlntf xiotthiiy nnd uuturnl tdopv tho chlldrouu lanuca to slotucru ltrlojadt v3bnudnejqastoria awayd i bonis tlio blgnatnro of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years kfbmvtuvrv b6e metropolitan bank head orrtce toronto phrwers business given careful attention loans made to responsible farmers for buumens purposes sale notes discounted or collected biianciihh in this district acton milton guelph campbollville norval hhathmmhmhmhhhwhmhmwhwhaaih at a the empire typewriter m a h visible writing perfect alignment lightning h escaperrjedt endurauee speed nw model eudin a uud hy th c l r c n k ilmib nf montreal lltircliaut luub itoyal hank rjartliom crown tuutr ulaht nlrectorle ltd 1uu ou- hone co ic untie in canada tfamforo vavo 3 that muit ba jmld aa iluty on otlur makea ii cmi vh nalfcuu i tiry od aa kaalt u vw offlia m wiluahs manufacturing company ltd v u adeldldd st w tomuita wowfcawafnnt qua a question s i fojrevbrv mani do you find it ihnciilttomcuraliat that iiuik wall on you g aud tool comfortable if ku that ih bocauno you have hover c i iwughthau lioro 6 1 von provu tliu valuo of your liuail wlmu jou tmiko your lint jj bulecllun bare boo my wluiluwa s r e nelson baardhaut tailor mac wualan warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts in horaenide calf or buckskin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you oet equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted uenuine horsehide wnlorpioof and fireproof just the thing lor warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storey son limited acton ontario the grand trunk railway assidnauii ttlalhel tie iflllf tjlullilf liluu null hi al 1 i uu ii vl lli imrfna 11 1m mliav no it v 1u l si mi urim li no lui iiuim n kn ij li hi it ni in ili ii ln iii inwk bl lf hi vumi lit 1 m ml km it w impebial counter check books 11m topular luiriarliil counter check ilnntu miiiiiifiicturtiil by tlio applefaril ltiunlcr clitlk hoolt co limited ham itlon niny bu ottltrnl fit the hnniplcii nnd prktu of all atylea uliowti on nnplkutlnn prompt delivery llioro rro nioro imnorlala in uu 111 ahon tliitii any other chvtv hook x6 aelon frae prcia iooal agency nobles flour nd feod slofe kor bran shortu mixer chop oat chop gluten meal molansine robert noble ltd j iu w all hum hfnuacae willow sl aolon ont grand trunk st colonist fares ifinc wav uconp olaaal iroiti all atalion in odurla to coituinluiluuih ami1ikta auizona colorado montana or1ioon utah iiui ribll colvubia campohnia idaho nbvada tbxab wahihnctom eto on sale 8ontmbr 34 t octobr t incliifilvo full jtartlctilara from agent er wrilo c ie hoknino district aiungtir arut union 8tatuuitoronts s holmes agent ption mo 13 kct0n i ji v jiijbi x and bus liki6 having purcliasatl the livary uubnuta and goodwill of the antata or tlto laid jfalua wllllaraa i reipactfully aoliclt the pdtrou utro of tlio public cotdfortnbla rufa will alwaya imi auppljiml at masonabld cliargca par tho prcant u oearga hall who lion hful tha hiatjae- went of the tlablea tho paatyaar will continue id charfta ha will alwava bo found courteoud aud ohllgluif uub wltktm ailkitkaimel ambrose mccann mui st acton oof boots shoes ehbheks no intinrjrjntjnnuuuiiqi rtautiotj ah lines q footwear at right prices all mens rubbers at g bargain i prices anoddaaaaoddadddnnaoanbti q w wixjliams mill sirrit acton tzxw

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