wedding presents koiir kmlvm spoonn portia pornoy 3tlvarwere niok cutolem pemosr china wedding rings maktlllaota tic i bubd geo hynbs real estate aantta iw tittle lu uultou icl nd 1vllluutuu loo forms lor unlet every u if you want faro writm me for calutauue or v i vvlali to mil or exchange tarun we we buv every facility tor trainiuilnu busdutiu id your condlelu suitlufuetluii orres- kmluienro koltruet j ivllilotcuit farm htolllwu hprhuliut jcurnlown tiiulthday ootoliklt ifl 1014 brief local items methodist anniversary service uuxt runday heorgetowii council granted tlio lbmd 73 last wmb krln will git tiloiig this year on a u rat of 17 mill tito tltanksumng turkey wna at uhlgh itruiluiri an monday ttt way to popuurlx home ruuila goods u i4 wttdr tlwui not btich doing on die new electric road throujrh lure just now mr j bcarrow will acli in tl llaptlst church on fjurwluy oionlug berlin fifcyl waterloo tiavo jointly can triuud 1140000 to tlie patriotic fund lotaloo n a good crop lotuto digging u notf keeping the fanners busy lit spirit of tliaukslviug was strong ly luiprasaed i tlte churches lust hutulaj kaiulngilinecluli is having weakly prtlo with twenty throe members en rolled ifulton tisxbors institute will hold their annual convention at burlington to day uul toiaotrovi ttanfh uuttlug iartub enjoyed tlte bright wann autumn weather on tlublr ttxoureietis 04 uiulaj lutismov tan rate id io mill on lle dollar wlut live per cent uklu to all aumau itot paid by llacetiiber 14th mr lardou of west torouto was lu euutly blluj at cjloi htatloa on friday ly being knocked under the wheel of a traia o ruddy cheeked october hluasjour eye and freh as marrtlng and your lialr uo ilka the tunst vltli a j allow majilo hans the whala oi tlie courtyard in tlto rar and at tba willow btreet side of tlte now lammumb building in iwlntf uld with soncreu bjmhclm of rip ulm runttoitlm iiii1iiiiiiiiiiiiixiiiiiiiiii itorrloa aiul thlmbla birlm all laoii broujjlit to tins oillo uia tmfow daya vitul tliua wmuaway to enjoy th kuutlful fall uaya tlmr uiouui iw puawat walks iumi imttinff lartifts to look lack to from tu cold abutin dayi of wlutw our oitiuua will appiwjuttii tlio iln did eiigravlritf of actons vo ivwt offloa and ctibtotua houm oii tlio first itga eutra eojilw of tlu puki lnkfhinuy boliad raody for lualllnif for tliroo oonta win ufjwiwooil oairliibo will iwilda aala of so iteail of caule horaoa filiaap ttndhotfoti uotmlayoou lotlimnlj mo- klnimiy ewii vlllav on tuouloy ocu imtb it j korr auctloiioor mr walur uainr fontiuly of mlt- bll onurlo liaa uirrhugwl tlui 100 aero farm in towiwlilp of lquoalnqt boioaglnk to tlu uta dr john hlandliji sau wau mada ly j a willouflltliy uootfotown basilliharad kvbytahh jtkmlvvy at mowmurm mr njwl mr o welter of taronto ftwhuwwiiiflrou aoqnaliiunew mt duiiidu fad mr j haiuloraon und ulm a hender mmi upant tba imllduy at tlwlr jwrenul linttmlir a humlmf from hr uttaiulad tlialuirvat lotua mrvlou omduotwl by mr i pattor of tba eburlt at cburelilll cobrea uoailcitukitit lahb hutulay owning mr a hlluand mrs s tumua vllld uia latter daughter mrs ii liartli tarr uoiu lut wuk aualvanuury urvloea in knox ohurenam oatihnd till tits lat of nov6iulr mih edum bayara and maater myron llwlutf of ifamilton hpent tita holiday at mm sayara botaa ltcr mr and mr j v nelaon and babe of aoton ip6itt tk wmkontl wllli raliltiafad frtaoda mr and mr i ferguson uwat tha bollday at mr versiuona lionw in berlin mr ira hiiu iwld toronto u flylnn vult on saturday mr audmra j iiiiuol london attend- jc d the funeral of tlia iota mr whiuta bwlttdlehuttt mr mul mre nyanl i1i1u- of omnk valley vera auopremiut vouh rnihvino can not t dono any bettor unywltw uot quit ko good fienerally vvvu vuxw nrkwiara right if you ruirf any tiling in tlu printing lino from a vuitinu