Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 5, 1914, p. 3

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wedding presents rouarvkrlvaaspoonb forli fancy 3llvarwar nioh cutgia fnoy china wcdd1no rings mahtllaciq licmnbkai isaubid geo hynds heal estate farm for wit in multou feel and wellluuluu loo rnnnl lor male tivery ultv ii you want a ffamu uriin tan rur eutuhtuuo or you wluli t wtiil or ttcbmntfd write iut we liuvnnvery farlllty tor tiuinuirtlug butiluem co your votnvlrln wutlururtluti totrreo ktoudeur kolihil tutui hllnu nclttiat cunicttiwk thu118day novembers 1014 bmemscalitcms 1um tlila la indian m miner th open ml weatltor oontliiuea mra a ilavldum end family ronuhcd liere from lucknow thin week mra itall kim removed from brock avenue to iwr imw realdanc on knox street found a ututll black purto contain ingatumof money and atreel car llokalv apply mt fum patau ofho a lalor bureau hultoeiieatahlltltedat oraugevlllo tha objoct in to bring tho unemployed and tlm niyoy6r logetltor mra hubert ague perk avenue untth fhkk 1uij a half daxen alexan der apple wltlcli ueigliod four und a ltut poumltt th llallowoitlarty held f tlio town lull tut friday o fining by tli4 acton orchestra wu a ry enjoyable event ho uy the participant tli acta tanning company filled another big order far a aaddlo itianufextur lug ana tlta wt uila week tlte x- pr wu over flflfl mr kriuwt crippa lot 2 con 4jrln brought tit fukh puna tlia champion potato of tits auaaon hire itd klephanu weighed eight pouiula next monday evening kov oth at settlor luild knox church ir cjray will give talk tut lit iraant war i its caiiuu uvrtdopnteiila etc all are welootn mr iaa it anderson haa hokl lil brick realdeuoe on lake avenue to john allao for 12340 mr allan will likely retire from farming and remove to acton milumia polled inaglutrata la worrying about tlia liijf nuinlwr of saga ita will itava to tand down tlilu coming winter but wtwra to aaod tlieoi la wtiata lotliariog him lira alfred soper uritaa from ilolu- valn man that epundtd waatlter liaa iravailad tlila fall aiul moro fall pkiuftlting liaa been dona tlwii over i micro in tlila aaatlon very alight froata luivu been ea- perionoetl uo fur borne part lea with criminal inclinations retuoadu portion of llm guaoline cuulna in wm aoderaona wood yard on voung btrt on halloween liberal reward fa oilejwl for evidence to convict tlio tlilatea the engine la wortlileaa until the parts are reatored mr william tynegiu and mr toorg w finch lioth of tha city of toronto have puroliuod tha fifty aoro fann in eaquanliik township lielonginu ur jamea kawton ijmelioutj halo waa made by j a wlllougblty wohdmhulnd moturb hhow haadlnjrukuiiatwonderlarul for td- ilay iiikhtlaioneloiintler in a fight for a ibirthrlitht in three porta news of local import lrehln annlvrsay dtrmam itev c 1 lrnpar will vreaah ttnulvor- wiiy uonuonu at llcooli villa hu foniter rlmrta ncikt hunduy tunriihig athlmtuiinf woitiihvi knatluitai rrldy fcvanln tim mmithlv trimtlng nf acton woman liihtltutfl will lw iteld in tl oountiu ohntnlier on friday availing at h oclock a good prodrainma with apechd muilo all wo ion mo klaoalvad btmutkltiar in court tuo young iiuih era brought lufora magbtraln vu oliargwl with the theft or u innuln laiileru from the nmallpox hoapltal- tliuy phuided guilty und at the reiiuwt i llinlr mother warn givon u wmtwl itaiiklng by lht polio oueldi horabl do uiii vlubi mh t ii hurt and wm booth krln farm era utich had three alteep killed by doga emit night roctmtly vrl momillaii had 11 k iu luully worrlbd tliut they hail to lie killed undtiunea voung nlwt butt four or fhu in the fiuhia maimer bhoot i1k dagh rwtlii iutd mom bath drunk t milla aiwl hla ami harry atmarwl before it 1 campull j 1 oti tueajay dhargtul with 11 tig drunk