wut jwtim sttt ft voijumm xl no 2j mry uuclpua vw ll adrabm aotosf ontauio thbh9day mottntng htovkm1ibb w 1im1 inb f sinotih ooplmstniuolb obntft ffiljc ttoit jft jjrejja vluk futikn huiijuinu mill uiltmnr aovos our juuuy lu 4mm lu to 3ttu1li in us ubiud uuim all suwdpilona dlfrualidti wban tli un for wtilali lfy btv bu uu bu mb- tu dat t wliuti itmv ubiln- uotfl4ihi4lumimldttllbmrultu atnaarulut tuva vrtauit stdvulu- uhu to mu iwr koutmrvll llua toy b iortiaa ud a mu tr ilt for ili uu- tjmal luttrtlaa gnntrtal dlaultty uvtu- b iomw lasts tatur lw annul 10 mu us lttlluu vwiklymiuu tor rdliaasul3ittu tmvluab mu inti will b liwm til mbia auutlrj u3- jaelr trilattdmtlujuubjut tx tu cfc14ta u kaajuw all fcmnubllid moauily u v uooum tjubtntrim otrttturp rplios gray u d c ii utc ill tf m a r mcummi la famri iimpmh jjweuuu mm vilholjtacrjo xt wajulue iary oauenaiby j3 aw mlblvuw do 6mw ei cblmfamld jolitatleae luoak u1ji fusaai coovaluum aas aualyal tts umm i u 1 u w o ueaaay wamjav eaafu vmtktunaity celt day m ulhl teaiklly auaudad to a j ulokihmon akuanji iuuma oemvaviiaoma oavtcal uu lt4 la retry bun blub ijjfixl dtlju dell ddb l u b dwwiw iemh rbou ha vv ulllm hi hsaljaaa omu ulll bad taiue ueaiea oumjayri cy voaohto uwivuaawv d uimcmllammo vm ajmlancih ho wan uooxuindma m aubiaob lioknbeb u v uoou iatnul ifabjuau lmmmua lfwluoau tttiinnnnlria tnl trtobbbr uilliq4h lunmikd auoviohkhb fvt bcwbh of m ud halloa viduauirkuaj kauld aur panu imwu um4lllou wmi ulll blfmt aaua obu 04m tw attauam ujitm 111 at vh avm will kl taaittt altattuoa jev ludutaku itfwutlmu if th cahuum el waiuuiab ilaltaa fm d4smiumuljlyofatt4jpll lu jhlt44mi wllb miulumxod a4 mimm iulm a isotabuumuiiiuoaap o ft oauiah trffptiaaa u tfijillh ttt awblatt tb l hi bkm awagnt aa t taukuuiultw twaa aaa m btftd otfdsra uit aamm fu ai aaud hill 4 luwadlau mubiuo fmial auaaluu 10 aalm lu aaud iu vlallly r aum v0 iiaix im umty j b chbbvbrs book mihdath qrtlaiwat oulltaat itaakaabjl uaualtua bduiij ibiiabj all wokx mouplv kxbotmio the old and reliable gktonlte and marble dealers ww am wahalauhmh lel dlfeaal ifavwuh alhlwb7llouuutluiltdualuutatm ttt w wll djhdl a frulf atulabduakl wtlftu ww hm utnj tamma tutf atjhtahja 0 mli w ba4 utm tmal aph alld u tau haaabaauala lb uowlnwu who au oba ma aamhu iula ttiv w ui lfa rttitw ffata httttd or our mitouw u tocaakitt am mif blaaaa wllavf mhw hava to aaaba uw auiw la ad 14 aajiaat w bam amaukamu auj bait auah of utaulta lu iu uaaalbiaa f iaah ulail au1t utna daalka la umwm wtfaralasillbuu daaa jfaaia aaa da bo aauaymt adlajfaallaaotfuiamhtj t attfrlay waahaulaa mlly amd dwy jbauwam hamilton sons oa mcvfalk aaa woaublali bu auhlpii busi cha j r living stona ifupuivbubdiiutltitkttnpoaaauiodoftba oir6aa4f hud rovulctti balraaa cait led on for ten year by o hioh mui htanaab by cwful twrtoual ttatlou w hope to katlay all our cbalomer thti carmara tradd la parilcuurly olleltad and to make thla lattalactory w ant ipard to pay part cah for bulur audctfttfi biead will be delivered toctiatonier u biretofortf savage co einbll is4u jeweller guelpii the old and reliable watchmaker and jewellers savage co guelpb oat waters bros ouelph hkadoutahters kor o a c aud school supplies vok natwrb stody botanical btomoloaroal drawimo paitttimo 41 wyndham street ktumutoso fall millinery opening muset hiwlhome ind morton lavll uw ladlw al aclon ud vlclnll to llulr fill ullllmry ulinlay lo ik txn nt lhfr wwroom on mill titrt uoxt to llyoilft jwllry 8tor all tlio ifttuat craatliinii ia pl und winter styles will bo shown right down to date uteri and best om movei and owm lawn mowert finn and oarden tool paldtiand vaniuhei far usu uj ml c c speicht harjar aaj flawere mil lot- hcton guelph business col leo e tumuht omtam0 vallta3hh hkolhat aiaaiav ttpt 1 btiibyibdyyiau j aaioa av ai4ulhua lbbaaablttmthm wiriatoxati will uumd to our tmuy alaaar iuilji4udui uarujdlymlw ou hatw4 hab oiylmlhmamitoralalhmlaalh uaclllllawhrwil ltddmruluatilaaakai id iba llaal uhvrllv h kntlokntaf ikwtah wi tb aaiu uuftnt itu lllribvlarji3 rblaartba j ah bnlalk iu4tiieda imammuajmliau ly tvmuliaiitir el try auljmi sohboirbot lo ui tu oftle 1w 14 wbjtihmmilmaajlm malcolm maccornthckb aprln excelsior bakbr we have