mrd u m uuuplilet lot iu liiiv o j otirortler hioo rmward 10o tbo reader of tliia nir will n tileeaod to learn that tltara lu tit leat one dreaded dlfcejte tbat nolonca lui itouii abl to onre in all iu tuttni aiul llutt is eaurrli hall crttarrh curo i mio only wltlva otre new known to tha ntodliid r- lunttlty uuarrh hbuit u oeiiiitltulloiuil illkeow roaulrea a oonaitullonal tr eattaent llailm catarrh cur latakoii inter nalyuol- inir dlretrtty titan the hood and miioou- aurfaoea oltlui uyuui uterehy d cwtroyliik tba foundauort of uu dlaauaa 1 ulvintf th patidttt fctrenutii by bululmu up tlte netuuttlllouaulamuktlnif iimuini in doliuf iuwork th prletom havt w wuab faltli hi it ourutlva iower uit uey offor one if uwlretl lmwf nhv that it fallmtoeiirev hendfiwiuttanumoelaa aiuhm v j ciiknbv tt co toledo bold by ihtuuumti 7aa tahlfallh finlly esuu fot eoubuiw- news of local import atumoon trln totalled on monday on tlmhuagmiiif ufurnooii the 9 train front timtnto wm ulallmlon thourudn lwtwaan hero and holly vurtlon tliraiigli tlio itlowlng out of one of lu oyllndsr bauds of tlm 1ooomotlv tl oondunlut wulkml up iihj hill to tint at ion and wlrotl to uiuilph forntienglno brvloaawiutdrwnroijinnlvsrjuv with tlio oiifctnmury danomlntitlniihl ootiruiuy which providls in acton tha sun loos of lha ilaptut ctiiirah will i with drawn nuiit himly tnailti und those nf knox lresiiyterlnii cliurcli in the monlnif nut of rwhot to the mbthodut roiigrtn linn whose ininlvenuiry wirtlcos wlir he held duhuu tluituy an aouin mu fetnllat mt ilondon mr tltanms i woalon of aotnn who wuu u lumrdor aiul intlmula friend at the honui of mr walter laoer cliuroh tilroet is one of fifty cuiuullans who liave nllstel in ijiihioh fnylund n a hody of infaktry ralwxl hy arthur ihi cros m i mr woblon went to ln old country on a vlclt in july inleitdlug to redntt thin fall u v c u convenuen verv umthnaliuitld luureathiu uiwl in utruotuo woro tltamissionu nf tha itajitlat llulf lvojtlu union convention held n irthioti on imtikigiviiiu lu muuy lruttinont ufkutkeirm wofo preumt and de- luorxmlinouuajfti full of proetlcul valuoaud i nupi ration tliero wo to aluint ltj dole flutes in atundnnoe mlui lutta ilahk attenilel from acton th hoatlw in tha wwt mr and mr iluvid willlainfaan return txl on moiulay from their trip to tin north wfluu tlwy were away three months and luid a most enjoyable fnlt mot of their tline was hient at watrous haik with tltulrson tbore they atao ulled frunds at ilntndoii haskutoou 1rltio albart and other point tluty are iiiueb i w prated with tlto west aiul its pauibllltle thirshldr tit u in tha bihad writing the vuxit 1nut frotn wsplu timil on october 0th mr uraoa umlth uis i we are living u iteuutiful fait all the leaves are off tlm tr ws bcan tbrejiing uet thuruluj with ilia tber tnoouitcr at hi in the hhd aiul flnlsled hi two iltys tlietn lilg fceiariitors thrtwlt about 1000 btifcliet por day iast year we luul four days thrwhing hut llie drought this year aeriouhly altvctvd ilia croft- mrs hialtli inleiuhi tlwirtly rturnlug to ontario for tha winter awy fa u 0n tlort mr klehoua cottar jme ititrcttaiit lurrle who a a boy iwed with the uu luvld malooay hhoemaker willow ktrt ibiumi acloa ami numerous bocmos of hie boyhood days uat w it 1 about thirty ave yu inoe mr cotur lft acton he lias iteati in lurrle for many year and u much ataeial hy the people tlm he take a apooul iiiltuwt in the ito children of tlie ootniiiunlty he much wprdwed with actons progfi hot at hatfeodl hw a methodist cituen reuaiks tliat rev mr iv iters annouiuwuent on bunday night that in inviting tha public to attend the lecture by i lev lit antliff of mon treal rtekt monday night without fee or oollootlon the truuies were in this rather un mthodutlo reuilndahlmof etatetnent y llev lf llriggs at