aiwl diaonlarly ytto father uua tumtdafmlootjdamltha win btolyoiioondltlon tha he joined that recmlia for the aaoond contltigtt whloli ha illdoii the apot tlie recruiting omioar ilng inwatu milton luformer personal and travel notes aft pftuduiyliva heath uraw lug woumdla or holdup iu laudokt uotfitltal iv and mr warren nrrlvoil u toronto tueaday evening from now york iiavlng lelt liverm0l ou october u4th by the auatnahlp lualtania iv warwn wlu la a brother of mr j lk warren acton spent four month lit london hoaniul and dreaaed tha waunda of many of tha ilrltbh and utelgun houuira brought there i want to aay aulil ir warren in an iutairvlew uuttevanlhg in toronto that of u tlto wounded aoldlera i bavs wpokan to both rrltlah and llelgun in tlio groat londou hoapilul tlielr ona wlah la to get well awl to to buck to tha firing una the london hoapltal to which i waa uluohftd for ilia paiit four months in tho urgait in ilia itritmi kmplro and contalni one utouiiaml boila visa hundred of titcw lietla were given up a tlie wnutwlwl holdura only thora uouiuled ilrltith ami belgian hohlien who uero aht to be uunbhrtel irom tha continent wiro brought to england tim wourulu of tha aokllera in tha itoupilal aro chiefly oonflnul to tha feet log a ruin uinl hunda und uwtly from ulirupnol fire a tiuwlier of llm ilalglan reftigeea in formed dr warwn tluit tha atrooltie hi- ffictd nn tlielr iieojja in ilruaaela antwerp ami other towna aro uii4lertiitou rather than exaggerated by thepreau lh warwti alao atated tliut london uun without nawa of any kind from canuda from beptouiur otli to ootnlwr 1 1th and could not find out tho nuuwj tho pnalul authorities mould not glvu iiiformutiou on enquiry loitnh kchoou flu iv- uura molkiimhl vunn inlin- atou joliu watklna ju iv a ivli uydor iaahello wntklim oury ijilil iferbitt dion iiiclahairoliualtydcr douuld mo ikmigall kfflomekouhoni ii ctm wiltttar watklna ltotmld mn- kaoliern klmoro jnhnaton arnold mo- lutmld jeuti moljuall hk i jwula llydor hny juliiinton twpml heule mnloniihl in imurla lamtic hector mclkiiwm llonlnu tnhuatou aniia mulrltohuru campbell milter ciaaaa marlon llntwn ifurold hwuok- liaiuar omuij ii inrdon mclkmgnlt ikimi a 0uhiik toitnher vlalt by u pwawi rajtoa itet itlclinnl hoblw of toronto will occupy thepulpltof the uetliodlat chureli nckt h n in to j morning and evmilng tin eulug aerloa will be a apecul luena iiieothig uiwler tha a tit pi o 4 of the kinga onlerliea hlblactam to which men gti- rally are lwvlti on monday evening lei mr hobha will deliver 11a vary popular lecture on tlw truutguur man mr houwuan uutor of tha church thlrty- flve yeara ago yeaakw ibauulu otturt at the recent aaaalon of haltonteaoliart institute tha following ofaaara vtere elect iveaklant mr irean oeorgvtowh vice pmaldsiit mr weldeulumitnar oakville becretary mlw m z lunnett aeuw tveuaurar mlw v ii ilowea milton ulwarian mr marcellua milton kkeoutlvo mlawa jardine mollonald wtunaou and heaka wnd am albmulir mot cm ltal weak joaepti llrowti a torotito en- pirt cania to milton in repair a motorcar having cohiuld tlta work lie took a apfn in tha car on uahi htrfett at a iwvj tlmaud by thoaa who aaw hltn at forty mluaan hour clilef cotuvtabu chajmian laid a charge of exceeding um apoad limit and drown appear lieforo ijo uagl trata ihoe on frldaj he pleaded guilty nd waa lined 01000 witli ooata u milled champion at tha itvouk ootida tha eatenaivo iraprovemauu at tin trout rondi are programing tha fine new bungalow la hearing completion it ilqua in ita construction eomtaodlaua ami ao oomfortalda tlut it will be a temptation to the families of tha maaara vlratbrook to apeud part of tha winter month tliera aa well aa tha aummer a new well gravelled road now circle through ilia treea on tha northerly boundary of the property