ht jvjtfjixtt sttt ft voiitlmlc xij no ib it vary bubtcrimluti wit in advene aotok ontattio thxjbsday jhcouning octojlbr s 1014 abiiittioa wio 101 raii singtjm oopihsthbunt obntrt bcije rfnu jfrte cess i vi nana uvuuv tiii limy mohnino iuuil vinb iiulluinu klilx utmhirr dcrroa on fiwlbr huaoualfti on do u par yea trtetiy le advaum ieotuurbrltu united utou ailaabmflptlona duaenlluttit kbee lb una lor wblab luy bate been bld uaautnd tbadal mwhlelievet-r-acibmrln- uen id mid u daooxl tut ihaaddnmlebejl immtmm kura tiblnl adver ue- kmaii lo mqu pr honpfil una of linjomtvi n mu tr he lor msii n sens loaertloai uautroot autity odveriw- meat of of inab mom tv anuunj 10 mum btttauabltutohl vmlyautllau lwvedloakuturdut barloeb noeli lur r dfe imd1du wlllloul t lmduii wbli baebi- ibo uruon joi trwlifcdruaaaimubiimr apid advertteoojeuu will b ebaoj obo tub taitalbu 0airrl im baba ef utter ibon aba- m lloe im eau eontoauoa bib bo bold la h4 teaale tilm alauw0d bxmlfalir ii i uooue cjiuw nil pvonutor tufltusb oirtfturp umutcal rplkos ghay u d c li uccill taklolf hl3tdtari lakyk e ouoaow tataaraaa tarna ukseoix ahhwutual hvd adouglab lakh u d m pbyalcloa and snirgeoa lbtebtule el coll- ifvuill oautta rtqmdt tfhlty el uuliu ul oa koel uwm ojtail7i4m hettarwd w hnjfiw lor uuuat m are r tbrael obd tkn loedoe amu aim uu hij odavieuw tw tla united llum ber of fsmiooa wmbleata t s1 ltd ii vol gaamtmmumlv hoim ul will- vmjtoptijcrw jallwtab wolt mill tunxl colmululut tuml rfjbt u4llat km uhrt i kko lavnu im ua4y wj jy ttjmt wlauy vltmujnatty 0ataii fl 0t l vliuy uaiijm la t5maribtu bjofa fcuuw kjui ui utuwtuy stf klltlmmilplly httamatoj to j wuttlhwom nmhaffcu houclvoi oaivxkom 0 ul unm im iwygbim vlflh wr j u dull udh luu atnow i btwa no lot uom an uiubdavkd t liajjsl caalvtaambiw timuuimltwljiwjuuui wilcxxjlv3to um iuahoih uduan wmufuiuduu lov uinuwb gbam1 i umka el ll klata uajt w 6rl hay -n- ji botaaftdob m alaeuuaau uoltmdusa u r uoomh j jakutth hr tk cmuiiu f wlluioa lullui twl wid pali wd u lty j doajtoa dm utjiaj taltb buufdtxhi and hp odm lv uiw u uitua p a w ruudm ttyhiwin l tfjjind id towtuoiiau will ut brii bw hwhulmiil mm lo uu jjtw- imtki ha baj bmj imdatrj 11 hi 9mmm ttumm jutmi will v4al luaomuu uuauoo hsaiwitd 11 udrt td uim b juio wtd vulnlty l le chbbbrs felook uihdku qmbiiibfc aui0twoutl uaokdud ulluwbttltjlblubjamalbbd kum ltufwl ih sou iw imblm kfbm bo6fc mid mpm uouli4 ajwc wohk lh0upyly bktootmd the old and reliable granite and warble dealers i rtt hi umuol mftuutbtniu1 abd llatulaloiw imntkiu 10 ul a um obit blmt4lfcati wtlw oulttrv tlv ul lmta w btf liwulut in utri wwk hit mil dlruai ta ottfaustah i mm um uu mng imf mbaiouuil u m i t ufa k um lt mlbtllauim tuid um i lu iba bdtdlttlod u m4muu toold rjiwl mwim rfou bhudmd of tmolu ium ntbtt plmmt wli ubd utf mullm 10 mw ta wma wmrtt ullulldu dihw mud 6vi rim 0 mw w eollmta w uirnwii utd liku aumm or lut ll i mud wuu toon mm uiaimu nud do bataumoyrvrumftstw- uoijwmby mauiillmti nul ldihuiinuoihiuijl damwo mtdulov ttauulj tuily mid dwy mtpmluob hamilton sons co mftrfoll j wmlwhltli nil oukiavii business change j r livlngstouo hwpurchaftml atitl tnkoti umjualai n tlia q pvovlatatt bulrtwcarrej on for tun enrw by b mic mill htimta by crftil iwntnnal oluullon uu hops totatu ull our cutitoniern th iurmerh trada ik jiartlcuurly killfiltmi and to mike ibli balutactory wa aiti ttfttiwred lo my part cnsh for lutr ultlbktfit bisttil will be ilullvertid toctutoiuara ut wtofore savage co bttllhad ib4i3 jewciler guelph the old and reliable watchmaker and jewell rs savage co guelph ont martin- senour ready- mixed paint lootf pure tho bond hardware co llmltau phonlo i a tantwalva ouklih waters bros ouclph headquarters kok o a c ahu school supplies mature study botanical btomolooical dhaw1ho pa1ntiho it wyndham street aoo cement work k cooper wtilimmimtu adtwl uop4iifor cautruu of all kind for cfumm walkn t1r4l culviia klura cuurue and ctunt mocka cemeut on hand at si to m uarril ordcru alihar by mall or it roil deuca will recolv prompt aluntlou right down to date ltl add but oil stom tad 0eai uwd