an anniversary ulioiit twenty year ugo wlten apjuallng for funds the dr hu1 llwt metltodlst take no hack aeat in appealing for inonej biea au tba tauhay on vrhhty uornlng an oocidetit ooourred at tlie works of tlie aoton tanning com peny which twoeultatoil tlie closing of toontof tlia departments for a couue of daye- hy noiue means tlie main abaft snapped at uia driving pulhty near tlte engine fortunately the engineer waa at hie put and immediately closed tlte throttle averting more serious damage boma of tha lighter machinery was run by the auxiliary engine aiul dynaiaoa until repair were nude tlm works resumed full operation on tuesday maw kciuip want res llexltott rakluiaut information hiw oooia frem ottawa that hoe rilles are about to bo shipped to the reepoctlve company headquarters of helton regiment oorpe also new khaki clothing and tba new webb equliuuent the old rifle green clothlnr and oliver equipment worn hy tlte mon of tlio 20th who have irane to the war will not come back and what waa not taken by litem will be re turned to store at ottawa as aoon as tba rifles ooma target prwjtloesbould begin rohllersfor tlte teooud oontlngeut mutt be burkeuieu ouis maw dx httudinftr contractor flan it iroetor of barnia lias oouipleted the new iot otttoe and cuetous house inspector haitinfls of uia public works department waa here hut wadneeday and thunday and took over tiio building ha spoke highly of mr rroetora fulfilment of tha ooutraot and and also complimented him upon lie com pletion elk weekaln advance of tha uma stlpuutad in the affluent tha flltlng are now arriving and will shortly be inatal led in a few weeks this fine edlaoe tha finest publlo building lit tha county wll bo opened to tlte general public hathaahm audlvatatryhaatmundar much interest la felt by tha oougreffetlon of tlm method lut church lu tbeaunlvereery service riant bunday tha pleasurable anticipations of again hearing ltev dr atituhf tlte pastor eutorltus of montreal aro freely expressed dr atitllft will preach inomiiik and evening and tha day will be one of marked actultlea tba choir will render special music largo oodgegutioiui are exieeted on monday aa evening of somewhat eulque oltaraoter hail been arranged for dr aiiutft will glvearecllalof his visit to the old laud this yeerrekungliieldent and eiperlenoee of the tour tha many friend of hr ant liff in tha various oongregatlons of acton und lelnlty are ookillully invited there will lie no udinhuloii itor collection vovlaalml muuday uebool ooiavnuati the hunduy hchool foieu of ontarh will meet oils year umln in duel conven tlons itlstba4mhuiinlerury the two sections for 1014 will bo heotlon a at london october iw 30 and section 0 at klngtou novemlier 4 il tha plan nf progmmnie this year is calculated toundar- take fewer uilug and do them more thoroughly pour phases of our bunday uohool lu to hu thoroughly dealt wflli i tha 1- lomentary division under in years tho toon age i tlte minister and tha huperlntendent tha general tone of the lirogramme is strong on tlie line of at angel- lam thairovincial talent available is sup pigmented by mr n m leyda who for mer ten years led the elementary work in illinois ktate and joint l alexander of tha intemauonal hunday hchool forea chicago 111 mr alexander liaa recently issued three books on the httnday hchool and tha teens u reoognlxed aa a leader without iuurlor list of tltanksgivinii visitors vlaltatlona war mumrus to und vrom town uurlnat tha ww a tlmas or motmbf oomihoat mr holmi- wllllantm was homo from iter till miss dnlsy tfolnler was hniim from hani- llton mr harold mieklln wan homo frv t- routo mr j v countaii vllud frlwwls in toronto mis margaret llennett wan homo froni toronto mis liestin husband was home from toronto mr o ii khhdge llerlln was hnre on monday mr j a rlmith