to tha borders of fuh ponde and to tha bungalow a urge rew trout pond la under conatruotion i counall la haurd aalau monday evening tha local council uetin reguttr aeulon in tha council chamber reeve hynda and councillor mcdonald and drawn hero prount it was a record uulon inaaibucli aa tha entire tliua oooup- leil neuron ly oxceoded iko mlnuuu and paymanu calhxlfor uero very near to the irredurahla minimum tlia ucoountu coat- wuing tia lotlt report of tha vinanee cotuulttaauero jameu molatoalt ami joltn maartliur each 91 so for aervloaa u oon- atablaa fair night which wore poaaed no otlicr bualoeaa waa tranaaotod pinu llbmry mot mlaakthelcoumunijbrarian aiul mr john cameron a number of tha board attended tho unth annual meeting of iuelplt dbtriot library inmjtutaab water loo oa tuaaday and wadnaaday tha programma waa iiraotlcal and full of inter- el lutweek tho hook committee nuula tha annual aalbatlon of new booka far addition to tha library ttiu addluon oompriau all tlta uitaat worka in new literature popular practical and acuntlso tha new booka will lut uliellatl and calat- ogued aa aoon aa oonvenlant awl will ha ready for tlia reader uafom tha chhatmaa holiday intwtwral how voui vthum kvry fanner iu hal urn county should name hla farm it lend dignity to ilia farmer poaltlon and tuuhllthea a reputa tion for each farm peculiarly iu own uto atotlonery with tha name of tha farm on il tha buuluau of farming ihawatula well iintd atationery aa much aa any other imslfww tha aotufaotion from tlia una of iriiitad uutlonery la worth mora titan thu ninall aum t will ooal to tuluoa fannera to natno tlielr forma mora genorul- h tha aoton vuuk vwtm woka thla upeclul offer 100 good quality white envelop nml loogootl white note heada to maloh witli name of farm nam nf proprietor and add row prtnted on far ml 70 tuddlm maauflaatorawi trafc bl owtor it a reported uiat mlllury rmlera for lj0oourmyuudlaahava been ilioad tlia paat week through tha ullltht department of canada all bunieaa makera u a poal- hon to turn out tlia work within ka next twomoiithaulll in kejit buy faur in- wpotore for uto work iwlmr doita lit onlnrio were appolntd ou monday one of whom a mr w i mutthew toronto fnrmorlj in tho haruow buuinefa hero it in axiioetw tliat uttdlery ami harneaa fltnis in camula will tve all tlia work they can tin all winter uw furtlior order uro ejiipoat- ed after tho proaont oondauta ltav bean lllled thla moanid buay thnoa for tlia tunnern of aoton tha acton tunuiug company lu now working overtime on itnlora for unuy hurunw leather oil k am wia taunina tint wmk mr jack chaimaii wau homa from tor onto over hunda v mr chau a o matthewa kent hun day with aoton frleiula mr william hliaw of toronto vmtwl acton friend w thla woek mr vred iumlwoi of toronto vimium aoton friomlu on monday mlua vloreiion holimm waa home from toronto for lite week nd miaa iveagh hartley of milton tent the weckeiwl with acton frleoda mra jolin kenney of lloboaygeon vlnlt- ed mra harry lluuer laat week mr erwl niolisum nf toronto waa a giiot at mr joint cutnerona hut week mr ami mra iuvui umlth atwl miaa mona were her from toronto thla week mr thomaa kldtaga eontlnuea in very poor health hla eouujlionia very critical mr j k molelhiu victorui av t pending u few uulia with frtenda atl trolla dr and mra o a moniciiol of toron- vlajtail tint fanner aunt mra ileo campbell ou rjuruuy ltev u d draper a attending tlia aewona of tlia ha ml lion ooofaraoda laague at draotford tlila week mra lulw und a jolmiiton anil mra w headway of toronto lent tlut week eiul with mra 11 mclaughlin mra cumbla of laimenton arul ura rlhltakl were guaata thla week of mra llohart jolmatona kito htrvet mm iatteroii ura kirkuiul murgurita of htratford were guaata at th hotna of mia mulhollatvl over tha wookdml