now on hand all the fresh fruim of the xeanon grapei pechts petri etc freth cooked meats are al- wayh included in our aom prebenuive mock cnnltcliontrv fresh from ihu iciduiu bonfectionvrii ix a snicinlity with an we havti daily irunh hak- inj from our own ovenh courttoiih and efficient kervice s promiued all our patronu new prices fob sto d 1 doors i in lo taut o rallied uuvanilatiad coninlcla willi ulnrtrt mill inlob w5 doors kwclnl v nlii oral n oil varnlltiatl comiilalo ullh tiliikeu nwil latest jnut no in u few jtarw tjlynide rcrflti uooni tniupletelv blottml out tbu marltrt foi lioitlamiiilo hcrari doorx ha will the ready hurto htorm doain take llu ttlaca au rt mhimiiiuio for the liome- matct ilour thtiwt uru nlcalymmltf wall flnlttlitm mid you can nut ontf oil jiui hr you taab your iureti door ff 1liona for lurtlmr informalkiit lo no ioi3 the bond hardware co fortrp- t stathau v son mill st ohmii mm fm ouu your eyes earn your living how mucli could you arn in yourpraaautpoaltlon howlotnf could you evr hold it i you wra blind 7 drtlv hyalfllit almply partui uiudnisa itapoorwod- oniy to put off wnk siaiaca when you hd ibatu kop up pataonal afflclanoy by cotiauitltia a d savage optomemist mfg optician riant at hi pou offlca xs6e bell piano a plaiio uet only with a rp- uutiou but wltuallllibqualltlo to bock 1b made in guelph liy tliu largeitmnufxturuh- der tlie hritiih fuff and by tlie fertoat skilud workmeo known and a sold in acton purely on tu ntiriti bacauia it uaa bivah btmdreda of popu pavfact aatufacliotj becauae it poaaaama tlie iw4rtmt toub and t auya in tan lbs loogaa c w kelly ox son 133 uppr wyndham st ouclph ont atuud uia euart l always lfv rononttt afhtito llu at liatlruthl ktuillnti to auimftov tlal- bi auiwtlit adutautt uialdio w j klixott fhinoifal 7s4 yotjata bivaat vowtla i grand trunk t touaue vaaotc all this way torontochicago torontomontreal the international limited caumldavai twain t uu4oa uaviw laavea toronto 440 p m dally ar- rlvm dutrolt s9 p in and cblcajfo 00 o hi tmoiihlma hklltvioh teovihi toronto b a marrlvaadatrolt ss p- m and chlcajp 1 40 p tu dally liuat traju otl 67 votfouto m mljjjh leavaa 1135 p ni arrive detroit 8 a m and chicago 300 p m dally tuauriutf imporutit conaeciloui with principal train for weitern bute mid cauada vom honyhual leaves toronto a in 850 p m aud 1 n w dally llerth raurvatkiua etc at 6 t r ticket oftlc s holmes agent iphctim no 19 offering a suggestion isouethlhir butputtluglt into pfaitlcu la au eutlroly different propoaltlou w sutftfsi utat w do your plumbing ita a kod nuggeuloa and one we cau fully qualify on pjumbta suppua vumbhmtl by ua are all tundard utakta while the work we do u superior lu every particubir uitlmatea given stevenson malcolm co ummttt mattafcaaav waaaalutam vutuuuttt uaaoaia baiuujj oaaua si ouaxh ont waucpuocstvkrr tforowto camaoa what did wa know of wr- lit ilku hihi taronuat wa imnnl it uammi imt ljua it not thouglit flttily wo hatiicf our mttllla wmix aimi wllli imaulntiry lnnmh foujfht ue tiuknimwiour fotth of ittiul ualtikt ut- tuck aim obllllilia rellml in lit tlut nml tfiltna drlvlnif our urtcttxl oa wib fury itaek luanllnti our kowait 1 kuktor wka uil a nmr it iltw ihii lllllx tll1 w mm wull ratlvr uft w watlrmf lllbl titalrob hwuy kttvui illrlfoatlarmi tmariud lr tttaii tiukiiad ouraia to imaal tke foe iii ljav ooly tbe uob of urlef on uolliara faum caumil atnm unrcwt wliblu our uoatha lo fctlr aiul cluiiully wltlt kkui suul fond atabraoa wa did our wry lxt tooomfort kf ami tli 1 1 it ckum und will it trror laaa ahi fit ami illooil ulubtltitf wllb iu foul brtatli all ikdt we ktuiw of love am innoaattoa 1 tacltint ua iatln and iwtb mmi worae tui ruii i0u1av aud hjalvi liuultalatl tlaatb gui ia cflni- tltat our laltulj tbattk clotl coum mavoa buaah hanchltui bu hltoat hue our tiblldbood tlual to ua tu war lorda call for mit- flllna kvlaar wba toon or uu your bour akaii oonva and at uoda tbrona you auppluutt irtd tbe ktma yr tblnk ou tboaa prattllng voow will 1 tlubtb wblnb uow am fclunoad by your tuiae whan boaaiful ihua la turned to abject tad wbat uj for txutrey will you tbalia wlutt fa0nfftbrlftltao4iawratb of iiim wbo mkl 1 haffcr tlwi llttla oaaa to