mowert finn aadintai toob palate and varahbes la laua lal ml c c spoight htujdfd aj vutfdfd mill t hctom guelph business college tumuw 0myaiu0 vallrmffh wuhmh yoattuy fa i taoaiulttrf ibotsttalt baub44a ttdoculao wll m wilotmdml to tif tmih4u utihi wm owkh a wktovwavfrt uutsullmji aaa m4tlllui wttdu bmflum dtlsmuy om mttajflm btu oirlaw8amdhua44mf uaauluij ovm llaij5fvvoittil4iuljmlioot tibaomi uulwrliv h brvuicikhtm lhawla tat ih aolu uiaaii iluibliibmlkt4atvi uamub tut ait io-ah- tdfcibod thdyluliboli ly natuiij o y aubjul ooh1 dim mot to iii oallm otlm ih ultwr wyadluii httt ef addiw malcolm maccortnackb- am pria excelsior bakery wo hnve now on hand all tho fresh fruilx of the neauon grapei peaches peart etc fresh cooked meat aru al- wayh included in our com- prehunmve hiock cmfitlionor freah from ih luidiniconfetionurk in n speciality uithuk i we hnve daily iresh ink- inj from our own ovens courteoux and efficient hirviceis piomised all our naooiim t stathau ft son ulll si owoll maw ou oima delay iff carino for poor evbs la expenfcive economy tilt mow tfma tlie tloiu wlmii you w rualluj hint ymir vliloti becomliiq faulty you should come to u for ulatu aid dtfht dwokblvm vouhhmlk ulsht uliutua will liolpuattir will r- kav tlia btrala tha wuht itcltltitf nud wdurltitf don t delay toar tsidiult oclru- a d savage optometbist meg ophcian rlfflit at tha post ofic we bell piano a piano not only with a rep utation but with all tboqiudltui to buk u made in guelph ily tit iarkttiiautirtictutvrtf uu dr tba rrilltli lto and by tha nut skilled workmen known tad la sold in acton purulyoit iu merits bcauia it hau clvan bundred of popld iwrfct uillsfactlob uecausj it poiwdcii the iwtiit tana aud it stayafn tun tha loiigw c w kelly csi son 133 upper wyndham st auejlph ont 6 and 7 per cent interest paid se cured by first mortgages on to ronto central pro perties amounts from one to five thousand dollars r m armstrong ft comtuuy uuiisl kul taiaai oflferine a suggestion uouetblnk but tmttltitf ii lalo pracllca uvhdwdttraly dlftarant tiropoaitlou wa suiwiut uiat wa do your plutahintt it a a ffawl lilineealul ami otla wa caa fully qualify on plumblntf suppum fumlahdl by u are all tamlard makeu vfhila tha work wa do ia auparlnr in evary particular itutiilmteairlvati stevenson malcolm 0 mrtbtuw umthu4 gltttrktom iiwyaikimbl vui4 ouatlh onf leaaojiwsfvkar tuanubolviha atmr tlio roof uml ujilciit ulialtor vor tlm i tool hi uhd lt wnrmthaiul olteer it or um ilulit hi liih children faumii ami i im thrill nf oiom dear i or out li u trior oouutlow dvuicim and liinl ioiaihum mi mil wuy h n lift our ud tlmnkuftivlnir aiwl umlka hhn til flht utnl iluy wn uro griiufiil for hu irowli mm lavr tlio potted in jiur lui y land lur harvtmu vattt liipitltnrtril aiul iteatlth on jvory tutml t to hod who mlwi timvu uu aiul mttetllleu our luwno wo lift our tttiul tluiiikiiuh hitf 1or hhulmmttr nuiy ootito thora u utiuifht y nlf tuoa that liapwti or uf 6rdmtil llhiwlll in um hllaitt moidc ihtoef of tlio tuilil wo lilt to duv an nuriiiuti full tliuhktywiihf to ootl our fttroptli nod sruy 4 imurtftrot hjtnaur ikci yantiltf iuflbltig sasaaffiiaiankadfiini filv juoson apprentice deiqiaabidiant fnomtbatltunir roomwliwiow mulatt judaon loakail htly out iota urn mm rob aftamhoaii tjowly dtwponlu into dusk in um wt tlid auu wan jljpjnij wow ilia horluoti i in ltd chumm tory iikj otaioka from tba chlottutyi of tba jiidawi iron wotbn waa oofund awl luuusad into battlutf noila of gtwy an 1 lv6lwifti vc though youotf llrd jodaotit wwofa duubdtly arlfctoarallo ubitkamtdmit tba w ohvloua of uit ikfidutlfyliiff ekat mm iflwobd rrluuy eff td uw boui away frotd tlvtj duiguhiib vitd which tjm livud uiough whn hilly jiuuoo luul fallad im ova with ltruia bad 1mh flltod with an itnibmlm lupoatbdd ku tab duoiumtl with fruadauia uujniltudacf tliojikuoa bud itam aid who hilly wrotd haftww lhjr wtvhlintf uiaitihul waiilad to ufr tha lunvu in ya to ida bjuya uioul ddm olta luul flvvti out uui infortuatlou witli rrat pld wrltlut billy m uatonud uttu utur oofljrratuuiuiitf ajvudg von biust tuaka tin ba