Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 29, 1914, p. 2

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mauhlnt mill t fiii out ib lla istliar ol tt noatu llil ly llotf ii i ulllallr riutlinitlaii llimell wiiiuiwh trslaavat mmii mill nf luv sna km it j tiiuvtii toronto nhl ann iran oiirl ilauatior nf ur sml mia j ii viaumali 1rmmaii uul j ik j ofafcatat kurelf lit frmsl oet blrj jcwill tlalkl ttat m itnma-llumouiii- m monday itmii chli- bar ira htoli in in mil iaf uscjuomalliai onlll cmi hu inlay oclolittf mil jolni a umoioihij in ills olui vh ramhbou wouy oalelm slat at 111 ki4stia uiikiii jama- aiilrin ur in hltllh taimas at oualiili itospush on wdiia4ar oat tib tlimiae w i lilsi leader of uoa- towu ss4 ttj vmm dimom ou hon lay ocl will el liar rtaliuiie wnour luoa llualpil uooawmallirlimiisaa kline avauns yoc onlo on motuuv oclnnsr isitli kettle ilyb rslet if ilia lata ll u uocami l aotou lab- 40h k yifuli vav she victim jicc raus yhuuhday octoiierffll 1011 kd1toi1ia1l ncvtk0 telk uuivisit lklltnukny till immui bo suooeseful iii cornering tlia uuifar njijy and sooumuutlriu largo store of 1 1- that lb a etinouitood that tlia uros wholesale prlo will sltortly la reduoul tlxy cent per huudted wlulit willed will tnava the taaxlmukn retail price seven cent par pound fiiv good uraitulatetl sugar tun cm vyv oh si n i seeking wwer to mu more monies of for tlo const ruction of good roads at tlio tuesting last wak a cjotnmlttee wan uppalned to wait upon the ontario lotfutituent asking that utftautlod be enacted ituirjaitig the amount that can iw raised by county council for pol road purpose without vote of the ehctor from two to five per eeat of the equalised umhitunt of the bounty tub kkuoval of lite oouipstltloa of fcheap oitbuu artificial hewer and faaxham on a rult of lit war u atlmu lun utlvlty lu tl arilfkud aowar afaj fuc fiutoflwi of caiiaja th irdporta of ariltkiul fuweruaiul fnit1ur fro ur- biauy to caruuu turiiiu tl uit fufial yrmauiital to 9177171 11 canad uii itxlutry u axtjvvly anftausil in tlt ajtjrt to hiaia up inucli of tlio ixorcuty 1 ty tlta withdrawal of thw i m porta nuowu lu cibjja uaj i iiurmwl ly utfiwt4of tlm litaau ainlawiador at ualuirta to tij1a wiiiany position wltithaattotivll4drmtltwitaa yh4 u uoi tl twouitaat iwsalblllly of ao lavas itm f cauaja iy 0ruuuiy tta uuluj htla irwa la qulu ouar that isnuaiiy itaafejiuiuoh eliatwia of luvjiu cauaja wliu tha llnukh navy doat n tta kaw vfirk wtuu ula it uu of luvwlltig tla btooa vurthur attivrloa laa no wlab to prtidat in such uooiumm wuottiar aouwly or iafcjviy but janoaa ocaa itloiolcaaaiuwoiu fcnak it a tojflaal hniijhy in a osajfajj paralioj llrltalu u flgfauajr for ih aoa and llbarty in uttgq whleb bli hu ualatxlnatl with lh unltsj btataa for a buodrwl yoata in auawoa that u tla ta lala of aioari 6 aybipalby with uk allui in tha grt wax tuh ahuockckukkt of the opanlsg of ea whare latoiilofttliitf liquor u aohl od 8alubary plain whara th canajun coatittaat la enoawpaj haa baan ramlvtd la canaja with uuob oouoarn our boya wax adlutad untlar lha dry ca rula el ifajmgauaral iluhaai thay traioad fibuntly undar that ordar at valdartur and tbalr motliara uwl tha public atmvally tacud thla vary raaaooau rula would bcobaarvwlln camp la knjilaad thla mliaoully u earl kitchener haa ewphall- tely ta liquor attmmff on th tlaag una and appaaud to tlia publlo to mofmmu with the authorltlaa in tnha t praparlng for aarfloa at uva front llli tot th tatk tfcbi rault ha faya will babbtalaad oaly ly atrlofc aolwlaty aud whlla ths aoldlaia in dolnff all thay ean to tfat lnt4 tkuulltlon in tha hhortaat poaalbla uua tottl klubaner urfla tha puulobotii wan aad wotaaa to aid thaw la thalr bobriaty by rafralnlhtf from traauitg tbatu and by appolntlnff ootuuluaa la nalghltor- hooda whara aoldlara ara atatlouad