mlua vlrwtia maxaua feva a ftarty frhlay evening in honor of iter frietkl mb iveagh hartley of ouelph couagbfe itutltuta ur a spark a and ur and mra jo joull and chihlren of toronto wara guwta of mr and ura bjjny ounton over huruuy ura klitabeth tlturtell one of our old- eat wldenta oaleltrutail her alghtythlrd mr l ltd ay on sunday tho doar old lady la in a crltloal mat of liealtb and mrs n i molatn annouha the eagogbment of tltalr daughter lurtl to mr john col tha marriage to take plao tha latter part of tlia preaeut month uui ktliel coleman ulauhan and ur joint cameron of lit board attended the annual meeting of tha dual pit lbtrlc library association at waterloo thla week second canadian contingent adtom mam it rulll quota tim recruiting for theaccond contingent for tlia canadian omrwxta uxpodltionarv varoa waa nomplnted ycatenlay halton allotment la fifty ofllnera ami men ten from each nf the towna tlib humher itaa i teen hecured atwl ike varlouamuailuarfliuuwmh ihtgat tloorgetowu mwiralory to mohlh ixlitg at toronto where a couple of tnoitlh will lie fmtnt in training cort a w large wax tho rocruitlng olllcer for aclon urn hla ten men went awortt tu by h iv mooro j i au fol- iowh oop a w ijtrgo lunner w j floubl jolm hullunti cleorge lullunl iewy ludrord it k vihher ieorge meleo4 w fcrickr alex orihlten krneht mawlea onlam hava been reoetied to proceed to iroaedto leargelnwtt title afternoon by tlia s0 train obituary our bovs at salisbury plain all wall wad at ktauvw to oat to tha rlhaar ltn our austrian fellowcitizens xjlec of mubjmtai of couatruet u4il ta ouf owu luenatavwl umrm auul oa ruolat how yiiis7 woonvr ona ilundrod dolhira itauard for any tuiw of catarrh that cannot ho uutod by ifallw caturah cura f j ciiknkv co toledo o wo the undermlgnod have known v j vamiuty for tltu ut ik ytar and believe lilnt lurfoclly itntiorttbla in all buitlnaau tmuaucitionh um ihianculiy able to rurry out any nhllgatlona mada by hla firm n tvinv tt dank or cnuukm v toldo o hull catarrh our la taken internally noting directly upon n blood and htuoaub riiirfaoeit of the ayatom taatluuuilala aeut free lrloa 1 nattta ar bottla 8okl by nil itrtiguuta akah the autltaritua her liave held u vera i loevad during tlia paat ten day with the uhjeota of tlioaa oounufaa now at war with droat dritain in tlia work rerfiulrwd by the dominion covernment of itavlng all euch rofcidenta regliiered algn lit under taking referred to in laat luua and plaoed on parole witli tlia valued aaaiatanoa of morria 8a xe ua interpreter h i moore jp and chief lawaon lutva luul oouslderabl ardu- work in recording tha namaa of the citluna thia fact will not lie wondered at when the following llitt of those already reguterari ia peruaad i uolm flimklolo auttrhui frank upielvogel j klotuu markovitoh cluirlia nlckofurok waoal lukon jjlckoli soyunuk micltclcloodniaky vodor murtlchuk nickoll onoafruchuk htovo donljluk mlctiolt rehoruk mich btrou matroitinchuk 5iikachrban jooolt cliarliait htephan vlnchuk nloholl kudock dill kumerchuk tolm kjumerehuk michel impovitx vedor binchuk mlohal moaorok mlko atitoounuk michel lukean michel pali moetrrfmuriwtuk attdro itomaaoe mutro dedoluk john balenaity koau bufuk balak dauaouub mlka parnoraikl alao hweltah tado donljluk allka donljluk oltlcnul crokan wtra wnioroakl vtnlor tloohuk ulchal oarkovoruk alao duoul nlchoti rurnoroakl vur ijuhallk waul ufurnehuk jan proawultuk metro golan niok duukiwobpruk waaalwrattroakl frank hardlok martin oolm oorgo kalen lleta oakal tana pail vtluuk lauel btrou vlor nekerfetdiuk jolin ok oak i johu waaaluk ivta dacove nick dunov atuit lawohlowk woaol lukerltueruk hugo knguhartlfc cerrawi moat of the hava cooia willingly to comply with tha iruireiuanth oft-aorjer- in council but ttotn htaluta tfau u iwt aurphtjag