ootnc to ma a it ilamllufj hdid xmv 3tamttg fterron knew ulta well uat blmacbryaula lulatvit ik blu bad wuned blaoa bu frloiul battroia bad apfmatad upon tlie aeene introdttoad at llta old houo ivwrtli ihwn uridn by iviunon blmalf uut be wubwd 00 hint of blu falingi lo itatnty tltamwlvea tu be and lurtrum uulka bigtliar in the atnbar olaanuwa of a march eveiiinjr toworda tle lrofaasora bouce lurnan wma a lire atflw nun wltli u wniwwlust beavy faaturi faoa and dimpuet ay wltutb haul itn unoonifortabls italtlb of ijloweiltui at folk and dlacemlnik aapeolally if they liupiaiitl to le hiipanl uud oulu hurted it waa a uam habit and tutor atarnuawt utougli hla jaw wa uuure and iiia baouth itatl a unrtltlo rorbkldlnu look wtertwiaa baart waj tin heatf of a ulll child aa in and fihua awl taudr and tu free frow kuila ho wua a ltaan ututlaot and though a little alow of oopmbttjoi h ttewer atovtdil until ha bad ttuule u kubjaot bla own and lboe who baaw rajjcarded hint favoraljy ua ooe wba would do wu for hlmsalf and auo adl frh luatre to the troll of hu alma mater lurtratu by wboae aide be walked and wboae aitn waa linked in hla war imt in a dlnaranl tuoukl of lithe uinioaful un ha luul a tine heail antl a handaome faca lit by a pair of harry prey aye- which lighted up at odd uuaa with aaauoa of uitoouttuon butuor lib uoltlle itloutlt waaait awaot ail woouhi and if it bail a weak line or two thtn wore quickly forgivipn for the wdie of m the rt which waa ao 4eaadnt to tbe eye hla ttatura waa aunny too if a little pi- fiab ami he bwtuujd to gu tlta bat out of ufa lfe waa not a wotkarimd hla laumnu were rich it did not uutttar so tauob at laaat that waa the view attertju took of ivutaoua father waa a poor ultiuter in abardea aad it waa of uuktaeat to the watuveof aifairlot that u aide aoa hhould not only do wall but ukv trixea in taanay that would leuau the lurdaa of col uft etqataea initeraon bad the abehleati cam and the abefdeen grit ami had not bo far failed la any pflutlan of thoaa who wpe watch intf hla career a ith a vary nktotlotuiu al beit paifaotly untutataaatratlve pride wtenon untl hertnuu ware ery elcae frleoda and tlve one waa qood for the other though people aotaetli aaalled und wou derad what there could be lu ootamon be tweeit uteai both wera welootaa in tlte profeaaaia houaa on the wutar of lelth but of late tlmweleotaetluithad itun to be no hwaet to ivtartiflm had waned anil ha faiboled he knew the cauae he had bud one fierce battle with himself in the buefa night watohott forhylvuctiryatal for a year aud taora hail mraatited to him the ultl tuata goal of all hla iiopea but bertram easily and graoafully aa he did uwatthluga of life had tallied lu an uay winner bo latueraott thoagbt atfl now he tauat buiid back they were going by luvlutlott to dinner at tba hottae and behrata aa btcawa 4 rloh bsatii ou were evenltta draaa and a vaa itpatm of white ahlrt front tilngularly itaooultuj to hla nlear eolorldg ltteraou poaiaaaetl no dreee elothea and would uot pojaeaa any ha knew full wu until habad earaed thawlterawllli- al to pay for then the tltougbt of hie attire however did ttot duturli hltu 1 lb waa neat and aualclent to the ooeaalott he had itlugttbiilofunaaa of tnlud which lifted bint above petty detail and bpatad hint nearly all tha petty buatilutloa of a poor bum collaga life he aaparleaoed a pana howeter whet ha lathau uettntm tar radiant froee tha aitaloplntf fold of hla hlhhlahtltitnak la the tvf ior hall aad tualled a ut gtitaly tai without tha wedding tnuttieat iwiny ikoyoa think they will lei ma lv jlatiay had oat time to aoawar fa at the moment the iwaaw dlgnlaed wife akmhttd at the ilrawltigrooni door to give iheut a botnaly welooate nnd though ivi- aon hung back wltli u lltle dluldanoa tlie oowtmt might have notleed it w a hint am chudy tuldiaeaad heraelf ami that lr mannar waa mot eoadlal than were olltar u4tltluit ivtahmml waatlaoati atllla right iiaihi of tha hoalui aiwl fthe draw him out lo talk of tbe things he knew with all u wotiutnti uot und taimiarnaa ahlcb pronipu her te acta of alngla hearted kind- ne isiurvatt did not know the man optdall to hltn t hu hoatea clld hlw fwllutly dtilan lfa huptkkd hut ttahve bad lawn maiitlotted