Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1914, p. 3

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wedding presents rojra rtrtl v spoon forko fancy stlvvrwtir rich cut- din fnnoy china wedding rincfs mjunniaqm vjicatbatb iboukd eo hyjstds real estate avaktuh iw uulu in uultoli el nd weilinuloij i4 ftthisl lor kalevfy glut it yuu want a sunn wrtu inn for catultimr or you wub to nll or eketatnsto write urj wo huvo ttvnry facility for trnuumctluu lwalurittw to your couplets xaturnftluii cvirt uondou willf imstl j 1 willoifuuui frartakclllua tipvclnlm jeortowu bt5 ttrjji jfree ss tiruubhav 00kiiett2i lliu brief local items berlin papulation i now over 10 000 luejpha at lost cciisiisutood nt 10704 vterday waii trafalgar bay kng land expects every tiiaui to ilo hi duty flptvd your dollar tit home 1 tlto latent canadian fdugau jttt n good ono tli brickwork of mr t 1 muitlns mw rasldoooa on church hlreet a ootn pleud warden hynd waa at milton on tue day attending a meeting of the county council tho bricklayer comtnonoed yesterday thework of veneering tho unllu of morris raman store clbe acton orchostra wilt hold a hdllowoeti assembly iti tho town lull on ue 30ih inst burlington finds it desirable now to expand another 013000 to oxteud tlis waterworks system j furoot commissioner harvey in having the wteteour ami catch luteins on tlie warlou sltw cleaned nut uekville u sending a oar loud of tiol atonenppl awl clothing by tlto caua fc dlaut belief bhlp to belgium b tlie tulho library hoard of borlln ortl lis decided that from now ontlorman kpagaiilne caii liavo no place in it treading mom all tlta member of the teaching staff of acton school attended tlto teacher convention at burlington last thursday and friday there lion boon lino weather for plwing tb past week and farmer liavo wta advantage of it fjugo areas of full blowing aro being dons mr william browti left a very flue sample of potatoes of tlta pinkeye variety ejb this oflloe the oilier day th six potato weiglied hj pound u au unulei of iugar ndvanowl 30 oenu tjw linaiad iauiula tltlu ttwk tits price tjif autjor liaa aluiost dotililad since tlta war jikatrt it may go htlll blither iu kjuaterera liave llnialuul tha atuooo work on tlta exurlor of mr vv w beard uottta raldn6a om oliuroli street and are natyooatlpsf the wallfi of tho interior ilow hbotit our bew ivt otlke t we uiutertund too oitioiais aw ualtlnjr for our cltiienn to deoldo oi a site hadn t we better tfet buy ieorclown herald turkey were aoaros at tjianksflivinf time but it la riorid hint tlie floolfc doloo exceedingly well now ami tlioro will k4 ubundiwoe of tltetn for clirlettnaa tb briflklayera aro making audi good progrem on tlto new nubile imltdlng tliat it would not le urnrining if they had it readyfor the roef uy uia flratoinovoiulier milumi beformer a0uknowa colored man waa atruok by an aatbouad c 1 ii piuuengei train but week about a mlla eaat of milton the train wa hlonned und man taken on board if a died lieforo arrival at toronto mrs- hardy widow of tha lato george hardy of eiuoaliipr died on vrlduy at the botao of her daughter at moudowvale the funarol took ilao on butiday inter want in i vergreeii cemeteiv here cluun iaw the injipeotor of the lunk of nova qiutgu woa hum uit weak lotiwctlng the vaetaoftlhetrotuliunllink aa previously mntueed hm uetronolltaiis buirwtllbjaeir ever about the ltb movewber wj t ttt uwpapahhiaii hi liuued for a whole lot of things ha cant hl aueh an llrlg imhubliiy h trwritlowlhg vujuvw vlfldnewaialkoutaoraa folka ond leaving other out eto he altoply intii nil tha uewaba can find botaa iwipla inioirtd tlm 4lthifc hnch thing and other dont mtatm am mow witmfbd butllrlo rvtuem aibuvbiaf boa uaaw of jpaliamhueja oow4rtl- kom will abumelattf oau wrdam hyndit luu juu reoelved tha loliowlhtf tetter from tha ueputy uldutetr f tnula and uoututt i hjrt in oooiteotlon with uie dotuuioaa vffvred by tio onurlo farttuu lit tha isjulah government le would anpaav frdu rwle received