whan it u uudwhtimxl toatbutty of tltoea auatrlau auhjcu ltavi been ilit tha couuiry foroulyayeaforvo aotaforionlya fgwmontlia they ltavaanouaiuiwilon on to tha mrtuaooiuwratfatratlo4t boua tiilnk tltay ura italitg forced to haeom itrltlah aubjaclat otbera tltat in riiriug the data of tlielr hlkh uiey will ha known to ba of ago for army aervloa utul oa her mka iaaai vhahlih ma louisa mioklin wife of laaao itran- cla died at tit itome of tit ramlly 120 malthtnd btrot tor on in laat tlturlay evening 20th october mra vrancla haa been in poor itealth for mnru tlian a year thla lemtlnated in a atroke two doya before bar deatli tho auddan ilemlaa waa agroatahoek to her lie re ft huababd and family mra vranola waa liorn in acton fifty aaven year ago am lived hero all her ufa until five ywra ago when tha faulty removed to toronto bite waa tit ihtugh- terof the lata benjamin w nickllu on of uia pionaara of acton uho hotlbal hir altout seventy yeara ago she waa tnarrud here about thirtyseven yeara ago tha two children mlaa ada who ia a ateno- grapher for ionian mckay co aiul rjlwln a manager for llllaa kogera k co ura vraudawaxu lady highly aateamed bit waa for many yeara an active worker in tha uethodbt church hero and a teacher in the sunday bchool flha i pet it a wank or an in aoton among her frtenda her in july ami waa alao itara during tha vail kelr lioth vlaltf affording iter great pleasure her lovo for iter native town ami tlia okl home church never waned the end of iter uaafulllfaoama very auddenly and her going away atlll aaema ilka a tad aweet dream to tha loved one who are left no lonely n tlia home a funeral aervlce waa held at tit itom in toronto on friday evening by her paator uev it j ix rlwjiwort aaaiated by itev it j treleaven tha reuairui were brought to acton on balurtluy afternoon and inurnmut took tlaoa in falrvlew cemetery bev c d draper officiating th frundafromadlatanco who attended tlia funeral were mr jamee mioklin tlrand rai0b4 llinh mr edward nicklln st loula ma i mra b creech toronto mra b k kelaon laelpli mka john mtcmujirona ic mra john mocorgundul died vary aud denly at tlut homa of iter nejihaw william uohierfion hortney man on tlia both octotter mra mocarquoihil waa vialting tha frtenda at hortney ami wan taken terioualy ill and lived only a few daya the family removed to ninga man from rpeyaldd hut spring deoeeaed waa a daughter of tha lata robert uopuaraon br und waa tha but member of that bug family her aorro wing huahand ami two children john ut lioma uml mra joaepli arthur ninga aurvi their many frianda in tlta old homa hero aatond ahtoera yuiathy in tlielr ior afillctlon mvhrv hah should hustbn editor vukm puta dearbiri iharaiiatlmdiitdlraranttlmaa mention mada of tha homa ouard la tha vukuphraa however i do not think that aa peopla generally know tha object of thla organisation after reading in tohlaya paper about tha plot to blow up tlia wellaml canal and tha hallway tun nel at hamilton i ubo that utera aro fljo- 000 nerman and auttrun roaerviau in tlta united htatea ofhcial who lava all had training i am promtd to writ thla letter the ifothotiuard waa orgaahted with tha object of giving every ablebodied man aknowledgoof military training who for bualnao or paraonal reaaaua ooukl tvot vol uu tear for tha overaeu oontitigeat or militia of canada member aro not oakad to take any oaltt or have any oouuaction with uto militia liut to give up a few hour u weak to drill awl iuatruouoo ho tltat thay tuay gain a knowledge of duol- plhta organuatioti and drill to that- if by any cltauoo canada were invaded tboy could help defend their homaa the homa hoard drill vary tuaaday aiul wednowhty evening from 7s0u tth0 lvbt wednoeday evening that wawfutmo men drilling aboutaiaonut ago wo had 0001 thirty llv ia thl anything