in lit drawing rooot hut in the oonfiuioii of the moment he hail notttotload r he waa en eldmty mam however wltli a aomawhat dluunguuhed air and ite wore two tleooratlona on hi uveal hi ulk waa ehlcltyof ose east and kvtetfaott inteomly intefwiud and eompuuly carried out of hlnualf ulkad val awl wltli gnutp of kaaum attain which puatwd use genlunuut with use dooratlona sylvia that dlfcturhlug vuion in a while and tlvr frock waa furtlser down the lauu oppoaiu tolurlram end hot hoblda mm ha lie luul hoped but tlsey mauagd log- a few re marba in aoroi tha labia luaraoa enjoyad the dinner itut waa unlsaiqry in iisa drawing mom wbeta be falthiituelf uncouth he du ttot know wlutt to do with hla feet eaoaad in boota faahloued by lis arurlot alsoe maker ami guaiauuad for uae ritlw than enumaat he bad no amaii talk and rylvu nver came near hltn tli whole evening when he aang to lha company it waa jlntmy the handaosae and dalionnalr wbo turned ovat hrmualoandmurmurad aofc ttothltipi in bar ear paurmm waa utieomfortable be yond hi power of anduranca and on the alroke of tan he rose tuaperauly etui tald heuuhgo awtrau wbo waa eajoylng bitaaelf ira- uanaaly ooutalued a lraaoh of good mah- n and temilaed behind ura chryaul oama out to tbe hall to apeak a kind word lo tha departing gueat vouvedaaatted ueof lata ut tvec aott and wa like old frlende to be faith fab ive baa btury maatd tpud lvu- aoa with patfeet uath and than addad almply baaldaa i dont thlub thu eoh of thing- u vswy good for a maa when be ha lo work tuid get hie living 1 it u too die- thoting she aulled tnoat sweetly and tnothuly upotthiat we al work aad no play you know tha raat coma to tea on sunday aad you will aee my brother again if baa takea a fancy to you your brother v ye fijr nuphen arhuthnot 1 weve jut got hlm back after flfteaa year exile 1st the eaust lait ha veturtta lu the autumn again oh i khould like to oome thank you if it would not ite lutrudlng i isavaoakadyou awl it la iiacaum i want you but come abuia vour isand- eome f riend can ooma another day bay nolhlngto hltu about it palenuut buijsaii audtlenly and deeply and made a tutaewhat haaty sulleu ahw he felt rather guilty all the rett of tlie week toward jlutny who talked inceaaaat ly of sylvia chryauja chanu aad 111 often datatotlruulou to win bar if he could and ho took it upouhlnuelf to pay a call on hie own account early sunday ntt aftentooti the aarvant alniply informlnghlmlluitur clirybul waa not at home aa he wunlered hack alorur lmnaaaa street acarcely abaalsad for be bad a una eoaeeltcf hltaaalflsamet fttetaut already use veil of reaarva had fallau hetwaeu tham and use old oomradeahlp had aubatad a check the very nun 1 want lo aaa coma for a toroll hob bhall it be blupaona rlu or itaatvaitd- be- thank fal t ivtareou renlled aomawhat halllngly im aorry i cant oouo joat now jim my ive an engagament euewler jlwuy with hla cuatouary arineaa of toach uld his finger on tha spot at oaca if ita use dean brig youve after nob you neednt faab ive beeu there not at vfeaa ivreraou waa not good at ptevaricatlon aad isaaldea there waa nothing to hide he therefore unawerad tjulte altaiay im aaad to ua at four oclock bertrau aured at hlu ataaueat fluihed angrily thea turalag ou hie heel with a hide epithet walked oft lvtetoue heart waa heavy aa he trade ou hla way for he w a a mat of peace but ha forgot bt trama ehllduh aagar the momettt ha waa recalvad into the wanatb and ocalnea of lira chryaul irawlngroo bylvu to be aura did not aay btubb to hlat aud he ibuvglnej aha had looked beyond hltn at the opening of lb door for a mow welcome figure but be enjoyed ida vlalt and left the booae feeling that ha might yt achieve riotuethlug and bo able to take hla uaoe a the world of man it waa charaoterlalia of hlu that ha ehould go etralgbt frou tha uesut to jlmmya lodglnga where be found that youth lying lu tlta aulkuuton hla lied reading a lfreach novel i dont want you here lse wild crowdy vou tan atop among use ug fulka you ilka tlsam be t pauraoit coolly taiuoved hu overcoat awl ihialsed up hla aleevea mtetout of ihtbedyou uay lout unit lete have it out sunday ajfteruoott awl all it la jlmmy laughed bat did uot move but own up uoli youve phted