of thd flu ywrt billy dear alui codatl uiat you buy ua tit for tlia lutdwua riojldlltua of your luportant kwi loo hilly dour lioil tttiawoiwd thit ba wad lihinning grant thlntfa toward that aud ha did not dlvultfa any of tha uu tha biattar wi not if to in tha rub of purulloau far um woddiag and tho ihi t was not until thdy ltud down la tha jodaod booi with doil tht lia an nounead oo ttmltuj i in tha biorulnf 1 m going to uka up tba ojiioaa loitiawa of ufa no mora fool lug hud you va oarood your rj and i ut going lo pltoh in aud gt rdy for tba bonvom uartonhbyodgtowad ho did ibulo aa bd tuauibtoj i oiwat i i ii bv uatuon iloddon wad gboral uatujtdr tpond an iwwr or ao with you ottry day in thacihoa wll fit up for you hilly a eynd uortowod apaoularlvly utan haudllodabdhiidi i u ha tuul gud to ub to ivkuoh hut woh cut out tba prjvta oifioa stuat for tha pfoaat 1 b going to uom tha bualnua frcmd a to x but bot f rod m pdvata ottoa staudpolnt ualkubadattbdtufldlta mtlafutlod id dad a cmphatid flood v ha uugbad whan uarion quatitlooad potting bar off with i you ii undaround lit tha tuorulnii vou 11 apiurova i know but it woh not approval that diuhad tw obooka wbau billy tubia down to usokftut looklug in to rough twoadaule baavy bon nal ahltt with tumad down oalut and oajralajodly knottad tla w unlike tba vr ddhpor hilly judaon ooaawaapjugguood aba gve blm what on mhb billy judwui v tba bfigtui lia uugbail baottlly going up to bur hilly judaon approntlw ba oorrnotdd wbati ua otulla onawordd hla lia baeoua atioua iuniskuy ba told her just bow ha was going to pitch lu and grit nady far um lurtma wimh i take dad u iilaca i want tudu lo reallu that i know every utmbautilia1wt tlio iron an uiay do that i tu not oaa of the rlob ioutig dubor you liear tbatu talk aliout who drop luto tlta prealdaatui chair of m big oouoora knowing on lltltd about uie primary prlnolplaa aa the boy who aitawera tba ofuoa ball than i wont to got next to tba hoy i wnb to mo uilng through tbdlreyea their aid of the ijuestlnn m wall ae our i dont believe there will be gloat amount of 11010001311 at the judoa iran work lie began bid apprenticeship unit day there waa no lingering over u dainty luueli eon at oue ooloeb aa bad been the oaeedur ing uielr hondyiuooti hilly pi that he had luul u boiu hindwiob uiul u ueoa of pie with the itoye tn work reduurant in the efturnoon there waa no flying nut to uie country club in jlmyi raeer for a round on the golf llnki keiombtg jdei it uua for u lunurloua baui liefare dlnuer rotnehow uarloa tauped through the day alone bhte iwtd laugbed tufwom bid way of making hlmodu fit hlie luul inkkled llut the iummotlan utider dotlaon waa uudlg nlllftil tlie only way to larepnfe hlnuolf far tlio pojjtlon in front of blm lint uut bad not argued tha point when obe luul found him adamant beoauu of a una oouvletiou uwt pleanme nocking hilly who never had done a up of hard work in md life would qulokly tire of hla fad ho olve unlled 1ntoit eymiuttbetlaal y ou that unit day wlien tbu long line of meu ao plainly bmn from uut juddon home hied out of the worka yatd with billy in their mhhat and he eaiue up to where tlad ami abe waited him unlllug it la trw but tiled aud after dinner wlien ttbe uateli od dim onhinlive i rulood bandit gingerly nlrioli tlrl ilmbd dm murmurod ttollglit- etlly to beimlf alout n weak l uiluk will kettld him hut it dldn l and on tba alrnoin in maral aa ahe watoluml um butiadt hilly was in um moond year of but npiwwntloe ahlp her tolnrdnoe luid long klnoadomrt- ed lnsr hhe lutd ittormd dm bail pleade1 kite hail uimatenwl all in vain kow alia hail aobeituiloorwiiuotih in outward oalnt though ootkklmtitly utere urged throdgh her a tlorm of roullioo j rlia nevr went near uu warku hidy alteolutaly forhaile br oatnlng for him in her aleotrlo no uyle yet wua the grimly voiced lowalve kite ourtly rofuitd lathe flret ilayh hi oaairi to ahow bar found ota phioe the ujjilnoba of it alt the hammer ingamf ireudtlngatad her it dtfuulful to have tho bldeounnou w near home and yo 1 have to oome to me grliliyaivd liorriil like an ordinary