to lu rflthara with uva nead of tawparanoa aad to malab thatu in avoiding tawputwa oauatal aldaraon la gruy dliappolatlnff tha atipaetatlorui of patrlotlo canaduna gattarally by ordartojr wet rahtaarta at ballabury main ivouata from many in sdautlal bodlaa lu oa ara baluf aenb forward one of haltons sons dies a cwua ouwball hatlv at more beaddmore propertv is stolen thai aaipoli for a4aema auktenar tha auajtflnnai ktavaklvd hquavtatltv or utolan bait laatthax j atatkaviyb olmaklh out dininjf tliti uoiimb of thd btih rf t hlinltlohi main htrot for ilroinuii utnontf thfl auttrfuiwlaitt friday tha ojllooru ilia imvcnwl a quantity of iwltlnu lathr4 in tha trmiku tif v htuthatir ullau t miller aiiilklflvooauljiuk ivrt of tli laatliar una in klrim ultotit twtilvn in fourtaan liioliu4wlilauml th uirijjtli of a ma ami uioronf it wan nut up in lonjtlim evidently for iia um bhoe aolao uutluwu wao in thtt luium ut tlto tluva of thodourcli and tluolalitoml owurhl of tha trunk itanljiuh waa at work at tha tlma turly in tlia availing warrant wet tuaikut for tha arrant of tha pair upon in- fontuitlon bwoni out by mr a o t iloanl mar a when cliuf lawaon went to anvot thoarreta it wan fount that uut- kuvita hail olaaretl out ikooljluk waa arretted ami iwlgoil in tli oalla tha cuoa caina up for hearing ou hat- unlay uufortf juto if 1 afoora aiul a 11 nloklln uonlfluk ivleadad not qullty huld ha had never baeli in th tlepartmant whara the leatlier waa atoteil ha adwlt- ted uiathtatliavlu liad put uwoe leather in ma trunk when hla own waa loo full to uoootilmodata inore but did uov kuow it waa hloloa projmrly ife alo btated tlmt whenlia qiientloned btalkavlu about uu leather he threauaed ha woutl kill hltn if ha tokl anyone about it kvldotuw waa uouuht to jww tliat dauljluk la a bun of ifooil olutraoter and that hi oooduot alnea cotdlnff to aeton waa axamplary ur llaardmora bald that hie reputation waa rood and that hie fore man gave hltri an ekalleut ueana he wee comvloted upon an auaodad luforoiatlon charulhg the reoelvlag fclolod uooila itut the uagutrate dlded to allow him off on tuhpemlad aei if ha eloaad the parole undartaatlrqf tui ha has uivoe tlov tito aulhorltlea at oatelda point uwl at tha liorder towwa w advuad to he ort the on ue took out for hutkavlu but lie hu not yet bven taken chief lawwmi waa at uerlla oil uooday in the bearfih for him it havughaad iei6tail that lie had pre vlouijy iwad tlwe for a tline ajul had a hauk aoeouut there the dbtwatc havoc op watt continues tt ajiu tmiil able te m4d rbea lateaa eud kem fcta v htni winnipeg oetolier 87 hon cjin ii cbupbalhwhoweiifarnvflrlyutkiauiberoftlie blaaltobat ooveruumwit in whloli ha waa uooaaalvelyattorueyfletieraliuad lllalater of luhllo wotku dleil oil huturday after u loagllliuwl ur oattiphull la tturvlved by lila wife one aoa colin who a auetullrig uper caiuula oollege vorotito one daughter kliialteth ked alv yeam tha funeral took pluoe otttueeday lion colin cutnplielt wu a notho cf lliu county he mom born at nurlliiglon on december ufltli ituw and uu of hootch- jrtah deaoeut the family have been real danta of ifjaltoo for upwanla of w oeutury eduouj at tlia vubllo beltoolaat hutllng- too and mlltoo lie btutlted law at oagoula hall and waa called to tlia liar of thla provltua in ibm almnat tuhvediatcly after graduaung lie removul to llio weeb aad settled in winnipeg to the her of whtolt rvovinoe ha waa admitted lit 1sh la 1rm ha waaieleoted to tha mtltobe laglelatnw and waa appointed member of the executive council of ueiiltobe with out portfolio when hon ii j moodoiuld became prowler in idool accepted otto in tho aama administration an at tortmy41e4uwal october 0 iwhi he waa realeotd hi 1000 loosand 1067 and an- oepted the aame ofhoe uiuler ivemler holh ik ootoberih 1010 waa appointed utu- eter of publlo work in 101 