it rallier low ttowu i dont want to wt your eye out with the fair 311m chryatali thera are other gwu in kdluburgh juat tta good or 1btter terhupa but ao far ua ltu oottoarued jlatuiy if youre in earnett you outi go altead ita not llkaljf uutl a poor iseggar ilka wa eouhl aver have a chanca lu that direction she never even looked at we today iaacawaamadalietweeu thaat and jim my bude up hb wind to go lu and win he laid plage with a conaclanttou eoaoea tratlou which applied to other hranchea of ivtudy might have praved a mot valstable stmtet la hu eareer but whau it catua to the aracla palnu hi anawasr waa a vty daaldad no sylvu gave mo reaaoa far bar refueal awl wlteu be resktaohed bar aha merely looked hint atralgbt in tha eyea aud told hint be had iraaglaed all tha eacour egeutanl ha apoka nf thau ho tore hotae to lmeraoa la karat of aiigtaltav thraeunad to and hla life in st margareta ioob wjiloh waa tk naamat bit of wur avulhibla for tlte mirpom llul tlsat fell daaigit wsui not oarrlecl into axeoutloa and in tlnm not duly tulayej is oonaohxl dim- aclf ebsawhare ivlartoti t ida cifur la aildlng uve not unullllanv kage to bootlanda atory vou will flat him in the near kt la1oring isartl iat hla eoutttry in advnte clrcum- uncea wocklng wondara by hi clear fore- bight and tlsat daedly flalty of purpoee wlilchan moe motutlulna he la fcatwd by llsnaawhodo net uwutund bint ltut thareua wlnaam etaatura oalbxl sylvia a ttbooud adlllou of a very lovely ami gra cious mother who wlwla lha inscrutable dl4anat toand and rouml like a allkei thread uhmi har dainty knget lf o6tohaim tjvuo wah aah- tioult it wa a sultry afuraoon aitd the atntoa- pharelntlseahoe dprtrrtnt waa at ib log tker were few ouatotnera to he waited ou and tha half doman ll eutka wbo hud gathered ineunguld group ahowed llttla inclination to aaiva thoe wlm did ootna aa ihey tvtood chatting togetlstr a nollce- ahly fin looking woctau enlrl tli da- sartmnt and looked about for a curk thu in wisare i fade nut of alglit uuftbed one of the clerka in lb llttu group let mia xlorru wait ou bar ilglag the quiet girl neat to her ive bad my turn at it anil i can tall you that aba certainly la pautiuur apparently by common ooaaent agnee marru waa puabed forward to wait on the ouaouar wbcatt lisa other elerka had recog tilled aa bejug very particular and it waa wllb acttte mlaglvlag that ah utsdartook use teak vou may find ua a llttla hard to pleaee use euatouer waraed hec aa agaea knelt to uke use taeutua af her foot be- oanaa ibare are oerula polnu which i t be utlsfud the wotda were decided but tuiilauatt amiu thet ao- companud them banlihad tha miagivug that agnee had fait at srat she luened barefutly aa the lady ufora her explained what is wanted and mentally rvld use took which waa oarrud lu the depart- raeot although he had beea obuklug at daltona only few weeka aha already knew use atoek belter than acme of use glru who had been user a year or more iter peibap half an hour agtsaa wens back and forth brlnahag ahaaa frou block and carrying them back again trying 011 pair after pair and making now aad usen a auggeatloh hat eaatomar waa undoubt edly paruoaur hut waa tteither umreaaon- able tof dtaatlstg lt ahe aid at but a a isalbjud toaa aa aha atecd reot to teat lie khoe feela eosstfataue apd locks wall tsaaldea ive baem trylaaj all aprlng aad aumuar to gat that rjowmaauau im much obliged that you have not tried to make ma uke aometbliig i did not want aa moat of use clerka havetloiu and did yoa really tnuk a aale after all that running back and forth v naked use curk wbo had auggaated usat agnea wait on use particular ouatotsur catch ma anendltig all that time id have told bar we didnt carry use klittlof abaea aha waa lock ids for and ut it go at usat tbe flrat thing you kuow abell be coming heck with the aboee and com plaining usat they are wroag ivvmewhara oaorldent usat ah had bucoeeded lu aatlafylng bar euoaiar aguaa uughad at the other girl prediction aad waa ecu- aeqaeatly wamewbat troubled wheu two weeka ular use lady oeoe more appearad fa tha d apart irsenf what illd i ull your exculued the other curk triumphantly sheeahawlng hr check to mr king aad haa looking around for you rvolahly alsa