ubordy wuttout eeekjng furlluir hldeouinem in a tour of hupeotlon of late no offer bad ootue from bltu during uila time be formed a frleudublp with the thorutonh billy und young tliohon bail gaoeuirough oolleg togeuuir in one eadt uwilr iota word uentloal only eona of rteh men with fatlumrd ontdoua to fchlft tba hurdon of riooijuiity oa younger ihoullerx abd there all eaai iddooa oaakotl hilly hod dewlopod w fail vouugtiiorntonbod inodernly equlpiked ohioo in the thurton faetory la wbleb be eutered at ten in thtmonilngand uft at high noon to run hla wife and mar loo out to the country club a moat cor keouy aulred lumaouhiuly groomed young man in ilireoteonlraat to uie grimy billy uy fluently patood on bu way home at dlnuer uue and a ooutrofct uutt wom evti more glaring ou raturday after- bootte uillya time 00 whoa be took bid rooer out to the eluh abd toloxed uarlou always told hrwilf ad 4e looked frout tbomtind jak and white fraahniia to billya fooe rougbtmod by amok awoat and grim that bauful uoa waa written all ovi him toll ahowed in hid roughen wd hdbdd bbd hu uubud bdlld libd fdul dloua to tha otww bhe looked away in augor an1 dlagut lrhtwiuy bho udl bringing thornton up oa a klilnlng evample he tiovorforsotd utedlgnlty of hupooitlofi thej bun are hound to look up to him toopoot blm held him in the proper tugree of awe while you hilly a ivhrug wuan lnuroauot the tosiimit of the men i want too but i the vw can go hang thornton ton keep it leaulba old faillooo1 liking lei what i want aud who i think 1u rwuit as for thornton well be iiottt t know any mart about that hualnahd thin hla tuer pop j u ariou a tort honawoca dimuod tba ouhect uut there oome a morning when the uv wiui hilly a eyea hha with un thorn ton won la thornton a private oftlod looking out over uie yorda while waiting the hnub of a oanvervutlon between thornton and u forauua kuhoaueeloualy ahe waa aware of an argubunt when a frwtful aote ouddeely grew in thornton a voloe the be come alert and whan be oroae abrupuy aa evklenoe of a closod oovtlou tho im maturity the unstoeod of himforamitloa of reepoiifclbillty came to her with a aback ofeurprtad for btmveb a aaka ut the matter biad uutll my fothore return be hedged i don t know a oootauodod thing about it and m we vegot to know today mr thorn ton llarion caught the note of oontempt in tha man a voloa puit upod you think bwt then or wire fetjur for luetniouoaa lie dunled ad tho forfaoua tuibd in hie oy way to the women and aaaanaood ba woe edy for tha elub homabow uajrloa a taate for the club bad detmited with a plennlbla akoufid obd auvpad away vividly ooaeetohi of two tblege 1 one billy woe right thornton dldntkbaweay bore about bbalaeea taon bla huuf pup 1 the ether tha hoowledge that u would break her heart to have a men look at billy with the dudaln that had iain in the ye of the thornton fimewaa a tudden lmgig eu bar lo eee billy la u mldet of the men krwuiaflrituma lu her married life aba eurted for the work strange to hey a eb entered the yarde her tvoae waa not elevated dugueted lyatthaodorof rtut aud moatdlng wnd 1 tjor did ehe cringe in tho lat from the 1 uguneee all about her bha went to jiuimmi ba as ntuve wbent hhe told him alia wonted to oea buiy at bid work lie amlled ijueetly tlierea an experiment galag en in the woudlng room he eidd and billy they found blm n tba oenlh of a group i of worker aud heed of deportment tba tweed aultbod been dlleoavdel for grimy overall iiih aleevee wre rolled up ta hie ehatildaro aa ha lutaduj heavy iron bote tha muaelee otood out on bla araa ilk whlpoordo morion tbrilud in the priidof p mi ebe eew tba ettangth of blm jreot emtulge were ou bl foiva hut eh didnt know ti ebe gleamed with the kuowledgdof the bum hum of bla pohtt uoeterof the imiiue hhe drew neater in bar inureet blie lleuaied eagerly to heated tllaouikilen ha tweed hilly the appreuuoa and ltodeoti who lied been in the buajnea before hilly uuitboni alvtl when after a bresthlem few momentm of demouaurauiui hilly bttalghtenad up with a triumphant rationed uodeon t and una atuwer went book to him with a tough of