front the varlouii wiudons uthemwillbaaauriluii of an4ea and t am directed by tha mlnuter to mata tkae i la daelrabla that no jnow than 000 taur- rli bi aenb from any una county telllbbitehaiifualwditaotawl we to fciate uuijof uw mow ihuilouuuly ve quired mm be would like to liava tu large m tlooauoaol tul oo h can ba oiler- ml i have the hooot to be vour oliodleitt ervanb t j coik y ottawa oet loth 1014 atttlbg ifepuly mlnuter iloo bhwaud 9100 n raddttrt o thin papaar will bo ijeuuil to wrthaa there i ri leomod dreaded limm that aclfiaoa ha been auui tp ottre infalrjterataite od that 1 uturrh iuuw c ool klljvi p iwoiitotlte medlcul imuumlty jtjmbmkv u eonatiullociaj dlaoaau 5lmi wltatlonal treattmeiil uauatjcajuurikcure ftajiaolntertuilytuit liigtlldhty t the blood and rhlkii the iytoj thereby detroylng liodmlhadimutt lul gtvlng imreogtli by building up ua iinod turtiitdng njmh 1h xtie lurletoh ba ao much irexrvotunrera tht tbey offer ljolerr any oaae uat it jiend air hat 4 tawumonum x chenkv co toledo uv anlyuafor oetum news of local import th mw pot ottloa ntuki4 ilia loiter ltoxe drawer dewlih nnd oouiitera tct for tho new ioat onloe wo diliered on monday the workmen ure now engaged in mttlng up lite tilting tlio wak will he oom4etel in a couple of week aetoa iraui atwlr tropetnua the director of ac tort fell fair met on ylodtimmlny i mt to wiml up tint hiihii tho rooont aihlliltlon very mtufnotory rcporth wore preunted by heoretary hymlit and tho vurlouu dlreotom tltu yaru anlkltlc- will iw nettled np with h liaixl wm uirphih in tho trvnuur iimiim arc ttciidi iwilng inld to utiuuo tlm miocout of thuhiirnf inia uttwj to ouv holdur boyw lwtmiutor mnttlifihuhuit heen inntruot tul by tlio lob office dopartriutnt tltat alt wrrpomlaiic to be oent to ihe member of tlio uantullf it contingent now in tnq- lniil klionhl lie addreed i canadian knwilluonary itoroe fullaliury llnln kngund tlio paatmafcter will aea that alt letters potted at lhf oillon or iaulng through acton iwt oltloe will le reureotel aa nhovfl woman mleelonmy oonvemuoa tim uiimuil inoetlug of t1i womejiw mlmlontry aukillarleh 4 tlta methoilut ghurehn or juolji imfttrlot waaheltl in juolph oji tnulay liileroatlug report anil luldreawed werouon tha fallowlnir laillcu from actnu aimlllnrj were in at tnmluncot mre a if urown mr c c tihlght mr jaineu uoore mr ww urown mm a t urown mr it ullton miw iwtlo tlpelgbt henwovth ewmrue 1witlamaat tha mook iullament oonduotei by tins fpworth league the put two wlnur aeuiionu will ite re opened with un ehratlon iiant tueuluy night both tlte ivoplaa aivd lragroule rartlea are putting forth overy effort to ite elected to offloe a very unnli oonteeted fonmtjo delwto in tntlcl pated anyone dealrlng to attend will be made welcome upon oonolualon of tlie athlremm hy tlia party laadera balloting will take plioe to aeton home oumkdei tha oonijiaiiy of homo luarda boa now thirty nix member- enluted and much iuteromt in loing takoii in tlie instruction ilrill cto crtjtt torronoo beartlmore la drilling tin ooiapany twio a week tuesday and wedneaday eveningo cob nohlo ia arranging for u nupply of rifle bo that praotko with llrearmu may he undertaken capt- hairdmare woukl ixt iioamul to mm a larger proportion of c younger huilneue men join the oommny hh wlllliuk ueteiktart 1kn iii mr wllluiki heuutreet waa taken 111 on sunday night and had a alight strike rendering hla lower llmlw powerlesa he attended the anntveraary uerviow lit the uetliodut cfmrch on hu inlay evening and tlieo apiwarod to uia itoarty mro llewa ilia daughter from milton came up in lie afternoon and had him removeil in a motor oar to her home the enerable old gentleman is in ida elghtyelglith year he tpnt most of lilu life in acton and could never feel qnlte aa tauoh at home else where- he will be well oared for at his daughtera hotda mfcthadut imtawtaadut laajru tuesday evening tlm methodist inter mediate league reorganlitad and the following offlotary won elected preshunt boy