for th peopla of aoton to la itroud ei with a pofhtlitloii of altout 3000 to bava ucl amall numltcrturu out i do not think that tlta paoplo roallaa what prlvllagaa wa hava by living in the british kmplro in every other country tu the world with tlta agcejitiouof ouaortwo wa would not lo aaked to thpar ouraelvea but would ha ordered out without having any choloa in aoton wa ahoou not hava tlta alight trouble in gitting at taut oua humlrod men to drill on tha ubov ei enlnga i do not tiilnk auyoody would have any trouble in counting twenty or thirty ituu holding up utauruet ooniara any even ing lloa much better it woukl ba for utemtoaltow their patriot urn by drilling hiateadof lalklhgll i itonathtauppeal will tot fall on deafened ear and that neat tueadoy night wo may aee n treat many new face i would ulao ilka to mention that auy prevloua kuowloilfra of drill la urmeoaiamry aa wa aro only too glad to lav itaglnnera und if neoeaury i would la very glad to give up another night a week to itutruot iiaoanvaoiuitokeaputattiup with tha regular ohuw way toy i know of nuo litbtattoa wltere oamlng to drill with tltahouia kleaa whlob naturally ocaur to foreign are tluard whan lu wife t4oiied him iwoauae wltully unaoqumliitad witli tho country a 1 jd tltat if he burned to drill ba would italawa be called out on tlta overaeua ooiitlngeiit tlieroareaullabotittolu tobajegiktca thla la alutolutoly wrong ua abown luva d of tlieac it u aald aome aleolutely i utlnk uta wlveacau help a groat daul by refuae to do aa required thla attitude u atlff their huahandh to turn out uktremely fooliah all auch will lio arreat j twnulngyou i romaln ed liaitdmlowertotlamllltaryauuiorltuta your truly j und plaoed in detention oampa dralgnated i o hkahhuohn by tho dominion ooierrtutaut t3at lotli hnyal onmadura for a week or more the relative of our ijoyw who vtnt cm tlm flrat rontlngent of tlta canadian overaeaa kkpl 111 unary force ituve ixxn ankleukly looking for lot- tern from tlielr aoldler aon and hrother4 awl lover mortdayh malla hrought a number und lite homea of ilia wardu mih fjttvoa ami individual frtenda wenmudilon ed at tlm reoeltt of tha interesting mla tuea from tha boy over tlte aea tim following from fred l wright to lev j v wibon ii a ia cltanictarbtlo of tlia li letteru generally and mr wllaon luta kindly jrlvou iermilon for ita pul j cation i hcoinpaity 4lli llattallon ittllrtgade canadian kxpedltionary faroe ballabury 1uln kngund oct jut idu iear mr wluon i vou may be aurpriaod to heir from i but i hope you will find iny letter a idoaaant one am n former number of your church 1 thought yen might he won- faring how i urn getting along i know there ura quite a few heart a beating for too around dear old acton t often think of you all well we are inold kngland agin wa arrived hbre a woek ago we boarded tlilt veaael ilia tyrol la on heptetnur 13th and irooeiud down tlte bl lawrence to oaapa bay to wait for the lul of tlia troopahlpa we wore tit re for a uaek when we aailad tlown tlte bt lawtwtce we uaaed tlta upot where tit kiupreim of irak ml fouwl iter grave wheif we reach ed tlaap bay tlte llrllialt crulmta were tliera ready to convoy uw ecrowi tlte atlan tic tha voyage over waa delightful ami titer uaa luirdly u itiuii aboard who waa oeealck we raacliod llymouth bound a weak ago today and we entact to dlmtuutk today it require u weok to unload all tha trans ports aa titer la itot bu fie lent dock room to allow all tlte altipa to dbemlauk at once wear making camp at balbhurv plain itare we expect to remain until attout chrbtmaa when lord kitchener will itave hla 1200000 man ready then i utlnk we can lieet tlta llermana i think tha war a hardly marled yet i am look fug for- warj to meeting tlia llermana and i hopa to give a good account nf wyaelf