ut aau- fled with the ahoea ami wanto to teluri them ita no ttea trying to puaae that a adomenl uur the liaad of tha tupart- ment avproachad agvaa mu mortta he uli lvjut given your uaiese to that lady yonder fike u1u ma that you gave her lis moat laulllgent aervloa a few weak ago that aba haa hail in ft loajt uma and that tha ahoea you aold her are us taoai aatuictory aba haa bad lu veara wheu tuetutstee tousarlepartaaent afuf thu tha wanla your mvltm and u to wait toy if you are buy i am very well pueaed mlae iforrta wllb tbe report he gava ma in tha big tupattateat itora that waa tu raoomhteniullftrt as powew al a to have a eualomer aak for the aarvsoea of a tajtecul elark and uo tsther usat lha clerka titasiaelvea ware meager to win and so there waa a iliue rlppu of eumawt aa the tupartmesit bead wautad away aftor delivering her miaaage voure ottulaly lu luck mua morrtt one of use girt laid a little auvloualy awl youve iseea hue tucb alltue whiu tool if id thought the would take tha troubutodoa thing llltithatrdhava wait ed on her tuyealf eald tha girl who puah ad aguaa forward in the flre iuoa ltu afraid aha luwer would have had use ohanoe to tlo it for you mtuigla aomebody uughed to which sfsiggu auawered frankly voure right there kate but mlw morrlebara aarued it all right aud im glad ih got it tmlov bmlrltotiid ltttlat lnlb- it u a kindly but unevoeat cuateai in aorno oountry vtllagea for the wealthier luhabltauu to aubtorhe und make good tha leea which a wotar villager uiay astauiit through the lore of a slg uttjor currie however bail bub rectntly rotumed from iwlla awl knew ulll of thalacalouatotnai aud userefora ha wuiutounded raoeutly to receive a vldt ftow tha wife of u uborer wbo lived ttear loet a plgh f ke repeaud grurly wall i havent got it i i dout eollect jgal begglu your uhlau tjr rlured the wematl 1 but you eee air the jg died wall dye waat toe to go to the funeral tend a wreath or what woman r ha fumed no tdrrwuad no i waa the raply hut wore poor folk air aw we thought usat being use uggeal pig lu the neigh- betbootl youd give a a little elp the major reply wae distinctly pun twhntv vaaw aoo number of our cillmtn liae hiiaiwimi use moody rrtcetlnfra in toronto mr luddcll of fahvlan wlvo ua for aevamlweakh iseeu walling mi luruulcr in- uu mrf adam dlokwin wtto u 111 aw almoat imii4mi 011 haturtltty mllpjawl ou ibc ice ut tht imav door falling awl fructurtntr iter right arm ultove tlsa wrtut awlawanlngbarbaivd she la ulout tfl year of age tlsa smat week kaa aeon kucji u attend anoe at use tuanjrtillsllo itvtltik in hit uetliulut c1iurl ualaa twier immii rl iced iii almlur irlun n actati tbe addrcaaeaof ljvaiigallht lunton lutta coji- tlnusxl to grow in lit tan t nd pouer many will date tlselr declalon to accept chrkt frtsu tbeaa meetlnga on kuwlay mr lunton will oomntence meetlntth in tit mary mia emma m moore tlaufiliur of imnclpal t t moore received bar dljoma at tlta annual graduating aitaircuam of use training school for nursaa nt toronto tieneral hcapllal on tueatu evening y mr jantaa vatthjcu awl family uft ltat week for southampton tuv t ii adam tsaa rigoil us paatorate of use congregal loaal ci u re i tea at celadon and churchill mr oabrlel welu of everton fumaiy of actou nearly loat hla life by a fall from aa appu tree aoma weaka ago mr h a holme o t k agent isere baa we understand iseen oawed promotion to the agency ab st thorn hedeallnea however preferring to remain in acton acton tanning co are olrglnj tltelr achbouaeawl ar preparing to put in twelve new leache a ear load of aouth- eru cedar for tlte purpoee arrived recently from loulaiauia it la perfectly cuar and eome of use punka are 3 tube wide it t moredunbu for that purpoee than pine but run up in ooat about led par 100ft bohw 1 mavamtsw nil le ur ana a dubur ttl aw a il utuom asuttanur mauuiku yatftaa wii xiawaat lu iijy at in noma af the barnta an vi nh hja by iuv 1 m m0wll7itr ttsaostss u tayw ht in kill tblad dattsihtsw at mr aaa uia ulj wlutamaou lhiiii iuouai ilswvau om ho4ab lull jaum wluea fotsumly el kjm mill la ll uut hmmu kven mm sulrev uauip acomi to liase bad au ojbectlon to aplee vor in uurtlu chuulawlt wo reatl this exolamatlon 1 and i can fobl for