oongttuu- tlon voultetl uui youre ri the right dom young fllow her band cloned am dad a gleefully uiaugb ahe choluxl quoerle wlumdad murtnured 1 vou aee now why um nld mane going to give ip live relna aa gladly hbo did not auawer hhe wan drtnklnff in wluit ehe aaw for hilly in tba demeanor f ute tueu rideet wllbou t tha awe 1 ad miration and a deeprooted i likltur theu hilly ww her and a blia auuued fctaro ound voice in un aitoul wud what under the nun jie went to li jm awlftly a new underwlandlng in her ey wc never mini now ujlly dear juat what a ray of aene lien 00m a loo our wife that all audbbo wauutai wo ovary ut cf tbla wonderful work of jjajuw thute to make you fit thiu tuahuookvimo day itatltankiiglvingtlmflof feaatlng an i lmpliy clicer ttialmyaanil glrlu will lie home tha table will groan itanoatli ltd load of plenty- the turkey ilona the ex act abode nf brown t tlm mtbllnge kiwi ple the candy and nuu with owat cltlar loo moht likely 1 and perhape u few peurw ami gram keit fraoli far uiu thankmlvlng day vou ii bit around uie fire if you luive one anl roaot uptdea among uui aoliea ami pop corn und tell htoriod of uie year jiut pdoaad and talk over the year to come and then pwhapa you ii delve into the poet yearn pjt wiui all lie burden of joy iibdcheor mixed wiui the khadoua that cotue into all livoo and your haort will he light your ooul ghul aa uie momenta nnd hour bpobd on vrutyl jnt a little bjaoa away alte 6ne who la lonely anil nod no turkey gmoea her table today no plea nouiing but dry bread and a fcrttal i pitifully amall lieoe of hutur blie i toe oounted thedaya it muot but leore abe can have more and kitowa to a nicety how much ehe can uee each day tberwu a can of beano maybe for bean are cheep bub ehe ii not open lb until tha oiavlug for mvmetblng bealdee ikreod lieoomea unbearable and then abe will put uie butter divide and tuead a been keadwleh for a change mother hfore you alt down to your thankiariviag faaot all a liooket for that one who hoe only poverty and aadneod ad hr gueit today vou will never ml it end it will nmon more for more than the mere food it oontdlrta t for it will bring a touch of human cheer to one who new teoore ah how much wa ulw and never know i ltor it i ndy aa we teach out and touch uvea that the reel joy of living wormaour ownooul petty triumph joj greet and email fade 1 but uie oorvlee we give goee ou in endleu wave from life to life a raugthmtlng and uplifting both glv or and moolvor itetnuabor frund if you give today it may be your turn to tek lu earns car to morrow and that hule laoe wlut ukd wutful eye aud tlrod food yon ao ofun pae i fthe bov er goe away on halldaya youve ofun noud it end wonderod if aba bed no botadi but youve nv thought to eoy ooave and have your thankkirivlug dlnntw with ud today rome day your hoy or girl buy be far away and lonely at thankaglvlng urns 1 and unto one of the leaot of theee you know uie r- ot perbapa not eloe but far away a fotb and mother ore aluleg thluking and talking of you at thla tbanluglvlug um their life u far from uie hurry and buttle thai crowd your path thjr want are few uut lilgget one to know bow the boy or girl fare today ihala duhai and itoiboly fare are their t ollver and cut glae and all uie bt uie markot yuldd are your hut onoe utey workod and plantmd and aaved to taake the day a joy one one for you their heart never falter ed their hood and foot bovor togged breve butda now uomuing and iomod and weak friend i they gave you life t through all uie year they gave you oare and eouuud all denial but aa gain i can you douod than give them lave eubetantul love with taeoagoa of cheer on uila thanktglvlng day iirrmima moom wahh1h0i hu or bin i wuh to warn the farmer of ontario agajuot inforlor lightning roda in our in veetigatland we have found that an iran centred rod that u on eompoaed of a itrip of oopper twuud around an iron or ateel centre whether the oobue la a atrip or wire or both la a very ohort lived rod in many eaeed the iron la beriy all mated away in from five to tea yeom leaving on ly uie oatper which u too light either to