brown 1st vloefr marguerite htewsrt had vlo vrea rudolph snellrogel srd vloe isaoeorga 8opr becreybobert btewart treasurer stella uelau llanlmt marguerite stewart amuvuiiltbijlu uflum tbla orgaalkatlott baa enjoyed a thrifty and feaooesaful career and good thing in botd for in the coming year a number ship contest la now in progress auethatui vat atiunaj tfte war haa had rather n striking effect inon two ohuutea nf our forelgu poimlatlon until rooenuy most of tha foreigner reahl tog in town have purchased their buppllea t the btara of u h who u an oaeom jillshed llnjrukt and oonvereai in nearly all the haltel of european tonguea mortrla bjelty to tlm allies in their fight with oertnany nod austria haa been too uueb for tlte local austruuw and during tha past week or to two new store have ihj often ed itera with austrian proprietor it look e if there era two or three where tratuicleitb truura lloensea should be required to ba taken oul tyeapaiaiiqilm oouv voraotna unw utoor beardmotajkco have been ajinoyed wltb boy lusjmijntf upon their property and pilfering lamb- wax end cweomtoodltle about thawocka lately several of themapprophaitbd tubdher and built a ohsck in tha awatup on tha southern part of their property hwe they were in tha habit of atahung and ipant thslr tlma la protnlouou ohootiog uirough tha woods and othaw avplolu two of tbam wore itrosghe before h v moor on tuturday ajteinood tad pleaded guilty to tha trpaj th magulrata read tha provlaioa of tha law to tha uda cautioned them against any furjtar depr lutlona and allowed thwn to go on aua- lunded sentence j dad vouaa m er r wlraai od vrtday morning about uveal oeuok a primary wire of the hydro 8jtao wj notlosd hsuglbg loot from a pel near willow rtreat on mill laving avkutauy bmkauafewbilnutipnivloua ueolkloun ward waii at onoe nmlfled and promptly prooaaud to npatr il wwi in th at a phleethan opproaehed it when th eleo tvukn cautioed him not to touch tha wire it wont hurt in replied tha mlu atmfmpd tokiok i nut of tha way ill i- ajn rftflttfrf wltli lha ourtaat audit wa 1uea4jvwer in a fortunately for blu th full powr of tha currant wa not reoelved or tbar would probably have been loieleotro- outlon toreoord beiarolhbgiugwira if you wish to ba humane stem guard oiwr any each you may see until lba uuthorllloi ara notlbed oniaoahunity tloe ajaadi qremam r tha ivovlitolal wlntar fair whloh i lield at ouelph early in ifepmbar each ytkur has many cuoellont eduoatlonal featur on of the most valuable uln tha aetwl ekhlblt ihirlug tha past few yaam tlds dakrtment baa grown rapidly and tlut uterewt taken in it baa constantly increased it value ho baen reoogulud i y th tuajiagameiit and thl year inoreaa- wl fepsoo hu baatt idlotauj taora ouase itav haen provided and ufa prtr list bow been iiutroauod hy about three hundred dollar tfal offer an anoalunt oppor tunity for all former who have good aeetl for vale o adversla it and oowpet fdr lirbtem- boa who head eredlteun entria reprvmntjjtgtager lota held for aala wjtj personal and travel notes a lid a mud dunima tin wmiek elph ivyactthmtodlhvljteei mr w kvanx vldttxl rhewl in li thl week mr 1 t molul vulteil frlend in ouelph hmt week mis mary osmond of volud itaguoit nt tlwi molhollst l mm vna a howson of west toronto vlultad frleihl itora tbla weak h u union wrlgglnawortlit of auligrov ct vlulted acton frletulj voutertlay mr lamm ijvliighttma of hamilton iiau itoon visiting hnr parent liera miut maggie ii matthew of toroiitn wan with frlemlf liero over kinwlay mr w i hamlin and ml- 1 velyn of norwich vulieil acton frlendu this week i uv iv ah t ii ff of montroul wax a gueut at moorecroft during bis stay in town mlsa leorgla vonng and miss i- lllott nf milton uere guests of mr alex hooard ut week mra jfrert nulley was suocewtfully opor atoil upon in ouelpli hespltal on tuosduy for cancer mism minnie jnuiis of loiwntvllie n la vliltlng her aunt mru irtinl smith main btreeu mr marsluill holmes kaswtgaweya hihint monday with hlu brother