usau an isu their feeling tried 1 but i em not a rooehan or a ivooadsaii awl comaaquaullv cannot lunar a4e to isa act oser me if it lso not tintmcmly for a nallmi to cliuckb during one of lite greatcat ctuvl ua life u ait chuckle will oertulnly po up from the llrltlub luiuou wltcn ft reiln lite 1 lluruau raiuirt on use lovernnuuita wity of ilculiug with tlsa ucrmaii ipuw in england it i ix redly oihllnrviuiig atory of ojig- oontlnued uborlouaawleapatiaivetilcbery putely aoeti through by ltd inuuded victims wl usen quietly ullowed lo go on ainualiig itulf wlui tlsa lllusjon of it own eiicca until use traiter mouuuit oaiue for aweeping it all away at one rtrolt aa a isousscmald awcepa uvv a year handi work of a wltou colony of apldeim slisea 1uii at any rau the ierman lov- eriimaiit liaa token ektraonllnarytroubuto undouteterytlilngalsoat the tufeiieee of tlreut imuin that ought to le kept from any poaaibu itivsuler ivrbap howaver we ahoukl not aay vsitntordlnnry for everslnoa use time of kwlerick usaflreat use importance of apylng baa iteenespeclal artlou of falui with ivumuu yvmhundr awl tioerrimnla howbelt whiu use llermaii lovarnuenta employee wettt about their spying hare our home omoe working wlui the war ontoa und use admiralty atood over them awl watched tlselr tuua tut an uuwenaduu watchea children playing uwlera window they were moatly uft at urge but rare waa taken usat they klsould do little harm if any inaplteof anormoua aflorta aaya tha preaa bureau report and uvlth pandl ture of biooay by tha enemy little valuabu informauon paaaed thau use war causa and the work of use home oreoe waa almple it bad already ae it came to aae tha needa of the oaae armed itaatf with one new act tteoeaaary for ebectual uollon in a coulue of daye it ked for and obtained a mowui than it liuuutly errohted a fcoro of utoia agal nat whom it kueu moat it look cere that hmoug the inurned prlaoitcr uf war there elaould i e included the fitw otberu wltoui it dutlootly auiitaoled uml alt the farurger humher whom it did not altaolutely kuow to isa safe tlta whou idan of crtuatt atua which for throe year had iteeu futll- hied by tha auooeaa of our detective waa broken up so utterly broken up uiat eett on august tf use tlerttutn uneral buff did nob kuow tlutt our evpedltloiiary force isad uf kngund though alntoat every- body ut kngund isad been ulklng of it under hla itraatb und llsough one kngllah hawipaparatuny rate hail lseu guilty of letung out the fact lit print there u iiaturally a touch of glee about one omoutl report of thla trlumplt of goo gaumkeeplng to hae auooeetlod in keeping the poaclter cub at night for tli roe yeara utuiigutem bag nothing ami usen oupidng utetn under lock awl key 1 enough to juaufy a certain imuuuro of trofaaaloiutl pride nut tha rejtcrt wlwly udtla a warning lltat though tlte ooniplr- acy u a whou luw been atatupetl out it u ptiealttleuuttunoullylutf apy hiay remain bore aivd there und tiuo poatlble hub new bslaa may make thalr way in by way of neutral countries on thla tlooouiib we tnuab all keep our uyca opati which aa the lydke bureau re wind ua doea nob mean keeping our mouth open vram the teoj4e who luive talked momton public putfomui about the ubiquity of tlermaii aplee lu general use home omce ha on eperluteht fuiuul to get tha bllghtaat isclp in catch lug a fclnuu llermau spy in tha tleah isiwl few femllie wlsohave dotneatte altleton in their ttloaeta haw miii- enough to keep womhn or 1hound ifitw onn we servo i hoc itct law nf our love i in what encounter prettied our ardor prmo mtvtluira o hcnu of tlioo ljtch claim lltti cull bulernrwiuho uo thy duuulitcraitll when nil the troniw bawr ui tliroiialt wsra stcni gutc wltcn turouulmlimilt liotirhuljiiuu we lureatltltuu unit whan it mity le by lire wo too am trlwl it every utig fnaptrc cournuc nnll irldn i o owl cjirttatn uf old help ua to liny uft up our hearu uud hum icvjl at ituy i lat uh it hruto uitd ttriutif rlnn in tlte end 1 so ulnulamla w run on stliull eitfjuivd ilslend 11 c httnly loot love who win lilsi lovn wlmtl iubc lur wbo litaca lur ulinll till 11 for atlll tlio bjilrit uomn tier a aoul without n vtuln- and memory atlll puruuix iicht willi lunkhiri not in inln ha loatf