creemore visltatl acton relutiveu mr hay walson ua home from lort colbome mr imtrutrd atkinson uarihbma from hamilton mr hows hwackhamer nf huttom llle waa homo miss ulllan will urns spent tlm holiday in toronto mr jno h moore toronto was home several days mis marv llhiok visited iter ltauuint mount jrortrbt air james duncan nf toronto visited acton i r lend a mlu margarot komtedyint clta boll day fntluelph miss kenwlck spent tliauhiujvlng at iter liome lu ayr mr joint l moore attended llurllngion vair on monday miss hlna haywanl spent the itolldny at her home iter mr mtoltasl ollrleti spent tliauksglving x hlslioata ltr ltev v 1 unroll of vllunota spent tuewlay in town mr john cumsiron visited frlettd at llmoalbild last wk mr harry halnprit of hamlltou was itouta for ui holklay mr juxk chapman of toronto was liome for tit itollday mr kiwi mr amoa muson ol alton were here ovr runtlty muio william attd arthur uenrtey were luttua from toronto mr frank havlll managrof marahanta lunk llronta waa home mis nellie wluutos waa itoma from hamilton kormal reltool mr oluloiwt hushaml waa homa from prwlon over the holhhy mis uo menuon wnt to iter home at ocderich for the holiday mr moevoy ritasej old amiuajnuuoo at calodoil fair ut wk mr and mr frank winuma aiul uu wore hert from hrwmpton mls iwrl ihiker and vranoa drick ttoll were home to toronto mr frd mclaughlin waa homa for utanksgivlug from toronto muwcrtrudaand florvnea flyan of llerlln visited frunda iter mr atlof imlia toronto tenb lha holiday at hie fathers home mr and mr klohard bomervllle of london visited tha oil home mrs jamea iwon and son of weston sited acton friends this week mr warren drowu and his friend mr 1owell u ere itera from toronto mr and mr henry mellon of toraato anient tlte day with friend iter mlaaaa hertle hpelght and maa moore spent tluuikuglvlng in htratford mr and mr h p molam speut sun day wlui reuuvea in kasaagaweya mr ila tlarvln of toronto spent uia holiday with his mother and sister mr john t heuutreet waa up from to ronto on monday to visit hi fauier mis mattel uobat of hew hamburg spent ute itollday at iter home here mr uul mrs wfunielbyoftoronto were guost of couneillor and mrs cooper mr and mr w e foulds and daugh ter of tluelph vlsltetl aoton rehulves mr and mr ii v mokerrlhen of to ronto were guoata of mr t t moore mr und mrs hamuel worden and little mis ailama of georgetown were in town miss jenkins of brentford ipeot tha holiday at tiio home of mr w mainprise dr e i ault waautmorriaburfrdurlue tha week attending tlie funeral of hi motiter mr and mr wu frank wlut uaater andrew and babe visited aberfoyte friend but week mr and mrs jamee mcintosh visited tita home of utelr eon at orlllta on thanksgiving miss lottie a moore returned to toron to on beturday after spending a month at iter home here mite attttle harvey bt catharine and mis margaret of brentford were atltoma for thanksgiving mr and mr urant bwaekhuner attd balta of toronto spent tlte holiday at his father home here mr and mr william buutam ol exeter and children were gueste at ur thomas ruthams mr and mrs joa debbie asd mtas abo aoton spent thanksgiving with georgetown friends mr and mr john vlratbrook returned to toronto monday evening after spending a week at tiie trout pond ltev t albert moore u u mra moore and muwea nona and dorothy of toronto were guest at mooteoref t rev h ilowarth left yesterday to attend the annual oenvenuoa of the baptut chumhes of onurlo ami quebeo la toroo to ur wu mullln who hi seriously 111 at quebeo military hoijul a lotlm of spinal menlhriua is not progressing- favor ably much regret ia felt in town auotiu their numerous friend that mra jennie hmlui und mis edith have decided to remove to toronto mr and mra allen carney of wyeh- wond rark aiul miss neil and master lordeu