mr jwiijjl holmttf bower ave mra lea t mann returned home after n two ttoebit visit with friends in camp itellvllleand ouelph mr j l warren attended tlm oonveu hon of the baptist clturoltea of ontario ami j islteo ut toronto uil week i mra i h brown wlto bmiit lint week with her mother in toronto who u very 111 returtveil home on batunlay mr bauton brown who bos been teach ing at itegtua tlie past mr returntxl uut waek to renume his sttwlle at vletoria university mr lea campbell and amite collier have returned ltome after cpendlng tao moatha very dasantly in nortltem mich igan with the former a brothers mr luth vn campbell teller of tlia metroolitan bank lias iteen transferred to hamilton mr bebleftle of ht taobaluui taken ida place in tlta bonk here mr william colling and uro leorge colling of colling michigan spout u day laxt week with acton friend mr wil ham nee mlsa fmlly rumple wus a mem her of tlia teaxhlna- staff nf acton luhlla kchool thirty twojoar ago when wa haul only throa toocliera rlie thlnua no amsll town in the country haa mado greater im provetnent in tlio interim than aoton brighter war news this week tha a1i1w kwluon continual tatla- raotory tha dayman llaaat wmkamlng woai euwd oa lakat uno hoad all the muueltalitlea between toronto and hamilton wte signed tlto government agreement regarding tike paved road be twoen tlia two cities there hi a report that a commencement may la mode on wednesday next and that would b a glorlau day ookvllle star dot away rvon county jail one day last week a short term prisoner at ui goal seeing a favorable opportunity took french leave and luu not yet been recaptured before leaving howeier ho secured soma of tlia the turnkeys clothes which he douhueoa escliangetl for tho prison eult he wore beformer anothas toswatetaaualblt ktatlwav tha milton champion uy i seven engineer engaged in surveying th lino for the proposed taroatototlualiih electric railway are making milton tlvelr head quarter for th present tbey ara put uug upat tha hotel moflltdmn awl have their otllc in th hlgglnbotham bululog it la hoped if such a una projooted it will materialiica aa a going cower mora rapidly than our torontoio4juph ha ha dona op oatwand roe nay laat tha acton tanning company i run nlng overtime now fit turning out leather for army saddle hrldua italia tie large order are being reoslted from manufaeturua for till una of leather order us coming in almost dally and thla department i consequently rushed otta day hut week an orlr cam from a saddle manufacturing tjraj in calgary for tha shipment ly airprea of 0000 it of army leather the shipment wa mad next day tha ipres charge on an odar of this six to calgary amount to over fjd w4 uratlt ftdoll iria al krln fair last thursday and friday had a many antrle as usual and wa in many respect tha equal of il axoeuant pradao oca tha lull uea well filled and ih varioaa clauwe war crowded with attrao- 1 uv aithlhlu thawat weather oavrlday howajvw ratulted la a comparatively small attenda and th raelpt war therefor lemthanthausiulamounl wlthcharaotar istla falraaa th judging of tha varlouaclas be of horaaa cau and other livestock wa prooaoovl with throtighout th list and priaa awarded thsahaaa if th customary crowd wt- lu atundaaca 0007 wolf ooafwiiil ma oamkvili a boy work gwfrao u to- ut held at oakvllla at tha ed of thla moath from friday vaulug ootobar soth to bunday aveolng kov 1st and tha local church and suaday school have been invited to saad delegate delegate must b or 111 yaar of age and must la propuly appelated a reprcaenting thslr clas or sunday behool the only aipoasa thary will b pat to i tha m canta registration they will ba uluud lu couple upon th taaualettu of tb towh a spuulld progiaamos oovehag tha uiia days stay i being prepared kteugate will not only benefit thamlwea but will bring auk an lupatmi to service that will bf of incalcul ahl beaofit to their bom chunk wllnllil riiiiiiiil laajqaiirrii ulm ibwu malawl ri ka talcajo training bchool who