bor who uulim iur who wot elm ddy by day tbe diiat of t uu o llint dtulim tier the nrlofa hint tavo her uru tbe flual thnt it uinlinlim bir wboeo otiicu linlli iinnmul away i ob linpplor lie uln cnln nut tbo loro so mn mwim in mi in tlta joy thitt llutmii ciiiiiim nut shall atlll ultfi i1i111 rviiuilii the lovclliiran hint vwiiich not tlta love hint uuur mn truiu in dream sdic urnusi not older tbu uud of il renin nimnig tkounh nil uioturlil wuxruldor tfmutili nil tin noun iw suing lu droitnm ibtlli lut ittlinm iur hum fulr mid llml nnd tiitiin androu lmu oanarjaaj wink lou in tbe contetltloti of nntlona for us trade of tlse world anj cotuliuoti which would proteahatullceji must bo carefully conaldered use cauiea lnvostlgate1 and vry pnaalttu andaator made to secure their absolute removal to tlte minimum canada in iter prount effort toward ohululug a show nf tlio export trade of oerwany suftara from one or use moat serious difficulties with which a nation can eoaund namely hurt of heavy fire loaa in tlse comuerclal world three i urn make up tlse coat of every article tk raw materia laltor and orcrliaad charge iuw malcrui lu governed in prloe by mar ket coiiditloiia overtsaail oharga bow- ever are a factor of cisenae wblob ia alwaya onett lo investigation tlio cliarge against tha on t put of a nation onnalau of a great many individual item of expanae 1 prominent among these i the coat of re placing property destroyed by fire canada hail a fire ua in 1011 of msto 6ib or ew20 per capita tlte otiuiua hratscb allow approaluiauly live pcraona bo a family awl 00 thla iwhih tlw isead of every family lu canada must provldofltfl to pay hla ahsire of thla aaiiensc using tha oenauh figure of fi7j63 aa tlse hum- iter of employee eiijraged in manufactur ing in canada and tuaumlng utat each of tbaae mpreaeau a family of live persona canaduu manufacturer paid out lu 101s noua than8a470u to provide for re- puoetuaut of property destroyed by lira f jermany oa the other hand luut a per eaplu fire low of u with a fatally unit loeaof slasand oa use baau of the uum- iter of canadian uanufaoturlog euployeaa else pay out w51v7a in other word canada and germany working aide by altle and with use aatne number of employee catuuluu manufacturer must provide in wageealauafaranadillhoual overhead ox penaeof fftlrzlou to rover lire loama ise- fore oanaila can oompele wltlt ivor oppoal- tlon on an equal footing all other oomll- tloua being approhlmataly tlta uuw a weet al thi atory waa narrated country boa pi ul 1 two acuura badly woundllaiy wilde a dying german catllar lu tha duy one tommy would have gone for him but now they uy there liot tired thirt nnd in pain wttt wouldnt i glso fii 11 dniil re- marked tuve man in tho cttltcr tbu tlr 1 uwierslnod the unnl ililiib lnii- urlyliktiblauwu the holdlcr wlm lutl to loll llo tuu said k lop tutjhijf uro miltttlng to u aide wo tlvotiglit a ou o wanted llftln iis und couldnt re- l iay mi sill or a bit i nimtugod lnlioiit iuimju up uml gio him u pull nnd tlten i found u unu 11 king u wulcrluitllc t uw full of ulno ami water uml i eld it to u liiw ivw chap c vus nili dnno thou huto aa no tvnl moi die joti tlrlnu ivam bloke itotllikllrvii did und intit noma of ua ituriwl ini prowr i 11 hind of alsaailatouo uiidou it i unitoort u ml of paper a i lijier wua ruro you tuow but ws wanted to put wiuvetluu iwfotuor j ii morgan in tlso wwt- lulnlmtcr tell uil paihtiiu lulo of a sne u itreaeed by him in a freneb hospital a heal athuta lullof dr d d kel logg asthma lloutody hu never iteen advert ued by elravagaut automotita ita claim arc oouaervatlve ludcetl when judged by use ouw which it porfimnw kkjtoot real relief and psnnoiicnt imnelli wltcn you buy litis remedy und yon will not lutva raiue for dluppoiiitmcnb it given pcrnuneut relief in many cuueawhuia otlter so called rcmetlle have utterly full ed it ha many oualltleatlio mini ulio poaaoaaca u i tot tie of lb- thornim eolcolrln oil i arttied agaittftb many 111 t ulll euro n cough break u cold trovcul sor ttiroabi it wlllreduoolhoawclliug from n pralu oura tlsa moat tatlitut aore and will seedlly iteal ouu ami rout iinlnti- it u a medicine chest in llielf stud can itagot for u quartet nf u dollar