whether i am permitted to return to aoton or not thla iu trafalgar day ami we think of lord ktelaona famoua idgttalled um tha men of tltat day aa i writ i can aea kelaona old ahlp the victory nownaed aa a training thlp for naval gadeta our warahlpa are much larger now hut tlta spirit of our men la tlta earn aa it waa then wa were disappointed that we failed to meat auy ueruan eruuara on the way over we are getting a great reoeptloo here kvery day forty boata orowded with people tall around our ahlp and cheer ua tha cadet from tha training ahlp aalled arouml tha beet ami ttopped at each troophlilp and tlielr laml 0ayed o canada while tlta cadet ntood at altettuon and then oheored ua tha peojila aeem to lie dltappointed in notaeelngua in what aome of tlteui ap peared to think our costume woukl be i e feather in our hat and pltohi in our heltu it wan from thin port tltat bir ftanala drake aailed on hla ailvaiitnrea ilia nionu- mant atanda above ua on tlie green bevou- ahlro ililla tlila u a great naval elation when we pulled in a week ago we were aaluted by if m h hawke which waa un fortunately sunk three daya later in the north boo i hojie yon will get title aefely aiv i wi1 lie glad to hear from yon a little enoour- ogemont goea a long way you re alnoerely fainu u whtomt have invitittanew pastor kterv h w avfaaez a h dl of otuelna wee ukuualaou lawlutlottta aiod will otboidu im two whuiuf tlta iorttoral term of the mtthodut church h limited to four yeara und the poatorate of iter c ii draper in aoton tnuat therefore neceaaorlly end with th preaent oooferenoa year thla tlia eoa- gregauon exoeedlngly regret but tha law of tlta church la inexorable it ipilta natural tltererora tltat tlia official board oi the church ahould take atep to eeaura a auooeaaor iii good time at the regular meeting of the board on monday evening tlta matter waa duouaaed only oua rnuse woe considered that of itev h w avlaoo m a u h paator of pajaley uetoorui cburoli ouelpfa who luuttoroj uru there ia concurrent with tltat of itev mr draper a roaolulloo to iuvlte itev mr avlioti waa proaented and oarriad uuamlnotuuy ly u handing vet of tha member a deputation oouprulng ueawe a e- nlcklla recordlutftltewarl a t brown vrouurer of the ttavelona fund and ii v moore tveaauror of the troatea hoard was appointed to wait upon luf mr avuoatoauofimhjiuof tha aotloa taken and ottcklly praweat tha invitation mr aviaaleatyeeiail high appreouuou of the eoajderation giwia him ly tha omoll board of tha actoo church he oonalder- ed vary favorably tlio iuvltatlod bite re- queaud a couple ttt weeka in which to confer with tlta olnoara of the oonerenca lefore frivlne u final reply ba ur avloou la one of the moat popular and aaooaeaftu young men of tha uethodut mlnutry ha i a graduate in arte and tlieology ot vlotoria university ami eoured the njusutry ten year ugn us a a momt uooeptaue pyweher a ualous worker aiul greatly beloved by hu eon gregaliauu tha you no p04n ore eapeol- ally attracted by ida personality aud luotltodm of work at pnlaey ueniorlal cliuroli la lta heel u moat aiuktoaiful mlniatry aiul k bebl n hlgleat aatectn tltrougbout tit olt in mra avlaon ba liaa an emperieuotan and very uocaptjible coworker mr avleou waarogonleduaun nvatuable helper to tlta paator ih iter lioute church ut ual during iter glrlltood daya i visit macdonaldsf in guelph i saturday november 7 and save money f on seasonable merchandise we have planned to make saturday november 7 one of the biggest and best business days in the stores history apart from offering you extra ordinary values we will offer other inducements for you to be witli us on this day in the ivav of lowered prices on wall papers llouscfurnlshldjs and dry tioods also mens boyt womens and clrlj wearing apparel including suits overcoats