1 and realgoed in november 1011 hot ur campbell we tito author of uttob varied and important laglaleuou owe of whloh waa oonhrtued ou appeal to thetmvy obunoiliu kuglaod hoheeama tueenber of the board of management of manitoba collate lttttl and waa ebalrman 1b07 in v m c a luatter- he took mtttb intereat being preament in wlnul- pair lot flv yeara in ims he uarrled minnie julia baeufee pm6k daughter of ikr anaoai buck paler- no in religion ha waa twbyterian during tla wk te hostta of battle lu the wait haa uioved to aoauiweat tuujium ih that quarter the ullle kwd to be inak lug progtaa while inkling tlielr own along the una enteadlog eaauaty aorou eratkoe owing to the looreaujog rigidity of oaneoriag little toort can be eakl avufa akle coooaabi u own i i auj no doubt aioiggeratea the ioee of ite eaotua making liberal allowaaoe amd deduetlou from the bum of these aooounta the aggre gate of killed and wounded may number a million men dduklrk and calala have tnanifeatly been obotlve point with the german foroee to enable them to have aoo with the btralu of dover thla would fadllute their u- fclre to harau the ooaata of great brltala with remarkable oourage and akllful oon- fllot the alike have been able thue far to bar thalr ptvgteea in thla dlfeetion thla hu been done at awful coat of men on both uldea the enemy baa toured in re inforcement in almost overwhelming ttuu here tha carnage haa been f earf ul the offioial communication yeaterday from the rreuoh war office waa tike moat terse that ha been uaued alno the great baule began ou tha tea ooaat of korthera vrauce and belgium it aeye merely there 1 nothing to report except aome progreea oa oar part in the region to the tooth of djjtmude 13 mile from tha eout up the veer and aliout 15 mile north of vpea in the region to the eaat of naiicy torraloe aouthef uetn between the foreab cf lvrroy we have aaaumed tha oheaalve and driven tha enemy lioroea the frontier a report from fetrograd aaye that the fleraan army which baa beau driven mventyflve mile weat and aouth cf war- aaw are making a deaperate ekbrt to re- imm tha dereuelve so far they have nob eueoeeded beoauae the ruaahtn vanguard uwloa upon them in force that it pre- venu them reforming their llnea the battle in ruaalan poland la not yet flnuuv d liut tie ruealatu claim that the ad- vantage are with them tha extremltl of climate have worked noeaaive hardahlpa among the oernutui and it u reported that in many iiuiuhom aoldlere have been glad to surrender to eeotpe death by freulng undetanatlon another rebellion haa broken out in bouui afiricaoeeriobriatiuewettid cleneral cluietan frederick beyem have taken the lead of the rebel la tlw orange river colony aittl weatern tranavaal it haa iwj doubt leu foatered by lerman latenentlou having put down tlia re hellion in the northern province of cap colony led by meutcol uaritjf the tlov erament of the union of houth africa i now fuowl by tha more erleu rlaluga under fienerula tie wet and payers tha- utter of whom rwgoed the oommand of tlia union forom when lremler uolha tie- elded to take up urmx agalnit leruuuty the tlovemorfleivaial of souui africa hjmadeureportof uwiconduloti to the homo otuw in the north part of tlia orange vnt state a number of burghern have been eohimandeereil under the auth ority of oeu christian tie wet and lu the western tranavaal the taut thing baa iteea effected under lea beyer the rebel have taken haubron and have made the government omeuil there priuouem they nlao stopped a train at kelu awl captured a number of armed oltlsna of the defence who were alioayd aud disarmed them loo mevamu wm the reader of thla paper will be pleased team that them 1 at least o tfreaded dlseaaa that science haa lieen able to cure- in all lu atages awl that is catarrh hull catarrh cure u the only positive cure now