uarbuu of toronto visited with their friend mr lea modaln over the holiday mahbatlawkva tlta moffat bohool ohlhlren in cltarge of utelr principal mis huut made apeoul visit to ute da well itera last frlduy dur ing nature htudy tita children were all delighted at tita sight of tlte c laa a it would hare up in tlte air when tita light waa applied the engineer explained to utem how the oil ami has waa formed tha elaaa marched leek to lite school where tbywerdlmued after seeing for tlte first time lu utelr life the workltui of a ua well unlet you can speak laaeha it i hew- j leas for you to try to hold converse wllhtite i a rnoupcnoun miihioipailitv thstownanoirmw- in hv iri ul or it rini rivio ittailtlon whlln in ottawa recently it was theuml fortune ol the editor to rim up to renfrew und j- pond lint day with our ruimitnl friend ex mayor w hmalulold eilitor of he mertmry thirty year of inllmau friendship with mr hmullfwil und nonstant pnruiuil of lite mercury inwl given tt very intelligent oan caption of lite pntjterous town ami its activities but a leraoual contact uave more vivid iniiiresslou tlte high otlnlnna always enlertulimsl wnru considerably enhanoeil by personal inspection henfrew is favorably situated in tlte fertile ottawa valley on tbti a 1 h and t it railways sixty mile from ute cijtltal nf ute ikomlniou eroni a political fctiodpolnt it oocupitm a iosltlon somewliat uulue it ban a pomilatluii of between 4000 nntl rtooo of prosterous and tented people u uumltor of successful manufactories and u full piotu of up to date merpmutile houses the exhibit at llto v fair which waa in itrograssiuriiifc nur visit gavo aiuile ovldoitoa that tho town oocuifes the centre of u rich hhrloultum ilutrint apple growing is now itolnu gltiu upeolnlotttcn to tho hildetl profit of the farmers- this fair now sticoctutfulli ulklnw seowvl putco umoittf ibe county fairs of tho pro vluoe thlti high fctatus h ut i teen tichlevod largely through tlio erorts of mr hmall- ftelil a ho i tlte energetic secreury tlte inside exhibit j to wot i to grtutt atlvantage this j ear throtigh ltelng hoiiued in tlte fine sjolmmi drill lull i which uau just cemjotd in time for the fulr a feature of lite fair oiui which might it emulatiul generally tlte itoys ml ylrls list their own orgawluttlon and a spieiului exhiltit of school garden uodnots pltotograplta ool uot ion a of stamps coioj plotur post cards rabbits pigeons and otltsr poultry thoir interwt waa as keenly manifested as that of lha grown upa jvliuttceof tlte prosperity of tlio town were seen in the woifortaltla aitdattraotu homes aulmtaiitlal buslne puces com rawllouechurohaamifulycwiblructdand well lighted streets ami intltebiaulfntatlon of wall formulated plans for ooetluuous biuulclpal imitrovemoiilb the comltinel waterworks aiul elettrle- tower system of tlto to a i a valuable franchise mul worthy the enterprise of a much wore populous municipality two elements beta lsju factor in tlte accomplujimont of till i a tu1tllplrlted community end tit natural advantages of tlte ihminechere lllvor an important tributary of tlte ottitwh henfrew has banished tlte barroom aiul liquor trafoo and it cltlneiis generally have uodeslre for tlie rwtoratlon of their ttaferioua influenee the tupitaluts und ituslttes men of ute town formed a joint stock oompany and erected a splendid itoul on improved moturn dans i furnish ed it to meet all uto retiuirdment of tlte travelling publlo at a cost of 00000 tha renfrew house ia complete in all its atiolntmeots well patroaltied and paying ltlsfeotory dividends to tlte company mr bmallfleld of tho mercury u ivhi dent of tlto company tlte post ottloe ami customs ilouae i u fine stone structuro built upon plans almost identical with aoton mr a a wright ex m v is postmaster and is naturally very