wear well or to bitty off a tlaob of light alng without melting the copper laeeu cf theee rode wejgba idea thou half what the mondotxl copper rode weigh any former who pate theee iron centred rode on bid building ta ootuolly gwulnf let pfrveent value far hla mowy thou if lulng all ooppor rod towiy nothing of the look of durability a plain galvaulaed iron feeble la more durable thou the iron oeatred rod in bulleuusauon ljghtnltigkod page fid appear u photograph of a piece of iron centred rod taken from the peak of a building after eight year of vie the iron atrip and wire were in uverel pleoea and more than half rutted away it l to the credit of all lightning rod oomponlee in ontario except two unit they are following tba teaching of uulletln 130 and do nob aupply iron centred rodn beveral month ago i personally informed one of the two oompanua that um iron centred rod wan not tit to put on a build lag and tba other even before bulletin ttto wd iwulahad wea uotlded what ltd teachjnga would be wajardlag ue iron jveatred rod- vet theee own panto at uolng other pohlona of the bulletin to in duo former to buy t inferior rod whkb it eo under liiee dmumttanoee i tblnk it la only fair to the fartner to put them in poeeoaalon of tbe facta and it a not un fair to the oompaulea for they were iiouhed publicly uuviugb tb bulleiln and private ly by letter utue giving- them ampin um to provide n good rod indeed it bun lieeu a matter of wurprio to m to learn through reobiit oorm poudeuou und peraoual reportu that thee rod air otlll being eold theee oouepanle can juot a we i provide rod aa apeoloed and deeorlbed in the un lerhdpe t may not be amhy before 0011 eluding to buy uut our nveatlgatloii huu tliown that properly inoulled rod will prevent 000 of loaa out of every ihooo that would ooeur if tho tiome hulldingi were not rodded vloure wu if ihv lvofadeor of phyoicn ont agr college ouelji ont rathuhs wav at loot father luto haven day dedicated to blm how hhall weoelebrauit in a fitting manner v ttuppoae we refrain from aaklnjr tor my money on that day good tv huluu tubmtv vkcahb aoo mr j ii matthowd mirclutkd thn reolileiioe of mr charle valkner on bower avanue bint week for hso canveroiih planing mill iuih run througb tltedainr n mahogany plank faurtoon font long twenty four and n lmlf luclieu wide two indiom uilck to be uued ad u flnlnhlug tablo for acton tunning co it waa wort 1 i7 the but weak in moiiutiber waa oiium ertttlott weak lu the iot ofllcea and tbn count in acton oflioe allowed lettera wit od 10wj 1 pout tenia mt0 t reglalered let lerd fid porocbi book eto h2 1 mo voy ordar w 1 order paid 17 free utter 11 ho venue 0004 iuv j a mbtacbuu m a of waur loo pfeacbed in the meuiudltt cliuroh on humbiy neat hiiwlay iuv j w haewmpreaeb in wentuurth fit preuhyterian clmrob ifamllton aiul mr uolf tenon atudent of hamilton will ureub in knox church here the funeral of mr koht denny of the 3rd ii iv erin waa held at uie hill on hatunlay rev mr adam officiating ad 161 ly iuv ii caldwll the following were promoted at lome reboot to a higher eloee at octalier uti henrietta ptank clinton hwackhauer nellie mown harry held ifoamdi iunk ada townoend harriot looby willie rnyder ulae jeeole uelxuvau leacher at acton exhibition 1 lvamankhlp ly public reboot cbiurem a m rmlth jeunle a jumey mloa annie corrigal and ml bella ira ham are vuitlng in detroit the ulaae taylor have been vloltlng friend in detroit during the weak ur jamea uuclatn apaut a few doyu thla wook in rornla uv jam colemou and u ue coleman of rtrobane vlalted their broth bare the paotweek mr hyaneu hod been on a trip to lowell mich vuitlng with friend and relative utare uui imfau m moor arrived home from toronto tlenerol ifoepjul loot week hhe tij groduale1 oa a trained uuiwe with highly creditable oaiullug ur kelly urln11 of oak v ill baa been vuung fiiaud la thla vicinity ut toot week ualihiud h e or kevimoed dlkii ddwuvia tcln lewwhu ea ooiebw lib kobehlmauy 0clf4iah luirw ifalukk 01 uaekwoaj oh t a n lima i viktot once more thaakoglvlng day oomed round and again it flodd our country going