known to tha medical fraternity catarrh being u ottostltutionel dlaeaaw require a oonautnubnal tmatmeul hall a catarrh cure la taken internally act- ingdlrectly ukmi the blood autd wueouf suifaceaolitwayateu thereby deetruyitu the foumlautmd the disease and gtvlng tu patient strength by building up the oonaututlou and aaaletlng nature in doing- itawork the proptutor have ao much faltli in lu curative power that they oflbr 0ehundreu dollar for any uae that it falutooure bend for list i4 teauiaoolal addreae v j ciienev co toledo parounu all auen5 from the enemies i amds chief uwfin liau been spiolnted tu ofllonr in chsricij nf the sirole of si i slili jpctu of tlornu ny uiul auntrla resident hen on hstunlnj ha rulv4l litstrun tloni from ijoiit col a i hurwood c m 41 homlnlort iolloe ooiiimlslooer to etfnretsa all the itomers of the dominion ilolloe roroe oonferreil by the order in- coiiiwill of augnar idlli 1014 mlth refer ence to the arrest detention ami imrole of tlermaii and austrian oftloera soldiers reservists or subject in canada coming within the provision of said order- in- council the undertaking la a follows t i at present of intlmlrovlnoeof in the dom inion of canada lo hereby declare that am u certnaii lor an austrolfungarlan subject t i now in consideration of my exemption from detention a a subject of ermany or austria hungary de iierehy underuke and promise that will report to auoh official ami upon such term a the caitadlan authorities way from time to lime preaorlliei that i will oamfully ohnsrre the uw of tlte united k i agdoni of crat brllaln and irabtml and of canada and such rule a may lie specially laid down for my conduct uiat i will strlotly abstain from taking up arm and from do- lug any act of hostility toward the lo rnmaot of thl country and that emoept with the iermlsslcn of the officer utuur whose surveillance i may be puosd i will strictly abstain from communicating to anyone whomoavr any if formation respecting the existing war or the move- meet of troop or the military prapara- ueo which the authorities of catud or grt urluin may make or u respeota the resouroa of ont ahd that i will do no act that might be of injury v the dom laic of cauade or the united klagdom of grat lirluin and iratand and the domin ion and poassamloaa thereof lvatedthl deyof 1014 witnea a oaraful canvs of the town show that acton h about seventy subjects of austria and three or four of germany residing hare thlrtaait of thea cse volaatarlly to sjp the undertaking bafoie m v moore j 1 ou uturday evwtlug aud it i expected the remainder will attend at hi office on evlday avblug of thl weak yd aaoli who sign the under taking a card oartlnosla a given to the enact tht the besrai will not be subject to loterfereoo while he comijie with the provulena of the undertaking the who rafua to attended to sign the budertaklng are liable to arrant by the authorities our oiusam gearally will fel much mor comfortabl now that a fair degree of surveillance la being given to those subject of the eoentrue at pre at war with our own- be hold w jl ikmhu 7o itu ihll liaiypil ill lof eamtiiw second contingent to u00o sttcong th huaabae oa csansullaiw evule tm ihhaailtl raae tdjbdd wav mov lujkvh uht1l sattiho ithaatuwbmulnlteh decided that the complement to be recruited for the aeeond oontingeat of canadian oldler will num ber 18009 instead ef 10000 a at flrw conumputed thla will form the infantry branch of n new division whose other unit horee artillery eta will be decided upon as scon a advice are received from th war office majorjeoeral ham hughe la expected back about the end of the present week and wllb probably bring instruction with hita tho vreoch regiment now being recruit- ed in quebec will also be included in th 10m infantry now being enlisted judging from th progress of recruiting at