proud of bis premise our visit was exceedingly pleasant and tlte hospitality of mr and mrs bmalloeld thoroughly enjoyed pworth lmaouis oomvhhtioh puudld 0tbas4njr off vouh leepla at kteire- usa wu on thursday und f rlilay of but week uia atinnal convention of iuelph district fpwortli league waa hakl hi tlte methodist church klora many ixculleut eddresae were delivered ou tliemee pressing for im mediate attention tha study of oltlxen slilji ami au eitdeavar to give the dele- galea and through tliem uto leagues of tlie dlttrlct a clearer ooitooptlon of tlte pouslliltitle of promoting higher sundards of cluienshlp occupied several periods of tlie convention addresses along this theme were delivered hy rave v m wootton lalt ii w avlson and w v laeu luelfji and mr j victor cole man aotou rev 1 1 drajierdealtwitii the war and tita kingdom in an aide manner rev v l farewell field secretary waa present and added much to the value of the convention with inspirational addrew other members of the district assist ne weret revs j a jaoksoa elora and j a e eramosa the junior ioagua work was daeuaeed under tlte uhla direction of miss agnes llatier of hnuitford a junior leagye expert the convention had a splendul reitre-on- tatlve attendance almost every league sending delegates those from aoton weret rev c i lvaper miss dorotliy nelson and mcesrs martin mofftt j i moore and j victor coleman the omoerw of the district league elect ed for the year are i una pies rev j a jackson elora iwdeatilev 1 w barber uuelph 1st vioelv david ffkl cuelplt ud vloepre use mlnnla z vennete aoton 3rd vloslvesuisa fjopland baletn 4ui vloelvoa howard luuhley iuelph 8th vloepre mies annie jollffe llookwood beo trea j victor coleman aoton- l1mhmouhm thetiirea man injured hy the falling of soarbld on the new residence of mr john uonderwmi lust week are improving mr fedder the most seriously injured who waa taken to iuelph hospital a mak ug itrogroa toward recovery mestrr wauon and aderni are altout as nsuah consumption takes ofpeopii tcttttib to oau ilundwia of mool aumptlou mytry day bdence orevee that the kerttu oaly thrive when tba ayatetnuweakeued reed eolds or alckueaa overwork ocnhnltlg duties or when general weakueta exiiu the beet physicians boi out that doriutfcbauhihgaeaeotijt uia blood should be made rich and pure and active by tk ingheouehunlslon after meal tbaood liver oil in hootta hwulslon warm tha bodybyetu4chlhkthebloodt it peculiarly atreuthetu the lunif and throat wbu it upbulhu the trhlative forces of the body to avoid cold and prevent consumption if yod work indoor tire raslly feel uugejd or bervous tkatta untnluon 1 the most etnntfthetilhg leodmedlclne known it la totally free front stupefying drug avoid stibatktttea tt aaiaw1twafcoto men who want to save money on their wearing apparel and mothers who want to save on their bots clothing needs should visit iuelph prida or saturdav october y 16th and 17th and attend macdonalds great removal sale ip you have visited guclph during the past few months you have doubtless noticed the great alterations we have been making to our already large store we have taken in an extra half block on the ground floor nnd also remodelled the whole front to this extra half block wb are going to transfer our mens and boys clothing and lurnibliings department from its present location at the back oftbe store now we have an immense stock of clothing on hand which we are desirous of reducing before moving it to its new home oo in order lo bring this about wo launch a ten days sale of mens and boys clothing in which well offer unusual buying opportunities this sale will commence on friday october 16th and tho early comers will have best choice we cannot with the small space at our disposal tell you here about all the bargains that this sale offers