forward on tlte full tide of prosperity eveu swifter and liroader and deaier rune the atreaui awl it iimiiya to uod right on to future of oven greater thing never had a people greater reoeoa for thankful new so fur aa material bleating ore oou ceraed the harvest liaa tieen abutwtint and never before waa ao hirg a portion of our hoinlon nude to produce the fruit of ut earth btluulited by tha liiueoeed yield of agricultural product for after all told and done it la the peopuon tha und who the foundation of our national prosperity there lio beau a notable and aolld expan rian of our induetrte and our oonunero never liaford did cwuadd contain eo uanv pode 1 never before wet her penpu ao generally engaged la the produo tlon of wealth 1 never before wo there ao uuoh wealth in tlie unil 1 and perbapa in no other country u wealth ao evenly dle- tributed und aflort more certain of one oiod it baa been buoy year tor the canadian lieople for we are all worker her 1 uhor has been amply rewarded and thu great liedog boa been crowned by uu eull greater udejag in peao and eeourity hove the canadian people enjoyed th fruit of their lobar becautd of alilhte thing the appeal of tbaukulvlng day ahould not be unheeded by the dweller in thu favored land should the ciiuihm peopl allow the hum of indueuy and the bueua of tba market place to eo fill their eat and dam luatd their mind that they forget the eternal truth that ue at uie very foundo- tiou of national gre i nee t uou cannot live by bread alone ner oou uie blgboot national life he built up wholly on wheat and lumber and gold the foundation of national great nan i the quality of uie peopl who dwell within tli nation border it will be well for gonad an to war lu wind uiat their whole duty doe not con alot lu developing the reeouroe of uieli country and turning uvam into wealth but uiat their flret duty a to build up a united people worthy of uu voot bed tog and cf uui beet traditions of tb greet raae from which they hev sprung w ulioal a writer in uve london holly uall aug- geua uiat the motto of the nation at the preeaiit um be bualnat a uaual the london bpootator eoy 1 1 that u wound oommoneeum and tru paulotlem there la not one of ua who cannot without ut aligbteet loe of health erbapplueea be apeeded up by torn bf teen or twenty tier oent if w all men women und children reaolve tajwotkhord or or biitter than before wa akul very soou overtake ut loosed of war they ur au periloul utluge if the spirit ourvlvea nullona flgbt not with armies anil navies aloivo i ut with rcoouroea tho allies are vastly nupflilnrtnoenuuiiy in natural re souroea but lit order to be avajuua miuroeouf atrngui uiese reeouroe mutt be davelowd an uia flpefluoor aoya men women and children must reaolve to work harder uiul better uuin tiefore hutloeed a uhuhi wa need bug nee uiul moro luifclneaa in order to pro vide tlio a new of war to arin feed ami i cloth urmlua and to nwldn for u10 fum llledof uioas wlionght j hualunmud itaual let tlut lie our i motto in canaila aa well aa in kttg and and nil oviir tin britlolt vrnplw et not j iuheiu usual let um feel unit we uro dalng liunlneoa wiui n wrpoee not ta no t ouinuuta money lutl to udd to the nuvck of uaeful uilhga uaeful in war as well u in teaco toronto hlr hejit 1 1014 oh doahd iv h ft dilbad- mouoi1t when tlid nee grown gray and hlloill nnd uui moon alnkt out o night ami uiootur turn 1i0u nnd trandle uflur uavtin bourn of flgbt toil kfttmtin dirty aallor mon from live luo huir lo tlie craw irorweneed almighty kiiln nn noma high almighty ifo lor wltcn um wlmla decku uirobbln there ain t no time far prayer i but it a point your lnna tom dainty ovr twenty mllea of air 1 when utm wounded uarmuu fellowu came h jiakln up nur uldo i waa funny round my htoumch h my ikloomln birltiah prlilo trml4eii ilka a allly ieiiiiant ll y vuu ull hohuinaii like they luul eye un iioikiu un fares just like niiy otlier tlka hut wlmii tlm liorlron a hpltthi and v re cough in buck ut it hay it uweep tho tan o merman 1 an i gnu thathit l i waa walkbt loot a cal in wltero wa kcot our ikrihonern ugltt