present which u extremely rapid there will be no difficulty at all in raising the required number for th second canedlau contingent report from england to the enact that some of tha first canadian contingent will go to egypt are not generally credited here it i certain that any such move would be received with reeeotmehl it i probable however that the surplus over and above divisional strength and aohid- lug acme 60 euperuumerery officer who failed to receive ocsdmand in th first force may be drafted for soma each work two austrianshad firearms j blmsilolo tma j xakoakiy abveartaxa by ooa-p- ilsust evnd staite collier the local mllltla uttro were inform on vrlday uiruoiii that tltem waa i splclon tliat inmate of the iioum of j hlmklolo an austrian mtlilent on main ktreet were in ikswesslou of flresnuh and aminunltloti uiwler tint direction of chief law son u search wuu inuije nf tfwj ir mlse arifleaiul sliot gun with u quantity of ammunition for soli wm secured thlsltetega violation of the prclons of th order in cmmoll lilted by tle governor in council on tha rid of boptera- her x hlmklolo ami j zakowky the own er of th guuu were arrested and lodged in the oell at the request of ueuluol noble um case were tried before h 1 moore and a k mlcklln justices of the iw on halurday when etiarged willi the vlohv lion of the order in council both hlmklolo ami akoskyideaded guilty to the thargt kreferred through morrl have uw sotlng court bterwter they both declared a total ijrnorsboe of uie law and stated that they had no intention of being unlawful cltiaena hie guns had merely been used for sporting purpose and were not intend ed for any other purpose they were qui td willing to go on tsircle audwould sjjy for naturalisation imper a soon as tltey have had the required duration of roaldence in canada evidence waa given to satisfy the court that both the prisoner hail proven then salve 0m1 eltisoita and hail taken no of fensive inttt in th war in which their native land 1 involved under the elroumstanoe the justice fait justified in imposing minimum panaltue and requiring defendant to sign the under taklag for parol the gun and ammuni tion were impound until the close of the war tbeorder in council upon which thl action waa taken u as fallow i if any alien enemy within canada rnasonshly suspected to have in hi pos ion or upon hi emlsi any are arm or ammunition therefor dynamite gun powder or other dangerous explojve ha may lie searched or hi premise or any pue oooupud or bsiuvsd to be occulsvl ly him may be searched by any peace ochoer or constable of tlte lloyal north west mounted police without warrant and if any srearm ammunition dyna mite gunpowder or other lungerou euplwie be found upon the person or premise of any such alien enemy or in any such puce a aforesaid tlie same shall be seised and the property so selswd may be forfaitad to th crown and tlu psnot upon whom or upon whose premise or in whose possession any such are arms am nltlon dynamite gunpowder or other daugaroua explosive are found shall further be liable to a penalty not exceeding ave hundred dollars or to imprisonment for any term not exceeding three months jlvcrtflom eulhmi auctioneer it j kerr will sell a fol low i tburdsy oct us at the o a cl unelph purebred stock tuesday nov s for geo h wheeler and dan laiweoti of kremosa a choice tot ol cattle itoraeu and hogat is sow lu farrow or jtlgu at foot with gutedged lireadlng 19 months credit asjuximjtlsitd qc oatunjbell otsswaued ou at t- sontdi mnapttnl tuad let hemrwewfnf ssuatsustowtly ura btephea rosiell la spending some time with her grandson mr j hilt of erin ur and mr d 8 roy of georgetowa spent tha weekend at l r vaaiuuera weare sorry to report mrs j b van- natter i on the sick list ura w walker and son willi of eugenia aad ura j walker of ingle- wood were