caps coatt dreuet millinery waist shirts etc etc we cannot describe and give prices of all these splendid oflcrings but a visit to the store willrcveal them unto you all goods offered for sale will be marked with special tickets this is an event that you should not miss that is il you arc desirous of saving and who is not in these times on merchandise that you can usd right now and throughout thd whole of the winter be with us saturday we assure you you wont be disappointed d e macdonald bros limited guelphs leading and largest store cor wyndhara and maedonel streets guelph ont thmtyotjuw id dourer what utfoueji wcaknea tttetan th fclowa tell to filter tha loprki froonjta blood troalmconleibtoboa bockjicha akneunmluaf atk craw el dlalxtea call stoaaa tud tat doftdf y bright dh feett mra maw mt thaveaultaof tttctdlday dr utkmi laduu root put omtala a wort cffectlva dittretkl wakk attwdgtbcn audi aunulatal thai fckj nay to that tnatt d taav od ta aouftbh and aall try daf motrw indun ropt pu1 luport of dublin school for september ami october iv jackie waklio beta llbliena alice huwurt lawrence ulwieni willie kuley krrol hprowl kllnor stewart ja ill beatrioa uoliaao beatrloe creamer john creamer haii a i fr i fryer jit ii nellie utewart mary ulbliem clarice rtewurt cat liar in kelly i willie kelly frank creamer bertie 800u phimkh a lleorge ml no pbiulh a madollitedlbbeuu kelaon ulrto annie buwart ruby mllurd herbia fryer biutuiiie m fmuikiuut teaclter 0ood posmoms tfisffsi 4w 1 kiwim hum tat ai mv t auhtalimyuuuiuhuim u alannta4uul tavuijiaiii- ai4mimy ai4mucuhamuiwtihi bmutloietsjleljmutm j v ujukuijlri4jl ua qoqdatidanaa i prittgles 1 bargains i are truly j 1 genuine j geo patterson live stock ukalkk aotow oh1 cattle sheep lambs and hotia write phone or call personally btrose veil sill skk uk jpky dry hint it is not a question of cost we have to give up the store at the end of the year and the goods must go 3 it you need a wed- b a ding present now a ta your chance i gd pringle 3 wyrldbiimst gudph h mhhmwmhdrjddadddanhmigllhhb chamberlains tablets new surrouddlars but old re liable butldeit kenney bros liw oldest shoe store in town we hav lecured thu agonoy for tlia celebrated reoalshoe aud have atooked all alum for fretitlemth fine lines of all kinds of ladles shoes repairing promptly madu and rubber heela put on wbllo you wait kenney bros kxtnya blooll main st acton step in and biipply yonraelf with a pair of thoe cadiz 3lovieb wearebelliugjiteino thflmotitaerviccabtc glove you ever wore thev coma in all tlio new ahaden of tan aud brown no trouble for ua to give yon a per feet fit cither aa we have all alias and if in need of unditkwuar you will find hero ettoepliohrlly lervlceabla and comfortablo garmonta in butvrlelda unahtlukabla aud pen man at all price and fully guaranteed f r e nelson s hmsebaal tuo g haay vutmudbuh wyndhara aefe ouhlp1i ont batik of hamilton aajooojooo urtfwirtoo cmtrful awuiodhmd cualtal haldub uurtdua why a savings account it la beat to put your money in n saving hank account here because fhrat it in aura 1 secondit la readily available to cauli i third lite inlereu u certain an prompt oeoroetown branch w n uituy ur ut vi j bprvj th metropolitan bank whuh will b aualjfauuaud ou noutbr llth with the bank of nova scotia i the uauk will then have a paidup capital of 6300000 and n roaorvu imid of fiiyjooooamt ltrauchca througluiut canada and in tlio principal cttloa of the united btatea rut vrellaa in ncwoundlaml and tho went ludlc tlio greatly lucreaued imtotircea and wldo dlulrlbiitlou of llranchea wllluaablcuatoolfdr unaacullad facllitlei hi every depart ment of banking vour account aollolted bitancims lu tiiiu distbict acton milton cuelph cnmpbehville worval

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