the eeutry go nay laokiiere an i oee a funny nlftlit 1 there was two oiuieu a lookln at a jo tura in uielr liaud tuot aa if there flermaii mouicna in the turuian fatherunti but when were in the tight line it a itorget your uioughla ami tire 1 whiu tlie look out aaya heatde you h udy i note her up a little hlglusr 1 when i mopped an looked to beaward in a tiny hreathln pell i hee a dteodnought hiagger with her nose deep in the awell 1 hhe woe otruok below uie belly an alie aunk an gurgled down vtiry casual like and oarol 1 made me sweat to aee her drown hut when were stripped far action bay its llory 1 glory i then an it a rweep the sea o tlcrmaus 1 aa we pick tlie range again we were lyln claee in heritor ooalin upat halifax i waa mn with uie range guns htiroak in poluh down uteir itackd there was aotnethlu in uie air fell like hapfiy knglui rain 1 an my mate he say otim bawlln an i eayo i gueae that daln 1 but when were sweotlii dirty an the hood unholy red rent loth ahliur u pblp the above ioeai written far uie mon treel weekly wltivjv u one of th many strong thing appearing in uiat splendid journal and corning ao close upon the wreck of our own ships gla ua hard the editorial of uie witnew on uie war situoiion have tha right ring to them and at the product of a mind more uuut usual ly well informed and farnjghted tlio not now getting the witnee may have it oa trial to the end of uie year by sand lug fifteen oeuts in stamp to ite old time publuher john dougall it bon witness block montreal it ooau littla to try it und ieopu who are not getting the wit bese do oat real ite what they are missing elome do not agree with it in everything neither do wa but it id one of the few greet worthwhile papers all the uuu and fifteen oeuts get it to uie end of tlie year the road to fame i liu nimt to r inu im iniuc uud wtyvp o vuvmrvl fvit 11111 utniml it iilu lint l lio limru ttiu xvny can kuep coo but thu imiru commit ud it no weakling uv ur uulna tba height flowerer muili lio yonma to i or ba when obstuctoa uttrlght th path- of saw roturnii to ttt road to fdiua i long and aud only bravo men tuab it ilea who can atmid to each ro- bult and ubdlacouregcd tab it no coward feet cun trusd the way wbere famo ta brightly shin lug ltd gloried at for men today wbo autfer without wlilnlng imrolt ritw iviid hot idkab vou and your wife never argue never replied ur ueekton what an ideal suts i wthapelt unteo ideal i aomctlmas fanay henrietta hoant enough respect for my opinion to bother about arguing wiui ma woohlngtod fitar dltttf hovlv ijljamoloua it wonduring tha manoeuvres uiat a uritmi soldier was helno trieil far shoouug a chicken on prohibited ground look here my man said the com tuaitdlng ottioer to tlie farmer wbo brougbb the accusation are you quit certain uiat this wan shot your bird t will you swear to it no i woo t do that replied the canny farmer but x will any he uie man i sua peotof doing it thatd not enough to convict a man retorted uie offloer considerably nettled what raised your ausplolotul 1 well sir replied tha sturdy formtr us he slowly mopped hid forehead with hi bandana x sow blm on my property with a gun 1 then i beard tha gun go off 1 then i ouw blm pulling the chicken into hid kusptooki and dldnt seem sensible uouiehow to think tho bird committed nuloldu a power- of it own ih thorns kcloc trio oil baa a subtle power of un own unit other olla cannot pretend to though ihoio am many pretenders- all who lutvo uued it know till mid keep it by litem on the moot voluslilo liniment available its uses are innumerable and for many yearn it lias been priitod as the leading hitlment for man ami beast the 1411 cum rheumatism to tho many whasulfcr from rlieumatumu trial of pnrnieue vegetabl pills in reoommaiid d they luvva iiroiiauiiaod action upon thu liver aud kmney uud by reguutlug um action of utos orgunu act n an alter 1 native u pravuutlug thu admixture of uria acid und blood uutt cause thu painful disorder tliuy tnunt ite tukuti ucooidlhg to dlreotlan aiul fiod atoadlly and uiey will bjieoillly givu ov lileiiwj of uielr bene nlal effect