recent visitors at ire rcssela ulsa millie bwludleburet lu returned horn after spending a few day with her grandmother lu urln miss a j moclure mis agues bhort- 111 and mr d j sinclair were the guests of mr and ura j blncuir on sunday ur g g campbell 1 lu toronto hospi tal where he underwent an operation he 1 doing nicely dr mormefl indian ftoot p1u rebc now and untried rtmedv- our grandfather used tbcfii haifa oeatuiy ago before coederatloa they were on sale in nearly every drug ergftaetad etore la tha canada of that day and wer th reccwnlxed cure la tboueandi of home for constipation indlfcetlon blllousncsfjrheutnailstai bdkldiuyatidljvtf tvoublea to day they are just aa affective just u kttable aa ever and nothing bettca isuymbtedrlevuedto aa cur common llle -w- sfewrt geo patterson live stock saauw aoiroh om1 cattle sheep lambs and hoen write phone or call personally skvsie yoo skll bib ue the metropolitan bank wm wiu fca lillwih h6mhm mill with the bank of nova scotia out baav will ihra km vailmp uplul at sljoaooo udi kitvoloodorinjjooooodbrnchu ttmuahiiui ciu4a and id lb vrinolml clllc- d iba uolud stataiuwdl uln nwriudumj aud iba weitt lodlaa tha jmallir lociauad wauma aad wlda duurlbuilm of uhbebw will imablauaoawttaacalldraclllta avary dtpart- tnaut la bauklay your aeoant aolbltad a a rolut manager acton branch blanches in this dibthict acton muton guelph campbeuvllle norval ioxxxoooockxn3h apoooooooooooooxxe just the weather for sweaters and sweatercoats fall weather only emphasizes the fact that sweater coats are not a luxury but a necessary garment to have nothing takes their place to slip on when the cool evenings come or to withstand the cold winds at any time ol the day we have provided an exceptionally fine range irom tho best makers for girtts good warm soft coats in the moat popular colors and best wearing weaves for both small and large girls from slt to 200 for boys the strong sturdy all wool kind in plain colors and color combinations nothing pays better than a real good sweater coat for a boy from 78c to 3 for badles- an extensive range of ladies sizes in attractive colors and in styles and weaves that give them a dressy as well as a comfortable look 9iss to 328 for men- our mens sweater coats have a reputation that needs no argument our range this year of the famous ballantyne coatu is better than ever and we also have the lower priced staple lines from siks to tk uet yours now we have it for you henderson co mm si acton out o0ockx00oohxxxxxkkxo occupying a trade vacuum t withdrawal from the cana dian market of much merchan dise that prior to the war came from continental europe left as it were a trade vacuum and a vacu um is abhorrent alike to nature and to business the ceaseless effort on the part of business to expand itself has al ready led many a canadian manu facturer to attempt to fill the void caused by the stoppage of imports from the oountries at war the spinners and weavers of cotton are finding new and surprising uses for cotton as a substitute for jute manufacturers of electrical equipment are fast finding substitutes for mater ials aud parts hitherto obtained from abroad tho growing of sugar beets and the making of lient sugar will he stimulated in canada as a consequence of war yarns hosiery under wear gloves and garments for women and chil dren aloretime imported will now be produced in canada and so one could go on and on in illustrating the triumph of human energy and genius over disabilities and disorders watch the advertising columns of the public press for proofs that canadian manufacturers are mak ing efforts to fill the trade vacuum autumn millinery opening miss wussnos muskav haa bald bar fall ulttlttaty opaolog- la bar aaw quartan oa llala suva tha icknhby store mcaatly okudlad by uwacbhamara drocasy and la teady with a