so we have picked out only a few and briefly describe them below bargain no i- mcn and young mens over coats suitable for fall wear regular 1200 to 1500 sale price 7o bargain no 2 mens winter overcoats heavy warm tweed good patterns and good style sifces 36 to 44 regular 18 to 25 sale ik bargain no 3 mens warm winter overcoats including tweed ulsters with convertible collars sizes 35 to 44 regular 1250 to 18 sale price 1 bargain no 4 mens fashionable tweed and worsted suits including many 20th century brand models broken lines in sizes irom 35 to 44 regular up to 25 sale price 14 ft bargain no mens and young mens cor rectly tailored suits in 2 and 3 button single breasted style neat mixed tweed materials 34 to 42 regular 12 and 1350 sale price jhhs- bargain no 6 boys tweed and worsted suits including some lines with two pairs of bloomer knickers siz es 31 to 35 regular up to 10 sale price 471s- bargain no 7 odd lines of boys tweed and worsted suits well made and serviceable regular 4 to 5 sale price 285 also regular 5 50 to 650 sale price 30 bargain no 8- 27 only boys heavy ulster overcoats of strong materials with convertible collars sizeb 28 to 34 regular up to 750 sale price 405 bargain no 9- 30 only boys fancy overcoats made of dark tweed material finished with velvet collar and brabs buttons each new this season sizes 4 to 8 years lot 10 clear at low price each 195 bargain no 10 10 dozen mens fine negligee shirts of good quality madras in neat stripe patterns sizes 14 to 17 regular up to 125 sale price 69c barga1nnoii- 100 mens work shirts of ser viceable materials in checks and stripes odd sizes regular 75c sale price 40c bargain no 12- 30 only mens all wool sweat er coats some with high roll collars others with v neck good range of colors regular up to 500 sale priue 198 extra 10 dozen mens fine braces clearing at per pair 18 use d e macdonald bros llmlud oublphs leading amd largest store cur wyajhrnra wul muitjoatl slhtu guelph oo extra i 12 doz pairs mens heavy crey union socks clearing at pairs soc bv3ejtfclsdk read this and act quickly g rr r h now la the time to order your rall suit tabfj over- s coat i em now showing an exceptionally fine hue of aew m bulling and overcoat cloth btep lu and leave your order to- 5 day trices ihjm to wmm g mewliwhi tamee meuw irdmbber r b nelson wyiuliaud wtlre rjumlth out hmmalllslmuhmhhhmibhiihslliblliwh actons electric chopping mill 0pbn every day v the favorite farmers chopping mill is now open every day no long waits or disappointments chopping and rolling both satisfactorily done b f caiidwelili acton ont proprietor gicoitgktown cnrrcesi mrchino r9prir shop t j speight agml far melktitmi molar oar whr owlugto the present atrlajrenc caused by the war i wish to clear sav line at lea thao coat price mons shoee- 3c off every dollar liadiee shoe 3c off every dollar one doiea mens suit regular tiaoo for 8q mens shirt at 3c abu many other hues at reduced price alotof lavdliorcitarlhgatlt theuedresaes range in value as high aa jio oo lmdloa and chud- belt at ivc ladles winter coat worth ta50 and over all to go at tfumm come and se thena wonderful bargains morris saxe mill araser the merchants op canada bank ibhkmui mm4 iff ttfdurfiii it rirf thrift is rightly described as eco nomical management a shrewd business man is spoken of aa thrifty be cause he saves perhaps only a dollar at a time perhaps more but the real secret ot his success lies in the principle of saving one dollar will start an ac count with this bank all local cheques cashed at par tires lor ford cars at 1318 tubes for 4m tires lor all cars all sizes at is per cent and 15 per cent of list prices qw onotteelyua wulag enablut us to weld any meuls lor any purpose with the utmost ol satisfaction xjwxwoa 714a a acton branch p a maclean manager