i now tut ocaeul orgauker of th youug woman ohrlsuan tamiiarauo vnlou viaitad aoton bohool m tuesday and uluered very luterasung dutruotlon to tha tubolar hi tho lower awl mlddu aohool of th high bohool and to thoaa of utrao room in u auulo bcliool th addrasu war adapted tathaoapaalty of tha various grade but war ui the general topla of ktmeloocy for service alls molaod slewed that aloohol awl clgoratta disastrously impaired emelatwy i byutairanasuouuood brawn awl btau tli information given wa based uuht aotantlflo investigation wads hy eminent student of tha human organism wha test have baau givaa for the welfa o humanity mu uoleod also iiddraa tha teachers convention at budlngton fjb thl importa iseaa last weak voum fhintiwo j can not ba dona any better anywliara itot iut o good gwnerally vaysi vugm tarlce ara right if you require anything ih tha printing line front a visiting rani to a pamphlet loft us uvordlf tlm niiort during the week ha growing mom and more fivonihle lo the allies position ttm pawt two ilsyn the allleu have repulsed six or sight tleumralo assault muilo by tlie enemy ll alung tlto hint in france with enormoiiu lo to the flnrmstiu on katiirdav brltiuh hiihmarine hank four jenruin cruiser while on hundny tlto new llrltlati hultmarliui k3 uaa sunk by oermaii wursldm in tlia north hoe iwllciitlona tliat having taken antwerp and ooand tlie oermsnt are making tlielr final preparations- for their much harakled attack on mug land am ooittuliteil in a ilea patch from uolurdem wiying that tlie herman lleet at kiel in luting provisioned ahteitalvely uwl tltattlte oerman marine who liava iteen nt antwerp lire lea ing to rejoin the fleet with tlie falluro of the first great tier- nun ruali towartl farl when tlio kaiser mnhsea were hurled itaok in tlio battle ol tlie murnound drivei to tha present lines military and naval enperta predicted freely that the next great herman strategic move would bo tnudn ugalnut london it s vejuuted that lennan uuhuuirlneu und tor toil a itoata are being transported from kell in piece like u takedown summer cottage lothoboiglau portu it furtlutrmore hu been reported that tlie kaiser great fleet of eppellnn and otlier aircraft hu iteen iriouillsoil at kell or nearby nuuly for tlie assault on tlie enemy acrowj iltc channel ouuiila of tlie rieatdly declareil in tentlan of tit lermuna of liunutllng fng land aa tlie enemy against whom they feel tlie greatest iiatred tlermany feels tlte loo of her commerce through tlta continued supremacy of ureal britain on the aeat and tlia kalmr ltaa demandeil tliat an at- tamivt bo mod to destroy this hostile sea power or render it inotfeotlve nona of the great ahlim of tha kaiser navy ho far tutu leon engaged submarlnea deutroyer awl small cruiser luivlng itorne tli brunt nf what naval action there ha been in the north be the recall of the marine to klol and the provisioning of the fleet la taken by oome of tlie esjterti julennte tliat tlie tlmo haa arritod for a o lined attoou liy the aoa ul marina ami air foroea of tlie kolmtr on the fngllsh ooast tlie present location of tit british fleet ih not known liut it believed to be on guard ugalnut just ioh an euterpris in a leading article on tit urru al of tit canadian troop tha brltuh jiaper pay jaruula splewlid trlluite wliat viy mouth wa privileged to witness wan something mora than tlia arrival of so many thousands of hardy natural soldier they say it wa a living picture of the ftnplre in action tlta ocattcrliifr of all illu slona of imperial disintegration with which the oennona liava amused them salvo thla wa a iectacl hardly to ba paralelled alnoe tlie crusadaa for all tliat canada ho dona in thla war i for her splendid troop lier gift t iter instinctive oomiirclienslon of tlta oitua tlon and above all for tlie spirit in which site ha asserted her right to lake a hand inthogaina tha british woph aro pro foundly grateful never was tli aasla aha lu so lavishly offered more welcome i naver wa it more needed tha