full una ol lb lataat atylaa la mluuuuyfor ladlaa ulaaaa aad child- rao cordial lavltauoa to an thaai a riaa- waaya saga to w prfjac wfcaa a aaa fcaaat aaytuag ala to uo aaloafa- swiiam jphy dky hint j aa h 5 step in and supply yeuraeir with a pair ft those cape b 5 qivbsweas6llkatfatl4mu tbamoaturvlceabln s b glove you ever worn tfaey come in all the new shade e of tan and brown ko trouble for u to give you a per c feet fit cither a we have all ulse s and if in need of undukwkau you will and hew s h exceptionally isatrvtatakje and comfortable garment la g q htannelda unshriikaue and penman at all price and b m fully guarantoed r e nelson swirrtalhaai asblnt ilrlu ablifil rtkek sjltaybi iltflll lm iirnli nf llm iiii1lasad let 1 1 mil i jii hliul ilis fast of atiaiiai iik tsiiu iur red with a fw wliliinnlv wh uliiiruxil llir linstloh seav ml lu ri onwurv will lie aiilulilv rwsrs i kmavku8 1u h ii no u iioshwoce coili italic mill fiirnituie coit 3 a lit c fitlir houtiilii 1 1 h lliua rnii 111 inn nu el i bsd r arils ntislr latilsa fci i lalii hbil vskloaa uv lm seen at saw notick tl0ltkiit0h in tha matter or ha- hsrtate of mlahmel ksvley lata of tha towhahlp of stausuawtnar in the county etual- ton vtunnmf daossismiil nofloh la i tiliyaivii imruai u hlatuu cuaurlui it o ii 101 1 tliiall rnitor andouisialiavlutieuilii aualiikl ilia uliu o lhaaall mleliaal malay xlto illnl on or about hie ihih ilav fif aueit lulf ars iikjulrsd en e bafnl lliu iii day nl novtliiuur 1014 in saed by nl lit vlltsse l aelnn tlnllaltnr to ulehast ualay llirskaautnv nl ilia lail will etui tsals- tmutnl tlia aalil use uul ilislr alirltluri srvl surname aililrsaas ami aomrlpilon willi nil vertlaulbjrjof iiiair olslnn iuumln ef ibelr uhumma stul llm naiura nf lia tseuillua if sur halil liylliui aiilluriliorulia not lea lial aflar sunh last wirjlloatl ut tliu salil kaaauttf will m- esail lo dulrllul ilia asutt of tit deoaaasel srufio ilia pallia iulhiwl lharu bavltui sard only loihselilma nl wlikllheraballtbrj jsvs nolle ami lint llio all naeular will not lis llams tnr ilia talil saaia or any to llisjraxif lo euy lor elaltili tliaenmit eortunl ilultlliull s of wboae rssalvsd ly attend tha beat it alwaya astya yyott ionohtooni nmu llaaanailniial rauuutlnuiur uierlor llual- iimh anil ulinilisim ailudatioh ualelea ira- ueiuwauestiow u wjt stlxiott p11iwciral 7s4 vonarebcsst toswdto atents ipromptly secured in all waitrla ask fear o stdvuwka wbisli will be sent i mahiowttrfarioh jhuawulyrmoiaeriiiisvmatitral crandtrunksvs boumlk tkacst all tnx wav torontochicago torontomontreal the international umitd oauisulaw ivejn of llubakhos mn ilea loavea toronto 440 p w dally ar rive dolrolt 9 s5 p m and clilcaso 100 a m honhihot hkrviok loavca toronto b n m arrive detroit q53 p m and chicago 8 40 p m dally last treut out or tosventd at interht leave 1135 p m arrive detroit 9 a m and clilcago 3 00 p m dallyesaurltie important connections wait principal trains for western btntea and canada kron honthml loaves toronto q a m o30 p m and 11 n in dally berth reservation etc tg t it ticket orlcea h s holmes agent phon ntca 13 e i pringles i bargains b are truly 1 genuine aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa it ii not a quebtion of cost we have to givo up the store at the end of the year and tho goods must go it you need a wed ding present now ts your chance g d pringle lawallar wyadhard st cttdpn j iaaauaaadnndddtinuh new surroundings but old te llable nullum kenney bros ihe oldest shoe store la lown wu liiivu secured tliu oiteaoy for tlia cclubraltil regal shoe and liavo htolkud all vlie for ftentlemcii fine lines of all kinds of ladles shoea ittiiulrlncf promptly tnadw uuc rubber licula put ou while you wolt ftenney bros kenneya blooh molnst aaoton

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