prosonoa of this splendid body of men say tit daily newo i an insplra tlon and awiuruno that however long tli war last tliare can lie hut one ewl to the struggle tltes canadian troop are the practical embodiment of empire devotion some incidents 0f the war macdonalds big removal sale of mens and boys clothing continues this advertisement features 6 only of the many bargains that thriity friday and saturday shoppers will find in this important moneysaying event bargain no i mens warm winter over coats long tjlater style with convertible collar also a few in short chesterfield stylo with velvet collar also collar of ttelf up to dat materials good atyle odd hue in nlua i to 44 regular 9i oo to 63300 bale price atltttoo bargain no 2 included in thl offer ore men warm tweed ulsters with two way collar also a few chesterfield style overcoat in urn slsoa fveryone good value nt ilic regular price hut line aro broken loavlng only otis or two nf each pattern blu3sto44 regular ti3 jo lo 1800 hole price i0oo bargain tyo 3 men a and voting men hfeli grada bull lncludinp many aoth century brand models fashionably tailored in two and thro button ttlugle breasted style from neat pat tern tweed and worsted materl- ala inatrlpe check and plain effect altar pcrect fitting and welt made a gooil range to choosar irom in alua jj to 44 kegular up to is oa kal irice utj bargain no 4 men odd trouiini corruct- ly cut from serviceable nil woo worsted material in dnvk and medium greyilrlp clfcclj home have four pecets ntlior have five many are fin lulled with belt loopa all nro perfect fitter blmjti 31 to 44 bgti lar 83 so and 94 00 ulo price per pair ttttlmi urriayr oonvhhtioh voh wab it i slated that tlta early reduction ofj nsaiur wa due to tha loci that a uanaan soma year ago bought a chateau near tha place and put in oonorata bod for tha big gun which later destroyed tha kamur fort it la now claimed that ilka herman preparation wra mad ut kdluburgb tan year ago a larga tierman factory waa arecud in that city 1150000 being spent 00 th foundatloaa alona ilia owner ax plaining that very heavy machinery was to ba installed tha tnaobluery uater arrtvad awl tha factory iutr started hut tha site la on dominating kdlnhuruh and tlia forth itrklga tha plao wo raid by ut polio haturday ulghl a caiauiik os tasuaom in canada tha flrt charg of treason to t utl tuted agalaat any parisod in canada sine the day of loul bui i to ba taken against il bohaw tlaket agent of montreal bchafer 1 charged with having aided and abetted austrian reservist to tetura bom to fhjht against th allies i th action has been instituted hi tha de partment of justloa awl the penalty l tiaavldooo warraiiu it w th rop and gallowa bchafar hhiw lubl fme tha fact that ha i a brltieh sahjeat ha waa found belling tioketa to atutruaa wboat j ha advised to doclara themaslve a kou mln hsvitvj w wau at tha baptist caatvaaliou bald u tor onto thl week a reokdatlan wo paad ddcurlug that wa dadta to etttpkqela th duty that root upon u ut put all our resource and our eetrvloe at th dlimsal of tha kmplra in tha jiriiint erui wa trust that all tha needed fhuaolal support will ba cbaorfully and promptly givaa awl wa exprot our conviction that un on mut haalut whan th bawl of duty lululuto hlu to take th bald with tha active foroea a cat will not look at a king if there i tuouita in eight wall papers at halfprlce friday t and saturday our wallpaper department is now under new management the new manager mr e w cham pagne htf had a long and varied wall paper experience and comes to us highly recommended in order that you may liecome acquainted with our new manager and at the same time save half the regular prico on your wall paper nccdti wo launch this two days lets get acquainted sale of wall papers to commence friday october 23rd and end saturday october 24th come and buy papers suitable for any room in the house at half price ijc paper for he 300 1aruirsfor loc 3gc paper for t0 i 16c 30c paper for lite asc paper for he joe papers lorlbbc 40c papers for ttoc 73c papera for a he bargain no s mens raincoat of imported fawn color par amatta finished with closa fitting military col lar and strap on tlia sleeve site 36 to 46 clearing at 4ut11 extra your choice of any varnished paper in stock at per single roll 2c bargain no 6 boy fatlilonably tall ored suits of tervicealile da ea macdonald bros l guelphs leading and largest stoke cor wyndham nd maedoiul street ouelph oat worsted mslsrlau in a nml 3 button double breastedslyle including also a fewlltits with two pair of bloomer knickers hit 31 to bucttlar up to lio bnlo price tits aluodd line ami altei in doy buitu reg 4 to for ts sateykw3s classes in dmll and calis thenics rkiulkredbyut duaatlasiaj pasurt- kuaat to itaoi luatmsetlosia at t we m1w haf or ontario ut in tlie truuee hoard mst in monthly easlan on wednesday evening 14th inst member present i wm johnstone kobeh hootl n fori tea c c speight the committee on flnano presented tlielr eleventh report reoommandlng pay meat of tit following accounts toronto bclmol supply co sup- itlla 7 2j hcwjeraeaeco 12 bmom 000 jama bymon pal eta and supplies- 260 1012 tha report wo adopted the secretary wa instructed to order a copy of tha latest map of ontario for du in tlta ucliool moved hy c a speight seconded by n forhea that mis franca brlcknell u engaged to teach drill and oalhtheaic to th pupil a required by tli education department for th eight mouths october tamav iter remuuerauoa to ha u00 pr uontlt carried the itoshl than adjouiroed ooh1hiom oaauharr otf awakaj hdv t cuas cajuiuain of moelceal i and mr p k blondln m p for cham i plain awl deputy rpaaker of th ifoua of common wer sworn in a member of th cabinet on tuesday mr caograln take tha portfolio of poaxmaaurjianaral lu place of hoti i p luutw who haa resigned on accouat of ill haaub mr blondlu heodme minuar of inland bav auua in plao of hon bruno naalel 160lla wlio liavent anything alsa thay can spare can usually give advice tlie man wlto pay as he go usually lis enough to purchase a return ticket- lot of people are worrying ovar tha llhelma cathedral who never go to church what i mothers need too mono women ttmooh under paint and acne then are not skit but weak turnout irritable bach wetnai ud that blood mujth that cornea by taking bcott3 emulsion it uo smaihftaaib kunw ub tb ap- pult and dscha u dttllas lfmltwm mt im mm jo scotts ktlvtxtonmmuuturtm hum auaantura mil ii i lull of ufa and action illud wltb tha tiro ef ha inspirit ion and followed by 240 ahort atoru of adventure will uaka ifc youths companion better hum ever in 1915 then the family pace a rare editorial page boys pace glrla pate dociora advice and a ton of fun artlcleaor travel science education from the beat minds to the but mlndatlie beat the world can produco for yeu and everyone 1 in the home there is no ate limit to enthusiasm for the brim3sadwewtijehj thenbtomjtctj limit to enthusiasm for the youths companion s3 times a year not 12 8bd foully to the youlba cool union lloilon dm for saus cxmmwr kaauuttas subscsimons itecbivbd at this officii geo patterson livbs btooic bealm l- aoton oni cattle sheep lamlis ud wrl te phone or call personally latv0e vtfo mvc sue ut horr nv bank of hamilton ctltal autbohaad capital raidup sutlui ifcdjooojooc btoattod 3afetv ribst i tlie monv you save instead ol being a comfort may b care if you have to worry i a to it safety banish worry bydepoaltlng it la tha book of hamilton whkb ha aafe- guarded tha turning ef tha thrifty for over i forty yaaru la good time and bad building up year by year eurplua uow as pertcent graater uian it capital oeoroktown branch w h utuy hum metropolitan bank tutui hu ut ajjoooootuo mimttmbyou head ortice t0konto phrm9rs business given careful attention loans mado to responsible farmers for business purpones sale notes discounted or collected branches in this district acton milton guelpk cotopbellvllle norveil

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